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Name: _____________________________________ SECOND QUARTER

Grade & Section: ____________________________ Learning Module No. 3

What is this module all about?

“Are thoughts, feelings, and body interrelated?”

This module will help you relate oneself to a pizza but into pieces. Ideally, each part of our life
deserves equal share of our attention. Basically, man as a multifaceted being, is essentially a whole
person at first breath of life and in the course of time we begin to see life as becoming a complex but
not too hard. Our growing number of activities starts to divide our attention and fragment of our life.
Consequently, this fragmented way of looking at things may lead us to a divided self, in which we tend
to treat each component separately.

1.1 Man as a Whole Being

1.2 Aspects of Holistic Development
1.3 Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors: Working Together as One

What do you need to learn?

In this module, you are expected to meet the mentioned competency:
 Discuss developmental tasks and challenges being experienced during adolescence.
(EsP-PD11/12DS-Ic-3.1 (DepEd-MELC))

Motivational Activity
Directions: Analyze the given image and relate its impact on your personality.


Day 1: Man as a Whole Being

Indeed, thoughts, feelings and behaviors are connected based on the actions that a human person is
expressing to the society/environment. For instance, if a certain body aches, we treat it with medicine. If such
cases that when we are sad or hurting, we find ways to release our emotions by crying or maybe by screaming.
These are few examples that proves that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are indeed connected to one
another that will surely reflect on our actions.

Concept Notes:


Essentially, it is an integral sense of integration. Which means that the different aspects of an individual
such as the mental, physical, social, and spiritual are in harmony or balanced. The harmony or feeling of
balanced is important for self-esteem and self-actualization.

Wholeness as a Transcendental Life Goal or Lifelong Pursuit:

Emet and Greenhut (1991): They wrote that we are all pilgrims on a journey toward wholeness and
fullness of life. It is an ideal human goal given its good implications to the total functioning of an individual
as well as to the real meaning of life.

Carl Jung (1875-1961): He recognized that “man is essentially a whole being.” Uniqueness of an
individual was pointed out by Jung which means that man’s striving toward self-realization, awareness of
one’s potentials and recognition of personal uniqueness are ways to becoming whole. Which summarizes
wholeness as Jung’s definition of psychological health and wellness.

Gestalt Theory: This theory holds that psychological distress or mental problems are caused significantly
by the split self. It takes a bodily orientation (physical self) integrated with psychological functioning in
treating an individual. This integrated approach brings in the soma (body) and psyche (mind) to come into
light. And this theory sees the whole as greater than the sum of its parts. In short, man is a whole being
and a functioning unit.

Kepner (1987): Wholeness as an integrated approach aims bring together all aspects of a person so that
the person can experience themselves as a unitary organism.

Aspects of Holistic Development: Developing the Whole Person

Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Socio-Emotional Development
Spiritual Development

Cognitive refers to the pattern of thinking which include reasoning, ability to learn, remembering, and
solving problems.

Remembering is a function of the brain that depends on short-term or long-term memory. If you cannot
remember, learning becomes impossible.

Ways to Improve Memory:

 Repetition
 Organization
 Mnemonics
Critical thinking comes from the word kritikos (discerning judgement) and criterion (standards). It
implies the discerning judgement based on standards. It requires the ability to reason out (logical thinking),
infer, analyze, interpret, and then explain.
Motus Anima - It is Latin description for emotions which means the spirit that moves us. (Hanson 2012)
Note: For more information and examples about those concepts, please utilize your reference book,
Moving Up! A Guide to Personal and Career Development, on pages 31-50.

Day 2

Learning Activity No. 3.1

Time started: _______________ Time finished: _______________

Activity Title: Wholeness and Well Being

Learning Competency: The learner will be able to discuss developmental tasks and challenges being
experienced during adolescence. EsP-PD11/12DS-Ic-3.1 (DepEd-MELC)

Directions: Read and analyze the given question; then, write your answer in a paragraph with three (3) to
five (5) sentences. Be guided by the rubric for answering.

1. Why is holistic development important?

2. Recall vividly how you reacted in the given situations:

 Exams Week/Completion of activities, modules, and tasks
 Being broken hearted (from failed relationship)

What were your experiences physically, emotionally, or cognitively? What aspects of yourself were
affected? Most importantly, how did you recover from the experience and restore balance in your life?


The answer gives The answer gives Somehow the answer The answer is partly The answer fails to
an excellent the correct gives an explanation clear, and there are give a clear
explanation and explanation. and shows neat work. erasures. explanation but
shows very neat shows effort.
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Day 3: Post Assessment

Directions: Multiple Choice. Read the following questions and choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is integral sense of integration of different aspects of an individual?

a. attitude c. feelings
b. behavior d. wholeness

2. Which of the following is the pattern of thinking which includes reasoning, ability to learn,
remembering, and solving problems?
a. cognitive c. remembering
b. mnemonics d. thinking

3. Which of the following is the function of the brain that depends on short-term or long-term memory?
a. cognitive c. remembering
b. mnemonics d. thinking

4. Which of the following does the word “kritikos” mean?

a. ability to know c. discerning judgement
b. ability to judge d. wholeness

5. Which of the following does the word criterion mean?

a. development c. psychological
b. physical d. standard

6. Chenelou and Chenelyn are graduating Senior High School students. They have been consistent honor
students since elementary. They also have their own style of studying their lessons. They just go over
their lessons repeatedly to improve their ability to memorize important facts about all their subjects.
Also, they do believe in the saying “practice makes perfect.” Based on their practices, which way of
improving their memory is evident?
a. focusing c. organization
b. mnemonics d. repetition

7. Classifying things according to their common features is best described by which way of improving
one’s memory?
a. focusing c. organization
b. mnemonics d. repetition

8. Daisy Mae and her groupmates are about to face the panelist for their thesis defense this quarter. They
have spent almost a year to finalize everything for the thesis defense in order to graduate, as well.
Presently, Daisy Mae and the rest of her groupmates have the same feelings at the moment—having
goose bumps, having sweaty palms, and having an increased heartbeat as they are about to face the
panelist. Based on what they are experiencing, which component of an emotion is being shown?
a. behavioral c. physical
b. cognitive d. physiological
9. Precious woke up early this morning to prepare ahead of time for her booster vaccination. Upon
reaching the site, she discovers that there are already a lot of people already inside the covered court
and it seems that she will be on the last spot. She then becomes disappointed. Based on her expression,
which component of an emotion does Precious exhibit ?
a. behavioral c. physical
b. cognitive d. physiological

10. This concept requires an ability to reason out, infer, analyze, interpret, and then explain a certain issue
or an argument. Which concept is being referred to?
a. critical thinking c. remembering
b. organization d. wholeness

Maricel Ilag-Ramos. (2016). Moving Up; A Guide to Personal and Career Development; The Phoenix
Publishing House; Phoenix Building, 927 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City; Tel No: 375-1640/4107635;Pages





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