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Present Tense
English : Intermediate 3
A. Simple Present Tense
Pada umumnya digunakan untuk :
Menyatakan Kebiasaan (Habitual Action)
Example : Lisa sends much money to her parents every month
Menyatakan Kebenaran Umum (General Truth)
Example : The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
Menginformasikan peristiwa yang terjadi saat ini
Example : Irene studies at senior high school

Adverb of Time :

Rumus : S + V1 + O/C Every day, Every week, Once
a week, Twice a month
B. Present Continuous Tense
Pada umumnya digunakan untuk :
Suatu kejadian yang SEDANG berlangsung pada saat dibicarakan
Example : Karina is not sleeping in the bedroom right now
Kalimat dengan tanda seru (!)
Example : Look! Jaehyun is staring at the beautiful girl
Kejadian yang segera terjadi (biasanya sudah terencana)
Example : Baekhyun is leaving for Indonesia tomorrow at 5 PM

Adverb of Time :
Rumus :

Now, at present, at this
Subject + is/am/are + Verb ing
moment, Listen!, Look!
NOTE for Present
Continious Tense
Jangan gunakan STATIVE VERB pada rumus ini.
Contoh Stative Verb
Know Believe Hear See Want
Understand Hate Love Like Taste
Have Need Appear Suppose Wish
Realize Mean Belong Remember Prefer
Sound Own Forget Smell Seem

Example :
Taeyong likes apple
Taeyong is liking apple 3
C. Present Perfect Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan :
Suatu kejadian yang SUDAH selesai dikerjakan pada masa sekarang
Example : Chanyeol has already written his reports for school assignment
Pengalaman masa lalu yang dampaknya masih terasa sampai sekarang
Example : They have worked in the field since six o'clock in the morning

Rumus : Adverb of Time :

Subject + have/has + Verb 3 For, The last, Since, Yet,

4 /been + O/C Already, Recently

D. Present Perfect
Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan :
Suatu kejadian yang telah berlangsung pada waktu lampau dan masih
berlangsung sampai sekarang
Example : Yuta has been living in Pematangsiantar for 20 years
Kejadian yang sedang berlangsung dan masih berlanjut
Example : I have been reading a book (Means : I am still reading it)

Rumus : Adverb of Time :

Subject + have/has + been + For, The last, Since, All
Verb ing + O/C these days
Venus emits very intense radio waves of thermal origin. (Simple Present)
Mina and Momo are attending the party at Horison Hotel
at this time. (Present Continuous)
Working in the remote area has improved recently with the
help of government. (Present Perfect)
Giselle has been working on her school project for almost 2
hours. (Present Perfect Continuous) 3
Thank You

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