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Siemens PLM Software

SIM 03 Mill 4 AX
OOTB - Simulation Sample Documentation
1 General Information ........................................................................................................... 1
2 Multiple Parts in one setup – “Tombstone” ....................................................................... 1
2.1 Operation Navigator Tree (ONT) ................................................................................ 2
3 Create subroutine operations in cam setup ......................................................................... 2
4 Postprocessor settings ........................................................................................................ 5
4.1 Output separate subprograms ...................................................................................... 5
4.2 Rotating the table without rotating the coordinate system .......................................... 5
4.3 Operation process in Post Processor ............................................................................ 6
4.3.1 MOM variables .................................................................................................... 6
4.3.2 MOM Extensions ................................................................................................. 6
4.3.3 Custom Commands in Post Configurator postprocessor ...................................... 7
5 Using multiple tracking points ........................................................................................... 8

1 General Information
This OOTB sample handles the following use cases:
- Tombstone setup (Multiple parts in one setup)
- Instantiating operations feature by using “Paste with Reference”
- Postprocessor outputs pure cutting area of the operation as separate subprograms
- Using a milling tool dealing with multiple tracking points (T-Cutter and Step-Mill)

2 Multiple Parts in one setup – “Tombstone”

There is one fully programmed NC Simulation OOTB sample
sim03_mill_4ax_cam_sinumerik_tombstone.prt available which shows exemplarily how to
handle a tombstone setup. The starting point, to create such a multiple setup, is to have one
setup component in the kinematic model per part as well as the blank.

To have a correct In-Process-Workpiece setup it´s necessary to assign the PART and the
BLANK component per part.

2.1 Operation Navigator Tree (ONT)

Each workpiece part is created with its own local offset.
The FACE_MILLING_SIDE1 Operation is the “Master”
operation. All Descendants are just an instance of this.
All changes in the master will be transmitted to the
instance operations.

3 Create subroutine operations in cam setup

Copy/paste mechanism is used to duplicate operations and geometry objects from one
Workpiece object to another in this tomb stone example.
The part geometry defined in the Workpiece objects are occurrences of the same component in
the same part. The copy mechanism will also establish relationship dependencies between the
‘Source’ objects and the ‘copied’ subordinates.

Example process:
1. WORKPIECE_1 and WORKPIECE_2 are instances of same components.

2. Select all objects under WORKPIECE_1 including MCS and copy them.

3. Select WORKPIECE_2, using “Paste Inside with Reference” to paste.


MCS are mapped into WORKPIECE_2 and operations are duplicated into it.

4. Update MCS name and setup new fixture offset number.


4 Postprocessor settings
4.1 Output separate subprograms
The OOTB post of this machine tool includes one special UDE to activate/deactivate the feature
to output the pure cutting area of the operation as separate subprograms.

4.2 Rotating the table without rotating the coordinate system

Furthermore the post is enhanced to not outputting a ROT command or a swivel cycle if the
orientation of the used MCS programming coordinate system can be brought into synch with
the machine tool axis orientation by a simple B axis table rotation. This more following the real
working on such machine tool configurations.
If the post should output a ROT or swivel cycle it is needed to set up in CAM geometry view
the fixture offset without any rotation and have a child MCS object defining the CSYS-Rotation

4.3 Operation process in Post Processor

4.3.1 MOM variables
 The following variables are regenerated for every operation.
 For source operation, value of mom_copy_source_operation is itself operation name.
 Copied operations of different sources, when posted, will result in different
subprograms (of the source) being generated.

# mom_copy_source_operation
# - Name of source operation;
# "" (a blank) indicates the operation is not a clone.
# mom_copy_source_transform_matrix
# - Component transformation matrix (of 12) of source operation w.r.t ACS
# mom_copy_operation_transform_matrix
# - Component transformation matrix (of 12) of this operation w.r.t ACS
# mom_copy_operation_array
# - Indexed array of siblings of current operation including the source
# mom_copy_operation_array_count
# - Size of the array above

4.3.2 MOM Extensions

MOM_ask_oper_csys <operation-name>

This command will fetch the CSYS information of an operation (by its name).

This command returns “1” (true) when the execution has run successfully; otherwise it returns
“0” (false). It will return a “-1” (short-circuit) when the command is being called recursively
while the same post executing this command is also used as the post for the command.

This command will convey the results in three MOM variables:

o mom_result
An integer representing CSYS’s “mom_special_output”
0: None
1: Use Main MCS
2: Fixture Offset
3: CSYS Rotation
o mom_result1
List of 12 doubles representing current operation’s CSYS w.r.t ACS
o mom_result2
List of 12 doubles representing CSYS’s “mom_machine_csys_matrix”

4.3.3 Custom Commands in Post Configurator postprocessor

 OOTB_LIB_start_subop
 This command should be called in the Initial-move /First-move event.
 When the subprogram is to be output to an external file, this command is
responsible for closing main output file and opening subprogram file.

 Verify subprogram call

 This command is the key function that will be defined and should be called
in OOTB_LIB_start_subop command to identify if an operation is
qualified to reference a subprogram.
 In sim03 sample postprocessor, only when it is return 2 postprocessor will
output same source subprogram for current duplicated operation. Otherwise
postprocessor will generate specific subprogram for current operation.

 OOTB_LIB_end_subop
 This command should be called in the End-of-Path event.

When the subprogram has been output to an external file, this command is responsible for
closing subprogram file and opening main output file

5 Using multiple tracking points

The OOTB NC Simulation sample “sim03_mill_4ax_cam_
sinumerik_mm.prt” contains special operations for grooving
and step milling with corresponding tools. Both tools have
multiple tracking points (TP) defined. These are used in the
With operation type “GROOVE_MILLING” the operation
outputs automatically the TP´s. In the Planer Profile operations
it´s necessary to select to used drive point.

Date Author Description
2016-06-30 TF Initial version
2016-09-16 TF Add Chapter 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

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