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OXFORD ENGLISH- IVT ete He rea F CURRENT USAGE THE OXFORD ENGLISH-ARABIG DICTIONARY, OF GURRENT USAGE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6DP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogoté Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karach: Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Panis Sao Paulo Shanghai Singapore Taipe: Tokyo Toronto Warsaw with associated companies in Berlin Ibadan Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countnes ISBN 0-19-864312-8. © Oxford University Press, 1972 Furst published 1972 All mghts reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted. in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permuted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate Teprographics rights organization. Enquines concernmg reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department. Oxford University Press. at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer 5710864 Printed in Hong Kong, A Ayrdemey Cag 3 eye IIG5AN | many a time SepSosshe EUS from AtoZ M1 oe | a a ahundred — ioly ots ai du 2. (abbreviation or designation) a, Lat. prep. A-bomb B30 ALE | a fortiori Acentficate (fins) Y Slaw dash asi Wt aby IL wpe eel Cat a ‘A-level (examination) (7 yah Se! | a, P. prep. la carte “ia we, oh la mode Gb. Gy sl (CH) agi }) 353 ‘A-scope _ ody igh a Ax (of ships) 3304 Ree S's Laas ae Cools eee JS ECD | ena — od Sap « (of health, ete) ae St (54) | abacus, 7. sh sl ae + dak, 7 xy. ao Jail ait abaft, adv. & prep. ‘ Sir ) abandon, v.t, (-ment, m) 1. (surrender) ab dees ot abandon, a ola) Sa | (a3 13) 2. (forsake) « (SES Nya) HS We JE « (athe) a abandon ship Gysdl Hs JE Rai stb abandoned 3-(stop, cation) gif «Sil match abandoned cass} st eal tle Sb gs J aL Of meade (le, abandoned, a. (profligate) abase, 0.1. (-ment, n.) bash, 0.1, usw. past p. er oat Secu nothing abashed aS El MBS eK (aid daw oye his wrath abated 4) SOAS cabs yc abate, 0.1, (-ment, n.) abattoir, n 6%: els 58 abbess,n. colal Mls Lash 25 Leeady abbeys, po es Lag 6 83 cabal) Glad abbot, n. OM ob ads Body abbrevijate, ou. cation, n) 1. (curt) Sled las! 331 ai 2.(shorten word) GAN occ abhorrent ool sZVI fhe does not know the ABC of his job . dcighey oxk dey ABC, n. (lit. & fig.) abdicjate, 0.1. (-ation, ».) Sriel eyed oi cll JAN sal ge Js abdomjen, . (inal, 2) {ey «935 tol abduct, vt. clonn) «Gail cadazh! (Sherk sh Qaddsl pl O56 abeam, adv. & prep. (oy3) daloe Ley alske sie rere eI higiadl) abed, adv. & pred. a. sala sal ae Lal x uae d aberration, n. 1. (mental or moral divergence) dehbs fie IE S0e « 2.070) (obypadl) a5 aaah tl 3 (atrn) (Cll Jo) La 5 abet, ot. (ges bs Ine Gaal de SA abettor, x. “lll le gail! gh abeyance, n. ala) 5 Seles] in abeyance od hy gles fall into abeyance G35. 4, Juss al abhor, 0.1. ShlaL as abhorr/ent, a. (-ence, n.) ce gi oS ue 2 ‘ abide 3 abide, i. wan abide by one’s word ob 0085 dal vafe Uo JSF se Tan’ abide him (32 Y cab dole Spe Y calcal 5 gS seat Pit ability, n. 1. (power, capacity) 4&lbinl . ay ‘vat, (tolerate) abiding, a. to the best of one’s ability AaB yah fe ce pl delartl voll BL § sai b wy sds within one’s ability a (alent) 5) Ads lag 3 hab hee abl oS be oo te29 itl sis we BE iL show ability abject, a. abject poverty abjurie, v.t. (cation, n.) pil of oe Lal gh 15,0 aI deve ablative, a. & 1. . BI) gate (45 dal sel a) ablaze, adv. & a. (lit. & fig.) ‘ Got shin bit able, a. 1. (having the ability to) 2. (skilful) Ble «gal galt abominate able-bodied seaman, abbr. AB. iy luzél Ltd cogs Cpls mil, wash-house) chaill belek G38, delay Byl 1d ablution, n. ably, adv. abnegiate,o1.(-ation,n) «ge Bil dati de 55 cool ‘gb tf aboard, adv. & prep. Je «apllst Ce Je lb ols Gaal fb abnormal, a. (-ity, m.) dadt toy 2 03 ke AB] Gb eke take up one's abode ae oe pl gkstel «4 abolish, 0.c. (-ition, -ishment, 7”) ge lt SB abominable, a. abominable snowman, Ud dle “baa abominjate, v2. (-ation, 7.) cane oe Obepial (ghia abortionist, n. EN AE NESS Sty abound, 24. r. (be plentiful) 2. (be rich in, loaded with) 4 Ae LE 1g HE oF about, adv. r. (astir, abroad) ognpe CR I ele ‘out (up) and about (Sale abe (Celie) E53 get about (circulate) (Se 51) 7G Be sole Cal. JES Kaby te there's rain sbout os A dead jee LI cool 58 Yy i A) (travel) 2. (in the offing) shang about there’s no one about about 3. (in the opposite direction) _ i toatl QI: turn and turn about «fel WS) BT OStaL a, LIS put about (naut.) tape bs (Aaa) 4olZ) os Et si 4. (with vbs., this way and that) «ling Las Hdl odin g cellag gall Lin Je alisy 5. (with vbs., into being) about turn! (distress) ‘come about Be cee ede bring about segel assed Sl ok prep. 1. (round the outside of ) ye dest 5S 2. (here and there in) ‘man about town cr Glest deo asa oa 3135 (Acta 6 455) 3. (concemed with, concerning, in connection with) about to... (on the point of) «&Li5 fz Cte g at) aah do something about it oM Je CUKe gd) Got J ae g0 about one’s business how about it? SUSE ee eae” above what about it? (= what of it?) $V5Le % SAF Mob! HEL, 6133 (= what are you/we going to do about jt?) S151 Joailale sil ral eI otdls what is it all about? gl Seg ye, ee Glide pe 5251 pl suc what are you about? 2 § Jas SPIE FALE gh Gay 5 bt 4 (near, approximately) (55! ide Cpls somewhere about here « Le cK 3 La Woda Gi chin gy ae about time, too! Nig (ork tSohae) oly Be NALS fe just about finished about right above, adv. 1. (over) from above (from Heaven) (from higher authorities) Ue college Heavens above! Volt tal 2. (earlier) above-mentioned a. &n. ¢eMlel y, sll BL le 4s} ou Gee bbl dtl i prep. x. (higher than) see above above-board, a USAIN Oo» Gae5” abridge above ground (Velen le «ANI 359 above one’s head (fig.) 4S yo} sf acdc 2. (beyond) above all ve K bas GI ng Ky leel SF 5s above criticism above oneself EM be F505 sraatirns, gate (pe) col he abralide, ot. (sion,n) igi ELE ieee Beast. SK over and above abrasive, a. & 7. abreast, ade. Cin «Use iO jlo aaly Line Je « walk twoabreast db Cpl Fig sols tis keep abreast of the times CDM Creshé sf bb) wo Sl) Ce ya os ge peal ol Sley abridge vi. omentyn) —¢patdl 353 lasts eS abroad abroad, ado. 1. (in, tq, a foreign land) Mpls gl dy (JL) 2.(ourof doors) J jill ye bil alt 3: (in general circulation) tite «LS als gles abrog/ate, vt. (-ation,n.) + JLS i fs tua abrupt, a. (-ness, n.) 1. (sudden) «3 cule igigte GE Bee) badd, 3. (curt) ott Boe abscess, n. as ‘el abeciosa,n. Sell $LoY Aya) ol.$138 sbecond, 0. ho Uy cage (gh Fe) G5 absjent, a. (-ence,n.) ais acuity, n. fab Gt 5 egos cpl acute accent Gb ESI aboke axe Sis cate kK B acute, a. (-ness, n.) acute angle 3 acute mind ed et Jee (Zag aaa) J) isch) ad (Lat. prep.) ad hoc (oft. attrib AS 2,3) Chat jain PE « Ly YUL ae wy aad ib. contr of ad lbitum (ade) aad infinioum (coll, n. & v.i) ad nauseam ad, coll. conr. of advertisement (1) (1 8le Ly Sell sf ath da) Sle} oh Jp SE ae x adage, n. adagio, adv. & n. Adam 6 Adam, ». ‘Adam’s apple 3 pel tales the old Adam nee u peal aul I don’t know him from Adam . _ ie gue y edamant, n AE BH BU a. (fg.) we (MRE edt ate adapt, v.t. (-ation, n.) r. (fit) a adapt oneself to ode aii Jani us 2. (modify) ee Ja ‘ adapt for broadcasting dela Sel Feld W Gaayall) adaptabjle, a. (-ility, n.) _ ab Sy (Bix oles thn 5 adapter, n. (engin.) add, v.1, 1. Goin on); also add on 1 gait dh BSI GUA 2. (put in additionally); also add in geolj oly +3. (put together); also add together Hy ee 4-(Galeuate sum of); also add up pawn sem 6 whe 5. (say in addition) SU ells Jools SUG GUSI additive Tmightadd aly sel. J) buy Se 53,) Js Jab bee it adds to the effect capt 5 to add to my worries it all adds up ( fig.) it doesn’t add up (i.e. make sense) Ca sey pe lie Sian Gehe hecan'taddup ef GS wd] Geld SL 3 425)) de cabegall adder, n.1. (snake) cyl feo hg sale cad OT addict, o. ep. past. ba wal See I de ont «all Ie ge dst et gl addend/um (pi. -a), n. 2. (adding machine) addiction, n. we 6325 CS] addition, n. 1. (adding, summation) Balj Ailol eae 1th od) GLY de Bobs «fe Bode 2. (thing added) Gall Stell in addition to additional, a. Gali sly «del additive, n. Le «gly 2 pe shoelee GEE addle addle, v.1. & i. (lit. & fig.) ere ered diall 25S oll gi address, n. 1. (designation of place 2 on, addle-headed, a. destination, or residence) ole 2. (speech) yan LL opening address cho ak ole 3. (pl., courtesies, courtship) pay one’s addresses to 552 9! loS5 4. (manner of approach) tb) «uel 5. (skill) v.t. 1. (write directions on for delivery) (Sea,) O32 (Beste bt owes 2. (speak to) 3. (direct remarks, etc.) 4. Capply oneself to) address,» a eo _ adduc/e, ot. (-tion, n.) 3) wl Slay 35 adenoid/s, npl.(-al,a) (Gb) ail adept air 25F Ld gh adequ/ate, a. (-acy, ».) «gals ge Be Ges poe ol BU ale dy adjustable adhesion, 7. Bile lal «dled adhesive, a. & n, Se¥ a5l¢ adhesive tape oY Ly pd Blogs pig adjacient,a,(-ence, -ency,n.) gilt ple be Ate co F oslt adieu (pl. -x), 1. & int adip/ose, a. (-osity, ».) adjectivie, n(-ala.) (94) 255 Abe adjoin, v.t. & i. GY is adjourn, v.t, & i. (-ment, ”.) slosh gar’ «AI adjourn to the next room Syglell 4 all dt a adjudge, vt adjudicjate, v.t. & i. (-ation, n.) oie aS io eG at al | —rt—S—s—SSOSeS adjudicator, n adjunet, ». adjust, o.t, (-ment, ,) 1. (regulate) ine 2. (adapt) | = | adjust oneself to well-adjusted adjutant adjutant, n, ae sels yt administ/er, vt. (ration, n.) 1. (manage); & beck oll Lgl ca 5Y! letters of administration ap Bab ays abel Uist administer the oath (His Galt) Gio also v4, the Administration 2. (apply, provide) administrate, vi ek ob administrative, a. &I} administrator, n. ‘tb ie (dhel vast)” Ye 26 lac Yb ae wr eee: admirable, a. admiral, n. (6% Gey Shel cada Admiral of the Fleet Aart) it slo nal wor Vice-Admiral Jy pal tb as 0 Red Admiral (butterfly) | yal sa (BLN oe Used al) Shel col a0) (LAGI 3) dal Sy si Rear Admiral admiralty, n. admir/e, v.t. (ation, n.) w hotel bs easel admirer, n. 1. (one who admires) gil © Unabeall oy tf igtlewy yt 2. (suitor) adorable admissibjle, a. (-ility,n.) Sqiac JME fle ad/mit, v.z. (-mission, 7.) 1. (allow, bof Sys ll ee 2. (acknowledge, confess) ‘ ji y de it admits of no doubt ful ae Y 439 5 Y« et Sad Ses} yds lod entrance to) admittance, n. admittedly, adv. admix, vt. Gi. (eureyn) — ge hal ition, -ishment, .) 29 yds Sh ce ‘much ado about nothing : OU pY ap S as 1s Gat ob ol Ais Lie slo fmetll 55) adolesc/ent, a. & n. (-ence, n.) asbl;24 gol adobe, n. ‘Adonis, n. (lit. & fig.) \) ut gal See SL (gl dL adopt, v.r. (-iom, n.) 1. (take charge of child) (Sub) 55 2. (take up a suggestion, plan, etc.) J deth ste dls Yl FF adoptive, a. adorable, a. oho (OES «Gil ulin gay adore 9 2. (coll. like greatly), ves _ adorer, n. adorn, vt. (-ment, n.) ¢ B> « 355) 6 45 ¢ de a a8! adrenalin, n. LMG? 2 . adrift, adv. i | set(turn) adrift, (S82 S533 | DES Uae SS, | | (fig.) _— (GUN) oF a SE (coll. absent without leave) Ge CSL (ree) G3 6 OS} a0 abe adroit, a. (-ness,n) (SSL Eyl «ole Sie dely + UES adsor/b, v.t. (-ption, n.) { Shel + Gaal (GAS Jelis) SUjiel« Vols adul/ate, v.t. (-ation, n.) dla 6 Be. osla ole (tl a) a 7 él gh eh adulter/ate, v.r. (-ation, n.) L (Se gut) GE Sth adulter/er (fem. -ess), n. BN; pole «3b ¢ Geb adulatory, a. adult, a. & n. adulterous, a. ag adultery, n. advance, v1 ois a advance the date gan) gr Gi a my shares have advanced Ceaygll d) geri esi advancing years “f 1291 we ira Bagel on Ob ZN BE E rn. 1. (forward movement) is 4 3. (Progress) (Ste pall bt 4: (lead); oft. actrib. in advance of book in advance advance copy advance guard advance party 5- (loan) advanced advanced, a. S33 ge advanced in years at an advanced stage advanced ideas AS teh i oped aL: at this book is too advanced forme Gg 2 BME or dE bSH is advancement, n. s3 PF Oe hay advantage,n. 3352 dais dela aad have the advantage of (over) someot Shaul § cmd} Sail gain the advantage (over) (St ote de) sal gh gd take advantage of an opportunity Low eal of eal, re) take advantage of someone nisl LSE M5 y6+) st e1 old ns (SEE turn something to advantage to the best advantage seen to advantage deere isha ot advantageous, a. (-ness, n) Bilge en ak ce advent (Advent), n. 1. (arrival) ‘ od JI~ 249 «p29 od advert 2. (the coming of Christ) «= Wh Sl yd Lin SI EST adventure, n adventure story ot. & ie GE se dedy LE sles! OS, adventurer, n. 1. (seeker of adventure), GUN spots a 5d «pled 2. (speculator) (Syladl 3) ajbto LA? plots plod cy gat adventuresome, a. adventures, n. adventurous, a. adverb, , (ial, a.) adversary,n. 335 oe endl ogy the Adversary lard «ual! adverse, a. 1. (contrary) advert, vi. AES Easy UF advert, coll. contr. of advertisement (1) |, ov) advertise advertise, v.t. oe pts gil gel ot a8 aclsis} oe ( a Fa ol, + eielegy gf advertisement, n. 1. (public notice); advertise the fact v4. advertise for coll. contrs. ad, advert 2. (recommendation) & advertiser, n. salty) «deme ayes fivesoundadvice ethall gill Aah Cum BLE, La bif tgp ole + dapel, Sus deal JS DEY advice, n. 1. (counsel) on the advice of take advice 2. (information, esp. commerc.) sted] gb] les] sald) «SLE advice nore Stade Li JL be advisabjle, a. (-ility, ».) tee he «dls advise, v.t. 1. (offer counsel to, recommend); | St wth ea well (ill) advised Adal ye ale AST Ge 2. (inform, esp. commerc:) _« 251 ei aus also vi. advisedly, adv. acrofoll Ges og itl id CS advisory, a. advocate, v.t,(-acy, -ation, 7.) veal ug db . ed get aed 3 oS alee devil’s advocate adze, n. aegis, n., esp. in under the aegis of acon (con), 5 (Se Le dett B) aer/ate, v.t. (ation, m) r. (expose 10 ai Eke rl Woe 2. (charge with carbonic acid ges) as in 3h ale yg jt) aerated water ae gle ($b WG) LW gto sh Sladl f 5 pt galell 55 alle ob aerodrome, n.; also airdrome (U.S.) ee he Us aerial, a aerie (eyrie), 7. aerobatics, elulzns Vb oe Ute Kelke sfUell A528 el che aerodynamicist, » aerodynamics, ».pl. aero-engine, 7, aerofoil, n.; also airfoil adviser, n. asf fe (ols) Bh aeronaut aeronaut, 7. aeronautical, a. aeronautics, mpl. dal 33 glib aeroplane, n.; also airplane (U.S.) UL «35h aerosol n° GUI Blhalay «Syeaiel aesthete,» SAL CHll LDL Jet! Leal Glatill paill 3 bl) actiolog/y,n. (ical, a.) Jially pln de GL Metd de afar, adv. Wage ad ye aie afar off from afar affab/le, a. (-ility, n.) dA dd ns affair, n. 1. (matter, concern) wld ol affair of honour Ua Cea, MALS deni gar that is his own affair (Estey Gly) 0355 itis no affair of yours Dd ie olglll be 3d) su, das ULE ane lis Vie « 2 affect 2.(pl, business) «Sel sy 934 og lest affairs of stare Usall od cAgall 6) of stateofafairs = Sg yy JlaVi foreign affairs (ade 5) have an air about one eG gle o> 3 (pl affectation) en Jitkeng Liss airs and graces jive oneself airs : ae 4. (melody) ou. (lit. & fig.) air the clothes air one’s views ast ait oe fe aul yeas airborne, a. 1. (carried on an aircraft) 5 SU Gis We Uyt 135 Hanke odyiie 35 Abi Ag g airborne forces 2. (pred., off the ground) aircraft (pl. aircraft), n. | aircrew, n. SE Mati ad | é wsue | airscrew, ». obs Gb | aircraft carrier ol pl! 4b (4h5) aircraft/man (fem. -woman), n. BE EKEE oe oe 3 Ua é we airdrome, sec aerodrome Airedaleyn. bo pl eI en Ey airfoil, sce aerofoil ely eolyit calgll 3 SUL) Kis airgraph, n. cadglb sat age IL, Sa) GF CEM airflow, n. airframe, 1. airing, n, 1. (ventilation) airing-cupboard spat go ea Gl airless,a. 54) ot eA shl oye JE airline, n ole 18 joe dk airmail, ». & wt ee] oe (SoH! awl atl) 42 airman, » le gue airplane, see aeroplane airport, n. airship airship, n. ses 99 ola? airspeed, n. pA ae 21 ld airstrip, n. OU USI by ad) airtight,a, (ASU GL «rll oie, Lal KE airwaysn i 3e bE cise Gy airworth/y, a.(-iness,n) — ¢¢)1 jal ie bah (SFU) aeSt air/y, a. (~iness, n.) 1, (well-ventilated) . sgl ae allt as 2. (light, flippant) airy nothings ool lg aisle, n. Vuclis Oy (3445S) be, a 5 ols lead her up the aisle (facet, marry) Uple ade cig Rae ceep Wl al vy aiteb, 1. drop one’s aitches ¥ (A2b Ge» o#) aS SSL coplentst LL Se G aitch-bone G+ dab SBN aa cw ajar, adv. & pred.a. (2b) SUS oe wh kimbo, ado. only in with arms akimbo (Ste gill de Ms sua t akin, pred. a. (lit. & fig.) 3) ond Pls le (eal 2 albeit alabaster, n. & a. fALit oper ytd lack, int. (arch) sich IpeoligS.1y ve alacrity, n. Ae Hl de Ga de SIS] « LLB alarm, n. 1. (yarning, warning mechanism) , EU s,Lt} ep oll alarm clock raise (give, sound) the alarm SHBY Le] aLLT ge 2. dismay, sense of danger) “e Sy BS pls 5 take alarm (at) 8 gp el had alar(u)ms and excursions ellie ot. don’t be alarmed alarming, a. alarmist, n. & a. alas, int. Pe ly colin Ly Albania, n if Albanian, a. n. 1. (native) 2, (language) ‘ wu! wl Ls 5b MI és albatross. (1S Fé fb) 5 albeit, conj. albinism 33 alienate albiniam, 1. Aig ott J if ; alert, a. 1. (watchful, alive 10) CEL GE | gis oh 2 (quickewitted) pal aS je PY es a bt tlh | albino, 1. & a. coll ply 5 of atbum,», So 5a AL ald oss albumen, n. (-inous, nose, 2.) on the alert slaerel La ply «cht secdNSY5 aah ale alchemist,» et ewok as oul (pone GE alchemy, n. (it. & fig.) po alfalfa, gate poly « AR cant ok 351) JED cscs als 0 alg gti ll g algia(ph ayn ls) ab EL. adh (ou (5 dL gol alcohol, nt. (pure spirit of wine) 4) aed algebra, n. (-ic, -ical, a.) ee 2. intoxicating liquor) f Algertia,n. Cian, a. & n) spe pil 3. (chem.) algorism,», pM 5 lob pI alcoholic, a sd alias, ado. gugtl c- pole Gill (ob gpeoll Lk) 7 | fale sls 3 7 otk Laka sleokotiem, £ SUSU OU | siti proof of being chews) JS ZG Leh (hie dopo] aloove,n. ¢ Aiysdl gh di,3i) Lal Jolo dig!5 | 2. (erron, excuse) DS dejo yt j (Sep 23) 08S Nae | alien, a. & n. (it, & fie.) aldehyde, ». alder, n. osu Ue cp 52 | | alien/ate, v1. (-ation, ».) 1. (estrange) Lage Ag St deka angie oe och alderman, 7. Lal ale G aah es BEE 2 uansferowmershipaf) of bg5 ale, n. by dee ST ee US Je alienist “ allenist,n. ASLAS dell ol, 4 alight, v.i. alight, adv. & pred. a. ‘pre | set aight ei a5) eat align, vt. Gi. (ment) « Sao RES ply Ciba) 1g! alike, pred. a. Ps ct eee adv. tly SE de colgis oly Jhgie st LE # alimentary, a. pit é alimentary canal alimentation, 1. alimony, 7. alive, pred. a. r. (living) 3- (lively, aware) BE ghd ks alive to the fact Took alivet JE, gS ¢ as 1S Lp gt 4. (swarming with) es gy a ™ ay alkali, n. 1. (chem.) Lieb 2. (Commerc) hg EG ALS 12H atatinggs, U4 thar A ie gls alkaloid, n, (-al, a.) BC eee & all, a. 1. (with pl. n.) All Saints’ Day cel oe (OR eall ate) 2. (with sing. n.) le all day dong) gall Ue UA Spe aupupoea pl eV) BK 5 for all time osialui. all-time record Cal gla 59) oe hy iets dy alls os aie and all that ces JS Vides Be dag «aT Jt not as bad as all that for all that i K sols ¥ afterall inall is lose onsale L Kal SL 55 alland sundry c Sa3, BB GOK all 35 all at once (simultaneously) §.4>|5 428 | (suddenly) all the better! piling! Jee 3 & all but Ie a Me | all but decided he all but won Ay 5 sl aay hoe aget SEL yj L4) glbl gale hte | ppstll 485 de WLS] heisallinalltome — « Seg BEL, Sus rth 9 Sse 33 | all in good time all-clear all-embracing, a. all in all all-in wrestling a iesallonevome «cpp! gy gee te when all’s said and done « Jail Any | ere ailthe same £505 Y valys Be Ws oe (55 ces Fe | ge Ket all-seeing, a. that’s all very well ouskoty Allah, n Allah 2. (ever) once and for all S34 Raw (3855 adv. 1. (only) all too soon OI LS cast 5 2. (completely, ea etl Vo ual Yl ul Bed NIS +e he was all attention all alone all along Lam all for it all in (exhausted) (inclusive) go all out for all-out effort all-powerful SUE 28 ops ailright! Melby Ete t Vek. Ike + all-round vision goal de ai obEYl et 3 allrounder (GUN) 52. cece) all there OBS cas gh cco dll SE it’s all up with him oe os ota all! «pha IGE Blas wel bey nota all bad Ay 569 355 oy SEY Gusta: aly allay allay, v.t. allegie, v.1. (-ation, n.) allegiance,n. — «, pWA) sld5 Ny aie acl allegor/y, 7. (-ical, a.) ) ) a 3 ad Galilean ss Brel G &= lobia allegretto, adv. & n. ge ep (Gongs) Aes allegro, adv. 6 n. (dams) dey ee alleluia(h), n. & int. ; also hallelujah . EST call (Lae ib gle allergic, a. t. (relating to allergy) ...d (lim 2. (coll, antipathetic t0) oe pt allergy. Lb yall ois Sgt gl aad td ELS allley, n. blind alley a3 ios a alliance, ». A allied, see ally, v.t. alligator, n. alliter/ate, vi. (-ation, n. ) oil Ee ill god 2. (portion of money) 3. Plot of and) loe%S iene Veepbl ae ae allow, v.t. 1. (permit) 6 oo cal Jal cut ail (rele) J cel allow me! eo oscil he i allowed fen shillings aweek Conti olls shed ot 2. (concede, admit) oe wise no smoking allowed ‘, only in allow of allowable, a. ple ay we JME cls iJ ad s 136G colakt er TS a5, 3 2. engin tolerance) peel
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