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The Fourth P:

Marketing Communication
• It is an attempt of business to influence its
potential customer.
• It is Element in the marketing mix that serve to
inform, persuade, and remind the market of a
product or services or the organization selling it
with the hope of influencing the target’s feeling,
belief or behavior.
Promotion is applied marketing communication


Elements of Promotion
1. Personal Selling - its is a person-to-person
dialogue between buyer and seller. The
purpose of the interaction is to persuade the
buyer to accept a point of view, to convince the
buyer to take a specific course of action, or to
develop a customer relationship.
Two kinds of personal selling
• Inside selling
• Outside selling

Elements of Promotion
2. Advertising is a persuasive idea message
carried by a non-personal medium and paid for
by an identified sponsor.
• All advertisements have four features : verbal
and/or visual message, a sponsor who is
identified, delivery through one or more media,
and payment by sponsor to the media carrying
the message.


Types of Advertising
According to the target audience, advertising may be
classified as :
• Consumer advertising
• Business-to-business advertising
According to what is being advertised, advertising may
• Product/ services
• Direct- action advertising
• Indirect-action advertising
• institutional/corporate
• Customer service advertising
• Public service advertising

Type of Advertising
According to the objective sought, advertising may
be :
• Primary-demand advertising
• Selective demand advertising


Selecting Media
Developing media strategy involves two factors:
• Media
• Scheduling of these media

are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver
information or data.
the media schedule or media plan is a time schedule identifying
the exact media to be used and the dates when advertisements
are to appear. It consider REACH and FREQUENCY.

Characteristic of the Major Media

• Newspaper
• Television
• Direct Mail
• Radio
• Magazines
• Out of home advertising
• Specialty advertising
• Emerging media
• Yellow pages
• Infomercials
• Place-Based Media
• Video and CD-ROMs
• World Wide Web


Elements of Promotion
3. Sale Promotion – It is paid for by the sponsor and
frequently involves in temporary incentive to
encourage a purchase. There are two category of
sales promotion: Trade promotion and Consumer
4. Public relation – consist of a wide variety of
communication effort designed to contribute or
create positive attitudes and opinion toward an
organization and its products.
5. Publicity – is a special form of public relations that
involves news stories about an organization or its
product or services.

The communication Process

• Communication is a verbal or nonverbal
transmission of information from
someone wanting to express an idea and
to another who expected or excepting to
get that idea.
• Communication requires four elements: a
message, a source of the message, a
communication channel, and a receiver.


Type of communication
1. Direct human communication – This
usually on a face to face basis or on the
2. Indirect Communication – This is via a
medium such as radio, television,
magazines and newspaper.
3. Interactive Communication – this is
making use of some electronic medium
such as the internet.

The communication Process

• Encoding the message is the process of translating the
idea to be communicated into a symbolic message
consisting of words, pictures, numbers, gesture, or the
• Transmitting the message through a channel the
message arrives at the receiver via the channel of
• Decoding the Message It is the mental process by which
the receiver interprets the meaning of the message.
• Feedback It is the receiver response to the source of the


The Hierarchy of
Communication Effect

Promotional Strategies
• Push Strategy – it is directed toward the
members of a channel of distribution.

• Pull Strategy – it is directed toward

consumer on order to stimulate demand
for the product.

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