Gec06 - Module 2

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“No generation has had the Pportunity, as we now have, to build q global economy that leaves no-one behind. i ig i S @ wonderful opportunity, — but also g eae responsibility.” - Former US, President Bill Clinton We are living in a world where opportunity pops up fom every corner of the society. This Possible because Of globalization. ‘The world becomes smaller and forming connections becomes easier It ig the time when However, it is important to note that for every opportunity we embrace, a sense of aia ate ‘come with it. ts alization based on different authorities, i , we are going to define globaliza A eee wi pt Scan a te efter rnieaa joumnaatotaganete gncdity 26 ive Communication/by: gncé GEC06: Purposi nr What is Globalization? jobalization is the process of bringing peo her and making them and exchange ideas in me ‘nal borders (Nowaczyk, 2017), “Nowadays, almost everyone is practically addicted to social media...As long as you have internet togel tradi oqhe world driven largely by advances in teehnology, has ‘become inextricably interconnected aeross distances and other boundaries (Downing, connection; you can talk 2007). a with anyone around the Globalization is the increasing economic, world.” iti tural integration and : f political and cultural integration an (Padilla, D: id interdependence of diverse cultures (Gamble & ‘ines Gamble, 2013). Global village is one world interconnected by an electronic nervous system (media). McLuhan predicted that this world has become a reality brought by globalization (Stewart, 2015). Friedman (2005) coined globalization as the “flattening” of the world. ‘This all means that: Through internet, the world has now become like where people from different countries can as ifthey were next-door neighbors. One concrete example of this globalization is International debit card used to access and transact travel purposes «withdraw money anywhere «pay for things GEC06: Purposive Communication/by: gnc&ity 27 spportunitis for poverty alleviation, human n ind labs i i consequences and soon (Lee and Vivarel, agg6) 0 t @hS: environmental Inits general definition, globalization can be defined as an extensive network of economic, cultural, social and political interconnections and processes which goes beyond national boundaries’ (Yeates, 2001 in Yalein, 2009) However its agreed that globalization ‘is not a policy option but a fact to which policy makers must adapt’ (Wells 2004 in Yalein, 2009). There are various views on the emergence of globalization; it has been considered as a result of technological development however, it is also taced from market economy. On top of that there is another claim which cites, globalization is an outcome of the capitalist progress (Glazter & Rueschemeyer, 2005 in Yalein, 2009). As advancement of communication technologies and the increase in productivity necessitate states’ expansion of their market territory. PROS and CONS of GLOBALIZATION (Paroc, Sorin & Gut, Cuthbert & Mote, 2018) The positive effects of globalization 1. Reducing the sense of isolation of poor counties. 2. Expanding the Information Society and Enhancing Access To Information. 3. Increasing the speed of commercial, financial and technological operations, 4. Globalization can be a factor in integrating people into the ‘world community. 5. ficiency ofthe entire eoonomic activity at the planetary level GECO6: Purposive Communication/by: gnoditv. 28 oats of globalization sty deficit, poverty, personal insecurity. mn; 1. secur etal security, migration tums into a global threat; There are n0 national solutions to transnational issu q 1es; eology deficiency: the natural world of ‘+ pith the growth ofthe national and glo the world is rapidly deteriorating in line al economy; 5 Reducing the number of jobs. Beyond the positive and negatir he po -gative effects of globalization ir do youthink the greater ret erect om is ha Globalization is changing the way we live our lives every day. It has accelerated and intensified the integration and interaction among individuals, companies and even countries. This process of globalization is undenizbly affective to people, environment, economic development as well as culture. In addition to the pros and cons of globalization previously presented, Weidenbaum, & Batterson (2001) likewise listed two opposing perspectives regarding the subject. The following are questions frequently asked in relation to globalization. There are two responses provided, the globalists (those who pereeive globalization as an advantage) and the anti-globalists (those who perceive the negative aspect of globalization). Note that the perspectives provided are in a ‘and general context. 1s gnedkity 29 Globalization growth, increasing standards of living, ere are Winners and losers, ” Globaliza World to the name tion subjects the people of the financial erises and poverty in of corporate Breed. Globalizatio er by jaoreasing income and offering a greater variety of lower-priced products and services. US GLOBALIZATION, Globalization increases employment and wages and helps improve working conditions and protect workers’ rights, s LOBA y Globalization helps clean up and protect the environment by providing the national wealth necessary to undertake environmental improvements. Lil y Globalization helps developing nations by accelerating economic growth and lifting millions out of poverty. Globalization helps protect human rights. Economic freedom and political freedom are closely linked. ‘Glob: growth of democratic governments, which have almost doubled worldwide in just the last The culmination of g) ation and technology has resulted in a quality of life unimaginable one hundred years ago- Life expectancy, literacy, human health, corporate profit ae rates ‘orldwide income gap continues to while the widen. At VORKER Bi Globalization results in jobs 0 being shipped ‘overseas to low-wage factories with poor working conditions and abuses of workers’ rights. in the quest for corporate profit and contributes to worldwide —_ global to severe trade and financial lending practices, keeping nations trapped in debt and millions trapped in poverty. Globalization supports a world trade in ‘human bondage and slavery estimated in the milli Globalization threatens the sovereignty of the nation-state by undermining national laws and regulations with the bodi Globalization threatens public health, Tocal economies, and the social fabrie of agriculturally based societies. leisure, and living standards have improved dramatically worldwide. GECO6: Purposive Communication/by: gnesite 30 So far, you have been given fundamental you had a glimpse of multiple perspectives whi weigh whether this globalization is really a bo watching a video in order to familiarize your: Knowledge on the subject of globalization. ich are mostly in opposition so as to let you on or a bane. For the next task, you will be ; ‘self more on the idea of globalization in a much-specified context. Let us watch the video and answer the following questions! “suggested video: (Globalization) GECO06: Purposive Communication/by: gnc&itv 31

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