Inglés 2d0

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Ejercicio 1

1. What are Mary and Peter doing?

They are sharing news about their families.
2. Who is Peter?
A friend of Mary's family.

Ejercicio 2

1. Mary is looking after her niece this afternoon.

2. The baby is three months old.
3. Kerry is older than Mary's brother.
4. The baby was born without any problems.
5. Kerry and the baby didn't stay for a long time at the hospital.
6. Peter moved recently.
7. Peter's parents are getting a divorce.

Ejercicio 3

1. My mother hasn't spoken to her brother for years. I have never seen my
2. She has just moved with her brother to a new town.
3. John looks like his father, he has the same lovely red hair.
4. My daughter has just had a baby, at last I have a grandson!
5. My wife has a brother and a sister. My brother-in-law, my wife's brother, just got
6. My oldest brother was born five years before me. He was the first child in the family!

Ejercicio 4

1. This weekend we are going to celebrate, my parents have been married for 30 years.
All the family will be there, except my sister-in-law, my brother's wife, who is still at
the hospital because she just had a baby .
2. We have some good news, the family is growing! We are going to be parents in five
3. Vicky is expecting her third child. I wonder if it Will look like her eldest son.
4. She thinks that her parents will get a divorce because they always argue
5. Her youngest brother, who is two years younger than her, Will look after the
organisation of the birthday party.

Ejercicio 5

1. I'm sorry to hear that. It's sad, especially after 30 years of marriage.
2. That's great news! You'll finally be able to leave your small bedroom at your brother's
3. She's lovely, what a beautiful baby! Congratulations!

1. Because I work at weekends, my husband looks after our son.

2. I really don't like my husband anymore: I decided to get a divorce
3. His arm is broken: he has to go to the hospital
4. He didn't like the main meal; but he loved the dessert.
5. My children always argue to have the biggest piece of cake.
6. Our team grew when the two new colleagues arrived.
7. I remember his first name: his name is Jonathan.
8. Her granddaughter is teaching her how to create websites.
9. The apartment is getting too small, we have to move
10. When she opened her gift, she seemed quite happy.
11. The birth went very well: the mother and the baby are both healthy.
12. This baby is so lovely with her big eyes and little pink cheeks.
13. I think Clint Eastwood's latest film is really good!
14. I am sure you'll pass your test because you studied really well.
15. We haven't seen Tom in months, but one of my friends saw him recently at the
16. A parent's permission is needed to enter this contest.
17. The patient is asking for a painkiller because he is suffering a lot.
18. You look cute in that blue dress
19. Before their marriage, they lived in a small apartment in the centre of town
20. My daughter comes home after school.
21. When I was a student, I lived alone in a studio flat
22. My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage this year
23. Her baby has been born, but I don't know if it's a girl or a boy.
24. Thanks to my sister-in-law who is Brazilian, my brother speaks Portuguese. (ESCRIBIR
25. Because his sister works a lot, he often takes care of his niece
26. My youngest brother is two years younger than me.
27. Your long blond hair is beautiful
28. This child looks like his father: they have exactly the same face.

Ejercicio 1

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. Herself
2. Laura doesn't like spiders.
3. Laura's fans wrote the questions Tony asks.

Ejercicio 2

1. We use a question word as the subject to know who is doing the action.
2. When we want to know about the receiver /object we use
who did you help?
3. We don't use "auxiliary verbs" if we ask about the subject.

Ejercicio 3

1. Do you need an auxiliary verb if a question word is the subject?

2. If you're asking a question about the receiver or object use an 'auxiliary verb'.
3. When we are asking a question with an 'auxiliary' the form is
question word + auxiliary verb + subject + verb
4. For questions without an 'auxiliary', (when asking about who does the action) use
question word + verb + rest of question
5. In the present tense, always use verbs
in third person.

Ejercicio 4

1. I bought a new phone this morning.

What did you buy this morning?
2. One of the students didn't write the essay.
Who didn't write the essay?
3. I dreamt about the sea last night.
What did you dream about last night?
4. Somebody called me at 2am last night.
Who called you at 2am last night?
5. Sarah likes oranges.
Who likes oranges?

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Hey, I have some great news. I am going to interview Robert Platinson. Can I
practise my questions on you?
2. Tony: Sure.
Brigitte: How did you become an actor?
3. Tony: I started when I was a child.
Brigitte: What was your first acting role?
Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: I acted on a TV commercial about a chocolate bar.

Brigitte: Ah, I remember it. How did you get it?
2. Tony: I went for an audition and I was the best.
Brigitte: Who took you to the audition? Tony: My mum and dad. I was a child!

Ejercicio 7

Fill in the gaps to complete the questions.

1. Brigitte: And what happened?

2. Tony: I got to eat a lot of chocolate bars. It was great.
3. Brigitte: Where does your passion for acting come from?
4. Tony: I love to pretend to be something I am not.
5. Brigitte: And my last question. Can You sign this picture?
Tony: You can’t ask that!


Ejercicio 1

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. Tony's new job.

2. Brigitte sounds happy about what Tony says.
3. They talk about a party in the future

Ejercicio 2

Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.

1. We use comparative adjectives to compare two things that are different.

2. We use comparative adjectives to talk about how people are different.
3. Tony prefers his new job.

Ejercicio 3

1. We put 'than' after the comparative adjective.

2. In negative sentences we put 'not' before the comparative adjective.
3. When one-syllable adjectives end in 'e' (e.g. large) add:'r'. For two-syllable adjectives
which don't end in 'y' add 'more' before the adjective.
4. Repeat the last letter when adjectives end in one vowel + one consonant (e.g. big)
5. For adjectives ending in 'y' (e.g. happy): happ (ier)
6. 'Better' and 'worse' are examples of irregular Adjectives because they do not follow
the rules.
Ejercicio 4

1. Your phone is worse than mine.

2. I am silly but my little brother is sillier
3. She is thinner than her sister
4. I am not slower than an old man!
5. I am never later than my best friend
6. My new book is more interesting than my old one.

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Last night was great, thanks for inviting me. Your boss is to nicer than the old
one, you were right.
2. Tony: Yes, she is. She is also less strict and more relaxed than the old one.

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Haha yes. Your colleagues all told me they feel happier because their shifts
are shorter than in other cafes. That is very important.
2. Tony: Yes, I told you it was better than the other cafe. The salary is higher too.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Really! You can pay for dinner then. You are richer than me! My salary is lower
than yours.
2. Tony: No problem, I will pay.
Brigitte: I am still poorer than you.
3. Tony: Maybe, but look! Your phone is newer than mine.


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony thinks Brigitte's suggestion is

2. The meeting place is
outside the train station.
3. Everyone eats beef burgers.
Ejercicio 2

1. "We are having a barbecue in the park." is a

Fixed arrangement
2. Brigitte made plans for a barbecue before meeting Tony.
3. "Hey Tony, what are you doing this weekend?" is a question about
a specific time in the future.
4. Madeline can come to the barbecue.
5. Use present continuous to talk about future arrangements and fixed plans which
usually have a fixed time date or place.

Ejercicio 3

1. The main verb in the present continuous is always:

base form (e.g. do)
2. In positive sentences the auxiliary verb to be comes before the main verb.
3. In negative sentences ‘not’ comes after the auxiliary verb.
4. In questions the auxiliary verb and subject change places.

Ejercicio 4

1. I am having dinner with friends on Friday.

2. She is enrolling at university this afternoon.
3. We are not creating any more new apps this year.
4. Are you going to the student barbecue at the park on Sunday?
5. Is he celebrating his birthday this Friday?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Brigitte, I am going to Malaga next week for work.

2. Brigitte: Wow! Are you staying over the weekend?
3. Tony: Yes. i am not flying back until Monday morning.

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Amazing. What work are you doing there?

2. Tony: I am training our Spanish colleagues how to install the internet.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Are you staying in a nice hotel?

2. Tony: Yes, I am staying in a hotel with a rooftop pool in the centre of Malaga. (B…too)



Ejercicio 1

1. What are the man and woman talking about?

Their childhood memories.
2. What is their relationship?
They are childhood friends.

Ejercicio 2

1. Before living in the countryside, the woman lived in a building in the middle of
2. Her family moved to the countryside because her grandfather was ill.
3. Her grandfather lived very close to Liverpool.
4. The woman was really sad to live in the countryside.
5. As children, the man and the woman played together outside.
6. The woman's children also play outside a lot.
7. The woman was at school with her two neighbours.

Ejercicio 3

1. Soon, she Will move because her apartment is too small.

2. She doesn't see her parents often because she lives far from her family.
3. Come with us on holiday, we Will have fun
4. We are going to visit a friend who just had a baby.
5. I can't find my cat! He likes to hide in the cupboards.
6. He can't remember where he put his keys.
7. There are always a lot of people in the middle of Vancouver.

Ejercicio 4

1. We stayed in the countryside to live in the city.

2. Since she was a child, she has found her grandfather.
3. When the weather is nice, children play on their screens.
4. Sarah lives far from a supermarket, it's very practical!
5. Do you remember when we went to school together?
What wonderful homework!
6. Every Saturday, the children next door remember my children.
Ejercicio 5

1. Yes! We always played in the big field behind her house.

2. We lived in the countryside, in a beautiful house near a forest.
3. When I played hide-and-seek with my neighbours.


1. This building has four apartments.

2. In winter, we take the sledge out to go down the snow slopes.
3. My house is near a big car park.
4. She lives in a beautiful house with three floors.
5. I have a lot of Good memories of my childhood.
6. They like to walk with their dogs in the forest
7. The weather is beautiful: go play outside!
8. When we go on holiday, our neighbour takes care of the cat.
9. My grandfather remembers the Second World War.
10. In this region, there are a lot of wheat fields
11. I get on well with my neighbour; we often drink coffee together.
12. When I use a vacuum cleaner, the cat hides under the table.
13. My old boss was very unpleasant.
14. Mary must finish two reports before she goes on holiday
15. We're going to have fun at Lucas' birthday party: he has a karaoke game ready and lots
of other surprises.
16. My son never finds me when we play hide-and-seek
17. I spend three hours a day in front of my computer screen
18. When I was 18, I decided to leave my village to go to university.
19. When I was a child, I did my homework with my brother.
20. Some young people think that adolescence is hard; it's a difficult time in a person's life.
21. The apartment is too small, we have to move.
22. She doesn't like living in the centre of town; it's too noisy.
23. They stood at the edge of the sea
24. I moved far from Brussels: I now live in Miami.
25. This apartment has two bedrooms and is on the third floor.
26. He lives in the countryside on a large farm.
27. Central Park is in the middle of New York City.
28. They took the ball to play football.
29. Every Sunday, we visit our parents.

Ejercicio 1

1. Jack and Anna are in a

2. They are
3. They mainly talk about
the past.

Ejercicio 2

1. Jack and Anna were students in the past.

2. Jack and Anna are students now.
3. Anna regularly visited Gino's in the past.
4. Anna regularly visits Gino's now.
5. In the past, Jack usually had enough money for coffee and cake.
6. Jack probably has enough money for coffee and cake these days.

Ejercicio 3

1. "Used to" is always followed by a verb, this is always the

infinitive/base form
2. In negative statements, “not” comes after
3. The “d” is removed from used to when written with did or didnt
4. When replying to a "used to" question we usually use a short answer like "Yes, I did" or
"No I didn't".


1. I used to go to the cinema on Mondays.

2. I used to be a student.
3. We did not use to eat in restaurants.
4. I never used to wake up before 10am !
5. Did you use to come here with your friends ?

Ejercicio 5

1. Jack: Did you use to study French at school?

2. Anna: Yes, I did but I didn't use to be very good at languages.
3. Jack: But your Italian is great and you never used to study that at school.
4. Anna: Yeah but that's because I used to go to Milan quite often.
5. Jack: Did you? Why was that?
6. Anna: Didn't I tell you about Marco? I used to have an Italian boyfriend.

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony gives Brigitte advice about

2. Tony is working all weekend.
3. Brigitte wants Tony to drive.

Ejercicio 2

1. Brigitte thinks women drive better than

all men.
2. Tony is comparing how quickly Brigitte eats dinner with how quickly He eats dinner.
3. Tony is comparing the safety of Brigitte's driving with how he drive(s).
4. Brigitte compares how fast she drives with how fast Tony drive(s).

Ejercicio 3

1. Comparative and superlative adverbs go after the verb they describe.

2. If comparative adverbs have an object, they are always followed by 'than'.
3. The' always comes before a superlative adverb.
4. More is used before two or more syllable regular comparative adverbs. And most
before two or more syllable regular superlative adverbs


1. she drives more quickly than me .

2. he is the most careful pilot I know .
3. he always arrives earlier than the boss .
4. they break down more often than me.
5. you sang that song better than the singer .

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte, can you please drive more slowly?

2. Ok. Then can you please drive more carefully?

Ejercicio 6

1. I am driving the most carefully of anyone on the road.

2. Tony: Well, maybe that driver over there is driving worse than you, but the other
drivers are definitely driving better than you are!
3. Since you think you drive better than me?

Ejercicio 7

1. Tony, can’t you drive faster?

2. Brigitte, we will arrive more slowly, but more safely than if you were driving.
3. I want to arrive earlier than Jack and Anna, so I can check-in on social media.

Ejercicio 1

1. Anna's appearance.
2. Tony and Brigitte are happy for Anna
3. Brigitte asks Tony about his diet

Ejercicio 2

1. "Outside” tells us the place Anna walks.

2. After she met him” tells us when Anna met Brigitte.
3. Three or four times a week” tells us how often Anna and the guy meet.
4. "On Saturdays" means
every Saturday

Ejercicio 3

1. Adverbs of place & time usually go after the object.

2. Place goes before time.
3. If an adverb of frequency is just one word (usually, sometimes etc.), it goes before the
4. Adverbial phrases of frequency (more than one word) go after the object
5. In the phrase 'every + time expression', use the singular form of the word, e.g. week,
hour, month.


1. I change my clothes twice a day.

2. I am getting a makeover tonight.
3. the woman who looks like you lives across the street.
4. she usually buys her fruit at the market.
5. my mum goes to the supermarket three times a week

Ejercicio 5

1. to swim every day.

2. Do you swim before or after work?


1. Well, Monday to Wednesday I swim before work but Thursday and Friday I go
2. I might come with you but I can only come twice a week .

Ejercicio 7

1. Ok. And after swimming, I go to the cafe upstairs.

2. I will come tomorrow.



Ejercicio 1

1. What are the two people talking about?

2. What do they have in common?
They are interested in talking about a recent wedding.

Ejercicio 2

1. Who got married last month?

The woman's little sister.
2. Who wasn't at the wedding?
The man.
3. Who was the most emotional person during the ceremony?
The woman's mother.
4. Who partied all night?
All the guests.
5. Who got married ten years ago?
The man.
6. Who doesn't want to get married yet?
The woman.

Ejercicio 3

1. My boyfriend and I want to get married.

2. When I hear this sad music I always feel bad.
3. Did you go totheir wedding? The ceremony was really emotional! Everyone cried.
4. I'm looking for a place to have my birthday party.
5. I will never forget the birth of my daughter. I was really emotional!
6 The different types of decorations go well together.
7 Frank is my best friend. He has known me since I was really young and we understand
each other perfectly!
8 He is worried about getting married too quickly.

Ejercicio 4

1. There were more than a thousand guests from all over the world: celebrities, sports
stars, journalists and of course relatives of the couple.
2. The wedding was held in a magnificent hotel in London.
3. Lea Mova looked simply lovely in her long white dress and Tom Rock seemed very
4. During the wedding ceremony ,Tom and Lea said an emotional0 "yes" to each other.
5. Then everyone partied and danced to rock music all night.
6. The bridge and groom seemed very happy. We hope they love each other for the rest
of their lives!
Ejercicio 5

1. It was great! The ceremony was so romantic.... All our guests seemed happy to be
2. Your friend and her boyfriend don't get along anymore. What do you say to your
You don't look very happy together anymore.... Do you still love each other?
3. During your brother's wedding ceremony, you feel very emotional. Why?
It's wonderful to see how happy the couple are and how much they love each other.


1. There are a lot of castles to visit in Scotland.

2. When he saw his baby for the first time, the young father was emotional.
3. I have never met all my family's relatives who live in Canada.
4. I have a lot of good memories of my childhood.
5. This student goes to all of her lessons.
6. When he leaves, I'm going to feel sad.
7. The Paris area is the most populated region in France.
8. During the wedding ceremony , the bride and groom exchange wedding rings.
9. I want to eat, I'm really hungry.
10. We are looking for the best place to go on holiday.
11. When she graduated, she partied until four in the morning.
12. I get on with my brother-in-law, he is now a friend.
13. My boyfriend doesn't want to get married.
14. The bride and groom danced all night with their guests.
15. It was a beautiful evening; I will never forget it!
16. We recommend that you drink at least one litre of water per day.
17. Black and White go well together.
18. He likes to dance the tango and the waltz.
19. She didn't sleep because her neighbours had a party all night.
20. We had a lovely weekend at the sea.
21. He was really pleased and happy to see her again.
22. She will get married to her childhood friend next month.
23. There weren't many people at the movies last night; there were only five of us in the
24. More than a thousand guests were at the prince's wedding
25. He is preparing a romantic dinner with flowers and candles.
26. I have to buy flowers, tablecloths and other decorations for the hall.
27. This wonderful woman gave all of her money to a charity.
28. The guests sang and danced all evening.
29. You need to rest, you seem to be tired.
30. The bride and groom promise to love each other for life.
31. His colleague always arrives at the office late.

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony gives Brigitte advice about

2. Tony is working all weekend.
3. Brigitte wants Tony to drive.

Ejercicio 2

1. Brigitte thinks women drive better than

all men.
2. Tony is comparing how quickly Brigitte eats dinner with how quickly He eats dinner.
3. Tony is comparing the safety of Brigitte's driving with how he drive(s).
4. Brigitte compares how fast she drives with how fast Tony drive(s).

Ejercicio 3

1. Comparative and superlative adverbs go after the verb they describe.

2. If comparative adverbs have an object, they are always followed by 'than'.
3. The' always comes before a superlative adverb.
4. More is used before two or more syllable regular comparative adverbs. And most
before two or more syllable regular superlative adverbs


1. she drives more quickly than me .

2. he is the most careful pilot I know .
3. he always arrives earlier than the boss .
4. they break down more often than me.
5. you sang that song better than the singer .

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte, can you please drive more slowly?

2. Ok. Then can you please drive more carefully?

Ejercicio 6

1. I am driving the most carefully of anyone on the road.

2. Tony: Well, maybe that driver over there is driving worse than you, but the other
drivers are definitely driving better than you are!
3. Since you think you drive better than me?

Ejercicio 7

1. Tony, can’t you drive faster?

2. Brigitte, we will arrive more slowly, but more safely than if you were driving.
3. I want to arrive earlier than Jack and Anna, so I can check-in on social media.

Ejercicio 1

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. Tony is asking Laura questions about

2. Laura doesn't like spiders.
3. Laura's fans wrote the questions Tony asks.

Ejercicio 2

1. We use a question word as the subject to know who is doing the action.
2. When we want to know about the receiver /object we use
who did you help?
3. We don't use "auxiliary verbs" if we ask about the subject.

Ejercicio 3

1. Do you need an auxiliary verb if a question word is the subject?

2. If you're asking a question about the receiver or object use an 'auxiliary verb'.
3. When we are asking a question with an 'auxiliary' the form is
question word + auxiliary verb + subject + verb
4. For questions without an 'auxiliary', (when asking about who does the action) use
question word + verb + rest of question
5. In the present tense, always use verbs
in third person.

Ejercicio 4

1. I bought a new phone this morning.

What did you buy this morning?
2. One of the students didn't write the essay.
Who didn't write the essay?
3. I dreamt about the sea last night.
What did you dream about last night?
4. Somebody called me at 2am last night.
Who called you at 2am last night?
5. Sarah likes oranges.
Who likes oranges?

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Hey, I have some great news. I am going to interview Robert Platinson. Can I
practise my questions on you?
2. Tony: Sure.
Brigitte: How did you become an actor?
3. Tony: I started when I was a child.
Brigitte: What was your first acting role?
Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: I acted on a TV commercial about a chocolate bar.

Brigitte: Ah, I remember it. How did you get it?
2. Tony: I went for an audition and I was the best.
Brigitte: Who took you to the audition? Tony: My mum and dad. I was a child!

Ejercicio 7

Fill in the gaps to complete the questions.

1. Brigitte: And what happened?

2. Tony: I got to eat a lot of chocolate bars. It was great.
3. Brigitte: Where does your passion for acting come from?
4. Tony: I love to pretend to be something I am not.
5. Brigitte: And my last question. Can You sign this picture?
Tony: You can’t ask that!


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony spends the most time at the new shopping centre these days.
2. Tony loves shopping.
3. They talk about changes to
their appearance.

Ejercicio 2

1. an action that started in the past and is still happening now.

2. "I have been about 5 times!" tells us about
a past experience, but not when it happened.
3. Brigitte asks Tony, "have you lost weight?" because
he looks different than in the past.
4. 'For' ("I haven't seen you for a long time") refers to
the duration of time.
5. 'Since' ("I haven't been there since the last time") refers to
a moment in the past.
6. 'Still' ("I still haven't bought any good training shoes") means:
"I should buy them before it's too late".
7. 'Yet' ("I haven't decided yet") means:
"I will soon decide".

Ejercicio 3

1. The auxiliary 'have/has' goes before the verb.

2. In negative sentences, use 'not' after 'have/has'.
3. In questions, 'have/has' comes before the subject + verb.
4. The present perfect is always formed using the past participle (done, been etc.) of the
5. If 'for/since' is used it goes before the time expression.
6. 'Yet' goes at the end of the sentence.
7. 'Still' goes before 'have not + p.p.".


1. Have you changed your hair?

2. They have never been here before.
3. Sam and Giles haven't heard the news yet.
4. I still haven't thanked Grandma for the birthday card.
5. Why hasn't my letter arrived yet?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Brigitte,have you had a hair cut?

2. Brigitte: Yeah, thanks for your suggestion. Tony: It looks great. Have you had

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: I have had the same clothes and look for so long. It was time to change.
2. Brigitte: And you…Have you lost more weight? You look so slim.
3. Tony: Yes, this diet is great. I hope I haven't lost too much though.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte:Have you had to change what you eat?

2. Tony: Yes, I have stopped eating so much cake and you know how much I love cake!



Ejercicio 1

1. What is the woman doing?

She is describing her colleague's villa.
2. how does the man react?
He is interested in what his friend is saying.

Ejercicio 2

1. who does the villa belong to?

The woman's colleague.
2. What is special about the garden?
It was designed by a landscape architect.
3. Where are the bedrooms?
4. Why is there a door in one of the bedrooms?
To get to the balcony.
5. When was the villa built?
It was built in the 1930s.
6. What materials were used?
A lot of glass and wood inside.
7. What was used to make it look old-fashioned?
Period tables and lamps.
8. What is the neighbourhood like?
There are lots of trees.

Ejercicio 3

1. A room with a bed: abedroom

2. A building with rooms upstairs and downstairs has more than one: floor
3. A room where you wash yourself: a bathroom
4. place where children can play outside: a garden
5. All of the rooms in the house: the inside (the opposite of "outside")
6. A room where you can relax with your guests: the living room
7. A place outside an upper floor, where you can have a cup of coffee or eat when the
weather is nice: a balcony
8. A room where you can have a meal: a dining room

Ejercicio 4

1. An architect from Ottawa will design the plans of their very large villa.
2. When will they start to build the new church? The plans are ready.
3. I don't like modern styles. In my home, the inside is decorated in a classic style.
4. Samuel has a broken leg. He is sleeping downstairs, in the living room, because he
can't go up the stairs.
5. He is looking for period furniture for the dining room.
6. It's so cold! Let's make a fire in the fire place.
7. She broke amirror in the bathroom and she cut her hand with a piece of glass.
8. My grandmother has to move to a quieter neighbourhood because she needs to rest.

Ejercicio 5

1. A very large villa with four floors and a big garden.

2. There is a big wooden table with six chairs, a fire place in the middle of one wall and
beautiful old lamps.


1. Don't forget to lock the door of the house before you leave.
2. You can't leave the bathroom until you take a shower!
3. I dream of buying this beautiful villa, but it is too expensive.
4. The bathroom mirror is really dirty, I have to clean it.
5. During the winter, we have a fire in the fireplace.
6. Her two daughters sleep in the same bedroom.
7. She's about to move into a beautiful apartment.
8. There are many new buildings on this street.
9. I left my phone in the bathroom upstairs. Can you go and get it?
10. Sarah welcomes her guests in the living room and offers them a drink.
11. The living room isn't decorated yet; do you have any ideas?
12. I'm thinking about going to Barcelona or Madrid.
13. Glass is not a good material to use in a child's room.
14. The neighbours are playing ball in the garden.
15. Their room was on the fifth floor of the hotel.
16. You won't find a restaurant or bar in this residential area.
17. I'm trying to design a house, but it's not easy.
18. I don't like the decor in your living room, it's dark and there are too many paintings.
19. We have chosen glass as a material in order to have rooms with lots of light.
20. I was in my bed when I heard a noise downstairs in the living room.
21. The main door of the building leads onto a wide street.
22. My brother received a big period clock.
23. The house is quiet when the children are not there.
24. Don't play with the ball in the living room, you'll break a lamp!
25. On summer evenings, we have our meals on the balcony
26. The castle was very large : the visit lasted three hours!
27. She loves old-fashioned Renaissance furniture.
28. hildren, it's raining! Come inside quickly.
29. We want to buy a bigger table for the dining room.
30. The landscape gardener just brought the plans for the garden at the new house.
31. To decorate the house, I prefer a more modern style.
32. We don't like the modern style, it's too simple and unattractive.
33. The cabin was made of wood, it caught fire quickly.

Ejercicio 1

1. Brigitte and Tony are mainly talking about

Tony's news.
2. Tony wants Brigitte
to give him advice.
3. Tony can't choose which girl to meet.

Ejercicio 2

1. When Tony says "I went to a party" he is telling Brigitte

something new.
2. When Brigitte asks about "the party" 'the' is used because
we already mentioned the party before
3. We use"a"to introduce names of jobs.
4. When Tony says ‘the supermarket’ he is sure Brigitte knows which supermarket he is
talking about.
5. We need nothing before plural or uncountable nouns ‘e.g. eyes/hair’.
6. We use 'the' before moon to show there is only one of these.

Ejercicio 3

1. 'a' 'an' & 'the' refer to

2. "an"goes before a noun starting with a vowel sound.

Ejercicio 4
1. Where are we meeting? The restaurant next to the supermarket.
2. I'll give you my telephone number. Do you have a pen?
3. How much time do we have for lunch?
An hour
4. Honesty is important.
5. A dog is a man's best friend.
6. Is St. Martin's a college, or a university?

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Hey Tony, did you choose which girl to meet again? Tony: Yes, I chose the sporty
2. rigitte: Is she the girl who works in the supermarket?
Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: Yes, she is. I like her. She's - honest and - friendly.
2. Brigitte: Is she a shop assistant in the supermarket?
3. Tony: No. Actually, she is the assistant manager.


1. Brigitte: Wow! Is she the taller, dark-haired girl, or the shorter, blonde girl with -blue
2. Tony: She's the blonde girl with - blue eyes. And, what do you look for in aman?
3. Hhhhmmm. Well, - friendship and also, I like - men who want to travel the world.


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony is good at skiing

2. Tony feels bad when he tries to stand.
3. Tony has always skied

Ejercicio 2

1. The doctor tells Tony it is possible his leg will hurt when he tries to stand.
2. The doctor tells Tony there is a chance his leg will be better
in the present /in the future
3. When Tony tells the doctor about skiing. He talks about an ability he has in the present
but that he didn't have in the past
4. The doctor uses 'should' to tell Tony things that are
a good idea
5. The doctor tells Tony if he doesn't rest it is possible he won't ski in the future.

Ejercicio 3

1. To make negative sentences 'not' comes after the modal verb.

2. Verb (base form) is used after all modal verbs. And it is also possible to use verb (ing)
after should.
3. To make questions change the place of
he modal verb and the subject
4. We should never add 's' to the third person singular.
Ejercicio 4

1. She may be late for work.

2. Could you drive when you were younger?
3. You should be listening to the teacher!
4. I cannot understand French.
5. Might she come to the party?
6. He can ski really well.

Ejercicio 5

1. Doctor: Hi again Tony. Let’s have another look at your leg. Tony: Great doc! I can stand
(he is able to stand) on it now.
2. Doctor: That sounds good but you shouldn't stand (not a good idea to stand) on it too
3. Tony: Sorry doc. My mum also told me I should (is a good idea) rest or it might not
(possible it won't) get better. Doctor: Yes, your mum is right!

Ejercicio 6

1. Doctor: I will take the cast off now. It might hurt (possible it will hurt) a little, you
shouldn't (not a good idea) move
2. Tony: Ok. I am ready. I won’t move. Doctor: (Are you able to) Can you stand? Remember,
it might (it is possible) hurt.
3. Tony: Yes! I can stand (it is possible for me to stand)

Ejercicio 7

1. Doctor: And can you walk (are you able to walk) to the door?
2. Tony: oowwwhhhh no, I can’t (I am not able). What should I (is a good idea for me) do?

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony is worried about losing his job.

2. At the beginning of the conversation Brigitte is worried about Tony.
3. The company has problems because they
don't send many products abroad

Ejercicio 2

1. Add ‘-one’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about people when you don't say
exactly who.
2. ‘Everybody’ and ‘everyone’ mean the same, but it is more common to use ‘-body’
which is more informal.
3. Add ‘-where’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about places when you don't say
exactly where.
4. Add ‘-thing’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about things when you don't say
exactly what.
5. In sentences use no-body/thing/where as a negative

Ejercicio 3

1. With indefinite pronouns (someone / anybody) use a singular form of the verb.
2. Indefinite pronouns replace the noun in a sentence.
3. Do not use a negative verb after 'no-body/one/thing/where'.

Ejercicio 4

1. Is anyone coming to the staff party? No,noone is coming.

2. Everything was ready for the customer to pick up.
3. Can someone turn off the machine?
4. Nowhere produces the products we need.

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Yes. Sales have increased.Everyone can keep their job.

2. Ah great news. So,no one needs to look for another job!
3. Tony: No. Everyone is happy.

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Do you know what changed? Tony: I’m not sure.Someone told me that
exports have increased worldwide.Everywhere is buying more products. It’s amazing.
2. Brigitte: Has anyone asked about the profits?
3. Tony: No. Actually no one has seen the chairman for days.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Hhhmm that’s strange. Tony: Yes, it is. I’d like to ask him if anything is wrong.
2. Brigitte: Why would something be wrong. Sales have increased!
3. Tony: I don’t know Brigitte. But you know anyone can have problems.



Ejercicio 1

1. What are Stephany and Mr. Smith doing?

Stephany is showing an apartment to Mr. Smith.
2. What is the relationship between Stephany and Mr. Smith ?
They have just met for the first time.
3. What is Stephany's objective?
To rent the apartment to Mr. Smith.

Ejercicio 2

1. They meet each other in front of the apartment and introduce themselves. They go
inside and start the visit with the bedroom. Then they visit the living room and the
kitchen. Then they go into the bathroom. In this room, Stephany shows the toilet that
is behind the little wall. Mr. Smith asks how much the rent is and when the apartment
will be available. He learns that the apartment will be his if he decides right away. Mr.
Smith tells Stephany that he thinks he will take it.

Ejercicio 3

1. It is available to rent.
The apartment.
2. Built five years ago, it is modern.
The building.
3. This person likes older buildings.
Mr. Smith.
4. It leads onto the balcony.
The bedroom
5. It is almost new and fully equipped.
The kitchen.
6. It is separated by a little wall in the bathroom.
The toilet.
7. The flooring in the living room.
8. The decision needs to be made quickly by
Mr. Smith.

Ejercicio 4

1. Image 1= parquet
2. Image 2= washing machine
3. Image 3= balcony
4. Image 4= tiles
5. Image 5= electricity
Ejercicio 5

1. There is an old house to rent in my neighbourhood.

2. You have to pay rent every month.
3. They chose to put tiles on the floor of the bathroom.
4. We removed a Wall and now the living room is open to the dining room.
5. Unfortunately, this house is no longer available: I just rented it.
6. The parquet is old and really damaged; it needs to be changed.
7. The internet is included in the rent
8. An apartment or a house? Make a decision and stop
changing your mind.

Ejercicio 6

1. You are a real estate agent. A person you don't know comes to visit a house that is
available to rent. How do you greet the person?
Hello, nice to meet you. Come in, I will show you the house.
2. You are visiting an apartment but you don't like the kitchen. Why?
It's not equipped and you don't want to buy new equipment.
3. You want more details about the monthly rental costs. What do you ask?
What are the utilities? Are they included in the rent?


1. Our electricity bill has decreased since we started using energy-saving light bulbs.
2. She is looking for a house to rent but she does not want to pay more than £600 per
3. The house will be available in a month, after the old owners leave.
4. One of the doors of the living room gives Access to the garden.
5. They were watching television in the living room while their mother prepared dinner
6. I need the toilet, I'll ask the waiter where it is.
7. I bought an electric stove because when I cook on gas, I burn everything
8. As the kitchen tiles are dark, you can't see the marks on the floor
9. Because the washing machine is broken, we have been wearing dirty clothes.
10. It's nice to meet you, Mrs Atkinson.
11. Don't let the dog go on the new sofa, he will make it dirty.
12. You can't leave the bathroom if you haven't had a shower!
13. Every time my daughter prepares food, I have to clean the kitchen floor
14. For your comfort, choose a good mattress.
15. He was running in socks on the parquet floor and he slipped.
16. My brother had to buy an oven and a fridge because his kitchen wasn't well equipped
17. She loves older Renaissance furniture.
18. Our rent goes up every year; it's time to move.
19. I went to the kitchen to prepare food, but there was nothing in the fridge.
20. The five apartments are on the first and second floors of this building.
21. I don't know if Anthony is coming tonight; he often changes his mind.
22. He removed the Wall separating the living room from the dining room in order to
make the new space bigger.
23. We don't like the modern style, it's too simple and unattractive.
24. Water is included in this apartment’s rent, but the other utilities like gas and electricity
are not.
25. The terrace opens onto the garden.
26. The window of our room looked onto a nice Little balcony where our neighbours liked
to sit and read.
27. The offices of this company are recent; they were built only one year ago.
28. Before you can start to build, you have to buy the land.


Ejercicio 1

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. Herself
2. Laura doesn't like spiders.
3. Laura's fans wrote the questions Tony asks.

Ejercicio 2

1. We use a question word as the subject to know who is doing the action.
2. When we want to know about the receiver /object we use
who did you help?
3. We don't use "auxiliary verbs" if we ask about the subject.

Ejercicio 3

1. Do you need an auxiliary verb if a question word is the subject?

2. If you're asking a question about the receiver or object use an 'auxiliary verb'.
3. When we are asking a question with an 'auxiliary' the form is
question word + auxiliary verb + subject + verb
4. For questions without an 'auxiliary', (when asking about who does the action) use
question word + verb + rest of question
5. In the present tense, always use verbs
in third person.

Ejercicio 4

1. I bought a new phone this morning.

What did you buy this morning?
2. One of the students didn't write the essay.
Who didn't write the essay?
3. I dreamt about the sea last night.
What did you dream about last night?
4. Somebody called me at 2am last night.
Who called you at 2am last night?
5. Sarah likes oranges.
Who likes oranges?
Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Hey, I have some great news. I am going to interview Robert Platinson. Can I
practise my questions on you?
2. Tony: Sure.
Brigitte: How did you become an actor?
3. Tony: I started when I was a child.
Brigitte: What was your first acting role?

Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: I acted on a TV commercial about a chocolate bar.

Brigitte: Ah, I remember it. How did you get it?
2. Tony: I went for an audition and I was the best.
Brigitte: Who took you to the audition? Tony: My mum and dad. I was a child!

Ejercicio 7

Fill in the gaps to complete the questions.

1. Brigitte: And what happened?

2. Tony: I got to eat a lot of chocolate bars. It was great.
3. Brigitte: Where does your passion for acting come from?
4. Tony: I love to pretend to be something I am not.
5. Brigitte: And my last question. Can You sign this picture?
Tony: You can’t ask that!


Ejercicio 1

1. Anna's appearance.
2. Tony and Brigitte are happy for Anna
3. Brigitte asks Tony about his diet

Ejercicio 2

1. "Outside” tells us the place Anna walks.

2. After she met him” tells us when Anna met Brigitte.
3. Three or four times a week” tells us how often Anna and the guy meet.
4. "On Saturdays" means
every Saturday

Ejercicio 3

1. Adverbs of place & time usually go after the object.

2. Place goes before time.
3. If an adverb of frequency is just one word (usually, sometimes etc.), it goes before the
4. Adverbial phrases of frequency (more than one word) go after the object
5. In the phrase 'every + time expression', use the singular form of the word, e.g. week,
hour, month.

1. I change my clothes twice a day.

2. I am getting a makeover tonight.
3. the woman who looks like you lives across the street.
4. she usually buys her fruit at the market.
5. my mum goes to the supermarket three times a week

Ejercicio 5

1. to swim every day.

2. Do you swim before or after work?


1. Well, Monday to Wednesday I swim before work but Thursday and Friday I go
2. I might come with you but I can only come twice a week .

Ejercicio 7

1. Ok. And after swimming, I go to the cafe upstairs.

2. I will come tomorrow.


Ejercicio 1

1. making arrangements.
2. They'll stay
near the sea.
3. Their main concern is
the weather.

Ejercicio 2

1. In the sentence: "I'll come if it's sunny","I'll come"is the result.

2. We introduce a condition with the Word
3. In a conditional sentence, the result depends on the condition.
4. Most of the time, we use 'if' & 'when' sentences to talk about the
5. Generally, the tenses we use to talk about the future in 'if' & 'when' sentences are
present tenses.

Ejercicio 3

1. 'Zero conditional' sentences are generally formed using

the present simple + the present simple.
2. 'First conditional' sentences are generally formed using
present simple + will + a verb (base form).
3. When the 'if' part of the sentence comes first,use a comma after it.


1. When you see her , will you say hello for me ?

2. If he doesn't stop smoking , his health will get worse .
3. Soup tastes better if you add a bit of salt.
4. Can you tell me if he calls , please ?
5. They won't be able to return when it gets dark .

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Tony, if the pub is not open, I will be so angry! I am really hungry.
2. Tony: It will be open. If There are customers, it will be open. I promise. Brigitte: I hope
you are right!

Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: Look. It’s open. I told you! Brigitte: Great. If they have fish and chips on the
menu, I will have that. *remember punctuation!*
2. Tony: And,if they have steak and chips, I will have (have) that.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: If they have a fire, we should sit next to it. I'm so cold.
2. Tony: I'm not sure there's a fire. We will find out when we get there.



Ejercicio 1

1. Where does this dialogue happen?

At a market.
2. Who are the two people?
A fruit and vegetable seller and a client.

Ejercicio 2

1. The customer asks for half a kilo of fresh spinach.

2. seasonal fruit and vegetables.
3. they were picked the day before.
4. to add to a soup.
5. The plums are better than the ones at a supermarket.
6. The customer asks the seller
to add one extra kilogram of plums.
7. The customer also asks for a jar of gherkins.
8. The seller's gherkins are organic and come from a local farm.

Ejercicio 3

1. The supermarket is not the only place where you can buy fruits and vegetables. Take
some time to walk around a market and discover products that are from farms near
2. Don't hesitate to eat a plum and rediscover the great taste of seasonal fruit which was
picked on the same morning by a local supplier.
3. Open your eyes and look at the different colours: the orange of carrots, the intense
green of spinach leaves and the white of a cauliflower
4. In addition, buying local products means you are helping farmers in your area to make
a living.
5. Finally, if you want to be sure that the fruits and vegetables are organic, ask the seller
if chemicals were used.

Ejercicio 4

1. I would like 400 grams of apples, please.

2. At the supermarket, you can recognise organic products thanks to a special sticker.
3. She chops all of her vegetables to prepare a seasonal
4. These mushrooms don't seem fresh, you should throw them out.
5. When my brother was younger, he could never open a jam
6. These apples come from the tree in his garden.
7. She puts finely cut basil leaves on the pasta.
8. Don't add any sugar to the strawberries! They are naturally
Ejercicio 5

1. Yes, but I will take 500 grams more today, because I have friends who are coming for
dinner this evening.
2. Yes, I picked them myself yesterday from my garden.
3. Because they are from local farms.


1. Have you ever had fresh tomato and basil pasta?

2. We never go to the supermarket on Saturdays; there are too many people.
3. For his family's health, he only buys organic products.
4. Our rabbit isn't like the other rabbits: he doesn't like carrots.
5. The children pick strawberries and raspberries in the garden every year.
6. Ripe bananas are too sweet for my taste.
7. The cook Will taste the soup before serving it; to make sure it has enough flavour.
8. These juicy fruits are refreshing.
9. This chocolate cake is really delicious, I'll have a second piece!
10. On Their farm, my grandparents raised cows, chickens and pigs.
11. All of our products come from the region.
12. Be careful, I broke a jar of jam and there are pieces of glass all over the floor.
13. She made cauliflower with a butter, cheese and milk sauce.
14. In winter, Dad used to make vegetable soup every night to make us feel warm.
15. I buy frozen spinach and add a little cream and salt: it's quick and delicious.
16. This Farmer lost a large part of his vegetable crop due to bad weather.
17. Feel free to add some finely chopped chives to your omelette.
18. When you buy a local product, you help all of the local farmers.
19. She bought a big pumpkin to make soup.
20. It takes 250 grams of flour, 150 grams of sugar and 100 grams of butter to make this
21. We're going to make a pie and jam with all the plums you've picked.
22. Don't put too many gherkins in the salad or it will have an acid taste.
23. If you want fresh fruit and vegetables, come with me to the market.
24. Are you sure the mushrooms you picked in the forest are okay to eat?
25. Apples are very expensive this year, they cost £3 per kilogram.
26. That vegetable dish was so nice, we ate it all!
27. We are in the middle of winter: don't buy strawberries from abroad; buy seasonal
fruits from this region and period, like apples or clementines.

Ejercicio 1

1. talking on the pone

2. find a job
3. at home

Ejercicio 2

1. Brigitte decides to go to Tony's house while they are talking.

2. Brigitte and Tony make plans to meet
at that moment.
3. Tony suggests getting food
while they are talking on the phone.

Ejercicio 3

1. After will – use

verb (base)
2. For questions that offer – use
3. In negative sentences – use subject + won't / will not+ verb (base)

Ejercicio 4

1. Enjoy your holiday! Thank you. I 'll send you a postcard.

2. I don't want this sandwich! Well, I'm hungry. I will eat it .
3. Are you coming shopping? No, I won't come. I'll stay here .
4. It's cold. Shall I close the window ?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: shall we eat in the kitchen or outside?

2. Tony: Ok I'll get the plates.
3. Brigitte: We won't need plates. It's pizza!

Ejercicio 6

1. I'll take them off

2. Brigitte: Thanks. Shall I get us a drink?
3. Tony: Sounds good. I'll have an orange juice, thanks.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Mmm ... that was delicious. Shall we start looking for jobs now?
2. Tony: Yes! I'll get my laptop.
3. Brigitte: Ok. I'll start looking on my phone then.

Ejercicio 1

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. Herself
2. Laura doesn't like spiders.
3. Laura's fans wrote the questions Tony asks.

Ejercicio 2

1. We use a question word as the subject to know who is doing the action.
2. When we want to know about the receiver /object we use
who did you help?
3. We don't use "auxiliary verbs" if we ask about the subject.

Ejercicio 3

1. Do you need an auxiliary verb if a question word is the subject?

2. If you're asking a question about the receiver or object use an 'auxiliary verb'.
3. When we are asking a question with an 'auxiliary' the form is
question word + auxiliary verb + subject + verb
4. For questions without an 'auxiliary', (when asking about who does the action) use
question word + verb + rest of question
5. In the present tense, always use verbs
in third person.

Ejercicio 4

1. I bought a new phone this morning.

What did you buy this morning?
2. One of the students didn't write the essay.
Who didn't write the essay?
3. I dreamt about the sea last night.
What did you dream about last night?
4. Somebody called me at 2am last night.
Who called you at 2am last night?
5. Sarah likes oranges.
Who likes oranges?

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Hey, I have some great news. I am going to interview Robert Platinson. Can I
practise my questions on you?
2. Tony: Sure.
Brigitte: How did you become an actor?
3. Tony: I started when I was a child.
Brigitte: What was your first acting role?
Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: I acted on a TV commercial about a chocolate bar.

Brigitte: Ah, I remember it. How did you get it?
2. Tony: I went for an audition and I was the best.
Brigitte: Who took you to the audition? Tony: My mum and dad. I was a child!

Ejercicio 7

Fill in the gaps to complete the questions.

1. Brigitte: And what happened?

2. Tony: I got to eat a lot of chocolate bars. It was great.
3. Brigitte: Where does your passion for acting come from?
4. Tony: I love to pretend to be something I am not.
5. Brigitte: And my last question. Can You sign this picture?
Tony: You can’t ask that!


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony is worried about losing his job.

2. At the beginning of the conversation Brigitte is worried about Tony.
3. The company has problems because they
don't send many products abroad

Ejercicio 2

1. Add ‘-one’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about people when you don't say
exactly who.
2. ‘Everybody’ and ‘everyone’ mean the same, but it is more common to use ‘-body’
which is more informal.
3. Add ‘-where’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about places when you don't say
exactly where.
4. Add ‘-thing’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about things when you don't say
exactly what.
5. In sentences use no-body/thing/where as a negative

Ejercicio 3

1. With indefinite pronouns (someone / anybody) use a singular form of the verb.
2. Indefinite pronouns replace the noun in a sentence.
3. Do not use a negative verb after 'no-body/one/thing/where'.

Ejercicio 4

1. Is anyone coming to the staff party? No,noone is coming.

2. Everything was ready for the customer to pick up.
3. Can someone turn off the machine?
4. Nowhere produces the products we need.
Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Yes. Sales have increased.Everyone can keep their job.

2. Ah great news. So,no one needs to look for another job!
3. Tony: No. Everyone is happy.

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Do you know what changed? Tony: I’m not sure.Someone told me that
exports have increased worldwide.Everywhere is buying more products. It’s amazing.
2. Brigitte: Has anyone asked about the profits?
3. Tony: No. Actually no one has seen the chairman for days.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Hhhmm that’s strange. Tony: Yes, it is. I’d like to ask him if anything is wrong.
2. Brigitte: Why would something be wrong. Sales have increased!
3. Tony: I don’t know Brigitte. But you know anyone can have problems.



Ejercicio 1

1. Where is the woman shopping?

At a supermarket.
2. Who is she talking to?
To an employee.
3. What is her problem?
She can't find some items.

Ejercicio 2

1. What is the first item that the customer is looking for?

Toilet paper.
2. Where are the dishwashing products?
In the aisle with the cleaning products.
3. Where are the drinks?
4. What milk product does the customer want to buy?
5. Which item is sold by the weight?
6. What does the customer ask for at the meat counter?
Some Italian sausage and veal chops.
7. Which item is on special offer?
Lamb sausages.
8. What does the customer receive at the checkout?
Her receipt.

Ejercicio 3

1. Vegetables are sold by weight and their prices vary depending on the season.
2. The aisle with the drinks is at the end of the store.
3. There you go, your sausages and three steaks.
Is that all?
4. The strawberries are on special offer at the moment.
5. What can I get for you, Mr Andrews? 250 grams of cheese as usual?
6. I can't find the aisle for cleaning products.
7. Every time you pass the bakery section, you can't resist buying some cakes.
8. I don't know where the dairy products are; I will go and
find out.
9. You will find the tea and coffee in the breakfast section in the First aisle.
Ejercicio 4

1. You put it on your toast every morning with some jam:butter

2. It's the place where I buy meat:meat counter
3. I need it to clean plates and glasses: dishwashing liquid
4. My daughter eats a fruit yoguhrt every evening for dessert.
5. It's a speciality of France. You can find it in the dairy products aisle: many types of
6. I always keep it to prove that I have paid for my shopping: a receipt

Ejercicio 5

1. I will have 250 grams of ham and six slices of smoked turkey, please.
2. Certainly, it's in the aisle in front of you, in the hygiene and beauty section.


1. Milk products are a very good source of calcium for growing children.
2. I have everything I need,that's it, thank you.
3. Can you get some toilet paper? It's next to the tissues.
4. I can offer you cold drinks, with or without alcohol.
5. When my brother was a child, he always ate sausage with mashed potatoes.
6. You need to try my wife's dish of veal chops with mushroom sauce, they're just
7. We are on the right street; his house is at the end.
8. I always get lost in the aísles of department stores: there are so many of them!
9. You must be careful when you use some cleaning products, they could be dangerous.
10. I was in my bed when I heard a noise downstairs in the living room.
11. He helps all of the tourists who are lost.
12. I don't like the small pieces of pistachio nuts in the slices of Italian sausage
13. This week, there's a special offer on wine: buy two bottles for the price of one.
14. We sell apples by weight, from 100 grams to 10 kilos.
15. You can find the supermarket at the entrance to the city.
16. The bakery section is full of delicious cakes and nice pastries.
17. The French have more than 1,200 kinds of cheese.
18. Do you need anything else from the bakery or is that all?
19. My daughter always adds two spoons of sugar to her plain yogurt
20. Their room is on the fifth floor of this hotel.
21. If you want to exchange this item, we need the receipt
22. A little bit of this new dishwashing liquid is enough to make the glasses shiny.
23. He bought three beef steaks and salami at the meat counter

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony has a problem with

his leg
2. Tony spent the morning
in hospital
3. Tony had an accident

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony's fall interrupted his skiing day.

2. The doctor will ask Tony questions at the same time as waiting for the x-ray results.
3. Tony's brother called an ambulance just after Tony couldn't stand up.

Ejercicio 2

1. 'When/while' are followed by a

subject + verb
2. 'While' is usually used before the
past continuous
3. 'When' is usually used before
the past simple

Ejercicio 3

1. They had an accident because they weren't looking when they crossed the road.
2. I was at the dentist when my phone rang
3. I was visiting my sister in hospital when I met my boyfriend.
4. While I was working in the health centre, I met a lot of people.
5. They felt better when the ambulance arrived.
6. My mum made me a cup of tea while I was watching TV.

Ejercicio 4

1. Brigitte: Jack, were you in hospital yesterday? Jack: Yes, I was. Why? Brigitte: Anna said
she saw you while she was visiting (visit) her granny.
2. Jack: Ah, I didn’t see her. I was probably sitting in the waiting room when she saw
(saw) me!

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Are you ok? Jack: Not really. I cut myself while I was cooking (cook) dinner.
2. Brigitte: I can’t believe it. What were you cutting? Jack: I was preparing the vegetables
for soup. When I cut (cut) myself, I went to the hospital because it wouldn’t stop
3. Brigitte: What did the doctor say? Jack: He said I need to be careful when I am cooking
(cook) and he put a bandage on it.
Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Ok. Did you see Tony when you were (to be) in hospital?
2. Jack: No, was he in hospital too? Brigitte: Yes. He broke his leg while he was skiing
(ski) with his brother! When you are both better, we can go for dinner!


Ejercicio 1

1. talking on the pone

2. find a job
3. at home

Ejercicio 2

1. Brigitte decides to go to Tony's house while they are talking.

2. Brigitte and Tony make plans to meet
at that moment.
3. Tony suggests getting food
while they are talking on the phone.

Ejercicio 3

1. After will – use

verb (base)
2. For questions that offer – use
3. In negative sentences – use subject + won't / will not+ verb (base)

Ejercicio 4

1. Enjoy your holiday! Thank you. I 'll send you a postcard.

2. I don't want this sandwich! Well, I'm hungry. I will eat it .
3. Are you coming shopping? No, I won't come. I'll stay here .
4. It's cold. Shall I close the window ?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: shall we eat in the kitchen or outside?

2. Tony: Ok I'll get the plates.
3. Brigitte: We won't need plates. It's pizza!

Ejercicio 6

1. I'll take them off

2. Brigitte: Thanks. Shall I get us a drink?
3. Tony: Sounds good. I'll have an orange juice, thanks.
Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Mmm ... that was delicious. Shall we start looking for jobs now?
2. Tony: Yes! I'll get my laptop.
3. Brigitte: Ok. I'll start looking on my phone then.


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony is good at skiing

2. Tony feels bad when he tries to stand.
3. Tony has always skied

Ejercicio 2

1. The doctor tells Tony it is possible his leg will hurt when he tries to stand.
2. The doctor tells Tony there is a chance his leg will be better
in the present /in the future
3. When Tony tells the doctor about skiing. He talks about an ability he has in the present
but that he didn't have in the past
4. The doctor uses 'should' to tell Tony things that are
a good idea
5. The doctor tells Tony if he doesn't rest it is possible he won't ski in the future.

Ejercicio 3

1. To make negative sentences 'not' comes after the modal verb.

2. Verb (base form) is used after all modal verbs. And it is also possible to use verb (ing)
after should.
3. To make questions change the place of
he modal verb and the subject
4. We should never add 's' to the third person singular.

Ejercicio 4

1. She may be late for work.

2. Could you drive when you were younger?
3. You should be listening to the teacher!
4. I cannot understand French.
5. Might she come to the party?
6. He can ski really well.
Ejercicio 5

1. Doctor: Hi again Tony. Let’s have another look at your leg. Tony: Great doc! I can stand
(he is able to stand) on it now.
2. Doctor: That sounds good but you shouldn't stand (not a good idea to stand) on it too
3. Tony: Sorry doc. My mum also told me I should (is a good idea) rest or it might not
(possible it won't) get better. Doctor: Yes, your mum is right!

Ejercicio 6

1. Doctor: I will take the cast off now. It might hurt (possible it will hurt) a little, you
shouldn't (not a good idea) move
2. Tony: Ok. I am ready. I won’t move. Doctor: (Are you able to) Can you stand? Remember,
it might (it is possible) hurt.
3. Tony: Yes! I can stand (it is possible for me to stand)

Ejercicio 7

1. Doctor: And can you walk (are you able to walk) to the door?
2. Tony: oowwwhhhh no, I can’t (I am not able). What should I (is a good idea for me) do?



Ejercicio 1

1. Why is Mr. Brown meeting with Emily Walker?

Because he is interested in her letter about the job vacancy.
2. How does the interview end?
Emily is interested in the job.

Ejercicio 2

1. Emily wants to work as an assistant in the Customer Support Department.

2. Mr. Brown asked his secretary to put the advertisement on the website.
We don't know.
3. Emily has never worked in the field of customer support.
4. Mr. Brown is looking for someone who speaks French, English and German.
5. There is a German person and Swiss person on the team.
We don't know.
6. There is a presentation page of the team on the website.
7. All employees get meal vouchers.
8. No one has any days off in the first year.
9. The I.T. manager will give the two-day training program
We don't know.

Ejercicio 3

1. We are looking for a dynamic person because this job requires a lot of energy.
2. This American company is looking for new clients in Europe.
3. The Head of Human Resources Will welcome you on your arrival
4. I haven't found the website of this company on the Internet.
5. All of the employees have to speak English so that they can communicate with foreign
6. To become multilingual, you have to travel and do several language training courses.
7. Don't forget to say in your cover letter that you have already worked in a similar job
8. Don't forget to say in your cover letter that you have already worked in a similar job
9. He changed jobs to get a better salary
10. Your offer is very interesting: I accept the job!
Ejercicio 4

1. To make an offer.
The Head of Human Resources.
2. To write a cover letter.
The candidate.
3. To publish a job vacancy.
The Head of Human Resources.
4. To read cover letters for jobs.
The Head of Human Resources.
5. To send a CV.
The candidate.
6. To offer training.
The Head of Human Resources.
7. To explain the benefits of the job.
The Head of Human Resources.
8. To reply to a job offer.
The candidate.

Ejercicio 5

1. Yes, I had a similar job for five years with an American company.
2. Of course. I speak English, German and Spanish perfectly.
3. Will I receive extra money at the end of the first year?


1. Don't forget to add your computer skills to your CV

2. The employees of this large multinational company have many perks, such as free
language courses and free access to a fitness room.
3. I have some meal vouchers; come on, I'll take you to a restaurant!
4. Charlotte is really dynamic; she is making a creative contribution to the sales
5. Peter is still at work, he comes home around 6 p.m
6. The Head of Human Resources will contact you to sign your contract.
7. After my studies, I sent letters to all the companies in the region, applying for jobs that
match my qualifications.
8. The director welcomes clients in his office.
9. We have received many similar letters for this position, but your professional
experience really makes the difference.
10. The Purchasing department is looking for new suppliers.
11. I want to learn a new language; why not Portuguese or Italian?
12. Our Administrative assistant, Sheila, will give you the documents to complete.
13. There is a job available as Sales Manager in this supermarket.
14. We have to translate the contract into German for this new client
15. After she saw the Advertisement of the new job, she updated her CV and sent her
cover letter to the company.
16. The marketing team has just presented the new advertising campaign.
17. In this Multilingual family, we speak French, English, Japanese and Italian.
18. He reads the list of job vacancies on the internet every day.
19. Thanks to my year-end bonus, we will go on holiday.
20. We have to deal with this urgently.
21. If you have a problem, call customer support on this number.
22. After a two-year training programme, he will qualify as a baker.
23. She explains why she wants to work for this company in her cover letter.
24. This year, she will take 7 days off to go on holiday to Barcelona.
25. The home page of the school website shows a picture of the building.
26. The Website of this small company is really good; you can find all the information
27. The salary of some athletes is in millions of pounds.


Ejercicio 1

1. making arrangements.
2. They'll stay
near the sea.
3. Their main concern is
the weather.

Ejercicio 2

1. In the sentence: "I'll come if it's sunny","I'll come"is the result.

2. We introduce a condition with the Word
3. In a conditional sentence, the result depends on the condition.
4. Most of the time, we use 'if' & 'when' sentences to talk about the
5. Generally, the tenses we use to talk about the future in 'if' & 'when' sentences are
present tenses.

Ejercicio 3

1. 'Zero conditional' sentences are generally formed using

the present simple + the present simple.
2. 'First conditional' sentences are generally formed using
present simple + will + a verb (base form).
3. When the 'if' part of the sentence comes first,use a comma after it.


1. When you see her , will you say hello for me ?

2. If he doesn't stop smoking , his health will get worse .
3. Soup tastes better if you add a bit of salt.
4. Can you tell me if he calls , please ?
5. They won't be able to return when it gets dark .
Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Tony, if the pub is not open, I will be so angry! I am really hungry.
2. Tony: It will be open. If There are customers, it will be open. I promise. Brigitte: I hope
you are right!

Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: Look. It’s open. I told you! Brigitte: Great. If they have fish and chips on the
menu, I will have that. *remember punctuation!*
2. Tony: And,if they have steak and chips, I will have (have) that.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: If they have a fire, we should sit next to it. I'm so cold.
2. Tony: I'm not sure there's a fire. We will find out when we get there.


Ejercicio 1

1. Anna's appearance.
2. Tony and Brigitte are happy for Anna
3. Brigitte asks Tony about his diet

Ejercicio 2

1. "Outside” tells us the place Anna walks.

2. After she met him” tells us when Anna met Brigitte.
3. Three or four times a week” tells us how often Anna and the guy meet.
4. "On Saturdays" means
every Saturday

Ejercicio 3

1. Adverbs of place & time usually go after the object.

2. Place goes before time.
3. If an adverb of frequency is just one word (usually, sometimes etc.), it goes before the
4. Adverbial phrases of frequency (more than one word) go after the object
5. In the phrase 'every + time expression', use the singular form of the word, e.g. week,
hour, month.


1. I change my clothes twice a day.

2. I am getting a makeover tonight.
3. the woman who looks like you lives across the street.
4. she usually buys her fruit at the market.
5. my mum goes to the supermarket three times a week
Ejercicio 5

1. to swim every day.

2. Do you swim before or after work?


1. Well, Monday to Wednesday I swim before work but Thursday and Friday I go
2. I might come with you but I can only come twice a week .

Ejercicio 7

1. Ok. And after swimming, I go to the cafe upstairs.

2. I will come tomorrow.


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony spends the most time at the new shopping centre these days.
2. Tony loves shopping.
3. They talk about changes to
their appearance.

Ejercicio 2

1. an action that started in the past and is still happening now.

2. "I have been about 5 times!" tells us about
a past experience, but not when it happened.
3. Brigitte asks Tony, "have you lost weight?" because
he looks different than in the past.
4. 'For' ("I haven't seen you for a long time") refers to
the duration of time.
5. 'Since' ("I haven't been there since the last time") refers to
a moment in the past.
6. 'Still' ("I still haven't bought any good training shoes") means:
"I should buy them before it's too late".
7. 'Yet' ("I haven't decided yet") means:
"I will soon decide".

Ejercicio 3

1. The auxiliary 'have/has' goes before the verb.

2. In negative sentences, use 'not' after 'have/has'.
3. In questions, 'have/has' comes before the subject + verb.
4. The present perfect is always formed using the past participle (done, been etc.) of the
5. If 'for/since' is used it goes before the time expression.
6. 'Yet' goes at the end of the sentence.
7. 'Still' goes before 'have not + p.p.".

1. Have you changed your hair?

2. They have never been here before.
3. Sam and Giles haven't heard the news yet.
4. I still haven't thanked Grandma for the birthday card.
5. Why hasn't my letter arrived yet?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Brigitte,have you had a hair cut?

2. Brigitte: Yeah, thanks for your suggestion. Tony: It looks great. Have you had

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: I have had the same clothes and look for so long. It was time to change.
2. Brigitte: And you…Have you lost more weight? You look so slim.
3. Tony: Yes, this diet is great. I hope I haven't lost too much though.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte:Have you had to change what you eat?

2. Tony: Yes, I have stopped eating so much cake and you know how much I love cake!



Ejercicio 1

1. Where are Anthony and Sarah?

At work.
2. Who is Anthony?
Sarah's colleague.
3. What do Anthony and Sarah have in common?
They will go to the same meeting.

Ejercicio 2

1. Why does Sarah remind Anthony about the meeting?

So he doesn't forget to go to it.
2. What will be the subject of the meeting?
The new project.
3. Why do they have to reserve the big room?
Because many people will go to the meeting.
4. Who will reserve the room?
The secretary.
5. What will Anthony do?
Read his emails and reply to Sarah.
6. Who orders the paper for the photocopier?
The secretary.
7. What can Sarah do during office hours?
Have language lessons.

Ejercicio 3

1. Has the photocopier paper order arrived?

2. There will only be three of us. The small meeting room Will be big enough.
3. The insurance company refuses to pay for the damage caused by the accident.
4. We use too much paper. We must manage our stock better.
5. She found a job as a secretary in a small company.
6. This Project plan is unique! You Will want to show it to the Director.
7. After meeting a new customer, he always writes a report for his manager.
8. The photocopier hasn't worked since yesterday.
9. All of our employees Will go to our end-of-year party.
Ejercicio 4

1. Every Monday, we have I.T.

2. My colleague didn't have an order to take time off.
3. My brother's company has about 30
4. He has to learn how to reserve his new team.
5. We're going to have a sandwich, join us
at the photocopier.
6. The company manager used his best pen to sign
the email.

Ejercicio 5

1. You have to use the photocopier but there is almost no paper left.
You ask the secretary to order some.
2. You organise a meeting for about fifty people.
You reserve a large room and order drinks.
3. You have to leave the office early to go to the doctor.
You ask your manager's permission.


1. She Will have lessons in German before she moves to Berlin.

2. This boss offered a meal to all his workers.
3. Call the secretary to make an appointment
4. Using recycled paper saves trees.
5. He Will work with a historian to make this film about Marco Polo.
6. I Will reserve a table for two in our favourite restaurant.
7. Their room was on the fifth floor of the hotel.
8. Thanks to a good night's sleep, I feel great.
9. When I went back to work, there were more than two hundred emails to read.
10. Call Anne as soon as possible, she's waiting for your answer.
11. When you call the pizzeria, can you add pasta to the order?
12. One suitcase Will be enough for all my things.
13. I forgot to pick up the copies of the contract, they are next to the photocopier.
14. The holidays are over; I don't want to go back to work.
15. The hospital cafeteria has organic salads.
16. I signed a six-month employment contract.
17. She has the authorisation of her boss to leave earlier today.
18. Every Monday, we have a team meeting to discuss the planning for the week.
19. He has permission to watch television until 9 p.m.
20. Did you write the report about your meeting with the English customers?
21. The room was full of people.
22. The employees of this shop don't want to work on Sundays.
23. The insurance company won't pay for the damage caused by the fire.
24. His parents are going to be at his dance performance
25. They wanted to do this Project for years but they did not have enough money to do it.
26. Don't worry, I Will manage the situation.
27. I didn't understand anything in this gramar lesson; can you explain it to me?
28. Eva invited around 30 people to her birthday party.
29. The manager asks staff members to turn off their mobile phones during work hours.


Ejercicio 1

1. Something Jack wants to buy.

2. Brigitte is spending the afternoon with
3. Brigitte's dad recently
bought a car.

Ejercicio 2

1. "He's going to buy a car" is an example of a

plan, decision or intention.
2. Jack doesn't yet know which car he will buy.
3. Which afternoon activity is more certain to happen?
That Brigitte has lunch with her family.

Ejercicio 3

1. To form positive sentences, use subject +auxiliary (be) 'going to' main verb (base)
2. In negative sentences 'not' comes before going to
3. In questions the subject comes after the auxiliary verb ‘to be’.
4. Choose the correct 'short form' answer: "Are you going to go to class?"
"Yes, I am".

Ejercicio 4

1. Are you going to meet them soon? Yes, I am.

2. Chris and Madeline are going to get a dog.
3. My mum 's not going to get a new car. She likes the one she has.
4. He is going to look for a new job after Christmas.
5. Is she going to come to the theatre with us?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: What are you going to do after university?

2. Brigitte: I’m not going to stay around here for very long! I'm gonna travel the world!
3. Tony: Ah. Where are you going to go?
Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte:I'm going to visit my friend in New Zealand. Then, together we're going to
do(we / do) a safari in South Africa.
2. What are you going to do?


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony is worried about losing his job.

2. At the beginning of the conversation Brigitte is worried about Tony.
3. The company has problems because they
don't send many products abroad

Ejercicio 2

1. Add ‘-one’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about people when you don't say
exactly who.
2. ‘Everybody’ and ‘everyone’ mean the same, but it is more common to use ‘-body’
which is more informal.
3. Add ‘-where’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about places when you don't say
exactly where.
4. Add ‘-thing’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about things when you don't say
exactly what.
5. In sentences use no-body/thing/where as a negative

Ejercicio 3

1. With indefinite pronouns (someone / anybody) use a singular form of the verb.
2. Indefinite pronouns replace the noun in a sentence.
3. Do not use a negative verb after 'no-body/one/thing/where'.

Ejercicio 4

1. Is anyone coming to the staff party? No,noone is coming.

2. Everything was ready for the customer to pick up.
3. Can someone turn off the machine?
4. Nowhere produces the products we need.

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Yes. Sales have increased.Everyone can keep their job.

2. Ah great news. So,no one needs to look for another job!
3. Tony: No. Everyone is happy.

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Do you know what changed? Tony: I’m not sure.Someone told me that
exports have increased worldwide.Everywhere is buying more products. It’s amazing.
2. Brigitte: Has anyone asked about the profits?
3. Tony: No. Actually no one has seen the chairman for days.
Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Hhhmm that’s strange. Tony: Yes, it is. I’d like to ask him if anything is wrong.
2. Brigitte: Why would something be wrong. Sales have increased!
3. Tony: I don’t know Brigitte. But you know anyone can have problems.


Ejercicio 1

1. talking on the pone

2. find a job
3. at home

Ejercicio 2

1. Brigitte decides to go to Tony's house while they are talking.

2. Brigitte and Tony make plans to meet
at that moment.
3. Tony suggests getting food
while they are talking on the phone.

Ejercicio 3

1. After will – use

verb (base)
2. For questions that offer – use
3. In negative sentences – use subject + won't / will not+ verb (base)

Ejercicio 4

1. Enjoy your holiday! Thank you. I 'll send you a postcard.

2. I don't want this sandwich! Well, I'm hungry. I will eat it .
3. Are you coming shopping? No, I won't come. I'll stay here .
4. It's cold. Shall I close the window ?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: shall we eat in the kitchen or outside?

2. Tony: Ok I'll get the plates.
3. Brigitte: We won't need plates. It's pizza!

Ejercicio 6

1. I'll take them off

2. Brigitte: Thanks. Shall I get us a drink?
3. Tony: Sounds good. I'll have an orange juice, thanks.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Mmm ... that was delicious. Shall we start looking for jobs now?
2. Tony: Yes! I'll get my laptop.
3. Brigitte: Ok. I'll start looking on my phone then.



Ejercicio 1

1. Where are the two people?

At the reception desk.
2. Who are these two people?
The receptionist and a customer.
3. What is the woman asking for?
Directions to get to certain places.
4. What does the woman want to do?
Sports activities.

Ejercicio 2

1. This place is opposite the reception:the toilets.

2. Leave the reception and turn right after crossing the hall: the changing rooms.
3. Take the stairs up to the second floor: the squash courts
4. This place is a little further than the reception, on the left: the stairs
5. Take the stairs to the first floor and go through the gym: the badminton courts
6. From the changing room, go through the showers and down the stairs: the swimming
7. This place is outside, on the ground floor: the garden

Ejercicio 3

1. A tourist asks for information to go to the CN Tower.

2. To go to the reception,turn right.
3. How do we get to the outside swimming pool?
4. I didn't go swimming because the swimming pool was under construction, it's a shame.
5. She forgot to give back the plastic card to the receptionist.
6. My room is on the same floor as the bathroom.
7. To get to the lifts, the guests cross the hotel reception hall.
8. Look at your key ring, your locker number is written on it.
9. I'm lost... Can you show me the way?

Ejercicio 4

1. In summer, it's a pleasure to jump in:swimming pool.

2. A place where clients are welcomed and given information:reception.
3. We can use it to open a locker door:plastic card.
4. It's the opposite of 'right': left
5. If we lose this metal object, we can't open or lock a door:key.
6. A place where people get dressed and undressed:changing room
7. If it's not inside, it's outside.
8. A structure that protects a house from rain, sun and wind:roof.
9. The place where squash and tennis are played:court.
Ejercicio 5

1. You need a plastic card. Ask for one at the reception desk.
2. Of course. It's on the third floor. Take the lift here on the right.
3. No, sorry, it's still under construction. But the indoor swimming pool is accessible.


1. I suggest you wear safety glasses when playing squash

2. I tried to explain the rules of tennis but he didn't understand them.
3. Some buildings have flat roofs
4. Remi goes to the gym every morning to build up his strength.
5. Slide your plastic card through the reader and the door will open.
6. He's worried about going on the boat because he can't swim
7. In most European countries, people drive on the right side of the road.
8. In a building without a lift, it's better to live on the ground floor.
9. She bought a very large key ring to make it easier to find her keys in her bag.
10. The restaurant's toilets are reserved for guests only.
11. You can find the supermarket at the entrance to the city.
12. Aren't you coming with us? That's a shame, we're going to have a great time.
13. When there is not too much wind, you can play badminton on the beach.
14. Tennis players train on the tennis court.
15. You're almost there;continue just a few more metres.
16. He left his gym bag in the changing room.
17. The customer asks for information about organic products.
18. In a building without a lift, it's better to live on the ground floor
19. This street is under construction: the workers have to repair the sidewalks.
20. He crossed the room without looking at me
21. In the United Kingdom, people drive on the left
22. I live opposite my sister's house; I cross the street and I arrive at her house.
23. It's Victor's book: you have to give it back to him.
24. We are waiting for you at the end of the hall
25. The terrace is on the same floor as the living room.
26. I'm going down to the cellar to get a bottle of wine
27. I lost my key, I can't go home!
28. Students will take their books from Their lockers.
29. Walk straight on to the end of the Champs-Elysées and you will arrive at the Arc de
30. To get to the first floor, go up the stairs.
31. The water in the pool is too cold; I prefer to stay at the edge.
32. I don't have a garage for my car, it must stay outside.
33. You can't turn around here, we need to keep going on the same road.
34. He shows the way to tourists who are lost.
35. The Reception desk of this big hotel is open day and night.
36. You have to go through that door to get to the terrace.

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony and Brigitte talk mainly about

Something Jack wants to buy.
2. Brigitte is spending the afternoon with
3. Brigitte's dad recently
bought a car.

Ejercicio 2

1. "He's going to buy a car" is an example of a

plan, decision or intention.
2. Jack doesn't yet know which car he will buy.
3. Which afternoon activity is more certain to happen?
That Brigitte has lunch with her family.

Ejercicio 3

1. To form positive sentences, use subject +auxiliary (be) 'going to' main verb (base)
2. In negative sentences 'not' comes before going to
3. In questions the subject comes after the auxiliary verb ‘to be’.
4. Choose the correct 'short form' answer: "Are you going to go to class?"
"Yes, I am".

Ejercicio 4

1. Are you going to meet them soon? Yes, I am.

2. Chris and Madeline are going to get a dog.
3. My mum 's not going to get a new car. She likes the one she has.
4. He is going to look for a new job after Christmas.
5. Is she going to come to the theatre with us?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: What are you going to do after university?

2. Brigitte: I’m not going to stay around here for very long! I'm gonna travel the world!
3. Tony: Ah. Where are you going to go?

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte:I'm going to visit my friend in New Zealand. Then, together we're going to
do(we / do) a safari in South Africa.
2. What are you going to do?

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony and Brigitte are discussing what to do

2. Tony and Anna will travel together.
3. Anna hasn't started driving because
the lessons are too expensive.

Ejercicio 2

1. When two verbs come next to each other, the second one usually changes form.
2. The new form can be
infinitive, -ing or base.
3. The form it takes depends on
what the first verb is.
4. Usually,-ing verbs come after verbs that express feelings.
5. The vast majority of 2nd verbs can only take one form.
6. If you want to add an object, put it after the first verb.

Ejercicio 3

1. Brigitte: Hey Tony, I really enjoyed walking (walk) by the river.

2. Tony: Me too. I would like to start (start) walking (walk) more often, especially when
the weather is nice.

Ejercicio 4

1. Brigitte: Really, I prefer running (run)

2. Tony: I don’t mind running (run) but I like to walk (walk). I can’t run in hot weather.
Brigitte: I love it. The sun motivates me and I run faster.

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Anyway, I wanted to ask (ask) you about the weather in Spain in October. Is it hot?
2. Brigitte: It depends. In the south it can be hot. Why? Tony: Jack’s friends would like to get
3. (get) married there.




1. Where are the doctor and Mr. Williams?

At the doctor's.
2. What is happening?
Mr. Williams doesn't feel well.
3. What does Mr. Williams have to do?
Take some medicine and rest.
4. Where will Mr. Williams go next?
To the pharmacy.


1. Mr. Williams had to wait a long time before seeing the doctor.
2. Mr. Williams hasn't been feeling well since yesterday.
3. Mr. Williams can't eat or drink anymore because his throat hurts.
4. The doctor takes Mr. Williams' temperature.
5. The doctor will give a script for some antibiotics.
6. Mr. Williams must dissolve the painkillers in water.
7. Mr. Williams needs a medical certificate because he has not been to work.
8. At the pharmacy, Mr. Williams will need to present the script from the doctor and his
health insurance card.
9. Mr. Williams must call the doctor in a few days.


1. Hello, Doctor? This is Eric Williams. I'm calling you because my condition isn't getting
2. Really? You are still ill ? Have you taken the painkillers and the vitamins ?
3. Yes, of course! Both boxes of medicine are almost empty. I have rested a lot, but I feel
tired all the time and I have a fever.
4. That's worrying.... Do you still have a sore throat?
5. Oh yes doctor, the pain is worse. Even when I talk, it's painful.
6. OK. Come today for a consultation , I am seeing patients until 6 p.m.
7. - Thank you, Doctor. Oh, I'll need a new medical certificate because I can't go to work.
- No problem. See you soon, Mr. Williams.

1. His condition got worse because he didn't take his medicine.

2. The doctor Will see you in ten minutes.
3. You have to dissolve this table tin a glass of water.
4. My son had the flu last month.
5. She has to go back to the pharmacy to get her medicine because she forgot the
doctor's prescription.
6. I'll make you a nice hot cup of tea, you won't feel so cold.
7. Thanks to the medicine I am getting better quickly.
8. I have a really bad headache, do you have a painkiller for me?
9. His temperature is very high. He has a fever.


1. My whole body is in pain and I have a fever.

2. Yes, when I took my temperature this morning, it was 39°C.
3. No, I'm not working.
4. Tablets that dissolve in water are easier to swallow.


1. She's looking for a thermometer in order to take her temperature.

2. This pill is so small that you can take it without drinking anything.
3. He took two painkillers because his back hurts so much.
4. Don't take antibiotics to treat your cold, they don't work against viruses.
5. My throat really hurts when I Drink, I can't eat anymore either.
6. I forgot to take my coat and now I am cold.
7. My colleague has worked hard this week, he is tired.
8. Some headache tablets dissolve in water and can then be drunk.
9. I am worried about his condition : he has eaten very little for three days.
10. The director Will see his clients in his office.
11. If your baby has a fever, you should take him to the hospital straight away.
12. They bought two boxes of cereal.
13. Thanks to your health insurance card , some medicine is less expensive.
14. You can buy some medicine without a script.
15. He can't be cured: his illness Will get worse.
16. People who smoke have throats which are fragile.
17. During the weekend, only a few pharmacies are open.
18. The wounded man was screaming in pain.
19. The doctor gave him a medical certificate for five days; he will return to the office next
20. As the whole family has the flu, we're staying at home.
21. Why are you crying? What is wrong?
22. Anne will go to the doctor because she's ill.
23. He fell during the football game; his leg hurts.
24. The doctor gave me a prescription to take to the pharmacy in order to get the
medicine I needed.
25. After working at his computer for 14 hours, he developed a bad headache.
26. Fruits and vegetables are a natural source of vitaminC.
27. This medicine isn't working: I am still sick!
28. When I was sick, my mother would give me a Tablet to swallow.
29. After a long night's sleep and a good breakfast, Amy felt well again.
30. This weekend they will stay at home to rest.


Ejercicio 1

1. talking on the pone

2. find a job
3. at home

Ejercicio 2

1. Brigitte decides to go to Tony's house while they are talking.

2. Brigitte and Tony make plans to meet
at that moment.
3. Tony suggests getting food
while they are talking on the phone.

Ejercicio 3

1. After will – use

verb (base)
2. For questions that offer – use
3. In negative sentences – use subject + won't / will not+ verb (base)

Ejercicio 4

1. Enjoy your holiday! Thank you. I 'll send you a postcard.

2. I don't want this sandwich! Well, I'm hungry. I will eat it .
3. Are you coming shopping? No, I won't come. I'll stay here .
4. It's cold. Shall I close the window ?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: shall we eat in the kitchen or outside?

2. Tony: Ok I'll get the plates.
3. Brigitte: We won't need plates. It's pizza!

Ejercicio 6

1. I'll take them off

2. Brigitte: Thanks. Shall I get us a drink?
3. Tony: Sounds good. I'll have an orange juice, thanks.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Mmm ... that was delicious. Shall we start looking for jobs now?
2. Tony: Yes! I'll get my laptop.
3. Brigitte: Ok. I'll start looking on my phone then.

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony has a problem with

his leg
2. Tony spent the morning
in hospital
3. Tony had an accident

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony's fall interrupted his skiing day.

2. The doctor will ask Tony questions at the same time as waiting for the x-ray results.
3. Tony's brother called an ambulance just after Tony couldn't stand up.

Ejercicio 2

1. 'When/while' are followed by a

subject + verb
2. 'While' is usually used before the
past continuous
3. 'When' is usually used before
the past simple

Ejercicio 3

1. They had an accident because they weren't looking when they crossed the road.
2. I was at the dentist when my phone rang
3. I was visiting my sister in hospital when I met my boyfriend.
4. While I was working in the health centre, I met a lot of people.
5. They felt better when the ambulance arrived.
6. My mum made me a cup of tea while I was watching TV.

Ejercicio 4

1. Brigitte: Jack, were you in hospital yesterday? Jack: Yes, I was. Why? Brigitte: Anna said
she saw you while she was visiting (visit) her granny.
2. Jack: Ah, I didn’t see her. I was probably sitting in the waiting room when she saw
(saw) me!

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Are you ok? Jack: Not really. I cut myself while I was cooking (cook) dinner.
2. Brigitte: I can’t believe it. What were you cutting? Jack: I was preparing the vegetables
for soup. When I cut (cut) myself, I went to the hospital because it wouldn’t stop
3. Brigitte: What did the doctor say? Jack: He said I need to be careful when I am cooking
(cook) and he put a bandage on it.
Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Ok. Did you see Tony when you were (to be) in hospital?
2. Jack: No, was he in hospital too? Brigitte: Yes. He broke his leg while he was skiing
(ski) with his brother! When you are both better, we can go for dinner!


Ejercicio 1

1. making arrangements.
2. They'll stay
near the sea.
3. Their main concern is
the weather.

Ejercicio 2

1. In the sentence: "I'll come if it's sunny","I'll come"is the result.

2. We introduce a condition with the Word
3. In a conditional sentence, the result depends on the condition.
4. Most of the time, we use 'if' & 'when' sentences to talk about the
5. Generally, the tenses we use to talk about the future in 'if' & 'when' sentences are
present tenses.

Ejercicio 3

1. 'Zero conditional' sentences are generally formed using

the present simple + the present simple.
2. 'First conditional' sentences are generally formed using
present simple + will + a verb (base form).
3. When the 'if' part of the sentence comes first,use a comma after it.


1. When you see her , will you say hello for me ?

2. If he doesn't stop smoking , his health will get worse .
3. Soup tastes better if you add a bit of salt.
4. Can you tell me if he calls , please ?
5. They won't be able to return when it gets dark .

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Tony, if the pub is not open, I will be so angry! I am really hungry.
2. Tony: It will be open. If There are customers, it will be open. I promise. Brigitte: I hope
you are right!

Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: Look. It’s open. I told you! Brigitte: Great. If they have fish and chips on the
menu, I will have that. *remember punctuation!*
2. Tony: And,if they have steak and chips, I will have (have) that.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: If they have a fire, we should sit next to it. I'm so cold.
2. Tony: I'm not sure there's a fire. We will find out when we get there.




1. Why are the two people in the hospital?

To visit someone in the hospital.
2. Who is the man talking to?
The doctor who is taking care of Mrs. Johnson.
3. What does he find out?
That his grandmother has to stay in the hospital.


1. In which department do the doctor and the two people meet?

In the Internal Medicine Department.
2. Why does the doctor know Mrs. Johnson?
Because she is the doctor responsible for her post-operation medical care.
3. Why are the two people worried?
Because they don't have much news about Mrs. Johnson's condition.
4. When are the two people going to see Mrs. Johnson?
During the day.
5. Can Mrs. Johnson eat the fruit the visitors have brought for her?
No, it's not allowed because she has to follow a special diet.
6. Why is Mrs. Johnson's recovery slow?
Because she's rather old.
7. What happened in the morning?
Mrs. Johnson had a pain in her stomach and nausea.
8. When can Mrs. Johnson leave hospital?
The doctor can't say yet.


1. A surgeon's job:
To be hospitalised.
2. Talking about the condition of a patient:
To follow a diet.
3. What a visitor can do:
To have nausea.
4. A patient's needs:
To visit someone.

1. The condition of this patient is getting better every day.

2. After an operation, eating too much is not
3. The pain has almost gone thanks to the medication.
4. I have a pain in my stomach because I'm very hungry.
5. Why are you so worried? There were no problems during the operation.
6. What kind of care does the patient need?
7. After the birth of her daughter, she stayed in the hospital for two days.
8. You bought a large basket of chocolates and cookies for your grandfather.


1. Don't worry, we'll ask this doctor who is walking past.

2. This is normal: the doctor explained that after this type of operation, you recover
3. It's hard to say. The doctor needs to see how his condition changes.


1. This Project needs a lot of work and time.

2. I want to stay in bed all day
3. The operation went well, the patient is in the recovery room.
4. His situation has changed: now, he is the company's manager.
5. The patient is waiting for his appointment with the doctor.
6. The paediatrics department treats sick children.
7. On Friday, the staff are allowed to leave work one hour earlier.
8. You have a stomach ache because you ate too fast.
9. The young patient's room is filled with flowers and gifts.
10. Thanks to internal medicine, you can get better if you have problems with your lungs
11. I don't want to eat anything. My feeling of nausea is worse.
12. He follows a diet which is very strict because he is allergic to gluten and lactose.
13. During the weekend,visiting hours are longer.
14. When it snows, we recommend that you drive more slowly.
15. She sees the doctor who gives her medical care every month.
16. After my diet, my weight stopped increasing and it stabilised
17. The birth was fine, without any problems; the mother and the baby are fine.
18. For his birthday, we gave him a basket of organic products.
19. Annually, my son's teacher informs me how my son is doing in class.
20. My grandfather is going to have an operation to fix his heart problem.
21. To recover quickly, you need to rest and take your medication.
22. After his skiing accident, he was in hospital for two days.
23. His health has improved since he stopped smoking.
24. Some people were wounded in the explosion, they were taken directly to the
emergency room.
25. His arm is broken; we have to take him to the hospital.
26. At home, my husband is responsible for the cleaning.
27. Before each operation, this surgeon meets with his patients to explain the procedure
and answer their questions.
28. I'm worried about his condition: he has eaten very little for three days.
29. There are home care services for the elderly.
30. It's not a serious condition, he'll be okay.
31. The wounded man was screaming in pain.
32. He hasn't called me in a week; I'm really worried
33. She took time off to visit her sister who lives in Germany.


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony spends the most time at the new shopping centre these days.
2. Tony loves shopping.
3. They talk about changes to
their appearance.

Ejercicio 2

1. an action that started in the past and is still happening now.

2. "I have been about 5 times!" tells us about
a past experience, but not when it happened.
3. Brigitte asks Tony, "have you lost weight?" because
he looks different than in the past.
4. 'For' ("I haven't seen you for a long time") refers to
the duration of time.
5. 'Since' ("I haven't been there since the last time") refers to
a moment in the past.
6. 'Still' ("I still haven't bought any good training shoes") means:
"I should buy them before it's too late".
7. 'Yet' ("I haven't decided yet") means:
"I will soon decide".

Ejercicio 3

1. The auxiliary 'have/has' goes before the verb.

2. In negative sentences, use 'not' after 'have/has'.
3. In questions, 'have/has' comes before the subject + verb.
4. The present perfect is always formed using the past participle (done, been etc.) of the
5. If 'for/since' is used it goes before the time expression.
6. 'Yet' goes at the end of the sentence.
7. 'Still' goes before 'have not + p.p.".

1. Have you changed your hair?

2. They have never been here before.
3. Sam and Giles haven't heard the news yet.
4. I still haven't thanked Grandma for the birthday card.
5. Why hasn't my letter arrived yet?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Brigitte,have you had a hair cut?

2. Brigitte: Yeah, thanks for your suggestion. Tony: It looks great. Have you had

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: I have had the same clothes and look for so long. It was time to change.
2. Brigitte: And you…Have you lost more weight? You look so slim.
3. Tony: Yes, this diet is great. I hope I haven't lost too much though.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte:Have you had to change what you eat?

2. Tony: Yes, I have stopped eating so much cake and you know how much I love cake!


Ejercicio 1

1. What is Tony unhappy with?

His job
2. The fortune tellers predictions were
3. Tony asks Brigitte
when they can see each other

Ejercicio 2

1. How many predictions did you hear?

2. Does the fortune teller have any evidence for her predictions?
3. Does Tony have any evidence for his prediction?
4. Will / Won't are used for predictions with NO evidence.
5. Going to / Not going are used for predictions with evidence.
Ejercicio 3

1. Make positive predictions using: will / going to +

verb (base)
2. Make negative sentences using 'not'before'will'
3. Before 'going to' we use the auxiliary verb:
4. For negative sentences we use subject + 'be' + 'not' going to + verb (base)
5. To ask a question, the auxiliary/modal changes places with the subject

Ejercicio 4

1. France won't win the next World Cup .

2. Jack will be on time .
3. Will humans live on Mars one day ?
4. It is not going to rain !
5. Is she going to pass her exams ?

Ejercicio 5

1. I think it will be a great day.

2. My boss is a great cook. The Food is going to be Delicious
3. Who knows, maybe you will make some new friends.

Ejercicio 6

1. The cafe opens at 9am so we should be there by then. But I think some people will
arrive late.
2. It is going to a long day. It always is when we do something special in the cafe.
3. We probably won't get home until midnight!
4. By the way, the weather forecast looks bad. They say it is going to snow


Ejercicio 1

1. Tony has a problem with

his leg
2. Tony spent the morning
in hospital
3. Tony had an accident
Ejercicio 2

1. Tony's fall interrupted his skiing day.

2. The doctor will ask Tony questions at the same time as waiting for the x-ray results.
3. Tony's brother called an ambulance just after Tony couldn't stand up.

Ejercicio 3

1. 'When/while' are followed by a

subject + verb
2. 'While' is usually used before the
past continuous
3. 'When' is usually used before
the past simple

Ejercicio 4

1. They had an accident because they weren't looking when they crossed the road.
2. I was at the dentist when my phone rang
3. I was visiting my sister in hospital when I met my boyfriend.
4. While I was working in the health centre, I met a lot of people.
5. They felt better when the ambulance arrived.
6. My mum made me a cup of tea while I was watching TV.

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Jack, were you in hospital yesterday? Jack: Yes, I was. Why? Brigitte: Anna said
she saw you while she was visiting (visit) her granny.
2. Jack: Ah, I didn’t see her. I was probably sitting in the waiting room when she saw
(saw) me!

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Are you ok? Jack: Not really. I cut myself while I was cooking (cook) dinner.
2. Brigitte: I can’t believe it. What were you cutting? Jack: I was preparing the vegetables
for soup. When I cut (cut) myself, I went to the hospital because it wouldn’t stop
3. Brigitte: What did the doctor say? Jack: He said I need to be careful when I am cooking
(cook) and he put a bandage on it.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Ok. Did you see Tony when you were (to be) in hospital?
2. Jack: No, was he in hospital too? Brigitte: Yes. He broke his leg while he was skiing
(ski) with his brother! When you are both better, we can go for dinner!



Ejercicio 1

1. Who are the two people?

A driver and a police officer.
2. What is the man doing?
He is driving where he is not allowed.
3. What does man decide?
To cross the bridge to find a parking space.

Ejercicio 2

1. The police officer asked the driver to turn around.

2. To park in this part of the city, you need a parking permit.
3. The driver saw the "no-entry" street sign.
4. The driver has difficulty finding his way around the city.
5. The driver cannot find a parking space.
6. The police officer thinks it's easy to find your way around the city.
7. The police officer reminds the driver to obey the rules for driving on the roads.
8. The driver is going in the right direction to get to the free car park.
9. You have to go straight ahead after the bridge to find the free car park.

Ejercicio 3

1. Image 1 = a no entry sign

2. Image 2 = a one-way sign
3. Image 3 = a dead-end sign
4. I mage 4 = a police officer

Ejercicio 4

1. Amelia knows this city: we are going to follow her advice. I don't want to go in
2. Look at the sign: we can't go straight on; we'll turn left.
3. Every employee of the company has a reserved parking space.
4. Let's teach the children to cross the road safely.
5. When you drive in bad weather conditions, do please be careful
6. You have broken the law, it is very serious: we are taking your driver's licence from
you immediately
7. Could you tell me in which direction I need to go to find a free car park?
8. Don't park in this place; it's reserved for disabled people.
9. You made a mistake: to get to the city centre, it's the opposite way.

Ejercicio 5

1. Oh, sorry, I didn't know. Could you tell me where I can park?
2. Yes: look at the road sign. You have to turn around.
3. Of course, where would you like to go? I can help you find your way around.


1. As my father always forgets where he parks,

2. He always uses a map to find his way around a big city more easily.
3. The castle is at the end of this dead-end street.
4. There's a beautiful hotel on the other side of this park.
5. I don't like coffee.However, I love tea!
6. A boat has just passed under the bridge
7. I hate to drive in the centre of Paris, there is too much traffic
8. Since this street has become a one-way street, many drivers make a mistake and go
the wrong way.
9. Be careful, the ground is frozen, it's dangerous!
10. This company offers free English lessons to all its employees.
11. If you go over the bridge, you will come to the school.
12. There's a parking space over there! Be quick, or someone else will park there.
13. The fitness room is reserved for hotel guests only.
14. Drivers must know the meaning of each road sign.
15. The Nile and the Amazon are the two largest rivers in the world.
16. As soon as we moved, we asked for our parking permit.
17. On Saturday afternoons, the car park of this supermarket is often full.
18. We have already passed this building five times; we are driving around in circles
19. The doctor gave me advice on how to stop smoking.
20. The church is opposite the municipality.
21. To get to the museum, go in the direction of the city centre.
22. If I don't write this email immediately, I will forget to do it.
23. He crossed the room without looking at me.
24. You can't turn left here, the road sign says "no entry"!
25. A tree fell down in the middle of the road; we had to turn around
26. Walk straight on to the end of the Champs-Elysées and you will arrive at the Arc de
27. If you don't stop at a red light, you break the law
28. To lose weight, you need to follow a diet and exercise.

Ejercicio 1

1. What does Ben explain to Mary?

The way to his apartment.
2. Why?
Because Ben has invited Mary to his house.
3. What do they want to do together?
Visit Ben's new apartment.

Ejercicio 2

1. Go to King's Cross Station. Take line 2. Get off at Picadilly Station. Change to line 12, in
the direction of Marble Arch. Get off at Queensway Station. Now there are 2 options:
go on foot, or take a tram.

Ejercicio 3

1. When the light is green, you can cross the street.

2. His son just took the metro alone for the first time.
3. To get to the bus stop, you continue walking along this avenue.
4. The driver cannot turn left after the church; it's a one-way street.
5. We will son move into a big house.
6. Don't forget to get off the bus at the Regent's Park stop
7. Even with a map, they often get lost in the city centre.
8. As she doesn't know the Underground system in London, Marie is afraid she Will
make a mistake and get on the wrong line.

Ejercicio 4

1. It was very complicated to come to your house: we had to change metro lines three
2. His explanations were really detailed,
3. The traffic lights were yellow but the impatient driver did not stop.
4. Forthe connecting line between the Embankment
5. A wonderful avenue crosses this neighbourhood from east to west
6. In which direction is this bus going? East or west?
7. To move around town, there are several possibilities: by bus, tram or metro. But if
you prefer, you can also go on foot.
8. For years, we have been going the same way to walk to school.

Ejercicio 5

1. A colleague invites you to his house but you don't know the area where he lives.
What will you ask him?
Can you explain the way to your house? I'm worried I will get lost.
2. A tourist is lost in the metro and asks you for directions. What do you say to him?
Take line 5 towards Green Park. Get off at Temple Station where you will have the
connection for line 5.
3. A friend has given you very clear directions to go to her house. What do you say to
her when you arrive?
Thank you for your very detailed explanations! I didn't make a single mistake thanks
to you.

TEST 13.1

1. Because the bread shop is across the street from my house, I'm going on foot to buy
2. You're almost there; continue for just a few more metres
3. I am curious, I want to read this writer's new book.
4. Most metro stops are built underground.
5. I took the metro in the wrong direction and I arrived on the other side of town.
6. You can't turn here, we need
7. To go to central London, the metro is much faster and easier than a car or bus.
8. When the traffic light is red, cars must stop.
9. Before you cross the road, check both sides for approaching cars.
10. His explanations were so detailed that it was impossible to go wrong.
11. The market is held in the main square of the village.
12. The Eiffel Tower is in an area in the centre of Paris.
13. My colleague is off work; she comes back in a week.
14. Can you tell me the way to the pharmacy?
15. I don't understand maths, it's really complicated!
16. The 10.30 train to Victoria Station will arrive 15 minutes late.
17. We're having a party Saturday night;are you free?
18. After landing, the passengers get off the plane.
19. This city is so big that many tourists get lost.
20. There are three possibilities to go to Spain: by plane, car or bus.
21. I haven't seen my sister for two years: I'm really looking forward to seeing her!
22. When we got off the train, there was no bus connection to the city centre.
23. In most European countries, cars drive on the right.
24. Don't worry if you make a mistake; it's normal when you learn.
25. Excuse me, can you give me some directions? I need to go to the train station.
26. On the metro map, each line is represented by a different colour or number.
27. The apartment is getting too small, we have to move.
28. In the highway code, the tram always has priority over cars because it takes longer
to brake.
29. There is a shop near this building, it is at the end of the street.

Ejercicio 1

1. What is Tony unhappy with?

His job
2. The fortune tellers predictions were
3. Tony asks Brigitte
when they can see each other

Ejercicio 2

1. How many predictions did you hear?

2. Does the fortune teller have any evidence for her predictions?
3. Does Tony have any evidence for his prediction?
4. Will / Won't are used for predictions with NO evidence.
5. Going to / Not going are used for predictions with evidence.

Ejercicio 3

1. Make positive predictions using: will / going to +

verb (base)
2. Make negative sentences using 'not'before'will'
3. Before 'going to' we use the auxiliary verb:
4. For negative sentences we use subject + 'be' + 'not' going to + verb (base)
5. To ask a question, the auxiliary/modal changes places with the subject

Ejercicio 4

1. France won't win the next World Cup .

2. Jack will be on time .
3. Will humans live on Mars one day ?
4. It is not going to rain !
5. Is she going to pass her exams ?

Ejercicio 5

1. I think it will be a great day.

2. My boss is a great cook. The Food is going to be Delicious
3. Who knows, maybe you will make some new friends.

Ejercicio 6

1. The cafe opens at 9am so we should be there by then. But I think some people will
arrive late.
2. It is going to a long day. It always is when we do something special in the cafe.
3. We probably won't get home until midnight!
4. By the way, the weather forecast looks bad. They say it is going to snow

Ejercicio 1

1. Tony is worried about losing his job.

2. At the beginning of the conversation Brigitte is worried about Tony.
3. The company has problems because they
don't send many products abroad

Ejercicio 2

1. Add ‘-one’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about people when you don't say
exactly who.
2. ‘Everybody’ and ‘everyone’ mean the same, but it is more common to use ‘-body’
which is more informal.
3. Add ‘-where’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about places when you don't say
exactly where.
4. Add ‘-thing’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about things when you don't say
exactly what.
5. In sentences use no-body/thing/where as a negative

Ejercicio 3

1. With indefinite pronouns (someone / anybody) use a singular form of the verb.
2. Indefinite pronouns replace the noun in a sentence.
3. Do not use a negative verb after 'no-body/one/thing/where'.

Ejercicio 4

1. Is anyone coming to the staff party? No,noone is coming.

2. Everything was ready for the customer to pick up.
3. Can someone turn off the machine?
4. Nowhere produces the products we need.

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: Yes. Sales have increased.Everyone can keep their job.

2. Ah great news. So,no one needs to look for another job!
3. Tony: No. Everyone is happy.

Ejercicio 6

1. Brigitte: Do you know what changed? Tony: I’m not sure.Someone told me that
exports have increased worldwide.Everywhere is buying more products. It’s amazing.
2. Brigitte: Has anyone asked about the profits?
3. Tony: No. Actually no one has seen the chairman for days.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Hhhmm that’s strange. Tony: Yes, it is. I’d like to ask him if anything is wrong.
2. Brigitte: Why would something be wrong. Sales have increased!
3. Tony: I don’t know Brigitte. But you know anyone can have problems.



Ejercicio 1

1. Where are Emma and Paul?

In a clothing store.
2. What does Emma want to do?
Buy new clothes.
3. What does Paul do?
He helps and advises Emma.

Ejercicio 2

1. Paul thinks the skirt

suits Emma.
2. According to Paul, Emma will be able to wear the skirt
at work and in the evening.
3. Paul is going to get a smaller size skirt from the rack.
4. The red trousers are
near the accessories department.
5. Emma prefers
the trousers.
6. Emma thinks the blouse
is too expensive
7. Paul advises Emma
not to look at the price.
8. Paul thinks the material of the blouse
is too light for winter.
9. Finally, Emma will buy
the blouse and trousers.
10. Emma would like to find
matching shoes.

Ejercicio 3

1. Image 1 = the material

2. Image 2 = the changing room
3. Image 3 = a sleeve
4. Image 4 = a display of handbags and shoes
Ejercicio 4

1. I'm not going to buy this dress: it's

2. I really like this actress'style. Her clothes and look are always original.
3. What a beautiful design! It looks good on you.
4. What do you think of my new blouse? This is the new spring-and-summer collection.
5. You will not leave the house in that outfit! Go and change right now!
6. The material of this skirt is very light; you can wear it in the summer.
7. Sam doesn't know what accessory to give his friend: he is hesitating between a
necklace and earrings.
8. Do you think this outfit suits me?
9. He often wears a black suit in the

Ejercicio 5

1. It's true that they're beautiful, but also overpriced.

2. No thanks, but I'd like to find matching shoes, please.
3. Yes, but it's a bit big. Do you have a smaller size?


1. When the weather is hot, I wear light clothes.

2. You can try this dress on in the changing room over there.
3. Carrots are available in the fruit and vegetable aisle.
4. Ed is never cold; he always wears a T-shirt, even in winter.
5. Sarah bought a new outfit for her friend's wedding.
6. I don't like this kind of design: it makes me look fat.
7. Now, many young people like gothic styles.
8. This jumper suits you, you look really handsome!
9. This shop sells women's clothes in sizes16 to 20.
10. In the past, not many women wore trousers.
11. For her professional appointments, she always wears a White blouse and a black
12. I have some news that you Will like: we're all going to Berlin for the weekend!
13. My son has grown up a lot: all his clothes are now too short.
14. I just tried on a dress; I'm not going to take it because it's too small.
15. If you need accessories, ask me: I have a lot of necklaces, rings and bracelets to lend
16. After she bought the new dress, she bought matching shoes.
17. In winter I always wear a vest underneath my jumper.
18. In winter, you should wear scarves and hats to protect against the cold.
19. His brother gets ready for hours before going out in the evening.
20. The brand's spring-summer collection is inspired by the 1960s.
21. Since you lost weight, all your clothes are too big.
22. Please take off your shoes before entering the house
23. She is passionate about fashion; her wardrobes are filled with clothes.
24. Before we buy something, we always check the price.
25. Long skirts are back in fashion.
26. I need to buy some jeans in the size down from this pair of jeans.
27. I think Clint Eastwood's latest movie is great!
28. This material is very fragile, be careful when washing it.
29. These sleeves are far too long: they cover his hands.
30. He would like to buy the new Ferrari, but it's overpriced


Ejercicio 1

1. Brigitte and Tony are talking about

plans for the weekend.
2. They both feel happy about going away.
3. During the trip they Will
go sightseeing.

Ejercicio 2

1. Brigitte cannot wait to

go to another place.
2. Tony Will collect Brigitte from her house.
3. Tony Will
leave his brother at work.
4. The last time Tony was on holiday he met his neighbours.
5. Tony is worried about
his car having problems.

Ejercicio 3

1. All phrasal verbs need an object.

2. When we use a pronoun (me, he, it) as an object, it goes between the verb and
particle (up/down).
3. In a phrasal verb the particle can be
a preposition or adverb.

Ejercicio 4

1. We Will set off on Sunday.

2. Can you pick me up when you finish work?
3. I really need to get away for the weekend!
4. I have to get on the bus at the bus station.
5. My dad broke down on his way home last night.
Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Wow! This place is great. We really should get away more often
2. Tony: Yeah, you’re right. Lucky we set off so early.
3. Brigitte: I know. It was so nice to stop off at the waterfall.

Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: Yeah. I can’t believe we bumped into Jack and Anna there!
2. Brigitte: I know! Anna told me they were going away this weekend but I forgot.
3. Tony: Never mind. It was nice to see them. They are getting on well.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Yes, they are. Oh and I am so happy we didn't break down.

2. Tony: Haha yes, I know. We got to the hotel at midday like I thought.


Ejercicio 1

1. Brigitte and Tony are mainly talking about

Tony's news.
2. Tony wants Brigitte
to give him advice.
3. Tony can't choose which girl to meet.

Ejercicio 2

1. When Tony says "I went to a party" he is telling Brigitte

something new.
2. When Brigitte asks about "the party" 'the' is used because
we already mentioned the party before
3. We use"a"to introduce names of jobs.
4. When Tony says ‘the supermarket’ he is sure Brigitte knows which supermarket he is
talking about.
5. We need nothing before plural or uncountable nouns ‘e.g. eyes/hair’.
6. We use 'the' before moon to show there is only one of these.

Ejercicio 3

1. 'a' 'an' & 'the' refer to

2. "an"goes before a noun starting with a vowel sound.

Ejercicio 4
1. Where are we meeting? The restaurant next to the supermarket.
2. I'll give you my telephone number. Do you have a pen?
3. How much time do we have for lunch?
An hour
4. Honesty is important.
5. A dog is a man's best friend.
6. Is St. Martin's a college, or a university?

Ejercicio 5

1. Brigitte: Hey Tony, did you choose which girl to meet again? Tony: Yes, I chose the sporty
2. rigitte: Is she the girl who works in the supermarket?

Ejercicio 6

1. Tony: Yes, she is. I like her. She's - honest and - friendly.
2. Brigitte: Is she a shop assistant in the supermarket?
3. Tony: No. Actually, she is the assistant manager.


1. Brigitte: Wow! Is she the taller, dark-haired girl, or the shorter, blonde girl with -blue
2. Tony: She's the blonde girl with - blue eyes. And, what do you look for in aman?
3. Hhhhmmm. Well, - friendship and also, I like - men who want to travel the world.


Ejercicio 1

1. talking on the pone

2. find a job
3. at home

Ejercicio 2

1. Brigitte decides to go to Tony's house while they are talking.

2. Brigitte and Tony make plans to meet
at that moment.
3. Tony suggests getting food
while they are talking on the phone.

Ejercicio 3

1. After will – use

verb (base)
2. For questions that offer – use
3. In negative sentences – use subject + won't / will not+ verb (base)
Ejercicio 4

1. Enjoy your holiday! Thank you. I 'll send you a postcard.

2. I don't want this sandwich! Well, I'm hungry. I will eat it .
3. Are you coming shopping? No, I won't come. I'll stay here .
4. It's cold. Shall I close the window ?

Ejercicio 5

1. Tony: shall we eat in the kitchen or outside?

2. Tony: Ok I'll get the plates.
3. Brigitte: We won't need plates. It's pizza!

Ejercicio 6

1. I'll take them off

2. Brigitte: Thanks. Shall I get us a drink?
3. Tony: Sounds good. I'll have an orange juice, thanks.

Ejercicio 7

1. Brigitte: Mmm ... that was delicious. Shall we start looking for jobs now?
2. Tony: Yes! I'll get my laptop.
3. Brigitte: Ok. I'll start looking on my phone then.

TEMA 1: Going to the Restaurant.

Going to the Restaurant.
-What is happening in this conversation?
A family is ordering and eating at a restaurant.
A customer is arguing with a waiter.
A couple is shopping to prepare a meal.
-What do they all eat?
A main dish and a dessert.
The restaurant's specialty.
A starter and chips.
-What is the problem?
The woman is not completely satisfied with the service.
The food is not very good.
It is not possible to pay by credit card.

-Why is the woman asking the waiter for help?
So that he can recommend dishes to them.
So that he can suggest drinks to them.
-What does she order for the children?
Meat and chips.
The dish recommended by the waiter.
-What is the restaurant's speciality?
Beef steak.
Chicken breast.
-What's wrong with the mashed potatoes?
They are cold.
There is not enough.
-What is wrong with the sauces?
There is not enough mushroom sauce.
The waiter did not serve the mixed herb sauce.
-What does the waiter offer?
To replace the children's meals.
A free chocolate cake.
-What drinks are ordered with the dessert?
Two espressos.
Two milk drinks for the children.
-How will she pay for it?
In cash.

By card.


Complete the dialogue between the waitress and the client: breast - drink - piece - serve
- bill - dish - choice - dessert - espresso - menu - to order - side dish.
-Waitress: Hello, would you like to see the menu?
-Customer: No thanks, I've already made my choice. To drink, I'll have a glass of wine.
-Waitress: OK. And for the main dish, what would you like to order?
-Customer: I'll have the chicken breast with mushrooms and potatoes for the side dish.
-A few minutes later.... Waitress: How was everything? Can I serve you a dessert or a
-Customer: Yes, please. I would like a piece of apple tart and an espresso coffee, please.
Could you bring the bill at the same time? Thank you!

-To make smooth mashed potatoes, don't hesitate to add a little bit of milk.
-You pay for your purchases by card when you do online shopping.
-I recommend that you try their speciality: it's delicious.
-We don't know which dessert to choose. Do you have any suggestions?
-Be careful, the plates are hot.
-She always adds mixed herbs to her tomato salads.

-You look at the restaurant's menu but you don't know which dish to choose. What do
you ask the waiter?
Could you bring me the menu, please? I haven't chosen the dish yet.
Could I have some mushroom sauce to go with my steak?
What do you recommend? What is the restaurant's speciality?
-The meal is finished. What do you ask the waiter?
Could I have the bill, please? Is it possible to pay by credit card?
Is it possible to pay in cash? I don't have any bank notes or coins.
Would you like to order a coffee or a dessert?
-The steak that you ordered is cold. How do you react?
You ask the waiter to bring you a new dish.
You recommend the specialty to your clients.
You recommend the dish to your friends.

-The waiter forgot to serve us the coffee.
-I recommend this restaurant: the food is delicious and not too expensive.
-Are you sure you can eat the mushrooms you picked in the forest?
-Every morning, she prepares orange juice for her children.

-At the end of the meal, we were served a nice plate of cheese.
-Because he is on a diet, he doesn't eat any sauces.
-This restaurant offers a new menu of vegetarian dishes.
-All children love eating chips.
-She prefers to eat her beef steak well-cooked.
-For her small expenses, she prefers to pay in cash
-For my son's birthday, I made a huge chocolate cake decorated with sweets.
If his children have trouble falling asleep, he gives them a cup of hot milk.
-Here is the menu of the dishes for this week.
-As a side dish, I can offer you rice, chips or pasta.
-Do you have any suggestions for Sam's birthday gift?
-There's a piece of apple cake for you.
-I always add mixed herbs from the garden to the salad to give it more flavour.
-We are vegetarians; we never eat meat.
-Because his boss invited him to the restaurant, he didn't have to pay the bill
-Every time we walk past the bakery, there is a lovely smell of fresh bread; it's really
-I can offer you cold drinks, with or without alcohol.
-This morning, she bought a roasted chicken at the market.
-We ordered the pizzas a few minutes ago and they are ready now!
-Every time Amy travels, she tastes the country's specialities.
-Every morning, you drink two espressos to help you wake up.
-She can't finish a meal without a little dessert.
-You have the choice between a Spanish or an Italian film; which would you prefer?
-You can buy chicken breasts at the supermarket.
-Mashed potatoes are really easy to prepare: you need a few potatoes, a little butter, salt
and pepper.
-Shops that do not accept payments by card are rare.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
-Brigitte and Tony are mainly talking about
Brigitte's news.
Tony's news
-Tony wants Brigitte
to make friends with one of the girls.
to give him advice
-Tony can't choose which girl to meet.


-When Tony says "I went to a party" he is telling Brigitte

something known.
something new.
-When Brigitte asks about "the party" 'the' is used because
this is new information
we already mentioned the party before
-We use "a" to introduce names of jobs.
-When Tony says ‘the supermarket’ he is sure Brigitte knows which supermarket he is
talking about.
-We need nothing before plural or uncountable nouns ‘e.g. eyes/hair’.
-We use 'the' before moon to show there is only one of these.

Select the right answer.
-'a' 'an' & 'the' refer to

- "an" goes before a noun starting with a vowel sound.

-Where are we meeting? The restaurant next to the supermarket.
-I'll give you my telephone number. Do you have a pen?
-How much time do we have for lunch?
A hour
An hour
- Honesty is important.
- A dog is a man's best friend.
- Is St. Martin's a college, or a university?

Fill in the gaps. If no article is needed put (-)
-Brigitte: Hey Tony, did you choose which girl to meet again? Tony: Yes, I chose the sporty
-Brigitte: Is she the girl who works in the supermarket?

Fill in the gaps. If no article is needed put (-)
-Tony: Yes, she is. I like her. She's (-) honest and (-) friendly.
- Brigitte: Is she a shop assistant in the supermarket?
- Tony: No. Actually, she is the assistant manager.

Fill in the gaps. If no article is needed put (-)
-Brigitte: Wow! Is she the taller, dark-haired girl, or the shorter, blonde girl with (-) blue
-Tony: She's the blonde girl with (-) blue eyes. And, what do you look for in a man?
- Tony: She's the blonde girl with (-) blue eyes. And, what do you look for in a man?
-Hhhhmmm. Well, (-) friendship and also, I like (-) men who want to travel the world.

Future ('if ', 'when' + present tenses)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- Brigitte and Tony are mainly talking about
Tony's news.
Brigitte's news.
- Tony wants Brigitte
to make friends with one of the girls.
to give him advice.
- Tony can't choose which girl to meet.

- In the sentence: "I'll come if it's sunny”, “I’ll come “is the result.
- We introduce a condition with the word
- In a conditional sentence, the result depends on the condition.
- Most of the time, we use 'if' & 'when' sentences to talk about the:
- Generally, the tenses we use to talk about the future in 'if' & 'when' sentences are:
past tenses.
present tenses.

- 'Zero conditional' sentences are generally formed using
the present simple + will + verb (base form).
the present simple + the present simple.
- 'First conditional' sentences are generally formed using
present simple + present simple.
present simple + will + a verb (base form).
- When the 'if' part of the sentence comes first, use a comma after it.

----Ordenar Oraciones------
- When you see her, will you say hello for me?
- If he doesn't stop smoking, his health will get worse.
- Soup tastes better if you add a bit of salt.
- Can you tell me if he calls, please?
- They won't be able to return when it gets dark.

- Brigitte: Tony, if the pub is not open, I will be (I / be) so angry! I am really hungry.
- Tony: It will be open. If there are(be) customers, it will be(be) open. I promise. Brigitte: I
hope you are right!

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Look. It’s open. I told you! Brigitte: Great. If they have(have) fish and chips on the
menu, I will have(have) that. *remember punctuation! *
- Tony: And, if they have(have) steak and chips, I will have(have) that.

- Brigitte: If they have(have) a fire, we should sit(sit) next to it. I'm so cold.
- Tony: I'm not sure there's a fire. We will find out (find out) when we get(get) there.

'Will' (for Offers & Decisions)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Brigitte and Tony are
talking face to face
talking on the phone
- Brigitte offers to help Tony
find a girlfriend
find a job
- They are going to eat a pizza
at home
in a restaurant

Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions.
- Brigitte decides to go to Tony's house while they are talking.
- Brigitte and Tony make plans to meet
at that moment.
before that moment.
after that moment.

- Tony suggests getting food
after Brigitte arrives at his house.
while they are talking on the phone.

- After will - use
verb (infinitive)
verb (-ing)
verb (base)
- For questions that offer - use
- In negative sentences - use subject + won't / will not+ verb (base)

----Ordenar Oraciones------
-Enjoy your holiday! Thank you. I 'll send you a postcard.
-I don't want this sandwich! Well, I'm hungry. I will eat it.
-Are you coming shopping? No, I won't come. I'll stay here.
-It's cold. Shall I close the window?

-Tony: Hey! Just in time. The pizza is here. Brigitte: Great. I am so hungry! Tony: Shall we
eat in the kitchen or outside?
-Brigitte: It's too cold outside. Let's eat in the kitchen. Tony: Ok I'll get the plates.
-Brigitte: We won't need plates. It's pizza!

-Brigitte: Tony, this pizza has mushrooms on it! I can't eat that. I hate mushrooms. Tony:
Whoops! I forgot to say 'no mushrooms' ...I'll take them off.
-Brigitte: Thanks. Shall I get us a drink?
-Tony: Sounds good. I'll have an orange juice, thanks.

-Brigitte: Mmm ... that was delicious. Shall we start(start) looking for jobs now?
-Tony: Yes! I'll get(get) my laptop.
-Brigitte: Ok. I'll start(start) looking on my phone then.


Preparing Food

- What is Sam asking Sophie?
To make the tiramisu for his birthday.
To give him her recipe for tiramisu.
To buy the ingredients for the tiramisu.
- What does Sophie do?
She can't help him.
She lends him her cookbook.
She explains the recipe to him.
-What's Sam's reaction?
He thinks that the recipe is too complicated.
He offers some tiramisu to Sophie.
He is happy and thanks Sophie.

Are the following statements true or false?
- Sophie can explain the recipe without her cookbook.
We don't know.
- Sam thinks Sophie's friend's tiramisu is better.
We don't know.
- Liqueur is an important ingredient in the recipe.
We don't know.
- To make the tiramisu, you need two boxes of ladyfingers.
We don't know.
- You dip the biscuits into the liqueur and coffee mixture.
We don't know.
- The mascarpone is beaten with the egg yolks.
We don't know.
- The crème fraiche must be added with a spoon.
We don't know.

- The egg whites must be beaten until the mixture becomes stiff.
We don't know.
- The most delicate step is to mix the egg whites with the rest of the preparation.
We don't know.
- The tiramisu must be chilled before it can be served.
We don't know.

Complete the recipe by choosing from the following words: step - delicate - make -
mixture - compliment - egg - recipe - pour - ingredient - beat - add. Make sure you use
the plural if necessary.
- This is how to make a delicious cake with very few ingredients. What is more, this recipe
is quick and easy to follow.
- First of all, you have to beat the yolks of two eggs with sugar and butter.
- The second step is to add flour to the mixture.
- Then you have to beat two egg whites until the mixture becomes stiff. Be careful. It's a
delicate procedure.
- Then you add the egg whites to the mixture. Finally, you just pour the mixture into a
- After 40 minutes of baking in the oven, the cake will be ready. Share it with your friends
and receive lots of compliments!

- To finish, add cocoa powder onto the top of the dessert mixture.
- Oh no! I forgot to put the tiramisu
at the back.
in the fridge.
- Melanie has some strange tastes. She eats strawberries with salami!
- You can eat this dish hot or cold. It depends on your tastes.
- He broke a glass plate when he was washing the dishes.
- This tiramisu isn't very nice. There is too much liqueur in it.
- She bought three packets of biscuits to make her dessert.
- Where did you put my recipe book? I need it to make some pancakes.
- Mix the egg yolks and the sugar well.

- Wait before you throw away that bottle of milk! There is still some milk left at the

Listen to the question and choose your answer.
- Yes, it's in my recipe book. I'll lend it to you.
Great! I love your bolognese sauce! It is the best...
No, I know all the steps by heart.
- Of course! And I didn't forget the eggs this time. And you, did you get the recipe?
Yes, but it was a delicate step. They had to be placed at the bottom.
Oh no! I didn't take a spoon. Wait for me, I'll be right back.
- In my opinion, you should eat all the sauce.
Depending on the recipe, the biscuits must be beaten with the other ingredients.
So, if you follow the recipe, you have to pour the preparation into a dish.
- No, don't worry, I made it without liqueur.
That's a nice compliment! I think it's really good too.
We still have to wait a little longer. It should stay in the fridge for a few hours.

Test de vocabulario
- Add a little mascarpone to the tomato sauce, it will be creamier.
- Henry is going to make lasagna for tonight.
- Many great chefs have published recipe books.
- Adding a little bit of liqueur to a cake can be delicious.
- Marc burned himself when he took the lasagna dish out of the oven.
- There must be two layers of paint on the walls.
- There is still some water at the bottom of the bottle.
- Would you like a biscuit with your coffee?
- To obtain the colour green, you mix yellow and blue.
- The young father is very delicate when he dresses his baby.
- I don't know if I'll be free tomorrow at noon, it depends on my schedule.
- What ingredients do we need to prepare a moussaka?
- When the biscuit mixture is ready, add the chocolate pieces.
- Ladyfinger biscuits are usually used in pastries, but can also be enjoyed with a glass of
- I hear this song every day; now I know it by heart.
- I'm going to follow your suggestion; I will stop smoking.
- The recipe for mashed potatoes is really simple: crush the cooked potatoes, add a little
butter, salt and pepper.
- For dessert, I'll have the homemade tiramisu, please.
- The biscuits must be dipped in the mixture of liqueur and coffee.

- The waiter puts the crystal glasses on the table.
- Don't forget to put the meat and yoghurts in the fridge.
- To make whipped cream, simply mix crème fraiche with icing sugar.
- How do you like to eat your eggs? Scrambled or boiled?
- After her great victory, the young sportswoman received many compliments.
- You made a mistake, you gave me a very small spoon to eat the soup!
- I've been beating the butter with sugar for ten minutes; my arm hurts!
- She pours hot tea into the cups.
- Chill white wine in the fridge before serving it.
- Laura has very particular tastes; it's hard to find a dish she likes.
- To make it easier to beat the egg whites, add a little salt
- The first step of the recipe is very simple: you have to wash the vegetables.
- Mayonnaise is a mixture of oil, mustard and eggs.

Modals ('can', 'may' & 'should')
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
-Tony is good at skiing
- Tony feels bad when he tries to stand.
- Tony has always skied

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- The doctor tells Tony it is possible his leg will hurt when he tries to stand.
- The doctor tells Tony there is a chance his leg will be better
in the past
in the present /in the future
- When Tony tells the doctor about skiing. He talks about an ability he has in the present
but that he didn't have in the past.
- The doctor uses 'should' to tell Tony things that are
a good idea
a bad idea
- The doctor tells Tony if he doesn't rest it is possible he won't ski in the future.

- To make negative sentences 'not' comes after the modal verb.

- Verb (base form) is used after all modal verbs. And it is also possible to use verb (ing)
after should.
- To make questions change the place of
the subject and the main verb
the modal verb and the subject
the modal verb and the main verb
- We should never add 's' to the third person singular.

- She may be late for work.
- Could you drive when you were younger?
- You should be listening to the teacher!
- I cannot understand French.
- Might she come to the party?
- He can ski really well.

- Doctor: Hi again Tony. Let’s have another look at your leg. Tony: Great doc! I can stand
(he is able to stand) on it now.
- Doctor: That sounds good but you shouldn’t stand (not a good idea to stand) on it too
- Tony: Sorry doc. My mum also told me I should (is a good idea) rest or it might not
(possible it won't) get better. Doctor: Yes, your mum is right!

Can you fill in the gaps?
- Doctor: I will take the cast off now. It might hurt (possible it will hurt) a little, you
shouldn’t (not a good idea) move.
- Tony: Ok. I am ready. I won’t move. Doctor: (Are you able to) Can you stand? Remember,
it might (it is possible) hurt.
- Tony: Yes! I can stand (it is possible for me to stand)

- Doctor: And can you walk (are you able to walk) to the door?
- Tony: oowwwhhhh no, I can’t (I am not able). What should I (is a good idea for me) do?

'Will' and 'Going to' (for Predictions)
- What is Tony unhappy with?
the fortune teller

his job
- The fortune tellers predictions were
- Tony asks Brigitte
about the weather
when they can see each other
to be his girlfriend

- How many predictions did you hear?
- Does the fortune teller have any evidence for her predictions?
- Does Tony have any evidence for his prediction?
- Will / Won’t are used for predictions with NO evidence.
- Going to / Not going are used for predictions with evidence.
- Make positive predictions using: will / going to +
verb (infinitive)
verb (base)
verb (-ing)
- Make negative sentences using 'not' before 'will'
- Before 'going to' we use the auxiliary verb:
- For negative sentences we use subject + 'be' + 'not ‘going to + verb (base)
- To ask a question, the auxiliary/modal changes places with the subject

- France won't win the next World Cup.
- Jack will be on time.
- Will humans live on Mars one day?
- It is not going to rain!
- Is she going to pass her exams?

Write the correct prediction in the space using the verb in brackets () in the correct
- Hi again Brigitte, I forgot to tell you we are having a special day in the cafe where I work
and we can bring a friend. Would you like to come? I think it will be(be) a great day.
- My boss is a great cook. The food is going to be(be) delicious!
- Who knows, maybe you will make(make) some new friends.

Write the correct prediction in the space using the verb in brackets () in the correct
- The cafe opens at 9am so we should be there by then. But I think some people will
arrive(arrive) late.
- Itis going to(be) a long day. It always is when we do something special in the cafe. The
last time we didn't get home until 11.30pm.
- We probably won’t get(get) home until midnight!
- By the way, the weather forecast looks bad. They say itis going to snow(snow). Make
sure you wear some warm clothes! Tony.


Preparing Food
- What information does the woman give to the man?
The outdoor activities that the family will do.
The weather forecast for the day and weekend.
The temperatures for the next few days.
- What is the problem?
It is possible it will rain during the trip.
It's going to rain all next weekend.
All outdoor activities are cancelled.

- The weather forecast says rain for the whole day.
- The whole family is going on a trip.
- There will be a lot of wind during the day.

- The man thinks that weather forecasts are not always correct.
- The man says he will take an umbrella and raincoats.
- The temperature will increase during the day.
- It will be sunny this weekend.
- This weekend, the whole family will go swimming in the outdoor pool.
- The man decided to go to a restaurant for a meal tonight.
- The woman doesn't know what time they will come home.

Using the vocabulary in this lesson, guess which word is described.
- Before going out in the sun, you should put it on your skin: Some sun cream.
- When this falls, we put on a raincoat: It’s rain.
- It shines in the sky and brings heat: It's the sun.
- When it is open, it protects us from the rain: It's an umbrella.
- Thanks to this, we have information about the weather: It's the weather forecast.
- It blows in different directions: It's the wind.
- This intense rain suddenly falls: it's a shower.

Complete the sentences by choosing from the following words: enjoy - day out - shade -
weather - degrees - changeable - nice - cold - swimming - forecast - rain.
- What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
- Take your sweater; it's still cold this morning. The thermometer shows only 12degrees.
- We will enjoy this beautiful weather, so we will go to the beach and go swimming.
- As it was nice weather, you were able to eat in the garden.

- I hope it' s not going to rain tomorrow: the children leave for a day out in the
- The weather will be changeable this weekend: rain on Saturday and sun on Sunday. -
- It is forecast to be dry weather for the rest of the week.
- I don't like to stay in the sun. I'm going to sit in the shade.
- The forecast is for strong winds tonight.

Listen to the weather forecast and choose your response.
- You decide to go to the outdoor swimming pool.
You take your raincoat but not your umbrella.
You protect yourself from the cold weather.
- You organise summer activities throughout the day.
You decide to go to a restaurant for a meal on Saturday evening.
You stay in the shade all day Saturday.
- You take your umbrella with you.
You buy sunscreen.
You enjoy the warmth and sunshine.


- There are a lot of tourists this August in Spain, thanks to this wonderful summer
- The soil is very dry, you have to think about watering the plants.
- We can organise many outdoor activities in the summer.
- His face is all red because he didn't wear sun cream.
- The birth of their child is expected to be at the beginning of October.
- Look at these big black clouds; it's going to rain.
- They forecast snow for tomorrow, be careful!
- It's too windy to go outside - there is dust and sand flying everywhere!
- I don't remember how many people will be there, I think about twenty.
- The forecast is for showers all day... it's not fair!
- It's raining so put on your raincoat when you go out.
- Today, the weather will be changeable, we will have sunshine in the morning and rain in
the afternoon.
- Your calculation is not correct; two plus two does not equal three.
- The temperature must be below zero degrees for snow.
- I will finally see my parents again: they are back from their trip to Canada.
- When the rain started to fall, he opened his large umbrella.
- The wind was very strong last night: several trees fell over.
- When it's hot, clothes dry very quickly in the sun.
- In winter, the weather is colder than in autumn.

- I'm glad that I put on a jumper because it’s cold this morning.
- Take your coat to be protected from the wind, rain and cold.
- I checked the weather forecast for tomorrow: it will be fine, so we can have a barbecue.
- In summer, temperatures increase.
- If you are too hot, come and sit in the shade of this tree.
- Usually, rain does not fall in the desert.
- When she travels, she always takes a book with her.
- It's sunny today: let's go for a walk!
- Yesterday, some tourists swam in the sea.
- Make the most of this holiday, get some rest!
- I don't know if I'll be free tomorrow at noon, it depends on my schedule.
- Their French teacher organised a day out to Nice.
- Honey, I love you so much!
- It's so hot! It's almost forty degrees.

'Will' and 'Going to' (for Predictions)
- What is Tony unhappy with?
the fortune teller
his job
- The fortune tellers predictions were
- Tony asks Brigitte
about the weather
when they can see each other
to be his girlfriend

- How many predictions did you hear?
- Does the fortune teller have any evidence for her predictions?
- Does Tony have any evidence for his prediction?
- Will / Won’t are used for predictions with NO evidence.

- Going to / Not going are used for predictions with evidence.
- Make positive predictions using: will / going to +
verb (infinitive)
verb (base)
verb (-ing)
- Make negative sentences using 'not' before 'will'
- Before 'going to' we use the auxiliary verb:
- For negative sentences we use subject + 'be' + 'not ‘going to + verb (base)
- To ask a question, the auxiliary/modal changes places with the subject

- France won't win the next World Cup.
- Jack will be on time.
- Will humans live on Mars one day?
- It is not going to rain!
- Is she going to pass her exams?

Write the correct prediction in the space using the verb in brackets () in the correct
- Hi again Brigitte, I forgot to tell you we are having a special day in the cafe where I work
and we can bring a friend. Would you like to come? I think it will be(be) a great day.
- My boss is a great cook. The food is going to be(be) delicious!
- Who knows, maybe you will make(make) some new friends.

Write the correct prediction in the space using the verb in brackets () in the correct
- The cafe opens at 9am so we should be there by then. But I think some people will
arrive(arrive) late.
- Itis going to(be) a long day. It always is when we do something special in the cafe. The
last time we didn't get home until 11.30pm.
- We probably won’t get(get) home until midnight!
- By the way, the weather forecast looks bad. They say itis going to snow(snow). Make
sure you wear some warm clothes! Tony.

Adverbs (of Time, Place & Frequency)

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony and Brigitte talk about
how often Anna goes to the gym.
Anna's appearance.
Anna's diet.
- Tony and Brigitte are happy for Anna.
- Brigitte asks Tony about his diet.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- "Outside” tells us the place Anna walks.
- “After she met him” tells us when Anna met Brigitte.
- “Three or four times a week” tells us how often Anna and the guy meet.
- "On Saturdays" means
every Saturday.
one Saturday.
this Saturday.

- Adverbs of place & time usually go after the object.
- Place goes before time.
- If an adverb of frequency is just one word (usually, sometimes etc.), it goes before the
- Adverbial phrases of frequency (more than one word) go after the object.
- In the phrase 'every + time expression', use the singular form of the word, e.g. week,
hour, month.

- I change my clothes twice a day.
- I am getting a makeover tonight.
- the woman who looks like you live across the street.
- she usually buys her fruit at the market.
- my mum goes to the supermarket three times a week.

Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Brigitte. What have you done? Your arms are so big! Brigitte: I have started
to swim every day.
to everyday swim.
to swim every days.

- Tony: Wow. That’s great.
Do you swim before or after work?
Before or after work do you swim?
Do you before or after work swim?

- Well, Monday to Wednesday I swim before work but Thursday and Friday I go
- I might come with you but I can only come twice a week.

Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Ok. And after swimming, I go to the cafe upstairs.
- Tony: Sounds good.
I tomorrow will come.
I will come tomorrow.

Modals (of Deduction)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- Brigitte and Tony are talking about Jack's
new job.
new car.
- Brigitte is interested in finding out more information.
- The company only sends things to Europe.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- Tony is sure that Jack is not well-paid.
- Brigitte is not sure that Jack is saving money to buy a car.
- Brigitte is sure that Jack's job is interesting
- Brigitte is sure Jack's job is complicated.

- Modal verbs are not followed by ‘to'.
- After modal verbs use a
verb (past).

verb (base form).
- Modal verbs come after the subject and before the main verb.
- In negative sentences 'not' goes after the modal verb.

- She can't be finished. Her English is perfect!
- Andy might not be the best person for the job.
- He must be the chairman - he has the biggest office.

- Brigitte: Hey Tony! I saw Jack. He might be able to get me a job.
- Tony: Really? He must be doing very well. His bosses seem to really trust him.
- Brigitte: Yeah - he says they have a good relationship. They can’t know him very well!
Tony: Haha. Don't be so mean!

- Brigitte: I'm not the mean one! I told him what you said about his salary. Tony: Are you
joking? You can’t be serious ...
- Brigitte: I'm not joking. He told me he gets paid very well. I guess he must really like
getting the bus.

- Tony: I knew something was different about him today. He seemed like he didn't want to
talk to me. It must be what you said!
- Brigitte: No! Come on. It can’t be because of that. Jack doesn't care about money.
- Tony: I know ... but he cares about his friends making jokes behind his back. Brigitte:
Ooh. Yeah. You might be right.


Preparing Food
- Who are the man and the woman?
Passengers on the same train.
A couple who are going skiing.
Friends who travel together.
- What do they have in common?
They don't know which train to take.
They have the same destination.
They are going away to relax.
- What are they talking about?

Different hotels near ski resorts.
The woman's stay in the mountains.
The best type of transport to go to work.

- What does the man want to know at the beginning of the conversation?
If you have to get off at Glasgow Station.
If it's the right train to Aviemore.
- Why do the two passengers have to take a connecting train?
Because they're not on the right train.
Because there is no direct train line to Aviemore from their departure point.
- What will the woman do at the Edinburgh Station?
She will sit next to the man during the journey.
She will show the man where to get the connecting train.
- Why does the woman prefer to travel by train?
Because it's more economical.
Because she can take advantage of the trip to read and relax.
- What activities will the woman do in Aviemore?
Go to the sauna and enjoy a good massage.
Play several winter sports and rest.
- Where is the woman's husband?
He's at work.
He's already in Aviemore.
- Which type of accommodation did the couple choose?
A full-board stay at a hotel.
A studio with access to the thermal baths.
- What does the woman think of this train trip?
That it's very long.
That it's very stressful.
- According to the man, why is the woman lucky?
Because she enjoyed her stay but he didn't.
Because she is going on holiday but he has to go to work.

Each of the lists contains one word which is the odd one out. Which one? For example:
in the list "banana - apple - house", "house" is the odd one out because it is not a fruit.
- List 1:
a station
full board
a train
- List 2:
a sauna
the thermal baths

a journey
- List 3:
a holiday
a stay
a train
- List 4:
a massage
- List 5:
winter sports
a ski resort
a connecting train
- List 6:
full board
continental breakfast
a passenger
- List 7:
a journey
a destination

Complete the sentences by choosing from the following words: enjoy - mountains - low -
sit - join - direct - option - stay - connecting - get off - scenery.
- The train arrived ten minutes late and the passengers missed their connecting bus to
Bournemouth East.
- You take advantage of the journey to look at the scenery.
- I booked this trip to Aberdeen at a very low price.
- If you are going to Cornwall, you can stay at my brother's house; he will be happy to
welcome you.
- Get ready, we have to get off at the next stop.
- The passenger asks us if he can sit next to us.
- The direct train service to Manchester has been cancelled; you will have to change
- They are eager to join their parents on holiday.
- We will enjoy our holidays and rest.
- I don't know which option is better: full board or continental breakfast?
- Every year, my neighbours go skiing in the mountains.


- You're going on holiday with a friend. You are thinking about the best accommodation
I want to have all the meals at the hotel, it's easier. We'll choose the continental
Since I want to cook every day, we're going to choose the full board option.
If we choose full board, we will have to come back for lunch at the hotel. So we won't be
able to go hiking....
- This winter, you want to go skiing.
You book a hotel in the mountains, close to a ski resort.
You join your family in the city.
You choose a hotel with unlimited access to the thermal baths.
- You have to go to York for work. You find out about the train journey.
How long does it take to get there if I drive fast?
How many connections are there to get to the ski resort?
Is there a direct line to York?

Test del Vocabulario

- You need to finish packing your bag for tomorrow’s hike.
- There are a lot of ski resorts in the Alps.
- They went to meet their daughter in the United States.
- We tried the mud bath and special massage during our weekend at the thermal baths.
- Every evening Paul sits down in his favourite chair to watch television. -
- I recommend this option which includes a return flight, hotel and entrance to the city's
- When we arrived at the station, we bought train tickets and sandwiches for the trip.
- Enjoy your holidays: get some rest, see new sights, taste new foods.
- Maria has to finish two reports before she goes on holiday.
- When we got off the train, there was no connecting bus to the city centre.
- You can take a direct flight from London to Cape Town, or choose one that flies via
Madrid or Nairobi.
- This ticket gives you access to the museum and the temporary exhibition.
- As he likes to travel, he planned a short stay in Prague.
- After a stressful day, a massage is a good way to relax.
- The journey between Brussels and Paris takes about three and a half hours by car.
- My mother is waiting for the right time of year to buy clothes at the best prices.
- James broke his leg; we're not going skiing this year.
- Their favourite winter sports are skiing, sledging and snowboarding.
- Every time I look out of my bedroom window, I am amazed by this beautiful scenery.
- My brother drives a beautiful car.
- What will be our next destination? Would you prefer to go to Tokyo or Rio?
- Every winter we go to the mountains to enjoy the snow and fresh air.
- When the aeroplane arrived at the airport, the passengers got off the plane.

- For a year, he travelled all over the world.
- It looks like a cold and dry day today.
- We are going to stay for ten days in this hotel.
- In a sauna, it's really hot.
- Don't choose the full board option; what will you do if the hotel food is not good?
- Take the train to Paris: you will arrive directly in the city centre and avoid traffic jams.

Talking About Your Holiday
- What are Helen and Nick talking about?
Their favourite activities.
Their travel plans.
Their holidays.
- What does Helen have to do?
Go back to work.
Take time off work.
Choose a holiday destination.
- What is Nick going to do?
He will go back to work with Helen.
He's going diving.
He's going to Morocco.

- Helen came back from her holiday yesterday morning.
- Helen went to Corsica
with her whole family.
with her husband.
- In Venice, Helen stayed
in a romantic campsite.
in a typical hotel.
- Helen and her husband went by plane
to arrive directly in the historical centre.
because they didn't want to drive.
- Helen and her family visited many ports
because her children really like boats.
because her husband doesn't like camping.
- Nick went to Morocco
with a friend.
- Helen has never been to Morocco.
- Nick likes

when there are a lot of people around.
Moroccan cuisine.
- Nick has to do some research on the Internet to
prepare a typical Moroccan dish.
find a place to go diving.
- Helen is jealous
because she still has a few more days of holiday left.
because Nick doesn't have to go to work yet.

Complete the sentences by choosing from the following words: diving - to go back -
camping - to stay - land - visit - to have fun - do some research - tasted.
- Their plane is going to land at Rome Ciampino Airport.
- Do you prefer to stay at a hotel or a campsite?
- She's going to do some research on the Internet to choose her holiday destination.
- Children don't want to visit museums; they prefer to go to the beach.
- John came back from his holiday yesterday; he should go back to work tomorrow.
- I just tasted a Moroccan pastry; it's delicious!
- My colleague purchased new equipment to go diving in the Adriatic Sea.
- Come with us to this party; I'm sure we're going to have fun.
- He's always stays in a hotel because he hates camping.

- Hannah is a food lover; she never refuses a good dessert.
- He gave me flowers and then invited me to a restaurant: it was really
- There are too many people on this bus, we'll take the next one.
- The weather is very nice today; it's the ideal weather to go swimming.
- We discovered this fish market during a walk through the
- Our parents have been married for more than 30 years and they are still
in love.
- It's often difficult to go back to work when you enjoyed a really good weekend.
- Great! Next Friday we all have time off work!
- You're so lucky you're going to Australia! I am
- They really enjoyed their stay in Prague.

Listen to the question and choose your answer.
- It was very romantic; I went alone with my whole family.
It was really nice! We visited many extraordinary places and had a lot of fun.
So we did some research and we're going camping!
- It's really romantic! I really appreciate your question, thank you.
I've been back from my holiday for a week, just like you.
Oh! I'm jealous, I'm going back to work tomorrow...
- It was great.... We stayed in a luxurious hotel and tasted a lot of typical dishes.
Great, but there were too many people on the boat and my kids were too greedy with the
Very good, I loved camping alone.


- I will finally see my parents again: they are back from their trip to Canada.
- Great, I got a gift!
- Taste the food before you say you don't like it!
- He prepares a romantic meal with flowers and candles.
- This year, she will take seven days off to go on holiday to Barcelona.
- We're going to have fun at Lucas' birthday party. He has a karaoke game ready and lots
of other surprises.
- I really enjoy talking to you; you always understand me.
- The plane has just landed; passengers will soon be able to take off their seat belts.
- For our holidays, we are going to spend a week by the sea.
- This house is ideal for a family with two children.
- To go to the UK, you can go by plane, boat, train or car.
- This teacher loves French grammar; he can talk about it for hours.
- Tom is jealous because his older brother has a new computer.
- Romeo and Juliet are the most famous lovers in literature.
- When we talk about Italian cuisine, we often think of pizzas and pasta.
- Fishermen unload boxes of fish when they arrive at the port.
- John is such a food lover… He tries different cuisines regularly.
- For their twenty years of marriage, her husband gave her a gold necklace.
- Maria has to finish two reports before she goes on holiday.
- Wait for me, I'll be back in a few seconds.
- You stopped smoking for five years; you can't go back to smoking now!
- Their bathroom is really luxurious: there is a jacuzzi and a large bath.
- The car is parked over thereby the tree.
- After a stressful day, he often needs to walk alone for about ten minutes.
- The hotel was not very big but the rooms were very comfortable.

- I like to discover typical places when I travel.
- My uncle loves historical novels, especially those that take place in the Ancient World.
- There were not many people at the cinema last night; there were only five of us in the
- He hates to go camping; he prefers the comfort of a hotel room.
- When we are in Guadeloupe, we will go diving to discover tropical fish.
- They will visit the Louvre Museum, the Château de Versailles and Montmartre during
their weekend in Paris.
- We are going to stay for ten days in this hotel.
- To prepare for his trip to Bolivia, he did some research for several weeks.

Preparing Food
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- Tony thinks Brigitte's suggestion is
- The meeting place is
in the park.
outside the train station.
- Everyone eats beef burgers.

- "We are having a barbecue in the park." is a
Fixed arrangement
- Brigitte made plans for a barbecue before meeting Tony.
- "Hey Tony, what are you doing this weekend?" is a question about
a specific time in the future.
sometime in the future.
- Madeline can come to the barbecue.
- Use present continuous to talk about future arrangements and fixed plans which usually
have a fixed time date or place.

- The main verb in the present continuous is always:
infinitive (e.g. to do)
-ing (e.g. doing)
base form (e.g. do)
- In positive sentences the auxiliary verb to be comes before the main verb.
- In negative sentences ‘not’ comes after the auxiliary verb.
- In questions the auxiliary verb and subject change places.

- I am having (I / have) dinner with friends on Friday.
- She is enrolling (She / enrol) at university this afternoon.
- We are not creating (We / not create) any more new apps this year.
- Are you going (You / go) to the student barbecue at the park on Sunday?
- Is he celebrating (He / celebrate) his birthday this Friday?

- Tony: Brigitte, I am going (I / go) to Malaga next week for work.
- Brigitte: Wow! Are you staying (you / stay) over the weekend?
- Tony: Yes. I’m not flying (I / not fly) back until Monday morning.

- Brigitte: Amazing. What work are you doing (you / do) there?
- Tony: I am training (I / train) our Spanish colleagues how to install the internet.

- Brigitte: Are you staying (you / stay) in a nice hotel?
- Tony: Yes, I’m staying (I / stay) in a hotel with a rooftop pool in the centre of Malaga.
Brigitte: Wow!!!! I am so jealous. I want to come too!!!

Question Forms
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony is asking Laura questions about
he friends.
her family.
- Laura doesn’t like spiders.
- Laura's fans wrote the questions Tony asks.

- We use a question word as the subject to know who is doing the action.
- When we want to know about the receiver /object we use -
who did you help?
who helped you?
- We don’t use "auxiliary verbs" if we ask about the subject.

- Do you need an auxiliary verb if a question word is the subject?
- If you're asking a question about the receiver or object use an 'auxiliary verb'.
- When we are asking a question with an 'auxiliary' the form is
question word + auxiliary verb + subject + verb
question word + subject + auxiliary verb + verb
- For questions without an 'auxiliary', (when asking about who does the action) use
question word + verb + rest of question
verb + question word + rest of question
- In the present tense, always use verbs
in third person.
the first person.

- I bought a new phone this morning.
What bought you this morning?
What did you buy this morning?
- One of the students didn't write the essay.
Who didn't the essay write?
Who didn't write the essay?
- I dreamt about the sea last night.
What dreamt about you last night?
What did you dream about last night?
- Somebody called me at 2am last night.
Who called you at 2am last night?
Who did you call at 2am last night?
- Sarah likes oranges.
Who likes oranges?
Who like oranges?

Fill in the gaps to complete the questions.

- Brigitte: Hey, I have some great news. I am going to interview Robert Platinson. Can I
practise(practise) my questions on you?
- Tony: Sure. Brigitte: How did you become (you become) an actor?
- Tony: I started when I was a child. Brigitte: What was (to be) your first acting role?

Fill in the gaps to complete the questions.
- Tony: I acted on a TV commercial about a chocolate bar. Brigitte: Ah, I remember it. How
did you get(get) it?
-Tony: I went for an audition and I was the best. Brigitte: Who took you(take) to the
audition? Tony: My mum and dad. I was a child!

Fill in the gaps to complete the questions.
- Brigitte: And what happened?
- Tony: I got to eat a lot of chocolate bars. It was great. Brigitte: Where does your passion
for acting come from?
- Tony: I love to pretend to be something I am not. Brigitte: And my last question. Could
you sign(sign) this picture? Tony: You can’t ask that!

Verb Patterns (infinitive & '-ing')
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony and Brigitte are discussing what to do
at the weekend.
- Tony and Anna will travel together.
- Anna hasn't started driving because
she prefers to catch the bus.
the lessons are too expensive.
she hates Tony.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- When two verbs come next to each other, the second one usually changes form.
- The new form can be
infinitive and -ing.
infinitive, -ing or base.
-ing and base.
- The form it takes depends on

what the first verb is.
the meaning you want to communicate.
- Usually, -ing verbs come after verbs that express feelings.
- The vast majority of 2nd verbs can only take one form.
- If you want to add an object, put it after the first verb.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Hey Tony, I really enjoyed walking(walk) by the river.
- Tony: Me too. I would like to start(start)walking(walk) more often, especially when the
weather is nice.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Really, I prefer running(run).
- Tony: I don’t mind running(run) but I like to walk(walk). I can’t run in hot weather.
Brigitte: I love it. The sun motivates me and I run faster.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Anyway, I wanted to ask(ask) you about the weather in Spain in October. Is it hot?
- Brigitte: It depends. In the south it can be hot. Why? Tony: Jack’s friends would like to
get(get) married there.


Talking About Different Cultures
- Where are Emily and Liam?
At work.
At Liam's home.
At a restaurant.
- Who is Liam?
An American student who lives with Emily.
A friend who is going to England.
A new colleague who has just arrived in Cape Town.
- Why does Emily come to see him?

To lend him a guidebook and show him around Cape Town.
To invite him for a meal and to introduce him to her colleagues.
To ask how he is and to give him help.
- How does Liam react?
He thanks her and invites her to his home.
He offers her some stew.
He offers her English classes.

Are the following statements correct?
- Since he arrived in Cape Town, Liam
gets lost in the city less than before.
forgets the grey skies of London.
- Liam is staying in
an apartment.
a hotel.
- Andrew, a Korean student, has come to Cape Town to
give Korean lessons.
learn English.
- In South Africa, there
are several official languages depending on the region.
are 11 official languages and 35 indigenous languages.
- Liam explains that England
is a tourist destination.
has three official langues.
- Liam really likes
South African cuisine.
South African eating habits.
- Emily offers
to show Liam around Cape Town.
to lend a guidebook about Cape Town to Liam.
- Liam's colleagues often greet him
by shaking his hand once.
with an unusual handshake.
- Liams asks Emily
to bring a recipe for fish and chips.
to have a meal in his home.
- Emily will bring
the dessert.
a book about South African culture.
- Since he arrived in Cape Town, Liam has drunk South African wine with every meal.


Complete the dialogue by choosing from the following words: region - miss - find his
way - restaurant - friendly - lend - culture - arrival - guidebook - cuisine - is OK - warn.
- Mark: In three days, William will be here. We have to prepare for his arrival! You know,
he was so friendly when I first met him and I want to welcome him in the best way
- Sophie: Don't worry, I've already bought a guidebook for the city and a map to help him
find his way around.
- Mark: Great! I hope he is OK with the weather... We're in the middle of winter... He will
miss the heat of Australia.
-Sophie: You should warn him that it will be cold and tell him to bring warm clothes.
- Mark: Yes, I will call him. But, you know, I can also lend him some sweaters and a coat.
- Mark: Oh, I don't know. We could invite him to have a meal in the nice little restaurant
near our home.
- Sophie: Why not. I'm so impatient! It will be so nice to help him learn about our culture
and show him lots of unusual places!

- His nephew has an unusual job - he is a cook for some dogs.
- After they put their signatures on the contract, the two men will probably
shake each other's hand.
kiss each other.
- We always enjoy our meals with a glass or two of
- Oh no! I forgot to buy the meat for the
fish and chips.
- Don't disturb her, she is studying.
- The employees in this shop are really friendly, they always greet their customers and
never hesitate to help them.
- Someone stole his wallet, he lost all his official documents.
- You learned the dialect of this region from your grandfather.
- Taste this plate of fish and chips, it’s a real treat.

For each situation, choose your reaction.
- You want to welcome your new colleague from abroad.
You ask your new colleague to sign all the official documents and you shake her hand.
You kiss your new colleague and speak to her in your local dialect.
You ask your colleague how everything is going and you offer to help her find her way
around the city.

- A friend asks you to help him prepare his trip abroad.
You buy a guidebook for him to learn about the culture of the country and interesting
tourist places.
You help him prepare unusual cakes to change his eating habits.
You warn him that he will not become familiar with restaurants and fish and chips.
- A Frenchman asks you questions about the culture of your country.
You tell him that you miss the sun and that you can't become familiar with the behaviour
of the French.
You explain some customs, eating habits and which languages are spoken in your country.
You lend him your guidebook on wine and food so that he can discover some restaurants.

- He always uses a map to find his way around a big city more easily.
- I like to discover typical places when I travel.
- After living in the city for a few weeks, Carl became familiar with urban noise and
- The wine produced on this estate is especially good.
- Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower are two tourist destinations.
- Your eating habits change as you grow up.
- She wonders which destination she will choose for her next holiday.
- South Africans are very warm, welcoming and friendly people.
- To prepare for his trip to Beijing, he read many books on Chinese culture.
- She served us a steak with mushroom sauce: a real treat!
- I warn you, I will leave in 5 minutes, you must be ready!
- He loves baking, he often makes cakes, tarts, bread and biscuits.
- I don't like the way you drive; you drive too fast.
- When he speaks his language, I can hear some French words.
- Veal stew is a typical meal that you can eat in France.
- We shake people’s hands more often in France than in England.
- I can lend you this book if you want, but I need it back tomorrow.
- At noon, my colleague and I sometimes go to eat in this little restaurant
- New employees quickly feel comfortable because their boss is very welcoming.
- She loves English food, especially fish and chips.
- A passport and an identity card are official documents.
- Taste this food before you say you don't like it!
- My neighbours are making a noise; it is disturbing me.
- The dialect that people speak in Alsace is a mixture of French and German.
- Some people in England have the custom of going to the pub after work.
- We have an hour before our guests ‘arrival.

- When we talk about Italian cuisine, we often think of pizzas and pasta.
- I ate an unusual dish: grilled snake.
- The wine-producing region of South Africa is in the south of the country.
- James' daughter has moved to Atlanta and he misses her a lot.
- This bakery offers a wide variety of bread: you will certainly find one you like.
- Every day, we discover more of our new neighbourhood.
- With this guide, we discovered many interesting places during our stay in Berlin.

Past Continuous
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony and Brigitte are talking about
what they are doing tomorrow.
things to do in their free time.
their jobs.
- Tony wants to
listen to new podcasts.
try a new hobby.
practise old hobbies.
- Brigitte speaks about a sport they used to play at school.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Brigitte and Tony talk about things they were doing at specific times in the past.
- Brigitte and Tony talk about things that are finished now.
- When Tony talks about his morning in the garden he is talking about
a short action
an action which continued for some time
- Tony tells us about sitting in the garden
to make us jealous
to describe a situation
- Brigitte saw Tony during her run.

- The auxiliary 'to be’ is used in the past continuous.
- The verb is in the –ing form.
- For negative sentences put not / n't after the auxiliary verb.
- In questions the auxiliary verb comes before the subject.
- For verbs that end in 'e' delete the 'e' and add 'ing' to the base verb.
- If a verb ends in one vowel and one consonant double the consonant.

- We were running in the park this morning.
- Madeleine wasn’t listening to the radio this morning.
- Were they walking in the forest?
- Chris and I weren’t hitting the ball properly.
- We were sitting in the cafe and the waitress dropped a plate!
- The children were smiling at me.

Can you fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue?
- Brigitte: Tony, were you playing(play) down at the park this morning?
- Tony: No, I was cycling(cycle). Why?
- Brigitte: My brother was playing(play) and his team won. I wanted to know if you saw
the match. Tony: Nope. I used to play football on Saturdays but now I play on Sundays.

Can you fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue?
- Brigitte: I didn’t go to the match. I was practising(practise) the trumpet for the
competition today.
- Tony: Oh I forgot about that. Were you practising(practise) all morning?
- Brigitte: No, I wasn’t practising(practise) all morning, only for 2 hours. Were you
cycling(cycle) in the forest again?

Can you complete the dialogue?
- Tony: No, I wasn’t cycling(cycle) in the forest. I was with Jack; we were cycling(cycle)
near the beach.
- Brigitte: Ah silly me. I was having(have) a coffee with Anna last night and she told me
you were talking(talk) about that yesterday afternoon!

Quantifiers ('some', 'any', 'no' & 'every')
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony is worried about losing his job.
- At the beginning of the conversation Brigitte is worried about Tony.
- The company has problems because they
don't send many products abroad.
receive many products from abroad.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.
- Add ‘-one’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about people when you don't say
exactly who.
- ‘Everybody’ and ‘everyone ‘mean the same, but it is more common to use ‘-body ‘which
is more informal.
- Add ‘-where’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about places when you don't say
exactly where.
- Add ‘-thing’ to ‘some/any/every/no’ when talking about things when you don't say
exactly what.
- In sentences use no-body/thing/whereas a negative.

- With indefinite pronouns (someone / anybody) use a singular form of the verb.
- Indefinite pronouns replace the noun in a sentence.
- Do not use a negative verb after 'no-body/one/thing/where'.

- Is anyone coming to the staff party? No, no one is coming.
- Everything was ready for the customer to pick up.
- Can someone turn off the machine?
- Nowhere produces the products we need.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Hey Tony. Any news on your job? Tony: Yes. Sales have increased. Everyone (all
people) can keep their job.
- Brigitte: Ah great news. So, no one needs (not any person need) to look for another job!
- Tony: No. Everyone is (all people be) happy.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Do you know what changed? Tony: I’m not sure. Someone (a person) told me
that exports have increased worldwide. Everywhere is (all places be) buying more
products. It’s amazing. -
- Brigitte: Has anyone (a person) asked about the profits?
- Tony: No. Actually no one (not a person) has seen the chairman for days.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.

- Brigitte: Hhhmm that’s strange. Tony: Yes, it is. I’d like to ask him if anything (a thing) is
- Brigitte: Why would something (a thing) be wrong. Sales have increased!
- Tony: I don’t know Brigitte. But you know anyone (any person) can have problems.

When' and 'While'
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony has a problem with
his brother
his leg
his arm
- Tony spent the morning
in hospital
with Brigitte
- Tony had an accident

Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions.
- Tony's fallinterruptedhis skiing day.
- The doctor will ask Tony questions at the same time as waiting for the x-ray results.
- Tony's brother called an ambulance just after Tony couldn't stand up.

- 'When/while' are followed by a
verb + subject
subject + verb
- 'While' is usually used before the
past continuous
base verb
past simple
- 'When' is usually used before
the base verb
the past continuous
the past simple


- They had an accident because they weren't looking when they crossed the road. -
-I was at the dentist
when rang my phone.
when my phone rang.
- I was visiting my sister in hospital when I met my boyfriend.
- While I was working in the health centre, I met a lot of people.
- They felt better when the ambulance
it arrived.
- My mum made me a cup of tea while I was watching TV.

Can you fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue?
- Brigitte: Jack, were you in hospital yesterday? Jack: Yes, I was. Why? Brigitte: Anna said
she saw you while she was visiting(visit) her granny.
- Jack: Ah, I didn’t see her. I was probably sitting in the waiting room when she saw(saw)

Can you complete the dialogue?
- Brigitte: Are you ok? Jack: Not really. I cut myself while I was cooking(cook) dinner.
- Brigitte: I can’t believe it. What were you cutting? Jack: I was preparing the vegetables
for soup. When I cut(cut) myself, I went to the hospital because it wouldn’t stop bleeding.
- Brigitte: What did the doctor say? Jack: He said I need to be careful when I am
cooking(cook) and he put a bandage on it.

Can you complete the dialogue?
- Brigitte: Ok. Did you see Tony when you were (to be) in hospital?
- Jack: No, was he in hospital too? Brigitte: Yes. He broke his leg while he was skiing(ski)
with his brother! When you are both better, we can go for dinner!

Comparative and Superlative (Adjectives)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- They are mainly talking about
Tony's new job.
a party.
Tony's new boss.

- Brigitte sounds happy about what Tony says.
- They talk about a party in the

Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
- We use comparative adjectives to compare two things that are different.
- We use comparative adjectives to talk about how people are different.
- Tony prefers his new job.

- We put 'than’ after the comparative adjective.
- In negative sentences we put 'not' before the comparative adjective.
- When one-syllable adjectives end in 'e' (e.g. large) add: 'r'. For two-syllable adjectives
which don't end in 'y' add 'more’ before the adjective.
- Repeat the last letter when adjectives end in one vowel + one consonant (e.g. big)
- For adjectives ending in 'y' (e.g. happy):
happ (iyer)
happ (yer)
happ (ier)
- 'Better' and 'worse' are examples of irregular adjectives because they do not follow the

- Your phone is worse(bad) than mine.
- I am silly but my little brother is sillier(silly).
- She is thinner(thin)than her sister.
- I am not slower (not slow) than an old man!
- I am never later(late)than my best friend.
- My new book is more interesting(interesting)than my old one.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Last night was great, thanks for inviting me. Your boss is nicer than(nice) the old
one, you were right.
- Tony: Yes, she is. She is also less strict(strict) and more relaxed than(relaxed) the old

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.

- Brigitte: Haha yes. Your colleagues all told me they feel happier(happy) because their
shifts are shorter than(short) in other cafes. That is very important.
- Tony: Yes, I told you it was better than(good) the other cafe. The salary is higher(high)

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Really! You can pay for dinner then. You are richer than(rich) me! My salary is
lower than(low) yours.
- Tony: No problem, I will pay. Brigitte: I am still poorer than(poor) you.
- Tony: Maybe, but look! Your phone is newer than(new) mine.


Talking About Your Hobbies
- Who are Louise and Simon?
Colleagues who are organising an activity.
A couple who play sports together.
Friends who haven't seen each other for a long time.
- What is Simon's problem?
He hates staying home quietly.
He doesn't have time to do activities during the week anymore.
He doesn't like to play sports at weekends.

Which person are they talking about? For each sentence, choose from the different
- Simon stays late at the office to work.
- Simon no longer has time for activities during the week.
- Simon and his girlfriend go to the swimming pool every weekend.
- Louise takes a cooking class once a week.
- Louise's boyfriend uses his computer to watch movies.
- Louise and Simon's cousin were at the same jazz concert.
- Simon doesn’t like jazz.
- Next Saturday, Louise’s boyfriend is giving a concert with his band.
- Louise invites Simon and his girlfriend to come to the concert.


Find the action that corresponds to each of the images. Choose from: going to a concert
going to the gym - taking a cookery class - to go jogging.
- Image 1 =taking a cooking class
- Image 2 =going to the gym
- Image 3=going to a concert
- Image 4 =to go jogging

- I am really tired after a two-hour jog. I need to lie down for a moment.
- Her neighbour is a big fan of dogs: she has seven!
- In cooking class we learn that preparing a good dish can sometimes take time.
- Are we going to start our gym subscription again? The disadvantage is that it's quite
expensive and we don't go there often...
- Get changed, your clothes are dirty and damp.
- I don't want to go out. I prefer to stay home quietly.
- They met someone incredible at the cinema: they met their favourite actor.
- Your friend has a pain in his stomach after drinking six coffees. You say to him: I’m not
- Henry bought a gift that you will love I’m sure.
-His brother is comfortable with everyone, even with people he doesn't know.

- Oh, hello! Yes, it's been a long time! Are you still working as a chef in your brother's
Hello! You look really tired. Do you want to go to the gym with me?
Hi! How are you? So, are we going to go jogging like we do every week?
- Yes, because I don't have time to play sports anymore, I have too much work.
No, I'm going to sign up for a Spanish course to learn another language and meet new
I don't know, but I'm not surprised. It takes time to change.
- No, but I wasn't comfortable when I saw you at that concert.
Yes, of course! You know I'm a music fan! Besides, I play in a band now.
Sometimes in the evening, when I lie quietly in front of my computer. -

- The disadvantage of this apartment is that it is on the fourth floor and there is no
- Tonight, we're going to see Hamlet at the theatre.
- She's going to get changed because she spilled coffee on her dress.
- He is a fan of this singer: he knows all her songs by heart.
- The water in the pool is too cold; I prefer to stay at the edge.
- I have two tickets to the cinema tonight; do you want to come with me?

- Every morning, I go jogging for an hour before going to work.
- Of course I renew my library membership every year - I love borrowing books and they
offer such a good selection.
- I think the same thing as you, I agree we have to leave early.
- The children are really tired after this long walk.
- I slept really well at the hotel, the bed was comfortable.
-Jonas has started a band with two friends; he plays the guitar and they play the piano and
- This group is full; no one can sign up for it anymore.
- Our local movie theatre is showing the new James Bond film - should we go?
- Did you know he was taking a yoga class?
- I have some news that you will like: we're all going to Berlin for the weekend!
- Which do you prefer: living in the city or in the country?
- Learning a new language takes time.
- We pay about thirty euros per month for our internet subscription.
- All of the tickets for this singer's concert are sold out.
- I ordered a cup of coffee half an hour ago; I've been waiting for a long time!
- Here's a clean towel to dry your hands.
- She joined the art class to learn drawing but also to meet people.
- Harry and Ella are really in love; I'm not surprised that they are getting married.
- It is difficult to visit the Louvre Museum in one day: there are too many things to see!
- This chef always creates unique and original recipes.
- The house is so calm when the children play quietly in their rooms.
- We go to the gym twice a week to build up our strength.
- Beth met her boyfriend while shopping at the supermarket.
- Which activity do you prefer: reading or gardening?
- After going to the gym, he is really tired; he wants to lie down on his bed for a few
- Her boyfriend just asked her to marry him.
- He's afraid to take the boat because he can't swim.

Doing and Playing Sports
- Who are Ella and Julian talking about?
Ella's sister.
A sports coach.
A friend who does track and field.
- What does this person do?
A lot of sport.

- What does Julian think of this person?
She's a real athlete.
She's going to win the next tournament.
She'll be a good teacher.

- Ella's sister
will finish her studies in a year.
finished her studies a few weeks ago.
- When she graduates, she will
become a professional athlete.
have a choice between different careers.
- One of her goals is to
start her own women's football club.
become an ice hockey player.
- She plays a lot of sports but not
ice hockey.
- She has already
won a tournament.
started her internship.
- The Women's Track and Field Team won the last championship.
- The last championship was organised for
all the teams in the country.
all the clubs in the university.
- Ella's sister doesn't have time
to join the athletics club.
to complete her internship.
- Every night, she
plays a sport.
has no strength or energy left.

Find the odd one out in each category. For example: in the category "banana - apple -
house", "house" is the odd one out because it is not a fruit.
- Sport that makes two teams compete:
ice hockey.
- Quality of an athlete:
the goal.

- Sports meeting:
- Playing sports:
to start a club.
to play in a team.
to participate in a physical activity.
- Win a championship:
to win the victory.
to be present.
to get the gold medal.

- At 18 years of age, Harry decided to pursue a Master's Degree in Physical Education and
Sports. After his studies, he chose a career as a professional athlete. So Harry signed up
with the best track and field club in his country. He trained there every day for hours to
get to the best level. His coach then entered him in the national track and field
championship. All of his family and friends were there to encourage him during the
competition. They were delighted when Harry won the gold medal. After this victory,
Harry started an athletics club and became a coach.

- Of course, I'm going to see all of the rugby championships of my brother's team. I'm a
real fan.
Yes, I play badminton in a club. Training is on Monday evening and there is sometimes a
tournament at the weekend.
Obviously, I have the goal of finishing my Master's Degree in Physical Education and Sports
in two years.
- Yes, my cousin. He has been playing tennis for years and he is very good at it.
Oh yes, I love playing tennis but I'm not very good. I just started lessons.
I don't know.... Why does he want to change his career?
- Yes, my team wasn't good enough for this national tournament.
No, unfortunately my team could not compete because we were missing several players.
Probably. The coach still has to register our team for the tournament.

- Many people choose to use a life skills coach to help them develop the necessary
knowledge and expertise for successful living.
- I am coaching my son for the Paris marathon: we run several kilometres every day.

- Gerald teaches physical education in a primary school; he introduces his students to
different sports.
- Bill is so energetic, he is able to take part in many sports.
- At the age of forty-five, my father decided to change his career: he became a baker.
- Athletics is a very popular sport and it attracts a large audience.
- All schools across the country entered the national competition.
- We play different sports to stay in shape.
- After his Master’s Degree in Economics, he decided to work for an American company.
- They have wanted to do this project for years but they did not have enough money to do
- John is a professional athlete: he plays football, tennis and ice hockey.
- Wimbledon and Roland-Garros are two major tennis tournaments. -
- She often goes to a women's bar where men cannot go.
- The American Baseball Championship Final is one of the most important sporting events
in the United States.
- Wait for me, I'll be back in a few seconds.
- During her internship at the hospital, she learned many new things.
- Reaching the level required for the Olympic Games demands a sportsman and
sportswoman of exceptional talent.
- They won five goals to zero; what a great victory!
- The team's fans were there during the final.
- Two English teachers have new language school in Brussels.
- My favourite part of athletics is the track and field contest.
- Your studies at medical school are long and difficult, but I know you can do it.
- I don't want to play chess with Olivia anymore because she always wins.
- David graduated with a law degree, now he can work as a lawyer.
- Football is a very popular sport and some players have become famous.
- To improve your level, you need to train regularly.
- The trainers preparing his players for tomorrow night's game.
- She received the gold medal because she won the race.
- We are looking for two basketball players to complete our team.
- This swimming club offers lessons for children.
- This group is full; no one can join anymore.
- I just finished the report, I'll send it to you right away.
- Ice hockey is a sport I discovered during my time in Canada.
- If you want to play rugby, you shouldn't be afraid of violent physical contact.
- My daily gym routine has made me strong and fit.
- She is wondering which destination to choose for her next holiday.

'Used to'
- Jack and Anna are in a
- They are
brother and sister.
old friends.
- They mainly talk about
the past.

- Jack and Anna were students in the past.
- Jack and Anna are students now.
- Anna regularly visited Gino's in the past.
- Anna regularly visits Gino's now.
- In the past, Jack usually had enough money for coffee and cake.
- Jack probably has enough money for coffee and cake these days.

- "Used to" is always followed by a verb, this is always the
past participle.
infinitive/base form.
past simple.
- In negative statements, “not” comes after

"use" / "used".
- The "d" is removed from "used to" when written with "did" or "didn’t".
- When replying to a "used to" question we usually use a short answer like "Yes, I did" or
"No I didn't".

- I used to go to the cinema on Mondays.
- I used to be a student.
- We did not use to eat in restaurants.
- I never used to wake up before 10am!
- Did you use to come here with your friends?

Anna and Jack meet in the cafe again. Can you complete their conversation?
- Jack: Did you use to study French at school?
- Anna: Yes, I did but I didn't use to be very good at languages.
- Jack: But your Italian is great and you never used to study that at school.
-Anna: Yeah but that's because I used to go to Milan quite often.
- Jack: Did you? Why was that?
- Anna: Didn't I tell you about Marco? I used to have an Italian boyfriend.

Present Continuous (for Future Arrangements)
- Tony thinks Brigitte's suggestion is
- The meeting place is
outside the train station.
in the park.
- Everyone eats beef burgers.

- "We are having a barbecue in the park." is a
Fixed arrangement
- Brigitte made plans for a barbecue before meeting Tony.

- "Hey Tony, what are you doing this weekend?" is a question about
a specific time in the future.
sometime in the future.
- Madeline can come to the barbecue.
- Use present continuous to talk about future arrangements and fixed plans which usually
have a fixed time date or place.

- The main verb in the present continuous is always:
-ing (e.g. doing)
base form (e.g. do)
infinitive (e.g. to do)
- In positive sentences the auxiliary verb to be comes before the main verb.
- In negative sentences ‘not’ comes after the auxiliary verb.
- In questions the auxiliary verb and subject change places.

- I am having (I / have) dinner with friends on Friday.
- She is enrolling (She / enrol) at university this afternoon.
- We are not creating (We / not create) any more new apps this year.
- Are you going (You / go) to the student barbecue at the park on Sunday?
- Is he celebrating (He / celebrate) his birthday this Friday?

- Tony: Brigitte, I am going (I / go) to Malaga next week for work.
- Brigitte: Wow! Are you staying (you / stay) over the weekend?
- Tony: Yes. I’m not flying (I / not fly) back until Monday morning.

- Brigitte: Amazing. What work are you doing (you / do) there?
- Tony: I am training (I / train) our Spanish colleagues how to install the internet.

- Brigitte: Are you staying (you / stay) in a nice hotel?
- Tony: Yes, I’m staying (I / stay) in a hotel with a rooftop pool in the centre of Malaga.
Brigitte: Wow!!!! I am so jealous. I want to come too!!!

A Visit to the Bank
- Who is the woman talking to?
Her colleague at the currency exchange office.
The bank manager.
An employee of the bank.
- What does she ask this person?
For help to connect to the online banking service.
For help about how to use the ATM machine.
For information on payment cards.
- What does she want to do for her daughter?
Change her password.
Take out money.
Open an account.

- The woman is already a customer in this bank.
- She no longer has access to online services.
- The banking assistant does not understand the problem.
- The banking assistant creates the password.
- The customer no longer has any bills to pay.
- The bank employee and the customer check together to see if the problem is solved.
- The bank employee changes money for the customer.
- The customer must go to another bank to withdraw money.

- This is the best time to open a minor's account.
- The customer must make an appointment and return with her daughter.

Using the description, find the missing word. The first letter of the word is given as a
- If you have left it at home, you cannot withdraw money from your bank account:
bank(b...) card.
- A very convenient place to go shopping: a shopping centre(c...).
- Document indicating the amount to be paid: a bill(b...).
- You use this to identify yourself on most websites and it is a good idea to keep it secret: a
- Without it, it is impossible to travel to certain countries: a passport(p...).
- You use this machine to take out money from your bank account: an ATM machine (A...
- We visit this on the Internet: a website(w...).

- The bank is closed today. That’s annoying, I wanted to exchange some money.
- He can't open a current account without his parents' permission because he's
a minor.
a banker.
- Oh no! I just entered the wrong password.
- The currency exchange desk is the place where you can change US dollars into British
- I don't understand why my password has been refused; I'm sure it's the right one.
- We need to set a date for the staff party: when are you free?
- Our conditions are very attractive at the moment; it's the right time to buy a new car.
- I only have five pounds .... If we're going to eat at a restaurant, I have to take out some
money first.
- Because she uses online banking, she goes to the bank less often.
- Your new password works perfectly: look, you have access to the site.

Choose your reaction for each of the following situations.
-You want to open a current account in a bank.

You go to the nearest shopping centre with your bank card.
You choose the bank that offers the most attractive conditions and make an appointment.
You connect to the bank's website with your new password.
- Soon, you will go on holiday to a foreign country.
You order a new passport at the bank desk.
You pay all your bills at the nearest ATM machine.
You go to the currency exchange office to change euros.
- You want to connect to your bank's online services but access is denied.
You take your bank card to use the ATM machine.
You check that you have entered the correct password.
You change the site's instructions to fix the problem.

- Oh no! The television doesn’t work: the screen is black.
- To get dollars, you must go to the currency exchange office.
- After turning on your mobile phone, you must enter a four-digit code.
- The game was cancelled because the weather conditions were bad.
- I need your password to start the computer.
- His visa was refused because he didn't have the correct papers.
- The website of this small company is very well designed; all the information is quickly
- My current account is almost empty because I spent too much money this month.
- What time does the university reception desk close?
- She can't read your email because she doesn't have access to the Internet.
- Don't take too many euros with you, we can easily find an ATM machine in Paris.
- Some banking transactions are complicated and must be done by a skilled bank clerk.
- The prices are really attractive in this shop, that's why I buy my clothes here.
- We're having a party Saturday night; are you free?
- Read the instructions carefully before doing the exercise.
- Our online services help you to choose and book your holiday without leaving your
- These biscuits have butter, sugar, eggs and flour in them.
- You have to take the stairs because the lift is out of order.
- The bus is twenty minutes late; that’s annoying, we'll miss our connection.
- We need to check your ID: do you have your passport or identity card?
- To connect, you must enter your username and password.
- You can use my bank card to buy the pizzas, but you must give it back to me later.
- Before you leave home, you always check to see if you have your keys.
- If you decide to go to the United States, you need a passport.
- In France and Belgium, a child is a minor until his or her eighteenth birthday.
- He opened a clothes shop in a shopping centre in town.

- What documents do you need to open an account in this bank?
- Can you lend me ten euros? I forgot to withdraw some money.
- My colleague sent me a protected file; I can't access it.
- Don't forget to pay the electricity bill before the end of the month.
- They're going to change 200 euros into dollars before they go to Seattle.

Phrasal Verbs
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
-Brigitte and Tony are talking about
plans for the weekend.
Tony's brother's plans.
what they did last weekend?
-They both feel happy about going away.
-During the trip they will
wake up early.
go sightseeing.
meet their neighbours.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
-Brigitte cannot wait to
come back from another place.
go to another place.
-Tony will collect Brigitte from her house.
-Tony will
leave his brother at work.
collect his brother from work.
-The last time Tony was on holiday he met his neighbours.
-Tony is worried about
his car separating into two pieces.
his car having problems.

-All phrasal verbs need an object.
-When we use a pronoun (me, he, it) as an object, it goes between the verb and particle
-In a phrasal verb the particle can be
a preposition or verb.

a preposition or adverb.
a preposition or adjective.

-We will set off on Sunday.
-Can you pick me up when you finish work?
-I really need to get away for the weekend!
-I have to get on the bus at the bus station.
-My dad broke down on his way home last night.

Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Wow! This place is great. We really should get away more often.
- Tony: Yeah, you’re right. Lucky we set off so early.
- Brigitte: I know. It was so nice to stop off at the waterfall.

Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Yeah. I can’t believe we bumped into Jack and Anna there!
- Brigitte: I know! Anna told me they were going away this weekend but I forgot.
- Tony: Never mind. It was nice to see them. They are
well getting on.
getting on well.
getting well on.

Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Yes, they are. Oh and I am so happy we didn't
break down.
down break.
- Tony: Haha yes, I know. We got to the hotel at midday like I thought.

Future ('if ', 'when' + present tenses)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Brigitte and Tony are
making arrangements.
- They'll stay
near the forest.

near the sea.
near the mountains.

- Their main concern is

the weather.

- In the sentence: "I'll come if it's sunny”, “I’ll come” is the result.
- We introduce a condition with the word
- In a conditional sentence, the result depends on the condition.
- Most of the time, we use 'if' & 'when' sentences to talk about the
- Generally, the tenses we use to talk about the future in 'if' & 'when' sentences are
past tenses.
present tenses.

- 'Zero conditional' sentences are generally formed using
the present simple + will + verb (base form).
the present simple + the present simple.
- 'First conditional' sentences are generally formed using
present simple + will + a verb (base form).
present simple + present simple.
- When the 'if' part of the sentence comes first, use a comma after it.

- When you see her, will you say hello for me?
- If he doesn't stop smoking, his health will get worse.
- Soup tastes better if you add a bit of salt.
- Can you tell me if he calls, please?
- They won't be able to return when it gets dark.

Fill in the gaps to complete the text.
- Brigitte: Tony, if the pub is not open, I will be (I / be) so angry! I am really hungry.

- Tony: It will be open. If there are(be) customers, it will be(be) open. I promise. Brigitte: I
hope you are right!

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Look. It’s open. I told you! Brigitte: Great. If they have(have) fish and chips on the
menu, I will have(have) that. *remember punctuation! *
- Tony: And, if they have(have) steak and chips, I will have(have) that.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: If they have(have) a fire, we should sit(sit) next to it. I'm so cold.
- Tony: I'm not sure there's a fire. We will find out (find out) when we get(get) there.

Adverbs (of Time, Place & Frequency)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony and Brigitte talk about
how often Anna goes to the gym.
Anna's appearance.
Anna's diet.
- Tony and Brigitte are happy for Anna.
- Brigitte asks Tony about his diet.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- "Outside” tells us the place Anna walks.
- “After she met him” tells us when Anna met Brigitte.
- “Three or four times a week” tells us how often Anna and the guy meet.
- "On Saturdays" means
every Saturday.
one Saturday.
this Saturday.

- Adverbs of place & time usually go after the object.
- Place goes before time.
- If an adverb of frequency is just one word (usually, sometimes etc.), it goes before the
- Adverbial phrases of frequency (more than one word) go after the object.

- In the phrase 'every + time expression', use the singular form of the word, e.g. week,
hour, month.

- I change my clothes twice a day.
- I am getting a makeover tonight.
- the woman who looks like you lives across the street.
- she usually buys her fruit at the market.
- my mum goes to the supermarket three times a week.

Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Brigitte. What have you done? Your arms are so big! Brigitte: I have started
to swim every day.
to everyday swim.
to swim every days.
- Tony: Wow. That’s great.
Do you swim before or after work?
Before or after work do you swim?
Do you before or after work swim?

- Well, Monday to Wednesday I swim before work but Thursday and Friday I go
- I might come with you but I can only come twice a week.

Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Ok. And after swimming, I go to the cafe upstairs.
- Tony: Sounds good.
I tomorrow will come.
I will come tomorrow.


Making an Appointment on the Phone
- Who is calling?
The daughter of one of the customers of a hair salon.
The dentist's secretary.

A client of a hair salon.
- Why is this person calling?
She needs to check the address of the hair salon.
She wants to ask a stylist for a favour.
She wants to make an appointment.
- What is the problem?
There are less staff available than usual.
There is no longer any availability.
Many clients have cancelled their appointments.

- Mrs. Anderson is calling to make an appointment
when the stylist is available.
as soon as possible.
- Mrs. Anderson prefers to have an appointment
in the early afternoon.
in the evening.
- Sarah usually cuts Mrs. Anderson's hair.
- One of the absent stylists is on maternity leave; the other is
on holiday.
- Mrs. Anderson can come at 7 p.m. because
Ben made a mistake when he looked at the schedule.
another client cancelled her own appointment.
- Before going to the hair salon, Mrs. Anderson needs to
go to the dentist with her daughter.
check if her daughter brought her schedule.
- Ben will colour Mrs. Anderson's hair.
- Mrs. Anderson asks for a favour from Ben.
- Ben will have time to take care of
Mrs. Anderson and her daughter.
only Mrs. Anderson.

Complete the sentences by choosing from these words: this is - cancel - check - be with -
call - suit.
- Where's my phone? I have to call the dentist to make an appointment.
- Don't forget to check your schedule to see if you're free tomorrow night.
- Hello, this is Mrs. Fletcher. I'm calling to cancel my appointment. I won't be able to come
because I'm ill.
- My colleague will be with our manager on a business trip next month.
- I have an appointment available on Monday at 3 p.m. Does that suit you?

Complete the sentences by choosing from the following words: Hello - made a note -
suggested - take care - be available.
- Let's meet on Tuesday at 2 p.m. in front of the movie theatre? All right, I have made a
note of that. We will be there.
- I'm working all day today, but I can be available this evening to help you.
- Hello Laura? Can you hear me?
- She just suggested several dates; which day is best for you?
- Our new stylist will take care of you today; you'll see, she does hair very well.

Listen to the question and choose your answer.
- Yes, she called me this morning. We'll have to agree on another date.
Yes, I called her yesterday and offered her a new menu.
I don't know. I have to check my schedule to see if I'm available.
- Yes, of course, but you have to tell me when you can be available for the appointment.
Yes, I have made a note. I'm happy to go with you.
I think there's an appointment at 11, if that suits you.

- My hair is too long; I really need to go to the hairdresser.
- Our new client would like to meet you; when are you available next week?
- Because I work at the weekend, my husband takes care of our son.
- The hairdresser recommended a new product to colour the client's hair.
- My tooth hurts, I'm going to make an appointment with the dentist.
- She learned to cut hair at a special school.
- Your order will be ready soon, just one moment, please.
- She usually gets up around 7 a.m., but this morning she slept until 10 a.m.
- Will you be available next weekend to help me move?
- Every morning, he checks his diary so that he can organise his day.
- I asked the hairdresser to cut my hair.
- After her daughter's birth, she will have two months of maternity leave.
- If you drive and use your phone at the same time, you break the law.
- Hello, Chloe? Can you hear me? It's John on the phone.
- He has very limited availability at the moment; he's terribly busy.
- Before you leave, always check to see if you have your keys.
- You need to have an appointment if you want to take French lessons
- The hotel manager asks his staff to be polite.
- We must offer a date to our customers for the presentation of the new product.
- My neighbour asked for a favour, she asked me to take care of her cat.

- Hello, this is Paul McKeen, your colleague.
- What time suits you for our appointment?
- Don't worry, I made a note, I will meet you on Monday at the airport.
- Honey, I'm going shopping; so your dad will be with you at home.
- Your colleague just called; you left your bank card at the office.
- This bank closed because it didn't have enough clients.
- In our hair salon, we use natural products.
- It takes about half an hour for the new colour to set.
- Samuel cancelled our visit to the cinema because he's sick.
- John broke his leg, he's on medical leave for a month.

Present Perfect
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony spends the most time at the new shopping centre these days.
- Tony loves shopping.
- They talk about changes to
their friends.
their appearance.
their wardrobe.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- "I have started a new diet" tells us about
an action in the past that is not happening now.
an action that started in the past and is still happening now.
- "I have been about 5 times!" tells us about
a past experience and when it happened.
a past experience, but not when it happened.
- Brigitte asks Tony, "have you lost weight?" because
he looks the same as in the past.
he looks different than in the past.
- 'For' ("I haven't seen you for a long time") refers to
the duration of time.
a moment in the past.
the number of times.
- 'Since' ("I haven't been there since the last time") refers to
the duration of time.
a number of times.

a moment in the past.
- 'Still' ("I still haven't bought any good training shoes") means:
"I have bought them".
"I should buy them before it's too late".
- 'Yet' ("I haven't decided yet") means:
"I have recently decided".
"I will soon decide".

- The auxiliary 'have/has' goes before the verb.
- In negative sentences, use 'not' after 'have/has'.
- In questions, 'have/has' comes before the subject + verb.
- The present perfect is always formed using the past participle (done, been etc.) of the
- If 'for/since' is used it goes before the time expression.
-'Yet’ goes at the end of the sentence.
- 'Still’ goes before 'have not + p.p.".

- Have you changed your hair?
- They have never been here before.
- Sam and Giles haven't heard the news yet.
- I still haven't thanked Grandma for the birthday card.
- Why hasn't my letter arrived yet?

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Tony: Brigitte, have you had (you / have) a hair cut?
- Brigitte: Yeah, thanks for your suggestion. Tony: It looks great. Have you had (you / have)
a makeover too? You look so different. Brigitte: Yes. It was great. After I had my hair cut, I
went to the department store. They put makeup on me and helped me choose new
clothes. Tony: Wow!

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Brigitte: I have had(have) the same clothes and look for (for / since) so long. It was time
to change.
- Tony: Well. You look amazing. It’s such a different look. Brigitte: And you…Have you
lost(lose) more weight? You look so slim.
- Tony: Yes, this diet is great. I hope I haven’t lost (not / lose) too much though.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Brigitte: Have you had to (you / have to) change what you eat?
- Tony: Yes, I have stopped(stop) eating so much cake and you know how much I love

Adverbs (of Time, Place & Frequency)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony and Brigitte talk about
how often Anna goes to the gym.
Anna's appearance.
Anna's diet.
- Tony and Brigitte are happy for Anna.
- Brigitte asks Tony about his diet.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- "Outside” tells us the place Anna walks.
- “After she met him” tells us when Anna met Brigitte.
- “Three or four times a week” tells us how often Anna and the guy meet.
- "On Saturdays" means
every Saturday.
one Saturday.
this Saturday.

- Adverbs of place & time usually go after the object.
- Place goes before time.
- If an adverb of frequency is just one word (usually, sometimes etc.), it goes before the
- Adverbial phrases of frequency (more than one word) go after the object.
- In the phrase 'every + time expression', use the singular form of the word, e.g. week,
hour, month.

- I change my clothes twice a day.
- I am getting a makeover tonight.
- the woman who looks like you lives across the street.
- she usually buys her fruit at the market.

- my mum goes to the supermarket three times a week.

Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Brigitte. What have you done? Your arms are so big! Brigitte: I have started
to swim every day.
to everyday swim.
to swim every days.
- Tony: Wow. That’s great.
Do you swim before or after work?
Before or after work do you swim?
Do you before or after work swim?

- Well, Monday to Wednesday I swim before work but Thursday and Friday I go
- I might come with you but I can only come twice a week.

Choose the correct answer to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Ok. And after swimming, I go to the cafe upstairs.
- Tony: Sounds good.
I tomorrow will come.
I will come tomorrow.

When' and 'While'
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony has a problem with
his brother
his leg
his arm
- Tony spent the morning
in hospital
with Brigitte
- Tony had an accident

Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions.
- Tony's fallinterruptedhis skiing day.
- The doctor will ask Tony questions at the same time as waiting for the x-ray results.
- Tony's brother called an ambulance just after Tony couldn't stand up.

- 'When/while' are followed by a
verb + subject
subject + verb
- 'While' is usually used before the
past continuous
base verb
past simple
- 'When' is usually used before
the base verb
the past continuous
the past simple

- They had an accident because they weren't looking when they crossed the road. -
-I was at the dentist
when rang my phone.
when my phone rang.
- I was visiting my sister in hospital when I met my boyfriend.
- While I was working in the health centre, I met a lot of people.
- They felt better when the ambulance
it arrived.
- My mum made me a cup of tea while I was watching TV.

Can you fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue?
- Brigitte: Jack, were you in hospital yesterday? Jack: Yes, I was. Why? Brigitte: Anna said
she saw you while she was visiting(visit) her granny.
- Jack: Ah, I didn’t see her. I was probably sitting in the waiting room when she saw(saw)

Can you complete the dialogue?
- Brigitte: Are you ok? Jack: Not really. I cut myself while I was cooking(cook) dinner.

- Brigitte: I can’t believe it. What were you cutting? Jack: I was preparing the vegetables
for soup. When I cut(cut) myself, I went to the hospital because it wouldn’t stop bleeding.
- Brigitte: What did the doctor say? Jack: He said I need to be careful when I am
cooking(cook) and he put a bandage on it.

Can you complete the dialogue?
- Brigitte: Ok. Did you see Tony when you were (to be) in hospital?
- Jack: No, was he in hospital too? Brigitte: Yes. He broke his leg while he was skiing(ski)
with his brother! When you are both better, we can go for dinner!


Communicating by Email
- What does George have to do?
Find a job vacancy.
Write an email.
Work on his computer.
- What does he ask Lily to do?
To type a text in his place.
To help him.
Not to disturb him.
- What does Lily do?
She also responds to the job offer.
She sends him an email with explanations.
She gives him help about how to write the email.

- George must write an email
to invite Lily to the restaurant.
to respond to a job vacancy.
for his work.
The email should be sent to
several recipients.
the Human Resources Manager.
- In the email, George says
which job he is applying for.
that he published a job offer.
that he works in the company.

- George must not forget
to attach his CV and cover letter.
to complete documents.
to remove the attachments.
- At the end of the email, George must
only thank his recipient formally.
just write "goodbye".
say thank you and goodbye in a polite manner.
- Before sending the email, George will
reread the job vacancy.
reject his application.
check the spelling.
- To thank Lily, George
crosses his fingers.
sends his application.
invites her to a restaurant.

Choose from the following words to complete the sentences: comma, recipient, spelling,
attached file, subject, job vacancy, polite greeting, CV, cover letter, email.
- It starts and ends an email: a polite greeting
- When you answer an announcement for it, you can apply for a job: a job vacancy
- We use the dictionary to check it: spelling
- Sign that indicates a pause in a sentence: a comma
- Without the Internet, it is not possible to send this type of message: an email
- It helps to explain why you want to get a job: a cover letter
- It explains the main idea of a letter or email: a subject
- The person that we write to: a recipient
- Document that is sent with an email: an attached file
- It gives details about a person's professional experience and qualifications: a CV

- I haven't had the opportunity to thank you for the excellent work you've done.
- Before writing a polite greeting, you have to
start on a new line.
cross your fingers.
- Our colleague forgot to check the document again before sending it: there were a lot of
spelling mistakes!
- They have just published a new job vacancy on their website.
- We have read the email again; there
are no spelling mistakes.
is no writing.

- You always write "Yours sincerely" at the end of your formal emails to people you have
not met.
- The Human Resources Manager has rejected many applications.
- Tom is taking an important exam tomorrow; we are
crossing our fingers.
applying for a job.

Listen to the questions and choose your answer.
- Of course, I attached my CV and cover letter.
Oh, sorry, I forgot to attach the documents. I'll send them to you right away.
All right, I'll reread the email. I'll send it to you in two minutes.
- You need to use a polite greeting, such as "sincerely" or "best regards".
You should not forget to thank him for rereading your email.
You can put a comma and specify the recipient.

- Today, I have three reports to write.
- Our grandmother always attaches a 20 euro note to her letters.
- After my studies, I sent my application letter to all the companies in the region.
- I received your email but I couldn't open the attached file.
- I want to thank you for that response to my email last week.
- He has a new position in this supermarket: Sales Manager.
- French spelling is really complicated, even for French-speaking people.
- This teacher asks students to type all their essays.
- Since he started looking for work, he reads the job vacancies on the Internet every day.
- The Human Resources Manager will contact you to sign your contract.
- Don't forget to describe your computer skills on your CV.
- A comma is often used in long sentences, like this one, to indicate pauses, or to separate
items in a list.
- The university has just published the results of the exams on its website.
- The manager sent a message to everyone in the team about the next project.
- When I went back to work after my holiday, there were more than two hundred emails
to read.
- When I write to a person I don't know; I end my message with "yours sincerely".
- After she wrote her letter, she asked an English teacher to read it again. -
- Remember to write the full address of the recipient on the envelope.
- Well done, you wrote this text with no spelling mistakes.
- When I write an email to my boss, I always use the same polite greeting.
- When you want to write about a new idea, you should start a new line and paragraph.

- I hope you pass your English test; I will cross my fingers!
- She explains why she wants to work for this company in her cover letter.
- You didn't specify exactly where the shop is.
- He had the opportunity to meet many stars during his stay in Los Angeles.
- The subject of this email is: "Request for Information".
- Their project maybe rejected because it is too expensive.
- My neighbours often disturb me at night, I think I should move house.

'Going to' (for Intentions)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony and Brigitte talk mainly about
Different types of cars.
Where to cut their hair.
Something Jack wants to buy.
- Brigitte is spending the afternoon with
- Brigitte's dad recently
sold a car.
worked at a garage.
bought a car.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- "He's going to buy a car" is an example of a
plan, decision or intention.
fixed arrangement (meeting / appointment)
- Jack doesn't yet know which car he will buy.
- Which afternoon activity is more certain to happen?
That Brigitte's sister cuts Brigitte's hair.
That Brigitte has lunch with her family.

- To form positive sentences, use subject +auxiliary (be)'going to' main verb (base)
- In negative sentences 'not' comes before going to.
- In questions the subject comes after the auxiliary verb ‘to be’.
- Choose the correct 'short form' answer: "Are you going to go to class?"
"Yes, I am".

"Yes, I'm".

- Are you going to meet (you / meet) them soon? Yes, I am.
- Chris and Madeline are going to get(get) a dog.
- My mum's not going to get (not get) a new car. She likes the one she has.
- He is going to look (he / look) for a new job after Christmas.
- Is she going to come (she / come) to the theatre with us?

- Tony: What are you going to do (you / do) after university?
- Brigitte: I’m not going to stay (I / not stay) around here for very long! I'm gonna travel
the world!
- Tony: Ah. Where are you going to go (you / go)?

- Brigitte: I’m going to visit (I / visit) my friend in New Zealand. Then, together we’re going
to do (we / do) a safari in South Africa.
- What are you going to do (you / do)?

Modals (of Deduction)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- Brigitte and Tony are talking about Jack's
new job.
new car.
- Brigitte is interested in finding out more information.
- The company only sends things to Europe.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- Tony is sure that Jack is not well-paid.
- Brigitte is not sure that Jack is saving money to buy a car.
- Brigitte is sure that Jack's job is interesting
- Brigitte is sure Jack's job is complicated.

- Modal verbs are not followed by ‘to'.
- After modal verbs use a
verb (past).
verb (base form).
- Modal verbs come after the subject and before the main verb.
- In negative sentences 'not' goes after the modal verb.

- She can't be finished. Her English is perfect!
- Andy might not be the best person for the job.
- He must be the chairman - he has the biggest office.

- Brigitte: Hey Tony! I saw Jack. He might be able to get me a job.
- Tony: Really? He must be doing very well. His bosses seem to really trust him.
- Brigitte: Yeah - he says they have a good relationship. They can’t know him very well!
Tony: Haha. Don't be so mean!

- Brigitte: I'm not the mean one! I told him what you said about his salary. Tony: Are you
joking? You can’t be serious ...
- Brigitte: I'm not joking. He told me he gets paid very well. I guess he must really like
getting the bus.

- Tony: I knew something was different about him today. He seemed like he didn't want to
talk to me. It must be what you said!
- Brigitte: No! Come on. It can’t be because of that. Jack doesn't care about money.
- Tony: I know ... but he cares about his friends making jokes behind his back. Brigitte:
Ooh. Yeah. You might be right.

Modals ('can', 'may' & 'should')
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
-Tony is good at skiing
- Tony feels bad when he tries to stand.
- Tony has always skied


Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- The doctor tells Tony it is possible his leg will hurt when he tries to stand.
- The doctor tells Tony there is a chance his leg will be better
in the past
in the present /in the future
- When Tony tells the doctor about skiing. He talks about an ability he has in the present
but that he didn't have in the past.
- The doctor uses 'should' to tell Tony things that are
a good idea
a bad idea
- The doctor tells Tony if he doesn't rest it is possible he won't ski in the future.

- To make negative sentences 'not' comes after the modal verb.
- Verb (base form) is used after all modal verbs. And it is also possible to use verb (ing)
after should.
- To make questions change the place of
the subject and the main verb
the modal verb and the subject
the modal verb and the main verb
- We should never add 's' to the third person singular.

- She may be late for work.
- Could you drive when you were younger?
- You should be listening to the teacher!
- I cannot understand French.
- Might she come to the party?
- He can ski really well.

- Doctor: Hi again Tony. Let’s have another look at your leg. Tony: Great doc! I can stand
(he is able to stand) on it now.
- Doctor: That sounds good but you shouldn’t stand (not a good idea to stand) on it too
- Tony: Sorry doc. My mum also told me I should (is a good idea) rest or it might not
(possible it won't) get better. Doctor: Yes, your mum is right!

Can you fill in the gaps?
- Doctor: I will take the cast off now. It might hurt (possible it will hurt) a little, you
shouldn’t (not a good idea) move.
- Tony: Ok. I am ready. I won’t move. Doctor: (Are you able to) Can you stand? Remember,
it might (it is possible) hurt.
- Tony: Yes! I can stand (it is possible for me to stand)

- Doctor: And can you walk (are you able to walk) to the door?
- Tony: oowwwhhhh no, I can’t (I am not able). What should I (is a good idea for me) do?


Talking About School
- What are Steve and Claire talking about?
School supplies to buy for their children.
About their memories of primary school.
A new interactive whiteboard for their school.
- What does Claire discover?
That there are fewer creative arts activities than before.
That schoolchildren no longer take exams.
There is a lot more new technology in the classroom.

- Steve remembers a teacher he got along well with and his classmates.
- In Claire's class, there was
a world map.
many multicoloured paintings.
- Steve's daughter often uses her father's computer to do her homework.
- When they were schoolchildren, Steve and Claire carried all of their school supplies in
their schoolbags.
- Claire is reassured because
the technology will still change a lot.
schoolchildren continue to learn and study as before.
- Steve's daughter has been having music and art lessons.
- Claire's children are younger than Steve’s daughter.
- Claire's son

does gymnastics every afternoon.
is not yet in school.
- Claire always prepares a snack because her daughter
loves to eat in the cafeteria.
is really hungry when she comes home from school.

For each picture, write the corresponding word.
- Image 1 = a schoolbag
- Image 2 = some chalk
- Image 3 = three notebooks
- Image 4 = a mobile phone

Choose from the following words: primary - develop - taken - remember - displays -
hungry - older - homework - classmates - tidy - gymnastics - preschool.
- The children always do their homework after their snack.
- You forgot to feed the cat again; it must be really hungry!
- His older brother is 18 months older than him.
- My daughter is still too young to go to preschool. She's only a year and a half old!
- Technology will continue to develop in the coming years.
- For his birthday party, our son will invite six of his classmates.
- In his office, he displays his son's beautiful drawing.
- At school, I loved doing gymnastics, especially when we did exercises with a ball.
- Jean has just taken her last exam; she hopes that she will pass.
- We learned to read, write and count in primary school.
- What a beautiful wedding! I'm going to remember it for the rest of my life!
- The teacher asks the students to tidy the classroom before leaving.

Listen to the question and choose your answer.
- Yes, I bought four interactive whiteboards.
No, I must still buy the notebooks.
I found pencils and pens for gym class.
- Yes, every day, because my schoolbag was heavy.
Of course, my teachers were the best.
Oh yes! I have lots of good memories of them!
- Eat well before going to the exam; if you are hungry, it's difficult to concentrate.
If you want, you can borrow my schoolbag.
Take your chalk and don't forget to use the interactive board.


- When our daughter is three years old, she will go to preschool.
- She studied all night because she is taking exams this week.
- The teacher reassured her students about the next exam.
- She takes her son to daycare so she can work in her office.
- His eldest daughter is five years older than his son.
- The teacher wrote all the calculations on the board.
- Can I borrow your dictionary? I'll give it back to you later.
- When I was a child, I did my homework with my brother.
- The teacher often has to explain a grammar rule to his students.
- Their new teacher likes to use different colours of chalk.
- She is learning to play the guitar; she has music lessons on Wednesday afternoons.
- In September, all students have a list of school supplies to buy.
- With new technology, our mobile phones are becoming more and more powerful.
- Julia can't do gymnastics because her arm is broken.
- Tom invited several of his classmates to his birthday party.
- My grandfather remembers the Second World War.
- Marc hasn't eaten anything since yesterday; he’s hungry.
- I have many good memories of my school years.
- His mobile phone keeps ringing; it's really loud!
- He reads emails on his tablet.
- The teacher helps her students to develop new abilities.
- In this school, most of the children eat in the canteen.
- The teacher asked her students to write a poem in their notebooks.
- My daughter will start primary school soon and she will learn how to read.
- He likes to display posters of pop bands on the wall of his living room.
- All the students look forward to the holidays.
- Don't forget to put your books and your dictionary in your schoolbag.
- Teachers receive training so that they can use the interactive whiteboard in their
- Some students arrive early for their class.
- After school, I prepare a small snack of fruit for my children.
- I get on well with my neighbour; we often have a cup of coffee together.
- You will find a map of France in this atlas.

Used to
- Jack and Anna are in a

- They are
brother and sister.
old friends.
- They mainly talk about
the past.

- Jack and Anna were students in the past.
- Jack and Anna are students now.
- Anna regularly visited Gino's in the past.
- Anna regularly visits Gino's now.
- In the past, Jack usually had enough money for coffee and cake.
- Jack probably has enough money for coffee and cake these days.

- "Used to" is always followed by a verb, this is always the
past participle.
infinitive/base form.
past simple.
- In negative statements, “not” comes after
"use" / "used".
- The "d" is removed from "used to" when written with "did" or "didn’t".
- When replying to a "used to" question we usually use a short answer like "Yes, I did" or
"No I didn't".

- I used to go to the cinema on Mondays.
- I used to be a student.
- We did not use to eat in restaurants.
- I never used to wake up before 10am!
- Did you use to come here with your friends?

Anna and Jack meet in the cafe again. Can you complete their conversation?
- Jack: Did you use to study French at school?
- Anna: Yes, I did but I didn't use to be very good at languages.
- Jack: But your Italian is great and you never used to study that at school.
-Anna: Yeah but that's because I used to go to Milan quite often.
- Jack: Did you? Why was that?
- Anna: Didn't I tell you about Marco? I used to have an Italian boyfriend.

Comparative and Superlative (Adverbs)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony gives Brigitte advice about
- Tony is working all weekend.
Doesn't say
- Brigitte wants Tony to drive.
Doesn't say

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Brigitte thinks women drive better than
only Tony.
all men.
- Tony is comparing how quickly Brigitte eats dinner with how quickly he eats dinner.
- Tony is comparing the safety of Brigitte's driving with how he drive(s).
- Brigitte compares how fast she drives with how fast Tony drive(s).

- Comparative and superlative adverbs go after the verb they describe.
- If comparative adverbs have an object, they are always followed by 'than'.
- 'The' always comes before a superlative adverb.
- More is used before two or more syllable regular comparative adverbs. And most before
two or more syllable regular superlative adverbs

- she drives more quickly than me.
- he is the most careful pilot I know.
- he always arrives earlier than the boss.
- they break down more often than me.
- you sang that song better than the singer.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Brigitte, can you please drive more slowly(slowly)?
- Brigitte: Tony, calm down. I am driving at the speed limit. Tony: Ok. Then can you please
drive more carefully(carefully)?

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Tony. Look around… I am driving the most carefully(carefully) of anyone on the
- Tony: Well, maybe that driver over there is driving worse than(bad) you, but the other
drivers are definitely driving better than(good) you are!
- Brigitte: Ok Tony. Shall we stop off at the petrol station and you can drive? Since you
think you drive better than(good) me? Tony: Yes.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Brigitte: Tony, can’t you drive faster(fast)? We will never get to the national park at this
- Tony: Brigitte, we will arrive more slowly(slow), but more safely(safe) than if you were
- Brigitte: I want to arrive earlier than(early) Jack and Anna, so I can check-in on social

Comparative and Superlative (Adjectives)

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- They are mainly talking about
Tony's new job.
a party.
Tony's new boss.
- Brigitte sounds happy about what Tony says.
- They talk about a party in the

Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
- We use comparative adjectives to compare two things that are different.
- We use comparative adjectives to talk about how people are different.
- Tony prefers his new job.

- We put 'than’ after the comparative adjective.
- In negative sentences we put 'not' before the comparative adjective.
- When one-syllable adjectives end in 'e' (e.g. large) add: 'r'. For two-syllable adjectives
which don't end in 'y' add 'more’ before the adjective.
- Repeat the last letter when adjectives end in one vowel + one consonant (e.g. big)
- For adjectives ending in 'y' (e.g. happy):
happ (iyer)
happ (yer)
happ (ier)
- 'Better' and 'worse' are examples of irregular adjectives because they do not follow the

- Your phone is worse(bad) than mine.
- I am silly but my little brother is sillier(silly).
- She is thinner(thin)than her sister.
- I am not slower (not slow) than an old man!
- I am never later(late)than my best friend.
- My new book is more interesting(interesting)than my old one.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.

- Brigitte: Last night was great, thanks for inviting me. Your boss is nicer than(nice) the old
one, you were right.
- Tony: Yes, she is. She is also less strict(strict) and more relaxed than(relaxed) the old

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Haha yes. Your colleagues all told me they feel happier(happy) because their
shifts are shorter than(short) in other cafes. That is very important.
- Tony: Yes, I told you it was better than(good) the other cafe. The salary is higher(high)

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Really! You can pay for dinner then. You are richer than(rich) me! My salary is
lower than(low) yours.
- Tony: No problem, I will pay. Brigitte: I am still poorer than(poor) you.
- Tony: Maybe, but look! Your phone is newer than(new) mine.


Talking About University Life
- Who are Catherine and Henry?
Two doctors.
Two university students.
Two future dentists.
- Where are they?
In a library.
At a seminar.
We don't know.

- Catherine has
a new timetable this year.
information about the classrooms.
- The faculty reception desk
manages the entire university.
is in charge of the buildings.

- Catherine thought for a long time before choosing the specialisation for a master's
- Catherine has chosen to specialise in
general medicine.
- Catherine's goal is
to open her own medical practice.
to work in a hospital.
- Henry is studying medicine
because it takes less time than applied science.
to follow the dream, he had when he was a child.
- Catherine doesn't go to lessons and seminars very often.
- Catherine understands the material better
through online seminars.
using other people's class notes.
- To study, Catherine often goes to
the library with her friends.
join Henry in the evenings.

Choose the correct word from the following: faculty - timetable - reception desk - exam
session - atmosphere - library - dentist.
- In his practice, he cares for our teeth: a dentist.
- Often a silent place full of books: a library.
- It is much more pleasant when it is happy and joyful: an atmosphere.
- A period of intense study for students: an exam session.
- Where to go for information or to make an appointment: a reception desk.
- In a university, it can be a department for medicine, engineering, or humanities: a
-It gives times for lessons or activities: a timetable.

Choose from the following words: join - do - hesitate - be accepted - absent - practice -
note - specialisation - university. Make sure you use the plural if necessary.
-What project did you decide to do this year?
-My son sent his application to study at a university in Canada. Thanks to his good results,
he will almost certainly be accepted.
-This employee lost his job because he was often absent.
-If the content of this lesson is too difficult, don't hesitate to ask for help.
-We're all going to the cinema tonight; do you want to join us?
-She decided to do a specialisation. She chose a master's degree in microeconomics.

-The medical practice is open until 8 p.m.
-As I was away last week, my friend sent me his class notes.

For each of the following situations, choose the appropriate response.
-Your son is hesitating between several options for his studies.
You prepare him for the exam session and help him study.
You suggest that he visits different universities to find out more.
You register for a seminar at the faculty of applied sciences.
-Your doctor is absent too often.
You decide to change medical practices.
You go to the dentist.
You ask him to specialise in general medicine.
-You are a Professor in the Psychology Faculty. A medical student asks you where his
seminar room is.
You take him to the library to explain the content of your course.
You advise him to go to the reception desk of his faculty.
You ask him for his class notes.

- The boss asks the employee why he was absent from the meeting.
- I borrowed several books from the library to take to my history class.
- This engineer studied applied science.
- To become a lawyer, you have to study law at university.
- My tooth hurts, I'm going to make an appointment with the dentist.
- There are a lot of modules to study for the French exam.
- Soon, she will follow her dream and travel around the world.
- To enter this building, you go through the main door.
- After studying general medicine, he opened a medical practice in his village.
- They went to join their daughter in the United States.
- As she wants to become a social worker, she has chosen a specialisation in psychology,
sociology and community development studies.
- The boss manages many responsibilities in his company.
- To make an appointment with Dr Leroy, you must call the reception desk of the medical
- After his master’s degree in Economics, he decided to work for an American company.
- For this marketing seminar, we will discuss selling holidays to parents of young children.
- We cannot study when there is a lot of noise; we need a quiet atmosphere.
- I lost all my class notes; I don't know how I'm going to study!
- She wants to specialise in international law so she can be an international lawyer.
- In this dental practice, there are three nurses.

- He is hesitating between having vanilla ice cream or a piece of apple pie.
- The faculty of Humanities covers many different fields of study: sociology, psychology,
social work, religious studies, literature, philosophy, history, art, music, and more.
- Thanks to advances in surgery, some heart problems can be successfully treated.
- His timetable never changes: maths at 9 a.m., geography at 10, history at 11 and
languages at 12.
- Emily admits that she ate my sandwich.
- There are three exam sessions: in January, June and September.
- I really hope I get into Oxford University.
- In this school, we have several different types of buildings: a theatre for our drama
students, a gymnasium for our sports students, and many lecture halls for lessons, and of
course, office buildings for the staff.
- There are three possibilities to go to Spain: by plane, car or bus.
- I need to see a doctor; where is the nearest medical practice?

Comparative and Superlative (Adverbs)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony gives Brigitte advice about
- Tony is working all weekend.
Doesn't say
- Brigitte wants Tony to drive.
Doesn't say

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Brigitte thinks women drive better than
only Tony.
all men.
- Tony is comparing how quickly Brigitte eats dinner with how quickly he eats dinner.
- Tony is comparing the safety of Brigitte's driving with how he drive(s).
- Brigitte compares how fast she drives with how fast Tony drive(s).


- Comparative and superlative adverbs go after the verb they describe.
- If comparative adverbs have an object, they are always followed by 'than'.
- 'The' always comes before a superlative adverb.
- More is used before two or more syllable regular comparative adverbs. And most before
two or more syllable regular superlative adverbs

- she drives more quickly than me.
- he is the most careful pilot I know.
- he always arrives earlier than the boss.
- they break down more often than me.
- you sang that song better than the singer.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Brigitte, can you please drive more slowly(slowly)?
- Brigitte: Tony, calm down. I am driving at the speed limit. Tony: Ok. Then can you please
drive more carefully(carefully)?

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Tony. Look around… I am driving the most carefully(carefully) of anyone on the
- Tony: Well, maybe that driver over there is driving worse than(bad) you, but the other
drivers are definitely driving better than(good) you are!
- Brigitte: Ok Tony. Shall we stop off at the petrol station and you can drive? Since you
think you drive better than(good) me? Tony: Yes.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Brigitte: Tony, can’t you drive faster(fast)? We will never get to the national park at this
- Tony: Brigitte, we will arrive more slowly(slow), but more safely(safe) than if you were
- Brigitte: I want to arrive earlier than(early) Jack and Anna, so I can check-in on social

Comparative and Superlative (Adjectives)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

- They are mainly talking about
Tony's new job.
a party.
Tony's new boss.
- Brigitte sounds happy about what Tony says.
- They talk about a party in the

Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
- We use comparative adjectives to compare two things that are different.
- We use comparative adjectives to talk about how people are different.
- Tony prefers his new job.

- We put 'than’ after the comparative adjective.
- In negative sentences we put 'not' before the comparative adjective.
- When one-syllable adjectives end in 'e' (e.g. large) add: 'r'. For two-syllable adjectives
which don't end in 'y' add 'more’ before the adjective.
- Repeat the last letter when adjectives end in one vowel + one consonant (e.g. big)
- For adjectives ending in 'y' (e.g. happy):
happ (iyer)
happ (yer)
happ (ier)
- 'Better' and 'worse' are examples of irregular adjectives because they do not follow the

- Your phone is worse(bad) than mine.
- I am silly but my little brother is sillier(silly).
- She is thinner(thin)than her sister.
- I am not slower (not slow) than an old man!
- I am never later(late)than my best friend.
- My new book is more interesting(interesting)than my old one.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Last night was great, thanks for inviting me. Your boss is nicer than(nice) the old
one, you were right.

- Tony: Yes, she is. She is also less strict(strict) and more relaxed than(relaxed) the old

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Haha yes. Your colleagues all told me they feel happier(happy) because their
shifts are shorter than(short) in other cafes. That is very important.
- Tony: Yes, I told you it was better than(good) the other cafe. The salary is higher(high)

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Really! You can pay for dinner then. You are richer than(rich) me! My salary is
lower than(low) yours.
- Tony: No problem, I will pay. Brigitte: I am still poorer than(poor) you.
- Tony: Maybe, but look! Your phone is newer than(new) mine.


Talking About Lifestyles
- Who are the two people?
Two old friends.
A grandfather and his granddaughter.
People who go to the cafe often.
- What is the subject of their conversation?
The advantages of having a car and a garden.
The different ways to meet new people.
Lifestyle: living in the country or in the city?
- How does the discussion end?
The grandfather changes his mind.
Zoe changes her mind.
Zoe and her grandfather both keep their own opinions.

For each of the following sentences, indicate whether you are talking about life in the
countryside or in the city.
- Everyone knows each other and there is a family atmosphere.
In the countryside.
In the city.
- It is sometimes difficult to have a large garden.

In the city.
In the countryside.
- We fall asleep to the sound of passing cars.
In the countryside.
In the city.
- You can meet different people there every day.
In the countryside.
In the city.
- It's peaceful and you can enjoy the outdoors.
In the city.
In the countryside.

Choose from the following words: The advantage - decision - nature - shopping centre -
village - atmosphere - barbecue - outside.
- Each spring, nature wakes up.
- They forgot to buy the meat for tomorrow's barbecue.
- Meghan will have her birthday party outside; I hope it doesn't rain that day.
- Since she left, the atmosphere isn't the same at the office; we laugh a lot less.
- The advantage of this apartment is that it's in the middle of the city.
- In the village where my grandparents live, there isn't a single shop. The closest shopping
centre is about 10 kilometres away.
- I don't understand Chloe's decision; why did she refuse to marry Harry?

In each sentence, choose the right answer.
- For me, it's important to have a social life: I love meeting new people and seeing my
friends often.
- The regulars of this nightclub get discounts on their drinks.
- She does gardening to grow flowers and vegetables behind her house.
- He usually goes shopping on Monday after his yoga class.
- Our neighbours adopted a lost and abandoned dog.
- Why do you regret this decision?
- It's such a beautiful day! Let's go for a walk and enjoy the sun.
- All of this excitement is making her nervous; she needs calm.

Listen to the question and choose the most appropriate answer.
- I wanted a more hectic life and to be able to go out and do some cultural activities.
I wanted to enjoy the noise of city life and night buses.
I didn't like my busy life in the city and I missed nature too much.

- Yeah, how about a barbecue in the garden? We could take the opportunity to invite
some friends.
Why don't we leave the village? We could go to a nightclub.
Let's go to the village cafe, the atmosphere is always great and there are all the regulars.
- Ah, but that's because you don't see the advantages of this activity! I'll explain it to
It allows me to enjoy the social and cultural life of big cities.
That's because I like to take care of the animals that live outdoors in my garden.

- In my village, everyone knows everyone else.
- The house is peaceful when the children are not there.
- Enjoy your holiday, have a good rest!
- My neighbours bother me all the time, I think I'm going to move to a new apartment.
- We cannot study with a lot of noise; we need a quiet atmosphere.
- He invited all his neighbours for a big barbecue on his patio.
- I don't like city life: everyone is always in a hurry and there is too much traffic.
- She wants to learn how to do gardening so she can grow beautiful flowers.
- The advantage of speaking English is that you can communicate with people from all
over the world.
- Football players always train outside even if it rains.
- If you're hungry, eat an apple; it's more healthy than a beef burger.
- Because of pollution, nature is in danger.
- What time suits you for our appointment?
- She regrets starting this job: she does not like her new job at all.
- To be healthy, itis essential to eat well and get enough sleep.
- When I was a child, I was bored at school and the days seemed very long.-
- The children found a kitten and we decided to adopt it.
- I was very busy after my holiday, on my computer there were over 200 emails to read!
- James' daughter moved to Atlanta and he misses her very much.
- Because I don't have a car, I am familiar with cycling.
- The class wasn't boring, there was a lively discussion about new technology.
- Eleanor likes to do DIY, last month she made a bird table with old pieces of wood.
- My colleague always leaves the office around 5 p.m. and goes home.
- He made the decision to divorce after months of thinking about it.
- A new shoe shop has opened in the shopping mall.
- don't like too much time alone; I always need to see lots of people.
- This movie is so boring that I'm going to fall asleep.
- When Terry was young, he had a very busy social life; he went out every night!
- They danced all night in the nightclub.

'So' and 'Such'
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Who wants to go shopping the most?
- Tony seems excited about going to the new shopping centre.
- Tony thinks Brigitte
's wardrobe is too big.
has too much money.
has too many clothes.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- We use 'so' and 'such' to make our opinions
- Before an adjective, 'so' and 'such' mean
'much' or 'many'.
'very' or 'really'.
- We use both 'so' and 'such’ to emphasise a quantity.

- 'So’ comes before an 'adjective / adverb'.
- 'A/an' must be used with 'such' before singular countable nouns.
- 'So much/many' is used before nouns.
- 'So' and 'such' are used after the verb.

- Wow! That is such a nice jacket.
- I don't understand anything they say. They
speak quick so.
speak such quickly.
speak so quickly.
- I have so much money. Let’s go shopping!
- My mum bought me such a nice gift for my birthday.
- This shop has so many shoes. I can't choose!

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Wow! This shopping centre is so big(big)! We will never find Jack and Anna.
- Brigitte: Of course we will, but there is no rush. There are so many shops to look in
before we even try to find them.
- Tony: You are lucky I am such a good friend! Lots of guys do not like shopping with girls.
- Brigitte: You are right. I am so lucky(lucky) to have you.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Which shop do you want to go in first? Brigitte: Look, there are so few people in
that shop. Let’s start there.
- Tony: Haha. It might look like there aren’t many people, but there is such a big queue to
pay at the till. Can you see it?

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Oh yeah! Ok, let’s try another shop. Tony: What about this one? There is such a
nice (nice) suit in the window.
- Brigitte: Yes, it’s nice, and it’s so cheap(cheap). Look at the price. It’s only £5.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
-Brigitte and Tony are mainly talking about
Brigitte's news.
Tony's news
-Tony wants Brigitte
to make friends with one of the girls.
to give him advice
-Tony can't choose which girl to meet.


-When Tony says "I went to a party" he is telling Brigitte

something known.
something new.
-When Brigitte asks about "the party" 'the' is used because
this is new information
we already mentioned the party before
-We use "a" to introduce names of jobs.

-When Tony says ‘the supermarket’ he is sure Brigitte knows which supermarket he is
talking about.
-We need nothing before plural or uncountable nouns ‘e.g. eyes/hair’.
-We use 'the' before moon to show there is only one of these.

Select the right answer.
-'a' 'an' & 'the' refer to

- "an" goes before a noun starting with a vowel sound.

-Where are we meeting? The restaurant next to the supermarket.
-I'll give you my telephone number. Do you have a pen?
-How much time do we have for lunch?
A hour
An hour
- Honesty is important.
- A dog is a man's best friend.
- Is St. Martin's a college, or a university?

Fill in the gaps. If no article is needed put (-)
-Brigitte: Hey Tony, did you choose which girl to meet again? Tony: Yes, I chose the sporty
-Brigitte: Is she the girl who works in the supermarket?

Fill in the gaps. If no article is needed put (-)
-Tony: Yes, she is. I like her. She's (-) honest and (-) friendly.
- Brigitte: Is she a shop assistant in the supermarket?
- Tony: No. Actually, she is the assistant manager.
Fill in the gaps. If no article is needed put (-)
-Brigitte: Wow! Is she the taller, dark-haired girl, or the shorter, blonde girl with (-) blue
-Tony: She's the blonde girl with (-) blue eyes. And, what do you look for in a man?
- Tony: She's the blonde girl with (-) blue eyes. And, what do you look for in a man?
-Hhhhmmm. Well, (-) friendship and also, I like (-) men who want to travel the world.

Comparative and Superlative (Adverbs)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony gives Brigitte advice about
- Tony is working all weekend.
Doesn't say
- Brigitte wants Tony to drive.
Doesn't say

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Brigitte thinks women drive better than
only Tony.
all men.
- Tony is comparing how quickly Brigitte eats dinner with how quickly he eats dinner.
- Tony is comparing the safety of Brigitte's driving with how he drive(s).
- Brigitte compares how fast she drives with how fast Tony drive(s).

- Comparative and superlative adverbs go after the verb they describe.
- If comparative adverbs have an object, they are always followed by 'than'.
- 'The' always comes before a superlative adverb.
- More is used before two or more syllable regular comparative adverbs. And most before
two or more syllable regular superlative adverbs

- she drives more quickly than me.
- he is the most careful pilot I know.
- he always arrives earlier than the boss.
- they break down more often than me.
- you sang that song better than the singer.


Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Tony: Brigitte, can you please drive more slowly(slowly)?
- Brigitte: Tony, calm down. I am driving at the speed limit. Tony: Ok. Then can you please
drive more carefully(carefully)?

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.
- Brigitte: Tony. Look around… I am driving the most carefully(carefully) of anyone on the
- Tony: Well, maybe that driver over there is driving worse than(bad) you, but the other
drivers are definitely driving better than(good) you are!
- Brigitte: Ok Tony. Shall we stop off at the petrol station and you can drive? Since you
think you drive better than(good) me? Tony: Yes.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Brigitte: Tony, can’t you drive faster(fast)? We will never get to the national park at this
- Tony: Brigitte, we will arrive more slowly(slow), but more safely(safe) than if you were
- Brigitte: I want to arrive earlier than(early) Jack and Anna, so I can check-in on social

Modals (of Deduction)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- Brigitte and Tony are talking about Jack's
new job.
new car.
- Brigitte is interested in finding out more information.
- The company only sends things to Europe.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- Tony is sure that Jack is not well-paid.
- Brigitte is not sure that Jack is saving money to buy a car.
- Brigitte is sure that Jack's job is interesting
- Brigitte is sure Jack's job is complicated.


- Modal verbs are not followed by ‘to'.
- After modal verbs use a
verb (past).
verb (base form).
- Modal verbs come after the subject and before the main verb.
- In negative sentences 'not' goes after the modal verb.

- She can't be finished. Her English is perfect!
- Andy might not be the best person for the job.
- He must be the chairman - he has the biggest office.

- Brigitte: Hey Tony! I saw Jack. He might be able to get me a job.
- Tony: Really? He must be doing very well. His bosses seem to really trust him.
- Brigitte: Yeah - he says they have a good relationship. They can’t know him very well!
Tony: Haha. Don't be so mean!

- Brigitte: I'm not the mean one! I told him what you said about his salary. Tony: Are you
joking? You can’t be serious ...
- Brigitte: I'm not joking. He told me he gets paid very well. I guess he must really like
getting the bus.

- Tony: I knew something was different about him today. He seemed like he didn't want to
talk to me. It must be what you said!
- Brigitte: No! Come on. It can’t be because of that. Jack doesn't care about money.
- Tony: I know ... but he cares about his friends making jokes behind his back. Brigitte:
Ooh. Yeah. You might be right.


Talking About the Environment
- What is Ethan's problem?

He doesn't know how to sort his waste.
He doesn't understand the bike share system.
He doesn't want to help save the environment.
- What do they decide to do together?
To try and do something small to help save the environment.
To cycle to work.
To have good habits which can help them become familiar with life in London.

For each question, choose the solution that Eloise or Ethan suggested in the dialogue.
- Where should you throw away cardboard in London?
In the same box that you use for paper.
In the green box.
- Where should you throw away glass bottles?
They need to be rinsed and put in the blue box for clean plastics and glass.
In the white bin.
- Where should you throw away your organic waste?
In the green box.
You have to take it to a community collection point.
- Where should you throw away aluminium cans and tins?
In the same box as clean plastic.
In the green box.
- What should you do with used batteries?
You have to take them to a collection point.
You have to re-use them.
- What should you do with expired medicine?
You have to take it to a pharmacy.
You have to throw it away in the green box.
- How can you avoid traffic jams?
You can use a self-service bike share system.
You can buy an electric car.
- How can you save energy?
You should leave all of your devices on sleep or standby mode.
You should to switch off lights when you leave a room.
- How can you save water?
You shouldn't switch off the heating.
You should take a shower instead of a bath.

For each of the images, find the corresponding word.
- Image 1= two batteries
- Image 2= the planet

- Image 3= exhaust fumes
- Image 4= a recycling bin

- Throw the eggs away; they are expired!
- Did you know that devices that are on standby still use electricity?
- Ellie decided to live in a more environmentally friendly way: she cycles to work twice a
- Many beaches are polluted by the waste left by tourists.
- Some simple daily actions can be enough to save water.
- I don't understand the waste sorting system; you have to explain to me how it works
- They take their used batteries to the
waste sorting place.
collection points.
- There is still some dishwashing liquid on this plate, could you quickly rinse it again?
- The teacher always switches off the lights before leaving the classroom.

Listen and choose the correct response.
- Definitely not! They are overused! You have to take them to the closest collection point.
If I were you, I would buy a new box of medicine at the pharmacy and I would also give
them your expired medicine.
I don't know. Maybe you have to rinse them before throwing them away in the green bin.
- But it's important to protect the environment! It's a simple habit to adopt.
Just to simply get used to breathing polluted city air and exhaust fumes from cars.
You know, it's very easy! You shouldn't leave devices on standby mode anymore and you
have to switch off the lights.
- So, I suggest going along the main roads.
Go to work by bike; there is a practical self-service bike share system. And it's good for the
I understand. The car is really practical and safer and it lowers the exhaust fumes.

- You can put waste paper in the bin next to the photocopier.
- We will leave early to avoid traffic jams on the road.
- Put these yoghurts in the bin; they went out-of-date three months ago.
- With electric cars, there are no exhaust fumes!
- Your package has arrived; you can find it at the collection point.
- She always takes a can of lemonade to drink during the break.
- Be careful, I broke a jar of jam and there are pieces of glass on the floor.
- Carl found it difficult to become familiar with life in the city so he returned to the

- Do you prefer fresh beans or beans in a tin?
- The remote control no longer works; you must change the battery.
- This fruit is no longer good to eat; put it in the organic waste bin for compost in the
- You should go swimming or running on a daily basis.
- The workers turned off the water supply during the construction work.
- She bought a box of painkillers at the pharmacy.
- Remember to preserve nature: do not throw your waste on the ground.
- You can buy new clothes in a shop or you can buy used clothes at the market.
- As he is on a diet, he ordered a salad instead of a plate of chips.
- I will wear a big jumper because the heating does not work in my office.
- Don't take this cardboard box to carry your big books; it's too big.
- Now my children have the habit of sorting waste at home.
- The milk bottle is empty; you can put it in the bin.
- You can switch off the light, there's no one in the room now.
- The sea near the factory is polluted.
- My mobile phone goes into standby after one minute.
- I sold my car and bought a bike, it's good for the environment and good for my health!
- Do not leave your food waste on the table, put it in the bin please.
- In the past, people didn't do waste sorting and everything was put in a single rubbish bin.
- In this building, we chose to use a lot of glass in order to have bright rooms.
- The children usually ride their bikes to school.
- I save a lot of time when I ask my colleagues for help.
- In 2017, there were 7.5 billion people on the planet.
- Please be careful when you cross the road: first check to see if there are any cars.
-His teaching system is very good: his students always get good results.
- After the shampoo, the hairdresser rinses her client's hair.
- ATMs are self-service machines where you can take out money from your bank.

Modals ('can', 'may' & 'should')
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
-Tony is good at skiing
- Tony feels bad when he tries to stand.
- Tony has always skied

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
- The doctor tells Tony it is possible his leg will hurt when he tries to stand.
- The doctor tells Tony there is a chance his leg will be better
in the past
in the present /in the future
- When Tony tells the doctor about skiing. He talks about an ability he has in the present
but that he didn't have in the past.
- The doctor uses 'should' to tell Tony things that are
a good idea
a bad idea
- The doctor tells Tony if he doesn't rest it is possible he won't ski in the future.

- To make negative sentences 'not' comes after the modal verb.
- Verb (base form) is used after all modal verbs. And it is also possible to use verb (ing)
after should.
- To make questions change the place of
the subject and the main verb
the modal verb and the subject
the modal verb and the main verb
- We should never add 's' to the third person singular.

- She may be late for work.
- Could you drive when you were younger?
- You should be listening to the teacher!
- I cannot understand French.
- Might she come to the party?
- He can ski really well.

- Doctor: Hi again Tony. Let’s have another look at your leg. Tony: Great doc! I can stand
(he is able to stand) on it now.
- Doctor: That sounds good but you shouldn’t stand (not a good idea to stand) on it too
- Tony: Sorry doc. My mum also told me I should (is a good idea) rest or it might not
(possible it won't) get better. Doctor: Yes, your mum is right!

Can you fill in the gaps?

- Doctor: I will take the cast off now. It might hurt (possible it will hurt) a little, you
shouldn’t (not a good idea) move.
- Tony: Ok. I am ready. I won’t move. Doctor: (Are you able to) Can you stand? Remember,
it might (it is possible) hurt.
- Tony: Yes! I can stand (it is possible for me to stand)

- Doctor: And can you walk (are you able to walk) to the door?
- Tony: oowwwhhhh no, I can’t (I am not able). What should I (is a good idea for me) do?

Present Perfect
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- Tony spends the most time at the new shopping centre these days.
- Tony loves shopping.
- They talk about changes to
their friends.
their appearance.
their wardrobe.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
- "I have started a new diet" tells us about
an action in the past that is not happening now.
an action that started in the past and is still happening now.
- "I have been about 5 times!" tells us about
a past experience and when it happened.
a past experience, but not when it happened.
- Brigitte asks Tony, "have you lost weight?" because
he looks the same as in the past.
he looks different than in the past.
- 'For' ("I haven't seen you for a long time") refers to
the duration of time.
a moment in the past.
the number of times.
- 'Since' ("I haven't been there since the last time") refers to
the duration of time.
a number of times.

a moment in the past.
- 'Still' ("I still haven't bought any good training shoes") means:
"I have bought them".
"I should buy them before it's too late".
- 'Yet' ("I haven't decided yet") means:
"I have recently decided".
"I will soon decide".

- The auxiliary 'have/has' goes before the verb.
- In negative sentences, use 'not' after 'have/has'.
- In questions, 'have/has' comes before the subject + verb.
- The present perfect is always formed using the past participle (done, been etc.) of the
- If 'for/since' is used it goes before the time expression.
-'Yet’ goes at the end of the sentence.
- 'Still’ goes before 'have not + p.p.".

- Have you changed your hair?
- They have never been here before.
- Sam and Giles haven't heard the news yet.
- I still haven't thanked Grandma for the birthday card.
- Why hasn't my letter arrived yet?

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Tony: Brigitte, have you had (you / have) a hair cut?
- Brigitte: Yeah, thanks for your suggestion. Tony: It looks great. Have you had (you / have)
a makeover too? You look so different. Brigitte: Yes. It was great. After I had my hair cut, I
went to the department store. They put makeup on me and helped me choose new
clothes. Tony: Wow!

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Brigitte: I have had(have) the same clothes and look for (for / since) so long. It was time
to change.
- Tony: Well. You look amazing. It’s such a different look. Brigitte: And you…Have you
lost(lose) more weight? You look so slim.
- Tony: Yes, this diet is great. I hope I haven’t lost (not / lose) too much though.

Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue
- Brigitte: Have you had to (you / have to) change what you eat?
- Tony: Yes, I have stopped(stop) eating so much cake and you know how much I love

Present Perfect vs. Past Simple
1. Listen to Jack and Louise. 2. Answer the questions about their conversation.
- Jack and Louise are talking about
the best places to buy potatoes.
travelling and food.
restaurants in Estonia.
- They discuss
future travel plans.
previous travel experiences.
- Louise talks about food
she is going to eat tonight.
she ate on holiday.
she is eating now.

Listen to Jack and Louise's conversation again. Are the statements true or false?
- Louise is in Riga now.
- Louise was previously in Riga.
- Louise returned from Riga recently.
- Jack arrived in the flat in the past.
- Jack is still in the flat now.
- Louise went to Estonia a long time ago.

- We make positive statements with:
subject + have/has + not + verb
(WH- question word) + have/has + subject + verb
subject + have/has + verb
- We make negative statements with:
subject + have/has + verb
(WH- question word) + have/has + subject + verb
subject + have/has + not + verb
- We make questions with:
(WH- question word) + "Have" or "Has".
subject + have/has + not + verb
subject + have/has + verb
- We always use the past participle form of the verb.
- We often use contractions (I've, haven't etc.) when saying the present perfect.
- We usually position "ever" or "never" before the past participle verb.
- We usually position "yet", "for + period" or "since + past time" at the end of the

- Have you ever been to Italy?
- Where have you been today?
- Have you emailed Sangeetha yet?
- She has not telephoned me.
- They haven't been to Berlin yet.
- I have lived with Anna for 2 years.
- I have known Louise since 2011.
- I have never liked horror films.

Louise is back at work after her holiday and she is talking to her colleague, Nadia.
Complete the dialogue.
- N. Hey Louise! I’ve not seen you this week. Have you been sick?
- L. No, I've just got back from a short holiday in Latvia.
- N. Oh wow! L.
Have you ever been?
Did you go there?
- N. No, I haven't. In fact, I’ve never been to Eastern Europe.
- L. You really should, it's so cool. N. Really? What did you do? L. Loads! I went sightseeing
in Riga for the first few days.
- N. Yeah L. And then I went to the beach yesterday, before flying back last night.

- N. You flew back last night? Ah, that's why you look tired.
- L. Yeah, and because I’ve been here since 7.30 this morning!
- N. Oh no! That's really early. L. I know! But I need to prepare for a big presentation
tomorrow and I haven't done anythingyet. N. Ah, OK. I'll let you work on that then. Good
luck! L. Thanks Nadia, see you later!

13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

INGLES II (GENERAL ENGLISH) - C3.M2.04 - [ING-2019-02] - C3.M2.04 - ING

Área personal / Mis cursos /
INGLES II (GENERAL ENGLISH),[ING-2019-02] - C3.M2.04[44416] - P /
Sección 1 /
Examen Final

Comenzado el martes, 13 de julio de 2021, 14:03

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en martes, 13 de julio de 2021, 14:24

21 minutos 16 segundos

Calificación 38,00 de 40,00 (95%)

Pregunta 1


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The ___________ sang
and danced all evening.

Hint: A group of people invited to an event.

a. children

b. parents


c. 

La respuesta correcta es:

guests 1/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

There's a _____________ over
there! Be quick, or someone else will park there.
Hint: A place that is just big enough for
a car to park in.

a. Avenue

b. Driver’s license

c. 
Parking spot

La respuesta correcta es:

Parking spot

Pregunta 3


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

This ________ lost a large part of

his vegetable crop due to bad weather.

Hint: Person who has the job of growing

plants for food or raising animals for meat or other products (e.g. the wool
from sheep).

Tractor driver


c. 

La respuesta correcta es:

Farmer 2/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

This student _________ to
all of her lessons.

Hint: To move or travel to a




c. 

La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 5


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

I slept really well at the hotel, the bed was ______________.

Hint: Giving ease, relaxation, comfort.

a. old

b. comfortable

c. new

La respuesta correcta es:

comfortable 3/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

I forgot to take my coat and now I am _________.

Hint: Not hot.

a. hot

b. cold 

c. warm

La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 7


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

We sell apples _______, from

100 grams to 10 kilos.

Hint: A measurable quantity.

a. By size

b. 
By weight

By volume

La respuesta correcta es:

By weight 4/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 8


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

He will _____________ a
historian to make this film about Marco Polo.
Hint: To work together for the same goal.

a. 
work with

b. play with

c. eat with

La respuesta correcta es:

work with

Pregunta 9


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

We recommend that you drink ________ one litre

of water per day.

Hint: The smallest amount of


a. At most

b. 
At least


La respuesta correcta es:

At least 5/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The marketing ________ has
just presented the new advertising campaign.
Hint: Group of workers who all
have the same goal.

a. 



La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 11


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

All of our products ___________ the region.

Hint: The origin of something,

where it was made or picked.

Are exported

b. Come from 

c. Are delivered

La respuesta correcta es:

Come from 6/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

I ordered a cup of coffee half an hour ago; I've been waiting ______________!

Hint: During a period of time that is not short.

a. A long time 

A little time


La respuesta correcta es:

A long time

Pregunta 13


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

People who smoke have __________ which are fragile.

Hint: Part of the body between the chest and the mouth, where
food is swallowed.

a. legs


c. 

La respuesta correcta es:

throats 7/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 14


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The apartment is getting too small, we

have to _____________

Hint: To leave your home to go to a new


a. move 



La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 15


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

He is preparing a
___________ dinner with flowers and candles.
Hint: Connected to nice emotions,
especially relating to love.

a. sad

b. new

c. 

La respuesta correcta es:

romantic 8/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 16


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

You need to rest, you ____________ tired.

Hint: To look or sound, to


a. Look at

b. Look up

c. 
Seem to be

La respuesta correcta es:

Seem to be

Pregunta 17


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

This week, there's a ___________ on

wine: buy two bottles for the price of one.

Hint: An attractive deal; available at a

lower price.

a. Big price

b. 
Special offer

A bottle of wine

La respuesta correcta es:

Special offer 9/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 18


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The bride and groom promise to ________ each

other for life.
Hint: To like someone or
something very much.



c. 

La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 19


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The __________ and

groom danced all night with their guests.

Hint: The woman who gets married.


b. 


La respuesta correcta es:

bride 10/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 20


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

He likes to _________ the
tango and the waltz.

Hint: To move the body in rhythm

with music.

a. 

b. sing

c. make

La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 21


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The ___________ of this small company is really good; you can

find all the information easily.
Hint: Internet pages with a web

a. 



La respuesta correcta es:

website 11/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 22


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Mary must finish two reports before she

goes on __________.

Hint: Time, usually a few days or more,

when you do not work. In American English, vacation.



c. 

La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 23


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The wounded man was screaming in _________.

Hint: A bad sensation in a part of a body, physical

a. pain 



La respuesta correcta es:

pain 12/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 24


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

If you have a problem, call ________________ on this number.

Hint: A team that helps customers
with anything they need. (Also called Client Services.)

a. Customer Support 

School teacher

New manager

La respuesta correcta es:

Customer Support

Pregunta 25


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which do you _________: living in the city or in the

Hint: To want or like something more than something else.



c. 

La respuesta correcta es:

prefer 13/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 26


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Here's a clean towel to _______ your hands.

Hint: To not be wet



b. clean

c. 

La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 27


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Did you know he was taking a yoga _________?

Hint: Period of time where someone teaches or learns



b. class 

c. teacher

La respuesta correcta es:

class 14/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 28


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

When we go on holiday, our _______________ takes

care of the cat.

Hint: Someone who lives next to your home.

a. 



La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 29


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The home ___________ of
the school website shows a picture of the building.
Hint: A section of information
shown on a sheet of paper or a screen.



c. 

La respuesta correcta es:

page 15/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 30


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

I buy frozen ________ and
add a little cream and salt: it's quick and delicious.
Hint: A vegetable that has green leaves,
it can be eaten cooked or raw.


b. 


La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 31


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Don't take ____________ to treat your cold, they

don't work against viruses.
Hint: Medicine that destroys bacteria in the body.



c. 

La respuesta correcta es:

Antibiotics 16/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 32


Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

This group is full; no one can ________ for it anymore.

Hint: To enrol, to join, to agree to be part of something.

a. Send 



La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 33


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

You can buy some medicine without a ___________.

Hint: Document from a doctor for medicine,
a prescription.

a. Script 



La respuesta correcta es:

Script 17/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 34


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

I __________ with
my brother-in-law, he is now a friend.

Hint: To enjoy somone's company,

to be friendly with someone.

a. 
get on

go to

get back

La respuesta correcta es:

get on

Pregunta 35


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

My throat really hurts when I _________, I can't eat anymore either.

Hint: To swallow liquid.


b. 

c. swim

La respuesta correcta es:

drink 18/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 36


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

When I was sick, my mother would give me a _________ to swallow.

Hint: A small, solid piece of medicine, a pill.


b. Tablet 


La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 37


Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

It is difficult to visit the Louvre ___________ in one day: there are too many things to see!

Hint: A building where old or interesting objects are

arranged for people to see.


b. 


La respuesta correcta es:

museum 19/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 38


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The ___________ went very
well: the mother and the baby are both healthy.
Hint: The action when a baby is born.



c. 

La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 39


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

When he saw his baby for the first time, the young father
was _________.
Hint: To feel a lot of emotions.

a. 

b. sad

c. angry

La respuesta correcta es:

Emotional 20/30
13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 40


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

These _______ fruits
are refreshing.
Hint: Something that has a lot of
juice or liquid.



c. 

La respuesta correcta es:

juicy 21/30
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13/7/2021 Examen Final: Revisión del intento

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