0036 - Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs

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Clique Number in

Neutrosophic Graphs
Ideas | Approaches | Accessibility | Availability

Dr. Henry Garrett

Report | Exposition | References | Research #22 2022

In this book, some notions are introduced about “Independence in Neutrosophic

Graphs.” Three chapters are devised as “Common Notions”, “Modified Notions”
and “Extended Notions”. Three manuscripts are cited as the references of these
chapters which are my 53rd, 54th, and 55th manuscripts. I’ve used my 53rd,
54th, and 55th manuscripts to write this book.
In first chapter, there are some points as follow. New setting is introduced
to study neutrosophic clique number and clique neutrosophic-number arising
neighborhood of different vertices. Neighbor is a key term to have these
notions. Having all possible edges amid vertices in a set is a key type
of approach to have these notions namely neutrosophic clique number and
clique neutrosophic-number. Two numbers are obtained but now both settings
leads to approach is on demand which is finding biggest set which have all
vertices which are neighbors. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph.
Then clique number C(N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is
maximum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that every two vertices of S are
endpoints for an edge, simultaneously; clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G) for
a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is maximum neutrosophic cardinality
of a set S of vertices such that every two vertices of S are endpoints for an edge,
simultaneously. As concluding results, there are some statements, remarks,
examples and clarifications about some classes of neutrosophic graphs namely
path-neutrosophic graphs, cycle-neutrosophic graphs, complete-neutrosophic
graphs, star-neutrosophic graphs, complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graphs. The clarifications are also presented in
both sections “Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number,” and “Setting of clique
Neutrosophic-Number,” for introduced results and used classes. Neutrosophic
number is reused in this way. It’s applied to use the type of neutrosophic
number in the way that, three values of a vertex are used and they’ve same
share to construct this number to compare with other vertices. Summation
of three values of vertex makes one number and applying it to a comparison.
This approach facilitates identifying vertices which form neutrosophic clique
number and clique neutrosophic-number arising neighborhoods of vertices. In
path-neutrosophic graphs, two neighbors, form maximal set but with slightly
differences, in cycle-neutrosophic graphs, two neighbors forms maximal set.
Other classes have same approaches. In complete-neutrosophic graphs, a set
of all vertices leads us to neutrosophic clique number and clique neutrosophic-
number. In star-neutrosophic graphs, a set of vertices containing only center
and one other vertex, makes maximal set. In complete-bipartite-neutrosophic


graphs, a set of vertices including two vertices from different parts makes
intended set but with slightly differences, in complete-t-partite-neutrosophic
graphs, a set of t vertices from different parts makes intended set. In both
settings, some classes of well-known neutrosophic graphs are studied. Some
clarifications for each result and each definition are provided. Using basic set
to extend this set to set of all vertices has key role to have these notions in the
form of neutrosophic clique number and clique neutrosophic-number arising
neighborhood of vertices. The cardinality of a set has eligibility to neutrosophic
clique number but the neutrosophic cardinality of a set has eligibility to call
clique neutrosophic-number. Some results get more frameworks and perspective
about these definitions. The way in that, two vertices have connections amid
each other, opens the way to do some approaches. A vertex could affect on
other vertex but there’s no usage of edges. These notions are applied into
neutrosophic graphs as individuals but not family of them as drawbacks for
these notions. Finding special neutrosophic graphs which are well-known, is
an open way to pursue this study. Some problems are proposed to pursue this
study. Basic familiarities with graph theory and neutrosophic graph theory are
proposed for this chapter.
In second chapter, there are some points as follow. New setting is introduced
to study neutrosophic failed-clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-
number arising being out of neighborhood of vertices. Being out of neighbor
is a key term to have these notions. Not having all possible edges amid
vertices in a set is a key type of approach to have these notions namely
neutrosophic failed-clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number. Two
numbers are obtained but now both settings leads to approach is on demand
which is finding smallest set which doesn’t have any vertex which is neighbor.
Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then failed clique number
C F (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is minimum cardinality
of a set S of vertices such that there are two vertices in S aren’t endpoints
for an edge, simultaneously; failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G) for a
neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is minimum neutrosophic cardinality of
a set S of vertices such that there are two vertices in S aren’t endpoints for an
edge, simultaneously. As concluding results, there are some statements, remarks,
examples and clarifications about some classes of neutrosophic graphs namely
path-neutrosophic graphs, cycle-neutrosophic graphs, complete-neutrosophic
graphs, star-neutrosophic graphs, complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graphs. The clarifications are also presented in
both sections “Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number,” and “Setting of
Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number,” for introduced results and used classes.
Neutrosophic number is reused in this way. It’s applied to use the type of
neutrosophic number in the way that, three values of a vertex are used and
they’ve same share to construct this number to compare with other vertices.
Summation of three values of vertex makes one number and applying it
to a comparison. This approach facilitates identifying vertices which form
neutrosophic failed-clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number arising
being out of neighborhood of vertices. In path-neutrosophic graphs, two vertices
which aren’t neighbors, form minimal set but with slightly differences, in
cycle-neutrosophic graphs, two vertices which aren’t neighbors form minimal
set. Other classes have same approaches. In complete-neutrosophic graphs,
an empty set leads us to neutrosophic failed-clique number and failed clique

neutrosophic-number. In star-neutrosophic graphs, a set of vertices containing
only two vertices which aren’t neighbors, makes minimal set. In complete-
bipartite-neutrosophic graphs, a set of vertices including two vertices from same
part makes intended set but with slightly differences, in complete-t-partite-
neutrosophic graphs, a set of two vertices from same part makes intended set. In
both settings, some classes of well-known neutrosophic graphs are studied. Some
clarifications for each result and each definition are provided. Using basic set to
extend this set to set of all vertices has key role to have these notions in the form
of neutrosophic failed-clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number
arising being out of neighborhood of vertices. The cardinality of a set has
eligibility to neutrosophic failed-clique number but the neutrosophic cardinality
of a set has eligibility to call failed clique neutrosophic-number. Some results
get more frameworks and perspective about these definitions. The way in that,
two vertices have no connection amid each other, opens the way to do some
approaches. A vertex could affect on other vertex but there’s no usage of edges.
These notions are applied into neutrosophic graphs as individuals but not family
of them as drawbacks for these notions. Finding special neutrosophic graphs
which are well-known, is an open way to pursue this study. Some problems
are proposed to pursue this study. Basic familiarities with graph theory and
neutrosophic graph theory are proposed for this chapter.
In third chapter, there are some points as follow. New setting is introduced to
study 1-clique number, 1-clique neutrosophic-number, failed 1-clique number
and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number arising being (out of) neighborhood
of vertices. Being (out of) neighbor is a key term to have these notions. Not
having all possible edges amid vertices in a set is a key type of approach to
have these notions namely neutrosophic failed-1-clique number and failed 1-
clique neutrosophic-number. Two numbers are obtained but now both settings
leads to approach is on demand which is finding (biggest) smallest set which
(doesn’t) have any vertex which is neighbor. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a
neutrosophic graph. Then 1-clique number C(N T G) for a neutrosophic graph
N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is maximum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that every
two vertices of S are endpoints for an edge, simultaneously. It holds extra
condition which is as follows: two vertices have no edge in common are considered
as exception but only for one time; 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G) for
a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is maximum neutrosophic cardinality
of a set S of vertices such that every two vertices of S are endpoints for an
edge, simultaneously. It holds extra condition which is as follows: two vertices
have no edge in common are considered as exception but only for one time;
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ)
is minimum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that there are two vertices in
S aren’t endpoints for an edge, simultaneously. It holds extra condition which
is as follows: two vertices have no edge in common are considered as exception
but only for one time; failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G) for a
neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is minimum neutrosophic cardinality
of a set S of vertices such that there are two vertices in S aren’t endpoints
for an edge, simultaneously. It holds extra condition which is as follows: two
vertices have no edge in common are considered as exception but only for one
time. As concluding results, there are some statements, remarks, examples
and clarifications about some classes of neutrosophic graphs namely path-
neutrosophic graphs, cycle-neutrosophic graphs, complete-neutrosophic graphs,


star-neutrosophic graphs, complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and complete-

t-partite-neutrosophic graphs. The clarifications are also presented in both
sections “Setting of Neutrosophic (Failed)1-clique Number,” and “Setting of
(Failed) 1-clique Neutrosophic-Number,” for introduced results and used classes.
Neutrosophic number is reused in this way. It’s applied to use the type of
neutrosophic number in the way that, three values of a vertex are used and
they’ve same share to construct this number to compare with other vertices.
Summation of three values of vertex makes one number and applying it to a
comparison. This approach facilitates identifying vertices which form 1-clique
number, 1-clique neutrosophic-number, failed 1-clique number and failed 1-
clique neutrosophic-number arising being (out of) neighborhood of vertices.
In both settings, some classes of well-known neutrosophic graphs are studied.
Some clarifications for each result and each definition are provided. Using
basic set to extend this set to set of all vertices has key role to have these
notions in the form of 1-clique number, 1-clique neutrosophic-number, failed
1-clique number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number arising being (out of)
neighborhood of vertices. The cardinality of a set has eligibility to neutrosophic
(failed)-1-clique number but the neutrosophic cardinality of a set has eligibility
to call (failed) 1-clique neutrosophic-number. Some results get more frameworks
and perspective about these definitions. The way in that, two vertices have
no connection amid each other, opens the way to do some approaches. A
vertex could affect on other vertex but there’s no usage of edges. These notions
are applied into neutrosophic graphs as individuals but not family of them as
drawbacks for these notions. Finding special neutrosophic graphs which are
well-known, is an open way to pursue this study. Some problems are proposed
to pursue this study. Basic familiarities with graph theory and neutrosophic
graph theory are proposed for this chapter.
The following references are cited by chapters.
[Ref1] Henry Garrett, “Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs”, ResearchGate
2022 (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28338.68800).
[Ref2] Henry Garrett, “Failed Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs”,
ResearchGate 2022 (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36039.16800).
[Ref3] Henry Garrett, “(Failed) 1-Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs”,
ResearchGate 2022 (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14241.89449).
Three chapters are devised as “Common Notions”, “Modified Notions” and “Extended


The author is going to express his gratitude and his appreciation about the
brains and their hands which are showing the importance of words in the
framework of every wisdom, knowledge, arts, and emotions which are streaming
in the lines from the words, notions, ideas and approaches to have the material The words of mind and the
and the contents which are only the way to flourish the minds, to grow the minds of words, are too
eligible to be in the stage
notions, to advance the ways and to make the stable ways to be amid events of acknowledgements
and storms of minds for surviving from them and making the outstanding
experiences about the tools and the ideas to be on the star lines of words and
shining like stars, forever.


Abstract i

Acknowledgements v

Contents vii

List of Figures ix

List of Tables xii

1 Common Notions 1
1.1 Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Motivation and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.6 Setting of clique Neutrosophic-Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.7 Applications in Time Table and Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.8 Case 1: Complete-t-partite Model alongside its clique Number
and its clique Neutrosophic-Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.9 Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A Neutrosophic Graph in
the Viewpoint of its clique Number and its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.10 Open Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.11 Conclusion and Closing Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2 Modified Notions 35
2.1 Failed Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.3 Motivation and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.4 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.5 Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number . . . . . . . . . 40
2.6 Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number . . . . . . . . . 54
2.7 Applications in Time Table and Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.8 Case 1: Complete-t-partite Model alongside its failed clique
number and its failed clique neutrosophic-number . . . . . . . 70


2.9 Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A Neutrosophic Graph

in the Viewpoint of its failed clique number and its failed clique
neutrosophic-number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.10 Open Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.11 Conclusion and Closing Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

3 Extended Notions 75
3.1 (Failed) 1-Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs . . . . . . . 75
3.2 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.3 Motivation and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.4 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.5 Setting of Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.6 Setting of 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.7 Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number . . . . . . . . 104
3.8 Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number . . . . . . . . 119
3.9 Applications in Time Table and Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3.10 Case 1: Complete-t-partite Model alongside its failed 1-clique
number and its failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number . . . . . . 135
3.11 Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A Neutrosophic Graph
in the Viewpoint of its failed 1-clique number and its failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
3.12 Open Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
3.13 Conclusion and Closing Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Bibliography 141

List of Figures

1.1 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number and

its clique Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 7
1.3 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 9
1.4 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 10
1.5 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 12
1.6 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 12
1.7 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 14
1.8 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 15
1.9 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 17
1.10 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.11 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.12 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.13 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.14 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.15 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.16 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.17 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.18 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number and
its clique Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.19 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number and
its clique Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.1 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique number

and its Failed Clique neutrosophic-number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.2 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 41
2.3 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 44
2.4 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 44

List of Figures

2.5 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 48

2.6 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 48
2.7 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 50
2.8 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 52
2.9 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 54
2.10 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 56
2.11 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 59
2.12 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 59
2.13 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 62
2.14 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 62
2.15 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 65
2.16 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 67
2.17 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. . . . 69
2.18 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its failed clique number
and its failed clique neutrosophic-number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.19 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its failed clique number
and its failed clique neutrosophic-number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

3.1 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number

and its 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.2 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
number and its Failed 1-Clique neutrosophic-number. . . . . . . . 81
3.3 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 83
3.4 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 85
3.5 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 85
3.6 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 88
3.7 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 88
3.8 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 89
3.9 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 91
3.10 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 92
3.11 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique
Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.12 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique
Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.13 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique
Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.14 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique
Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.15 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique
Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.16 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique
Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.17 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique
Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.18 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique
Neutrosophic-Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.19 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.20 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

List of Figures

3.21 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.22 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
3.23 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
3.24 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
3.25 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 117
3.26 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 119
3.27 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
3.28 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
3.29 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
3.30 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3.31 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3.32 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
3.33 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 132
3.34 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. . 134
3.35 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
number and its Failed 1-Clique neutrosophic-number. . . . . . . . 136
3.36 A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique
number and its Failed 1-Clique neutrosophic-number. . . . . . . . 137

List of Tables

1.1 Scheduling concerns its Subjects and its Connections as a neutro-

sophic graph in a Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.2 A Brief Overview about Advantages and Limitations of this study 33

2.1 Scheduling concerns its Subjects and its Connections as a neutro-

sophic graph in a Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.2 A Brief Overview about Advantages and Limitations of this Study 74

3.1 Scheduling concerns its Subjects and its Connections as a neutro-

sophic graph in a Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3.2 A Brief Overview about Advantages and Limitations of this Study 139


Common Notions

The following sections are cited as [Ref1] which is my 53rd manuscript and I
use prefix 53 as number before any labelling for items.

1.1 Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs

1.2 Abstract
New setting is introduced to study neutrosophic clique number and clique
neutrosophic-number arising neighborhood of different vertices. Neighbor is a
key term to have these notions. Having all possible edges amid vertices in a set is
a key type of approach to have these notions namely neutrosophic clique number
and clique neutrosophic-number. Two numbers are obtained but now both
settings leads to approach is on demand which is finding biggest set which have
all vertices which are neighbors. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph.
Then clique number C(N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is
maximum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that every two vertices of S are
endpoints for an edge, simultaneously; clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G) for
a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is maximum neutrosophic cardinality
of a set S of vertices such that every two vertices of S are endpoints for an edge,
simultaneously. As concluding results, there are some statements, remarks,
examples and clarifications about some classes of neutrosophic graphs namely
path-neutrosophic graphs, cycle-neutrosophic graphs, complete-neutrosophic
graphs, star-neutrosophic graphs, complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graphs. The clarifications are also presented in
both sections “Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number,” and “Setting of clique
Neutrosophic-Number,” for introduced results and used classes. Neutrosophic
number is reused in this way. It’s applied to use the type of neutrosophic
number in the way that, three values of a vertex are used and they’ve same
share to construct this number to compare with other vertices. Summation
of three values of vertex makes one number and applying it to a comparison.
This approach facilitates identifying vertices which form neutrosophic clique
number and clique neutrosophic-number arising neighborhoods of vertices. In
path-neutrosophic graphs, two neighbors, form maximal set but with slightly
differences, in cycle-neutrosophic graphs, two neighbors forms maximal set.
Other classes have same approaches. In complete-neutrosophic graphs, a set
of all vertices leads us to neutrosophic clique number and clique neutrosophic-

1. Common Notions

number. In star-neutrosophic graphs, a set of vertices containing only center

and one other vertex, makes maximal set. In complete-bipartite-neutrosophic
graphs, a set of vertices including two vertices from different parts makes
intended set but with slightly differences, in complete-t-partite-neutrosophic
graphs, a set of t vertices from different parts makes intended set. In both
settings, some classes of well-known neutrosophic graphs are studied. Some
clarifications for each result and each definition are provided. Using basic set
to extend this set to set of all vertices has key role to have these notions in the
form of neutrosophic clique number and clique neutrosophic-number arising
neighborhood of vertices. The cardinality of a set has eligibility to neutrosophic
clique number but the neutrosophic cardinality of a set has eligibility to call
clique neutrosophic-number. Some results get more frameworks and perspective
about these definitions. The way in that, two vertices have connections amid
each other, opens the way to do some approaches. A vertex could affect on
other vertex but there’s no usage of edges. These notions are applied into
neutrosophic graphs as individuals but not family of them as drawbacks for
these notions. Finding special neutrosophic graphs which are well-known, is
an open way to pursue this study. Some problems are proposed to pursue this
study. Basic familiarities with graph theory and neutrosophic graph theory are
proposed for this article.
Keywords: Neutrosophic clique Number, clique Neutrosophic-Number,

Maximal Set
AMS Subject Classification: 05C17, 05C22, 05E45

1.3 Motivation and Contributions

In this study, there’s an idea which could be considered as a motivation.
Question 1.3.1. Is it possible to use mixed versions of ideas concerning
“Neutrosophic clique Number”, “clique Neutrosophic-Number” and “Neutrosophic
Graph” to define some notions which are applied to neutrosophic graphs?
It’s motivation to find notions to use in any classes of neutrosophic graphs.
Real-world applications about time table and scheduling are another thoughts
which lead to be considered as motivation. One connection amid two vertices
have key roles to assign neutrosophic clique number, clique neutrosophic-number
arising neighborhood of vertices. Thus they’re used to define new ideas which
conclude to the structure neutrosophic clique number and clique neutrosophic-
number arising neighborhood of vertices. The concept of having edge and extra
condition inspire us to study the behavior of vertices in the way that, some types
of numbers, neutrosophic clique number, clique neutrosophic-number arising
neighborhood of vertices are the cases of study in the setting of individuals. In
both settings, a corresponded number concludes the discussion. Also, there are
some avenues to extend these notions.
The framework of this study is as follows. In the beginning, I introduce
basic definitions to clarify about preliminaries. In subsection “Preliminaries”,
new notions of neutrosophic clique number, clique neutrosophic-number are
highlighted, are introduced and are clarified as individuals. In section
“Preliminaries”, sets of vertices have the key role in this way. General results

1.4. Preliminaries

are obtained and also, the results about the basic notions of neutrosophic clique
number, clique neutrosophic-number are elicited. Some classes of neutrosophic
graphs are studied in the terms of neutrosophic clique number, in section
“Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number,” as individuals. In section “Setting
of clique Neutrosophic-Number,” clique neutrosophic-number is applied into
individuals. As concluding results, there are some statements, remarks, examples
and clarifications about some classes of neutrosophic graphs namely path-
neutrosophic graphs, cycle-neutrosophic graphs, complete-neutrosophic graphs,
star-neutrosophic graphs, complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and complete-
t-partite-neutrosophic graphs. The clarifications are also presented in both
sections “Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number,” and “Setting of clique
Neutrosophic-Number,” for introduced results and used classes. In section
“Applications in Time Table and Scheduling”, two applications are posed for
quasi-complete and complete notions, namely complete-t-neutrosophic graphs
and complete-neutrosophic graphs concerning time table and scheduling when
the suspicions are about choosing some subjects and the mentioned models
are considered as individual. In section “Open Problems”, some problems
and questions for further studies are proposed. In section “Conclusion and
Closing Remarks”, gentle discussion about results and applications is featured.
In section “Conclusion and Closing Remarks”, a brief overview concerning
advantages and limitations of this study alongside conclusions is formed.

1.4 Preliminaries
In this subsection, basic material which is used in this article, is presented.
Also, new ideas and their clarifications are elicited.
Basic idea is about the model which is used. First definition introduces basic
Definition 1.4.1. (Graph).
G = (V, E) is called a graph if V is a set of objects and E is a subset of V × V
(E is a set of 2-subsets of V ) where V is called vertex set and E is called
edge set. Every two vertices have been corresponded to at most one edge.
Neutrosophic graph is the foundation of results in this paper which is defined
as follows. Also, some related notions are demonstrated.
Definition 1.4.2. (Neutrosophic Graph And Its Special Case).
N T G = (V, E, σ = (σ1 , σ2 , σ3 ), µ = (µ1 , µ2 , µ3 )) is called a neutrosophic
graph if it’s graph, σi : V → [0, 1], and µi : E → [0, 1]. We add one condition
on it and we use special case of neutrosophic graph but with same name. The
added condition is as follows, for every vi vj ∈ E,

µ(vi vj ) ≤ σ(vi ) ∧ σ(vj ).

(i) : σ is called neutrosophic vertex set.

(ii) : µ is called neutrosophic edge set.
(iii) : |V | is called order of NTG and it’s denoted by O(N T G).
(iv) : v∈V σ(v) is called neutrosophic order of NTG and it’s denoted by
On (N T G).

1. Common Notions

(v) : |E| is called size of NTG and it’s denoted by S(N T G).
P P3
(vi) : e∈E i=1 µi (e) is called neutrosophic size of NTG and it’s denoted
by Sn (N T G).

Some classes of well-known neutrosophic graphs are defined. These classes

of neutrosophic graphs are used to form this study and the most results are
about them.
Definition 1.4.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) : a sequence of vertices P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is called path where xi xi+1 ∈

E, i = 0, 1, · · · , n − 1;
(ii) : strength of path P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is i=0,··· ,n−1 µ(xi xi+1 );

(iii) : connectedness amid vertices x0 and xt is

_ ^
µ∞ (x0 , xt ) = µ(xi xi+1 );
P :x0 ,x1 ,··· ,xt i=0,··· ,t−1

(iv) : a sequence of vertices P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is called cycle where xi xi+1 ∈

E, i = 0, 1, · · · , V
n − 1 and there are two edges xy and uv such that
µ(xy) = µ(uv) = i=0,1,··· ,n−1 µ(vi vi+1 );

(v) : it’s t-partite where V is partitioned to t parts, V1s1 , V2s2 , · · · , Vtst and
the edge xy implies x ∈ Visi and y ∈ Vj j where i 6= j. If it’s complete,
then it’s denoted by Kσ1 ,σ2 ,··· ,σt where σi is σ on Visi instead V which
mean x 6∈ Vi induces σi (x) = 0. Also, |Vjsi | = si ;

(vi) : t-partite is complete bipartite if t = 2, and it’s denoted by Kσ1 ,σ2 ;

(vii) : complete bipartite is star if |V1 | = 1, and it’s denoted by S1,σ2 ;

(viii) : a vertex in V is center if the vertex joins to all vertices of a cycle. Then
it’s wheel and it’s denoted by W1,σ2 ;

(ix) : it’s complete where ∀uv ∈ V, µ(uv) = σ(u) ∧ σ(v);

(x) : it’s strong where ∀uv ∈ E, µ(uv) = σ(u) ∧ σ(v).

The natural way proposes us to use the restriction “maximum” instead of

Definition 1.4.4. (Clique Number).
Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) clique number C(N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is

maximum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that every two vertices of
S are endpoints for an edge, simultaneously;

(ii) clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph

N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is maximum neutrosophic cardinality of a set S of
vertices such that every two vertices of S are endpoints for an edge,

1.5. Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number

For convenient usages, the word neutrosophic which is used in previous

definition, won’t be used, usually.
In next part, clarifications about main definition are given. To avoid confusion
and for convenient usages, examples are usually used after every part and names
are used in the way that, abbreviation, simplicity, and summarization are the
matters of mind.
Example 1.4.5. In Figure (1.1), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it implies that
S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of clique number C(N T G) and
clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it implies that
S = {n2 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both of clique number C(N T G) and
clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In

other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So
by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But
it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to both of clique number
C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are twelve edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to both clique
number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(v) 4 is clique number and its corresponded sets is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };

(vi) On (N T G) = 5.9 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set

is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }.

1.5 Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number

In this section, I provide some results in the setting of neutrosophic clique
number. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are chosen. Complete-
neutrosophic graph, path-neutrosophic graph, cycle-neutrosophic graph,
and star-neutrosophic graph, bipartite-neutrosophic graph, and t-partite-
neutrosophic graph, are both of cases of study and classes which the results are
about them.

1. Common Notions

Figure 1.1: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number and
its clique Neutrosophic-Number. 53NTG1

Proposition 1.5.1. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-neutrosophic graph.


C(N T G) = O(N T G).

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-neutrosophic graph. Every

vertex is a neighbor for every given vertex. Assume |S| > 2. Then there are x, y
and z in S such that they’re endpoints of an edge, simultaneously, and they
form a triangle. In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge. There are all possible edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies
that S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G) is corresponded to clique number. Thus

C(N T G) = O(N T G).

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. A complete-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result
and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.5.2. In Figure (1.2), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .
Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of clique
number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .

1.5. Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number

Figure 1.2: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 53NTG2

Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither clique number

C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other

side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using the
members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. Furthermore,
There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .
Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G) . Thus there are twelve edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }
is corresponded to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

(v) 4 is clique number and its corresponded sets is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };

(vi) On (N T G) = 5.9 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set

is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }.

Proposition 1.5.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a path-neutrosophic graph. Then

C(N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a path-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. If |S| > 2, then there are at least three
vertices x, y and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t
neighbors. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has two
endpoints. These endpoints are corresponded to clique number C(N T G). So

C(N T G) = 2.

Example 1.5.4. There are two sections for clarifications.

1. Common Notions

(a) In Figure (1.3), an odd-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using
the members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded
to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 },
and {n4 , n5 };
(vi) 3.2 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }.
(b) In Figure (1.4), an even-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have

1.5. Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number

Figure 1.3: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 53NTG3

two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have

endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using
the members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded
to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n1 , n6 }, {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n2 , n6 },
{n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 }, {n3 , n6 }, {n4 , n5 }, {n4 , n6 }, and {n5 , n6 };
(vi) 4.6 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n5 , n6 }.

Proposition 1.5.5. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Then

C(N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. If |S| > 2, then there are at least three
vertices x, y and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t

1. Common Notions

Figure 1.4: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 53NTG4

neighbors. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has two
endpoints. These endpoints are corresponded to clique number C(N T G). So

C(N T G) = 2.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. An odd-cycle-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. An even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is related to previous
result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.5.6. There are two sections for clarifications.
(a) In Figure (1.5), an even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using

1.5. Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number

the members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have

endpoints of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n2 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2
and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n2 , n3 } is corresponded
to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n1 , n6 }, {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n2 , n6 },
{n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 }, {n3 , n6 }, {n4 , n5 }, {n4 , n6 }, {n5 , n6 }, and
{n6 , n1 };
(vi) 4 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n2 , n3 }.

(b) In Figure (1.6), an odd-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using
the members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n3
and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n3 , n4 } is corresponded

1. Common Notions

Figure 1.5: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 53NTG5

Figure 1.6: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 53NTG6

to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number

Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 },
{n4 , n5 }, and {n5 , n1 };
(vi) 4.3 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n3 , n4 }.

Proposition 1.5.7. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a star-neutrosophic graph with

center c. Then
C(N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a star-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. Every vertex is a neighbor for center.
Furthermore, center is only neighbor for any given vertex. So center is only
neighbor for all vertices. Hence all vertices including center and one other
vertex are only members of S is a set which its cardinality is clique number
C(N T G). In other words, if |S| > 2, then there are at least three vertices x, y
and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t neighbors
and x is center. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has

1.5. Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number

two endpoints which one of them is center. These endpoints are corresponded
to clique number C(N T G). So

C(N T G) = 2.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A star-neutrosophic

graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it.
To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to apply definitions and
results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense about new notions. A
star-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.5.8. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (1.7), a star-
neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in follow-up
items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2
but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to either clique
number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus It doesn’t imply that S = {n3 , n5 } is corresponded to
either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G)−1 so by using
the members either n1 , n3 or n1 , n4 or n1 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n1 n3 or n1 n4 or n1 n5 . There are three edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it doesn’t imply
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to either clique number C(N T G)
or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 thus
it implies that S = {n1 , n4 } is corresponded to both of clique number
C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, and {n1 , n5 };

(vi) 3.7 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is

{n2 , n3 , n4 , n5 }.

1. Common Notions

Figure 1.7: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 53NTG7

Proposition 1.5.9. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic

graph. Then
C(N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from any part,
one vertex is chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
clique number C(N T G). There are two parts. Thus

C(N T G) = 2.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

bipartite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to
apply the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special
case to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make
more senses about new notions. A complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is
related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.5.10. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (1.8),
a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and
n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 }
is corresponded to clique number C(N T G) but not clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2
and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it doesn’t imply that

1.5. Setting of Neutrosophic clique Number

Figure 1.8: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 53NTG8

S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or

clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other

side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using
the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. There is no
edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. .
Thus it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 } is corresponded to either clique
number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1

and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n2 , n4 }, and {n3 , n4 };

(vi) 3.4 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 }.

Proposition 1.5.11. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic

graph such that t 6= 2. Then
C(N T G) = t.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from any part,
one vertex is chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
clique number C(N T G). There are t parts. Thus

C(N T G) = t.

1. Common Notions

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-t-

partite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case
to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more
sense about new notions. A complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is related to
previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.5.12. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (1.9), a
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented
in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and
n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 }
is corresponded to clique number C(N T G) but not clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2
and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it doesn’t imply that
S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or
clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other
side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using
the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. There is no
edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. .
Thus it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 } is corresponded to either clique
number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1
and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n2 , n4 }, and {n3 , n4 };
(vi) 3.4 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 }.

1.6 Setting of clique Neutrosophic-Number

In this section, I provide some results in the setting of clique neutrosophic-
number. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are chosen. Complete-
neutrosophic graph, path-neutrosophic graph, cycle-neutrosophic graph,

1.6. Setting of clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 1.9: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 53NTG9

and star-neutrosophic graph, bipartite-neutrosophic graph, and t-partite-

neutrosophic graph, are both of cases of study and classes which the results are
about them.
Proposition 1.6.1. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-neutrosophic graph.

Cn (N T G) = On (N T G).

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-neutrosophic graph. Every

vertex is a neighbor for every given vertex. Assume |S| > 2. Then there are x, y
and z in S such that they’re endpoints of an edge, simultaneously, and they
form a triangle. In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge. There are all possible edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies
that S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G) is corresponded to clique number. Thus

Cn (N T G) = On (N T G).

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. A complete-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result
and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.6.2. In Figure (1.10), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .

1. Common Notions

Figure 1.10: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-

Number. 53NTG10

Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of clique

number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .
Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other
side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using the
members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. Furthermore,
There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .
Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G) . Thus there are twelve edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }
is corresponded to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(v) 4 is clique number and its corresponded sets is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };
(vi) On (N T G) = 5.9 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n3 , n4 }.

Proposition 1.6.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a path-neutrosophic graph. Then

Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj+1 ))}xj xj+1 ∈E .

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a path-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. If |S| > 2, then there are at least three
vertices x, y and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t

1.6. Setting of clique Neutrosophic-Number

neighbors. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has two
endpoints. These endpoints are corresponded to clique number C(N T G). So
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj+1 ))}xj xj+1 ∈E .

Example 1.6.4. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (1.11), an odd-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using
the members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded
to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 },
and {n4 , n5 };
(vi) 3.2 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }.

(b) In Figure (1.12), an even-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

1. Common Notions

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using
the members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded
to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n1 , n6 }, {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n2 , n6 },
{n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 }, {n3 , n6 }, {n4 , n5 }, {n4 , n6 }, and {n5 , n6 };
(vi) 4.6 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n5 , n6 }.

Proposition 1.6.5. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Then

Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj+1 ))}xj xj+1 ∈E .

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. If |S| > 2, then there are at least three
vertices x, y and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t
neighbors. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has two
endpoints. These endpoints are corresponded to clique number C(N T G). So
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj+1 ))}xj xj+1 ∈E .

1.6. Setting of clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 1.11: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-

Number. 53NTG11

Figure 1.12: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-

Number. 53NTG12

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. An odd-cycle-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. An even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is related to previous
result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.6.6. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (1.13), an even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

1. Common Notions

(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using
the members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n2 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2
and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n2 , n3 } is corresponded
to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n1 , n6 }, {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n2 , n6 },
{n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 }, {n3 , n6 }, {n4 , n5 }, {n4 , n6 }, {n5 , n6 }, and
{n6 , n1 };
(vi) 4 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n2 , n3 }.
(b) In Figure (1.14), an odd-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using
the members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have

1.6. Setting of clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 1.13: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-

Number. 53NTG13

Figure 1.14: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-

Number. 53NTG14

endpoints of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges

to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither clique number
C(N T G) nor clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n3
and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n3 , n4 } is corresponded
to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 },
{n4 , n5 }, and {n5 , n1 };
(vi) 4.3 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n3 , n4 }.

1. Common Notions

Proposition 1.6.7. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a star-neutrosophic graph with

center c. Then
X 3
Cn (N T G) = σi (c) + max{ σi (xj )}.
i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a star-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. Every vertex is a neighbor for center.
Furthermore, center is only neighbor for any given vertex. So center is only
neighbor for all vertices. Hence all vertices including center and one other
vertex are only members of S is a set which its cardinality is clique number
C(N T G). In other words, if |S| > 2, then there are at least three vertices x, y
and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t neighbors
and x is center. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has
two endpoints which one of them is center. These endpoints are corresponded
to clique number C(N T G). So
X 3
Cn (N T G) = σi (c) + max{ σi (xj )}.
i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A star-neutrosophic

graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it.
To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to apply definitions and
results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense about new notions. A
star-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.6.8. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (1.15), a star-
neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in follow-up
items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2
but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to either clique
number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus It doesn’t imply that S = {n3 , n5 } is corresponded to
either clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G)−1 so by using
the members either n1 , n3 or n1 , n4 or n1 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n1 n3 or n1 n4 or n1 n5 . There are three edges

1.6. Setting of clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 1.15: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-

Number. 53NTG15

to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it doesn’t imply

that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to either clique number C(N T G)
or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 thus
it implies that S = {n1 , n4 } is corresponded to both of clique number
C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, and {n1 , n5 };

(vi) 3.7 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is

{n2 , n3 , n4 , n5 }.

Proposition 1.6.9. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic

graph. Then
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj 0 ))}xj ∈V1 , xj 0 ∈V2 .

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from any part,
one vertex is chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
clique number C(N T G). There are two parts. Thus
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj 0 ))}xj ∈V1 , xj 0 ∈V2 .

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

bipartite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to

1. Common Notions

apply the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special
case to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make
more senses about new notions. A complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is
related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.6.10. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (1.16),
a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and
n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 }
is corresponded to clique number C(N T G) but not clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2
and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it doesn’t imply that
S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or
clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other

side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using
the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. There is no
edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. .
Thus it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 } is corresponded to either clique
number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1

and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n2 , n4 }, and {n3 , n4 };

(vi) 3.4 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 }.

Proposition 1.6.11. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic

graph such that t 6= 2. Then
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj1 ) + σi (xj2 ) + · · · + σi (xjt ))}xj1 ∈V1 ,xj2 ∈V2 ,··· , xjt ∈Vt .

1.6. Setting of clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 1.16: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-

Number. 53NTG16

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from any part,
one vertex is chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
clique number C(N T G). There are t parts. Thus
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj1 ) + σi (xj2 ) + · · · + σi (xjt ))}xj1 ∈V1 ,xj2 ∈V2 ,··· , xjt ∈Vt .

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-t-

partite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case
to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more
sense about new notions. A complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is related to
previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 1.6.12. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (1.17), a
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented
in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and
n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 }
is corresponded to clique number C(N T G) but not clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2
and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it doesn’t imply that

1. Common Notions

Figure 1.17: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Neutrosophic-

Number. 53NTG17

S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or

clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other
side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using
the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. There is no
edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. .
Thus it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 } is corresponded to either clique
number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1
and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n2 , n4 }, and {n3 , n4 };
(vi) 3.4 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 }.

1.7 Applications in Time Table and Scheduling

In this section, two applications for time table and scheduling are provided where
the models are either complete models which mean complete connections are
formed as individual and family of complete models with common neutrosophic
vertex set or quasi-complete models which mean quasi-complete connections
are formed as individual and family of quasi-complete models with common
neutrosophic vertex set.
Designing the programs to achieve some goals is general approach to apply on
some issues to function properly. Separation has key role in the context of this

1.8. Case 1: Complete-t-partite Model alongside its clique Number and its
clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 1.18: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number and
its clique Neutrosophic-Number. 53NTG18

style. Separating the duration of work which are consecutive, is the matter and
it has importance to avoid mixing up.

Step 1. (Definition) Time table is an approach to get some attributes to do

the work fast and proper. The style of scheduling implies special attention
to the tasks which are consecutive.

Step 2. (Issue) Scheduling of program has faced with difficulties to differ amid
consecutive sections. Beyond that, sometimes sections are not the same.

Step 3. (Model) The situation is designed as a model. The model uses data to
assign every section and to assign to relation amid sections, three numbers
belong unit interval to state indeterminacy, possibilities and determinacy.
There’s one restriction in that, the numbers amid two sections are at least
the number of the relations amid them. Table (1.1), clarifies about the
assigned numbers to these situations.

Table 1.1: Scheduling concerns its Subjects and its Connections as a neutrosophic
graph in a Model. 53tbl1

Sections of N T G n1 n2 · · · n5
Values (0.7, 0.9, 0.3) (0.4, 0.2, 0.8)· · · (0.4, 0.2, 0.8)
Connections of N T G E1 E2 · · · E6
Values (0.4, 0.2, 0.3) (0.5, 0.2, 0.3)· · · (0.3, 0.2, 0.3)

1.8 Case 1: Complete-t-partite Model alongside its

clique Number and its clique Neutrosophic-Number

Step 4. (Solution) The neutrosophic graph alongside its clique number and
its clique neutrosophic-number as model, propose to use specific number.
Every subject has connection with some subjects. Thus the connection

1. Common Notions

is applied as possible and the model demonstrates quasi-full connections

as quasi-possible. Using the notion of strong on the connection amid
subjects, causes the importance of subject goes in the highest level such
that the value amid two consecutive subjects, is determined by those
subjects. If the configuration is star, the number is different. Also, it
holds for other types such that complete, wheel, path, and cycle. The
collection of situations is another application of clique number and its
clique neutrosophic-number when the notion of family is applied in the way
that all members of family are from same classes of neutrosophic graphs.
As follows, There are five subjects which are represented as Figure (1.18).
This model is strong and even more it’s quasi-complete. And the study
proposes using specific number which is called clique number and clique
neutrosophic-number. There are also some analyses on other numbers in
the way that, the clarification is gained about being special number or
not. Also, in the last part, there is one neutrosophic number to assign
to this model and situation to compare them with same situations to get
more precise. Consider Figure (1.18). In Figure (1.18), an complete-t-
partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in
follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S

but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to
have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. .
Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to clique number
C(N T G) but not clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to
have endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. .
Thus it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to either
clique number C(N T G) or clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it doesn’t imply that
S = {n1 } is corresponded to either clique number C(N T G) or clique
neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2=The number of parts. . Thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to both clique number C(N T G)
and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

1.9. Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A Neutrosophic Graph in the
Viewpoint of its clique Number and its clique Neutrosophic-Number.

Figure 1.19: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number and
its clique Neutrosophic-Number. 53NTG19

(v) 2 is clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 }, {n1 , n3 },
{n2 , n4 }, and {n3 , n4 };
(vi) 3.4 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 }.

1.9 Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A

Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique
Number and its clique Neutrosophic-Number.

Step 4. (Solution) The neutrosophic graph alongside its clique number and
its clique neutrosophic-number as model, propose to use specific number.
Every subject has connection with every given subject in deemed way.
Thus the connection applied as possible and the model demonstrates
full connections as possible between parts but with different view where
symmetry amid vertices and edges are the matters. Using the notion
of strong on the connection amid subjects, causes the importance of
subject goes in the highest level such that the value amid two consecutive
subjects, is determined by those subjects. If the configuration is complete
multipartite, the number is different. Also, it holds for other types such
that star, wheel, path, and cycle. The collection of situations is another
application of clique number and clique neutrosophic-number when the
notion of family is applied in the way that all members of family are
from same classes of neutrosophic graphs. As follows, There are four
subjects which are represented in the formation of one model as Figure
(1.19). This model is neutrosophic strong as individual and even more it’s
complete. And the study proposes using specific number which is called
clique number and clique neutrosophic-number for this model. There are
also some analyses on other numbers in the way that, the clarification is
gained about being special number or not. Also, in the last part, there
is one neutrosophic number to assign to these models as individual. A
model as a collection of situations to compare them with another model
as a collection of situations to get more precise. Consider Figure (1.19).
There is one section for clarifications.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 and n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have

1. Common Notions

two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have

endpoints of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. But it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of
clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. But it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both of
clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .
In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of
an edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. But it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to both of
clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a
need to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There are twelve edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded
to both clique number C(N T G) and clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 4 is clique number and its corresponded sets is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };
(vi) On (N T G) = 5.9 is clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded
set is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }.

1.10 Open Problems

In this section, some questions and problems are proposed to give some avenues
to pursue this study. The structures of the definitions and results give some
ideas to make new settings which are eligible to extend and to create new study.
Notion concerning clique number and clique neutrosophic-number are defined
in neutrosophic graphs. Neutrosophic number is also reused. Thus,
Question 1.10.1. Is it possible to use other types of clique number and clique
Question 1.10.2. Are existed some connections amid different types of clique
number and clique neutrosophic-number in neutrosophic graphs?
Question 1.10.3. Is it possible to construct some classes of neutrosophic graphs
which have “nice” behavior?
Question 1.10.4. Which mathematical notions do make an independent study
to apply these types in neutrosophic graphs?
Problem 1.10.5. Which parameters are related to this parameter?
Problem 1.10.6. Which approaches do work to construct applications to create
independent study?

1.11. Conclusion and Closing Remarks

Problem 1.10.7. Which approaches do work to construct definitions which use

all definitions and the relations amid them instead of separate definitions to
create independent study?

1.11 Conclusion and Closing Remarks

In this section, concluding remarks and closing remarks are represented. The
drawbacks of this article are illustrated. Some benefits and advantages of this
study are highlighted.
This study uses two definitions concerning clique number and clique
neutrosophic-number arising neighborhoods of vertices to study neutrosophic
graphs. New neutrosophic number is reused which is too close to the notion of
neutrosophic number but it’s different since it uses all values as type-summation
on them. Comparisons amid number and edges are done by using neutrosophic
tool. The connections of vertices which aren’t clarified by one edge differ them
from each other and put them in different categories to represent a number

Table 1.2: A Brief Overview about Advantages and Limitations of this study 53tbl2

Advantages Limitations
1. Neutrosophic clique Number 1. Wheel-Neutrosophic Graphs

2. clique Neutrosophic-Number

3. Neutrosophic Number 2. Study on Families

4. Study on Classes of Neutrosophic Graphs

5. Using Neighborhood of Vertices 3. Same Models in Family

which is called clique number and clique neutrosophic-number. Further studies

could be about changes in the settings to compare these notions amid different
settings of neutrosophic graphs theory. One way is finding some relations amid
all definitions of notions to make sensible definitions. In Table (1.2), some
limitations and advantages of this study are pointed out.


Modified Notions

The following sections are cited as [Ref2] which is my 54th manuscript and I
use prefix 54 as number before any labelling for items.

2.1 Failed Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs

2.2 Abstract
New setting is introduced to study neutrosophic failed-clique number and
failed clique neutrosophic-number arising being out of neighborhood of vertices.
Being out of neighbor is a key term to have these notions. Not having all
possible edges amid vertices in a set is a key type of approach to have these
notions namely neutrosophic failed-clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-
number. Two numbers are obtained but now both settings leads to approach
is on demand which is finding smallest set which doesn’t have any vertex
which is neighbor. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then
failed clique number C F (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ)
is minimum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that there are two vertices
in S aren’t endpoints for an edge, simultaneously; failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is minimum
neutrosophic cardinality of a set S of vertices such that there are two vertices
in S aren’t endpoints for an edge, simultaneously. As concluding results, there
are some statements, remarks, examples and clarifications about some classes
of neutrosophic graphs namely path-neutrosophic graphs, cycle-neutrosophic
graphs, complete-neutrosophic graphs, star-neutrosophic graphs, complete-
bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graphs. The
clarifications are also presented in both sections “Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-
Clique Number,” and “Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number,” for
introduced results and used classes. Neutrosophic number is reused in this
way. It’s applied to use the type of neutrosophic number in the way that,
three values of a vertex are used and they’ve same share to construct this
number to compare with other vertices. Summation of three values of vertex
makes one number and applying it to a comparison. This approach facilitates
identifying vertices which form neutrosophic failed-clique number and failed
clique neutrosophic-number arising being out of neighborhood of vertices. In
path-neutrosophic graphs, two vertices which aren’t neighbors, form minimal set
but with slightly differences, in cycle-neutrosophic graphs, two vertices which

2. Modified Notions

aren’t neighbors form minimal set. Other classes have same approaches. In
complete-neutrosophic graphs, an empty set leads us to neutrosophic failed-
clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number. In star-neutrosophic
graphs, a set of vertices containing only two vertices which aren’t neighbors,
makes minimal set. In complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs, a set of vertices
including two vertices from same part makes intended set but with slightly
differences, in complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graphs, a set of two vertices from
same part makes intended set. In both settings, some classes of well-known
neutrosophic graphs are studied. Some clarifications for each result and each
definition are provided. Using basic set to extend this set to set of all vertices has
key role to have these notions in the form of neutrosophic failed-clique number
and failed clique neutrosophic-number arising being out of neighborhood of
vertices. The cardinality of a set has eligibility to neutrosophic failed-clique
number but the neutrosophic cardinality of a set has eligibility to call failed
clique neutrosophic-number. Some results get more frameworks and perspective
about these definitions. The way in that, two vertices have no connection amid
each other, opens the way to do some approaches. A vertex could affect on
other vertex but there’s no usage of edges. These notions are applied into
neutrosophic graphs as individuals but not family of them as drawbacks for
these notions. Finding special neutrosophic graphs which are well-known, is
an open way to pursue this study. Some problems are proposed to pursue this
study. Basic familiarities with graph theory and neutrosophic graph theory are
proposed for this article.
Keywords: Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number, Failed Clique Neutrosophic-

Number, Minimal Set

AMS Subject Classification: 05C17, 05C22, 05E45

2.3 Motivation and Contributions

In this study, there’s an idea which could be considered as a motivation.
Question 2.3.1. Is it possible to use mixed versions of ideas concerning
“Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number”, “Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number” and
“Neutrosophic Graph” to define some notions which are applied to neutrosophic
It’s motivation to find notions to use in any classes of neutrosophic graphs.
Real-world applications about time table and scheduling are another thoughts
which lead to be considered as motivation. Lack of connection amid two
vertices have key roles to assign neutrosophic failed-clique number and failed
clique neutrosophic-number arising being out of neighborhood of vertices. Thus
they’re used to define new ideas which conclude to the structure neutrosophic
failed-clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number arising being out
of neighborhood of vertices. The concept of having edge and extra condition
inspire us to study the behavior of vertices in the way that, some types of
numbers, neutrosophic failed-clique number, failed clique neutrosophic-number
arising arising being out of neighborhood of vertices are the cases of study in
the setting of individuals. In both settings, a corresponded number concludes
the discussion. Also, there are some avenues to extend these notions.

2.4. Preliminaries

The framework of this study is as follows. In the beginning, I introduce

basic definitions to clarify about preliminaries. In subsection “Preliminaries”,
new notions of neutrosophic failed-clique number, failed clique neutrosophic-
number are highlighted, are introduced and are clarified as individuals.
In section “Preliminaries”, sets of vertices have the key role in this way.
General results are obtained and also, the results about the basic notions
of neutrosophic failed-clique number, failed clique neutrosophic-number are
elicited. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are studied in the terms
of neutrosophic failed-clique number, in section “Setting of Neutrosophic
Failed-Clique Number,” as individuals. In section “Setting of Failed Clique
Neutrosophic-Number,” failed clique neutrosophic-number is applied into
individuals. As concluding results, there are some statements, remarks, examples
and clarifications about some classes of neutrosophic graphs namely path-
neutrosophic graphs, cycle-neutrosophic graphs, complete-neutrosophic graphs,
star-neutrosophic graphs, complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and complete-
t-partite-neutrosophic graphs. The clarifications are also presented in both
sections “Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number,” and “Setting of Failed
Clique Neutrosophic-Number,” for introduced results and used classes. In
section “Applications in Time Table and Scheduling”, two applications are
posed for quasi-complete and complete notions, namely complete-t-neutrosophic
graphs and complete-neutrosophic graphs concerning time table and scheduling
when the suspicions are about choosing some subjects and the mentioned models
are considered as individual. In section “Open Problems”, some problems and
questions for further studies are proposed. In section “Conclusion and Closing
Remarks”, gentle discussion about results and applications is featured. In section
“Conclusion and Closing Remarks”, a brief overview concerning advantages and
limitations of this study alongside conclusions is formed.

2.4 Preliminaries
In this subsection, basic material which is used in this article, is presented.
Also, new ideas and their clarifications are elicited.
Basic idea is about the model which is used. First definition introduces basic
Definition 2.4.1. (Graph).
G = (V, E) is called a graph if V is a set of objects and E is a subset of V × V
(E is a set of 2-subsets of V ) where V is called vertex set and E is called
edge set. Every two vertices have been corresponded to at most one edge.
Neutrosophic graph is the foundation of results in this paper which is defined
as follows. Also, some related notions are demonstrated.
Definition 2.4.2. (Neutrosophic Graph And Its Special Case).
N T G = (V, E, σ = (σ1 , σ2 , σ3 ), µ = (µ1 , µ2 , µ3 )) is called a neutrosophic
graph if it’s graph, σi : V → [0, 1], and µi : E → [0, 1]. We add one condition
on it and we use special case of neutrosophic graph but with same name. The
added condition is as follows, for every vi vj ∈ E,
µ(vi vj ) ≤ σ(vi ) ∧ σ(vj ).
(i) : σ is called neutrosophic vertex set.

2. Modified Notions

(ii) : µ is called neutrosophic edge set.

(iii) : |V | is called order of NTG and it’s denoted by O(N T G).
(iv) : v∈V σ(v) is called neutrosophic order of NTG and it’s denoted by
On (N T G).
(v) : |E| is called size of NTG and it’s denoted by S(N T G).
P P3
(vi) : e∈E i=1 µi (e) is called neutrosophic size of NTG and it’s denoted
by Sn (N T G).
Some classes of well-known neutrosophic graphs are defined. These classes
of neutrosophic graphs are used to form this study and the most results are
about them.
Definition 2.4.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then
(i) : a sequence of vertices P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is called path where xi xi+1 ∈
E, i = 0, 1, · · · , n − 1;
(ii) : strength of path P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is i=0,··· ,n−1 µ(xi xi+1 );
(iii) : connectedness amid vertices x0 and xt is
_ ^
µ∞ (x0 , xt ) = µ(xi xi+1 );
P :x0 ,x1 ,··· ,xt i=0,··· ,t−1

(iv) : a sequence of vertices P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is called cycle where xi xi+1 ∈

E, i = 0, 1, · · · , V
n − 1 and there are two edges xy and uv such that
µ(xy) = µ(uv) = i=0,1,··· ,n−1 µ(vi vi+1 );
(v) : it’s t-partite where V is partitioned to t parts, V1s1 , V2s2 , · · · , Vtst and
the edge xy implies x ∈ Visi and y ∈ Vj j where i 6= j. If it’s complete,
then it’s denoted by Kσ1 ,σ2 ,··· ,σt where σi is σ on Visi instead V which
mean x 6∈ Vi induces σi (x) = 0. Also, |Vjsi | = si ;
(vi) : t-partite is complete bipartite if t = 2, and it’s denoted by Kσ1 ,σ2 ;
(vii) : complete bipartite is star if |V1 | = 1, and it’s denoted by S1,σ2 ;
(viii) : a vertex in V is center if the vertex joins to all vertices of a cycle. Then
it’s wheel and it’s denoted by W1,σ2 ;
(ix) : it’s complete where ∀uv ∈ V, µ(uv) = σ(u) ∧ σ(v);
(x) : it’s strong where ∀uv ∈ E, µ(uv) = σ(u) ∧ σ(v).
The natural way proposes us to use the restriction “minimum” instead of
Definition 2.4.4. (Failed Clique Number).
Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then
(i) failed clique number C F (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G :
(V, E, σ, µ) is minimum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that there
are two vertices in S aren’t endpoints for an edge, simultaneously;

2.4. Preliminaries

(ii) failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G) for a neutrosophic

graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is minimum neutrosophic cardinality of a set S
of vertices such that there are two vertices in S aren’t endpoints for an
edge, simultaneously.

For convenient usages, the word neutrosophic which is used in previous

definition, won’t be used, usually.
In next part, clarifications about main definition are given. To avoid confusion
and for convenient usages, examples are usually used after every part and names
are used in the way that, abbreviation, simplicity, and summarization are the
matters of mind.
Example 2.4.5. In Figure (2.1), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it implies that
S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed clique number C F (N T G)
and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it implies that
S = {n2 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed clique number C F (N T G)
and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In

other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So
by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it
implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed clique number
C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are twelve edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both
failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(v) 0 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets is {};

(vi) On (N T G) = 0 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded

set is {}.

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.1: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique number
and its Failed Clique neutrosophic-number. 54NTG1

2.5 Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number

In this section, I provide some results in the setting of neutrosophic
failed-clique number. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are chosen.
Complete-neutrosophic graph, path-neutrosophic graph, cycle-neutrosophic
graph, and star-neutrosophic graph, bipartite-neutrosophic graph, and t-partite-
neutrosophic graph, are both of cases of study and classes which the results are
about them.
Proposition 2.5.1. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-neutrosophic graph.

C F (N T G) = 0.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-neutrosophic graph. Every

vertex is a neighbor for every given vertex. Assume |S| > 2. Then there are x, y
and z in S such that they’re endpoints of an edge, simultaneously, and they
form a triangle. In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge. There are all possible edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies
that S = {ni }|S|=0 is corresponded to clique number. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. A complete-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result
and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.5.2. In Figure (2.2), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.

2.5. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number

Figure 2.2: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 54NTG2

So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.

There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus
it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed clique
number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 .
Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither failed clique
number C F (N T G) nor failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .

In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither
failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus there are twelve edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t
corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed clique
neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 0 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets is {};

(vi) On (N T G) = 0 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded

set is {}.

Proposition 2.5.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a path-neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

2. Modified Notions

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

C F (N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a path-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex.

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices. By it’s path-neutrosophic

graph, two vertices are neighbors. So they’re endpoints of an edge. At
least two vertices are needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then there’re two vertices x and y such that x and y
aren’t endpoints of an edge. So lower bound is obtained for failed clique
number. It implies
C F (N T G) = 2.

Example 2.5.4. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (2.3), an odd-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);

2.5. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number

(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n3 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n3 , n5 } is corresponded to
both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, and {n3 , n5 };
(vi) 1.9 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n3 , n5 }.
(b) In Figure (2.4), an even-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.3: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 54NTG3

Figure 2.4: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 54NTG4

of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive

endpoints from S but n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to
neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n3 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n5 and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n3 , n6 }
is corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n1 , n6 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n2 , n6 }, {n3 , n5 },
{n3 , n6 }, and {n4 , n6 };
(vi) 2.6 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets
are {n2 , n4 } and {n3 , n6 }.

Proposition 2.5.5. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Then

2.5. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) = 3, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(v) if O(N T G) ≥ 4, then

C F (N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex.

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices. By it’s cycle-neutrosophic

graph, it’s contradiction. Since if it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, then
O(N T G) 6= 2. In other words, it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, then
O(N T G) ≥ 3. At least two vertices are needed to have new notion
but at least three vertices are needed to have cycle-neutrosophic graph.
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) = 3, then, by it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, there aren’t two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(v) if O(N T G) ≥ 4, then, by it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, there are two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. Thus
lower bound is achieved for failed clique number. It implies

C F (N T G) = 2.

2. Modified Notions

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. An odd-cycle-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. An even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is related to previous
result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.5.6. There are two sections for clarifications.
(a) In Figure (2.5), an even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. But n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for any given
edge. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n5 }
is corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n2 , n6 }, {n3 , n5 }, {n3 , n6 },
and {n4 , n6 };
(vi) 1.3 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n5 }.
(b) In Figure (2.6), an odd-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

2.5. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. But n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given
edge. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n2 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 thus it implies that S = {n2 , n5 }
is corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 }, {n1 , n4 },
{n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, and {n3 , n5 };
(vi) 2.8 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n2 , n5 }.

Proposition 2.5.7. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a star-neutrosophic graph with

center c. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.5: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 54NTG5

Figure 2.6: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 54NTG6

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

C F (N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a star-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. Every vertex is a neighbor for center.
Furthermore, center is only neighbor for any given vertex. So center is only
neighbor for all vertices. There are at least three vertices x, y and z such that
if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t neighbors and x is center.
Thus there is no triangle but there’s two edges. One edge has two endpoints
which one of them is always center.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such that one of them is
center and these two vertices are neighbors. At least two vertices are

2.5. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number

needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s star-neutrosophic graph, there are two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. Thus
lower bound is achieved for failed clique number. It implies
C F (N T G) = 2.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A star-neutrosophic
graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it.
To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to apply definitions and
results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense about new notions. A
star-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.5.8. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (2.7), a star-
neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in follow-up
items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies
that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to failed clique number C F (N T G) but
not failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus It doesn’t imply that S = {n3 , n5 } is corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G)−1 so by using
the members either n1 , n3 or n1 , n4 or n1 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n1 n3 or n1 n4 or n1 n5 . There are three edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. n3 and n4 aren’t endpoints for every given
edge. But S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 }
is corresponded to either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique
neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n2 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2
thus it implies that S = {n2 , n5 } is corresponded to both of failed clique
number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.7: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique Number. 54NTG7

(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 },
{n2 , n5 }, {n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 }, and {n4 , n5 };

(vi) 2.4 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is

{n2 , n5 }.

Proposition 2.5.9. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic

graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

C F (N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from a part,
two vertices are chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
failed clique number C F (N T G). There are two parts. Thus there is no triangle.

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

2.5. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such these two vertices are
neighbors since they’re from different parts. At least two vertices are
needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph, there

are two vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge
since they belong to same part. Thus lower bound is achieved for failed
clique number. It implies

C F (N T G) = 2.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

bipartite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to
apply the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special
case to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make
more senses about new notions. A complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is
related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.5.10. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (2.8),
a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 , n3

and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In

other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So
by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 . Thus
it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to either failed clique number
C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.8: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 54NTG8

edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 .

Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n4 } is corresponded to both failed clique
number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n4 }, and
{n2 , n3 };

(vi) 2.4 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets are
{n1 , n4 }, and {n2 , n3 }.

Proposition 2.5.11. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic

graph such that t 6= 2. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

C F (N T G) = 2.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from one part,
two vertices are chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
failed clique number C F (N T G). There are t parts. But it doesn’t matter when
t ≥ 2.

2.5. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such that these two vertices
are neighbors. At least two vertices are needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s complete-t-neutrosophic graph, there are

two vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge since
they belong to same part. Thus lower bound is achieved for failed clique
number. It implies
C F (N T G) = 2.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-t-

partite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case
to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more
sense about new notions. A complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is related to
previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.5.12. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (2.9), a
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented
in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 , n3

and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In

other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So
by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.9: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 54NTG9

There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 . Thus

it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to either failed clique number
C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 .
Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n4 } is corresponded to both failed clique
number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n4 }, and
{n2 , n3 };

(vi) 2.4 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets are
{n1 , n4 }, and {n2 , n3 }.

2.6 Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number

In this section, I provide some results in the setting of failed clique
neutrosophic-number. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are chosen.
Complete-neutrosophic graph, path-neutrosophic graph, cycle-neutrosophic
graph, and star-neutrosophic graph, bipartite-neutrosophic graph, and t-partite-
neutrosophic graph, are both of cases of study and classes which the results are
about them.
Proposition 2.6.1. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-neutrosophic graph.

CnF (N T G) = 0.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-neutrosophic graph. Every

vertex is a neighbor for every given vertex. Assume |S| > 2. Then there are x, y
and z in S such that they’re endpoints of an edge, simultaneously, and they

2.6. Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number

form a triangle. In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge. There are all possible edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies
that S = {ni }|S|=0 is corresponded to clique number. Thus

CnF (N T G) = 0.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. A complete-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result
and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.6.2. In Figure (2.10), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus
it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed clique
number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 .
Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither failed clique
number C F (N T G) nor failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .

In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither
failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus there are twelve edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t
corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed clique
neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 0 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets is {};

(vi) On (N T G) = 0 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded

set is {}.

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.10: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique

Number. 54NTG10

Proposition 2.6.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a path-neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

X3 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a path-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex.

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices. By it’s path-neutrosophic

graph, two vertices are neighbors. So they’re endpoints of an edge. At
least two vertices are needed to have new notion. Thus

CnF (N T G) = 0;

2.6. Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then there’re two vertices x and y such that x and y
aren’t endpoints of an edge. So lower bound is obtained for failed clique
number. It implies
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

Example 2.6.4. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (2.11), an odd-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n3 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n3 , n5 } is corresponded to
both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, and {n3 , n5 };
(vi) 1.9 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n3 , n5 }.

2. Modified Notions

(b) In Figure (2.12), an even-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S but n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to
neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n3 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n5 and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n3 , n6 }
is corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n1 , n6 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n2 , n6 }, {n3 , n5 },
{n3 , n6 }, and {n4 , n6 };
(vi) 2.6 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets
are {n2 , n4 } and {n3 , n6 }.

Proposition 2.6.5. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

2.6. Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 2.11: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique

Number. 54NTG11

Figure 2.12: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique

Number. 54NTG12

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) = 3, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(v) if O(N T G) ≥ 4, then

X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

CnF (N T G) = 0;

2. Modified Notions

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices. By it’s cycle-neutrosophic

graph, it’s contradiction. Since if it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, then
O(N T G) 6= 2. In other words, it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, then
O(N T G) ≥ 3. At least two vertices are needed to have new notion
but at least three vertices are needed to have cycle-neutrosophic graph.
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) = 3, then, by it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, there aren’t two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. It implies

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(v) if O(N T G) ≥ 4, then, by it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, there are two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. Thus
lower bound is achieved for failed clique number. It implies
X3 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. An odd-cycle-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. An even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is related to previous
result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.6.6. There are two sections for clarifications.
(a) In Figure (2.13), an even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);

2.6. Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number

(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in

S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. But n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for any given
edge. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n5 }
is corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 },
{n1 , n4 }, {n1 , n5 }, {n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, {n2 , n6 }, {n3 , n5 }, {n3 , n6 },
and {n4 , n6 };
(vi) 1.3 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n5 }.

(b) In Figure (2.14), an odd-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
failed clique number C F (N T G) but not failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. But n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given
edge. S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.13: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique

Number. 54NTG13

Figure 2.14: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique

Number. 54NTG14

(iv) if S = {n2 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S

but n2 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 thus it implies that S = {n2 , n5 }
is corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n3 }, {n1 , n4 },
{n2 , n4 }, {n2 , n5 }, and {n3 , n5 };
(vi) 2.8 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n2 , n5 }.

Proposition 2.6.7. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a star-neutrosophic graph with

center c. Then
(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

2.6. Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a star-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. Every vertex is a neighbor for center.
Furthermore, center is only neighbor for any given vertex. So center is only
neighbor for all vertices. There are at least three vertices x, y and z such that
if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t neighbors and x is center.
Thus there is no triangle but there’s two edges. One edge has two endpoints
which one of them is always center.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such that one of them is
center and these two vertices are neighbors. At least two vertices are
needed to have new notion. Thus

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s star-neutrosophic graph, there are two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. Thus
lower bound is achieved for failed clique number. It implies
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A star-neutrosophic

graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it.
To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to apply definitions and
results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense about new notions. A
star-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it, too.

2. Modified Notions

Example 2.6.8. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (2.15), a star-
neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in follow-up
items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 implies
that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to failed clique number C F (N T G) but
not failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus It doesn’t imply that S = {n3 , n5 } is corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G)−1 so by using
the members either n1 , n3 or n1 , n4 or n1 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n1 n3 or n1 n4 or n1 n5 . There are three edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. n3 and n4 aren’t endpoints for every given
edge. But S = {ni }|S|6=2 thus it doesn’t imply that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 }
is corresponded to either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique
neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n2 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2
thus it implies that S = {n2 , n5 } is corresponded to both of failed clique
number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n2 , n3 }, {n2 , n4 },
{n2 , n5 }, {n3 , n4 }, {n3 , n5 }, and {n4 , n5 };

(vi) 2.4 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is

{n2 , n5 }.

Proposition 2.6.9. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic

graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

2.6. Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 2.15: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed Clique

Number. 54NTG15

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;
(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from a part,
two vertices are chosen to be only members of S is a set which its neutrosophic
cardinality is failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G). There are two parts.
Thus there is no triangle.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
CnF (N T G) = 0;
(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such these two vertices are
neighbors since they’re from different parts. At least two vertices are
needed to have new notion. Thus
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph, there

are two vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge
since they belong to same part. Thus lower bound is achieved for failed
clique number. It implies
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

2. Modified Notions

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

bipartite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to
apply the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special
case to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make
more senses about new notions. A complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is
related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.6.10. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (2.16),
a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 , n3

and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In

other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So
by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 . Thus
it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to either failed clique number
C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 .
Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n4 } is corresponded to both failed clique
number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n4 }, and
{n2 , n3 };

(vi) 2.4 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets are
{n1 , n4 }, and {n2 , n3 }.

Proposition 2.6.11. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic

graph such that t 6= 2. Then

2.6. Setting of Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 2.16: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 54NTG16

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from one part,
two vertices are chosen to be only members of S is a set which its neutrosophic
cardinality is failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G). There are t parts.
But it doesn’t matter when t ≥ 2.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such that these two vertices
are neighbors. At least two vertices are needed to have new notion. Thus

CnF (N T G) = 0;

2. Modified Notions

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s complete-t-neutrosophic graph, there are

two vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge since
they belong to same part. Thus lower bound is achieved for failed clique
number. It implies
X3 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y)}xy6∈E .
i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-t-
partite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case
to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more
sense about new notions. A complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is related to
previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 2.6.12. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (2.17), a
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented
in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 , n3
and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=2 . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In
other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So
by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 . Thus
it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to either failed clique number
C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 .
Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n4 } is corresponded to both failed clique
number C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n4 }, and
{n2 , n3 };

2.7. Applications in Time Table and Scheduling

Figure 2.17: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its clique Number. 54NTG17

(vi) 2.4 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets are
{n1 , n4 }, and {n2 , n3 }.

2.7 Applications in Time Table and Scheduling

In this section, two applications for time table and scheduling are provided where
the models are either complete models which mean complete connections are
formed as individual and family of complete models with common neutrosophic
vertex set or quasi-complete models which mean quasi-complete connections
are formed as individual and family of quasi-complete models with common
neutrosophic vertex set.
Designing the programs to achieve some goals is general approach to apply on
some issues to function properly. Separation has key role in the context of this
style. Separating the duration of work which are consecutive, is the matter and
it has importance to avoid mixing up.

Step 1. (Definition) Time table is an approach to get some attributes to do

the work fast and proper. The style of scheduling implies special attention
to the tasks which are consecutive.

Step 2. (Issue) Scheduling of program has faced with difficulties to differ amid
consecutive sections. Beyond that, sometimes sections are not the same.

Step 3. (Model) The situation is designed as a model. The model uses data to
assign every section and to assign to relation amid sections, three numbers
belong unit interval to state indeterminacy, possibilities and determinacy.
There’s one restriction in that, the numbers amid two sections are at least
the number of the relations amid them. Table (3.1), clarifies about the
assigned numbers to these situations.

2. Modified Notions

Table 2.1: Scheduling concerns its Subjects and its Connections as a neutrosophic
graph in a Model. 54tbl1

Sections of N T G n1 n2 · · · n5
Values (0.7, 0.9, 0.3) (0.4, 0.2, 0.8)· · · (0.4, 0.2, 0.8)
Connections of N T G E1 E2 · · · E6
Values (0.4, 0.2, 0.3) (0.5, 0.2, 0.3)· · · (0.3, 0.2, 0.3)

Figure 2.18: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its failed clique number
and its failed clique neutrosophic-number. 54NTG18

2.8 Case 1: Complete-t-partite Model alongside its

failed clique number and its failed clique

Step 4. (Solution) The neutrosophic graph alongside its failed clique number
and its failed clique neutrosophic-number as model, propose to use specific
number. Every subject has connection with some subjects. Thus the
connection is applied as possible and the model demonstrates quasi-full
connections as quasi-possible. Using the notion of strong on the connection
amid subjects, causes the importance of subject goes in the highest level
such that the value amid two consecutive subjects, is determined by those
subjects. If the configuration is star, the number is different. Also, it holds
for other types such that complete, wheel, path, and cycle. The collection
of situations is another application of failed clique number and its failed
clique neutrosophic-number when the notion of family is applied in the
way that all members of family are from same classes of neutrosophic
graphs. As follows, There are five subjects which are represented as Figure
(2.18). This model is strong and even more it’s quasi-complete. And the
study proposes using specific number which is called failed clique number
and failed clique neutrosophic-number. There are also some analyses on
other numbers in the way that, the clarification is gained about being
special number or not. Also, in the last part, there is one neutrosophic
number to assign to this model and situation to compare them with same

2.9. Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A Neutrosophic Graph in the
Viewpoint of its failed clique number and its failed clique neutrosophic-number.
situations to get more precise. Consider Figure (2.18). In Figure (2.18),
an complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to
have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 but it doesn’t imply
that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to either failed clique number
C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to
have endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2 . Thus it implies that
S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to either failed clique number
C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .
In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints
of an edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=2 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to
either failed clique number C F (N T G) or failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There is no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n4 }
is corresponded to both failed clique number C F (N T G) and failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 2 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n4 }, and
{n2 , n3 };
(vi) 2.4 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets
are {n1 , n4 }, and {n2 , n3 }.

2.9 Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A

Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its failed clique
number and its failed clique neutrosophic-number.

Step 4. (Solution) The neutrosophic graph alongside its failed clique number
and its failed clique neutrosophic-number as model, propose to use specific
number. Every subject has connection with every given subject in deemed
way. Thus the connection applied as possible and the model demonstrates
full connections as possible between parts but with different view where
symmetry amid vertices and edges are the matters. Using the notion
of strong on the connection amid subjects, causes the importance of

2. Modified Notions

Figure 2.19: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its failed clique number
and its failed clique neutrosophic-number. 54NTG19

subject goes in the highest level such that the value amid two consecutive
subjects, is determined by those subjects. If the configuration is complete
multipartite, the number is different. Also, it holds for other types such
that star, wheel, path, and cycle. The collection of situations is another
application of failed clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number
when the notion of family is applied in the way that all members of family
are from same classes of neutrosophic graphs. As follows, There are four
subjects which are represented in the formation of one model as Figure
(2.19). This model is neutrosophic strong as individual and even more
it’s complete. And the study proposes using specific number which is
called failed clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number for this
model. There are also some analyses on other numbers in the way that,
the clarification is gained about being special number or not. Also, in the
last part, there is one neutrosophic number to assign to these models as
individual. A model as a collection of situations to compare them with
another model as a collection of situations to get more precise. Consider
Figure (2.19). There is one section for clarifications.
(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n2 }
isn’t corresponded to both of failed clique number C F (N T G) and
failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 }
is corresponded to neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .
In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from

2.10. Open Problems

S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded to

neither failed clique number C F (N T G) nor failed clique neutrosophic-
number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s
possible to have endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus there
are twelve edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that
S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both failed clique number
C F (N T G) and failed clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 0 is failed clique number and its corresponded sets is {};
(vi) On (N T G) = 0 is failed clique neutrosophic-number and its
corresponded set is {}.

2.10 Open Problems

In this section, some questions and problems are proposed to give some avenues
to pursue this study. The structures of the definitions and results give some
ideas to make new settings which are eligible to extend and to create new study.
Notion concerning failed clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number
are defined in neutrosophic graphs. Neutrosophic number is also reused. Thus,
Question 2.10.1. Is it possible to use other types of failed clique number and
failed clique neutrosophic-number?
Question 2.10.2. Are existed some connections amid different types of failed
clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number in neutrosophic graphs?
Question 2.10.3. Is it possible to construct some classes of neutrosophic graphs
which have “nice” behavior?
Question 2.10.4. Which mathematical notions do make an independent study
to apply these types in neutrosophic graphs?
Problem 2.10.5. Which parameters are related to this parameter?
Problem 2.10.6. Which approaches do work to construct applications to create
independent study?
Problem 2.10.7. Which approaches do work to construct definitions which use
all definitions and the relations amid them instead of separate definitions to
create independent study?

2.11 Conclusion and Closing Remarks

In this section, concluding remarks and closing remarks are represented. The
drawbacks of this article are illustrated. Some benefits and advantages of this
study are highlighted.
This study uses two definitions concerning failed clique number and failed clique
neutrosophic-number arising neighborhoods of vertices to study neutrosophic
graphs. New neutrosophic number is reused which is too close to the notion of
neutrosophic number but it’s different since it uses all values as type-summation

2. Modified Notions

on them. Comparisons amid number and edges are done by using neutrosophic
tool. The connections of vertices which aren’t clarified by one edge differ them
from each other and put them in different categories to represent a number

Table 2.2: A Brief Overview about Advantages and Limitations of this Study 54tbl2

Advantages Limitations
1. Neutrosophic Failed-Clique Number 1. Wheel-Neutrosophic Graphs

2. Failed Clique Neutrosophic-Nnumber

3. Neutrosophic Number 2. Study on Families

4. Study on Classes of Neutrosophic Graphs

5. Using Neighborhood of Vertices 3. Same Models in Family

which is called failed clique number and failed clique neutrosophic-number.

Further studies could be about changes in the settings to compare these notions
amid different settings of neutrosophic graphs theory. One way is finding some
relations amid all definitions of notions to make sensible definitions. In Table
(2.2), some limitations and advantages of this study are pointed out.


Extended Notions

The following sections are cited as [Ref3] which is my 55th manuscript and I
use prefix 55 as number before any labelling for items.

3.1 (Failed) 1-Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs

3.2 Abstract
New setting is introduced to study 1-clique number, 1-clique neutrosophic-
number, failed 1-clique number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number arising
being (out of) neighborhood of vertices. Being (out of) neighbor is a key
term to have these notions. Not having all possible edges amid vertices in
a set is a key type of approach to have these notions namely neutrosophic
failed-1-clique number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number. Two numbers
are obtained but now both settings leads to approach is on demand which
is finding (biggest) smallest set which (doesn’t) have any vertex which is
neighbor. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then 1-clique
number C(N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is maximum
cardinality of a set S of vertices such that every two vertices of S are endpoints
for an edge, simultaneously. It holds extra condition which is as follows: two
vertices have no edge in common are considered as exception but only for
one time; 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph
N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is maximum neutrosophic cardinality of a set S of vertices
such that every two vertices of S are endpoints for an edge, simultaneously.
It holds extra condition which is as follows: two vertices have no edge in
common are considered as exception but only for one time; failed 1-clique
number C F (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is minimum
cardinality of a set S of vertices such that there are two vertices in S aren’t
endpoints for an edge, simultaneously. It holds extra condition which is as
follows: two vertices have no edge in common are considered as exception
but only for one time; failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G) for a
neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is minimum neutrosophic cardinality
of a set S of vertices such that there are two vertices in S aren’t endpoints
for an edge, simultaneously. It holds extra condition which is as follows: two
vertices have no edge in common are considered as exception but only for one
time. As concluding results, there are some statements, remarks, examples
and clarifications about some classes of neutrosophic graphs namely path-

3. Extended Notions

neutrosophic graphs, cycle-neutrosophic graphs, complete-neutrosophic graphs,

star-neutrosophic graphs, complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and complete-
t-partite-neutrosophic graphs. The clarifications are also presented in both
sections “Setting of Neutrosophic (Failed)1-clique Number,” and “Setting of
(Failed) 1-clique Neutrosophic-Number,” for introduced results and used classes.
Neutrosophic number is reused in this way. It’s applied to use the type of
neutrosophic number in the way that, three values of a vertex are used and
they’ve same share to construct this number to compare with other vertices.
Summation of three values of vertex makes one number and applying it to a
comparison. This approach facilitates identifying vertices which form 1-clique
number, 1-clique neutrosophic-number, failed 1-clique number and failed 1-
clique neutrosophic-number arising being (out of) neighborhood of vertices.
In both settings, some classes of well-known neutrosophic graphs are studied.
Some clarifications for each result and each definition are provided. Using
basic set to extend this set to set of all vertices has key role to have these
notions in the form of 1-clique number, 1-clique neutrosophic-number, failed
1-clique number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number arising being (out of)
neighborhood of vertices. The cardinality of a set has eligibility to neutrosophic
(failed)-1-clique number but the neutrosophic cardinality of a set has eligibility
to call (failed) 1-clique neutrosophic-number. Some results get more frameworks
and perspective about these definitions. The way in that, two vertices have
no connection amid each other, opens the way to do some approaches. A
vertex could affect on other vertex but there’s no usage of edges. These notions
are applied into neutrosophic graphs as individuals but not family of them as
drawbacks for these notions. Finding special neutrosophic graphs which are
well-known, is an open way to pursue this study. Some problems are proposed
to pursue this study. Basic familiarities with graph theory and neutrosophic
graph theory are proposed for this article.
Keywords: Neutrosophic (Failed-)1-clique Number, (Failed) 1-clique

Neutrosophic-Number, (Maximal) Minimal Set

AMS Subject Classification: 05C17, 05C22, 05E45

3.3 Motivation and Contributions

In this study, there’s an idea which could be considered as a motivation.
Question 3.3.1. Is it possible to use mixed versions of ideas concerning
“Neutrosophic (Failed)-1-clique Number”, “(Failed) 1-clique Neutrosophic-
Number” and “Neutrosophic Graph” to define some notions which are applied
to neutrosophic graphs?
It’s motivation to find notions to use in any classes of neutrosophic graphs.
Real-world applications about time table and scheduling are another thoughts
which lead to be considered as motivation. Lack of connection amid two vertices
have key roles to assign neutrosophic (failed)-1-clique number and (failed) 1-
clique neutrosophic-number arising being out of neighborhood of vertices. Thus
they’re used to define new ideas which conclude to the structure neutrosophic
(failed)-1-clique number and (failed) 1-clique neutrosophic-number arising being
out of neighborhood of vertices. The concept of having edge and extra condition

3.4. Preliminaries

inspire us to study the behavior of vertices in the way that, some types of
numbers, neutrosophic (failed)-1-clique number, (failed) 1-clique neutrosophic-
number arising arising being out of neighborhood of vertices are the cases of
study in the setting of individuals. In both settings, a corresponded number
concludes the discussion. Also, there are some avenues to extend these notions.
The framework of this study is as follows. In the beginning, I introduce basic
definitions to clarify about preliminaries. In subsection “Preliminaries”, new
notions of neutrosophic (failed)-1-clique number, (failed) 1-clique neutrosophic-
number are highlighted, are introduced and are clarified as individuals. In section
“Preliminaries”, sets of vertices have the key role in this way. General results are
obtained and also, the results about the basic notions of neutrosophic (failed)-1-
clique number, (failed) 1-clique neutrosophic-number are elicited. Some classes
of neutrosophic graphs are studied in the terms of neutrosophic (failed)-1-clique
number, in section “Setting of Neutrosophic (Failed)-1-clique Number,” as
individuals. In section “Setting of (Failed) 1-clique Neutrosophic-Number,”
(failed) 1-clique neutrosophic-number is applied into individuals. As concluding
results, there are some statements, remarks, examples and clarifications about
some classes of neutrosophic graphs namely path-neutrosophic graphs, cycle-
neutrosophic graphs, complete-neutrosophic graphs, star-neutrosophic graphs,
complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graphs and complete-t-partite-neutrosophic
graphs. The clarifications are also presented in both sections “Setting of
Neutrosophic (Failed)-1-clique Number,” and “Setting of (Failed) 1-clique
Neutrosophic-Number,” for introduced results and used classes. In section
“Applications in Time Table and Scheduling”, two applications are posed for
quasi-complete and complete notions, namely complete-t-neutrosophic graphs
and complete-neutrosophic graphs concerning time table and scheduling when
the suspicions are about choosing some subjects and the mentioned models
are considered as individual. In section “Open Problems”, some problems
and questions for further studies are proposed. In section “Conclusion and
Closing Remarks”, gentle discussion about results and applications is featured.
In section “Conclusion and Closing Remarks”, a brief overview concerning
advantages and limitations of this study alongside conclusions is formed.

3.4 Preliminaries
In this subsection, basic material which is used in this article, is presented.
Also, new ideas and their clarifications are elicited.
Basic idea is about the model which is used. First definition introduces basic
Definition 3.4.1. (Graph).
G = (V, E) is called a graph if V is a set of objects and E is a subset of V × V
(E is a set of 2-subsets of V ) where V is called vertex set and E is called
edge set. Every two vertices have been corresponded to at most one edge.
Neutrosophic graph is the foundation of results in this paper which is defined
as follows. Also, some related notions are demonstrated.
Definition 3.4.2. (Neutrosophic Graph And Its Special Case).
N T G = (V, E, σ = (σ1 , σ2 , σ3 ), µ = (µ1 , µ2 , µ3 )) is called a neutrosophic
graph if it’s graph, σi : V → [0, 1], and µi : E → [0, 1]. We add one condition

3. Extended Notions

on it and we use special case of neutrosophic graph but with same name. The
added condition is as follows, for every vi vj ∈ E,

µ(vi vj ) ≤ σ(vi ) ∧ σ(vj ).

(i) : σ is called neutrosophic vertex set.

(ii) : µ is called neutrosophic edge set.
(iii) : |V | is called order of NTG and it’s denoted by O(N T G).
(iv) : v∈V σ(v) is called neutrosophic order of NTG and it’s denoted by
On (N T G).
(v) : |E| is called size of NTG and it’s denoted by S(N T G).
P P3
(vi) : e∈E i=1 µi (e) is called neutrosophic size of NTG and it’s denoted
by Sn (N T G).
Some classes of well-known neutrosophic graphs are defined. These classes
of neutrosophic graphs are used to form this study and the most results are
about them.
Definition 3.4.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then
(i) : a sequence of vertices P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is called path where xi xi+1 ∈
E, i = 0, 1, · · · , n − 1;
(ii) : strength of path P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is i=0,··· ,n−1 µ(xi xi+1 );
(iii) : connectedness amid vertices x0 and xt is
_ ^
µ∞ (x0 , xt ) = µ(xi xi+1 );
P :x0 ,x1 ,··· ,xt i=0,··· ,t−1

(iv) : a sequence of vertices P : x0 , x1 , · · · , xO is called cycle where xi xi+1 ∈

E, i = 0, 1, · · · , V
n − 1 and there are two edges xy and uv such that
µ(xy) = µ(uv) = i=0,1,··· ,n−1 µ(vi vi+1 );
(v) : it’s t-partite where V is partitioned to t parts, V1s1 , V2s2 , · · · , Vtst and
the edge xy implies x ∈ Visi and y ∈ Vj j where i 6= j. If it’s complete,
then it’s denoted by Kσ1 ,σ2 ,··· ,σt where σi is σ on Visi instead V which
mean x 6∈ Vi induces σi (x) = 0. Also, |Vjsi | = si ;
(vi) : t-partite is complete bipartite if t = 2, and it’s denoted by Kσ1 ,σ2 ;
(vii) : complete bipartite is star if |V1 | = 1, and it’s denoted by S1,σ2 ;
(viii) : a vertex in V is center if the vertex joins to all vertices of a cycle. Then
it’s wheel and it’s denoted by W1,σ2 ;
(ix) : it’s complete where ∀uv ∈ V, µ(uv) = σ(u) ∧ σ(v);
(x) : it’s strong where ∀uv ∈ E, µ(uv) = σ(u) ∧ σ(v).
Definition 3.4.4. (1-clique Number).
Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then

3.4. Preliminaries

(i) 1-clique number C(N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ)

is maximum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that every two vertices
of S are endpoints for an edge, simultaneously. It holds extra condition
which is as follows: two vertices have no edge in common are considered
as exception but only for one time;

(ii) 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph

N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is maximum neutrosophic cardinality of a set S of
vertices such that every two vertices of S are endpoints for an edge,
simultaneously. It holds extra condition which is as follows: two vertices
have no edge in common are considered as exception but only for one

For convenient usages, the word neutrosophic which is used in previous

definition, won’t be used, usually.
In next part, clarifications about main definition are given. To avoid confusion
and for convenient usages, examples are usually used after every part and names
are used in the way that, abbreviation, simplicity, and summarization are the
matters of mind.
Example 3.4.5. In Figure (3.2), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it implies that
S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of 1-clique number C(N T G) and
1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it implies that
S = {n2 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both of 1-clique number C(N T G) and
1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In

other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So
by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But
it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to both of 1-clique number
C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There are twelve edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It
implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to both 1-clique number
C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(v) 4 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.1: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number

and its 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG1

(vi) On (N T G) = 5.9 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded

set is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }.

Definition 3.4.6. (Failed 1-clique Number).

Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) for a neutrosophic graph N T G :

(V, E, σ, µ) is minimum cardinality of a set S of vertices such that there
are two vertices in S aren’t endpoints for an edge, simultaneously. It
holds extra condition which is as follows: two vertices have no edge in
common are considered as exception but only for one time;

(ii) failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G) for a neutrosophic

graph N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is minimum neutrosophic cardinality of a set S
of vertices such that there are two vertices in S aren’t endpoints for an
edge, simultaneously. It holds extra condition which is as follows: two
vertices have no edge in common are considered as exception but only for
one time.

For convenient usages, the word neutrosophic which is used in previous

definition, won’t be used, usually.
In next part, clarifications about main definition are given. To avoid confusion
and for convenient usages, examples are usually used after every part and names
are used in the way that, abbreviation, simplicity, and summarization are the
matters of mind.
Example 3.4.7. In Figure (3.2), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1

and n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it
implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed 1-clique
number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2

and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two

3.5. Setting of Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number

Figure 3.2: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

number and its Failed 1-Clique neutrosophic-number. 55NTG1

vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints

of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But it
implies that S = {n2 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed 1-clique
number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In

other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So
by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. But
it implies that S = {n1 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed 1-clique
number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are twelve edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(v) 0 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets is {};

(vi) On (N T G) = 0 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded

set is {}.

3.5 Setting of Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number

In this section, I provide some results in the setting of neutrosophic 1-
clique number. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are chosen. Complete-
neutrosophic graph, path-neutrosophic graph, cycle-neutrosophic graph,
and star-neutrosophic graph, bipartite-neutrosophic graph, and t-partite-
neutrosophic graph, are both of cases of study and classes which the results are
about them.
Proposition 3.5.1. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-neutrosophic graph.

3. Extended Notions

C(N T G) = O(N T G).

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-neutrosophic graph. Every
vertex is a neighbor for every given vertex. Assume |S| > 2. Then there are x, y
and z in S such that they’re endpoints of an edge, simultaneously, and they
form a triangle. In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge. There are all possible edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies
that S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G) is corresponded to 1-clique number. Thus
C(N T G) = O(N T G).

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-
neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. A complete-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result
and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.5.2. In Figure (3.19), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and
n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .
Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of 1-clique
number C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .
Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique
number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .
In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded
to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G) . Thus there are twelve edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to both 1-clique number C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

3.5. Setting of Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number

Figure 3.3: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG2

(v) 4 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };

(vi) On (N T G) = 5.9 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded
set is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }.

Proposition 3.5.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a path-neutrosophic graph. Then

C(N T G) = 3.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a path-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. If |S| > 2, then there are at least three
vertices x, y and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t
neighbors. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has two
endpoints. These endpoints are corresponded to 1-clique number C(N T G). Two
vertices could be satisfied in extra condition. So

C(N T G) = 3.

Example 3.5.4. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (3.20), an odd-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);

3. Extended Notions

(iii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n3 , n4 and n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the members either
n3 , n4 or n2 , n3 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge either
n2 n3 or n3 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=3 thus it implies that S = {n3 , n4 , n2 } is corresponded
to both 1-clique number C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=4 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like {n1 , n2 , n3 },
and {n2 , n3 , n4 } which contain two edges;
(vi) 6.3 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n3 , n4 , n2 }.
(b) In Figure (3.21), an even-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the members
either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge
either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 }
is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique
neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.

3.5. Setting of Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number

Figure 3.4: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG3

Figure 3.5: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG4

S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded to

neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like {n1 , n2 , n3 },
and {n2 , n3 , n4 } which contain two edges;
(vi) 4.9 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n2 , n3 }.

Proposition 3.5.5. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Then

C(N T G) = 3.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. If |S| > 2, then there are at least three
vertices x, y and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t
neighbors. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has two
endpoints. These endpoints are corresponded to 1-clique number C(N T G). Two
vertices could be satisfied in extra condition. So

C(N T G) = 3.

3. Extended Notions

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. An odd-cycle-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. An even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is related to previous
result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.5.6. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (3.22), an even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the members
either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge
either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 }
is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique
neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like {n1 , n2 , n3 },
and {n2 , n3 , n4 } which contain two edges;
(vi) 4.9 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n2 , n3 }.

(b) In Figure (3.23), an odd-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

3.5. Setting of Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 , n4 and n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the members either
n3 , n4 or n2 , n3 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge either
n2 n3 or n3 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=3 thus it implies that S = {n3 , n4 , n2 } is corresponded
to both 1-clique number C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=4 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like {n1 , n2 , n3 },
and {n2 , n3 , n4 } which contain two edges;
(vi) 6.3 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n3 , n4 , n2 }.

Proposition 3.5.7. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a star-neutrosophic graph with

center c. Then
C(N T G) = 3.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a star-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. Every vertex is a neighbor for center.
Furthermore, center is only neighbor for any given vertex. So center is only
neighbor for all vertices. Hence all vertices including center and one other
vertex are only members of S is a set which its cardinality is 1-clique number
C(N T G). In other words, if |S| > 2, then there are at least three vertices x, y
and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t neighbors
and x is center. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has
two endpoints which one of them is center. These endpoints are corresponded

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.6: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG5

Figure 3.7: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG6

to 1-clique number C(N T G). Two vertices could be satisfied in extra condition.
C(N T G) = 3.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A star-neutrosophic

graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it.
To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to apply definitions and
results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense about new notions. A
star-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.5.8. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.24), a star-
neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in follow-up
items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies

3.5. Setting of Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number

Figure 3.8: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG7

that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G)

nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=3 but It implies that S = {n3 , n5 } is corresponded to neither
1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G)−1 so by using
the members either n1 , n3 or n1 , n4 or n1 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n1 n3 or n1 n4 or n1 n5 . There are three edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that
S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G)
nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3
implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to both of 1-clique number
C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 , n3 },

{n1 , n2 , n4 }, and {n1 , n2 , n5 };

(vi) 4.7 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is

{n1 , n3 , n4 }.

Proposition 3.5.9. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic

graph. Then
C(N T G) = 3.

3. Extended Notions

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from any part,
one vertex is chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
1-clique number C(N T G). There are two parts. Two vertices could be satisfied
in extra condition. Thus
C(N T G) = 3.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

bipartite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to
apply the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special
case to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make
more senses about new notions. A complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is
related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.5.10. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.25),
a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2+1=The number of parts+1 . Thus it implies
that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G)
nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 , n3

and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to 1-clique number C(N T G) but not 1-clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .

In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of
an edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S =
{ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded
to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S

but n1 , n2 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 . Thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 } is corresponded to both 1-clique number C(N T G)
and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

3.5. Setting of Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number

Figure 3.9: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG8

(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 , n3 },{n1 , n2 , n4 },
{n1 , n3 , n4 }, and {n4 , n2 , n3 };
(vi) 4.8 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n2 , n3 }.

Proposition 3.5.11. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic

graph such that t 6= 2. Then

C(N T G) = t + 1.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from any part,
one vertex is chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
1-clique number C(N T G). There are t parts. Two vertices could be satisfied in
extra condition. Thus
C(N T G) = t + 1.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-t-

partite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case
to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more
sense about new notions. A complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is related to
previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.5.12. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.26), a
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented
in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2+1=The number of parts+1 . Thus it implies

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.10: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG9

that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G)

nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 , n3

and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to 1-clique number C(N T G) but not 1-clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .

In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of
an edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S =
{ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded
to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S

but n1 , n2 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 . Thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 } is corresponded to both 1-clique number C(N T G)
and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 , n3 },{n1 , n2 , n4 },
{n1 , n3 , n4 }, and {n4 , n2 , n3 };

(vi) 4.8 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets are

{n1 , n2 , n3 } and {n1 , n5 , n3 }.

3.6. Setting of 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

3.6 Setting of 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

In this section, I provide some results in the setting of 1-clique neutrosophic-
number. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are chosen. Complete-
neutrosophic graph, path-neutrosophic graph, cycle-neutrosophic graph,
and star-neutrosophic graph, bipartite-neutrosophic graph, and t-partite-
neutrosophic graph, are both of cases of study and classes which the results are
about them.
Proposition 3.6.1. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-neutrosophic graph.

Cn (N T G) = On (N T G).

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-neutrosophic graph. Every

vertex is a neighbor for every given vertex. Assume |S| > 2. Then there are x, y
and z in S such that they’re endpoints of an edge, simultaneously, and they
form a triangle. In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge. There are all possible edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies
that S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G) is corresponded to 1-clique number. Thus

Cn (N T G) = On (N T G).

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. A complete-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result
and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.6.2. In Figure (3.27), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .
Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of 1-clique
number C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) .
Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique
number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .

In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.11: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique

Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG10

edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from

S. S = {ni }|S|6=O(N T G) . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded
to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G) . Thus there are twelve edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to both 1-clique number C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);

(v) 4 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };

(vi) On (N T G) = 5.9 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded

set is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }.

Proposition 3.6.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a path-neutrosophic graph. Then

Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj+1 ) + σi (xj+2 ))}xj xj+1 ,xj+1 xj+2 ∈E .

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a path-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. If |S| > 2, then there are at least three
vertices x, y and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t
neighbors. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has two
endpoints. These endpoints are corresponded to 1-clique number C(N T G). Two
vertices could be satisfied in extra condition. So
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj+1 ) + σi (xj+2 ))}xj xj+1 ,xj+1 xj+2 ∈E .

Example 3.6.4. There are two sections for clarifications.

3.6. Setting of 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

(a) In Figure (3.28), an odd-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 , n4 and n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the members either
n3 , n4 or n2 , n3 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge either
n2 n3 or n3 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=3 thus it implies that S = {n3 , n4 , n2 } is corresponded
to both 1-clique number C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=4 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like {n1 , n2 , n3 },
and {n2 , n3 , n4 } which contain two edges;
(vi) 6.3 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n3 , n4 , n2 }.
(b) In Figure (3.29), an even-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.12: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique

Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG11

two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have

endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the members
either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge
either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 }
is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique
neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like {n1 , n2 , n3 },
and {n2 , n3 , n4 } which contain two edges;
(vi) 4.9 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n2 , n3 }.

Proposition 3.6.5. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Then

Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj+1 ) + σi (xj+2 ))}xj xj+1 ,xj+1 xj+2 ∈E .

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. If |S| > 2, then there are at least three

3.6. Setting of 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 3.13: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique

Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG12

vertices x, y and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t
neighbors. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has two
endpoints. These endpoints are corresponded to 1-clique number C(N T G). Two
vertices could be satisfied in extra condition. So
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj+1 ) + σi (xj+2 ))}xj xj+1 ,xj+1 xj+2 ∈E .

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. An odd-cycle-
neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. An even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is related to previous
result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.6.6. There are two sections for clarifications.
(a) In Figure (3.30), an even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);

3. Extended Notions

(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S

but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the members
either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge
either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 }
is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique
neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like {n1 , n2 , n3 },
and {n2 , n3 , n4 } which contain two edges;
(vi) 4.9 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n2 , n3 }.

(b) In Figure (3.31), an odd-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 , n4 and n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the members either
n3 , n4 or n2 , n3 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge either
n2 n3 or n3 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=3 thus it implies that S = {n3 , n4 , n2 } is corresponded
to both 1-clique number C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n5 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n5
and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints

3.6. Setting of 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 3.14: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique

Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG13

Figure 3.15: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique

Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG14

of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.

S = {ni }|S|6=4 thus it implies that S = {n5 , n6 } is corresponded to
neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like {n1 , n2 , n3 },
and {n2 , n3 , n4 } which contain two edges;
(vi) 6.3 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n3 , n4 , n2 }.

Proposition 3.6.7. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a star-neutrosophic graph with

center c. Then
X 3
X 3
Cn (N T G) = σi (c) + max{ σi (xj ) + σi (xj 0 )}.
i=1 i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a star-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. Every vertex is a neighbor for center.
Furthermore, center is only neighbor for any given vertex. So center is only

3. Extended Notions

neighbor for all vertices. Hence all vertices including center and one other
vertex are only members of S is a set which its cardinality is 1-clique number
C(N T G). In other words, if |S| > 2, then there are at least three vertices x, y
and z such that if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t neighbors
and x is center. Thus there is no triangle but there’s one edge. One edge has
two endpoints which one of them is center. These endpoints are corresponded
to 1-clique number C(N T G). Two vertices could be satisfied in extra condition.
X X 3 3
Cn (N T G) = σi (c) + max{ σi (xj ) + σi (xj 0 )}.
i=1 i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A star-neutrosophic
graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it.
To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to apply definitions and
results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense about new notions. A
star-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.6.8. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.32), a star-
neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in follow-up
items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies
that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G)
nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|=3 but It implies that S = {n3 , n5 } is corresponded to neither
1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. S = {ni }|S|=O(N T G)−1 so by using
the members either n1 , n3 or n1 , n4 or n1 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge either n1 n3 or n1 n4 or n1 n5 . There are three edges
to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that
S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G)
nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3
implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to both of 1-clique number
C(N T G) and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);

3.6. Setting of 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 3.16: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique

Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG15

(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 , n3 },

{n1 , n2 , n4 }, and {n1 , n2 , n5 };
(vi) 4.7 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n3 , n4 }.

Proposition 3.6.9. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic

graph. Then
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj 0 ) + σi (xz ))}xj ∈V1 , xj 0 ∈V2 .

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from any part,
one vertex is chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
1-clique number C(N T G). There are two parts. Two vertices could be satisfied
in extra condition. Thus
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj ) + σi (xj 0 ) + σi (xz ))}xj ∈V1 , xj 0 ∈V2 .

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

bipartite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to
apply the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special
case to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make
more senses about new notions. A complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is
related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.6.10. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.33),
a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have

3. Extended Notions

two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have

endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2+1=The number of parts+1 . Thus it implies
that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G)
nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 , n3
and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to 1-clique number C(N T G) but not 1-clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .
In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of
an edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S =
{ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded
to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 , n2 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 . Thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 } is corresponded to both 1-clique number C(N T G)
and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 , n3 },{n1 , n2 , n4 },
{n1 , n3 , n4 }, and {n4 , n2 , n3 };
(vi) 4.8 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n2 , n3 }.

Proposition 3.6.11. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic

graph such that t 6= 2. Then
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj1 )+σi (xj2 )+· · ·+σi (xjt )+σi (xz ))}xj1 ∈V1 ,xj2 ∈V2 ,··· , xjt ∈Vt .

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from any part,
one vertex is chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality is
1-clique number C(N T G). There are t parts. Two vertices could be satisfied in
extra condition. Thus
Cn (N T G) = max{ (σi (xj1 )+σi (xj2 )+· · ·+σi (xjt )+σi (xz ))}xj1 ∈V1 ,xj2 ∈V2 ,··· , xjt ∈Vt .

3.6. Setting of 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 3.17: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique

Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG16

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-t-

partite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case
to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more
sense about new notions. A complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is related to
previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.6.12. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.34), a
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented
in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2+1=The number of parts+1 . Thus it implies
that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither 1-clique number C(N T G)
nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 , n3
and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and n4
of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to 1-clique number C(N T G) but not 1-clique neutrosophic-
number Cn (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .
In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of
an edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S =
{ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded
to neither 1-clique number C(N T G) nor 1-clique neutrosophic-number
Cn (N T G);

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.18: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique

Neutrosophic-Number. 55NTG17

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S

but n1 , n2 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There is one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=2+1=The number of parts+1 . Thus it implies
that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 } is corresponded to both 1-clique number C(N T G)
and 1-clique neutrosophic-number Cn (N T G);
(v) 3 is 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are {n1 , n2 , n3 },{n1 , n2 , n4 },
{n1 , n3 , n4 }, and {n4 , n2 , n3 };
(vi) 4.8 is 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded sets are
{n1 , n2 , n3 } and {n1 , n5 , n3 }.

3.7 Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number

In this section, I provide some results in the setting of neutrosophic
failed-1-clique number. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are chosen.
Complete-neutrosophic graph, path-neutrosophic graph, cycle-neutrosophic
graph, and star-neutrosophic graph, bipartite-neutrosophic graph, and t-partite-
neutrosophic graph, are both of cases of study and classes which the results are
about them.
Proposition 3.7.1. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-neutrosophic graph.

C F (N T G) = 0.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-neutrosophic graph. Every

vertex is a neighbor for every given vertex. Assume |S| > 2. Then there are x, y
and z in S such that they’re endpoints of an edge, simultaneously, and they
form a triangle. In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an

3.7. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number

edge. There are all possible edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies
that S = {ni }|S|=0 is corresponded to 1-clique number. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. A complete-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result
and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.7.2. In Figure (3.19), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus
it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed 1-clique
number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus
it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique
number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .

In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus there are twelve edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique
neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 0 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets is {};

(vi) On (N T G) = 0 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded

set is {}.

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.19: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG2

Proposition 3.7.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a path-neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

C F (N T G) = 3.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a path-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex.

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices. By it’s path-neutrosophic

graph, two vertices are neighbors. So they’re endpoints of an edge. At
least two vertices are needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

3.7. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then there’re three vertices x, z and y such that x and y
are endpoints of an edge but, z and x are endpoints of an edge. z and y
are endpoints of an edge. It’s needed to have two edges to form triangle.
So lower bound is obtained for failed 1-clique number. It implies

C F (N T G) = 3.

Example 3.7.4. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (3.20), an odd-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S

but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are three edges not to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like
{n1 , n3 , n4 } where there aren’t two edges via using these vertices;
(vi) 3.3 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n1 , n3 , n4 }.

3. Extended Notions

(b) In Figure (3.21), an even-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n2 , n3 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 , n3 and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are three edges not to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n6 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like
{n2 , n3 , n6 } where there aren’t two edges via using these vertices;
(vi) 3.7 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n2 , n3 , n6 }.

Proposition 3.7.5. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then
C F (N T G) = 0;
(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;
(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

3.7. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number

Figure 3.20: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG3

Figure 3.21: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG4

(iv) if O(N T G) = 3, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(v) if O(N T G) ≥ 4, then

C F (N T G) = 3.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices. By it’s cycle-neutrosophic

graph, it’s contradiction. Since if it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, then

3. Extended Notions

O(N T G) 6= 2. In other words, it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, then

O(N T G) ≥ 3. At least two vertices are needed to have new notion
but at least three vertices are needed to have cycle-neutrosophic graph.
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) = 3, then, by it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, there aren’t two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(v) if O(N T G) ≥ 4, then, by it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, there are two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. It’s needed
to have two edges to form triangle. Thus lower bound is achieved for
failed 1-clique number. It implies

C F (N T G) = 3.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. An odd-cycle-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. An even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is related to previous
result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.7.6. There are two sections for clarifications.
(a) In Figure (3.22), an even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive

3.7. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number

endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge

but S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n5 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n5 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are three edges not to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n1 , n5 , n4 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like
{n1 , n5 , n4 } where there aren’t two edges via using these vertices;
(vi) 2.6 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n1 , n5 , n4 }.
(b) In Figure (3.23), an odd-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are three edges not to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.22: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG5

Figure 3.23: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG6

(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like
{n1 , n2 , n4 } where there aren’t two edges via using these vertices;
(vi) 4.9 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n1 , n2 , n4 }.

Proposition 3.7.7. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a star-neutrosophic graph with

center c. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

3.7. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

C F (N T G) = 3.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a star-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. Every vertex is a neighbor for center.
Furthermore, center is only neighbor for any given vertex. So center is only
neighbor for all vertices. There are at least three vertices x, y and z such that
if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t neighbors and x is center.
Thus there is no triangle but there’s two edges. One edge has two endpoints
which one of them is always center.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such that one of them is
center and these two vertices are neighbors. At least two vertices are
needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s star-neutrosophic graph, there are two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. Another
vertex z has to be non-center. In other words, three vertices x, y and z are
non-centers. Extra condition implies one edge is exception but the set of
vertices forms lack of two edges to be triangle isn’t available. Hence the set
of three vertices which announce the lack of three edges to from triangle,
is chosen. Thus lower bound is achieved for failed 1-clique number. It
C F (N T G) = 3.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A star-neutrosophic

graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it.
To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to apply definitions and
results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense about new notions. A
star-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.7.8. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.24), a star-
neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in follow-up
items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.24: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG7

edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2

implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number
C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to failed
1-clique number C F (N T G) but not failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. S = {ni }|S|6=3 so by using the members
either n1 , n3 or n1 , n4 or n1 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge either n1 n3 or n1 n4 or n1 n5 . There are three edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n3 and n4 aren’t endpoints for every given edge. But
S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n2 , n3 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 , n3 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n5 } is corresponded to both of
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded set is like {n2 , n3 , n5 }
which its members aren’t endpoints for every given edge;

(vi) 3.9 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is

{n2 , n3 , n5 }.

3.7. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number

Proposition 3.7.9. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic

graph. Then
(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then
C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

C F (N T G) = 3
where there’s |Vi | ≥ 3 and otherwise,

C F (N T G) = 4.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from a part,
two vertices are chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality
is failed 1-clique number C F (N T G). There are two parts. Thus there is no
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such these two vertices are
neighbors since they’re from different parts. At least two vertices are
needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph, there

are two vertices x, z and y such that x, z and y aren’t endpoints of an
edge since they belong to same part. Thus lower bound is achieved for
failed 1-clique number. It implies

C F (N T G) = 3

where there’s |Vi | ≥ 3 and otherwise,

C F (N T G) = 4.

3. Extended Notions

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

bipartite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to
apply the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special
case to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make
more senses about new notions. A complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is
related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.7.10. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.25),
a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and
n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2
and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 . But extra condition implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 }
is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other

side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using
the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. There is
no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that
S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor
failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are 4 edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=4 and |Vi | ≤ 2 imply that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique
neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 4 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };

(vi) 2.4 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is

{n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };

Proposition 3.7.11. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic

graph such that t 6= 2. Then

3.7. Setting of Neutrosophic Failed-1-Clique Number

Figure 3.25: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG8

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

C F (N T G) = 3
where there’s |Vi | ≥ 3 and otherwise,

C F (N T G) = 4.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from one part,
two vertices are chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality
is failed 1-clique number C F (N T G). There are t parts. But it doesn’t matter
when t ≥ 2.

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

3. Extended Notions

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such that these two vertices
are neighbors. At least two vertices are needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s complete-t-neutrosophic graph, there are

two vertices x, z and y such that x, z and y aren’t endpoints of an edge
since they belong to same part. Thus lower bound is achieved for failed
1-clique number. It implies

C F (N T G) = 3

where there’s |Vi | ≥ 3 and otherwise,

C F (N T G) = 4.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-t-

partite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case
to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more
sense about new notions. A complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is related to
previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.7.12. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.26), a
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented
in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and
n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2
and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 . But extra condition implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 }
is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other

side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using
the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. There is
no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that
S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor
failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

3.8. Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 3.26: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG9

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are 4 edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=4 and |Vi | ≥ 2 imply that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }
is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded set is {n2 , n3 , n5 };

(vi) 4.3 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is

{n2 , n3 , n5 }.

3.8 Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

In this section, I provide some results in the setting of failed 1-clique
neutrosophic-number. Some classes of neutrosophic graphs are chosen.
Complete-neutrosophic graph, path-neutrosophic graph, cycle-neutrosophic
graph, and star-neutrosophic graph, bipartite-neutrosophic graph, and t-partite-
neutrosophic graph, are both of cases of study and classes which the results are
about them.
Proposition 3.8.1. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-neutrosophic graph.

CnF (N T G) = 0.

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-neutrosophic graph. Every

vertex is a neighbor for every given vertex. Assume |S| > 2. Then there are x, y
and z in S such that they’re endpoints of an edge, simultaneously, and they
form a triangle. In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an

3. Extended Notions

edge. There are all possible edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies
that S = {ni }|S|=0 is corresponded to 1-clique number. Thus

CnF (N T G) = 0.

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. A complete-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result
and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.8.2. In Figure (3.27), a complete neutrosophic graph is illustrated.
Some points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 and

n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus
it implies that S = {n1 , n2 } isn’t corresponded to both of failed 1-clique
number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an edge.
There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus
it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique
number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .

In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus there are twelve edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique
neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(v) 0 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets is {};

(vi) On (N T G) = 0 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded

set is {}.

3.8. Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 3.27: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG10

Proposition 3.8.3. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a path-neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

X 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}xy,xz6∈E .
i=1 i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a path-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex.

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices. By it’s path-neutrosophic

graph, two vertices are neighbors. So they’re endpoints of an edge. At
least two vertices are needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

3. Extended Notions

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then there’re three vertices x, z and y such that x and y
are endpoints of an edge but, z and x are endpoints of an edge. z and y
are endpoints of an edge. It’s needed to have two edges to form triangle.
So lower bound is obtained for failed 1-clique number. It implies

X3 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}xy,xz6∈E .
i=1 i=1 i=1

Example 3.8.4. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (3.28), an odd-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are three edges not to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like
{n1 , n3 , n4 } where there aren’t two edges via using these vertices;
(vi) 3.3 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n1 , n3 , n4 }.

3.8. Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

(b) In Figure (3.29), an even-path-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n2 , n3 , n6 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 , n3 and n6 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are three edges not to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n6 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like
{n2 , n3 , n6 } where there aren’t two edges via using these vertices;
(vi) 3.7 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n2 , n3 , n6 }.

Proposition 3.8.5. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then
CnF (N T G) = 0;
(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;
(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.28: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG11

Figure 3.29: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG12

(iv) if O(N T G) = 3, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(v) if O(N T G) ≥ 4, then

X3 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}xy,xz6∈E .
i=1 i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a cycle-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

3.8. Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices. By it’s cycle-neutrosophic

graph, it’s contradiction. Since if it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, then
O(N T G) 6= 2. In other words, it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, then
O(N T G) ≥ 3. At least two vertices are needed to have new notion
but at least three vertices are needed to have cycle-neutrosophic graph.
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) = 3, then, by it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, there aren’t two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(v) if O(N T G) ≥ 4, then, by it’s cycle-neutrosophic graph, there are two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. It’s needed
to have two edges to form triangle. Thus lower bound is achieved for
failed 1-clique number. It implies
X 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}xy,xz6∈E .
i=1 i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. An odd-cycle-

neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the
definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to
apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense
about new notions. An even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is related to previous
result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.8.6. There are two sections for clarifications.

(a) In Figure (3.30), an even-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some

points are represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S

but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

3. Extended Notions

(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in

S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n5 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n5 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are three edges not to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n1 , n5 , n4 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like
{n1 , n5 , n4 } where there aren’t two edges via using these vertices;
(vi) 2.6 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n1 , n5 , n4 }.
(b) In Figure (3.31), an odd-cycle-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some
points are represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n1 , n3 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n3 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices which are consecutive. So by using the
members either n3 , n4 or n4 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints
of an edge either n3 n4 or n4 n5 . There are two edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n1 and n3 aren’t endpoints for every given edge
but S = {ni }|S|6=3 thus it implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have

3.8. Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Figure 3.30: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG13

Figure 3.31: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG14

two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have

endpoints of an edge. There are three edges not to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n1 , n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets are like
{n1 , n2 , n4 } where there aren’t two edges via using these vertices;
(vi) 4.9 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n1 , n2 , n4 }.

Proposition 3.8.7. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a star-neutrosophic graph with

center c. Then
(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then
CnF (N T G) = 0;
(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

3. Extended Notions

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;
(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then
X3 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}x,y,z6=c .
i=1 i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a star-neutrosophic graph. Every vertex

isn’t a neighbor for every given vertex. Every vertex is a neighbor for center.
Furthermore, center is only neighbor for any given vertex. So center is only
neighbor for all vertices. There are at least three vertices x, y and z such that
if x is a neighbor for y and z, then y and z aren’t neighbors and x is center.
Thus there is no triangle but there’s two edges. One edge has two endpoints
which one of them is always center.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;
(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such that one of them is
center and these two vertices are neighbors. At least two vertices are
needed to have new notion. Thus
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s star-neutrosophic graph, there are two

vertices x and y such that x and y aren’t endpoints of an edge. Another
vertex z has to be non-center. In other words, three vertices x, y and z are
non-centers. Extra condition implies one edge is exception but the set of
vertices forms lack of two edges to be triangle isn’t available. Hence the set
of three vertices which announce the lack of three edges to from triangle,
is chosen. Thus lower bound is achieved for failed 1-clique number. It
X3 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}x,y,z6=c .
i=1 i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A star-neutrosophic
graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it.
To make it more clear, next part gives one special case to apply definitions and
results on it. Some items are devised to make more sense about new notions. A
star-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it, too.

3.8. Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Example 3.8.8. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.32), a star-
neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented in follow-up
items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an
edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=2
implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number
C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to failed
1-clique number C F (N T G) but not failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n3 , n4 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices which are consecutive. S = {ni }|S|6=3 so by using the members
either n1 , n3 or n1 , n4 or n1 , n5 of S, it’s possible to have endpoints of an
edge either n1 n3 or n1 n4 or n1 n5 . There are three edges to have exclusive
endpoints from S. n3 and n4 aren’t endpoints for every given edge. But
S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 , n3 , n4 , n5 } is corresponded to neither
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n2 , n3 , n5 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 , n3 and n5 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. There’s no edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|=3 implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n5 } is corresponded to both of
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded set is like {n2 , n3 , n5 }
which its members aren’t endpoints for every given edge;
(vi) 3.9 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n2 , n3 , n5 }.

Proposition 3.8.9. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic

graph. Then

(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.32: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

Number. 55NTG15

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

X3 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}x,y,z6inVi
i=1 i=1 i=1

where there’s |Vi | ≥ 3 and otherwise,

X3 3
X 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z) + σi (t)}.
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from a part,
two vertices are chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality
is failed 1-clique number C F (N T G). There are two parts. Thus there is no

(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum

cardinality of a set is zero. It implies

C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such these two vertices are
neighbors since they’re from different parts. At least two vertices are
needed to have new notion. Thus

C F (N T G) = 0;

3.8. Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph, there

are two vertices x, z and y such that x, z and y aren’t endpoints of an
edge since they belong to same part. Thus lower bound is achieved for
failed 1-clique number. It implies
X 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}x,y,z6inVi
i=1 i=1 i=1

where there’s |Vi | ≥ 3 and otherwise,

X 3
X 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z) + σi (t)}.
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-

bipartite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to
apply the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special
case to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make
more senses about new notions. A complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is
related to previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.8.10. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.33),
a complete-bipartite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.

(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and

n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and
n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2
and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 . But extra condition implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 }
is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other

side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using
the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. There is
no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that
S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor
failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);

(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.33: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG16

have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have

endpoints of an edge. There are 4 edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=4 and |Vi | ≤ 2 imply that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is
corresponded to both failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique
neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 4 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded set is {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };
(vi) 2.4 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 };

Proposition 3.8.11. Let N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) be a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic

graph such that t 6= 2. Then
(i) if O(N T G) = 0, then
CnF (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then

CnF (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then

X3 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}x,y,z6inVi
i=1 i=1 i=1

where there’s |Vi | ≥ 3 and otherwise,

X3 3
X 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z) + σi (t)}.
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

3.8. Setting of Failed 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number

Proof. Suppose N T G : (V, E, σ, µ) is a complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph.

Every vertex is a neighbor for all vertices in another part. Hence from one part,
two vertices are chosen to be only members of S is a set which its cardinality
is failed 1-clique number C F (N T G). There are t parts. But it doesn’t matter
when t ≥ 2.
(i) If O(N T G) = 0, then there’s no vertex to be considered. So minimum
cardinality of a set is zero. It implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(ii) if O(N T G) = 1, then by using Definition, there aren’t two vertices. Thus
it implies
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iii) if O(N T G) = 2, then there are two vertices such that these two vertices
are neighbors. At least two vertices are needed to have new notion. Thus
C F (N T G) = 0;

(iv) if O(N T G) ≥ 3, then, by it’s complete-t-neutrosophic graph, there are

two vertices x, z and y such that x, z and y aren’t endpoints of an edge
since they belong to same part. Thus lower bound is achieved for failed
1-clique number. It implies
X 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z)}x,y,z6inVi
i=1 i=1 i=1

where there’s |Vi | ≥ | and otherwise,

X 3
X 3
X 3
CnF (N T G) = min{ σi (x) + σi (y) + σi (z) + σi (t)}.
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

The clarifications about results are in progress as follows. A complete-t-
partite-neutrosophic graph is related to previous result and it’s studied to apply
the definitions on it. To make it more clear, next part gives one special case
to apply definitions and results on it. Some items are devised to make more
sense about new notions. A complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is related to
previous result and it’s studied to apply the definitions on it, too.
Example 3.8.12. There is one section for clarifications. In Figure (3.34), a
complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are represented
in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n2 and
n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2 and
n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have exclusive endpoints from
S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is corresponded to neither
failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.34: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its 1-Clique Number. 55NTG17

(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but

n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have endpoints n2
and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 . But extra condition implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 }
is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 . In other
side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices. So by using
the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints of an edge. There is
no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that
S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor
failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to
have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints of an edge. There are 4 edges to have exclusive endpoints
from S. S = {ni }|S|=4 and |Vi | ≥ 2 imply that S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 }
is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded set is {n2 , n3 , n5 };
(vi) 4.3 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set is
{n2 , n3 , n5 }.

3.9 Applications in Time Table and Scheduling

In this section, two applications for time table and scheduling are provided where
the models are either complete models which mean complete connections are
formed as individual and family of complete models with common neutrosophic
vertex set or quasi-complete models which mean quasi-complete connections

3.10. Case 1: Complete-t-partite Model alongside its failed 1-clique number
and its failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
are formed as individual and family of quasi-complete models with common
neutrosophic vertex set.
Designing the programs to achieve some goals is general approach to apply on
some issues to function properly. Separation has key role in the context of this
style. Separating the duration of work which are consecutive, is the matter and
it has importance to avoid mixing up.

Step 1. (Definition) Time table is an approach to get some attributes to do

the work fast and proper. The style of scheduling implies special attention
to the tasks which are consecutive.

Step 2. (Issue) Scheduling of program has faced with difficulties to differ amid
consecutive sections. Beyond that, sometimes sections are not the same.

Step 3. (Model) The situation is designed as a model. The model uses data to
assign every section and to assign to relation amid sections, three numbers
belong unit interval to state indeterminacy, possibilities and determinacy.
There’s one restriction in that, the numbers amid two sections are at least
the number of the relations amid them. Table (3.1), clarifies about the
assigned numbers to these situations.

Table 3.1: Scheduling concerns its Subjects and its Connections as a neutrosophic
graph in a Model. 54tbl1

Sections of N T G n1 n2 · · · n5
Values (0.7, 0.9, 0.3) (0.4, 0.2, 0.8)· · · (0.4, 0.2, 0.8)
Connections of N T G E1 E2 · · · E6
Values (0.4, 0.2, 0.3) (0.5, 0.2, 0.3)· · · (0.3, 0.2, 0.3)

3.10 Case 1: Complete-t-partite Model alongside its

failed 1-clique number and its failed 1-clique

Step 4. (Solution) The neutrosophic graph alongside its failed 1-clique number
and its failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number as model, propose to use
specific number. Every subject has connection with some subjects. Thus
the connection is applied as possible and the model demonstrates quasi-full
connections as quasi-possible. Using the notion of strong on the connection
amid subjects, causes the importance of subject goes in the highest level
such that the value amid two consecutive subjects, is determined by those
subjects. If the configuration is star, the number is different. Also, it holds
for other types such that complete, wheel, path, and cycle. The collection
of situations is another application of failed 1-clique number and its failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number when the notion of family is applied in the
way that all members of family are from same classes of neutrosophic
graphs. As follows, There are five subjects which are represented as Figure
(3.35). This model is strong and even more it’s quasi-complete. And the
study proposes using specific number which is called failed 1-clique number

3. Extended Notions

Figure 3.35: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

number and its Failed 1-Clique neutrosophic-number. 55NTG18

and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number. There are also some analyses

on other numbers in the way that, the clarification is gained about being
special number or not. Also, in the last part, there is one neutrosophic
number to assign to this model and situation to compare them with same
situations to get more precise. Consider Figure (3.35). In Figure (3.35),
an complete-t-partite-neutrosophic graph is illustrated. Some points are
represented in follow-up items as follows.
(i) If S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have
two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to have
endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There’s one edge to have
exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n2 , n4 }
is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor
failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible to
have endpoints n2 and n4 of an edge n2 n4 . There are two edges to
have exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=3 . But extra condition
implies that S = {n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-
clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but n1 .
In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two vertices.
So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have endpoints
of an edge. There is no edge to have exclusive endpoints from S.
S = {ni }|S|6=3 implies that S = {n1 } is corresponded to neither failed
1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s

3.11. Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A Neutrosophic Graph in the
Viewpoint of its failed 1-clique number and its failed 1-clique

Figure 3.36: A Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its Failed 1-Clique

number and its Failed 1-Clique neutrosophic-number. 55NTG19

a need to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s

possible to have endpoints of an edge. There are 4 edges to have
exclusive endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|=4 and |Vi | ≥ 2 imply that
S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number
C F (N T G) nor failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 3 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded set is {n2 , n3 , n5 };
(vi) 4.3 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its corresponded set
is {n2 , n3 , n5 }.

3.11 Case 2: Complete Model alongside its A

Neutrosophic Graph in the Viewpoint of its failed
1-clique number and its failed 1-clique

Step 4. (Solution) The neutrosophic graph alongside its failed 1-clique number
and its failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number as model, propose to use
specific number. Every subject has connection with every given subject
in deemed way. Thus the connection applied as possible and the model
demonstrates full connections as possible between parts but with different
view where symmetry amid vertices and edges are the matters. Using the
notion of strong on the connection amid subjects, causes the importance of
subject goes in the highest level such that the value amid two consecutive
subjects, is determined by those subjects. If the configuration is complete
multipartite, the number is different. Also, it holds for other types such
that star, wheel, path, and cycle. The collection of situations is another
application of failed 1-clique number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-
number when the notion of family is applied in the way that all members
of family are from same classes of neutrosophic graphs. As follows, There
are four subjects which are represented in the formation of one model as
Figure (3.36). This model is neutrosophic strong as individual and even
more it’s complete. And the study proposes using specific number which
is called failed 1-clique number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number
for this model. There are also some analyses on other numbers in the
way that, the clarification is gained about being special number or not.

3. Extended Notions

Also, in the last part, there is one neutrosophic number to assign to these
models as individual. A model as a collection of situations to compare
them with another model as a collection of situations to get more precise.
Consider Figure (3.36). There is one section for clarifications.
(i) If S = {n1 , n2 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n1 and n2 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 , n2 }
isn’t corresponded to both of failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) and
failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(ii) if S = {n2 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S
but n2 and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need
to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s possible
to have endpoints of an edge. There’s one edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n2 , n4 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iii) if S = {n1 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in S but
n1 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s a need to have two
vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s impossible to have
endpoints of an edge. Furthermore, There’s no edge to have exclusive
endpoints from S. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus it implies that S = {n1 } is
corresponded to neither failed 1-clique number C F (N T G) nor failed
1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(iv) if S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } is a set of vertices, then there’s no vertex in
S but n1 , n2 , n3 , and n4 . In other side, for having an edge, there’s
a need to have two vertices. So by using the members of S, it’s
possible to have endpoints of an edge. S = {ni }|S|6=0 . Thus there
are twelve edges to have exclusive endpoints from S. It implies that
S = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } isn’t corresponded to both failed 1-clique number
C F (N T G) and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number CnF (N T G);
(v) 0 is failed 1-clique number and its corresponded sets is {};
(vi) On (N T G) = 0 is failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number and its
corresponded set is {}.

3.12 Open Problems

In this section, some questions and problems are proposed to give some avenues
to pursue this study. The structures of the definitions and results give some
ideas to make new settings which are eligible to extend and to create new study.
Notion concerning 1-clique number, 1-clique neutrosophic-number, failed 1-clique
number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number are defined in neutrosophic
graphs. Neutrosophic number is also reused. Thus,
Question 3.12.1. Is it possible to use other types of 1-clique number, 1-clique
neutrosophic-number, failed 1-clique number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-

3.13. Conclusion and Closing Remarks

Question 3.12.2. Are existed some connections amid different types of 1-clique
number, 1-clique neutrosophic-number, failed 1-clique number and failed 1-clique
neutrosophic-number in neutrosophic graphs?
Question 3.12.3. Is it possible to construct some classes of neutrosophic graphs
which have “nice” behavior?
Question 3.12.4. Which mathematical notions do make an independent study
to apply these types in neutrosophic graphs?
Problem 3.12.5. Which parameters are related to this parameter?
Problem 3.12.6. Which approaches do work to construct applications to create
independent study?
Problem 3.12.7. Which approaches do work to construct definitions which use
all definitions and the relations amid them instead of separate definitions to
create independent study?

3.13 Conclusion and Closing Remarks

In this section, concluding remarks and closing remarks are represented. The
drawbacks of this article are illustrated. Some benefits and advantages of this
study are highlighted.
This study uses two definitions concerning 1-clique number, 1-clique
neutrosophic-number, failed 1-clique number and failed 1-clique neutrosophic-
number arising neighborhoods of vertices to study neutrosophic graphs. New
neutrosophic number is reused which is too close to the notion of neutrosophic
number but it’s different since it uses all values as type-summation on them.
Comparisons amid number and edges are done by using neutrosophic tool. The
connections of vertices which aren’t clarified by one edge differ them from each
other and put them in different categories to represent a number which is called

Table 3.2: A Brief Overview about Advantages and Limitations of this Study 55tbl2

Advantages Limitations
1. Neutrosophic Failed-1-clique Number 1. Wheel-Neutrosophic Graphs

2. Failed 1-clique Neutrosophic-Number

3. Neutrosophic 1-Clique Number 2. Study on Families

4. Study on Classes of Neutrosophic Graphs

5. 1-Clique Neutrosophic-Number 3. Same Models in Family

1-clique number, 1-clique neutrosophic-number, failed 1-clique number and

failed 1-clique neutrosophic-number. Further studies could be about changes in
the settings to compare these notions amid different settings of neutrosophic
graphs theory. One way is finding some relations amid all definitions of notions
to make sensible definitions. In Table (3.2), some limitations and advantages of
this study are pointed out.


Ref1 [1] Henry Garrett, “Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs”, ResearchGate

2022 (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28338.68800).
Ref2 [2] Henry Garrett, “Failed Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs”, Re-
searchGate 2022 (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36039.16800).
Ref3 [3] Henry Garrett, “(Failed) 1-Clique Number in Neutrosophic Graphs”,
ResearchGate 2022 (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14241.89449).


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