The 5 Recreational Activities That I Have Done For 3 Years

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Student name: Gajito, Jestoni S.

Year Level: 2nd Year Course: BSBA-Marketing Management

Subject: P.E 3 – Recreational Activities Instructor: Dalida, Jerel Perlas
The 5 Recreational Activities that I have done for 3 Years:

1.) This event took place last year.

My siblings, cousin and I got to
entered somebody’s privately
owned cave without permis -
sion and it is located nearby
the town where we live. Don’t
worry about it; the owner is a
closed family friend of ours,
we’re sure he will not get mad
if he finds out. You would not
believe that we had to go
through its narrow entrance
with a lot of struggles and
cautions; we groped the spiky
slippery floor and drenched
Wall before we could be able to get finally inside and see the awesomeness of the cave. It was absolutely
fun escapade though. I was very excited and scared a bit at the same but we successfully made it.

2.) Yeah, it’s me when I went home

in the province for a week of
vacation during the summer of
2018. I took that opportunity to
take a long stroll in the vicinity
of the capitol, wherein the
distinct tribal statues stood
alongside the park typified as
landmark of the Municipal of
Kulaman. It had been a pleasure
staring at them for few minutes
and taking photos as well. You
may notice the photos are not
that vivid, because it was almost
ready to be sunset when they
were taken. By the way, I was not all by myself then because my two older siblings were with me too. We
were just going around the park on our own separate ways and took a glimpse at anything that caught our
attention. We did enjoy the afternoon stroll so much that we lost track of time and consequently we went
home dark.

My neighbor celebrated her daughter’s birthday so she invited me at a night party that will be held in the beach. And
of course her family and friends were there too. I was hesitant at first and I was actually uncomfortable, but when I
thought I need to go and socialize with other people since I’m always alone in my cousin’s apartment, therefore I
accepted the invitation given to me. The party started in the cottage that they rented but not long after when they
spotted a plane-surface log by the sea shore where we moved in and they laid the liqueurs and boozepetizers on it. I
honestly hate drinking alcohol but to act not to look contemptuous and for the sake of a need to socialize with them,
I took each glass filled with alcohol every moment they passed it on me. Anyway I enjoyed hanging out with them;
we sang with guitar, we shared any sort of conversation and we laughed together like we have already been known
each other before. And in the latter part of the party I got intoxicated; I subconsciously was doing ridiculous things,
thus they made fun of me the entire time until I passed out. It was absolutely embarrassing because I watched the
video the next day and I realized I was really drunk then. However, despite of that embarrassing moment we all still
enjoyed the party and I was able to made friends with new people, but I swear that drunk moment will not happen

These are my friends who I used

4. to get along with during my first
year in college; we had the same
course, we entered the same
class and needless to say we
hung out together every spare
time usually after our class in the
afternoon. Some time we talked
about the places that we want to
visit and to have adventure with
friends; consequently we came
across with this idea to hike the
well-known Mt. Sanchez Peak in
the City. As expected we all
agreed about that idea and we
were certain that our plan will
come to
soon come to happen. There were supposed to be many of us since we invited the whole class to come along with us
on our adventure to Mt. Sanchez Peak. Unfortunately a week after, there were like six of us showed up in the meeting
place but it was fine, It didn’t bother us anyway instead we continue on our plan. We knew that it could be definitely
exhausting to hike the mountain but we have that urge to find out what it feels like being on its peak and beside we
have the determination that we can make it as a challenge. We struggled a lot while we were on our way; the sun was
hot but we just ignored it, we stopped for a while each time our legs got hurt and worn out of walking, which is why
we took almost 4 hours of hiking. But all of those circumstances didn’t change our mind to give up because as I have
already mentioned we were determined to fulfil our plan. However we still enjoy the adventure; because the beautiful
sightings that we saw around relieved us from all the struggles and weariness that we have gone through.
Since the lock down in the local area
5. began on March 15 this year due to
the outbreak of Covid-19. Most
affected establishments in the city
halt its operation especially the
schools. Thus all students like me
don’t need to go to school anymore
since then. Honestly, I was so happy
hearing that news because I knew
the school year will surely end
earlier but I never thought that after
I go back home, I could no longer
go outside freely like used to do in
the normal days. Home quarantine
is a perfect idea to avoid yourself
from being infected by the
disease, but there are things that you have to deal with at home particularly the boredom. I guess everyone who was
locked at home would find their own individual ways just to entertain their selves. On my part, all did was playing this
sort of globally popular mobile game called” Mobile Legend”. I am considering this as recreational activity because
despite of the bad situation brought by pandemic, I could still entertain myself through it. It is actually a fun game that
any ages could avail and enjoy playing as long as they learn to play it. Through-out the moths of home quarantine I
honestly never thought to go outside the house anymore to find some amusement because playing this online game is
good enough for me to entertain myself and it signiifcantly keeps me safe from the disease.

These are the learnings and values acquired form these Recreational Activities:
1. I learnt how to face and overcome my fear
2. If we are being persistent we can attain what we aim for
3. If we have determination in life, we will succeed.
4. I leant to socialize with other people
5. Being respectful toward other people earns good reputation
6. Sometimes taking a risk is fun, but make sure you succeed at the end.
7. Family bonding always brings greater happiness in life
8. “ Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you”
9. Always look for a good side in every bad situation
10. I agree with this saying “Plan you work, work you plan”
11. I should take of care of myself, as I only live once.
12. Let’s just enjoy life while we are young.

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