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No Direct Marketing

A corporation at this stage does not aggressively seek clients outside of its borders; yet,
its products may reach global markets. Sales may be made to trading companies as well as to
international clients who visit the company directly. Alternatively, items may enter overseas
markets via domestic wholesalers or distributors who sell abroad without the producer's express
support or even awareness. As businesses create websites for the internet, many of them
receive orders from overseas Web surfers. A company's interest in expanding its overseas
sales is sometimes piqued by an unsolicited order from a foreign customer.

Infrequent Foreign Marketing

Caused by short-term surpluses, such as changes in production levels and increases in
demand When demand or excess falls, the firm has little or no intention of sustaining continuous
market representation and may withdraw from international markets. There has been little or no
change in the company's structure or product lines. Because surpluses are transient in nature,
sales to foreign markets are done when items become available, with little or no purpose of
sustaining ongoing market representation. As local demand grows and absorbs surpluses,
overseas sales activity declines. At this point, there is little or no change in the company's
organization or product lines. However, few businesses today match this model since clients all
over the world are increasingly looking for long-term business ties. In addition, there is evidence
that the financial gains from first overseas expansions are limited.

Regular Foreign Marketing

At this level, the business has permanent productive capacity committed to the
manufacturing of items for export. A company may use foreign or domestic overseas
intermediates, or it may have its own sales staff or sales subsidiaries in key regions. The major
goal of operations and manufacturing is to meet the demands of the local market. However, if
overseas demand increases, manufacturing is directed to foreign markets, and goods may be
changed to satisfy the demands of specific foreign markets. International profit expectations go
from being viewed as a supplement to regular domestic earnings to a situation in which the firm
becomes reliant on foreign sales and profits to accomplish its objectives.

International Marketing
The term "International Marketing" refers to the interchange of products and services
across national borders in order to suit the needs of clients. It entails conducting consumer
research in overseas regions and determining the target market.
International marketing is the use of marketing principles by industries in one or more countries.
Companies may now do business in practically every country in the globe, due to
advancements in worldwide marketing. In an essence, international marketing is the exchange
of products and services across countries. The technique for planning and implementing tariffs,
promotion, and distribution of goods and services is the same all over the world.

Global Marketing
Global marketing entails the planning, production, placement, and promotion of a
company's products or services in the global market. Worldwide marketing entails far more than
merely selling products and services on a global scale. It is the process of developing and then
communicating a completed product or service to a worldwide audience. The company's goal is
to reach out to the global marketing community. Global marketing is a highly specialized skill
set. Marketing specialists that execute their jobs well may propel their organization to the next
level. Marketing includes global marketing. Marketing is the process of studying the market,
deciding what people want, and determining whether you can produce it at the correct price.
You then manufacture and sell it.

Factors Influencing International Marketing:

1. Social Factors:

The sociological factors of a country define the society's value system, which in turn
influences the International Marketing mix. Culture, caste, customs, languages, life style, level of
living, climate, and marketing infrastructure are examples of social elements. All of these
variables have an impact on the demand for products and services. The people's quality of life
is changing dramatically. They are willing to acquire various consumer durables such as
televisions, refrigerators, computers, and so on even if they cannot afford to do so. It was made
possible by the availability of a rental buy scheme or an installment basis.
Every area of International Marketing is influenced by cultural considerations.
International marketing decisions are based on recognizing clients' requirements and desires.
Cultural characteristics aid in understanding the behavior patterns and lifestyle of the society
culture in which an individual grew up. Thus, cultural forces shape and impact an individual's

2. Economic Factors:

Economic factors are the most crucial predictor of international marketing. They also
have an impact on the survival and profitability of a corporate organization.

The choice on international marketing mix is made with the above-mentioned economic
considerations in mind, which determine a country's economic climate in mind. As a result,
before engaging in export business or making any decisions on foreign marketing mix, it is vital
to understand the economic elements that affect a country's economic climate.

3. Competition:

Competition is a key factor in determining the worldwide marketing mix. The company
must compete both in its domestic market and in the foreign market. The worldwide marketing
mix is determined by considering the rivals' product, price, place, and promotion tactics.

4. Political Factors:

The political context of the country has a significant impact on the International
Marketing mix. A marketer must do business in accordance with the political variables at hand.
Political restraints at all levels have a significant impact on corporate operations. A shift in the
political landscape necessitates a shift in government policies. The following influence is related
with political factors: I If the government is stable, it leads to stable policies pertaining to
business operations; (ii) If the government changes often, it leads to frequent changes in the
government's policies relating to company operations.

In international business, political variables have a significant influence in determining

the functioning of a corporate organization. Thus, if a commercial firm has decided to conduct
business in a specific country, it must study and understand the political climate of that country.

Before making any international business decisions, the business organization must do
a swot analysis and a cost benefit analysis of the international marketing mix. It must be studied
while keeping the political context of a certain nation in mind. A country's government policies
must be evaluated, as well as the involvement of the private sector and small-scale industry.
Finally, it must be determined what function Multinational Corporations play in the national

5. Legal Environment:

International marketing decisions are impacted by the legal environment in terms of

competition, price setting, taxation, and legislation, among other things. Before conducting
business with a given country, the legal system should be well researched.

6. Logistics:

Logistics has an impact on the international marketing mix. It comprises transportation

method, transportation cost, inventory management, material handling and warehousing, and so
on. Before making any decisions on international marketing mix, it is vital to research all of
these elements.

7. Risks:

Before making judgments on the international marketing mix, it is necessary to do a risk

factor analysis.

No direct marketing
Infrequent foreign marketing
Regular foreign marketing
International marketing
Global marketing

Factors influencing international marketing

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