Call Center Recording Project

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I. Preparation - How to record dual-channel audio?

1. Two persons:
The requirement of the recording is 2 channel audio. It means that 2 people are talking in 2
different places, 2 different mics (not in the same room). Audio of each person has no
voice of the other person.

2. DUAL channels:
You MUST use Zencastr to record DUAL channels. Each person has to export the audio.
When exporting audio from Zencastr, there is only one person's voice in 1 channel.
NOTE: If the audio is not dual channel, it will be rejected and you will not get paid for that

3. Application for recording: Zencastr

- Here is the link to Zencastr: or
(At this time, Zencastr doesn't support mobile devices, you need to work on laptop ⇒ 2
persons, 2 laptops, in 2 different rooms)
- Tutorial video. You can watch it to know how to record by Zencastr: How to use (sub).mp4

II. Other Specific Requirements:

1. You need to find a partner by yourself to record. Each pair can record a maximum of 5 audio
hours. So in order to record more hours, you can find other partners to make other pairs.
2. You must prepare the content of the conversation by yourself. The content should be
natural and real.
3. The content should be related to the topic of Customer service in general with domains being
Banking, Insurance, Retail and Telecom. You can imagine that a customer calls the hotline of
those specific companies in the Banking/insurance/retail/telecom industry to ask for something
or complain about the service. So you and your friend will act as 1 customer support agent and 1
4. The audio length should be between 2-10 mins
5. Criteria of the audio:
Qualified audio ⇒ approved Unqualified audio ⇒ will be rejected

● Dual Channel: When exporting audio from ● 2 voices of speakers in one audio.
Zencastr, there is only one person's voice ● The audio’s background is too noisy, we can’t
per 1 channel of audio hear anything
Sample of dual audio HERE
● The context of audio is not a call center
● Customer service topic conversation between an agent (a customer
support representative of a company) and
● The agent always has to start the a customer and not in the listed domain:
conversation first, with: “Hello, My name is Banking, Insurance, Retail, and Telecom.
xxx from ABC company, how can I help you?”
● If the conversation doesn’t start first from the
Do not say “Hello, how are you?” at the agent's side. For example, it starts from the
beginning of the audio) customer's side by asking something such as:
- If the client speaks first, the audio will be Hello, I want to buy a car. (In a normal call
rejected and you will not get paid for that center conversation, when a customer calls a
audio. hotline, the agent always has to pick up the
call first and say something like ” Greetings,
● Speak naturally, not like read script My name is xxx from ABC company, how can I
● Don't have a long mute part during the audio help you today?”. Then the customer will
● The agent must speak fluently, like a real
agent, without stumbling during the recording ● The whole audio is not in Indonesian (it's okay
process. to have some English words in the audio if
those are common words in your country, but
● Upload correct pair of audio if the whole audios are not in Indonesian, then
● Upload to the right place. it will be rejected.
Speaker 1= agent (Call center staff). ● Duplicated audio (it means 1 audio uploaded
Speaker 2 = client. 2 times in 2 accounts - if you and your partner
● Format of your audios must be .wav both record, just one of you needs to upload to
the system. We will pay to the one who upload
After you finish your recording, you will export
to the system, then you share the payment
2 audios/ one conversation and save in 1
between you both)
Then you can use these links to convert
into .wav:

III. How to submit your recordings?

1. Name the file:
When you save it, please name it as per pair (2 channels of the same conversation).
For example: the first audio: 1.agent.banking, 1.customer.banking
Then the 2nd audio as: 2.agent.banking, 2.customer.banking

2. Upload to system:
Step 1: Go to this link:
Step 2: Click “Forgot your password”
Step 3: Go to your email ⇒ active your account with us, reset the password.
Remember to upload only using this link:
Step 4: Kindly watch this video: how to upload recording files on our system:

You need to UPLOAD audio files CORRECTLY:

Speaker 1: audio of the agent (call center staff)
Speaker 2: audio of the client
Make sure to upload correct pairs of audio, unless the audio will be unpaid.

If you upload recording files with a different domain, you should reload the page and choose the
domain again.

3. Upload the script (NOT mandatory)

It is not mandatory to prepare the script if you already get used to call center speaking
and if you can speak fluently.
However, if you have script prepared, please help to upload it here:

Here is the link of sample context in customer support of some industries. You can refer to
some ideas. However, it's the script for chat, not conversation, so it's short, I think it's not
long enough for a call. So just check to have an idea and context, then you need to edit the
brand names into brands in your country, change the language to Indonesian, change some
words to make it become a Call center instead of Chat or add more information to lengthen
the conversation.
We hope this helps.
Recording - Script samples in English
You need to work on the 1st file, please record the screen (around 2-3 mins) to show us
how you are working on the 1st file, send it to us via our email. Dont submit any file until
we tell you that you are ok to go ahead)

I. Log in to the system:

=> Go to “Audio project” => Click the button “QA”
- You can use the shortcut ESC to Play/pause audio.
Every time you click “New task”, the system will automatically assign twin audios of
speaker 1 and speaker 2 (same conversation). There will be silent parts in each audio, you
can skip those silent parts.

II. Transcription rules:

1. The 1st step you have to do is to listen to some of the 1st sentences of the conversation
(around 1 min) to check if it's qualified or unqualified audio.

First: You must Click “ QA audio” to listen to the 1st min of the audio.

Then the system will show a popup for you to listen to the audio. Just listen for
around 1 min and see if its qualified or unqualified.
2. Identify dual-channel and mono channel audio
- In this project, we ONLY ACCEPT dual-channel audios. So what’s dual-channel
audio? It’s mean that you only hear one voice of one speaker in audio. If you choose
speaker 1 but you also can hear speaker2’s voice, that file should be rejected.
- Here is one example:
Banking 181 - agent
banking 181 - customer
=>> 2 files above are a pair, but as you can hear, the audio of the customer is pure and
contains only 1 voice of the customer. However, the audio of the agent contains both
voices of both speakers. So this audio is not dual-channel, it’s mono channel and we
need to reject it. DO NOT transcribe it.
- The audio length of both speakers should be the same like this:

Criteria of audio:

Qualified audio ⇒ ACCEPT Unqualified audio ⇒ REJECT

● Dual Channel: ONLY one person's voice/ ● 2 voices of speakers in one audio.
● The audio’s background is too noisy, we can’t
● The agent always has to start the hear anything
conversation first.
● If the conversation doesn’t start first from the
● Any topic ⇒ accept. (Even with daily conversation agent's side. For example, it starts from the
topic) customer's side by asking something such as:
Hello, I want to buy a car. (In a normal call
center conversation, when a customer calls a
hotline, the agent always has to pick up the
call first and say something like ” Greetings,
My name is xxx from ABC company, how can I
help you today?”. Then the customer will
● The whole audio is not in the local language
(it's okay to have some English words in the
audio if those are common words in your

***If you see unqualified audio:

⇒ Click “Reject”
⇒ Add a comment with the reason
⇒ DO NOT transcribe those unqualified audios

- You will be paid $3.5/audio hour for checking unqualified audio (on average, you can
work on around 3-4 audio hours in 1 working hour for this kind of unqualified file)
- If recorders complain about the rejected files, other users will check those files again, if
they find those audios are qualified but you rejected, you will not get paid for those files.

3. The 2nd step is to do Transcription for Qualified audios:

If audios are qualified, you will click “Accept” and then the system will lead you to the
transcription screen.

Then the system will lead you to the transcription interface like this:
● Use the shortcut ESC to Play/pause audio.
● You need to create a segment for each speaker's turn, then transcribe what you hear, no
special rule, no tag.
● Segment needs to be created tightly with the border of the wave.
● Capitalize the proper names if has.
● Make sure about the punctuation if needed.
● Once you are done transcribing all 1 speaker’s speech, please move to the other speaker’s

● Once you are done transcribing all segments of 2 speakers, click the “Submit” button on
the right corner of the screen.
● The rate for transcribing the qualified audio is $12/qualified speech hour (not including
the non-speech duration, because you don't have to do anything for the silent part). On
average, it takes you less than 2 working hours to finish 1 speech hour.

III. How to use our transcription platform

Please click on this link to watch the training video: Transcription platform training

IV. Ability Test

We will only onboard users who pass the below ability test.
=>> Here is the link to the test:

V. Support group on Telegram:

You can join our support group on Telegram:

VI. Payment circle:

We will send you the invoice within the first 7 working days of the following month. You
will have about 2 days to confirm. After that, the payment will be sent within 30 working
days from the confirmation date of the invoice.

VI. Common mistakes and tips:

1. Click “QA Audio” to listen to the 1st minute of the audio.
● When you open a file, the first thing you need to do is click on “QA Audio” on the left
above corner to listen to the audio and decide if you need to accept or reject that audio.
However, some users made a mistake at this step:
● Please note that you need to check if 2 speakers are in the same conversation or not,
since many users uploaded the wrong pairs of files.
● Kindly make sure on the popup when you QA audio, 2 speakers' audio are playing at
the same time. You can't understand the conversation if you play the speech of
speaker 1 later than speaker 2 like this:
2. Creating a segment and editing a segment
● Many users made the mistake while editing the segment. You guys tried to drag the
segment to edit the timestamp, but actually, the timestamp can not be changed. So the
solution is that you need to delete that segment and create a new one.
● Regarding the creating segment matter: you need to create tightly with the border of the
3. Check the segment you have just created.
● Once you create the segment, you need to scroll down to see that segment and click the
icon play (in the blue) on the left side of that segment to make sure that the wave is
● You should use the “play” button regularly to check your segments.

4. The “turn” definition

● Speaker turn means that one speaker says something, then the other speaker will say
something. They will take their turn on the conversation.

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