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The Influence of Promotional Tools to the Young Professionals: A Study of Cosmetic

Store in General Santos City.
Dear Respondent,
The undersigned marketing students are conducting a survey and we’d really like to find
out how you feel about the research” The Influence of Promotional Tools to the Young
Professionals: A Study of Cosmetic Store in General Santos City”. The data we collect will
be used only for this research and we will keep your personal information confidential.

Thank you very much for your Support.

The Researchers:

Hannah Krizza B. Magapan

Jestoni S. Gajito
Laurabelle M. Harid
Junurie C. Luy
Melchor Gulada

Name (Optional): ___________________________________________________________

Age: ☐20 – 25 ☐26 – 30
Sex: ☐Male ☐Female
Civil Status: ☐Single ☐Married ☐Widow/widower
Educational Attainment: ☐Elementary level ☐Elementary graduate
☐High School level ☐High School graduate ☐College level ☐College Graduate
Employed Self-Employed Unemployed

Profession: _________________________________________________________________
Monthly Income: Below 10000 10000-25000 25000-35000

35000-45000 45000-55000 Above 55000

Section II: Dependent Variable Adapted Questionnaire

” The Influence of Promotional Tools to the Young Professionals: A Study of Cosmetic
Store in General Santos City.”

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements
by selecting the appropriate level.

1 – Strongly Agree, 2 – Agree, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Disagree, 5 – Strongly Disagree

Buy-one-get-one-free (B1G1F) 1 2 3 4 5
1. If a brand offers me to buy one get one free that could be a reason for
me to buy it.
2. When I buy a brand that offers Buy one get one free, I feel I am
getting a good buy
3. A buy one get one free has allowed me to buy another brand which I
don’t buy regularly
4. I have a favorite brands, but most of the time I buy a Brand that offer
Buy one Get one Free
5. A Buy one Get one Free has allowed me to buy the product earlier
than planned.

Coupons 1 2 3 4 5

1. If a brand offers coupons that could be a reason for me to Buy it

2. When I buy a brand that offers coupons, I feel I’m getting a good buy.

3. A coupon has allowed me to buy another brand which I do not

regularly buy.
4. I have a favorite brand, but most of the time I buy a brand that offers
5. A coupon has allowed me to buy the product earlier than planned

Physical Surroundings 1 2 3 4 5

1. I will only like to purchase the product when the interior designing of
the cosmetic store will be impressive
2. I will only like to purchase the product when the cosmetic store is
nicely odor.

3. I will only like to purchase the product in the large cosmetic store.

4. I will only like to purchase the product when I entertained from nice
music in the cosmetic store
5. I will only like to purchase the product when the environment of the
cosmetic store will be bright.
Adapted from:
(2019) .The Influence of Promotional Tools on Consumer Buying Behavior: A Study Adapted
from Pakistan to Philippine Context. Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

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