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What Constitutes a Legitimate War Crime:

The right to self-defense, including the right to combat terror, is a cornerstone of international
law, enshrined in the UN Charter (Article 51) and numerous Security Council Resolutions. In
order to delegitimize Israel’s self-defensive measures, many NGOs have issued statements
distorting international law or even inventing legal bases under which Israel’s rights are
denied. It has been claimed that Israel cannot invoke self-defense in response to attacks from
non-state actors in occupied territory. In making this legally incoherent argument, these NGOs
misinterpret key passages in international law. The NGOs make no realistic suggestions of
what would be considered lawful and effective measures, effectively nullifying the right to self-
defense. It is clear, in her attempts to influence current administration policy in this regard,
that Congresswoman Tlaib herself misunderstands this supremely important consideration.
The barest examination of this logic exposes the fatal flaw in this premise. It is impractical to
imagine a sovereignty must tolerate aggression with no recourse to strike back. Applying this
philosophy impartially means that, under international law, the principle must apply
regardless of whether or not the attacked populace are organized as a nation state. It is highly
probable that Congresswoman Tlaib's reaction would be quite different, were it the
Palestinians themselves who were being attacked by a theoretical outside actor (if, for
example, a regional neighbor were to decide to attack Palestinian held territory). If Ms. Tlaib's
opinion under those circumstances would be that the Palestinians should not be allowed to
use retaliation of any sort to combat aggression, her premise holds water. If not, this is
partisanship of the worst sort, and brings up troubling questions as to her true allegiances. It
is not in the best interests of this nation to undermine international law; law established after
generations of exactly the sort of folly being pursued under this agenda. As an elected
representative of this great nation Ms. Tlaib, you have a deep and abiding responsibility to
uphold firstly, the interests of this nation, secondly, the interests of our actual allies, and only
subsequently if ever should you consider the succor of those engaged in partisan struggles
which are not our own. If this cause is important to you, pursue it as a private person. Please
do not abuse the office to which you have been elected, by a hopeful and trusting electorate,
in such a heinous and unworthy fashion. This pulpit you have access to is not your own, and
co-opting it for purposes such as you are demeans both you, and the office which you hold. I
beg you to give my thoughts the strongest, most heartfelt consideration. America has adopted
people from many nations over the years. Never yet have the struggles endemic to those
peoples become our own. It is time to choose if your allegiance is to America, or elsewhere.

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