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Form C O M P L E T E D by: Date:

Job Title:

Service: Section:

Line Manager’s Job Title:

Attach a LINE DIAGRAM as a SEPARATE DOCUMENT showing where the job sits –
jobs above / jobs below – in the Section and the Service.

(If you complete this form on a PC and submit it by email, attach the line diagram as a separate file.
If you complete this form on paper and submit it by mail, enclose a hard copy of the line diagram.)

Examples are needed throughout this form. DO NOT quote extracts from the Job Evaluation Scheme.

Attach a job and person specification if possible.


The main purpose of the job is:

The main elements of the job are : (copy in from the job description, if available) (approx. percentage of
time to nearest 10%)

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This is the PREDOMINANT and NORMAL physical environment of the job.

It covers exposure to disagreeable, unpleasant, uncomfortable or hazardous working conditions such as

dust, dirt, temperature extremes and variations, humidity, noise, vibration, fumes and smells, human or
animal waste, steam smoke, grease or oil, inclement weather; and discomfort arising from the requirement
to wear protective clothing.

It covers hazardous aspects of the working environment which are unavoidable and integral to the job, such
as the risks of illness or injury arising from exposure to diseases, toxic substances, machinery, lone working
or working locations. Health and safety regulations and requirements are assumed to be met by both the
employer and the employee.

Q1. Which best describes the PREDOMINANT working environment of the job?

Tick one box

Predominantly working indoors

Predominantly working indoors but involves travelling between different locations or premises

Predominantly working outdoors and involves travelling between different locations or premises

Predominantly working outdoors but sheltered, e.g. in a driver’s cab or bothy

Predominately working outdoors but can take shelter to avoid adverse weather

Predominately working outdoors and exposed to all weathers

Describe where the jobholder would NORMALLY work (e.g. in an office, on a building site):

Q2. Does the job NORMALLY involve exposure to unpleasant, disagreeable or hazardous conditions
(noise, dust, smells, chemicals, etc)?

If YES, describe these conditions/give EXAMPLES: If NO tick box

and go to Factor 2

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Q3. For what PROPORTION of working time does the job involve ACTUAL exposure to these conditions?
For example: up to 20% of working time (approximately).


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This concerns PREDOMINANT demands for physical co-ordination REQUIRED to do the job.

It covers manual and finger dexterity, hand-eye co-ordination, and co-ordination of limbs and/or senses
required in the course of normal working.

Q4. In the course of NORMAL working, is physical co-ordination needed MAINLY or


Keyboarding or other computer use Driving

Other Activities Not required

Describe the MAIN activities requiring physical co-ordination involved in the job on a day to day basis:

Describe the nature of precision, if any, required to undertake these activities,

e.g. for calibrating equipment, for driving, for keyboarding, give EXAMPLES:

Q5. If the jobholder needs to drive, which type of vehicle used by the jobholder in the course
of NORMAL working requires the HIGHEST level of physical co-ordination?

Car or light van Tractor, road roller, dump truck, fork lift truck or similar

Minibus, medium van or similar Large mechanical digger or equivalent

Large truck, articulated vehicle or similar Other propelled equipment

Q6. Is the jobholder REQUIRED to use the vehicle while towing equipment
or operating attachments in the course of NORMAL working? YES NO


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Q7. Is it an INTEGRAL part of the job to manoeuvre this vehicle into,
within and out of severely restricted spaces, e.g. confined spaces? YES NO



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This concerns the strength and stamina REQUIRED to do the job in the course of normal working.

It covers all forms of physical effort required in the course of NORMAL working, for example standing,
walking, lifting, carrying, pulling, pushing, working in awkward positions such as bending, crouching,
stretching; for sitting, standing or working in a constrained position.

Q8. Is the job primarily SEDENTARY


Q9. If the job requires MORE THAN basic physical effort by the job holder put a ‘1’ in the
box below which best describes the GREATEST demand for physical effort involved
as part of the USUAL routine, i.e. the HEAVIEST physical demand of the job.

Put a ‘2’ in the box below which best describes the OTHER demand for physical effort
involved as part of the USUAL routine, i.e. the MAIN physical demands of the job.

Lifting / carrying Applied physical effort (such as Working in a

scrubbing, sawing, digging etc.) constrained position

Pushing / pulling Working in awkward Standing / walking


Describe the normal working position(s) / activities involving physical effort. Give EXAMPLES:

Q10. Use a ‘1’ to indicate ON AVERAGE the proportion of working time that the GREATEST demand
for physical effort is required as part of the USUAL routine.

Use a ‘2’ to indicate ON AVERAGE the proportion of working time that the OTHER demand
for physical effort is required as part of the USUAL routine.

Only occasional 21% - 40% 61% - 80%

5% to 20% 41% - 60% Over 80%


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This concerns the thinking requirement in the job and involvement in business planning.

It includes problem solving, option appraisal, creativity and design, innovation, imaginative and develop-
mental skills, analytical and strategic thinking, research, ‘business’ planning (e.g. work planning, developing
section plans, operational plans, project plans, business strategies) and the ability to conceptualise.

Q11. Describe below the more DIFFICULT or CHALLENGING problems, faced by the job holder, in the
course of normal working – not the routine or everyday problems.

Q12. How are the more DIFFICULT or CHALLENGING problems resolved, that arise in the course
of NORMAL working? (i.e. the non-routine problems, not the everyday problems)
Tick one box

By referring the more difficult or challenging problems upwards to a supervisor or line manager

By applying existing rules, procedures or instructions to the more difficult

or challenging problems that arise

By applying analytical and problem solving skills to the more difficult or challenging problems that arise

Q13. What best describes the mental skills REQUIRED to resolve the more DIFFICULT or CHALLENGING
problems or deal with situations arising?
Tick one box

Making choices between defined options

Judgement or creativity to resolve generally similar problems

Judgement or creativity to develop new solutions

Q14. What best describes the forward business planning or work scheduling activity
undertaken in the job?
Tick one box
(Question continues overleaf)

Scheduling own workload

Scheduling work and activities for self and/or others for several days in advance

Scheduling work and activities for self and/or others for more than 1 week in advance

Scheduling work and activities for self and/or others for more than 1 month in advance

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Planning / scheduling work for up to 3 months in advance

Planning / scheduling work for more than 3 months in advance

Updating existing or rolling plans for up to a year in advance

Planning new or one-off tasks for up to three months in advance

Creating and maintaining plans for up to a year in advance

Give EXAMPLES of the work or activities planned or scheduled (for example project plans):

Q15. Is the jobholder REQUIRED to develop or contribute to the development of business strategies or
plans (e.g. unit plans, project plans, section plans) for future implementation?


If YES, describe the jobholder’s business planning activities / nature of involvement:

Q16. If developing strategies or plans for future implementation, how far ahead does the
jobholder TYPICALLY have to think?

Over a period of up to 3 years Over a period of more than 3 years


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This covers mental or sensory attention, awareness and alertness, and anything which may make
concentration more difficult, such as repetitive work, interruptions or the need to switch between varied tasks
or activities; and other forms of work related pressure. The factor looks at the nature and degree if the
HIGHEST level of concentration required in the course or NORMAL working, and the duration of the

Q17. Describe the HIGHEST level of mental or sensory attention that is normally REQUIRED
to ensure that the DAY TO DAY tasks and duties of the job are carried out correctly.

DESCRIBE and give EXAMPLES of the day to day tasks which require concentration.

Q18. What is the TYPICAL duration of periods, on the tasks you have described, over which
the jobholder is REQUIRED to SUSTAIN this level of attention WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS
on a DAY TO DAY basis?
“Interruptions” are any occurrence which diverts the jobholder’s attention from the immediate
task in hand, e.g. answering a telephone call, dealing with a personal caller, completing one task and
starting another, etc.
Tick one box

Less than an hour 1 – 2 hours More than 2 hours

Q19. On a day to day basis, which aspect of the job creates the MOST pressure for the jobholder?

Tick one box

Repetitive work Switching from one thing to another Interruptions

Deadlines Conflicting or simultaneous demands None of these

Give EXAMPLES for / describe the option chosen in Q19, e.g. telephone calls, dealing with personal
visitors or colleagues’ queries:


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This concerns the requirement for spoken and written communication in the COURSE OF NORMAL
WORKING. It covers oral, sign, linguistic and written communication skills such as informing, exchanging
information, listening, interviewing, persuading, advising, presenting, training, facilitating, conciliating,
counselling, negotiating and advocacy.

Q20. With whom does the jobholder MAINLY communicate, in the course of NORMAL working?

Tick one box

Immediate work colleagues

Colleagues in other service External contacts Members of the public

Customers and / or clients Mix of internal and external contacts Elected members

Q21. If communication is not mainly with immediate colleagues, what best describes the level
of understanding of the other parties?
Tick one box

Familiar with the subject matter Unfamiliar with the subject matter

A range of audiences – both familiar and unfamiliar with the subject matter

Q22. What best describes the NATURE of the information USUALLY communicated
in the course of normal working?
Tick one box

Straightforward Routine Sensitive

Complicated Non-routine Contentious

Describe, with EXAMPLES, typical, REGULAR, communications: (What? To Whom? For what purpose?)

Q23. Identify the MOST demanding type of communication, i.e. requires the greatest skill
ROUTINELY involved in the job?
Tick one box

Exchanging information Seeking / providing information Eliciting / explaining information

Advising / guiding / persuading Training / presenting Public relations / promotions

Using another language None – communication is generally only with immediate work colleagues

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Describe, with EXAMPLES, what is involved in this most demanding form of communication, which is
a normal part of the job, e.g. presenting to committee or demonstrating techniques to work colleagues?

Set out any further information about communication required in the job as part of the routine, which you
think is relevant:


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This concerns the demands on the jobholder arising from the circumstances and/or behaviour of those
he / she comes into contact with as an INTEGRAL part of normal working. It covers the interpersonal skills
needed to deal with and/or care for other people (excluding the jobholder’s immediate work colleagues)
who are upset, unwell, difficult, angry, frail, confused, have special needs, are at risk of abuse,
are terminally ill, or are disadvantaged in some way. It also considers the need to cope with abuse,
aggression, the threat if violence, and/or to deal with conflict.

Q24. What BEST describes the circumstances or behaviour of the people the jobholder comes into
contact with, in the course of NORMAL working?

Tick as many boxes as you consider to be appropriate

Upset Unwell Difficult

Angry Frail Confused

Have special needs At risk of abuse Terminally ill

Disadvantaged in some way Abusive Aggressive

Potentially violent In conflict with the jobholder None of these

Describe the EXTENT to which these people are disadvantaged, abusive, threatening or otherwise
demanding, providing examples:

Q25. Provide examples of HOW and WHY the jobholder would TYPICALLY be required to DEAL with
people’s circumstances or behaviour as ticked in question 24, for example homeless, elderly, deaf,
threatening, abusive, aggressive. Indicate the PROPORTION of the working time this typically
involves. Describe the responsibility of the jobholder to the demanding people.

Proportion of working time

Set out any further information which is relevant about demanding parties/situations to which the jobholder
is exposed as a normal part of the job:

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This factor considers the responsibility of the jobholder for the supervision, co-ordination or management
of employees, or equivalent others. It includes responsibilities for work allocation and planning, checking,
evaluating and supervising the work of others; providing guidance, training and development of own team/
employees, motivation and leadership; and involvement in personnel practices such as recruitment,
appraisal and discipline. The factor takes account of the nature of the responsibility, not the precise numbers
of employees supervised, co-ordinated or managed; and the extent to which the jobholder contributes to the
overall responsibility for employees.

Q26. Which of the following best describes the NATURE of the jobholder’s RESPONSIBILITY for the
work of others, in the course of normal working? If none, tick box and go to FACTOR 9.

Tick one box

Providing advice and guidance Instructing / allocating work and checking results

Demonstrating duties Co-ordination of work, on the job training and / or performance appraisal

Providing on the job training Providing or co-ordinating training

Directing activities None

Describe how this responsibility is carried out:

Identify the job titles and numbers of those whose work the jobholder supervises and / or manages:

Job Title: Number:

Q27. How often is this responsibility carried out? (Holiday cover is ignored)
Tick one box

On an occasional basis On a daily basis On a regular, but not daily, basis e.g. seasonal work

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Q28. Which best describes the jobholder’s responsibility for the implementation
of personnel policy, procedure and practice?
Tick one box

No responsibility

Involved in the application and implementation of personnel practices, e.g. recruitment,

absence management

Directly implements personnel procedures and practice

Ensures through others the implementation of personnel policies, procedures and practices

Managing and monitoring the implementation of the personnel framework

within their own Council Service / department

Accountable for the implementation of personnel policy

Give EXAMPLES to illustrate the responsibility:

Q29. Which of the following best describes the jobholder’s RESPONSIBILITY for directing
activities of others? (Supervisors will not be directing)
Tick one box

Monitor team performance and evaluate work against a pre-determined programme

Evaluate activities and working methods and re-prioritise within established parameters

Determine departmental / functional priorities / targets and review activities and methods

Determine resource requirements and set objectives


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This factor concerns the jobholder’s responsibility for the quality and delivery of services.

It covers responsibilities for the provision of physical, mental, social, economic, business and environmental
services, including health and safety. It covers services to individuals or groups such as internal or external
clients, service users and recipients, customers, contractors, and members of the public. For example,
providing personal services, advice guidance, or other forms of assistance; applying, implementing or
enforcing regulations; or designing, developing, implementing and/or improving services or processes.

Q30. Which of the following best describes the PREDOMINANT responsibility for services
to others in the job, in the course of normal working?
Tick one box

Provision of support services to colleagues or mainly internal customers

Personal delivery of front-line services to mainly external users

Applying and / or enforcing regulations or Council policy, e.g. statutory regulations

Assessing service requirements or client / customer needs

Describe the service provided to others by the jobholder:

Q31. Only complete this question if jobholder assesses service requirements / customer needs.
What best describes the jobholder’s responsibility for delivering services to others?
Tick one box

Contributes directly to assessment of complex needs and monitor service quality and delivery

Manages the quality and provision/delivery of programmes of activities or services

Ensures contracted service delivery complies with quality standards / specifications

Manages contracted service delivery to quality / cost / time standards / specifications

Contributes directly to design, development / improvement of programmes of activities or services

Leads the design, development/improvement of programmes of activities or services

Accounts for the quality and provision/delivery of service

For the choice made, describe what the jobholder does, with EXAMPLES:

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This factor covers responsibility for cash, vouchers, cheques, debits and credits, invoices and responsibility
for the range of budgetary activities – including project, expenditure and income budgets, income generation
and the generation of savings, assessments of risk/grants, loans/investments. For example, accuracy,
processing, checking, safekeeping, security, authorising, monitoring, accounting, auditing, budgeting,
estimating, business and financial planning, control and long term development of financial resources.
It also takes into account the need to ensure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of financial
resources, and the need to ensure financial probity.

Q32. Does the jobholder have ANY responsibilities for finance?

YES NO (If NO, move to next FACTOR)

Q33. What is the PREDOMINANT nature of the responsibility for finance?

Tick one box

Handling cash, cheques or equivalents Accounting for / auditing of financial resources

Security of cash, cheques or equivalent Processing financial documents or transactions


Describe the responsibility of the job holder, with EXAMPLES:

Q34. How OFTEN does the jobholder carry out this responsibility?
Tick one box

Occasionally Regularly Daily

Q35. Estimate the TOTAL amount of resources on an ANNUAL BASIS, e.g. the size of a budget,
the amount of cash handled, the amount of cash secured etc., which is the job holder’s responsibility
(do not include staff costs):

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Q36. If the jobholder has responsibility for budgets, describe the PREDOMINANT NATURE
of the jobholder’s responsibility.
Tick one box
Spending from an allocated budget
within set authorisation limits Monitoring budgetary income / expenditure

Authorising and monitoring

budgetary expenditure Contributing to the budget setting / estimating process

Leading or controlling
the budget setting process Determining and planning budgets

Q37. If the job involves responsibility for budgets, describe the purpose and annual size of these budgets,
for example, project, capital expenditure, income generation or savings targets, assessments of risk /
grants, loans / investments etc. (do not include staff costs):

Is there anything else about financial responsibilities which should be recorded?


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This factor considers the jobholder’s PRIMARY and SECONDARY responsibilities for the Council’s physical
and information resources.

It covers tools, equipment, instruments, vehicles, plant and machinery, materials, goods, produce, stocks
and supplies, manual or computerised information used in the course of normal working. It also covers
responsibility for offices, buildings, fixtures and fittings; Council databases, information systems and records;
land and construction works.

Q38. What is the MAIN responsibility for physical or information resources involved in the job? - use a ‘1’
For any secondary or OTHER responsibility use a ‘2’:

Plant, vehicles, Buildings, premises, external None

equipment and / or tools locations or equivalent

Manual or computerised supplies and/or stocks Other


Describe and give EXAMPLES of the responsibility for physical or information resources in the
COURSE OF NORMAL WORKING, e.g. data input, using tools or equipment, cleaning buildings,
ordering supplies, designing works, tendering, management of sites etc.:

Description and EXAMPLES How often?

- e.g. daily, weekly



Q39. What is the (approximate) total VALUE of the PHYSICAL RESOURCES for which the jobholder is
responsible, e.g. value of vehicle?

Responsibility Approximate total value

Primary or main

Secondary or other
– if appropriate

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This concerns the jobholder’s scope to exercise initiative and the extent of freedom to act – decision making
in the job. It takes into account the nature and degree of supervision and guidance of the jobholder provided
by instructions, procedures, practices, checks, policy, precedent, regulation, strategy and statute.

Q40. What best describes the type of initiative the jobholder is required to exercise
in the course of NORMAL working?
Tick one box

Working to instructions

Following routine working practices

Following established procedures

Working to policies i.e. established policies, strategies, codes, regulations, legislative procedures,
service plans

Working within the framework of Council policies

Q41. What best describes the TYPE of problems the jobholder is expected
to deal with INDEPENDENTLY?
Tick one box

Routine Predictable – generally Unanticipated – unforeseen

or generally similar covered by policy / procedures or not occurred before

For the choice made, provide EXAMPLES of typical problems the jobholder would be expected to deal
with independently:

Q42. Which of the following best describes the extent of the jobholder’s freedom
to act in the course of NORMAL working?
Tick one box

Work is inspected Work is subject to checks Work is closely supervised

Guidance is available Requires managerial direction Requires professional advice

Requires operational Problems are referred Expected to respond

advice and guidance to a supervisor independently to problems

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Q43. What level of supervision OR advice and guidance is GENERALLY available to the jobholder?
Tick one box

Advice and guidance Access to supervisor for unusual

readily accessible or difficult problems

Advice and guidance Advice and guidance

as and when required not readily accessible

Jobholder works without Jobholder receives managerial direction

recourse to others for advice and professional advice

Jobholder receives general Jobholder receives minimal

managerial direction managerial direction

Jobholder consults manager

for specific advice

Provide EXAMPLES of the type of advice and guidance the jobholder might seek or receive in the course
of normal working and from whom:

Q44. What TYPE of problems would the jobholder refer to a supervisor or manager?
Tick one box

Unusual Difficult Serious

Provide EXAMPLES of typical problems that the jobholder would refer to the supervisor or line manager:

Q45. What best describes the jobholder’s PREDOMINANT role, if any, in relation to strategy development?

Tick one box


Occasional input to development of strategy Responsible for developing strategy

Contributes to the development of strategy Responsible for recommending strategy

Describe, with EXAMPLES, the jobholder’s involvement in strategy development:

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This factor considers what the typical jobholder needs to know to do the job and/or experience requirements.

Q46. What is the PREDOMINANT nature of the knowledge and experience REQUIRED by the jobholder?

Tick one box

Technical / Practical Professional Clerical / Administrative / Business support

Operational/Managerial Strategic A combination of operational AND strategic

Q47. How is the knowledge NEEDED to do the job TYPICALLY acquired?

Tick one box

Demonstration and familiarisation on the job Through previous or job related experience

On the job training and experience

Vocational training /
Professional qualifications and experience further education and experience

Describe what is involved in acquiring the knowledge:

Q48. Could the job be done by someone who CANNOT read or write?


Q49. What best describes the LEVEL of literacy and numeracy NEEDED to do the job?
Tick one box

Basic reading / composing straightforward sentences / basic arithmetic

Interpreting / preparing documents requiring original composition / undertaking arithmetic functions

Interpreting / preparing technical maps and drawings

Higher level skills, e.g. report writing

Provide typical EXAMPLES:

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Q50. What best describes the qualifications, if any, typically REQUIRED to do the job?

Tick one box

Certificates, e.g. Standard Grades, Vocational, e.g. SVQ’s, Apprenticeships,

Highers, HNC, IT or fork lift competence etc City & Guilds, LGV / HGV / PSV licence etc

General degree or equivalent Professional diploma or equivalent

A degree or equivalent
A degree or equivalent in a specific discipline AND a post- Graduate qualification

An honours degree in a specific discipline None

Describe the relevant certificate(s) / qualification(s) which are a ‘must have’ or the job cannot be done:

Q51. Could this job be undertaken WITHOUT a degree or equivalent?


If NO, explain why the degree or equivalent is required:

Q52. Is the jobholder required to PARTICIPATE in working parties as a REGULAR part of the job’s role
and responsibilities?


If YES, describe, with examples, the PURPOSE of these working parties which jobholder might be
involved in, and HOW OFTEN the jobholder is required to participate in such groups:

Nature of Purpose - please give examples & titles How often

Working Party



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Q53. Describe the TYPE of experience required to be fully competent and familiar with the job, if any,
and HOW LONG would it TYPICALLY take to acquire this experience?

Type of Experience required How could it be gained? Length of Experience

Q54. Is this experience in addition to Qualifications?


Q55. Can experience be instead of Qualifications?


Set out any further information about knowledge and experience needed to do the job
which you think is relevant:


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