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W10 - Appropriate Lighting Levels for a Specific Occupancy

1. Where lighting levels is used?

 Lighting level is used to specify the amount of light present.

2. What is the range of natural human perception?

 The natural illuminance a human perception can range from a few tenth of a lux 9under
moonlight) to as high as 100,000 lux (in the middle of summer out in the open.)

3. What are the range of levels for artificial lighting for :

3.a. road lighting
 3 to 25 lux for road lighting
3.b. mood lighting indoors
 10 to 15 lux on average for mood lighting indoors
3.c. reading and working
 300 to 1,000 lux for reading and working.

4. What is the important role of determining the lighting level required?

 The amount of daylight falling on an object in combination with the illuminance pattern
of reflectance of the object play a major role in what we see. It is the lighting level that
determines the adaptation state of the eye. In addition, the risk of a faults and the duration
of the task play an important role in determining the lighting level required. Therefore,
the more difficult the visual, the higher the lighting level needed.

5. What is used as the measure for lighting level in specified place?

5.a Indoors
 Indoors it is usually measured in the working areas, for example, the desks. But where the
precise working area is not known, the lighting level on an imaginary horizontal surface
about 75 centimeters above the floor is specified.
5.b. Road
 In road lighting, it is the road surface.
5.c. Sports
 Sports lighting, the horizontal plane area. But in many situations, the lighting of vertical
objects is important as well. For example, in sports lighting, the illuminance on specified
vertical plane is used as an extra criterion to guarantee a proper view of the vertical

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