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“Research is Creating new

- Neil Armstrong

Research Philosophy
Research philosophy deals with the beliefs and values about the way the research is carried out. This
should be helpful in gathering, using, and analysing various approaches. Research philosophy works
with the knowledge, nature, and source of data. The main trends in research philosophy are
positivism, pragmatism, post-modernism, interpretivism and realistic (Cole, 2020). It helps in
developing knowledge in the required field. The use of research philosophies highlights the
theoretical underpinnings that are related to the research topic. (Saunders, 2009)

Figure 1: Research Philosophy

This research uses secondary data as a source of data collection. Thus, the research philosophy used
in the dissertation includes interpretivism. It deals with interpreting of data collected by the
researcher in order to achieve the objectives of dissertation. Thus, it helps in integrating the human
ideas into research. Interpretivism is associated with the position of idealism and is used for
combining different approaches that rejects the objectivist view. As per the research paradigm, it is
necessary that the researcher plays the role of social actor in order to encourage the differences in
the ideas in different research papers.

Figure 2: Research Philosophy Structure

Secondary data is popular with interpretivism because in such kind of studies the actual research
meaning emerges at the end of the process. It focuses on the subjective data obtained from each of
the papers and thus guides the researchers to carry out the research. The application of
interpretivism helps the researchers to carry out in-depth qualitative research study. Interpretive
research paradigm is simultaneously related to the qualitative research design as it is more related
to the analysis of the content. As secondary data collected from various research articles, journals
and papers seek qualitative study, it is logical to use interpretive as the mode of philosophy.
(Kitsiou., 2017)

The findings obtained using interpretivism helps in focusing on the signs, symptoms and perspectives
used in various research articles that deals with the topic of EVM for Small scaled projects.
Interpretive research provides a contextual and holistic approach for the analysis of the secondary
data. Apart from this, rigour present in interpretivism research paradigm with respect to the data
collection and analysis techniques are far more valid and significant. (EDIRISINGHA, 2012)

Data Collection Methods

Research methodology involves planning of the research decisions and the tasks that are to be
carried out during the research process. This research methodology in a way provides the trajectory
upon which the whole research is going to be carried out. The method of ,data collection becomes
one of the most important parts of the research process (Ebert et al. 2018).

The technique that shall be followed in order to collect the data depends largely upon the kind of
research paradigm, the research problem falls into, the research strategy and design that has been
made for carrying out a particular study. (Thomas, n.d.)

The data collection process has been described as the process whereby the techniques and tools are
applied in order to understand the research topic by collecting data and information from the
various sources. The information sources can be either, the primary source of information or the
secondary source of information. Each type of information and data needs to be collected and
analyzed accordingly. It is through the analysis of the data that a researcher is able to conclude upon
the results. (Ainsworth, 2020)

The research process is highly dependent on the type of data collection method that has been
employed in order to get the information and ultimately the optimal solution to the research
problem. The data collection methods can be of various types depending on the research strategy
that has been employed and the research approach that has been identified for carrying out the
research study. (Ramlaul, 2010)

Research approach and strategy if qualitative and inductive then it may apply the secondary
methods and the primary methods as well and if the research is based on a quantitative study then it
deduces the results through primary method and tools of data collection. (Pressbooks, n.d.)

The present research endeavor employs the study of the EVMs whereby the emphasis would be on
the implementation of the EVM in such a manner that the EVM shall be at their most efficient level
and the small projects could make the best out of the EVMs at a reduced cost and overall burden.
(Shamika Ravi, 2017)

For this study, the researcher has identified the use of secondary data sources for understanding of
the research topic. My research topic since employs the study of the EVMs and their use in the small
projects hence the study of the secondary literature shall be the most appropriate one for the
research too be carried out efficiently. (Kim, 2003)

The research method and data collection techniques of the secondary research thus have been
applied to the study of the research topic. The researcher has collected the data from the
information sources of the secondary data like that of the journals, articles, online websites, books,
newspaper, etc that have been accessed from the various locations like libraries and websites.
Hence the review of secondary literature has been done by using the above sources. (Johnston,

Data Analysis Techniques
The analysis of the data deals with the screening of research findings obtained from other sources. It
provides the researcher with the required flexibility for conducting research and analysis. The
analysis of secondary data is a systematic approach with predefined steps and methods. (Ali, 2012)

The analysis of secondary data requires formulation of research questions, identification of data set,
evaluation of an obtained data and finally analysis. The evaluation of data set can be done by
investigating the quality of data set on the basis of author, purpose of paper, and the findings. Then
the researcher should chalk out the themes that are obtained from different articles and journals.
This will help the researcher to carry out thematic analysis of the obtained data set. (Satyanarayana
Labani, 2017)

Data acquired in exploration research can either be quantitative (numerical) or qualitative (vocal). If
substantial number of sample respondents are present, then this kind of methodology is employed.
Outcome of this methodology is usually expressed in numerical values. And in qualitative
methodology information is accumulated by questioning individual’s certain opinion, poll or by
means of performing study etc. (Belyh, 2019)

It may be further demonstrated by utilizing the adjoining instances. For example a mobile service
provider intend to introduce their latest advertisement promotion. For this rationale, the
organization have opted to understand views of their consumers by means of organizing a survey.
This is the instance of qualitative data compendium approach. In this study of research, the student
will utilize approach of qualitative research to illuminate numerous progressing tendencies as well as
technologies in mobile industry. By utilizing this systematic methodology, the learner will be able to
do the following:

1. Project situation may be evaluated and explained. It may be also observed that, recorded
statistics acquired from research may be properly vindicated along with interpretations
(Brace., 2018)

2. Individuals who are entangled in research may be pinpointed. Data of other factors
concerning managing a project can be acquired.

3. Each of the applicable statements on this subject matter of this study may be obtained.

4. Substantial data concerning this research may be obtained from the communication of
research persons as well as respondents.

5. Each of the unanticipated outcomes and exterior aspects may be identified by utilizing
qualitative data appraisal approach (Mooi et al., 2018).

While the information on the subject matter of this research is accumulated through secondary
research technique, consequent research will come up with constraints. Information assembled
from secondary data collection techniques, come up with dilemma of generalization and erroneous.
Consequently, there may be several dilemmas regarding outcomes establishing procedure. Prior to
utilizing information for research objective, every one of the collected information should be
validated in systematic method to get rid of these constraints. If selection method is utilized to
gather information for this research, assembled information can be extremely insignificant to
appraise scientifically. (Formplus, 2020)

Ethical Issues
While concluding this research, numerous problems regarding moral traits of research have been
judged. No wrongdoing is accomplished all through the conveyance of this research. It furthermore
can be established that information used for accomplishing this research are accumulated from
original sources. No Information from earlier research work is purloined. For accumulating
secondary information, essential authorizations are taken from authors and publishers of original
sources. It is additionally acknowledged that all utilized information from other writers are properly
cited both in in-text citation technique as well as bibliographic procedure. Data protection act, 2018
(Francis., 2020) is utilized to give security to all classified information, applied in this research. All the
essential safety measures are taken by researcher, while doing this Research. (Pranas Žukauskas,

Basias, N. and Pollalis, Y., 2018. Quantitative and qualitative research in business & technology:
Justifying a suitable research methodology. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,
7, pp.91-105.

Brace, I., 2018. Questionnaire design: How to plan, structure and write survey material for effective
market research. Kogan Page Publishers.

Bretschneider, P.J., Cirilli, S., Jones, T., Lynch, S. and Wilson, N.A., 2017. Document review as a
qualitative research data collection method for teacher research. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Cole, A.P. and Trinh, Q.D., 2017. Secondary data analysis: techniques for comparing interventions
and their limitations. Current opinion in urology, 27(4), pp.354-359.

Cole, R., 2020. Getting your research philosophy clear. In How to Keep your Doctorate on Track.
Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ebert, J.F., Huibers, L., Christensen, B. and Christensen, M.B., 2018. or web-based questionnaire
invitations as a method for data collection: cross-sectional comparative study of differences in
response rate, completeness of data, and financial cost. Journal of medical Internet research, 20(1),

Francis, B., 2020. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018: What
does this mean for clinicians?. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education and Practice.

Ghauri, P., Grønhaug, K. and Strange, R., 2020. Research methods in business studies. Cambridge
University Press.

Johnston, M.P., 2017. Secondary data analysis: A method of which the time has come. Qualitative
and quantitative methods in libraries, 3(3), pp.619-626.

Mooi, E., Sarstedt, M. and Mooi-Reci, I., 2018. Market research. The process, data, and methods
using stata.

Moser, A. and Korstjens, I., 2018. Series: Practical guidance to qualitative research. Part 3: Sampling,
data collection and analysis. European Journal of General Practice, 24(1), pp.9-18.

Žukauskas, P., Vveinhardt, J. and Andriukaitienė, R., 2018. Philosophy and paradigm of scientific
research. Management Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility, p.121.

Ainsworth, Q., 2020. The data collection process has been described as the process whereby the
techniques and tools are applied in order to understand the research problem by collecting data and
information from the various sources..

Ali, S., 2012. Secondary data is used for conducting the research and the research design is
qualitative. Thus, the analysis of the data deals with the screening of research findings obtained
from other sources.

Belyh, A., 2019. Data acquired in exploration research can either be quantitative (numerical) or
qualitative (vocal). If there are substantial number of sample respondents are present, then this kind
of methodology is employed. Outcome of this methodology is usually expre.

Formplus, 2020. While the information on the subject matter of this research is accumulated
through secondary research technique, consequently research will come up with constraints.
Information assembled from secondary data collection techniques, come up with dilemma of.

Johnston, M.P., 2014. The research method and data collection techniques of the secondary
research thus have been applied to the study of the research problem. The researcher has collected
the data from the information sources of the secondary data like that of the journals.

Kim, E., 2003. The research problem since employs the study of the EVMs and their use in the small
projects hence the study of the secondary literature shall be the most appropriate one for the
research too be carried out efficiently..

Kitsiou., G.P.a.S., 2017. Secondary data is popular with interpretivism because in such kind of studies
the actual research meaning emerges at the end of the process. It focuses on the subjective data
obtained from each of the papers and thus guides the researchers to carry out th.

Pranas Žukauskas, J.V.a.R.A., 2017. While concluding this research numerous problems regarding
moral traits of research have been judged. No wrongdoing is accomplished all through the
conveyance of this research. It furthermore can be established that information used for
accomplishing this.

Pressbooks, n.d. Research approach and strategy if qualitative and inductive then it may apply the
secondary methods and the primary methods as well and if the research is based on a quantitative
study then it deduces the results through primary method and tools of data c.

Ramlaul, A., 2010. The research process is highly depended on the type of data collection method
that has been employed in order to get the information and ultimately the optimal solution to the
research problem. The research process is highly depended on the type of data collection method

that has been employed in order to get the information and ultimately the optimal solution to the
research problem.

Satyanarayana Labani, K.W.S.A., 2017. The evaluation of data set can be done by the investigating
the quality of the data set on the basis of author, purpose of paper, and what are the findings.

Saunders, M.N., 2009. Research philosophy deals with the beliefs and values about the way the
research is carried out. This should be helpful in gathering, using, and analysing various approaches.
Research philosophy works with the knowledge, nature and source of data..

Shamika Ravi, S.D.a.M.K., 2017. The present research endeavor employs the study of the EVMs
whereby the emphasis would be on the implementation of the EVM in such a manner.

Thomas, P., n.d. The technique that shall be followed in order to collect the data depends largely
upon the kind of research paradigm the research problem falls into and the research strategy and
design that has been made for carrying out a particular study.


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