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Applying the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level

Thomas S. Coleman,
Bryan J. Oliver, and
Laurence B. Siegel
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Cover photo credit: © Zhenjin Li / Moment / Getty Images
ISBN 978-1-952927-22-5
Why We Need a New Theory of Prices and Money................................................................1
What Is the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level?.........................................................................3
Inflation and Money Post-2008........................................................................................... 10
Conclusion........................................................................................................................ 29
Last Word. . ........................................................................................................................ 30
Bibliography...................................................................................................................... 31

This publication qualifies for 1 PL credit under the guidelines

of the CFA Institute Professional Learning Program.

Thomas S. Coleman
Thomas S. Coleman is a senior lecturer and executive director of the Center for
Economic Policy at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.
Bryan J. Oliver
Bryan J. Oliver is a senior analyst at Flashpoint Intelligence and a former
graduate student at the University of Chicago.
Laurence B. Siegel
Laurence B. Siegel is the Gary P. Brinson Director of Research at CFA
Institute Research Foundation, Charlottesville, Virginia, and an author,
speaker, and independent consultant to the investment industry.

Keynes (1936, for example); and substantially

WHY WE NEED A NEW THEORY revised and extended by the neoclassical econo-
OF PRICES AND MONEY mists Milton Friedman, Anna Schwartz (see
We live in tumultuous times—memories of an Friedman 1987; Friedman and Schwartz 1963),
extraordinary financial crisis are still with us and many others of the Chicago school—says
while we experience a once-in-a-century pan- that prices and inflation are determined by the
demic. Governments around the world are quantity of money in an economy. This defini-
spending money at fabulous rates. These cir- tion served economists well for much of the
cumstances cause us to ask, What is money and 20th century. It was superseded, at least among
where does it come from? What determines central bank and academic economists, by New
its value, in terms of real economic resources Keynesian theories in which central banks con-
(goods and services)? What determines the trol inflation by targeting interest rates.
price level; what determines inflation? To Neither of these theories fared well after 2008,
answer these questions, we need a theory of however. For nearly a decade after the global
money and inflation. financial crisis, central banks flooded the bank-
Classical monetary theory—originally enunci- ing system with reserves and kept interest rates
ated by David Ricardo (1817) and John Stuart close to zero, as seen in Figure 1. The policy
Mill (1848, for example); developed by Irving goal was to increase inflation, and yet infla-
Fisher (1928, for example) and John Maynard tion remained stable and low. Keynesian, New
Keynesian, and Friedman’s quantity theories

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 1



((Monetary Base; Total/1000)-Currency Component of M1) (left)
Personal Consumption Expenditures: Chain-type Price Index (right)
Federal Funds Effective Rate (right)
4,400 6.75

4,000 6.00

Percent Change from Year Ago , Percent

3,600 5.25
((Mil. of $/1000)-Bil. of $)

3,200 4.50

2,800 3.75

2,400 3.00

2,000 2.25

1,600 1.50

1,200 0.75

800 0.00

400 –0.75

0 –1.50
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Shaded areas indicate U.S. recessions. Sources: Board of Governors; BEA

Note: We use the monetary base minus currency as a rough measure of reserves in the banking system.
This metric tracks reasonably closely the “Reserves plus Vault Cash” shown in the Fed’s balance sheet,
Table L109 of the “Financial Accounts of the United States—Z.1” (2021).
Sources: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve; US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

predict that pegging the interest rate at zero Nor is inflation the only issue. Money itself has
leads to unstable inflation or spiraling deflation. evolved beyond the boundaries of traditional
The quantity theory of money predicts that mas- theories, so that standard approaches no lon-
sive quantitative easing results in large inflation. ger provide a functioning theory of money and
None of these outcomes happened. Inflation inflation. Transactions today often involve elec-
was positive, low, and stable. The past decade’s tronic bank or brokerage transfers with little
experience with the zero lower bound and low or no traditional “money” (either cash or bank
and stable inflation—the divergence between deposits). Bonds and money are nearly substi-
evidence and the Keynesian, New Keynesian, tutes, with almost-instantaneous transfers from
and monetarist predictions—should be recog- a bond mutual fund to a credit card payment.
nized as the serious challenge that it is for both Central banks are considering, or have actually
academic and central bank economists. introduced, digital money that exists only on

2 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


the books of the central bank, without any phys- Our work in this brief synthesizes the work of
ical manifestation (cash) or connection to the Eric Leeper (1991), John Cochrane (1998, 2021),
commercial banking system (demand deposits). and many others—plus a few of our own inter-
Technological innovations such as blockchain pretations and applications. We present it for
and cryptocurrencies have the potential to dras- the purposes of teaching and popularization: to
tically alter the use and meaning of money. increase public understanding of the issues.1,2
Such changes in the form of money challenge
classic theories of inflation and money in two WHAT IS THE FISCAL THEORY
ways. First, when traditional money disappears
from daily life, the foundations of the quan- OF THE PRICE LEVEL?
tity theory melt away. Transactions that can The quantity theory of money says that prices
be accomplished with no traditional money and inflation are determined by money supply
remove the connection between money, on the and demand: “Inflation is always and every-
one side, and prices, on the other, in the quan- where a monetary phenomenon,” in Friedman’s
tity equation MV=PQ (i.e., velocity, V, becomes words (Friedman 1987). The quantity theory
either zero or infinity). Second (saying the same applies to unbacked or fiat currencies, the paper
thing from a different perspective), when tra- money developed in the early part of the 20th
ditional money is no longer used, we have no century. It has proved powerful, offering insight
way to set the value of a “dollar” relative to into inflationary episodes from the German
other goods. One of the fundamental functions hyperinflation of the 1920s to the great inflation
of money is as a unit of account, the account- of the 1970s in the United States.
ing unit in which all other goods are denomi-
The FTPL, in contrast, says that prices and infla-
nated. The basic question is, if the time comes
tion depend not on money (or not on money
when physical dollars no longer exist, how will
alone) but on the overall liabilities of the gov-
we even be able to think about the value of
ernment—money and bonds. In other words,
a dollar?
inflation is always and everywhere a monetary
We discuss in this brief a new approach that and fiscal phenomenon. In one sense, this state-
addresses modern issues of inflation and money, ment simply says out loud what we all know
a theory that helps explain both low inflation (or should have known)—namely, government
post-2008 and money in the current world monetary policy will sometimes depend cru-
of electronic transfers and cryptocurrencies. cially on the government’s fiscal behavior.
The theory, called by scholars the “fiscal theory
of the price level” (FTPL), is based on neoclas- historical development of the FTPL may be traced
sical economics but is updated to reflect today’s in Leeper’s (1991) “Equilibria under ‘Active’ and ‘Passive’
Monetary and Fiscal Policies,” Christopher Sims’s (1994) “A
institutional realities and address today’s mon- Simple Model for Study of the Determination of the Price
etary and inflation puzzles. In particular, it is Level and the Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policy,”
consistent with a world that differs profoundly Michael Woodford’s (1994) Monetary Policy and Price
from both the gold standard of the 19th century Level Determinacy in a Cash-in-Advance Economy, and
Cochrane’s (1998) “A Frictionless View of U.S. Inflation.”
and the paper-currency fiat money world that
Cochrane’s (2021) book The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
Milton Friedman sought to understand. is the definitive reference.
2We want to strongly emphasize that these ideas have
nothing to do with Modern Monetary Theory.

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For example, the German hyperinflation in focus on money alone, the FTPL formalizes the
1923 was, indeed, a monetary phenomenon, but relationship between fiscal policies and mone-
for the genesis of the hyperinflation, we need tary phenomena, thereby laying out the mecha-
to look to fiscal policies—the government’s nism through which monetary and fiscal policies
unwillingness or inability to meet its obligations interact to determine the price level. The FTPL
through the means of traditional tax and spend- extends classic monetary theory in two impor-
ing and its use of the “inflation tax” to raise rev- tant respects. First, it generalizes the concept
enue. Even more telling is that it is the interplay of “money” to a world of electronic transfers,
of monetary and fiscal reforms that provides money market funds, and instantaneous pay-
insight into the end of the hyperinflation in ments, where the classic distinctions between
November 1923 that is lacking when we focus “money” and “bonds” no longer apply. Second,
on money alone. it provides insight into “monetary puzzles” that
we would otherwise struggle to understand.
The essence of the FTPL is simple: The real
value of government liabilities must equal the The first and most pressing of the modern mon-
discounted value of future real cash flows the etary puzzles is the subdued inflation following
government uses to pay them back. In terms of the 2008 financial crisis. In the autumn of 2008, a
an equation: massive monetary stimulus occurred. The Federal
Reserve System injected unprecedented reserves
M+B into the banking system under a policy called
= EPV [future surplus], (1)
P  “quantitative easing,” and prices went down.
Figure 1 shows that reserves jumped whereas
where (M + B)/P is the real value of liabilities prices did not rise and, for a time, actually fell.
(i.e., bonds, B, plus money, M, deflated by the During the following years, particularly from
price level, P, so that the value of M + B is in 2009 through 2015, reserves (and money) contin-
real terms) and EPV(FS) is the expected pres- ued to grow, the Fed maintained interest rates at
ent value of future surpluses (measured in real (effectively) zero, and inflation remained low.
terms)—that is, the discounted value of future
primary surpluses of the government (real rev- So, the most expansionary monetary policy
enues minus expenses other than interest on the in US history—the post-2008 period—did not
debt) available to pay back liabilities. cause a meaningful increase in the inflation rate.
According to alternative theories—quantity
The present value relationship closely resembles theory, old Keynesian, or New Keynesian—this
the dividend discount, or discounted cash flow, phenomenon is very strange and cries out for
equation for stocks or any other security—and explanation. We believe that the FTPL is the
this resemblance is no accident. Government most fruitful explanation, and we discuss the
liabilities (money plus bonds) are a form of post-2008 period in detail in following sections.
“stock in the government” whose value follows
from the government’s willingness and ability to
extract real resources to repay those liabilities.
Money and Inflation
Low inflation is the monetary puzzle of the
The FTPL replaces both the quantity theory and 2000s, but the enduring observation regarding
New Keynesian theory (focused on interest rate inflation is the association between high rates of
targeting). In contrast to the quantity theory’s money growth and high rates of inflation. The

4 | CFA Institute Research Foundation



FOR 80 COUNTRIES, 1960–1995
P (%)
Argentina Brazil
80 y = 1.0013x – 3.198
70 R2 = 0.9726
40 Sierra
Leone Uruguay
30 Chile
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Currency (% change)

Notes: All growth rates are annual averages for the sample periods, 1960–1995 for most countries.
Sources: Redrawn from a diagram in Barro (1997). Data from the International Monetary Fund’s International
Financial Statistics database.

nature of money has changed, and although the recent 35-year period a nearly one-to-one con-
study of “monetary theory” is not as popular nection between growth in money and growth
today as it once was, Robert Barro (1997) calls in prices. Figure 2 shows the average annual
this association “one of the oldest and most inflation rates for 80 countries compared with
reliable conclusions about macroeconomic the average percentage change in currency over
behavior.” According to Friedman (1987, p. 25), the 1960–95 period. The statistical relationship
is strong, and the general principle underlying
There is perhaps no empirical
the relationship has been documented over five
regularity among economic phe-
centuries of history.3
nomena that is based on so much
evidence for so wide a range of This strong relationship between money and
circumstances as the connection inflation is a crucial fact that any theory must
between substantial changes in the reproduce. Evidence that money and prices
quantity of money and in the level move together, however, does not prove that
of prices. money causes inflation: Correlation does not
prove causation. What Friedman’s quantity
We will not detail the large volume of such evi-
dence, either in Friedman’s work or elsewhere.
Instead, we simply provide one figure illustrat- suggestion that money and prices are related was
ing that, across a wide range of countries and made as early as 1517 by Copernicus, who wrote that
(translated) “money can lose its value also through exces-
a wide range of inflation rates, we find over a sive abundance” (Volckart 1997, p. 435).

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theory says is that money does, indeed, cause The fiscal theory of the price level may remove
inflation and that “inflation is always and “money” as the causal factor for inflation, but
everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” Much it does not reject the evidence on money and
of A Monetary History of the United States inflation—given the wealth of such evidence, it
(Friedman and Schwartz 1963) was the mar- could hardly hope to do so. In certain cases, the
shalling of theory, argument, and evidence to fiscal theory will generate the same predictions
demonstrate that money is the cause of changes as the quantity theory, particularly a strong
in prices (inflation). association between money and prices. And
indeed it should, because the quantity theory
The quantity theory aimed to solve an appar- has been eminently successful in many circum-
ent puzzle posed by the rise of fiat currency stances. In this sense, the fiscal theory aims to
in the early 20th century: How can such paper supplement and extend the quantity theory.
money—paper with no backing, no promise It does so by deepening our understanding in
of exchange for gold, no intrinsic value—have circumstances where the quantity theory was
value? The quantity theory solution is the idea successful—by illuminating the true underlying
of money demand (and supply) that lies behind fiscal mechanisms of those seemingly monetary
the MV = PQ of quantity theory: Fiat money has cases—and by accounting for cases where the
value because of the benefit it provides when quantity theory has failed.
used in trade and in day-to-day business (conve-
nience yield or utility value). We need to emphasize that the FTPL is a “mon-
etary theory,” in the sense that it says how the
The FTPL overturns quantity theory at its foun- value of a “dollar” is determined. It is not, how-
dations by showing that fiat money is, in fact, ever, a theory of money alone as is the quantity
backed, by the promise of future surpluses, as theory. The FTPL applies equally well to a world
shown in Equation 1. Money demand (as a result with bonds alone and no cash or other “money”
of the utility value) can be easily incorporated in (by simply setting M to zero in Equation 1). In
the FTPL, but money demand (utility value) is the FTPL, the value of a dollar is set by denomi-
not necessary for the FTPL to provide a theory nating bonds in dollars and the promise that the
of inflation, prices, and money. The fiscal theory government will repay a dollar of bonds with
runs counter to quantity theory by positing that future surpluses.
prices depend not on the quantity of money but
rather on the fiscal backing of the government’s We need to mention in passing that, although
liabilities (money and bonds). the FTPL is a monetary theory, New Keynesian
macroeconomic theories (used by many aca-
In a sense, the fiscal theory is a reversion to a demic and central bank economists) are not. In
classic view of commodity-backed money, such these approaches, the price level (and thus infla-
as a gold-exchange standard, in which the value tion) is set by central bank interest rate policy in
of money is set by the promise to exchange the absence of money. The FTPL incorporates
paper notes for gold. In the fiscal theory, the money (or bonds, which can be close enough to
commodity is not a tangible good but an expec- be the same) and, in this sense, is closer to clas-
tation of future (real) cash flows, such as the sical monetary theory.
cash flow expectation that backs a stock or cor-
porate bond.

6 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


Policy Regimes and Monetary– implicit rather than formal or legislated, but
they must be present for the FTPL to be useful
Fiscal Coordination as an economic theory. The concept of a coordi-
To understand the causes and nature nation regime may sound feeble and fragile, but
of inflation in the FTPL, we turn to the regimes turn out to be strong, durable, and long
fundamental relationship given in Equation 1: lived. As Cochrane (2021, p. 41) says,
( M + B)/P = EPV ( FS ). We need to take into
Good reputations and institutional
account various circumstances and scenarios.
constraints on inflationary finance
For the first scenario, consider an increase in
are often hard to break. Once peo-
money (or bonds) with an equal increase in
ple are accustomed to the reputa-
expected (real) future surpluses. This situation
tion that Treasury issues, used to
would occur when coordination between mon-
finance current deficits, will be
etary authorities (responsible for the issuance
paid back in the future by higher
of money) and fiscal authorities (responsible for
surpluses, it is hard to break them
taxing and spending) ensures that any increase of that habit.4
in money or bonds is matched by an increase
in taxes (or reduction in spending) so that both The second scenario, the polar opposite, would
sides balance. be for the fiscal authorities to make no change,
to leave future surpluses unchanged when
In this case, no change in prices occurs, and no money changes.
inflation is caused by the increase in money.
This outcome stands in contrast to the quan- Under the regime in this second scenario, with
tity theory’s prediction that an increase in the no change in expected future surpluses, the
money supply will cause prices to rise, but it is right side of Equation 1 does not change, so the
nonetheless what we observe after 2008 (robust left side must remain unchanged even though
growth in money with subdued inflation) or in M + B has changed. The only way to balance is
the immediate aftermath of the German hyper- for P to increase (i.e., inflation). This approach
inflation (substantial growth in money with sounds much like the quantity theory—predict-
almost no inflation). The prediction of the FTPL ing that an increase in money causes inflation.
in this situation—increased money (or bonds) But the source and reasons are different. In
and no inflation—depends crucially on the pol- the FTPL, the money (and bonds) are valuable
icy regime of monetary–fiscal coordination. The because of the future resources [the expected
coordination needed for the no-inflation result future surpluses, EPV(FS)]; that is, money is
to occur (in this first scenario) is that fiscal “backed.” When money or bonds increase and
authorities set taxes and spending to whatever
is necessary to offset the change in money.
Policy coordination is crucial to using and
understanding the fiscal theory. That such
4The United States, starting with Hamilton’s restructuring
policy coordination regimes exist, are durable,
of the debt in 1790, has developed a long and durable repu-
and are recognized and believed by the public tation for raising the revenue necessary to pay back debt.
are crucial auxiliary hypotheses for the fis- See Hall and Sargent (2015), Sargent (2011), Sylla (2010),
cal theory. Policy coordination regimes can be and Sylla, Wright, and Cowen (2009).

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expected future surpluses do not, the result government stock,” together with the analogy
is inflation.5 of a company issuing shares, helps illuminate
the concept of monetary–fiscal coordination.
The contrast between these scenarios or IBM selling new shares will generally not dilute
regimes offers two takeaways. First, the effect the existing shareholders’ ownership or cause
is the same whether money or bonds change. the share price to fall; instead, it will raise the
The overall government liability position is the equity value by the amount of the new cash.
important factor. Second, and a related point, is Why can IBM sell new shares and bring in
that switching between bonds and money (with new cash without diluting value for existing
no change in the sum) has no effect on infla- shareholders? The answer: because (in general)
tion. Both of these takeaways depend on bonds investors anticipate and expect that IBM is
and money being substitutes, which is a pretty selling new shares to exploit profitable oppor-
good representation of our current world (with tunities that will raise overall (not per share)
electronic transfers making switching between earnings and dividends sufficiently to main-
bonds and “money” close to costless and with tain or raise the current market value of the
the Fed paying interest on bank reserves). In existing shares.
other circumstances, we might need to build
in costs of switching, but doing so would be a A regime in which future surpluses rise is the
modification rather than a fundamental change parallel in government finance of this type of
in the theory. successful share issue: A rise in debt matched by
corresponding higher future surpluses causes
These two scenarios show that the relationship no change in prices (no inflation).
between money and inflation depends cru-
cially on the coordination regime—the beliefs A regime in which future surpluses do not
and institutional arrangements that determine rise is the analogue of a dilutive share issue,
how changes in money and bonds, on the one where a company does not have business
hand, are coordinated with future surpluses and opportunities that raise future dividends. In
expectations, on the other. such a regime, investors anticipate that when
the government issues debt, future surpluses
will not rise sufficiently, and the basic equa-
Debt as Government Stock and tion, Equation 1, implies that (M + B)/P must
Discounting Primary Surpluses remain unchanged—so P must rise to offset the
The right side of the FTPL equation, EPV(FS), rise in B.
is a present value. The overall equation is the We need to highlight that the surpluses in
exact analog of the dividend discount equa- EPV(FS) are primary surpluses, not the sur-
tion for valuing company stock as the present plus as usually reported. The standard surplus
value of future dividends. The idea of “debt as is government revenue (taxes) minus spending
and interest payments. The primary surplus
5In the quantity theory, money is intrinsically worthless is revenue minus spending, excluding interest
paper whose value comes from its usefulness in business payments. Initially, this definition of primary
and day-to-day activity. If the number of pieces of paper surplus seems counterintuitive, but the analogy
goes up, the value (usefulness) of each piece of paper must
with company dividend discount models makes
go down—inflation.

8 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


the reason clear. For a company, the free cash fiscal theory is much richer than the quantity
flow—income less expenses—is available to theory but also more complex to understand.
pay dividends. Interest expenses are indeed an The policy regime and expectations about cur-
expense and must be deducted before calculat- rent and future monetary–fiscal coordination
ing the cash flow available to owners to be paid are central to any predictions. In a regime where
as dividends. But for a government, interest fiscal authorities raise future taxes sufficiently
payments are really government “dividends”— to pay off an increase in money—again, what
the analogue of company dividends. In calculat- seems to have held in Germany after November
ing the free cash flow available to pay company 1923 and what Leeper (1991) labeled a passive
owners, fixed spending but not dividends them- regime—such an increase in money will not be
selves should be deducted. Similarly, to measure inflationary. In a situation where authorities
the free cash flow available to pay back govern- credibly promise not to raise future taxes—
ment bondholders, we must consider the free for example, in 1933 when Roosevelt abrogated
cash flow—revenue minus spending excluding the gold clause, as argued by Jacobson, Leeper,
interest. and Preston (2019)—a rise in money or bonds
will generate inflation.
FTPL Summary Policy regimes depend on formal institutional
Equation 1, ( M + B)/P = EPV ( FS ), is the fun- arrangements but also on informal norms and,
damental or guiding equation for the fiscal most importantly, the public’s expectations of
theory, in the same way that the quantity equa- future government behavior. Defining, delim-
tion MV = PQ is fundamental for the quantity iting, and understanding the relevant policy
theory. This equation contains a number of regime is difficult but crucial for applying the
important ideas. First, it is the government’s fiscal theory. It is also valuable because it forces
overall liabilities—bonds plus money—that are us to be more explicit about the particular con-
crucial for understanding inflation. The fiscal text in which the monetary and fiscal authori-
theory treats bonds and money as substitutes or ties operate.
near-substitutes, a good approximation to the
The final, and very important, idea we take from
current world of electronic transfers and low
rates. This aspect would require some modifica- Equation 1 is that the expected present value of
future surpluses, being discounted future cash
tion to apply to, say, 1921, when hand-to-hand
flows, depends also on the real discount rate.
currency and the idea of gold as money were
If the real rate discounting future (real) sur-
pluses, EPV(FS), goes down with no change in
Second, what determines prices and inflation expected surpluses, then the present value rises.
is the balance between liabilities (money plus If money or bonds do not change, the price
bonds) and future surpluses, not the absolute level must fall (deflation). Such a scenario could
level of money or bonds. If money rises but the occur during a financial or liquidity crisis when
expectation is for fiscal balance and future sur- a “flight to quality” takes place—something that
pluses (as seems to have been the case in 1924 we will see when considering the post-2008
in Germany), prices will not rise. Thus, the experience.

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 9


INFLATION AND MONEY for the pandemic era is still an open question).
The bottom line is that in spite of sustained
POST-2008 efforts by policymakers to generate higher infla-
The 2008 financial crisis—the largest since tion post-2008, inflation was largely subdued.
the 1930s—led to new central bank policies In this section, we lay out the contours of Fed
and dramatic monetary events.6 The Fed kept policy and the changes it has undergone in the
short-term policy rates at effectively zero for past few years. We interpret the experience
years. Bank reserves exploded, jumping from through theories of money and inflation. The
$70.7 billion in August 2008 to $882 billion in fiscal theory helps us understand why the Fed’s
January 2009—an increase of more than a factor balance sheet expansion and zero-interest-rate
of 10 in just five months. The subsequent years policies did not lead to runaway inflation after
saw continued expansion of the Fed’s balance 2008 and why it did not do so during the pan-
sheet under a variety of unorthodox “quantita- demic’s initial stages.
tive easing” (QE) measures—buying of mort-
gage securities, large purchases of US Treasury Interpreting these events and their impact on
bonds—all in addition to the Fed’s zero-interest- inflation through the lens of the fiscal theory, we
rate policy. With such dramatic increases in argue that traditional quantity theory (and also
“money,” many commentators predicted high New Keynesian interest-rate-targeting theories
inflation. The Federal Reserve also made higher used by academic and central bank economists)
inflation an explicit goal. And yet, inflation cannot account for recent inflation behavior.
remained subdued. The success of the fiscal theory and the failure
of the quantity theory illustrate the value of the
The COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States former. Any new theory is particularly valuable
in March 2020; the Fed’s balance sheet once when it can serve two purposes: (1) explain-
again expanded dramatically and the Fed low- ing episodes that are puzzles under accepted
ered rates. At the time of this writing (summer theory and (2) deepening our understanding
2021), the low-interest-rate policy and balance of episodes generally thought to be supportive
sheet expansion are continuing and have again of traditional theories. We believe the FTPL
generated fears of loose money engendering does both.
unwanted inflation.
Two important caveats: First, we focus on the
According to the quantity theory, the post-2008 connection between the Fed balance sheet and
and post-pandemic policies should have gener- the price level (inflation), not on wider implica-
ated substantial inflation. Instead, prices fell in tions of the growth in Fed assets and interven-
the immediate aftermath of both 2008 and the tion in markets. We recognize that the Fed’s
2020 pandemic onset. For the post-2008 decade, QE policies have had effects beyond raising (or
inflation remained subdued (long-term inflation failing to raise) the overall price level. Buying
long-dated Treasuries alters the term structure
6The 2008 crisis was global, but we are focusing on mon- of interest rates. Buying mortgage bonds alters
etary events and inflation in the United States. We are also risk premiums and risk-adjusted rates of return.
not speculating on either the causes of or the cures for The zero-interest-rate policy depresses real
such a crisis.

10 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


returns and alters the trade-off between current a central bank may indirectly alter the quantity
and future consumption. All of these issues are of money by targeting and controlling interest
important but are not our focus here; we leave rates.
them for future discussion.
The second problem is more fundamental: The
Second, we are absolutely not claiming that quantity theory simply does not fit the facts of
monetary policy cannot generate inflation. the post-2008 era. Reserves exploded. Money
Rather, we simply argue that certain aspects of grew robustly. And yet, inflation remained sub-
the post-2008 money expansion set the stage for dued. This problem is what the fiscal theory
low inflation. The FTPL does not say that fiscal aims to address.
or monetary policy is powerless to cause infla-
As for interest rate targeting, in today’s world,
tion. It does say that we need to examine more
central banks target interest rates with Taylor
carefully the fiscal foundations of government
rules or similar policies.7 These rules generally
policy to understand inflation.
dictate that, to counteract a rise in inflation, the
monetary authority should raise nominal inter-
Three Approaches to Inflation est rates—and by more than one-for-one with
inflation. Conversely, the monetary authority
(and Money) should lower rates if inflation is “too low” and
For the post-2008 period, we want to contrast the goal is to generate inflation.
the approach and predictions of the fiscal the-
ory with alternative theories of money and infla- The mechanism by which interest rate changes
tion. We focus primarily on the quantity theory translate to inflation rates differs between theo-
of money but also mention New Keynesian ries. We start with quantity theory. In the stan-
(dynamic stochastic general equilibrium, or dard story, money held by the public consists of
DSGE) theories. The fiscal theory makes sense currency and commercial bank demand deposits
of puzzles that these alternate theories cannot (checking accounts). Bank demand deposits are
address. Before comparing predictions, how- actually short-term (on-demand) loans that cus-
ever, we must briefly review the models. tomers make to banks, but banks need to hold
some fraction as reserves to redeem deposits on
The quantity theory is straightforward: Increases demand. Those reserves are generally borrowed
in the quantity of money cause increases in in the market (at the Fed Funds rate) and then
prices, that is inflation. A central bank can deposited as reserves with the Fed.
control inflation by controlling the quantity of
money. Increase the quantity of money to gen- Higher interest rates increase the cost of hold-
erate inflation; decrease (or slow the growth of ) ing currency (relative to interest-bearing bonds)
money to slow inflation. and the banks’ costs of holding reserves at the
Fed. Higher cost will reduce the quantity of
Two problems arise when applying the quan- money. The standard story is discussed in more
tity theory to the post-2008 period. The first is detail in the box “Money Creation under the
that no central bank today targets or directly Quantity Theory.”
controls the quantity of money. This problem
is relatively minor. As we argue in a moment, 7See Taylor (1993).

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 11



Figure 3 illustrates the traditional story generally treat a demand deposit as equiv-
of money and money creation prior to alent to currency—as “money.”
2008. Starting in October 2008, when the
The bank will use the loan from the cus-
Fed began paying interest on reserves, this
tomer (the demand deposit) in its business
standard story altered. Instead, the cost of
of making loans to borrowers, investing
holding reserves (the difference between
in other securities, and so on. But banks
the zero rate paid on reserves and the cost
need to hold reserves against the contin-
of reserves—generally, the Fed Funds rate)
gency that some fraction of customers will
fell to close to zero.
come in on any day and demand repay-
M1 or “narrow money,” so called because it ment of the loan (demand deposit) in
is the most basic or restrictive measure of currency.8
money, consists of currency plus deposits
Vault cash is the obvious reserve to hold
(checking deposits). Currency is simple—
but is costly: Cash may be stolen, and it
the pieces of paper printed by and issued
earns no interest sitting in the vault. A
by the Fed, amounting to $773.9 billion at
more efficient way of holding reserves is
the end of 2007. Bank deposits or check-
to take some of the customer’s currency
ing deposits are also widely used as money
and deposit it at a local Federal Reserve
and considered to be money, but bank
bank as “reserves at the Fed.” This reserve
deposits are created by banks, not the Fed
is less costly than vault cash (it cannot be
stolen), but prior to 2008, it did not itself
The Fed issues currency to a bank in return pay interest—so it would be costly relative
for a Treasury bill or bond through what to investing in the bank’s regular (loan)
are called “open market” operations. You business.
or I will generally acquire our currency
When a bank does not have enough
through the bank as an intermediary, but
reserves of its own to deposit at the Fed, it
the effect is the same as if we bought cur-
will borrow overnight from another bank
rency directly from the Fed in return for a
in the Fed Funds market. The rate in that
bill or bond.
market (the Fed Funds interest rate) has
Checking deposits are a little more com- traditionally been a direct measure of the
plicated. A bank deposit is a loan from a cost of reserves.
bank’s customer to the bank. It is a special
type of loan, one that can be redeemed
8Banks are also required by law to hold some mini-
upon demand (thus the term “demand
mum level of reserves, irrespective of the bank’s
deposit”). Because banks promise to pay it judgment on what level of reserves is needed, to
back in currency upon demand, customers avoid runs.

12 | CFA Institute Research Foundation



Retirement Funds $3.433*
Other Bonds
(mainly non-marketable) (1.057 domestic OTHER
(e.g., Mortgage)
$0.230* 2.376 foreign)
State & Local
$0.525* Public
UST Bonds
US $0.741*
Treasury Federal Reserve
$0.741*** checking deposits
$7.607*** saving deposits
$0.041* Reserves $1.686*** credit market inst
+ Vault Cash
$0.130* $0.076**
& GSEs Banks

Notes: Arrows indicate the holding of bonds issued by the US Treasury (for example, such bonds held by the
Federal Reserve) or reserves issued by the Fed. Bonds are acquired by transfer of cash or other assets, but
those transfers are not shown in the diagram. Inst = instruments.
Source: *Table L209 (and D3), **Table L109, and ***Tables L110–L115 in “Financial Accounts of the United
States—Z.1” (2021), Fourth Quarter 2011, released 8 March 2012.

The traditional way the Fed controls or checking account “money”).9 The Fed
money creation and money supply is could also control bank reserves (prior to
through control of high-powered money October 2008) by changing the Fed Funds
(HPM)—the sum of currency plus rate. A higher rate would make reserves
reserves—also called “the monetary base.” more costly, thus reducing the quantity.
The Fed controls HPM through open mar-
ket operations and by setting the Fed Funds
rate. Open market operations are buying
bonds (issuing dollars) to increase HPM 9An alternative approach is raising or lowering the
and selling bonds (taking in dollars) to Fed Funds rate. Less HPM will make bank reserves
decrease HPM. Reducing HPM will reduce more scarce and thus increase demand in the Fed
money creation, by either directly drawing Funds market, raising the Fed Funds rate. Debates
currency from the public or by reducing are ongoing about whether the Fed does or should
target the quantity of HPM or the Fed Funds rate,
bank reserves and thus banks’ ability to but in any case, the mechanism is through injecting
create demand deposits (borrowing from reserves (buying bonds in open market operations)
customers by creating demand deposits or draining reserves (selling bonds).

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 13


So, to sum up, the traditional story of the • Banks create demand deposits (bor-
Fed’s balance sheet, money, and money rowing from customers) but are
creation is as follows: constrained in creating deposits by
scarcity and cost of reserves.
• Money (M1) has two components—
ƒ Reserves are expensive and a
currency and demand deposits (bank
scarce resource, and demand
checking accounts).
deposits (bank borrowings) are
ƒ Currency—$773.9 billion at year- limited by the cost and availability
end 2007 of reserves.
ƒ Checking accounts (bank deposits ƒ Banks hold roughly $1 of reserves
or demand deposits)—$740.8 bil- for every $10 of deposits (frac-
lion at year-end 2007 tional reserve banking).

• The important components of the Fed’s • When the Fed increases HPM (either
liabilities are currency and reserves— directly through open market opera-
the sum being HPM, also known as the tions or indirectly by lowering rates),
monetary base. money supply increases; currency
increases directly; and banks use
ƒ Currency—$773.9 billion at year-
additional reserves to create demand
end 2007 deposits.
ƒ Reserves and vault cash—$75.8
• Increased money supply produces
billion at year-end 2007 inflation, governed by the quantity
• Fed assets are (primarily) US Treasury theory equation MV = PQ.
bonds—$740.6 billion at year-end 2007.

In old Keynesian theories of ISLM aggregate economic reality—you cannot fool all of the
supply and demand, raising rates by more than people all of the time.
inflation serves to stabilize inflation expecta-
In New Keynesian theories, Taylor-type inter-
tions (interrupt wage–price spirals) in a world
est rate policy (raising rates in response to a rise
of adaptive expectations.10 Unfortunately, the
in inflation) looks the same, but the underlying
rational expectations revolution of the 1970s
mechanism differs dramatically. As Cochrane
and 1980s (as much as it is sometimes reviled
(2021) demonstrated, interest rate targeting
today) demolished any theoretical founda-
in New Keynesian models is a mechanism for
tions of old Keynesian theories based on adap-
ensuring that ill-behaved equilibrium solu-
tive expectations. The public is simply not
tions are eliminated (see chapters 17, 18, and
stupid and will adjust its behavior to changing
19). Under New Keynesian theory, Taylor-type
interest rate targets are a threat by central banks
is a Keynesian macroeconomic model of how the
to effectively destroy the financial system if
market for economic goods (IS) interacts with the loanable
funds market (LM) or money market. a spurious equilibrium threatens to emerge.

14 | CFA Institute Research Foundation



2007 ($ BILLIONS)
Assets Liabilities
US Treasury securities $740.6 Currency 773.9
Agency and GSE securities 0.0 Reserves + vault cash 75.8
Loans to banks 48.6
Misc. (nonofficial FX) 40.5
Other 121.6 Other 83.1
Total 951.3 Total 932.8
Note: GSE = government-sponsored enterprises. FX = foreign exchange.
Source: Table L109 (“Assets and Liabilities of the Monetary Authority”) of “Financial
Accounts of the United States—Z.1,” Fourth Quarter 2011, released 8 March 2012.

If this approach sounds unrealistic, it is: New Table 1 summarizes the Federal Reserve bal-
Keynesian theories are not truly monetary ance sheet as of year-end 2007. The sum-
theories. mary highlights the important items we will
be concerned with—on the asset side, bonds
(Treasuries and securities of agencies and
The Federal Reserve Balance government-sponsored enterprises) and loans
Sheet and US Monetary to banks; on the liability side, currency and
reserves. Remaining items are lumped together
Structure in “Other.”
We devote a fair amount of attention to money
and the Federal Reserve balance sheet.11 The Figure 3, in the box “Money Creation under the
increase in Fed liabilities has been a major con- Quantity Theory,” shows the Fed in the con-
cern for many during the post-2008 period. text of the overall monetary structure of the
Although the Fed manages interest rates, not United States in 2007, particularly debt issued
the quantity of money directly, the result is by the US government (a major source of Fed
changes in Fed assets and liabilities. To under- assets) and the users of Fed liabilities (banks
stand the fiscal theory—and how and why and the public). In 2007, most of the Fed’s assets
changes in the money supply and the Fed bal- (78%) were US Treasury bonds. Liabilities were
ance sheet (and interest rate policies) have not mostly currency issued to the public, one of
generated inflation—we need to be clear about the major components of “money.” “Reserves
the Fed’s balance sheet. and vault cash” were small but crucially impor-
tant because reserves form the foundation for
checking deposits, the other major component
of money.12
11The main source for the Fed balance sheet data and
figures is the Federal Reserve, “Financial Accounts of the 12Note that arrows in Figure 3 represent the holdings of
United States—Z.1” for various years. assets, not flows. The $0.741 trillion arrow from “US

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 15



2007 2008 2009 2014 2019 2020
Assets 951.3 2,270.6 2,267.2 4,555.4 4,379.1 7,599.5
Bonds 740.6 495.6 1,844.9 4,236.9 4,011.8 7,365.5
US Treasury bonds 740.6 475.9 776.6 2,461.4 2,540.7 5,217.9
Agency and GSE-backed 0.0 19.7 1,068.3 1,775.5 1,471.1 2,147.8
Loans to banks + misc. 89.1 1,619.9 172.5 235.6 25.4 145.8
Liabilities 932.8 2,249.6 2,241.6 4,526.8 4,216.6 7,299.8
Monetary base 849.7 1,749.9 1,905.2 3,721.0 3,356.4 5,084.1
(high-powered money)
Currency 773.9 832.2 873.3 1,267.3 1,724.2 1,989.9
Reserves + vault cash 75.8 917.7 1,031.9 2,453.7 1,632.2 3,094.2
Repos + other (gov’t) deposits 62.2 476.6 307.1 759.0 819.5 2,171.9
Other data
Bank checking deposits 740.8 814.6 952.6 2,021.2 2,635.7 5,184.0
Deposit-to-reserves ratio 9.77 0.89 0.92 0.82 1.61 1.68
Source: “Financial Accounts of the United States—Z.1,” various years.

Chronology of Inflation since cash” in Table 2). The Fed’s balance sheet grew
in an unprecedented manner, in both size and
2008: Explosive Growth in form. Money growth accelerated dramatically.
Money, Zero Rates, and Low By December, the Fed Funds rate was effectively
zero and would remain at zero for years.
Stress in the financial system was apparent in Both the interest-rate-targeting theory and stan-
the summer and autumn of 2008, but it was in dard quantity theory would predict substantial
September that the crisis erupted. Financial inflation. And yet, inflation was subdued. Over
markets and banking services, particularly over- many years, the Fed attempted, largely without
night financing, started to freeze up. The Federal success, to generate higher inflation.
Reserve took extraordinary measures—flooding Growth in the Fed’s balance sheet since 2008 was
the banking system with reserves, which grew given the name “quantitative easing,” and it had
by more than 10 times from December 2007 to various stages—QE1, QE2, and so on—but the
December 2008 (see the row “Reserves + vault essence was short-term rates maintained at zero
for years, together with balance sheet expansion
Treasury” to “Federal Reserve” shows that at the end of
that occurred in three phases. Recently, we have
2007, the Fed held $0.741 trillion of bonds issued by the

16 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


seen a fourth phase of expansion in response to bank swap lines. On the liability side, currency
the coronavirus pandemic in 2020–2021. and reserves increased somewhat (by, respec-
tively, 5% and 12%), but the overall level of
The phases of balance sheet expansion have assets and liabilities changed little. The pur-
been as follows: chase of agency- and GSE-backed securities was
• Immediate 2008 response: autumn 2008 both unorthodox and controversial, and it will
with an unprecedented increase in reserves be a point of discussion in the next section.

• Normalization of QE: purchase of bonds (US During the five years subsequent to 2014, the
Treasury and mortgage bonds) during 2009 balance sheet grew robustly; assets and liabilities
each grew at a compound rate of roughly 15%
• Continued QE expansion: normal operation per year in nominal terms, or roughly 13% in
of QE during 2009–2014 with continued real terms. This rate was substantially faster than
expansion of the Fed balance sheet prior to the financial crisis: For the three years
• Initial pandemic response: dramatic expan- 2004–2007, assets and liabilities grew by 4%
sion of Fed balance sheet in 2020 annually. During the five years 2009–2014, hold-
ings of US Treasury bonds grew faster than other
Each of these phases should have produced assets and became a larger fraction of the Fed’s
substantial inflation, according to the standard balance sheet than in 2009. We will discuss the
quantity theory of money. increase in Treasury holdings in the next section.
Figure 1 shows the increase in reserves after the Figure 4 shows the time series for hold-
September 2008 crisis in the financial markets ings of US Treasuries and mortgage-backed
and the Fed response; the monetary base less securities.13 Mortgage securities increased
the currency component of M1 is a rough mea- dramatically during 2009, and both Treasuries
sure of bank reserves. Reserves jumped from and mortgage-backed bonds increased during
$70.7 billion in August 2008 to $882 billion in 2009–2014, the period of QE.
January 2009.
The 2015–19 period was relatively quiet as far
Table 2 shows the change in the Fed’s assets and as the Fed’s balance sheet is concerned. Assets
liabilities from year-end 2007 to year-end 2008. and liabilities in real terms decreased by roughly
Liabilities increased by a factor of 2.4 (140%) 2% per year (also decreasing in nominal terms).
entirely as a result of increased reserves, which Holdings of bonds were relatively stable (see
were up by a factor of 12 (1,100%). The asset cat- Figure 4 and Table 2), and reserves fell (see
egories that increased were both loans to banks Figure 1 and Table 2).
(through the traditional route of the discount
window and also through nontraditional mech- In early 2020, the coronavirus pandemic hit, and
anisms) and “nonofficial foreign currencies” the Fed’s balance sheet once again exploded. Table 2
through swap lines with foreign central banks. shows the expansion from the fourth quarter of
2019 to the fourth quarter of 2020: Assets and lia-
During 2009, the Fed rearranged the balance bilities grew by roughly 70% over the 12 months.
sheet with holdings of bonds—particularly,
agency and GSE-backed (mortgage) bonds— 13The “Agency and GSE-backed holdings” in Table 2 are
replacing the loans to banks and foreign central primarily mortgage-backed securities—80% at the end of

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 17



Assets: Securities Held Outright: U.S. Treasury Securities: All: Wednesday Level
Assets: Securities Held Outright: Mortgage-Backed Securities: Wednesday Level

Millions of U.S. Dollars




2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US)

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.

Assets grew mainly as a result of the purchase of by the Fed) or as demand deposits (by banks
bonds, primarily Treasuries, as seen in Figure 5. using reserves supplied by the Fed). Reserves
On the liability side, bank reserves and security are a scarce and costly resource for banks, so
repos (Fed lending in the repurchase market) the Fed’s control of reserves (generally, prior to
grew at rates of 90% and 165%. 2008, through interest rate policy and control
of the Fed Funds rate) provides control over
Next we turn to the interpretation of the Fed’s money growth. The quantity theory posits that
actions (balance sheet expansion and interest money supply and prices are related through the
rate targeting) in the context of the fiscal theory. equation MV = PQ. If money supply increases
sharply in the short run (so that the level of
Phase 1 (2008): Liquidity Crisis, economic activity or output, Q, is relatively
Unprecedented Bank Reserve constant), then the quantity theory posits that
prices should increase sharply: inflation.
Expansion, and Low Inflation
The standard quantity theory story for money According to this story, the massive increase in
creation and inflation (outlined previously) is reserves in late 2008 seen in Table 2 and Figure 1
that money is created either as currency (directly should have produced a surge in inflation. In fact,

18 | CFA Institute Research Foundation



Retirement Funds $8.798*
Other Bonds
(mainly non-marketable) (2.642 domestic OTHER
(e.g., Mortgage)
$0.412* 6.156 foreign)
State & Local
$0.661* Public
UST Bonds
US $2.462*
Treasury Federal Reserve
$2.021*** checking deposits
$10.449*** saving deposits
Reserves $2.378 $0.757*** credit market inst
+ Vault Cash $0.076*
Repos $0.403
Dealers UST Bonds
& GSE $0.500* Banks

Note: See the notes to Figure 3.

Source: *Table L210 (and D3), **Table L109, and ***Table L110 in “Financial Accounts of the United
States—Z.1,” First Quarter 2015, released 11 June 2015.

as can be seen in Figure 1 and Figure 6, prices fell Expenditures Price Index—is the price of money.
in the immediate aftermath of 2008, and inflation According to Friedman (1987, p. 15):
remained moderate throughout the period.
The “price” of money is the quan-
The quantity theory is able to accommodate low tity of goods and services that
inflation or even falling prices in the presence of must be given up to acquire a unit
rising reserves during a liquidity crisis such as of money [a dollar bill].
2008; so is the fiscal theory. The explanation for
Because the quantity theory is a theory of the
low inflation following the massive increase in
supply and demand for money, thinking clearly
reserves consists of two parts. The first involves
about the price of money is absolutely crucial.
fundamental quantity theory: Liquidity crises
Friedman continued:
tend to produce low inflation. The second is
a specific change in Fed procedures: The Fed [The “price” of money is thus] the
started paying interest on reserves in 2008. inverse of the price level. This is
the price that is analogous to the
To understand why prices tend to go down during
price of land or of copper or of
a liquidity crisis, it is critical to understand what haircuts. The “price” of money is
is the “price of money.” A widespread belief is that not the interest rate, which is the
the interest rate is the price of money, and the “price” of credit.
tendency is to associate “low rates” with “cheap
money.” This belief is simply wrong. The (inverse Confusion over the price of money has acted
of the) overall price level—say, the US Consumer and continues to act as a substantial hurdle to
Price Index or the Personal Consumption the correct understanding of monetary theory.

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 19



Personal Consumption Expenditures: Chain-type Price Index


Natural Log of (Index 2012=100)







2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Shaded areas indicate U.S. recessions. Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

A liquidity crisis is almost by definition a dra- (and often severe recession) follows. The Fed
matic increase in demand for liquidity, or money. was founded in 1913, in the wake of the 1907
Demand by the public for money increases, and crisis, specifically to provide an institution and
banks become more risk averse and increase mechanism for increasing high-powered money
their demand for reserves. The particular focus during a crisis. Friedman and Schwartz (1963)
here is banks’ increased demand for reserves. argued persuasively in A Monetary History
If banks desired a deposits-to-reserves ratio of of the United States that the Fed’s failure to
10-to-1 before the liquidity crisis (roughly the increase high-powered money in 1929–1931
level in 2007), then they will generally desire a was a major contributor to the severity and
ratio less than 10-to-1 during and after a liquidity length of the Great Depression. Ben Bernanke
crisis. To decrease the ratio, banks must either (2002), as a member of the Board of Governors
hold more reserves or hold less in deposits. of the Federal Reserve, told Friedman and
The lesson from the historical crises of 1893,
1907, and the 1930s is that if the supply of cur- Regarding the Great Depression.
rency and reserves (high-powered money) are You’re right, we did it [by failing
not increased during a crisis, price deflation to provide liquidity when needed].
20 | CFA Institute Research Foundation

We’re very sorry. But thanks to FIGURE 7. SUPPLY AND DEMAND

you, we won’t do it again. FOR MONEY ACCORDING
During a liquidity crisis such as 2008, banks’ TO THE QUANTITY
preference for reserves, and consequently their THEORY: INCREASE
demand for such, increases sharply. Banks will- IN MONEY DEMAND
ingly hold more reserves with a higher ratio of
reserves-to-deposits relative to precrisis levels.
During the 2008 crisis, banks did dramatically DEMAND CURVE)
change their reserves-to-deposit ratio—from (Price of money = 1/CPI)
roughly 10-to-1 before the crisis to roughly
1-to-1 by the end of 2008—by increasing their (Price of
holdings of reserves. money S
= 1/CPI)
The second factor behind the rise in reserves Increase
in money
was the Fed’s new policy in late 2008 of pay- Price of demand
ing interest on reserves. The traditional story money
up, CPI D’
presumes that reserves pay no interest and are down
costly relative to alternative uses of those funds.
With reserves earning interest, the cost is sub- D
stantially reduced (and possibly eliminated),
and banks may hold more reserves because the
lower costs may increase their willingness to Q
hold reserves. Quantity of Money

Both of these factors—the increase in demand Note: S denotes supply; D denotes demand; CPI is
during a liquidity crisis and the payment of the US Consumer Price Index.
interest on reserves—imply a large shift out- Source: Authors.
ward in the demand for money. We can display
this shift as in Figure 7. The shift outward in different mechanism. First, note that the
money demand in the absence of any change in increase in Fed liabilities in autumn 2008 pro-
supply leads to a fall in the price level. duced what we might call “naked” (that is,
unbacked) liabilities. Table 2 shows that from
In fact, the supply of high-powered money—
year-end 2007 to year-end 2008, the increase
reserves, in particular—did shift out consid-
in liabilities was primarily bank reserves. The
erably, as shown in Figure 1 and Table 2. The
matching asset was largely loans to banks.
argument here is that this outward shift in sup-
Although “loans to banks” are recorded as an
ply was offset by an outward shift in the demand
asset on the balance sheet, they are essentially
curve, implying that the sharp rise in reserves in
an unbacked promise to repay. The newly issued
late 2008 seen in Figure 1 and Table 2 could be
reserves were essentially a newly created liabil-
consistent with stable or lower inflation.
ity of the government.14
The fiscal theory provides the same prediction—
prices may fall even in the presence of the large 14Asthe reader will see shortly, the situation in 2009–2014
increase in reserves—but by a fundamentally was quite different. The increase in liabilities (reserves)

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 21


Recall that the basic equation of the FTPL is In 2009, these loans to banks were replaced with
( M + B)/P = EPV ( FS )—that is, present liabili- holdings of bonds. This change effectively con-
ties equal expected discounted future surpluses. verted the “unbacked” reserves issued in autumn
When liabilities increase and the discounted 2008 into reserves backed by bonds, either gov-
future surpluses do not, the price level must ernment or mortgage bonds. This second action
adjust upward—meaning inflation. We have had the effect of reducing net government lia-
no reason to think the public’s expectations of bilities. Although the level of liabilities on the
future surpluses rose in late 2008. But we have Fed balance sheet did not change, the alteration
every reason—in fact, good evidence—that the in the composition, according to the FTPL, was
real discount rate fell substantially in a mas- potentially deflationary.
sive flight to quality. A fall in the discount rate
Examining the balance sheet in Table 2 more
implies a rise, of course, in the present value,
closely between 2009 and 2014, note that the
even with no change in future cash flows. Under
purchases of US Treasury bonds increased,
the FTPL, in other words, we expect that prices
which took the holdings back roughly to the level
could fall (as the present value of future sur-
at the end of 2007. More importantly, the Fed
pluses rise) even in the presence of rising cur-
took the unprecedented step of purchasing large
rent liabilities.
holdings of agency- and GSE-backed bonds, par-
In New Keynesian interest rate targeting, the ticularly mortgage-backed bonds. Table 2 shows
decline in prices in 2008–2009 presents a puz- that these holdings went from zero in 2007 to
zle. The Fed lowered rates aggressively during $1,000 billion at the end of 2009, and Figure 4
late 2008, which should have raised inflation. shows the time path of those purchases.
The purchase of mortgage bonds was explicit
Phase 2 (2009): Unorthodox government policy to support the home mort-
Assets on the Balance Sheet, gage market after 2008. Widespread concern
arose that the unorthodox purchase of mortgage
Low Inflation bonds would seriously undermine the integ-
From the end of 2008 to the end of 2009, the rity of the Fed’s balance sheet because, unlike
level of the Fed balance sheet experienced no Treasury bonds, mortgage bonds are potentially
substantial change, but a change did occur in risky and private sector intervention by the Fed
the balance sheet’s structure. And this change may not be unambiguously in the public inter-
was important. At the end of 2008, Fed assets est. Furthermore, the size of the Fed’s liabilities
were dominated by loans to banks and swap remained a worry.
lines with foreign central banks, as shown in
Table 2. These assets were, as argued previously, We should distinguish two related but separate
essentially new liabilities of the government cre- concerns. The first is the unorthodox nature of
ated by the Fed. the assets (mortgage bonds) added to the Fed’s
balance sheet. The second is bond purchases
(whether Treasury or agency) and the size of the
balance sheet. We are interested in the poten-
was matched by an increase in assets in the form of bonds.
In essence, the increase in reserves in 2009–2014 was the
tial inflationary impact of these bond purchases,
switch of one government liability (bonds) for another the impact of the switch from “loans to banks”
(reserves), not the creation of new liabilities. to “bonds” on the asset side. The FTPL argues

22 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


that the switch could be neutral rather than money (open market operations) the effect will
inflationary. be, at least approximately, neutral with respect
to inflation. This action is a “maturity trans-
Viewed through the lens of FTPL, however, nei- formation”—namely, selling short-term assets
ther concern—neither the unorthodox makeup (money) and buying long-term assets (Treasury
of the balance sheet nor the size of the balance bonds) without changing the backing.15,16 The
sheet—was warranted. The FTPL pushes us to overall liabilities (M + B) do not change.
look beyond narrow definitions of money and
the Fed’s balance sheet to consider the govern- Another issue regarding the Fed’s purchase of
ment’s underlying fiscal position. mortgage bonds is the explicit policy interven-
tion in support of the home mortgage market.
The switch of Fed assets from loans to banks Questions can be raised about whether a cen-
to mortgage bonds replaced an unbacked asset tral bank should undertake such policy goals,
with real assets, in that the bonds were largely supporting one sector of the economy at the
backed by home mortgages. These bonds were expense of others, but those questions are sepa-
not guaranteed but were of high quality and rate from whether, if a central bank does buy
were expected to generate future private sector such mortgage bonds, the effect will be infla-
cash flows. According to the FTPL—Equation 1, tionary or not. In this brief we are concerned
( M + B)/P = EPV [future surplus]—what mat-
only with the inflationary effect (if any) of
ters is the future revenue (expected primary such buying.
surplus) on the right side of the equation and
the balance between that revenue and current
liabilities (money and bonds). Adding the pri- Phase 3 (2009–2014): More
vate mortgage bonds to the Fed balance sheet Bonds, More Money, and
increased expected future government revenue
without increasing liabilities, a potentially defla-
Low Inflation
tionary action. Over the period 2009–2014, the balance
sheet continued to expand at a robust pace of
Had the Fed replaced the loans to banks with roughly 15% per year in nominal terms (13%
Treasuries instead of mortgage bonds, the effect in real terms). On the asset side, US Treasury
would have been largely the same but for a differ-
ent reason. Recall that in the FTPL basic equa- 15A maturity transformation is what both commercial
tion, replacing with mortgage bonds has the banks and central banks do as a matter of course. A matu-
effect of increasing future revenues. Replacing rity transformation rearranges risk between the affected
securities but does not change their total value.
with Treasuries would be taking Treasuries 16This kind of (noninflationary) money issuance backed by
out of the hands of the public and thus, effec- assets seems to have been the rule in the aftermath of the
tively, reducing the liabilities on the left side of hyperinflations of Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Poland
the equation (reducing the sum M + B). Either in the 1920s, discussed by Sargent (1982). For Germany,
increasing the PV on the right or decreasing the the currency stabilized in November and December 1923.
From December 1923 to December 1924, prices rose by
nominal liabilities on the left would tend to be only 3.4% (Sargent, Table 3) while notes in circulation
deflationary. grew by 291% (Sargent, Table 4). As Sargent comments,
“The post inflation increase in notes was no longer backed
For future reference, we point out that when by government debt. Instead, in the German case, it was
the Fed purchases Treasury bonds and issues largely backed by discounted commercial bills.”

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holdings grew substantially faster than agency of liabilities versus future cash flows that repay
and GSE bonds. On the liability side, high- those liabilities. Figure 5 lays out the structure
powered money grew at slightly over 14% per of the US debt and monetary environment as of
year. Narrow money (M1) grew at almost 12% the end of 2014 (updating Figure 3) and provides
per year. Under the quantity theory, such rapid the framework for thinking in this direction.
growth in any and all measures of the quantity
The FTPL says that, although currency is one
of money should generate similarly strong infla-
obligation of the government (a liability of the
tion. And yet, inflation was low—only 1.6% per
central bank, the Fed in the United States), what
year—and stable, never rising above 3% year
matters are the government’s overall obliga-
over year.
tions. We need to consider the Fed’s monetary
This phase of the post-2008 recovery provides a obligations in the context of the government’s
substantial challenge to the quantity theory (and overall fiscal position. Money and government
also to New Keynesian interest rate targeting, as bonds are in many respects fungible, and the
discussed at the end of this section). The fiscal public is to some extent indifferent to substitut-
theory provides a reasonable explanation that ing money and bonds—holding more money
accords with the observations of rapid mon- and less bonds (or the reverse). Under the
etary expansion, low nominal rates, and low and FTPL, the incoming arrows of “Currency” and
stable inflation. “US Treasury Bonds” for the public or banks
(representing the balances held) are relevant for
Focus, for now, on the growth in government Equation 1.
bonds, the largest component of the balance
sheet growth. When the Fed buys a bond, it From the FTPL perspective, the mere exchange
prints new money to buy the bond. During this of Treasury bonds for money under quantita-
period, there was substantial concern that the tive easing should be approximately neutral
new money printed to buy the bonds would with respect to inflation. Yes, the Fed is increas-
generate inflation. ing money, but the Fed issues money in return
for buying bonds, so the process is largely a
According to the standard quantity theory, it portfolio rearrangement—switching one gov-
is the public’s holding of currency and check- ernment liability (bonds) for a different liability
ing deposits, M1, that is money in the quantity (currency)—rather than the creation of an addi-
equation. Or maybe money also includes savings tional government liability.17 The FTPL focuses,
deposits—considerable debate surrounds what first, on the overall liability position and focuses
actually constitutes “money.” But certainly, gov- only secondarily on the split between money
ernment bonds are not part of money. In Figure 5, and bonds. The academic literature refers to this
money is the holdings (incoming arrows) approach as the coordination between monetary
of “Currency” from the Fed and “Checking and fiscal authorities, a coordination that sets the
Deposits” from banks. balance between liabilities and future revenue.
The fiscal theory of the price level provides a When the issuance of money increases the net
different perspective. It says that we should look liabilities of the government, the effect will be
through the “veil” of money and the Fed’s bal-
ance sheet to the underlying fiscal position of
the government. We must consider the balance switch is the act of maturity transformation dis-
cussed earlier.

24 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


inflationary. In contrast, when the issuance of Turning from the narrow perspective of the Fed
money simply reflects the conversion of one form balance sheet to the wider perspective of overall
of government liability into another, the effect is government liabilities, note that the 2009–14
(approximately) neutral. During the 2009–14 period does raise questions about inflation.
period, the Fed undertook a large (and explicit) Government debt, measured by the debt-to-
maturity transformation of government liabili- GDP ratio, rose from roughly 65% in 2008 to
ties from long-term debt into money. The Fed’s 100% by 2014, as shown in Figure 8. The surplus
actions were not, in themselves, fiscal actions plunged (deficit rose) in 2008 and remained neg-
and thus, in themselves, were neutral regarding ative during this period, as shown in Figure 9.
inflation. As Cochrane (2021) states, “The Fed In other words, the overall liabilities (M + B) on
must always buy something in return for issuing the left side of the FTPL equation rose, which
cash or reserves. … They can lend, not give.” (in the absence of a rise in expected future sur-
pluses) would imply inflation.
The bottom line is that if the public willingly
exchanges bonds for currency, the observed The puzzle of 2009–2014, then, is not the
quantity of “money” (measured by currency plus expanding Fed balance sheet itself but the rising
deposits) might increase with no effect on infla- overall liabilities of the government. Remember,
tion. We conclude, based on the FTPL, that dur- however, that inflation depends on the balance
ing the 2009–14 period, money increased, but it of rising liabilities with expected future sur-
was a result of portfolio rearrangement between pluses. And the current expectation of future
money and bonds—and not an increase in gov- surpluses depends on future government behav-
ernment liabilities (either money or bonds)— ior together with the public’s beliefs about that
that would have caused inflation to rise. behavior—the monetary–fiscal coordination
discussed previously.
We emphasize that we are focusing on the infla-
tionary impact of an increase in the Fed’s balance The United States seems to have built, over a
sheet. The FTPL argues that when bond pur- long period, a durable regime in which surpluses
chases leave the government’s overall liabilities are (eventually) generated to offset rising debt
unaltered, such purchases should be (approxi- issuance, which allows for low inflation in the
mately) neutral with respect to inflation. We are presence of rising current debt. We can argue
not arguing that Fed bond purchases are neutral that rising debt during this period was offset by
with respect to other issues—say market-based expectations of higher future surpluses, result-
term premiums (the term structure of interest ing in low inflation.
rates) or risk premiums.
However, producing direct evidence for the
Nor are we claiming that increasing overall gov- hypothesis that expectations of future surpluses
ernment liabilities will be neutral with respect rose during 2009–2014, or testing that hypoth-
to inflation. Some have argued that the govern- esis, is difficult. We can, nevertheless, provide
ment can print money at will with no effect on circumstantial evidence. There was political
inflation, but the FTPL argues the opposite. pressure during this time toward fiscal tighten-
Equation 1 explicitly links overall liabilities with ing to reduce the deficit (increase the surplus).
the price level: An increase in liabilities (M + B) The deficit did fall during this period (the surplus
with no offsetting increase in future surpluses moved upward toward zero) as seen in Figure 9.
(FS) will generate inflation (rising P). New nominal debt was issued without causing

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 25



Federal Debt: Total Public Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product



Percent of GDP






2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Shaded areas indicate U.S. recessions. Sources: OMB; St. Louis Fed

Sources: US Office of Management and Budget (OMB); St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.

additional inflation or rising interest rates, so is consistent with the standard story—but the
that real debt increased. All of these phenomena average primary surplus was +0.3% of GDP and
reflect the public’s expectations that new debt was positive in more than half the years. The
would be (eventually) offset by higher surpluses. 2008–19 period is, indeed, one of large deficits
(and primary deficits), but the 2008 financial
We also note that the common narrative—that crisis and, recently, the coronavirus pandemic
the US government is chronically in deficit— are extraordinary events.
is not justified when considering the primary
surplus. Figure 9 depicts the year-by-year his- The 2009–14 period presents a substantial chal-
tory of US budget surpluses.18 For the period lenge to the quantity theory. Rapid growth in
1947–2007 (excluding, for now, the post-2008 the Fed’s balance sheet and in wider measures
era), the average deficit was 1.6% of GDP, which of money should have led to higher inflation.
The fiscal theory argues that mere maturity
18Figures 8 and 9 are from the Office of Management transformation—from money to bonds—should
and Budget, Tables 1.1 (Receipts, Outlays, Surplus), be (approximately) neutral with respect to infla-
6.1 (Net Interest to Calculate Primary Surplus), and
tion. The fiscal theory pushes us to look beyond
10.1 (GDP). Numbers quoted in the text include actual
data through 2019 and projections for 2020–2025: a narrow conception of money to consider over-, all government liabilities.
accessed December 2020.

26 | CFA Institute Research Foundation



AND PROJECTED (AS OF 2019) FOR 2020–2024

Primary Surplus



Overall Surplus

1947 1955 1963 1971 1978 1986 1994 2002 2010 2018

Source: Office of Management and Budget.

We have focused on money and the Fed bal- desire for money versus bonds—probably
ance sheet, but central banks today follow New increased dramatically.
Keynesian theories of target interest rates rather
Table 2 shows that the expansion of the Fed’s
than money directly. Over the 2009–14 period,
balance sheet followed many of the same pat-
the Fed maintained nominal short-term rates at
terns in both periods. Liabilities in the form of
essentially zero, as Figure 1 shows. According
bank reserves and repos jumped upward. In
to the New Keynesian theory, targeting rates at
2020, the increase on the asset side was primar-
zero should have led to either unstable inflation
ily in the form of bonds held by the Fed, with
or spiraling deflation, which did not happen.
Treasuries showing the largest jump.
The behavior of rates and inflation strongly con-
tradicted New Keynesian theory. We would expect this initial expansion in
money and the Fed balance sheet to have little
impact on inflation for two reasons. First, as in
Phase 4: COVID Era Balance 2008, COVID has been a substantial shock to
Sheet Expansion the economic system and presumably induces
Turning to the substantial expansion of the both the public and banks to increase demand
Fed’s balance sheet that started in March 2020 for liquid assets (money in particular). In the
in response to the coronavirus pandemic, we quantity theory, the result would be a shift out
can see that many of the same forces that arose in the demand for money (as in Figure 7) or in
in the immediate aftermath of 2008 are prob- the quantity equation MV = PQ, a decrease in
ably relevant in this period. Liquidity demand— velocity. In either case, an increase in money
banks’ desires to hold reserves and the public’s supply would not necessarily imply an increase

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 27


in prices (inflation). In Equation 1 of the fiscal (expected future primary surpluses). Debt did
theory, a fall in the real discount rate and an increase substantially in 2020. What should
increase in EPV(FS) would result, so again, an affect inflation is the increases in debt and the
increase in the money supply would not neces- public’s expectations about the government’s
sarily imply an increase in prices. willingness to pay it down in the future. The
path of spending and economic recovery could
In comparing 2020 with 2008, however, we note be quite different after the pandemic than it was
an important difference. The shock in 2008 orig- after 2008, so the path of inflation could also be
inated in and dramatically affected the financial quite different.
system; it was a liquidity crisis. Examining the
history of financial and liquidity crises shows
that such shocks often entail falling prices and Summary of 2008–2020
severe—sometimes long-lasting—damage to the During the period from 2008 to the present
real economy. The shock in 2020, originating in (2021), the world economy has experienced two
the real economy as the coronavirus disrupted severe shocks. The first, the 2008 financial cri-
our economic and social lives, was very differ- sis, originated in and was driven by the financial
ent. Although the disruption in 2020 imposed system. The second, the 2020 coronavirus pan-
strains on the financial system, the financial demic, was a shock to the real economy. Both
system was not the origin of the shock. This dif- put severe stress on the financial system and
ference implies that the long-term effects and also (presumably) caused a jump in demand for
recovery from the 2020 pandemic could differ liquid assets (money, in particular) and a flight
from the post-2008 experience. to quality (a decrease in real discount rates). The
response of the Fed (and central banks world-
After 2008, the expansion in money and in the wide) to both crises was to lower rates and
Fed balance sheet had little inflationary impact, substantially increase liquidity, reserves, and
but inflation is not guaranteed to be similarly money.
restrained after the pandemic ends. We have
argued that we need to look beyond monetary The unprecedented increase in liquidity and
expansion to the overall monetary and fiscal money was not (through early 2021) accompa-
position of the government. That is, the mere nied by any marked rise in prices or inflation. In
switching of bonds into money (the Fed buying fact, the absence of inflationary pressure was a
bonds and issuing money) need not be infla- prime puzzle of the 2010–19 decade. In this sec-
tionary. The FTPL says that increases in overall tion, we have explored, using the framework of
liabilities relative to expected future surpluses the FTPL, why we might expect subdued infla-
matter for inflation: ( M + B)/P = EPV ( FS ). The tion in such circumstances.
form of those liabilities (money or bonds) is of
This analysis does not fully answer the question
secondary importance.
of why inflation was low during the 2009–14
The FTPL says that postpandemic inflation period. It changes the question from “Why was
prospects depend on looking beyond the mon- inflation low in the face of large increases in
etary expansion alone (for example, the large money?” to “Why was inflation low in the face of
increase in reserves seen in Figure 1) to the increases in government debt?” (High-powered
balance between current liabilities [(M + B)/P] money grew by 14%, M1 by 12%, and govern-
and future revenue to pay off those liabilities ment debt by 11% per year during this period.)

28 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


The answer is that what matters for the FTPL revenue by more than was expected before the
is not changes in liabilities or current debt (the additional debt was issued—but apparently
M + B in Equation 1) but changes in the gov- they did.
ernment’s overall fiscal position in present
To sum up, the Fed balance sheet is not the
value terms—that is, changes in debt relative
only place we should be looking for information
to expectations of future government surpluses
about the course of prices (inflation). We need
used to pay back the debt [the EPV (Future real
to look beyond the Fed at the totality of gov-
surpluses)]. This comparison is similar to a stock
ernment liabilities—traditional “money” plus
investor observing that a stock’s price has risen
all other government obligations. Although the
because the expectation of future earnings rose
rising level of government debt is a legitimate
rather than because the P/E rose. If debt and
concern for many reasons, it has not (so far)
expected future surpluses both rise, the price
meaningfully increased the price level. Whether
level will be unaffected.
it will affect prices and inflation in the future is
This answer is only partially satisfactory, of beyond our powers of prediction.
course, because we cannot directly measure
The unprecedented monetary stimulus pursued
the expectations of future surpluses and inde-
in the wake of the 2007–09 global financial crisis
pendent projections of surpluses, such as those
should have, according to classic monetary the-
coming from the Congressional Budget Office,
ory, caused considerable inflation. The “money
are not optimistic.
supply” that is relevant to setting the price
Cochrane (2021, pp. 48–49) points out, how- level in the fiscal theory, however, is the sum
ever, that, if the FTPL is correct, investors’ total of government liabilities (money plus
expectations of future surpluses did apparently debt) relative to the government’s assets, which
rise in line with rising debt. During the 2008– consist primarily of the present value of future
2019 period, the increasing debt tax revenues. Although total government debt
increased greatly from 2008 through the pres-
did not raise interest rates, did raise
ent, the market price of government bonds tells
revenue, and did raise the total
us that bondholders expect to be repaid almost
market value of debt. These facts
fully. The inflation expectation implied by bond
speak directly to investors’ expec-
and TIPS (Treasury inflation-protected securi-
tations that subsequent surpluses
ties) yields is about 2%, meaning that the market
would rise. If the present value
expects the government to run significant pri-
of subsequent surpluses did not
mary surpluses (revenues minus expenses other
change, producing inflation, then
we would have seen interest rate than bond interest) in the future.
rises, no revenue, and no rise in the
real value of government debt. CONCLUSION
In other words, without observing investors’ Neoclassical monetarism, in particular the
expectations of future surpluses, we can infer quantity theory of money as interpreted by
them from the inflation rate and the FTPL. Friedman and Schwartz (1963), served well
One might wonder why investors believed the for many years in helping us to understand
government would in the future increase its inflation and the price level. Some historical

CFA Institute Research Foundation | 29


events, however, including recent ones, have issued) divided by the real value of the bonds,
called into question its applicability “always the PV(FS). If the nominal value of the bonds
and everywhere.” Most glaring is the post-2008 is held constant, and the underlying asset (the
experience, when massive money creation and future surplus) becomes less valuable, prices go
near-zero interest rates produced not the high up. If the PV(FS) becomes more valuable, prices
or unstable inflation predicted by standard go down. The FTPL is that simple.
theories but low and stable inflation. In future
In this approach, we calculate the value of
work, we will discuss in more detail additional
“money” (including government liabilities of
historical events, such as the end of the German
all maturities) the way one would calculate the
hyperinflation in 1923 and the end of deflation
value of any security: through discounted cash
in the United States in 1933, that provide puz-
flow analysis. Note that doing so is consistent
zles for standard monetary theory.
with the quantity theory of money because if
The more comprehensive theory we discuss, money is defined in the traditional way as cur-
which academics call “the fiscal theory of the rency and demand deposits and we now hold
price level,” builds on neoclassical monetarism the PV(FS) (the backing of the money) con-
and helps to explain the seemingly anomalous stant, then the price level is proportional to the
events. The fiscal theory observes that govern- amount of money in circulation. But the FTPL
ment liabilities—bonds, notes, bills, and cur- is a more complete theory because it incorpo-
rency—derive their value from the assets that rates all government liabilities, not traditional
back the liabilities. These assets are chiefly the money alone, and because, rather than looking
present value of future tax revenues, minus only at conditions in the present, it is forward
government spending other than that part of looking and dynamic.
spending used to service the liabilities them-
The lack of substantial inflation in the period
selves. This net “profit” of the government is the
following the global financial crisis in 2007–
primary surplus.
2009—and again during the initial stages of the
The primary surplus can be expressed in real coronavirus pandemic in 2020—is consistent with
terms (a quantity of goods and services, rather bondholders believing that US government debt
than a money amount). The total real value will be paid back in something close to full (in real,
of the bonds is thus the total real value of the not just nominal, terms), which would be consis-
assets backing the bonds: the present value of tent with most historical experience. The post-
all future real primary surpluses, which we call 2008 inflation experience is a strong rejection of
“the expected present value of future surpluses,” the current theories (both quantity theory and
EPV(FS). In an important sense, the fiscal the- New Keynesian interest-rate-targeting theory).
ory harkens back to commodity-based theories
of money—except now the “commodity” is the
real value of future surpluses earned by the LAST WORD
The nature of money has changed since Milton
Given this value, we can then solve for the Friedman’s seminal work in the 1960s, which
price level. It is simply the nominal value of tied price levels to the quantity of fiat money.
the bonds (the face value or number of bonds Friedman’s quantity theory of money was

30 | CFA Institute Research Foundation


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32 | CFA Institute Research Foundation

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Yale School of Management William Blair
Ted Aronson, CFA
Punita Kumar-Sinha, CFA Maureen O’Hara, PhD*
Infosys Cornell University
Kati Eriksson, CFA
Joachim Klement, CFA Dave Uduanu, CFA
Danske Bank
Liberum Capital Sigma Pensions Ltd


Officers and Directors

Executive Director Secretary
Bud Haslett, CFA Jessica Lawson
CFA Institute CFA Institute
Gary P. Brinson Director of Research Treasurer
Laurence B. Siegel Kim Maynard
Blue Moon Communications CFA Institute
Research Director
Luis Garcia-Feijóo, CFA, CIPM
Coral Gables, Florida

Research Foundation Review Board

William J. Bernstein, PhD Paul D. Kaplan, PhD, CFA Krishna Ramaswamy, PhD
Efficient Frontier Advisors Morningstar, Inc. University of Pennsylvania

Elroy Dimson, PhD Robert E. Kiernan III Andrew Rudd, PhD

London Business School Advanced Portfolio Management Advisor Software, Inc.

Stephen Figlewski, PhD Andrew W. Lo, PhD Stephen Sexauer

New York University Massachusetts Institute Allianz Global Investors Solutions
of Technology
William N. Goetzmann, PhD Lee R. Thomas, PhD
Yale School of Management Alan Marcus, PhD Pacific Investment Management
Boston College Company
Elizabeth R. Hilpman
Barlow Partners, Inc. Paul O’Connell, PhD
FDO Partners
ISBN 978-1-952927-22-5

Available online at 9 781952 927225

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