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Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.

1. A. government B. glory C. worry D. wonder

2. A. flood B. blood C. shoot D. dull
3. A. shortage B. carriage C. manage D. massage

Pick out the word whose main stress is placed differently from the other three.

4. A. terrific B. terrified C. profit D. harmony

5. A. economically B. anonymous C. informative D. habitual
6. A. efficient B. amputate C. preferable D. lifestyle

Choose the best answer.

7. I can’t write that kind of letter unless I’m in the right ……….. of mind.
A. set B. frame C. turn D. way
8. I’ve been trying to ring him all evening, but I can’t get ……….. .
A. over B. across C. through nối máy D. by
9. It was as if the whole town ………. asleep.
A. fell B. would have fallen C. should fall D. had fallen
10. You look tired. Why don’t we ………. and have a good rest.
A. call its name B. call on C. call it a day D. call off
11. The handwriting is completely …….. . This note must have been written a long time ago.
A. illiterate B. illegible C. unreadable D. inedible
12. It’s important that he ……… a gallon of water with him if he wants to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
A. taking B. took C. takes D. take
13. The wild area to the north of the lake ………. of conifer forests and small lakes full of trout.
A. makes B. comprises C. consists D. contains
14. The doctor insists that his patient …………. for three months.
A. doesn’t work B. taking it easy C. take it easy D. to take some vacation
15. You may be imaginative, but I believe you are not cut ……….. the job at the film studio.
A. out for B. in for C. down for D. down to
16. Her business must be going well, ……… by the car she drives.
A. deducing B. deciding C. inferring D. judging
17. The authorities recommend that the meeting ………… next Wednesday.
A. is held B. be held C. held D. will be held
18. The beach was so crowded that the other day we ………. difficulty finding an empty spot.
A. have B. had C. have had D. have been having
19. Total color blindness, ……….., is the result of a defect in the retina.
A. is a rare condition B. a rare condition C. that is a rare condition D. which is condition rare
20. He jumped into the river with ………. clothes on.
A. all his B. his whole C. the whole D. his all
21. Out ………. for a walk after she finished doing her homework.
A. did Mary go B. Mary went C. went Mary D. Mary did go
22. Make sure you ……….. us a visit when you are in town again.
A. pay B. have C. give D. do
23. The manager, as well as his assistant, …………yet.
A. haven’t arrived B. hadn’t arrived C. hasn’t arrived D. isn’t arriving
24. I always have ……… in my stomach before the oral tests.
A. crabs B. worms C. hedgehogs D. butterflies
25. It must be true. I heard it straight from the ……….. mouth.
A. dog’s B. horse’s C. camel’s D. cat’s
26. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have ……….. any solutions.
A. thought over B. looked into C. got round to D. come up with
27. I have English classes ………. day: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
A. each other B. all other C. this and the other D. every other
28. I’m really sleepy today. I wish I ………… up so late last night.
A. hadn’t stayed B. didn’t stay C. not have stayed D. wouldn’t have stayed
29. ……… flowers are usually made of plastic or silk.
A. Unreal B. False C. Artificial D. Untrue
30. Computers are said to be ……….. for the development of mankind.
A. here and there B. neither here nor there C. here to stay D. here today, gone tomorrow
31. Have you ever seen ………..UFO?
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
32. He thought that if he admitted he was afraid of swimming, he would lose ……… with his friends.
A. nerve B. weight C. regard D. face
33. I have finished typing all……… the last page.
A. for B. until C. to D. but
34. In no country ……..England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.
A. more than B. better than C. other than D. rather than
35. He’s so …….. that he never listens to anyone else’s point of view.
A. bossy B. self-opinionated C. big-headed D. condescending
36. This course is one of ……… few English courses offered by the college each month.
A. mostly B. only C. almost D. the
37. It is essential that Peter ………. you back, even if it’s just $20 per week.
A. paid B. pays C. will pay D. pay
38. I really admire people who are prepared to put their job ……… for the sake of their principles.
A. on the wall B. in the air C. on the line D. under pressure
39. “That’s more convenient. Thank you.” “………………”
A. Hey, that’s what friends are for. B. No, I don’t care.
C. Hmm, I don’t think it will work. D. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t.
40. You have to take that English test, …………you?
A. haven’t B. have C. don’t D. do
41. Who ……… to on the phone as I came in?
A. are you talking B. were you talking C. did you talk D. had you talked
42. “I still can’t get used to it.” “ ………………”
A. You’re welcome. B. You’re hopeless! C. Sounds easy enough. D. It was nice of you.
43. Paul is …….. useful person in an emergency - ………. and decisive.
A. a / level-headed B. an / well-behaved C. an / level-headed D. a / well-behaved
44. One of their two sons is studying to be a doctor, but ………. wants to be a musician.
A. other B. others C. another D. the other
45. Excuse me, but is there ………. for my luggage over there?
A. a room B. the room C. room D. any rooms
46. Tommy had his big brother …….. his shoes for him.
A. tie B. to tie C. tied D. tying
47. Tony seemed remarkably devoid of ……. sense and did the most ridiculous things.
A. ordinary B. common C. average D. everyday
48. Thank you very much – I haven’t read ……… book for ages.
A. so enjoyable B. so enjoyable a C. a such enjoyable D. the so enjoyable
49. In recent years, the government has imposed pollution controls on automobile manufacturers. Both domestic and
imported automobiles must ……….. anti-pollution devices.
A. equip by B. equip with C. be equipped by D. be equipped with
50. John is fluent ……. French, Spanish and German.
A. at B. of C. in D. to

Read the following passage and indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
One of the most beautiful parts of Britain is the Lake District. The Lake District is situated in the north-west of England
and consists of high hills, mountains and, of course, lakes. In all, there are 16 lakes, of which the largest is Lake
Windermere. Over the years many writers have been (51) …….. with this region but there can be no (52) ……… that the
most famous of all was William Wordsworth (1770-1850), who was born and lived almost the whole of his life there. He
had (53) …… connections with the village Grasmere, where he lived for (54) ……. years. He loved this particular part of
England and many of his poems speak of the joy he felt when surrounded by beautiful countryside.
Every year more than 14 million people from Britain and abroad visit the Lake District to enjoy the fresh air and the (55)
….. . Some go to walk in the mountains while others sail boats on the lakes or simply sit admiring the magnificent views.
Unfortunately, the region is becoming a victim of its own success in attracting visitors. So many people come to the Lake
District that they threaten to destroy the peace and the quiet which many are searching for there.
51. A. associated B. connected C. bound D. linked
52. A. doubt B. evidence C. supposition D. thought
53. A. tight B. firm C. close D. steady
54. A. so B. more C. some D. such
55. A. scene B. scenery C. sight D. sighting

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.


There’s no getting away from noise pollution, even if you’re out in the middle of the country. The roar of the cars on the
motorway or the sound of a plane flying overhead can penetrate the deepest forest, yet it is not only humans that are
bothered by the noise.
Bio-acoustician Bernie Krause has been studying the effect of noise pollution on wildlife, and has come across some
interesting behavior, especially among animals that communicate by vocalization, like humans. Birds, frogs, and insects use
sound to attract mates, defend territory, and alert their skin to danger, but in noisy places, these animals have to shout over
the natural din to be heard.
Krause cites a study of nightingales carried out in Berlin in 2002 to illustrate what he means. The birds responded to
traffic noise by singing louder and louder until they actually exceeded noise pollution standards in the city. To belt out their
songs, they increased their lung pressure fivefold, but scientists maintain that this is not dangerous for the birds themselves.
Studies show that sudden noise can cause certain bird species to leave their nests, exposing the young to predators. One
study also showed that songbirds that nested closer to busy motorways were much less productive than those that nested
farther away. Mammals too are affected. A 1992 study showed that nursing caribou respond to airplane noise by not
producing enough milk to nourish their young.
Some animals are affected by underwater noise, for example whales and dolphins. Sonar from ships, motors from boats,
and machine sounds from oil exploration create so much noise underwater that breeding whales need to make more noise to
compensate so they can communicate with their offspring.
In some cases, noise pollution can actually help some animals while harming others. Toads and frogs are known to
vocalize in synchrony so that no predator can zero in on them. Krause found that when planes flew overhead and masked
the toads’ songs, they lost their synchronicity, and it took them 45 minutes to get it back again. That gave Great Horned
Owls and coyotes plenty of time to locate individual toads by sound.
A hundred years ago noise pollution was a truly urban problem, but it has spread with the advent of the internal
combustion engine. According to Krause, “Not only will noise pollution in natural habitats bother wildlife, but it won’t help
our lives either.”
56. According to the article, the main source of noise pollution is ……… .
A. road traffic B. tourists and tourism C. roadworks and machinery D. different types of transport
57. Birds, frogs, and insects do not use their voices ………… .
A. to trap possible prey B. to keep predators away
C. to warn similar species of danger D. in mating rituals
58. The Berlin nightingales sang louder by ………. .
A. imitating the noise of the cars B. synchronizing their singing
C. standing on higher perches D. using their organs to a greater capacity
59. Young caribou suffer from aircraft noise because ………. .
A. they can’t sleep at night B. they receive less food
C. their mothers often abandon them D. they can’t communicate with their mothers
60. Whales and dolphins deal with underwater noise by ………. .
A. communicating less with each other B. keeping away from boats and ships
C. emitting louder sounds D. producing more offspring
61. Toads and frogs become more vulnerable when ………… .
A. they sing louder than usual B. they fail to sing in unison
C. they sing at a different pitch D. they sing for a long period of time

Indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.

62. The biography on the life on Marilyn Monroe was a very gripping story.
A. proper B. compelling C. essential D. deficient
63. We plan to compete in the high jump.
A. contend B. compare C. delay D. register

Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.

64. When he gets to university, his parents will be walking on air.

A. extremely light B. feeling extremely airy C. extremely happy D. feeling extremely depressed
65. There was an abrupt change in the weather.
A. sudden B. extreme C. gradual D. strong

Indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one in the following questions.

66. Nobody knows exactly what the structure is.

A. Hardly anyone knows what the exact structure is.
B. Not a single person knows what the structure really is.
C. Almost everyone knows nothing about the structure.
D. Few people know exactly what the structure is.
67. I hope that there is nothing wrong with Marcus, as he should have contacted me by now.
A. I’m a bit worried about Marcus, who was going to get in touch with me, because I still haven’t heard from him.
B. Marcus would have contacted me by now if there had been something wrong with him.
C. I wish that Marcus hadn’t contacted me; then I wouldn’t be worrying now.
D. Since Marcus hasn’t got in contact with me yet, I’m sure something bad has happened.
68. He should have been writing his research paper, not playing games on his Play Station.
A. He knew he ought to write his research paper, yet he still spent some time playing games on his Play Station.
B. He would much rather have been playing games on his Play Station than writing his research paper.
C. He was playing on his Playing Station when he was supposed to be writing his research paper.
D. He could have been playing a game on his Play Station, rather than writing his research paper.

Indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

69. She studied every day. She didn’t grasp the concepts presented.
A. She didn’t grasp the concepts presented though she studied every day.
B. She didn’t grasp the concepts presented but she studied every day.
C. She studied every day because she didn’t grasp the concepts presented.
D. Although studied every day, she didn’t grasp the concepts presented.
70. We were fortunate with the weather. Nevertheless, the holiday wasn’t cheap at all.
A. We didn’t realize the holiday would be s cheap, and the weather was nice, too.
B. We can be thankful that the weather was good, although the holiday was a little expensive.
C. The holiday should have been less expensive as we hardly had any nice weather.
D. Despite the favorable weather, we still paid too much for the holiday.
71. We can’t speak of our economy as healthy. There is a widening gap between the rich and the poor.
A. Our economy is improving, so there will be less difference between the rich and the poor.
B. If our economy were better handled, there would be less of a gap between the rich and the poor.
C. Our economy can’t be called healthy as long as the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer.
D. It is possible that our economy is in good shape, but many people are still poor.

Indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

72. As they are the means of transport least damaging to the environment, people should be encouraged to use the train
A. they are B. least -> most C. to D. the
73. In England, it snows very often in winter, but it’s quite rare for it to remain on the ground for more than few days.
A. very often B. but it’s C. for it to remain -> to remain D. than few days.
74. The viewers sat in the back rows complained that they couldn’t hear the speaker properly.
A. sat -> sitting B. back rows C. that D. properly
75. Orthopedists studying the hazards of cigarettes say that, besides the other illnesses they lead to, smoking also slows the
healing of broken bones.
A. studying B. say that C. they lead to -> which D. broken bones.
76. When some of the group said they were not very keen on going to the cinema, so I suggested that they we go for a meal
together at a place with live music.
A. some of B. so -> x C. go D. live
77. He could never learn to stand on his own if we hadn’t helped him in his time of trouble.
A. learn to stand -> have learnt to stand B. his own C. in D. time of trouble
78. I couldn’t help worrying until I learnt that he’s arrived at his destination safe and sound.
A. worrying B. I learnt C. he’s arrived -> he had arrived D. safe and sound
79. A great number of recipe books nowadays contains ideas for healthy meals that can be prepared quickly and easily.
A. recipe books B. contains -> contain C. healthy meals D. be prepared
80. It’s no limit on the amount of money that may be brought into the USA.
A. It’s -> there’s B. limit on C. may be brought D. into

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