Module 4 Personal Development Final

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Name: _____________________________________ THIRD QUARTER

Grade & Section: ____________________________ Learning Module No. 4

What is this module all about?

This module will help you adjust to the changes and demands in life specifically for middle,
late adolescence, and preparatory to early adulthood.

The following topics are included in this module:

4.1 Understanding the Skills and Tasks in Middle and Late Adolescence
4.2 Independence and Responsibility as a Major Goal

What do you need to learn?

In this module, you are expected to meet the following competencies:
 Evaluate one’s development through the help of significant people around him/her (peers,
parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders) EsP-PD11/12DS-Id-3.2 (DepEd-
 Identify ways that help one become capable and responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.

Motivational Activity
Based on the image below, write a brief explanation about the significance of self-discovery.


Day 1
As a transition stage, the adolescence period carries with it a lot of changes meant to prepare
you for the life ahead. The physical and psychological developments that allow you to do many things are
notable. You have been engaged in self-discovery to let you get to know yourself better. Establishing a
personal identity is a major task and is crucial in your personal growth. Significantly, knowing who you are
can guide you in your career planning as you discover your interest, abilities, and personality.

Concept Notes:

Developmental Tasks

Developmental tasks are what you need to do in each developmental stage that will help you adjust
to the changes and demands of life.
1. You must adjust to the physical changes that marked your growth.
2. You must adjust to your growing intellectual abilities and develop critical thinking skills.
3. You must adjust to the academic demands in school.
4. You must develop your language skills.
5. You must establish your personal identity.
6. You must learn to be independent.
7. You must establish healthy peer relationships.
8. You must manage your sexuality.
9. You must adopt good moral standards, personal values, and beliefs.
10. You must learn to control your impulse and exhibit behavioral maturity.
11. You must establish a career or vocational goals.

Independence and Responsibility as a Major Goal

At the heart of many things you need to do, establishing independence is a major goal during the
period of adolescence, which should go hand in hand with becoming more responsible. This is the time
when you want to make your own choices. At times, you may resent being told what to do, believing you
already know what to do and can manage things by yourself.

 Self-adjustment and Development of Skills

1. Adjust to a maturing body.

One important thing to do is to see your physical self with acceptance. Your body image (how you
see yourself) affects your self-esteem and how you treat yourself.
2. Develop cognitive skills.
 Be inquisitive
 Brainstorm
 Imagine and explore
 Create or innovate
 Engage in problem-solving
 Read
 Develop communication skills.
 Develop self-control.
 Develop life goals.
3. Developing Communication Skills
Your communication skills will be valuable for your independence. It will help you become more
effective in dealing with people.
4. Developing Self - Control
 Learn your own signs and triggers
 Take a different or positive perspective
 Breathe deeply

 Establishing Positive and Healthy Relationships

How can you build good relationships with others? Rapport is characterized by having good vibes
with others. Throop and Castellucci (2001) identified trust, respect, and empathy as essential in a
 Trust – It has something to do with reliability. It means you can count on each other.
 Respect – It has something to do with valuing. You take someone important, and the other holds
you important.
 Empathy – It has something to do with deep understanding of experience.

Abraham Moslow (1908-1970), a prominent psychologist who recognized that personal growth is a
basic human desire, proposed a model of hierarchy of human needs.

 Career Planning

1. Identifying Skills and Interests

 You identified your talents, skills, and passion that drive you to do things. Those are valuable
information needed in career planning.
2. Developing Life Goals
 Given your growing capacity to explore bigger ideas, expand your thinking to include what
kind of life you would like to have.

Exercise 1
Directions: Answer the question below in not less than three (3) sentences.

1. In your own opinion or based on your experience, what tasks seem difficult to do at this point? Name at least
three. Rank them starting with the most difficult to the least one. What makes them hard to do? What are the



The answer gives The answer gives the Somehow the answer The answer is partly The answer fails to
an excellent correct explanation. gives an explanation clear, and there are give a clear
explanation and and shows neat work. erasures. explanation but
shows very neat shows effort.
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points

Day 2:

Learning Activity No. 4.1

Time started: _______________ Time finished: _______________

Activity Title: Self Adjustment and Developmental Skills

Learning Competency: Identify ways that help one become capable and responsible adolescent
prepared for adult life. (DICES)

Directions: Answer the following questions concisely.

1. What accomplishments did you have at this stage of your life?

2. At your age right now, how can you be responsible? What ways can you suggest to adolescents like
you in preparing for adult life?


The answer gives The answer gives the Somehow the answer The answer is partly The answer fails to
an excellent correct explanation. gives an explanation clear, and there are give a clear
explanation and and shows neat work. erasures. explanation but
shows very neat shows effort.
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Day 3: Post Assessment
Let us now assess what you have learned from this module. Please take time to answer the
test below.

Direction: Reflect on the following questions. Write how you feel about them in three (3) to five (5)

1. What are your capabilities relevant to being a Senior High School student?

2. Why do you think it is important for an individual to experience challenges/difficulties in his or

her life? Cite a concrete example based on your own experience.


Answer Key
There are right and wrong answers on this part. Express what is in your mind.

Maricel Ilag-Ramos. (2016). Moving Up; A Guide to Personal and Career Development; The Phoenix Publishing
House; Phoenix Building, 927 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City; Tel No: 375-1640/4107635;Pages 51-64.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, without the prior written permission of the author.



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