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= CAMBRIDGE cam [B UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge English EMPOWER grupENT’s BOOK Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones with Rachel Godfrey PoE Lesson and obj Geting started Tak about counties and foes tur name and cour be you! we counties Sound and spling: Long and 1A Sayyo ny you Sexnd ad 1B Talk about people you know be: he/she/ they Nationalities; tis! these Sllabes and word stress et and eet ow Syloesandordstes, Gripen ee eer ‘Main stresst Tone Meeting new people Geting started Tak about how many objects people have 2A Talk about your hometown be its/ sr, Common adjectives; Sound and speling:h! Possessive adjectives in noar 28 Takkabout possessions and Plural nouns; have, Common abjects 1; Sound and sling common objects alan Numbers 1 Doyou...? 20 Ask or and give personal Main stress in questions; Asking for and ging information Tone in questons personal information Gating stated Tak about the fod na frelge i 3A Saywhatyou eat and drink resent simple. Food 1 Sylables and word stress you! we! they Sound and spling i), and fa ‘38 Tak about food ard meats ‘Adverts of frequency Food 2; ime: Sound and sping: a an se! What tine! When... 2 39¢ Order and pay inacate Syllables and word stess: Ordering and paying Sentence stress inacaté Seting stated Tak about who people are and what they do 4A Takk aboutyourite and ask Present simple: ‘Common vebs; study Sentence stress about other We questions 48 Tak about you family Present sie Family and people; Sound and speling: (0! he/she! tpostive Numbers 2" How old. ? 40 Askand talk about photos Sound ane speling: and ds) Askng and taking, ‘about potas — Tak — ‘usual = a EE a 7 7 " 7 5A Describe a town there is/thereare Places ina tonn; there is there ae: Sound and postive 2 fen, bts of spel: and i {5B Tak apouthoels and hostels there ie / there are Hotels ‘Sound and sping: i: negative and questions Word sess SC Ask about and say where Emphasisng what you say 1 Asking and saying paces are where places are Geting started Talk about people and robs and routines ‘8A Tak about people’ jobs Present simple: Jobs; werk ob Main stress in compound he/she! tnegatve nouns; Sound and sping: si) {88 Talk about dally routines and Present simple: Daly routine er, Consonant groups; habits hhe/'shef @questons from... fo..., und Sentence stess 86 Moke and accep fers woul Making and ocepting Emphasising what you say2 offers Contents ‘conversation atout who you are Three conversations meeting Who you are and where you from ‘other students ‘conversation about people in People ina picture pictures Fst day at work ‘An online profle Greeting and mestingnew people An online profile Capita eters and fll stops Three conversations about home Three posts: Our homes Homes and home towns My home to tans Afiends home ‘conversation atte airport Possessions; What in the bag? Finding anew fat 'A persona infrmation frm Asking or and ving personal ‘personal information form; Information Speting i i in ens ‘Rcorwersaon about ood tikes and Three fami’ week! food: Food Food thes and disikes disikes farone week Thvee conversations about dinner Anartcle: The number one __‘Sayingthe time: ‘breakfast in. ‘Meal times and what you eat Ina cate ‘text message ‘Ordering and paying ina café ‘text message; Conratons nnn ee ne hac hee sty — tor sug sotet | ot an oe i —— oes Se ee ee hentnioren — ca a ae rr | — eae as aaa a= ST ae aes a nas SC SS ET sas pee ee toatats ny SO Eom Soar eting started Tak about the clothes on market sal ‘7A Takk about hires you went to buy th, that these, those Common abjcts 2; Sound and spelng na! Press ‘ang Sound and sping: ti, ha, ‘theseand those TB Talk about lathes that people Possessives Clothes: Colours; Sound and speling: and ids) wear Revision of adverts dark ight TE Ask about and pay for things in Joining words Going shopping ashop ‘Getting started Tal about your lst new year 8A Tak about past events Past simple: be Psttime expressions was / were {88 Describe events nthe past —Pastsimple: postive Freetime actos Sound and speling://and ld! ‘80 Moke and respond to suggestions Main stress and tone Making and responding to suggestions ‘Getting started Tak about an intresting holiday an ‘9A Tak about raveland holiday Past simple: negatve Transport, go Sound and sping: the eter 2 experiences. Sentence stress 98 Tak bout past hldays Pastsimple: questons The seasons; ‘Sound and speling: the eter 9 ‘The weather; ike ‘8C Make and respond to requests Sylables and speting Making ane responding to requests Seting started Tak about communicating onthe Internet OA. Talk about your home Present continous: “Thehome; in/on ‘Sound and speling: and postive Sentence sess 108 Ask where people are and what Present continuous: Place phrases with Sound and spling: they'e doing Negative and questions prepostons Main stress in questions OC Ask for travel information Sound and speling:ta/and fea! Asking for avel Infeematon Seting started Tak stout a cimber’s experience am = TIA Talk about peoples ives Object pronouns Life events; Years Sound and sping: 1 1B Talabout tings you knowhow cantor ability Abies; canl cant todo (ver quite) weit 11 Tak about epinions Main stress; Consonant groups Taking abeut opinions ‘Getting started Talk about holiday plans 124. Tak about future plans ‘gong to pesve and Months and future time Sentence stress; going to negatve expressions; Ordinal numbers, The date 128 Askand answer about future going tos questions Common verbs and Sound and sping: //and iw! pans. collcatons 126 Make and accept invitations ‘Sound and speling: 20 Making and accepting inwtators ‘Communication Pus p.103 Grammar Focus pe Vocabulary Foous 122 Witing Pas p15 Contents ‘conversation ata market stall Places to go shopping Atamariet stall ‘Aconversaion about old clothes An atic: They make colour The clothes you wear ‘Acquestion about ces Inastop ‘An aovetsement and an eral Going shopoing ‘An email repy tan adverisement, ‘Commas, exclamation marks and ‘question marks | ‘Three corwerstens about past events People who travel for work Past events ‘Sentences about past events Jane White's morning activities Astor: Who kil Lady Grey? Yesterday's activites Sentences about fe time ctvtes Monday morning at work ‘Aitank younote Making plans ‘thank you note; Witing shart emails, tes and we Acongratonaoita ti Awebste: Garden camping past travel experence ‘Sentences about your lst nlcay ‘Aconversation about summer holidays Aclary entry: New Yeardown A past holiday (Questions about a past holiday ‘day tip te Henley ‘An online post Asking fr help and responding ‘An online pst about a tip: Making the order clear —__ _ i nnn ‘A monologue about afl “Text messages Present activites ‘text message toa frend Five phone comersatons about «Afr syourphone alnays__A phone conversation fo make pans, An one forum comment present actities on? ‘tthe ain station message ta fend ‘conversation about evel information A message asking for information; Word oder in questions ‘A conversation about Valentina ‘An atte: They were the fst! Past fe events Sentences about past fe events Tereshkova ‘conversation about afb pnaticle Real ite Xen Your abies ‘Questions about abies. ‘advertisement [NtSophias lat Anemallina tend Interesting places to vist in ‘An emall ta fiend; town fy Pronouns “Tnree conversations about summer ATV programme review: Outside Your next hoy Notes about nosy plans and play plans | the comiort zane everyday actives “Two conversations about weekend Antic: Only 4,000 weekends Your future pans ‘Questions about future plans pls in your lie! ‘Ata dinner party Irvtations and relies Inti a rere Aniewtaton and a rep Paragraphs “Radioserps 9.160 a regular verbs p.165 Board game p-105-167 Classroom language Listen. Cee ag Pee ce Doe ty Learn to say your name and country A I’m from Mexico Cee ores Complete the sentences in the table. be: I/ you / we positive and a questions cama ) trom Engin? We fom the USA How you? Listen, Then say Hi, 7m. oF Meas Hello, I'm... and say-your name, - Now go to Grammar Focus 1A Part 1 on Hi, 'm Ruben, Long and short sounds 1 Listen to the words. Notice the long (—) and short (4) sounds. atm bWete cfm the 2 C2 Practise saying the words, Practise the conversations in 1b. 1 Work in pairs. Practise Conversation 1 2 Workin groups of three. Practise Conversation 2 3 Work with a new partner, Practise Conversation 3, Read and listen to conversations 1-3. Match the conversations with groups Practise the conversations in 1b again. Use your of people a-c in the picture below. own name. —— 2 3 im Vim, What’ your H Hell, Harumi L Hi, Ruben. How are you? K Him Katy. R Hi, Um tine, How ae you? © Im Camila BP arc tim Paul Hi 1 Fine, thanks. V Hi, Camila. Nice tom SH Areyou fom England? P_ No, we're from the USA. unit 1 LISTENING AND GRAMMAR be: I / you / we negative a @IMM Read and listen to b Complete the sentences in the table. the conversation. Choose the a correct answers. [ Positive CH CLARA Ave you Sasha? SASHA Yes, that’s ight CLARA Hi, '™m Clea : SASHA Oh, hi, Are you a student here? (i1__a student. (= fam) tm from England. (= we are) | We aren't from England. | Negative (-) a student. (= am net) we are not | CLARA. No! I'm riot a student. 'm your © B Now go to Grammar Focus 1A Part 2 on p.114 teacher! SASHA Oh ... sory Read the sentences. Make them true for you. 1 Sasha is: “1 Ima student 4 Im Lava ‘a astixlent, b a teacher. 2 Wee teachers. 5 We're from Tokyo 2 Clara is 3 I'm from Engiand, a astudent. ba teacher. = @ (2B Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. Are they the same? VOCABULARY AND READING Countries i jh maps 1-8. Li id check. a ©INAL Match the countries in the box with maps 1-8. Listen and chec! the UK China the USA Spain Japan Russia~ Brazil Mexico 7 * w& b @ama Complete the sentences with the correct country. Listen and check. OUR STUDENT GROUP | tna momen © HtmPau rom? mom NewYork, a ot ie © B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 1A on p.132 d Choose a city and a country in 3a. Write it on a piece of paper. Moscow, Russia @ CB Give your piece of paper to the teacher and take a new one. Try to find the student with the information on your piece of paper. ‘Are you rom Rusia? No, Im not. m from Mexico. SPEAKING © B Communication 1A Student A go to p.103. Student B go to p. 108, 4 He’s Brazilian Nationalities Do you know the people in pictures a-h? ‘Ask your partner. o you know Maria Sharapova? Match the nationalities with pictures a-h, ‘Almeriilcan Chijnese Mexlilcan Russian Spalnish British Japlan|ese Bralzililan Listen to the words in 1b, How many syllables are in each word? A|mer|ilcan =4 syllables Listen and notice the stressed syllable. Listen to the words in 1b again. Underline the stressed syllables. Then listen and repeat. Now go to Vocabulary Focus 18 on EXGRAMMAR be: he / she / they positive a IMA Match 1-3 with a-c. Listen and check. Maria Sharapova isa tennis player. Shinji Kagawa is a football player. Bob and Mike Bryan ae tennis players He's Japanese Theyre American She's Russian b Complete the table. she is she's heis si they are ae © B Now go to Grammar Focus 18 Part 1 on p.114 d Write two sentences about 1-3. 1 Ratae! Nadal 3 Javier Hernandez and 2 UNa Guillermo Ochoa @ Cab Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. Are they the same? LISTENING a ©lEM Read and listen to Liz talk about the people on her winter holiday. Complete 1~6 with the words in the box. ‘American Alexander Penny Russian Uz Thisis_ MARK Is she Spanish? LZ No, she isn’t Spanish. She's MARK. OK. And who's this? UZ Thisis® MARK. Ise Brazilian? UZ No, he isn't Brazilian. He's + MARK Oh, really. UZ And these are my friends, *__ and Simon. They'e married MARK. Are they English? UZ No, they aren't English. They're © — from New York Mexican Anna unit 1% GRAMMAR be: he / she / they negative and questions a Complete the tables with the words in the box. they isn't is are aren't she Russian. | They —— chinese e's Russian She Theyre Chinese. Russian? Chinese? b B Now go to Grammar Focus 18 Part 2 on p.114 ¢ ©MER Complete the sentences. Listen and check. 1A he Mexican? 3 & she Chinese? B No, B No, 2a they 4A ___they Brazilian? ‘American? B No, B Yes, —_ 5A he British? B Yes, d Cle Practise saying 1-5 in 4c with a partner. Language Plus this/ these e@ Tis is Anna a _Cstis = one person © © 4g Meme ny ents Peny ana Simon IT 2 = 0 or more poole SPEAKING Communication 1B Student A go to p.103. Student B go to p.108. Everyday English Nice to meet you LISTENING a CB Look at picture a. Is she in a new place? b © Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your answer in 1a ¢ @ER Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Complete the sentences with words in the box. Hi Good morning RECEPTIONIST ___, Electric Blue Technology. SOPHIA my niame’s Sophia Taylor. I's my first day FAUSEFUL LANGUAGE Greeting people @ Complete 1-3 with the words in the box. ‘evening morning afternoon Tam —12 pm =*__ 12pm 5 pm—10 pm b ile Pronunciation Listen. How many syllables are in the words and expressions? iC) good |moriring 00d levelning helio good latlternoon ¢ IED Listen to the words and expressions in 2b again. Underline the stressed syllables. hello d 2B Look at the times with a partner. Use the correct expression, 1 8pm 3 lam 5 6am 2 3pm 4:10pm 6 1pm Good morning. Good aftemoon. 12 eRe ea a rd A personal profile EA LISTENING AND USEFUL LANGUAGE Meeting new people 1 @ @HEA Watch or listen to Part 2. Sophia meets the manager of Electric Blue Technology. What's his name? 1 Daniet 1 barren 1 bavia b @lmm Listen to the sentences. Underline the words you hear. Are both options in 1-2 possible? 1 Fm/ My name's Sophia Taylor. 2 fim My name's David ¢ EB Pronunciation Listen and notice the main stress. A How ate you? B ’'m good, thank you, And you? AA lim fine, thanks, d (2® Practise the conversation in 3c with a partner. iE Put the expressions in the table, Listen and check. I'm fine, thanks. I'm OK, thank you, Oh, not bad, thanks. I’m good, thank yo 1 © Practise the conversation in 3c again, but cchange roles and use expressions in 3e to reply. LISTENING AND USEFUL LANGUAGE Meeting new people 2 a @IEI Watch or listen to Part 3. Are Sophia and Megan friends? b © Watch or listen to Part 3 again. Underline the correct answer. 1 MEGAN Nice to meet / see you too, Sophie. 2 DAVID So, thisis your home/ office, 3. MEGAN. OK. So, .. this is your desk / chair ¢ @IEH Put the conversation in the correct order. Listen and check [LJ MEGAN Nice to meet you too, Sophie. [SOPHIA Nice to meet you, Megan. [pavio This is Megan Jackson 4 Ch Work in groups of three. Practise the conversation in 4c. Use your names, Re Nice to meet you, Hassan. I PRONUNCIATION Tone a @lEB Listen to phrases 1-5. Does the tone change or stay the same >? 1 Hello. 3 I'm well 2 How are you? 4 Nice to meet you. 5 Thank you. b @lMES Listen to the phrases in 5a again and repeat, UNIT 1° SPEAKING a ©IEA Complete the conversation. Listen and check. LARISSA Hi AMIRA Good evening KARL Hello. LARISSA I'm Larissa and this KARL Nice to meet you. I'm Karl AMIRA Nice to2____ you too. How are you Amira KARL I'm good. And @_? AMIRA I'm fine LARISSA I'm 4 too. b CQ Work in groups of three. Practise the conversation in 6a. Use your names. WRITING @ Read Sophia's profile. What information about her is new? ELECTRIC BLUE TECHNOLOGY: Our people in London Hi, my name's Sophia Taylor. I'm from Toronto in Canada. 'm in an office with Megan Jackson. b BD Now go to Writing Plus 1C on p.154 for Capital letters and full stops. © Write a profile about you and your English class. Here are some ideas: HuHello, my Tie from [min a class with ..inroom d Read other students’ profiles. Is everyone from the same place? * Unit Progress Test U N IT 1 b Complete the nationalities. Review I GRAMMAR ae @ Underline the correct answer. ® 1 Hello. 17m are Anna. 2 ‘Are you students?’ Yes, we're/ we are.” 3 You am not/ aren'ta teacher. 1 Canad__ 4 dap. 4 ‘Amn Lam right? "Yes, you are. 5 Where are you/ you are? eye 6 Were/amat home Eee Zales b Add is, isn’t, are or aren't 2 Pol 5 Bt 1 ‘Is your name Sandy?" ‘No, it ____. 2 ‘Are Javier Heméndez and Guilermo Ochoa from Mexico” e— “Yes, they 3 “Is Rafael Nadal Spanish?” Yes, he 4 |___New York ana Washington in the USA?" ea neyare? 3 Ame 6 al 5 ‘Are your triends football players ‘No, they og ee Your leoher Eng SOUND AND SPELLING ‘No, she ee ‘@ GIES Do these words have long (—-) or short (4) ¢ CW Ask and answer the questions in 1b. Sounds? Write — or *. Practise saying the words. 1 we're 46s 7 trom Correct the sentences. ae eat ay, > They's Spanish. e vere: a They/re Spanish ait 6 not 1 No, he aren't from China. 4 What your name? 2 You are OK? 5 I hot am Brazilian, b @lBEA Look at the information in the table. 3 Yes, lare 6 Who she? ; a ae 1 / sound Russia ate | VOCABULARY | | clara Ser America ur Write the names of the countries. leon hese room morning fight attornoon (Se [chan © GHG Tick (v) the sentences with a /t/ sound. Practise saying the sentences. 1 Om right 5 [she's from Brazil 2 C)He'sa teacher. 6 C1) The chairs are small 3 [Good morning. 7 F)How are you? 4D This is my room, 8 D) Laura's American, Bata AUR ate a) How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. itnaBir____ 3 = very well 2=well 1 = not so well asiR : is TAN ipSan_ a hican anadp larBiz inet and greet new people 14 re UUs ees Se Ry Ko) fy eee Ca eae ELISTENING @ @lHEA Match the words in the box with pictures a-c. Listen and check town village city Cl Which are you from? b © Listen and match pictures a-c with the names in the box. Katia Yuri Carlo © Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. is 2) it its isn't (2) Conversation 1 A is'__a big city? B No, no. it2___acity Conversation 2 A? abigeity. B Yes, it Conversation 3 A °___itaciy? B Note. es ae Pe Cee aes) EAGRAMMAR be: it’s / it isn’t @ Complete the table with itor it’. + | Ravello isin Italy — in hal = | Ravello isn't in Russia, — isn't in Russia, is Ravello in Italy? s in italy? b Complete the sentences with he’s, she's or it's. 1. Giovanna's from Ravello in Hay. a village near Naples. Yulia’ from Vyborg, Ricardo's Spanish, [Akio's from Soka in Japan, Selim’s from Bursa in Turkey, Russian, from Madrid 2 small city near Tokyo. a big city near Istanbul ¢ © Listen and check. dB Now go to Grammar Focus 2A Part 1 on p.116 Language Plus in/ near Naples isin italy D Ravello is near Naples. @ Write sentences about you. Imfrom... 5 (village / town / city) (in/near) f CX Tell a partner your sentences. READING AND VOCABULARY Common adjectives a ©E Read and listen to Our homes. Complete the table. home home Katia bigflat | Miguel Carlo Pietro and Susanna Yur Nina 'b Sound and spelling /hi 1 @IIEG Listen to the words. Which word has 19 ih sound? home hi who what how hotel 2 C2 Practise saying the words with /h. ¢ EG Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Listen and check, big small old new 1 Itsa house. 2 Itsa__ flat 4 san house, 3 isa city Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2A on p.134 GRAMMAR. Possessive adjectives @ Read Our homes again. Complete the table. Pronoun | Possessive adjective r T you he Sie she her we our | they My flat is in a new part of Santiago. It's very big. My friend Miguel is from Pomaire. It's a beautiful village near Oa} pices Ce een ot Bee CARLO Retains My home is a ‘small house in ‘an old part of \Vyborg. My friend Nina is from St Petersburg. This is her home. It's a ‘small flat and it's old and beautiful. YURI b Complete the sentences. 1 Javier is from Barcelona, 2 Are you from Berlin? Where's 3. We're from Bogotd, in Colombia home is near.a big hotel 4 Sarah is from England. village is neat Hastings. 5. Pedro and Eva are from Mexico City flat is very bi. hhome is ina nice part of the city. flat? © BD Now go to Grammar Focus 2A Part 2 on p.116 d_ Complete the sentences about a friend. My friend is from His / Her home is. @ (2B Tell a partner about your friend's home. EA SPEAKING B Communication 2A Student A go to p.103. Student B go to p.109. Student C go to 9.113. XN en |) Common objects 1 Match 1-10 in picture a with the words in the box. Listen and check. ‘computer anewspaper aknife a phone a key watch an umbrella aticket a book a bottle of water Two objects in 1a are not OK in an airport. What are they? alan We use a before most nouns. a key 2 book We use an before a, ¢, j,0, u. * an umbrella ream Cover the words in the box in 1a. Ask a partner questions about the objects in the picture. ‘What’ this? Its a watch. Now go to Vocabulary Focus 28 Common objects 1 on Plural nouns Listen to the conversation with John Munroe. Tick (“) the words you hear. 1) newspapers Hy computers Ey phones CO watches: oO Complete the table. Singular (= 1) Plural (= 2+) akey a newspaper awatch - a knife Most nouns add -s in the plural. How are the plurals of watch and knife-different? 18 Sound and spelling /s/, /2/ and /rz/ 1 ©IMED Listen and practise these sounds. Which word has an extra sylable i te plural 1 (5) books 2 /2/keys 3 /iz/ watches 2 ©\TEE Listen to these words. Which word has an extra syllable in the pra? Listen again and repeat knives bottles tickets apples villages phones @ C2 Work in pairs. Student A: say a singuar word Student B: say the plural Then swap roles. £ B Now go to Grammar Focus 28 on p.116 GRAMMAR have a @HED Look at the X-ray picture and complete the conversation. Listen and check. ‘A What’ in your bag? B-Mm, | havea "and my*k____s, and an sume 1k Do you have a ‘p___ B Yes, Oh, and a *b__of w. Sorry! b @HEB Listen to the forms of have. i hhave a book. Do you have a book? © © Pronunciation Listen again, Do the words do and you have a long (—) or a short (4) sound? Practise saying the sentences. d Cm Ask a partner about objects 1-5 in 3a. Ask about: 1 here (in class) 2 athome Doyouneveen “NOL umbrelia here? Do you have en umbreia ethome? VOCABULARY Numbers 1 a @INED Listen and repeat the numbers. b Match the words in the box with numbers 1-12 in Aa. seven two nine four eight eleven three six one ten twelve five © CW Work in pairs. Student A: saya number. Student 8 say the next number Then swap roles. 4 B Communication 2B Student A go to p.104 Student B go to p. 108. @ B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2B Numbers 1 on p.146, EA SPEAKING @ Write three things you have in your bag. — plots oftar b (2W Guess what is in your partner's bag, Do you have a phone? ye

Its big houses. Theyre 1 This is Katia and ths is she house. 2 ‘Excuse me! Is this you bag?” "Ys, itis Thank you’ 3 Hiro’ from Soka, She's a smal city in Japan. 4 It nota bie fat 5 They lv in Madrid This is they home. 6. ‘Hi, were from New York. We cis bit 'b Complete the sentences with the plural form of the nouns in brackets. 1 Theyre my __ (key) 2 Ave they your 2 (knife) 3 Ihave two. (watch) 4 Are they your 2 (bottle of water) 5 Oxford and Cambridge are in the UK. (city) 6 Where are the 2 (ook) © Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ‘are his is they they're it's isn’t 1 I'm from Ravello. __a village in tly 2 Themen at home. 3 ‘Are they big houses?” Yes, iy books, ita cy? This is John and this is flat “Is Madtid in Italy? ‘No, it ‘ VOCABULARY a Match 1-6 with the opposite adjectives in the box. boring difficult good happy old smeH wrong big mall easy bad fight sad interesting new 22 b Complete the crossword with the objects in pictures 1-8. SOUND AND SPELLING ‘a GIHEA Look at the words in the box. Is the final sound /s/, /z/ or /iz/? Complete the table. Practise saying the words. phones villages keys addresses houses flats umbrellas tickets books computers. hal b GME Tick (V) the words with a /h/ sound. Practise saying the words. CO heto Os Dhow O watch Biter Come who happy Dou LJhouse she Orient Cris Clwnere 7 phote Bea ARC ea) How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. 3=Vvery well 2=Wwell 1 = not so well CAN talk about my home town o talk about possessions and common objects U 28k for and give personal infomation Oo ome teeing paced EN VOCABULARY Food 1 READING AND GRAMMAR a ©iIEA Match pictures 1-7 with the words in the box. Present simple: J you jauedthey Then listen and check. positive and negative fruit rice meat bread vegetables eggs fish @ Which words in 1a can you see in pictures 1-3? Which word isn’t in the pictures? b @lim Read and listen to texts a-c. Match them with the families in pictures 1-3. FOO FOR ONE WEEK ® © ‘They cat a lot of fruit ‘They eat meat and andvegetablesevery eggs every day, but @ay.Andtheyeat_meat _they don’t eat fish. with rice. They like ‘And they don’t eat eggs, but they don’t vegetables, but eat bread or fish. hey) _they eat fruit. They don’t like fish. really like bread. b ©ama Pronunciation Listen to the words in 1a again © Which word has more than one syllable? Underling the piney ons ab: eee stressed syllable vegetables. They like fruit and they eat bread. They don’t eat fish or Say two things you like ©. [ike frutt and | tke fish Sound and spelling /ix, /v/ and /av 1 @IEA Listen and practise these sounds. 1 2, GIIED What sound do the marked letters have in the words in the box? Listen and add the words to the sound groups below. meat 2 /i/fish 3 /au/?m big eat nine sister it's me China five his teacher Hi Sound 1/is/ | Sound 2/x/ | Sound 3 Ja | fh Tim 3 lle Practise saying the words. @ B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3A on p.142 24 © Complete the table. aa d Underline the correct words. The Tang family eat/ don't eat fish The Ruiz family eat / don't eat bread. The Donati family lke / don't lke meat. The Tang family eat/ don't eat lot of eggs. ‘The Donati family like / don't like vegetables. @ Clb Which family's food would you like to have for 2 week? Why? UNIT 3 LISTENING AND GRAMMAR Present simple: I/you / we / they questions a @MEA Listen to a conversation with Rajit. Tick (7) the food he eats. Zi vread vegetables O fish O rice b @imma Listen again. Complete the conversation. {Aaj what do you eat in a week? B Oh os of things. leat ice everyday, and bread. | eat alt of felt eat fish ‘__you eat meat? O meat O trot ___ vegetables? 5, | eat a lt of vegetables. them every day? Do you *. Yes. They/re very good for me. erere> ¢ GA Complete the questions in the table. Then listen and check. + y Ez fish? | fruit? Veat fish We tke fruit T don't eat fish | We don't tke fruit, — you 4 dB Now go to Grammar Focus 3A on p.116 @ (A Practise the conversation in 3b with a partner. EASPEAKING a Ci Ask and answer questions with a partner. Complete the table with their answers. Do you eat meat? Yes (do). Do you eat bread every day? rote dor en a every day? | meat Tish [bred | vegetabes | Fruit Irae | b CX Write words for three drinks. Then ask your partner questions. Do you rink cola? © oyou the mkt ESE) TTYL 3B EE READING a Tick (7) the boxes about your breakfast. b CQ Talk about your answers in 1a with a partner, Ihave coffee ~ I don't have ice cream. ¢ CAB Look at the pictures. What's the number one breakfast ip the UK? CO cereat Ditoast | D eses d Read the text and fis the answer to Je. THE NUMBER ONE BREAKFAST In the UK, people like diferent ood for breakfast, They sometimes eat a hot breaktast with eggs, but toast is the ‘number one breakfast food. The number two breakfast food 's cereal with cold milk and number three is fruit. @ (2 What's the number one breakfast food in your country? What's the number one drink? ener eee Ey eerie oe For my breakfast, | have ‘lt VOCABULARY Food 2; Time @ Match sentences 1-3 with pictures a-c. 1 Ihave lunch at twelve / one o'clock, 2 They have dinner at six/ seven o'! 3. In my family we have breakfast at seven / eighto'clock b B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 38 Food 2 on p.143 ¢ @MM Listen to sentences 1-3 in 2a. Underline the correct words. d © Match the clocks with the times. Listen and check. on rc . J ® LD @ auarter to ve CG) quarter past four Gi tour o'clock Bi halt past four @ CQ Point to a clock in 2d for a partner to say the time. 1 B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3B Time on p.146 & Sound and spelling /a:/ and /o:/ 1 @IHE Listen and practise these long sounds, 1 Jai past half 2 Jos! four quarter 2 ©IHED What sound do the marked letters have in the words in the box? Listen and add the words to the ‘sound groups below. class all father afterioon water daughter y | Sound 2 ist four 3 Clr Practise saying the words. h B Communication 3B Student A go to p.103. Student B go to p.108. LISTENING a © Listen to three people talk about dinner. Match 1-3 with a country in the box Poland, Spain the USA Russia Mexico China Name | Julie | Misha Bianca ¢ C2 Do you like the same food as Julie, Misha and Bianca? GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency a ©lH Listen and complete the sentences with the words in the box. always uptially sometimes never 1 WUE We have rice with meat and vegetables. 2 MISHA | have dinner early. 3 BIANCA People have dinner early in Spain. 4 BIANCA | have bread and cheese, b Complete 2 and 4 with words in the box in 4a. 1 always (100%) 3 sometimes (50%) 2 ___(@0%) 4__ 0%) © B Now go to Grammar Focus 3B on p.118 d Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences. 1+ | have breakfast at 9.00 at weekends. (sometimes) 2 Ihave a sandwich for lunch. (usually) 3 I have breakfast. (never) 4 Inthe evening, | have dinner at about 7:00. always) @ CQ Which sentences in 4d aré true for you? ‘20 When... ? Language Plus What time Wat tine co ys have dinner? = When do you have dinner? EA SPEAKING 4 Answer questions 1-4. Write another question with your own idea 1 Inthe morning, do you eat breakfast? 2 In the evening, do you eat a big meal? 3. What time do you have lunch? 4 What do you eat for lunch? b Cm Ask and answer the questions in 5a with other students, Who has the same answers as you? aE Naa OR Cee na Cem ny Sentence stress What food on the menu do you like? Tell a Listen to 1-3. Is the pronunciation of of partner. the same? lof cupoftes 3 a glass of cola Listen to these phrases. Which other word isn't stressed? See acup of cofee a piece of banana cake Ceca pr Practise saying the phrases in 2b. Poe ents Work in pairs. Practise more phrases with oes a cup/ a glass | a piece of ... . Use the menu in Doak 1a or your ideas. eres tes Listen. This word has two syllables: cofflee Which words have two syllables? Listen and check. sandwich banana orange tomato Listen to the words in 1b again. Underline the stressed syllable, cots Practise saying the words in Lb with a partner. Find 1-3 in pictures a-c. 1 apiece of chocolate cake. 2 akey 3 ten pounds Watch or listen. Put pictures a-c in the correct order. Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true or false? 1. Sophia has a new ft 2 Sophia has a cup of tea. 3. Sophia likes her fat. 4. The text message is from Sophia's cousin, 28 UNIT 3% EA SPEAKING @ OB Work with a partner. Student A: you work in a café. Student B: you're a customer. Use the menu on .28 and the conversation map below. a B Hello. I'd tke a _... (a drink) > a a Here you are, b CQ» Swap roles and repeat the conversation. EX USEFUL LANGUAGE EA WRITING Ordering and paying in a café 2 Read the text a © Listen and complete the sentences. message. Who is it 1 MEGAN Ic a cup of coffee, please, from? Who is it for? 2 SOPHIA Can | ‘a cup of tea, a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate cake, please? © Listen again and repeat Dvd b ©lBm Put the words in the correct order. Listen ‘and check, 1 have /I/a cup of / can / coffee / please ? 2 please / an egg sandwich, / like 3. two /can /ave / we / tomato sandwiches ? ¢ Cit Practise saying the sentences in 3b with a partner. d © Put the conversation in the correct order. Listen and check. 1 A cheese sandwich, please. of course. That's £6.00, please Gi certainty, and to eat? i Here you are. ECan | have a glass of cola, please? b BD Now go to Writing Plus 3C on p.155 for Contractions. O Thank you © Write a text message to a friend. Here are some @ Cb Practise the conversation in 3d with a oe partner. Change the drink, food and price. ki I'm .. (at school at work / in café na restaurant with He's / She's .. (Spanish / a student/ very nice) Talk (to you) / See you soon / later Read a partner's text message. Who does he / she write about? PROS ie e Cert wg LET UNIT 3 Review GRAMMAR Write present simple sentences and questions with the words and phrases. > (1 I/have / lunch at home. I don't have lunch at home, 1) you /like / eggs (+) we /eat/ bread every day. (2) 11 drink Juice (2) we / eat / meat (4) you tke / fruit (@) they /eat / fish b Underline the correct answer. ‘Always 1/ Lalways have a sandwich for lunch. | Drink sometimes / sometimes drink cola, [eat usually! usualy et lunch at home, | never never don't drink mik, Never | have / (never have dinner at 900. | don't sometimes / sometimes don't have breakfast. © (2 Are the sentences in 1b true or false for you? Tell a partner. Correct the sentences. > Inotke rice, Idon't ike rice 1 No, we not do 2. Always | have breakfast 3 We not eat fish. 4 drink usually water 5 You like tea? 6 Yes, dol EAVOCABULARY ‘a Complete the groups with words in the box. ‘coffee dinner fish cakes juice banana water, milk, tea, orange, apple, breakfast, lunch, meat, eggs, ice cream, biscuts, b C2 Which is your favourite group in 2a? 30 © Look at 1-6 in the picture and complete the food words. ae sigh 4. ss! 2e. 50, s SOUND AND SPELLING @ GMB Which sounds are the marked letters — /1/,/i or /ai!? Tick (¥) a or b. Practise saying the sentences. > Wa biscut 2 Veke ice cream, 2 OD Maw fav fav >’ Ois b GAM Tick (V7) the words with the />:/ sound. Practise saying the words. 1 Di water 5 C1 potato 2 FB) tomato 6 D orange 3 Hass 7 Fy auarter 4D morning 8 al meee Sy How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1) for each objective. 3 =very well 2 = well 1 =not so well ‘say what | eat and drink, Seu Paes acy Pee ene %k at the picture and answer the questions. Who lives in your home? fi) ELS TSE a SIIB Match sentences 1-5 with pictures a-e. Listen and check. 1 | study at university 2 I work in an office. 4 We live in London, 5 We go to the gym every day. Which sentences in 1a are true for you? © B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 4A on p.136 BAREADING @ Read Matt’s blog. Which sentence is true? 1 ‘live and | work in London 2 ‘Ilive in Barcelona and | workin London, 3 I speak Spanish very well.’ b Read Matt's blog again. What does he say about these things? 1 fats in London 4 number of days at work 2 las in Barcelona (in Barcelona) 3 number of days at work 5. Spanish classes (in London) 6 Barcelona ¢ Cl What do you think of Matt's life? Language Plus study ‘at university schol! an English language school study ... English! Spanish | Arabic a subject (art, mat d Write sentences about you 1 I work / stud ty | otudy English AB Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. 32 ec ers ees a eet Biren TAlcblé HERE'S HIS STORY: | work in London. Fits are very expensive there In Barcelona, in Spain, flats aren't very expensive and they're nice and big. So work in London, but | ive in Barcelonal | fly from Barcelona to London on Monday. I work there for three days and | stay with my sister. Then | fly to Barcelona again and | work at home two days a week, | don't speak ‘Spanish very well, so | study Spanish at a language school ‘and | goto classes on Saturday. | love Barcelona ~ I's a beautiful city and is great to live here! ELLISTENING a @IEMH Listen to Tom and Miriam, Who lives in. Auckland but works in Wellington? b MB Listen again. Underline the correct answers. Miriam is Brazilian | @ New Zealander. Her home's in Braz!) New Zeeland Her job isn't near Frome, She is/ ist married ‘Miriam and Bernardo speak English | Portuguese together. EAGRAMMAR Present simple: Wh- questions a © Complete the questions in the table. Listen and check. | YesiNio questions Yes, | work two days at home. Se No, I work in an office. | Wh questio Where you live? Hive in Auckland. When you have dinner? | have dinner at 8:00. What ‘you study at university? | | study Italian, b B Now go to Grammar Focus 4A on p.118 ¢ @lEMG Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Listen and check. 1 you work /do/inan office? 4. university / study at / do you ? 2 do/ where / you work ? 5 do/ speak Spanish /you ? 3. where /you Ive / do ? d @zM Pronunciation Listen to the questions in 4c again. Notice the stressed words. 1 Doyouwork in an office? @ ©IRMD Tick (V) the words we stress. Then listen to the questions in 4c again and repeat. 1] question word (eg, where) 3D] main verb (eg. work) 2D 4 E preposition (ein) { CQ Ask and answer the questions in 4c with a partner. EASPEAKING Communication 48 ‘Student A go to p.104. Student B go to p.109. 33 a SUES SNC ari Ems Match sentences 1-6 with pictures a 1 Film stars and brothers, Liam and Chris Hemsworth, Colombian pop star Shakira with her parents 3 Football player Cristiano Ronaldo 38a boy with his father and his two siste 4 Hillary Clinton with her husband, Bill Clinton, and their daughter, Chelsea 5 Will Smith with hs wife, Jada, and Wills three children, 6 Actor George Clooney as a child with his sister, Adela, and his mother Listen and check. What other things do you know about the people in the pictures? Family and people Complete the table. Use words from 1a Now go to Vocabulary Focus 48 Family and people on 1 Listen and practise this sound es mother wie 2 s usualy spld th. Listen to the words and repeat. this that father they brother then Which word in the sentences in 1a means ... ? mother and father 2 boys and girls 3 Practise saying t Look at the family tree. Which people ... 2 1 are married 3 havea sister 2 havea brother 4 have a chid / children Work in pairs. Student A: choose a person from the family tree. ‘Student B: ask questions to guess who Student A is Then swap roles. Asien: ga Do you have children? Be 34 of 2% READING AND VOCABULARY Numbers 2 ‘a Read An international family. Are the sentences true or false? 1. Pablo and Alicia have two small children 2 Marla is married and lives in Turkey. 3. Only Pablo and Alicia live in Mexico, Pablo and Alicia Moreno are married. Pablo is from Spain and Alicia is from Buenos Aires, in Argentina, but they live in New York. Their family is very international! Alicia has a sister and a brother. Her sister Daniela is 46. She lives in Buenos Aires and her mother lives there too. Her brother Carlos is 37. He lives in Brazil and he works in Sao Paulo, ci Alicia and Pablo have two children. Their ‘son Alex is 19. He's at university in Mexico and he lives there too. Their daughter Maria is 24. She lives in Istanbul with her Turkish husband, Mehmet. ws RS q unit 4° b Where do they live? Write the names of countries. 1 Daniela 4 Maria 2 Carlos 5 Mehmet 3 Alex © Daniela is forty-six. How old are ... ? (Write the numbers in words.) 1 Caos 2 Alex 3 Marla Language Plus How old ... ? How old is she? She's 25. How old are her children? i They're three and five. Note: We use be, not have, to ask about age. z dB Now go to Vocabulary Focus 4B Numbers 2 on p.146 @ (2B Write the names of three famous people. How old are they? If you don’t know, guess! Read out the names. What do other students think? esas | think she's 50. x EAGRAMMAR Present simple: he / she / it positive Look at the verbs in the table and answer the questions. 1 How are the verbs in A different from the verbs in 8? 2 Howis has different? T/we / you they A ] | work inan office. | He works in So Paulo. We have two children. | She has. sister and a brother. . 8 in Buenos Aires. | in New York, They ti b Complete the sentences with verbs from 4a. 1 He. 2 He 3. Her mother inn office, ‘at home with his parents. a flat in New York. © BD Now go to Grammar Focus 4B on p.118 d B Communication 4B Student A go to p.103. Student B go to p.109. EASPEAKING a 2 Tell your partner about your family. Use the verbs im the box. Listen, but don't make notes. ‘My brother has ‘two children boy end git b 2 Say what you remember about your partner's, family. Are you correct? “have go study live work Everyday English Ee cet : This is me with my father hort ‘Ask and answer the questions. 1 Do you have photos of family and fiends with you? 2 Where do you have them, on your phone or in your wallet? 3 How often do you look at them? Look at picture a and answer the questions. 1 Is Sophia happy or sad? 2 Why does she fee! happy / sad? Watch or listen to Part 1. Are your ideas in 1b correct? Watch or listen to Part 2. Answer the questions, 1 How many people does Sophia talk about? 2 How many people does Megan talk about? Complete the information about Sophia and Megan's families with the words in the box. Then watch or listen to Part 2 again and check your answers. sister cousin teacher hotel computers supermarket Sophia's mother’s a and her father's the manager of a She has a*___, Jackie. Jackie has two girls, Kylie and Amanda, Megan has a brother, Mike, He works with and is married to Helen, She's the manager of a 5__ Megan also has a 6 James. Talk about a favourite photo of your family Who's in it? EAUSEFUL LANGUAGE Asking and talking about photos Look at expressions 1-7 from Part 2. Do we use them to ... 7 ‘ask about photos talk about your photos talk about another person's photos This is my mother. Do you have photos of your family? Nice picture! Can | see them? Who's this? They/te lovey This is my sister, Jackie b @IEA Look at expressions 1-4. Are they in group a, b orc in 2a? Listen and check your answers in 2a and 2b. 1 This isa picture of my town, 2 Its really nice. 3 Do,you have any pictures of your home? 4 These are my friends, Sayeed and Mona. ¢ MBE Pronunciation Listen to the sentence. Answer the questions. Listen again and repeat. ‘This is my mother. 1 Do the first two words join? 2 isthe pronunciation of s the same in this and &? d GEE Complete the conversation with expressions in the box. Listen and check. Great photo! Can | see them? He's funny. Do you have any photos of your friends? Yes, | do. A B A B re B And this is me with my fiend, Emilio. A Yes, | know Emilio. B You're right — he's really funny. e 2 Practise the conversation in 2d. Take turns to be A and B. ‘Sure. This isa phato of my fiend, Marco. unit 4° PRONUNCIATION Sound and spelling: a @IBEA Listen and practise these sounds. L Aff teacher picture 2 /ds/ manager James b @IBEH Listen to the marked sounds in the words. Which one is different in each group? 1 chips jeans question 2 large job choose 3 orange cheap match 4 page cheese Germany ¢ 2 Practise saying the words in 3b. SPEAKING Communication 4C Student A go to p.105. Student B go to p.109. EA WRITING Read Sophia's information about her sister. What information is new? This is my sister Jackie with her two beautiful daughters, Kylie and ‘Amanda. Thy live in a new house in Toronto ~ its very nice. Her husband Tom isnt there, because it his photo! They're a great fay. 'b B Now go to Writing Plus 4C on p.155 for Word order. © Write about your photo from 1f. Here are some ideas: This is my .. with He's / She's / They'te They lve... Its nice / lovely / great! Read about your partner's photo. How many people does he / she write about? * Unit Progress Test UNIT 4 Review GRAMMAR @ Look at the words and write present simple questions. > where / you /live Where do you lve? What / your name when / you / have lunch \what time / you / go to work where / your friends / from what / you / study where / your school b Cm Ask and answer the questions in 1a. © Correct the underlined words. > My son lke football. kes 1 Yoshi work in Berlin 2 Our daughter eat rice every day. 3. My clly haves two universities 4 Naif goto school at 8:30. 5 My dad teachs Spanish. 6 My brother studys Russian, d Underline the correct answer. 1 When are/ 's/ do you work? 2 Marla is lve! five/ lives in Istanbul 3. Where are/ is do you from? 4. What are/ is/ do you have for breakfast? 5 What are/ is / do their names? 6 What ime gos / go/ goes to school? VOCABULARY @ Cross out the answer which is NOT possible, > | work in a factory/ in an office (tennis, 1 I meet my friends for Coffee / to the gym ! people at work every day. | play home | football/ the guitar Hive in talian / a smal house a big city. | teach at university to the cinema ! young children. | study English / at university o school. | speak Spanish / Russia | Chinese, b ©2® Which information in 2a is true for you? Tell a partner, ¢ Complete the numbers. d Match 1-6 with the words in the box. 1 men woman women baby boy girl_men a3 iy @ @IBEM Underline ONE or TWO /0/ sounds in each sentence. Practise saying the sentences. 1. These are my friends, 5 They teach at the 2 | study there, university 3. This is my father. 6 like their daughter. 4 They're atthe cinema, b © ABE Look at the information in the table. iW ies) teach manager study picture wm office | chila Julia sinema ¢ @IBEM Are the marked sounds the same (S) or different (D)? Practise saying the sentences. > We're on page seventy-two. D > The office is number sixty-three. 1 Gary is a manager. 2 John speaks Berman. 3 i's picture ofthe gym. 4 Is the university nice? 5 Ita question about ehlden. 6 tsa small einem maa ARC aay How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. > 29 ‘twenty: rine 5 96_six 3=very well 2=well 1 =not so well 1 31_____one 6 §3___ three 224 four 7 48__eight ICAN.. 9 EE We: 1, 867 seven eae 14 Tepe aa tak cat my le an a abort ot talk about my family es ask and talk about photos "38 Seen OM old houses 3 a Now, there's a new town with new houses and flats, but in summer lots of people go to live in the old houses because they aren't hot. Ghadames ‘speranza Base is Argentinian and it's in Antarctica It's cold in summer (0°C) and very cold in winter (10°C). There are homes for about 100 people there. ‘There are ten families with children, there's a school and there are two teachers. There's also a bank and a hospital. There are a few cars, but there's only one road - it's 1.5 km long! Pent? eee ror) See EE READING a CB Look at the pictures of Ghadames and Esperanza Base. Which place is... ? sanoldcty + inahi country + in 'b Read about the two places and check your answers in 1a, © Are the sentences about Ghadames (G) or Esperanza Base (EB)? 1 ts always cold here. 2 ‘Our new flats very hot in summer. 3 ‘Its so small - you never get lost. 4 "The men and women don't always walk together.” 5 "The schaol fs small, but t's very good, d CW Do you think Ghadames and Esperanza Base are nice places to live? Why / Why not? Language Plus a few, lots of afew cars lots of cars afew houses lots of houses GRAMMAR. there is / there are: positive Complete the sentences. Check your answers in the texts in 1b. Singular: There ‘a new town /a school Plural: “___are lots of old houses / two teachers, b © Pronunciation Listen and write the sentences. How many words are there in each? © D> Now go to Grammar Focus 5A on p.120 d Write two true sentences about your street Use there's or there are, @ (2 Tell a partner your sentences in 2d unit 5 EX VOCABULARY Places in a town 1 @IBER Match the words in the box with b Which places in 3a are these? the places in pictures 2-f. Listen and 1 'My daughter goes there every day from 8:00 to 4:00. check. 2 ‘We go there for dinner every Saturday night. ——— 3 ‘often drink coffee there with my friends café] shop) restaurant 4 “You'te in room 308, Here's your key. Se 5 “They have fruit and vegetables and also newspapers and magazines. 6 ‘To like £500, please. © DB Now go to Vocabulary Focus 5A on p.148 d Sound and spelling /us/ and /a/ 1 BRD Listen and practise these sounds. 1 fu school 2 /a/tinch 2 ©IEKEI What sound do the marked letters have in the words in the box? Listen and add the words to the sound groups below. Russia food new two who mother umbrella beautiful sometimes Sound 1 jus | Sound 2 /a/ hoo lunch 3 Clb Practise saying the words. EALISTENING 4 ©\BEE Listen to a conversation about places in a town. Look at the map and match 1-5 with the words in the box. bookshop café bank restaurant food shop b @m Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? 1. There are lots of shops in New Street 2 Nice people workin the bookshop. 7 3 The cafés Italian. 4 The coffee and cakes in the café aren't good, 5 tsa Chinese restaurant 6 The restaurant is cheap. ¢ What is the same about the town on the map and your town? EX SPEAKING Think of a street in the town where you are now. Make notes. Use words from this lesson. ‘OLD STREET Theresa... Thereare... Itsin... Iv near b C2 Describe your street, but don't say-its name. Do other students. know the name of the street? a ot el Sure Tm) Teg Hotels Match the words in the box with pictures 1-5. Listen and check. bathAroomy bed27V shower 1 Listen and practise this sound, shower 2 Listen to the words in the box. Underline the shop fish sure Russia 3, C2 Practise saying the words. Now go to Vocabulary Focus 58 on Listen to the words. Notice the stressed syllables. Practise saying them. hostel hotel Which things in pictures 1-5 in 1a aren't ina hhostel room? Look at pictures 1~3 of Turkey. Choose adjectives to talk about them. Compare your ideas with your partner. beautitul «great nice exciting boring, interesting * od « big Read Sandra's review of a hostel in Turkey. Does Sandra like the hostel? Read the review again. Tick () what's in the hostel. cs S second aor | 7) smatrooms ] bigraoms — ] cate first oor |) restaurant = 7] Vroom =] small rooms [Daotndtoor | cate Ci ktoren Tv room Would you like to stay at the hostel? Why / Why not? The Cave Hostel ‘This is a great hostel in Géreme, in Turkey. t's in Cappadocia, a very old part of the country. You can {do las of things here. My favourite thing is going in ‘hot air balloon. You can see really beautiful places from the alc. ‘The hostel has different rooms with different prices. On the first floor, there are small rooms for two people with baths. On the second floor, there are big rooms with six beds in them. They're very cheap, but there isn'ta shower or a bath in the big rooms. There aren't any blankets or pillows ~ you pay for those. Ther@ isn't a restaurant or café in the hostel, but there's a kitchen ‘on the ground floor. There aren't any TVs in the rooms, but there's free wil I's a very simple place to stay, but i's clean. And the people are very friendly. Faruk, the manager, sings karaoke really well ‘Sandra there is / there are: negative Complete the sentences with isn’t or aren't. Listen and check. 1 There 2 There any blankets, a restaurant Find more examples of there isn’t and there aren't in Sandra’s review. Think about the town or city you're in now. Tick (Y) the sentences that are true. Correct the false sentences. 1 [There's a big museum inthis town/city. 2] There are lots of shops here. 3 Ey There arent any hostels 4 Ey There are two stations 5 E] There aren't any parks. Read your sentences and listen to your partner's sentences. Are they the same? There aren't any ‘museums in this town. No, there is a museum in this town on Cromwell Road. Listen to a hostel receptionist and Barry, a guest. Is Barry happy with the hostel? Listen again. Tick (Y) the things in the hostel. Li tree rooms LJ café Ow car park Di kitenen showers Why do people like hostels? Why do people like: Is? there is / there are: questions Complete the questions. Listen and check. ‘a car park here? Yes, there's a car park here any cafés near here? Yes, there are cafés near here, 1 Singular: 2 Plural: Now go to Grammar Focus 5B on Write questions using /s there ... ?and Are there ... ? about your partner's town, city or street. Here are some ideas: cafés ‘swimming pool supermarket hospital restaurants Ask your partner about their town, city or street. Are there any cafés in ‘your town? Is there a supermarket in your street? Student A go to Student B go to aT EAA eee eae Deon srtees SCR SUE are ee is Sore te rote ‘Ask and answer the questions. 1 What foad shops or markets are there near your home? 2 Do you go to these shops or markets? How often? 3 Is the food good / expensive? Watch or listen to Part 1. Answer the questions. 1 Does Megan like Sophia's flat? 2 What does Sophia need? 3 Does Sophia know where to buy food near her flat? ala Emphasising what you say 1 Listen to the sentence. Listen to the sentences. Underline one word MEGAN It's 2 really nice flat, Sophia with strong stress in each sentence. 1 My country is very hat in summer. 2 James's new car is really fast. 3 This film isso boring, Listen to the sentence again. Is really more or less stressed the second time? Tick (¥) the correct rule. Listen again and repeat We say really with a strong stress to: 1 ©] speak loudly 2 F] make the meaning stronger Watch or listen to Part 2. Answer the Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Are the questions. sentences true or false? 1 Do Sophia and Megan find a shop? ‘Sophia thinks a café is a shop. 2 Who do they meetin the street? James sees Megan and Sophia fist. James lives in the next street There's a supermarket inthe next street. There's a shop near James's fat ——— HA USEFUL LANGUAGE Asking and saying where places are a ©EHEA Complete the questions with words in the box. Listen and check. near where there 1 your fiat? 218 2 supermarket near here? 3. Are there any shops here? b @zam Match the two possible answers in a-c with questions 13 in 4a, Listen and check. a Yes, there are. There's one inthis street, / No, sory, there aren't Yes, theres one near my fat. / No, sory, there isnt © WtSin the next street, / W's in this street. ¢ @IREA Put the conversation in the correct order. Listen and check. A C1 Great, thank you, And i there a good restaurant inthis part of town? Excuse me, can you help me? 180k, thanks fr your help. 1h EJ Are there any good cafés near here? 8 (1 Yes, there's one in the nex street ~ Café Milano. 8 No, Im sorry, there aren't any restaurants near here. But there's one near the station. 8 (1 Yes, of course B [J No problem d CX Practise the conversation in 4c with a partner. EA SPEAKING D Communication 5C Student A look at the information below. Student B go to p.111. @ Conversation 1. You're on a street you don’t know. Ask Student B about: + aholel + cafés b Conversation 2. Now you're on a street you know. Use the information to answer Student B's questions. ‘a bank: in the next street + shops: not near here ~ near the hospital EAwriting Read part of an email from Sophia to her parents. She writes about her new flat. Does she only write about the good things? My new flat is great. I's big and it's in a nice part of town. The flat is near my office and there's a beautiful park in the next street. There isn't a supermarket near me, but there's shop in the next street. 1b B Go to Writing Plus 5C on p.156 for and and but. © Write about your part of town. Use there's / there isn't / there are | there aren't. Use and and but. d Read about your partner’s part of town. Is it the same? Unit Progress Test OO | U N IT 5 b Write the words. Review I o o GRAMMAR 1deb 5 orom a Correct the sentences. > There an ltalan restaurant. There's an Italian restaurant. ‘There isa museum in this street? Yes, there's. 2werhos 6 wate! 1 2 3. There are a shower. 4. There aren'ta free rooms, 5 Is there swimming pool in the hotel? 6 No, there not is > 3 ipowll 7 iwit Complete the sentences. 0|9o Lis. 2 bank near here? 2 Are there botties of water in the room? 3 ____ there a supermarket inthis street? 4 Isther TVin the room? 4thab_____ 8 kanbiet 5 there any cafés near here? 6 Isthere______ teacher in the room? SOUND AND SPELLING & Cl Ask and answer the questions in 1b a ©EEH Complete the table with the words in the box. Practise saying the words. VOCABULARY @ What are these places? Use the words to complete the crossword. Wp you umbrella lovely Russia beautiful new brother school mother museum pool b @IEED Look at the information in the table. paca cae shop "shower 5 hospital “tower | l hot Lowe! ¢ (@lEED Are the marked sounds the same (S) or different (0)? Practise saying the words. > town - shop D 1 hot hate! 4 g0- pillow 2 shower how 5 hot — towel 3. OK know 6 flower — hospital Beata) How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. 3=very well 2=well 1 = not so well ‘ask about and say where places are i) | don’t work at night eee es eee poe a Welcome to Jobs international. Our people go around the world and help others. Meet two I'ma doctor | trom Brazil and I work in @ small hospital in Ghana. [love the work here because it’s very interesting. 1 do different things every day. And the people are so friendly. Life isn’t always easy here, but i's great to help people. READING a C2 Look at the pictures. What places are in the pictures? What jobs do people do there? b Read about Luiza and Fred on the Jobs international website. Are your ideas in 1a correct? © Read the website again. Are the sentences true or false? Jobs international people don't workin their home countries. Liza works in a big hospital Her work is sometimes boring, ‘She likes the people in Ghana Fred goes home after classes, His students ike playing spor 48 I'ma teacher at a ‘school in Samoa, but I'm from Australia. [teach English here and after schoo! | play sports with the children, They love rugby and volleyball. The children are really happy a lot of fun. This is a really good job. d Write questions for Luiza and Fred. What ... do? > What do you do? 1 Where... work? 2 lke the people? 3... ike the job? @ C2 You are Luiza or Fred. Ask and answer the questions in 1d, MbeSo roses 'ma teacher. Language Plus work / job ‘She warks in a hospital ike my work Its a good job work = verb work = noun job= noun (doctor, teacher UNIT 6° LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Jobs @ Match the words in the box with pictures a-h. football player student receptionist waiter taxi driver factory worker office worker shop assistant @) b Gama Pronunciation Listen to the d @ERH Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words in two-word jobs in 2a. Which word is the box. stressed? paisasnieneasaroes curse; 1 Li the fist word study play 02) sit_ meet (x2) 2 [i the second word 1 DIANA | all day, but | some interesting people and go to oa lots of different places. | don't work at night. ‘A Practise saying the words. 2 FEUPE | in a team and the weekend isthe most important time ofthe week in my job. | dont ses in the week ~ wel, ¢ @IBED Listen to four people talk about ‘sometimes on Wenesdays. ra their job. What do they do? 3 FATIMA | business at university, It's really interesting. 1 —— 3 4. SHONA. | work in a shop and 2 lot of different people, 28 —_ @ Cle Which job do you like in 2c? Which job don't you like? Say why. f Now go to Vocabulary Focus 6A on p.151 GRAMMAR Present simple: he / she / it negative a @EEM Complete the sentences with does or doesn't. Sound and spelling /2:/ Listen and check. 1 GIBRA Listen tothe words. Do the marked letters DIANA | don’t work at night. sound the samme? 1 She____work at night. Barada tenteh FELIPE | don't play games in the week. 2 He ____lay games in the week. 2 @IRA Listen to the words in the box. Which words - have the sound /au? b BD Now go to Grammar Focus 6A on p.120 Gavia hae eMac eT © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 3 Which letter often comes after the vowel to spell the verbs in brackets sound? 1 Axis aad diver He lnthe morning (rot work). fg Paseo snk nee a 2 Samisa bank worker . He his job. (not ike) 3. Lucy isa shop assistant, She ‘much each day. (not si) SPEAKING 4 Matteo is a waiter. He ‘on Monday. (not work) DB Communication 6A Student A go to p.105. Student B go to p.110. Lea to talk about daily routine and habits B | wake up at 4:00 Present simple: he she it questions perenne | always wake up at about 4:00 in the ‘morning. | don't want to sleep, so | get up and do yoga, Then | goto ed again, Then inthe People say its good to sleep for I get up at 8 eight hours every night... but i it true? Some people sleep for only five or six hours and they feel fine in the moming. And some people sleep twice every night EEREADING AND VOCABULARY Daily routine a CB Talk about when you do these things. Use the CW Ask and answer the questions with a partner. phrases in the box. 1 Doyou sleep ...? a «+ for eight hours + for five or si hours, in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night Ace crear 2 When do you usually. ? 1 have dinner 4 have coffee i ua see 2 goto Engish class 5 read a book 3 ante, 2 SetuP + goto be 3 werk 6 sleep nen do you usually + g0 to work or school « finish work or schoo! b Read about Beatriz and Anneli, Match what they say oe tone Ie SeDwE) with pictures a and b. Language Plus for, from... to... , until © Match the marked words in the text with pictures 1-3. Shure a Se een ee 1100 pm 10am | sleep for eight hours, 1 sleep from 11:00 to 7:00. J sleep until 7:00. £ Sound and spelling Consonant groups 1 GIB These words start with two consonant sounds together. Listen and practise saying them. | Complete the verb phrases with the words in the box. Sieh i prea bisct Rapin Then read the text again to check your answers. 2 ©IRMA Listen to the woids in the box. Underline the two consonant sounds that are together. have watch go arrive/ get play small bread fruit flat study speak 1 towork 4__w ee Cay 3 Practise saying the words, 3, ner © DB Now go to Vocabulary Focus 6B on p.137 "50 Listen to an interview with Paul. What are his answers to the questions? 1 Do you go to bed eariy? 2. When do you wake up? What do you do then? 4. What about your wife? Does she wa Talk about the questions with a partner. 1. What do you think about Paul's dally routine? 2. What do you think about his photos? Think of adjectives to talk about them, Present simple: he / she / it questions Complete the questions in the table with do or does, you he / she /it Do you goto bed early? she wake up? When you wake up? | When’ he get up? Now go to Grammar Focus 68 on Listen to the questions with when in 3a and notice the stressed words. Tick (/) the words we stress. 1 1 question word (hen) 2 Dao 3 Fup Write questions about Beatriz and Anneli on page 50. 1 What time / Beatriz / finish work? 2 Where / her husband / work? 3. What time / he / get home? 4 When / Anneli / wake up? 5 What / she / do then? 6 How/ she / feel in the morning? ‘Ask and answer the questions in 34 with a partner. ad ket 2 a eS Ask about your partner's routine. the morning the evening meals ‘work / schol / university When do you get up? | get up at 7:30. Work with a new partner. Ask questions about their first partner’s routine. ‘When does Liza get up? bese Ub at Tt Student A go to Student B go to sea a Uy EELLISTENING a It's your first week in a new flat, Tick (¥) four things you need. 1 Dlatom 4 Laspoon 2 Claas 5 Llaknite 3 Dlecup 6 Cla plate b C2 Tell a partner your ideas in 1a, Do you need the same things? ¢ @IREA Watch or listen to Part 1. ‘Answer the questions. 1 Who do Megan and Sophia meet? 2 Where do they al go? @EEA Wateh or listen to Part 1 again. Underline the correct word. 1. The flowers are for Megan / Sophia. 2 Megan and James want tea / coffee. 3 Sophia needs another cup/ spoon, 4 Sophia wants to go shopping today / tomorrow. EAUSEFUL LANGUAGE Making and accepting offers 1 a @IEES Complete the conversations with the words ¢ GEE Put A's questions in the correct order in the in the box. Listen and check. conversation. Listen and check ——— AA ike a / would you / cup of tea ? thanks please like (x2) B Yes, please, [A piece of cake / you ike a and would ? 1 SOPHIA Would you B No, it's OK, thanks, JAMES Yes, a cup of coffee? 2 SOPHIA Bs us biscuits! Would you one, d C2 Practise the conversation in 2c with a partner. legen ifferent inks. uranic gor Ask about different food and drink b @lBEH Pronunciation Listen to the mini: Would you lke a glass conversations in 2a again. Do you hear of orange juice? Yes, please aor a /d/ sound in would? Listen again and repeat Would you like @ sandwich? No, thanks. 52 LISTENING AND USEFUL LANGUAGE Making and accepting offers 2 a @IBEB Watch or listen to Part 2. Answer the questions, 1 What does James want to do? 2. Do Sophia and Megan want him to help? b © Complete the sentences with words in the box. Listen and check can help ll _——g0 with you. you buy things. ‘come with you. at ar 3 ¢ CIEE Do these replies answer yes or no? Listen and check. That's great, thanks. Thanks, but I'm fin Don't worry, it's OK. Thank you, that’s very kind. d @EEH Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Listen and check. great_can help right supermarket A I need to goto the B 12____ come with you. That's *__! And i need to make dinner. B Ilt___you. ALE ‘thank you very much, @ (2B Practise the conversation in 3d with a partner. { Cb Use different words and expressions to make 2 new conversation, | need to go to core M30 with you. EA PRONUNCIATION Emphasising what you say 2 a © Listen to the sentences and notice the strong stress, Then listen again and repeat. 1 Lean go with you. 2 llcome with you. b @rEKA Listen to the mini-conversations. Undierline the strong stress. Conversation 1 A Icon do this exercise, B Joe can help you Conversation 2 © I noed to getto the station this afternoon D i crive you ¢ © Practise the mini-conversations in 4b with a partner, UNIT 6. EA SPEAKING a QB You're in a café with your partner. Use the ideas. below to make a conversation. ei Saves) pe aS as) EA WRITING Read part of an email from Sophia to her sister. She writes about a day in her life in London. Where do Sophia and Megan have coffee? Why? | walk to work every day because my fat is near the office. | start work at 8:30 and I finish at 5:30. | work with Megan. We go out to a café for coffee every day because the coffee machine in the office isn't very good. We also have lunch there. They have rice sandwiches and chocolate cake ~ my favourite! Megan always says, ‘I'l pay. She's very nice. b B Now go to Writing Plus 6C on p.156 for because and also. © Write about a day in your life. Use because and also. d Read about your partner's day. Do you do the same? * Unit Progress Test

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