Y.H.Kim, Et Al., - Reference Thermal Neutron Field at KRISS For Calibration of Neutron Detectors (2017)

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Radiation Measurements xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Radiation Measurements
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Reference thermal neutron field at KRISS for calibration of neutron detectors

Yun Ho Kima, Hyeonseo Parka,∗, Yong Kyun Kimb,∗∗, Jungho Kima, Jeongsoo Kanga,1
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon 305–340, Republic of Korea
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133–791, Republic of Korea


Keywords: A reference thermal neutron field has been established at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Reference thermal neutron field (KRISS) by using a 241Am-Be neutron source and a high-purity graphite pile constructed by stacking graphite
Thermal neutron fluence blocks. The properties of the graphite blocks such as impurities, density, and dimensions were studied thor-
Neutron activation analysis oughly to understand the characteristics of the generated field. The energy spectrum and thermal neutron
Thermal neutron detector calibration
fractions were simulated with the Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended code using measured physical parameters.
The neutron effective temperature was 308 K, and the fraction of thermal neutrons was approximately 95% at
the reference position of the thermal neutron field. The thermal neutron fluence rate was determined by
adopting the Westcott convention method based on neutron activation analysis using a gold foil. The Westcott
fluence rate for thermal neutron at the reference position was (2326.7 ± 8.4) cm−2s−1. The true thermal
neutron fluence rate at the reference position in the KRISS thermal neutron field was (2700 ± 29) cm−2s−1 (at
the reference date of June 30, 2014). The response of a spherical proportional counter with He-3 (SP9 neutron
detector) was evaluated in the newly established field as (3.083 ± 0.045) cm2 for the reference calibration
condition (a parallel neutron beam with a Maxwellian energy distribution having a most probable energy of
0.025 eV).

1. Introduction incidences (Nolte et al., 2015). The calibration constant or detector

response should be evaluated under pre-agreed reference conditions.
A thermal neutron field is essential for calibrating thermal neutron The reference conditions used at the present study are assumed to be
detectors used for neutron monitors and dose-equivalent meters. A those of parallel-incident neutron beams with a Maxwellian energy
thermal neutron field can be generated by moderating fast neutrons distribution having a most probable energy of 0.025 eV. The differences
from various neutron sources using a material such as graphite. The between the reference conditions and the actual calibration conditions
neutron energy distribution and fluence rate of the resulting neutron should be corrected. In actual conditions, the neutrons are not parallel-
field should be accurately evaluated for the precise calibration of incident, and the neutrons having an energy distribution with a 1/E
thermal neutron detectors. Although the thermal neutron fluence can shape are still included in the thermal neutron energy region owing to
be measured with neutron activation analysis using activation detectors incomplete thermalization. In many cases, the space for calibration is
(Williams and Gilliam, 2011), the neutron energy distribution must also not sufficiently large to ignore backscatter thermal neutrons.
be evaluated for the precise measurement of thermal neutron fluence At the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), a
and for the calibration of thermal neutron detectors. However, the thermal neutron field has been established with a high-purity graphite
measurement of the energy distribution in the thermal region is diffi- pile and a 241Am-Be neutron source, and various field characteristics
cult. In many cases, neutron transport calculations using Monte Carlo were studied. In the present article, we detail the facility's construction
codes such as the Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended code (MCNPX) are and the characteristics of the thermal neutron field (Section 2), the
utilized to evaluate the energy distribution. measurement system and the determination of thermal neutron fluence
Other difficulties in calibrating thermal neutron detectors arise from based on neutron activation analysis (Section 3, 4), and the calibration
differences among actual thermal neutron fields, such as differences in of a neutron detector using the constructed facility (Section 5).
calibration spaces, energy distributions, and the direction of neutron

Corresponding author.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: hyeonseo@kriss.re.kr (H. Park), ykkim4@hanyang.ac.kr (Y.K. Kim).
Present address: Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Daejeon 34142, Korea.

Received 16 February 2017; Received in revised form 12 September 2017; Accepted 5 October 2017
1350-4487/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Kim, Y.H., Radiation Measurements (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2017.10.001
Y.H. Kim et al. Radiation Measurements xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Construction process of the graphite pile.

2. Thermal neutron field at KRISS small pile. As shown in Fig. 2 (b), seven wells (filled yellow green cir-
cles) with diameters of 2.4 mm and depths of 2.1 mm were prepared on
2.1. Construction of graphite pile eight graphite blocks at various positions (boxes with diagonal shading)
for installing the activation foil. The reference position of the graphite
A 120 cm (width) × 120 cm (height) × 140 cm (length) graphite pile for the measurement of thermal neutron fluence was 70 cm from
pile was constructed at KRISS, as shown in Fig. 1. To understand the the source along the y-axis.
thermal neutron field, the properties of the graphite pile, including its The density, boron concentrations, impurities, and detailed struc-
impurities, boron concentration, density, structure, and dimensions, ture inside the constructed pile were included in the modeling of the
were thoroughly studied. In total, 239 graphite blocks (manufactured thermal neutron field.
by Morgan Advanced Materials plc.) were stacked on an aluminum
plate positioned 60 cm above the floor to reduce the scattering of 2.2. Monte Carlo simulations of thermal neutron field
neutrons by the floor. The density of each block was measured by
weighing to obtain the density distribution of the graphite pile. The MCNPX 2.7.0 code (Pelowitz, 2011) was utilized to model the
average density was (1.786 ± 0.015) g/cm3. thermal neutron field in the graphite pile. The neutron source was
To measure the boron concentration, 16 graphite chips (20 mm in defined as a beryllium cylinder with a density of 1.75 g/cm3 positioned
diameter and 2 mm in thickness) were prepared from various locations inside a stainless-steel capsule. Neutrons were generated uniformly
of the graphite block, and their boron concentration was measured with inside the beryllium cylinder with such an energy distribution that the
a cold-neutron prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) instru- energy spectrum of neutrons from the source capsule's surface re-
ment in the NG7 beam line in the NIST Center for Neutron Research produced the neutron energy spectrum of a 241Am-Be source given in
(NCNR) at NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology, ISO8529-1 (ISO, 2001). In this manner, the anisotropic angular de-
U.S.A. (NIST) (Arif et al., 1993). The natural boron concentration was pendence of the 241Am-Be source was well reproduced too (Park et al.,
(0.628 ± 0.028) μg/g. Other impurities such as natural lithium and 2005). Structural details, such as the insertion hole for the neutron
lead were tested with glow discharge mass spectrometry (GDMS) source and the activation wells in the pile, were incorporated precisely
(SHIVA Technologies, U.S.A.) and were found to be less than 0.1 ppm in in the modeling, in which the measured boron concentration and the
weight. density of the graphite pile were considered. To account for the effects
Fig. 2 shows a schematic of the graphite pile. The y-axis denotes the of the surrounding materials, structures such as the wall of the ex-
axis from the neutron source to the reference position. The z-axis and x- periment room, the door, and the graphite support were also con-
axis denote the vertical direction and horizontal direction, respectively. sidered. The ENDF/B-VII.0 cross-section library and special S(α,β) data
An X.14-type 241Am-Be radionuclide neutron source (manufactured by (at T = 293 K) were used for neutron transport (Pelowitz, 2011).
Amersham) was used; its emission rate was approximately 1.2 × 107 Fig. 3 shows the calculated spectral fluence at the reference posi-
s−1 (Park et al., 2005). The neutron source was inserted at a distance of tion. The dotted curve shows the neutron energy spectrum at the re-
35 cm from the surface along the y-axis and positioned at the center in ference position in the activation hole of a graphite block. The curve
the vertical direction. The source was not positioned at the center of the drawn with the solid line shows the energy spectrum at the same po-
thermal pile in order to maintain sufficient neutron moderation in the sition with a cadmium case 1 mm in thickness. The spectra were aligned

Y.H. Kim et al. Radiation Measurements xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the graphite pile: (a) y-z plane at x = 60 cm and (b) x-y plane at z = 60 cm.

Table 1
Measurement and simulation results for gold foils activation in the graphite pile. 100-μm-
thick gold foils with 20-mm diameter were used for activation.

Distance (cm) Saturated activity (Bq·mg−1)

Measurement Simulationa Difference


10 4.392 ± 0.011 4.471 ± 0.046 +1.8%

30 2.903 ± 0.009 2.943 ± 0.030 +1.4%
50 1.453 ± 0.006 1.487 ± 0.015 +2.3%
70 0.642 ± 0.004 0.645 ± 0.007 +0.5%
90 0.230 ± 0.002 0.227 ± 0.003 - 1.3%

Uncertainties of simulation results were considered for uncertainties from neutron
emission rate of the source and MCNP calculation (statistics).
Fig. 3. Calculated neutron energy spectrum for the reference position. Solid line: neutron
fluence for air with a 1-mm-thick cadmium case; solid line with square symbol: neutron
responses within a difference of 3%. These results imply that the Monte
fluence for air without the cadmium case. (B denotes the emission rate of the 241Am-Be
neutron source.)
Carlo calculations for the thermal neutron field can be used to estimate
neutron energy spectra and to understand neutron transport in the
graphite pile. Details of the measurement system and procedure are
in the intermediate- and high-energy regions. This implies that the presented in the subsequent sections.
cadmium case only affected the thermal neutron transport, as expected,
while the case had no significant effect on non-thermal neutrons.
3. Measurement system for gold foil activity
Fig. 4 presents the thermal neutron fluence fractions compared to
the total neutron fluence for various positions relative to the source; (a)
Neutron activation analysis with gold foils was adopted for mea-
shows the distance dependence, and (b) shows the horizontal dis-
suring thermal neutron fluence inside the thermal neutron field. Gold
tribution from the reference position. At the reference position (70 cm
foil is one of the most widely adopted activation detectors, and the
from the source), the thermal neutron fluence was 95% of the total
thermal-neutron-capture cross section of 197Au has been evaluated
neutron fluence. At a position 90 cm from the source, the thermal
precisely with an uncertainty of 0.14% (Young, 2011).
neutron ratio was higher than 98%, while neutron fluence decreased
A gamma detection system consisting of a 7-in well-type NaI(Tl)
significantly. The horizontal distribution of thermal neutron fraction
scintillation detector (manufactured by SCIONIX, Holland) was utilized
shows deviations less than 1.5% from the thermal neutron fraction at
for measuring the activity of the gold foil. The detection efficiency of
the center position.
the NaI(Tl) detector was calibrated by measuring gamma rays from a
To verify the calculation results, gold foils with aluminum cases
gold foil irradiated in the reference thermal neutron field of the
were activated at different distances from the 241Am-Be source. To
National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington, U.K. (Thomas and
ensure a high degree of activation, 100-μm-thick gold foils were chosen,
Kolkowski, 2005). The saturated activity of the foil was 334 kBq, and its
rather than 50-μm-thick ones. Measurements of the activated foils were
uncertainty was 0.1%, as certified based on a 4πβ-counting system at
compared with the calculation results based on MCNPX, as presented in
NPL. The detection efficiency for 411.8 keV gamma rays from the 50-
Table 1. The calculation results reproduced the detector (gold foil)
μm-thick gold foil was 0.7629 ± 0.0011. Major contributions to the

Fig. 4. (a) Thermal neutron fluence fractions for different distances from the source, and (b) the horizontal distribution of the thermal neutron fluence fraction relative to the reference

Y.H. Kim et al. Radiation Measurements xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

uncertainty were the saturated activity of the gold foil (0.1%), the
branching ratio of 411.8 keV gamma rays (0.08%), and counting sta-
tistics (0.04%). The calibrated detection efficiency was used for the
different-thick gold foils by correcting self-absorption in the gold foils,
based MC calculations.

4. Determination of thermal neutron fluence rate

4.1. Neutron fluence derivation with Westcott convention method

The Westcott convention method (Westcott et al., 1958), which is

one of the most widely used convention methods, was adopted for
measuring thermal neutron fluence rate. The Westcott fluence rates
with v = v0 = 2200 m/s, which corresponds to T = 293 K, can be
Fig. 5. Fitting for the neutron energy spectrum.
obtained using the following equations, where φW , φW , th , φW , M , and
φW ,1/ E are the Westcott fluence rates for the total, thermal (below
cadmium cutoff energy), Maxwellian, and 1/E components, respec- Table 2 presents a summary of the parameters used for the evaluation of
tively (Thomas and Kolkowski, 2005): neutron fluence. Parameters related to the energy distribution of the
KRISS thermal neutron field are described in Section 4.2.
(D0 − D0 (Cd ) FCd ) R
φW = nv0 = ,
Gth gNσ0 R−1 (1)
4.2. Energy distribution of realistic thermal neutron field
(D0 − D0 (Cd ) FCd )
φW , th = nth v0 = ,
Gth gNσ0 (2) The thermal neutron fluence rate is determined as the sum of the
fluence rates for the Maxwellian component and 1/E component below
4r ⎞ the cadmium cutoff energy E(Cd). The neutron fluence rates for each
φW , M = nM v0 = φW ⎜⎛1 − ⎟,
πμ ⎠ (3) component can be determined by multiplying the average velocities of

the components of the Westcott fluence rates (Thomas and Kolkowski,
φW ,1/ E = n1/ E v0 = φW − φW , M , (4) 2005),
where vM v1/ E
φ th = φW , M + (φW , th − φW , M ) ,
v0 v0 (6)
D0 = reaction rate per mg for bare foil,
where φ th , vM , and v1/ E are the thermal neutron fluence rate and the
D0 (Cd ) = reaction rate per mg for foil with a cadmium filter,
average velocities of the Maxwellian and 1/E components, respectively.
μ = lower energy limit constant (EL = μkT) of 1/E neutrons,
The average velocities depend on μ and T, characterizing the neutron
and other parameters are summarized in Table 2.
energy distribution (Geiger and Van Der Zwan, 1966). μ and T were
estimated by fitting the whole calculated neutron energy spectrum
The cadmium ratio for gold foil can be determined by D/D(Cd), and
obtained from Monte Carlo simulations, as shown in Fig. 5. The fit
this value can be utilized to evaluate r from following equation (Geiger
function was the sum of the Maxwellian function and a 1/E function.
and Van Der Zwan, 1966).
The fit parameters were the height and the most probable temperature
D0 ⎡ Gth
Gr s0
⎤ (T) of the Maxwellian distribution as well as the height and the lower
RCd =
D0 (Cd )
= ⎣r T / T0 g

⎦ ⎡ FCd ( s0
−W )+ 1

energy limit (EL = μkT) of the 1/E function.μ and T at the reference
position inside the thermal neutron field were estimated to be
The detailed theory of the Westcott convention method has been (6.3 ± 0.7) and (308.0 ± 1.1) K from the fit, respectively.
presented in several other papers (Geiger and Van Der Zwan, 1966; The neutron energy distribution depends on the physical parameters
Walker et al., 1960; Westcott et al., 1958; ASTM, 2013; Boot, 1979). of the graphite moderator and neutron source. Among various

Table 2
Summary of the parameters used for the evaluation of neutron fluence.

Parameters Meaning Value Unit Remark

E(Cd) Cadmium cutoff energy 0.5 eV (Thomas and Kolkowski,

FCd Correction factor for attenuation of non-thermal neutrons in cadmium cover 1.013 MCNP modeling
g Departure of gold cross section from 1/v law in Maxwellian distribution 1.005 (Pritychenko and
Mughabghab, 2012)
Gth Thermal neutron self-shielding factor 0.934 MCNP modeling
Gr Resonance neutron self-shielding factor 0.280 (ASTM, 2013)
R Cadmium ratio for an ideal detector (σ ∼ 1/v), i.e., ratio of reaction rates of bare and cadmium- 495.6 (Geiger and Van Der Zwan,
covered foils, R= K
(r T/T0 ) , where T denotes the most probable temperature of Maxwell energy 1966)
distribution and T0 = 293 K
K πE (Cd) / E0 2.158 (Walker et al., 1960)
Coefficient for transmission of 1/E neutrons for cadmium (K= 4)
N Detector atoms per mg 3.056 × 10
r Relative intensity of the 1/E component 0.0043 From r T / T0 and T
s0 Westcott reduced resonance integral for gold 17.45 (Boot, 1979)
W Departure of gold cross section from 1/v law for 1/E component below E(Cd) 0.027 (Axton, 1963)
σ0 Thermal neutron cross section for gold 98.7 10−24 cm2 (Pritychenko and
Mughabghab, 2012)

Y.H. Kim et al. Radiation Measurements xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 3 Table 4
Variations of the neutron effective temperature with respect to the source energy dis- Thermal neutron fluence rate in the KRISS thermal neutron field and parameters used for
tribution (252Cf, uniform energies distribution below 6 MeV and 11 MeV), source mate- evaluation.
rials (vacuum and beryllium cylinder), density ( ρ ± 3σρ) , boron concentrations
(CB ± 3σCB ), and humidity (assuming 0.1 wt% H2O) in the graphite pile. Parameter Unit Value Uncertainty (%)

Conditions T (K) Difference (%) μ Difference (%) D0 mg−1s−1 0.675 0.28

D0 (Cd) mg−1s−1 0.016 1.1
Reference parameters 308.0 0 6.33 0 T K 308 2.0
Neutron 252
Cf source 304.7 −1.07 6.16 −2.70 μ 6.3 50
sources Uniform n(E)dE 309.5 +0.50 6.86 +8.35 r 0.0043 2.5
(E < 11 MeV) RCd 41.93 1.1
Uniform n(E)dE 306.8 −0.40 5.77 −8.84 R 495.6 2.3
(E < 6 MeV) φW cm−2s−1 2331 0.36
Vacuuma 308.3 +0.12 4.74 −25.17 φW , th cm−2s−1 2327 0.36
Berylliuma 309.6 +0.53 6.87 +8.40 φW , M cm−2s−1 2322 0.37
Graphite ρ + 3σρ 306.5 −0.49 6.15 −2.89
φW ,1/ E cm−2s−1 8.88 25
proper- ρ − 3σρ 310.3 +0.74 5.43 −14.23
ties b vM / v0 1.157 1.0
CB + 3σC B 308.9 +0.28 6.75 +6.57
v1/ E / v0 3.265 14
CB − 3σCB 308.0 +0.02 6.30 −0.49
φM cm−2s−1 2686 1.1
0.1 wt% H2O 307.5 −0.17 7.29 +15.06
φ1/ E cm−2s−1 14 39
a φth cm−2s−1 2700 1.1
Neutrons with the energy distribution given in ISO8529-1 were generated uniformly
in a vacuum and with beryllium cylinders.
ρ and CB denote the measured density and boron concentration of graphite, respec-

parameters, the initial neutron energy distribution from the source,

neutron source structure and material, graphite density, boron con-
centration, and humidity (hydrogen contents) within the graphite pile
could change the energy distribution. MCNPX calculations with various
parameter sets were performed to obtain the energy distributions. The
temperature and lower energy limit of 1/E neutrons were obtained from
the fit and are summarized in Table 3. A maximum difference of 1.07%
in temperature was observed for neutron emissions from a 252Cf source,
and an uncertainty of 2% was applied to the neutron effective tem-
perature, considering the maximum difference. The uncertainty of μ Fig. 6. (a) Cavity of the graphite pile, and (b) the detector holder and carrier with a gold
was assumed as 50%, considering a maximum difference of 25%. activation foil.

4.3. Determination of thermal neutron fluence rate (width) × 10 cm (height) positioned 70 cm from the source along the y-
axis were removed to create a cavity inside the graphite pile, as shown
In order to determine the thermal neutron fluence rate in the in Fig. 6, for the neutron detector calibration.
thermal neutron field, two gold foils were activated at the reference The thermal neutron fluence rate at the cavity center was de-
position. The first foil was placed in a 1-mm-thick aluminum case, termined with the procedure described in Section 4. The value of Gth for
whereas the second was placed in a 1-mm-thick cadmium case, which gold foil of 50-μm thickness (diameter of 20 mm) in the cavity was
had the same dimensions as the aluminum case, to obtain the cadmium calculated to be 0.9503. This value is different from the value of Gth at
ratio. The gold foils had a diameter of 20 mm and thickness of 50 μm, the reference position because the gold foils are installed with different
with purity higher than 99.99%. Each gold foil was irradiated for about orientations: the surface of foil in the cavity faces the neutron source,
10 days. The activities of the bare foil and cadmium-shielded foil were and the surfaces of foils at the reference position face the ceiling/floor
measured. The reaction rates of the bare foil (D0) and cadmium- of the experiment room. Spectral parameters T and μ were estimated by
shielded foil D0(Cd) were (0.6749 ± 0.0019) mg−1s−1 and analyzing the neutron energy distribution at the cavity center;
(0.0161 ± 0.0002) mg−1s−1, respectively. Dominant contributions to T = 311.3 K and μ = 6.3 were obtained. The uncertainties of T and μ
the uncertainty were the counting statistics (0.22% in D0 and 1.1% in were considered to be 2% and 50%, respectively, based on the in-
D0(Cd)) and the detection efficiency (0.14%). Uncertainties from the vestigations of the neutron energy distribution from different parameter
neutron irradiation time, decay time, and branching ratio of 411.8 keV sets. The other correction factors and cross-sectional parameters listed
gamma rays were less than 0.1%. The cadmium ratio RCd was in Table 2 were used to determine the thermal neutron fluence rate
(41.93 ± 0.46). The cadmium ratio of the ideal 1/v detector R was inside the cavity.
495.6, which is considered sufficiently high to reduce the influence of Two gold foils of 50-μm thickness (diameter of 20 mm) were acti-
non-thermal neutrons. vated at the cavity center using the 1-mm-thick aluminum and cad-
The Westcott fluence rates and thermal neutron fluence rate in the mium covers for about a week, respectively. D0 = (0.604 ± 0.002)
established field are summarized in Table 4 together with the para- mg−1s−1 and D0(Cd) = (0.0186 ± 0.0004) mg−1s−1 were obtained.
meters used for the evaluation. The thermal neutron fluence rate was The major uncertainty contributions were gamma counting statistics
(2700 ± 29) cm−2s−1 (at the reference date of June 30, 2014). (0.3% in D0 and 2.0% in D0(Cd)) and the gamma detection efficiency
(0.14%). RCd was (32.45 ± 0.66), which was lower than RCd =
(41.93 ± 0.46) at the reference position.
5. Neutron detector response evaluation
The realistic thermal neutron fluence rate (φth ) was 2372 cm−2s−1
(at the reference date of July 15, 2015); its fraction was approximately
5.1. Thermal neutron fluence rate inside cavity
94% based on the simulation. The uncertainty of the thermal neutron
fluence rate was 1.1%; the major contributions were T (1%), D0
Graphite blocks with dimensions of 120 cm (length) × 10 cm

Y.H. Kim et al. Radiation Measurements xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

(0.34%), and Gth (0.14%).

5.2. Detector response and correction factors

The response of a spherical proportional counter filled with 2 atm

He (SP9, Centronic Ltd.) was calibrated using the established thermal
neutron field. The SP9 detector consists of a spherical part (diameter of
3.3 cm) and a cylindrical stem (length of 14 cm and diameter of 1.3 cm,
approximately). The response of the thermal neutron detector (Rth ) was
determined using
ρbare − kCd ρCd
Rth = ,
φth (7)

where ρbare , ρCd , and kCd are the count rates from the detectors without/
with a 1-mm-thick cadmium cover and the correction factor for the
attenuation of neutrons with energies above the cadmium cutoff energy
Fig. 7. Installation of the SP9 detector for calibration in the cavity.
(in an 1 mm-thick cadmium cover for the SP9 detector), respectively.
Rth describes the response of the detector only inside the specific
thermal neutron field used for the calibration. The response depends on fluence inside the graphite pile includes the fluence of some neutrons
the shape of the neutron field. The response of the detector for reference passing through the detection position more than once because of being
calibration conditions should be evaluated for the general use of the reflected by the graphite. If a detector is installed, these events are
detector. The reference conditions used at the present study presuppose reduced owing to interactions within the detector itself. The induced
parallel-incident neutrons with a Maxwellian energy distribution (most difference of the thermal neutron fluence was estimated by calculating
probable energy of 0.025 eV) (Nolte et al., 2015) and cadmium cutoff the self-shielding factors of the SP9 detectors both in a vacuum and
energy of 0.5 eV. The difference of energy distribution and the incident inside the graphite pile. The ratio of the self-shielding effect in a va-
angles of neutrons should be considered. In many cases such as KRISS, cuum to that in the graphite pile (k3) was 1.028. The uncertainties of
the calibration is performed in a limited space, rather than an open the normalized factors were estimated, considering the factors' varia-
space. Moreover, the self-absorption inside the detector changes the tions due to different conditions, such as the neutron field character-
neutron fluence at the reference position because it reduces the back- istics and the detector's properties.
scatter neutrons.
The correction factor for the difference of the energy distribution
(k1) was evaluated with the following equation (Nolte et al., 2015): 5.3. Calibration results

∫0 (φM (E )/φM ) r (E ) dE The SP9 detector was inserted into the graphite pile cavity so that
k1 = ,
E (Cd) the detector sphere was located in the central position of the cavity, as
∫0 (φ (E )/ φ) r (E ) dE (8)
shown in Fig. 7.
where φM (E )/ φM and φ (E )/ φ are the relative spectral fluences for a Count-rate measurements were performed with the bare SP9 de-
Maxwellian energy distribution with the most probable energy (E0) of tector and the SP9 detector shielded by 1-mm-thick cadmium. Count
0.025 eV and for the KRISS thermal neutron field, respectively. In this rates of ρbare and ρCd were (6732 ± 21) s−1 and (30.5 ± 0.2) s−1,
equation, r(E) is the detector's relative response (R(E)/R(E0), where R respectively. The uncertainties of the count rates were determined by
(E) is the detector response for different neutron energies). The re- considering the influences from counting statistics, dead-time correc-
sponses of the 2 atm SP9 detector were calculated for parallel-incident tions, and threshold variations. k Cd was determined to be 1.02 based on
neutrons with energies ranging from 1 meV to 100 MeV k1 = 1.026 was MCNPX calculations, considering the attenuation of neutrons with
obtained using the calculated responses, stemming mostly from the E > E(Cd). As a result, Rth = (2.825 ± 0.032) cm2 was obtained and
neutron effective temperature (1.020) and the contribution of the 1/E normalized to Rref for reference conditions by multiplying the normal-
neutrons below the cadmium cutoff (others). ization factors. Rref was (3.083 ± 0.045) cm2, as listed in Table 5.
The correction factor for a different neutron incident angle (k2) was Major contributions to the uncertainty were the thermal neutron flu-
obtained as follows. The SP9 detector has cylindrical symmetry with ence in the cavity (1.1%) and the normalization factors of k1 (0.50%)
respect to the stem axis, and the detector response significantly varies and k3 (0.68%).
with the neutron incident angle relative to the stem. The neutron cur-
rents with incident angles to the detector sphere at the cavity's center
were estimated to study the neutron incident angular distribution. The Table 5
detector sphere was divided by azimuthal angles relative to the stem Response of the 2 atm SP9 detector and parameters used for calibrationa.
axis (x-axis based on the schematic in Fig. 2), and neutron currents at
the divided surfaces were calculated. The variations of neutron currents Parameter Unit Value Uncertainty (%)

for different incident surfaces were within 3% relative to the average ρbare s−1
6732 0.32
neutron current. The calculation results showed that the neutrons en- ρCd s−1 30.5 0.47
tered the detector with an almost isotropic angular distribution. kCd 1.02 2.0
Therefore, a correction factor for neutron incident angles, k2, was ob- φth cm−2s−1 2372 1.1
tained by calculating the detector responses for a parallel beam (Rparallel ) Rth cm2 2.825 1.2
and an isotropic beam (Riso ). In addition, k2 (Rparallel / Riso ) = 1.034 was k1 1.026 0.50
k2 1.034 0.34
estimated to be very close to the value of 1.033, known from a study by
k3 1.028 0.68
the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) (Nolte et al., 2015). Rref cm2 3.083 1.5
The last correction factor (k3) is for the self-absorption of the de-
tector. The effective thermal neutron fluence rate for a detector position a
k1, k2 , and k3 represent the normalization factors for the neutron energies, incident
can vary owing to self-shielding effects of the detector. Thermal neutron angles, and self-absorption of the detector.

Y.H. Kim et al. Radiation Measurements xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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