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SESSION: 2021-22
G8. Human Environment Interactions-
The Tropical and Sub Tropical Region

i) The equatorial region lies between 10 degree N and 10 degree S latitudes.
ii) The sub-tropical region is situated between 10 degree N and 30 degree N latitudes in the
northern hemisphere and 10 degree S and 30 degree S in the southern hemisphere.
iii) The place where the river flows into another body of water is called river’s mouth.
iv) People of the Amazon rainforest eat queen ants and egg sacs.
v) Bromeliads are special plants that store water in their leaves.
vi) In 1970, the Trans Amazon highway made all parts of the Amazon rainforest accessible.
vii) A barren landscape is formed after the washing away of the top soil.
viii) Population density means the number of persons that live in 1 sq. km. of area.
ix) Kolkata is an important port on the river Hooghly.
x) Tributaries are smaller rivers that join the main river.
xi) The main river along with all its tributaries that drain an area forms a river basin or catchment

Q1 Write a short note on life in the Amazon Basin.


 Hunting, fishing and farming are the main occupations in the Amazon basin.
 People practice slash and burn agriculture.
 They mainly grow tapioca, pineapple and sweet potato.
 Their staple food is manioc, also known as cassava.
 They also eat queen ants and egg sacs.
 Some families lived in thatched houses shaped like beehives.
 In the cities, people live in apartments called “Maloca”, having a slanting roof.
 Roads, aircrafts and helicopters are also used for reaching various places.

Q2 State the extent of the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin.

 The tributaries of rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra together form the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin in the Indian
 The basin lies in the sub tropical region that is situated between 10 degree N and 30 degree N latitudes.
 The tributaries of the river Ganga like Ghagra, Son, Chambal, Gandak, Kosi and the tributaries of
Brahmaputra drain it.
 The plains of Ganga and Brahmaputra, the mountains and the foothills of the Himalayas, and the Sunderban
delta together form the basin.
 It covers the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam.

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Q3 ‘The density of the population in the plains of the Ganga Brahmaputra basin is very high.’ Give reasons.
 The Ganga- Brahmaputra basin has vast fertile plains.
 This plain area provides the most suitable land for human habitation.
 The soil in this region is very fertile, which in turn, promotes agriculture.
 Abundant water supply of fresh river water makes this region highly populated.
 All the four ways of transport are well developed.
 Tourism is another activity of the basin. Example- Taj Mahal on the banks of the river Yamuna in Agra, etc.

Q4 ‘There is wide variety of wildlife found in the Ganga Brahmaputra basin’. Explain.
 The dense vegetation cover in this region serves as a home of a vast variety of wildlife.
 Elephants, tigers and deer are common.
 Variety of fish like rohu, catla and hilsa are found in the rivers.
 The one horned rhinoceros is found in Brahmaputra plain.
 Bengal tiger, crocodiles and alligator are found in the delta region.

Q5 Describe the climatic conditions of the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin.

 The area is dominated by monsoon type of climate receiving an annual rainfall of 200cm. and above.
 The monsoon brings rain from mid-June to mid-September.
 The summers are hot and the winters are cool.

Q6 What kind of crops are grown in Ganga -Brahmaputra region?

 The main crop grown in this region is paddy. Other crops include maize, wheat, millets etc.
 Cash crops like sugarcane and jute are also grown.
 Banana plantations are seen in some areas of the plain.
 In West Bengal and Assam, tea is grown in plantations.
 Silk is produced through the cultivation of silk worms in parts of Bihar and Assam.

Q7 What is slash and burn agriculture? Explain.

Ans. Slash and burn agriculture is a way of cultivating land and is also known as shifting cultivation.
Slashing or cutting down of trees and bushes

Trees/leaves/bushes are burnt

Burning helps in releasing nutrients into the soil

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Crops are grown on a cleared field

Soil loses its fertility after repetitive use

Another plot is cleared

In the mean time, young trees grow in the old field

Fertility of soil is restored

Land can be cultivated again

Q8 Describe the forests/ natural vegetation of the Ganga Brahmaputra basin.

 In the plains, tropical deciduous trees grow like teak, sal and peepal.
 Thick bamboo groves are common in the Brahmaputra plain.
 The delta area is covered with the mangrove forests.
 In parts of Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, coniferous trees like pine, deodar and fir
can be seen.

Q9 Differentiate between the Amazon basin and the Ganga Brahmaputra basin.
LOCATION Lies in equatorial region Lies in sub tropical region
CLIMATE Hot and humid Monsoon climate
POPULATION Sparsely populated Densely populated
AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES Shifting cultivation( slash and burn Cultivation of paddy and cash crops
BASIN DRAINAGE The basin drains portions of Brazil, The basin is drained by tributaries of
parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, river Ganga such as Ghaghra, Son,
Columbia and small parts of Chambal, Gandak, Kosi and
Venezuela. tributaries of Brahmaputra river.

Q10 Give reasons for the following statements:

i) The rainforests are depleting.
The developmental activities are leading to the gradual destruction of biologically diverse
rainforests. The top soil is washing away and the lush forests are turning into barren landscape.

ii) Paddy is grown in the Ganga-Brahmaputra plains.

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Paddy is grown in the Ganga -Brahmaputra plains because sufficient water is available due to
high rainfall.

Q11. What is the location and climate of the Amazon basin?

a) River Amazon, along with its tributaries, constitutes the Amazon basin in South America.
b) The river flows through the equatorial region between 10 degree N and 10 degree S.
a) It is characterized by hot and wet climate throughout the year.
b) The day temperature is high with high humidity and at night the temperature goes down but the
humidity remains high.
c) It rains almost every day.

Q12. Describe the Amazon Rainforests.

 The forests are so thick that the dense roof created by leaves and branches does not allow the
sunlight to reach the ground.
 The rainforest is rich in fauna. Animals like monkeys, sloth and ant eating tapirs are found here.
 Various species of reptiles, insects and snakes also thrive in these jungles.
 Birds such as toucans, humming birds, birds of paradise and over sized bills are commonly found.
 Several species of fishes including the flesh eating Piranha fish is also found in the Amazon river.

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