Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grammar (English 9)

Prepared by: Ruby Kay E. Masukat

Course and Year: BSED III

I. Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
a. understand the concept of an adverb and how to use them appropriately in
b. collaborate with other learners in choosing the correct adverb to use in
group activities.
c. express how do they do routinely activities and how do they feel about it
with the use of appropriate adverbs.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Adverbs
b. Grammar Focus: Adverb of Manner
c. Language Skill Target: Writing, Listening, Reading
d. References:

e. Materials: strips, PowerPoint Presentation, a white board and a marking

pen or a backboard and chalk

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Preliminary Activities

a) Greetings and Opening Prayer

Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Maam!

How are you doing today? We’re all doing great and amazing, Maam.

Well, that’s so nice to hear that. (A student will volunteer and will take the
Before we begin anything in this lead of the prayer.)
class, I would like to request today’s
volunteer to lead the prayer.

b) Checking of Attendance

Thank you, today’s brave and (The students will do as told.)

positive volunteer. Now, I want you
to take a look at your seatmates and
tell me if they’re not present today.

c) Setting of Class Standards

Everything’s clear, Maam.
Today, we will have another lesson
to take up, to enjoy and to take part
into both individual and group tasks.
As I always remind you, I want you
to discipline yourselves while
having fun cooperating in group
activities. During the discussion,
you are always encourage to ask
questions anytime when you need to
clarify some things in the specific
part as long as you raise your hand
and excuse yourself before asking.
Is everything clear?

d) Motivation (Students will observe the picture and will

(The teacher will project a picture to
the students.) (Several students will raise their hands.)
Does anyone know the definition of
this word?

Miguel: Nouns are responsible for naming

things, places, things, events, etc.
Yes, Miguel?
Very well said, Miguel. Thank you. Nico: flowers, picnic basket, ball games,
family, bench
How about you there, Nico? Could
you please give me 5 examples of
nouns relative to talking about being
at the parks?

Amazing, dear! Thank you. (The students will excitedly raise their
Does anyone know what describes
nouns, such as the following:
flowers, picnic basket, ball games,
family and bench? Cally: I think it is adjectives.

Yes, Cally? Cally: Adjectives are words that describe

the qualities or states of being of nouns:
Perfect, Cally! Now, Would you enormous, doglike, silly, yellow, fun, and
mind telling your classmates about fast.
what it is?

Thanks, Cally. You did it right!

(The students will be puzzled and will be
Now, can anybody tell me what
describes nouns? Michaela: Is it possible that what describes
nouns can also be described? Did I say it

Yes, you did. And yes, it is possible.

The one that describes what
describes others is what we call
Adverb or let’s say, the parts of
speech used to describe adjectives is
an adverb and not only adjectives
does an adverb describe but also
verbs and another adverbs. And that
would be what we will be learning
in this lesson.

2. Developmental Activities

a) Presentation of the Lesson

(The teacher will be projecting


An adverb is an essential
component in the context of English
grammar that is mainly used in
sentences to describe or change the
meaning of:

 a verb,
 adjective, or (The students will be raising their hands.)
 another adverb, or even
 a sentence
Karla: We have 6 types of adverbs, Maam.
Does anyone know how many types
of adverbs do we have?

Yes, Karla? You are raising your

(The students will be raising their hands.)
hand. Do you know how many?

That’s impressive. Thank you. Anastacia: Yes, I do. These are Adverb of
Time, Adverb of Frequency, Adverb of
How about, can anyone enumerate
Place, Adverb of Manner, Adverb of
these six types?
Degree and Adverb of Affirmation.
Yes, Anastacia? You are raising
your hand. Do you know what these
types are?
Perfectly said, dear. Thank you.

Yes, we do have six types of

adverbs. However, in this lesson, we
are just going to tackle one and that
is the Adverb of Manner.

I will show you a set of sentences.

The children are playing happily with

their toys.

The police dealt with the incident

(The students will do as told.)

She dresses beautifully. (The students will be raising their hands.)

Can you all please read these three Homer: I believe, these underlined
sentences? sentences answer “HOW” the actions were
What do you think the underlined
words do in the sentences?

Yes, Homer? You are raising your Student Volunteer 1, Karla: For the
hand, aren’t you? Do you know sentence “The children are playing happily
what do these underlined words do? with their toys.”, The underlined word
describes how do the children play with
That’s brilliant. their toys.
Alright then, let’s chunk these three The children are playing happily with
sentences. I need three volunteers to their toys.
explain each sentence.

Student Volunteer, Ycah: The underlined

word explains how the police deal with the
Great! That’s correct. The police dealt with the incident
How about the next one?

Student Volunteer, Gina: The underlined

word explains how the particular person

She dresses beautifully.

Great! And the last one?

There you go, you have explained

all of the three sentences and even
mentioned what’s the concept of
this type of verb and that is to
answer the question “HOW”. It tells
us how something happens and it is
usually placed after the main verb or
after the object. (The students will do as told.)

b) Group Activity (Students will do as told.)

I will group you into thirteen by

counting off and after that, gather
with your group mates.
(Students will do as told.)
Please choose a representative to get
the strip in this box on the table in (Please see attachment # 1 for the strips.)
front and show them to your group

What will you do is to understand

each strip and make ten sentences
out of them in ten minutes. REPORTING TIME FOR TEN MINUTES
Remember collaboration and
comprehension here and you will
definitely finish it on time.

You will be graded using the

following criteria:

 Appropriateness of
sentences given – 10
 Unity – 3
 Grammar – 7 (The students will do as told.)

3. Concluding Activity (The students’ answers vary.)

a) Generalization

Now, I want everyone to go back to

their seats.

Based on what we had in today, (The students’ answers vary.)

how important it is to learn how to
use adverbs appropriately?

Great! Thank you so much for those

meaningful answers.

Now, how often do you use adverb

of manner every day?

See? That is how adverb of manner

works in our daily lives. Thanks
everyone for your participation.

b) Application

This time we will have an individual

activity. You are going to prepare a
clean whole sheet of paper and write
your routinely activities every day
and that includes the moment you
get up to the moment you go to bed
and use adverb of manner on how
do you do those activities in a
narrative essay form.

You will be graded using the

following criteria:

IV. Evaluation
I will write something on the board and will play a game called “Acronyming”
wherein we are going to describe or define Adverb of Manner but it should start
with its initials.

V. Assignment

Attachment # 1 STRIPS

Strip # 1
Strip # 2

Strip # 3

Strip # 4

Strip # 5
Strip # 6

Strip # 7

Strip # 8

Strip # 9
Strip # 10

Strip # 11

Strip # 12
Strip # 13

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