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James Simon V. Rozul 02/02/22

1st year BSIT Understanding the Self.

I. George Herbert Mead

- George Herbert Mead was an American philosopher, sociologist, and psychologist. George
Herbert Mead was born on February 27, 1863 in South Hadley, Massachusetts, He was
referred as a “seminar mind of the very first order”. Mead is best known for his work on the
nature of the self and intersubjectivity, he also developed a theory of action, and a
metaphysics or philosophy of nature that emphasizes emergence and temporality, in which
the past and future are viewed through the lens of the present.

II. Mead Social Self

A. The Preparatory Stage
- In this stage, children’s behavior is based on imitation. The children are observed based on
there seeing and when the children are seeing on what they are doing they imitate it. It is
depending on time when they are ready to speak and to develop themselves to
communicate to others.

B. The Play Stage

- In this stage, they develop some skills like understanding some symbols of there
understanding as they act of communication for themselves. At this stage as well, they are
beginning to role play or to pretend something that they imagine.

C. The Game Stage

- In this stage, the exact age of the child is now eight or nine years old. At this rate the child
can do now several task of learning not just one. The learning of this stage as well is that the
child can develop many kinds of various relationship towards others.

III. Mead’s Theory of The Self

- In this Theory is about The Self. The self begins as a central character when he/she is born
and it will do some imagination world or child’s world. When they are baby or now child,
they have their own universe or world that they imagine and when the adults seeing the
children imagination is hard to explain because only the child can tell and see on what they
are imagining. But when they mature enough, they will forget what they imagine when they
are a baby or a child.
IV. Other Sociological Approaches to Understanding the Self
1. Charles Horton Cooley (1864-1929) – Charles Horton Cooley was an American
sociologist and he made of sociopsychological approach base on how he understands societies
work. He was a doctorate at the University of Michigan, he was a professor in the same
university when he was doctorate at and he work there until the end of his life. In the year 1902
he writes a work of “Human Nature and the Social Order”, and he share it and discuss it as a self
through interaction.

2. Erving Goffman (1922-1982) – Erving Goffman was a Canadian-American sociologist and

his role in sociologist was a Modern American Sociology. The popular work that he have done
was “The Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life.” He wrote this book and he observe how the
people around him social interaction and they are very satisfying to observe.

V. Conclusion
- In my conclusion about this topic that many people are observing there children on what
they are doing. Some parents are strict about there child because they sometimes imitate
some evil or not good for there learning stage yet. In summary of this discussion, the
progress of this lesson is that we should accept on what we do on our mature days, but
when it’s our childhood days, we are very happy when there is still no gadgets and only
imagination and plastic toys are invented.

SUBMITTED BY: James Simon V. Rozul

Course: 1st year BSIT


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