Influence of Color Rendition

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CEA 101 – Week 10 - Influence of Color Rendition

1. What colors are brighter which encourage stimulation if not too much?
- Red, orange, yellow
2. What are cool, peaceful, relaxing and calming colors which is good for bedrooms?
- Blue and green
3. What color that encourage creative energy charge?
- Purple/violet
4. What color means some people think of mystery, death, evil or emptiness?
- Black
5. What color some interpreted elegance and formality?
- Black
6. What color some interpreted representing power, aggression, strength or danger?
- Red
7. What color some interpreted love, lust, passion or desire?
- Red
8. What color label grab the attention faster in some instance in tag price?
- Red
9. What color associated with fairness or affordability?
- Orange
10. What color attracts individual which are more eco-friendly?
- Green
11. What color implies purity?
- White
12. What color portrays royalty or luxury?
- Purple/violet
13. What color portrays quality of sophistication, use for high end product and see item more
- Black
14. What colors make you confident and attractive which this found voted across the world?
- Black and red
15. What color make you eat more such as use in kitchen walls or your dining ware?
- White
16. What color make you eat less such as use in kitchen walls or your dining ware?
- Red
17. What colors that increasing your hunger?
- Orange and yellow
18. What colors naturally encourage happiness?
- Blue, yellow, purple
19. What color incite unhappiness for men?
- Brown, represent laziness, outdated
20. What color incite unhappiness for women?
- Orange
21. What color of attire good for interview?
- Blue
22. What color has a slimming effect?
- Black
23. What color persuade customer for staying too long in a fast food change?
- Yellow
24. What color of the car that identifies the owner as practical, calm and loyal?
- Blue
25. What color of the car that identifies the owner as energetic, showy and get your attention?
- Red
26. What color of the car that identifies the owner as unique, one of a kind and don't care
what others think?
- Purple
27. What color of the car that identifies the owner as status-seeking, extrovert and innocence?
- White
28. What color of the car that identifies the owner as cares about the environment?
- Green
29. What color of the car that identifies the owner as optimistic?
- Yellow
30. What color of the car that identifies the owner as calm and cool personality?
- Silver

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