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Pratik Raju Shirsat-19020841030

Email Automation-

The What- Take the example of E-commerce; when you put an item in your shopping cart
and after sometime delete it, you can get a message about some discounts or
recommendation for similar products. This mundane task is simplified and personalized with
respect to the customer. It is delivering the right messages to the target audience at the
right time. When we receive a recommendation for the similar product we searched, an
update for an out-of-stock item, or an action-based email to activate a response is what we
describe email automation.

An example of Email Automation.

The How-

Website Tracking- When a users’ action let them to move from your email to your website
and perform the intended action, can be one of the strategies. Here, we have to add a hook
or a good content so they perform the desirable action. We can monitor this by website
snippets like Google Analytics.

Segmentation- The content should be customized according to the needs and wants of the
reader. By tracking the movements and demographic information like; geography, gender,
age etc. one can send them the right content. This can be done during the sign-up form and
asking relevant questions about their interests and likes. Using data from the archives about
the past purchases and items on wish-list and what they liked.
Content- This would be the body and subject line of the message. If the subject line is
interesting, then only the user would open the mail. To have write content in the body
which speaks about the necessary information and triggers the user to perform the
preferred step. Sending messages about events or greeting them on their birthdays are one
of the methods.

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