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Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries based on

Thermal Dynamics
Dong Zhang, Satadru Dey, Hector E. Perez, Scott J. Moura

Abstract— Longevity remains one of the key issues for filters (PFs) were examined in [3]. Tang et al. proposed
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology. On-board Intelli- a RUL prediction method based on the Wiener process
gent Battery Management Systems (BMS) implement health- with measurement error and offline parameter estimation [4].
conscious control algorithms in order to increase battery life-
time while maintaining the performance. For such algorithms, Although these offline approaches significantly contribute
the information on Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of the battery towards this research area, their applicability for real-time
is crucial for optimizing the battery performance and ensuring purpose is limited due to the following reasons: (i) in real-
minimal degradation. However, accurate prediction of RUL time, we have access to very limited amounts of data; (ii)
remains one of the most challenging tasks until this date. In in practice, battery degradation depends significantly on the
this paper, we present an online RUL estimation scheme for
Li-ion batteries, which is designed from a thermal perspective. usage patterns. Therefore, a single offline RUL scheme may
The key novelty lies in (i) leveraging thermal dynamics to not be sufficient for these cases. These facts motivate the
predict RUL and, (ii) developing a hierarchical estimation necessity of online approaches for RUL estimation.
algorithm with provable convergence properties. The algorithm The online RUL estimation approaches operate on real-
consists of three stages working in cascade. The first two time BMS processors utilizing real-time measurements. Gen-
stages estimate the core temperature, State-of-Charge (SOC)
and battery capacity based on a combination of thermal and erally, online approaches are comparatively more challenging
Coulombic SOC model. The third stage receives this capacity than their offline counterparts due to lack of measured
information and in turn identifies a capacity fade aging model. information and limited computation power. A few stud-
Finally, we estimate the RUL by predicting the battery capacity ies have investigated this. Zhou et al. used mean voltage
fade over the cycles utilizing the identified aging model. A falloff (MVF) as a health indicator to quantify the capacity
combination of sliding mode observers and nonlinear least-
squares algorithm is utilized for designing the estimators. degradation, thanks to high correlation between MVF and
Simulation results illustrate the performance of the proposed capacity [5]. Orchard et al. developed a risk-sensitive particle
RUL estimation scheme. filtering based approach for accurate RUL and end-of-life
(EOL) estimation in [6]. Data-driven capacity estimation
I. I NTRODUCTION approaches, such as artificial neural network (ANN) and
With the rapid evolution of smart grid technologies and Relevance Vector Machine (RVM), were examined in [7],
electrified vehicles, the Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery has [8]. However, none of the aforementioned approaches ex-
become a prominent device for energy storage. Over the last plore RUL estimation from a thermal perspective. In light of
decade, interest in this topic has dramatically increased and these existing approaches, the main contributions of the paper
a substantial body of research has emerged on improving are the following: (i) we exploit electro-thermal coupling to
battery performance and safety. Essentially, an intelligent predict RUL of the battery in terms of capacity fade; (ii)
BMS implements real-time control/estimation algorithms from a theoretical perspective, we develop a hierarchical esti-
that enhance battery performance while improving safety. mation algorithm with mathematically provable convergence
One of the crucial functions of such BMS is to estimate the and robustness properties.
Remaining Useful Life (RUL) [1]. Accurate RUL estimation The proposed online RUL estimation scheme is composed
is still an unsolved problem in BMS research. of a hierarchical structure with three stages. In Stage 1,
The existing literature contains several approaches to RUL core temperature and heat generation are estimated based
estimation. Broadly, these approaches can be categorized on a two-state thermal model. Stage 2 estimates SOC and
into offline and online approaches. Offline approaches gen- capacity using the coupling between thermal and electrical
erally develop RUL models in specific laboratory settings dynamics. Finally, Stage 3 uses estimated capacity and core
with access to large amounts of battery data under varying temperature, as well as input current to identify a capacity
operating conditions. Liu et al. developed a data-driven fade model. A combination of sliding mode observers [9]
adaptive recurrent neural network (ARNN) trained using and least-squares algorithm is used for the estimator design,
history resistance data at two different temperatures for where the convergence of each estimation process is carefully
battery RUL prediction [2]. A model based offline RUL pre- examined. The choice of sliding mode observer is due to its
diction using relevance vector machines (RVMs) and particle provable finite time convergence and robustness properties.
This identified aging model further predicts the battery EOL,
Dong Zhang, Satadru Dey, Hector E. Perez, Scott J. Moura are with defined as a 20% decrease of the original cell capacity [10].
Energy, Controls, and Applications Lab (eCAL) in Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA (e-mail: The paper is organized as follows: Section II presents
{dongzhr, satadru86, heperez, smoura} battery electrical, thermal, and aging models. Section III
Heat generation from resistive dissipation and entropic heat
are considered, where U is the equilibrium potential and T (t)
is the average of surface and core temperature. Following
[11], we assume the coolant flow rate is constant and the
ambient temperature Tf is nearly constant. The thermal pa-
rameters used in this work have been identified and validated
on a LiFePO4 /LiC6 A123 26650 cell [11].

C. Aging Model

Fig. 1: Schematic of Equivalent Circuit Model A cycle-life aging model is adopted from [12]. Exper-
imental data strongly suggests that time (Ah-throughput),
temperature and C-rate significantly affect capacity fade.
discusses sliding mode observers with stability analyses, and They propose an empirical capacity fade model, given as:
least-squares algorithm for parameter identification. Section  
Ea (c)
IV discusses the simulation results for a particular charge- Ploss = B(c) · exp (Ah)z (8)
discharge cycle. Conclusions are drawn in Section V. RTc

II. BATTERY M ODEL where Ploss is the capacity loss percentage, c is C-rate, B(c)
is the pre-exponential factor, and R is the universal gas con-
This paper utilizes an equivalent circuit model (ECM) that
stant. Ah is ampere-hour throughput. Moreover, Ea (c) and z
captures the electrical dynamics, and a two-state thermal
are the activation energy and power law factor, respectively.
model that captures battery surface and core temperature
A cycle-life capacity model can be derived accordingly:
dynamics [11]. We also consider a cycle-life battery aging
model from [12]. In the following subsections, we describe  Ploss 
these models in detail. Cbat (N ) = 1 − Cbat (0)
h  b  i
A. Electrical Model = 1 − a · exp (Ah)z Cbat (0) (9)
Consider the ECM presented in Figure 1, which idealizes
a battery as an open-circuit voltage (OCV ) in series with where N ∈ N is the cycle number, Cbat (0) is the full cell
two resistor-capacitor (R-C) pairs, and an internal resistor capacity, and a, b are the parameters to be estimated online.
(R0 ). The state space dynamics and output are given by:
dt Cbat
dV1 (t) 1 1
=− V1 (t) + I(t) (2) The goal of this work is to develop an online estimation
dt R1 C1 C1 scheme that predicts battery RUL. Essentially, we estimate
dV2 (t) 1 1 parameters a and b of the aging model (9) online and use
=− V2 (t) + I(t) (3)
dt R2 C2 C2 the identified model to predict capacity fade. We present a
VT (t) = OCV (SOC) − V1 (t) − V2 (t) − I(t)R0 (4) novel hierarchical scheme depicted in Figure 2. The scheme
where I(t) is the input current, and we specify positive for consists of three stages. In Stage 1, a sliding mode observer
discharge and negative for charge. Cbat is the battery charge based on the two-state thermal model is employed to simul-
capacity in Ampere-second, and VT denotes terminal voltage. taneously estimate unmeasured state (Tc ) and unmeasured
input (Q̇), using the available online measurements of surface
B. Thermal Model temperature (Ts ), input current (I), and terminal voltage
A two-state lumped thermal model of a cylindrical battery (VT ). Next, the estimated heat generation Q ḃ is passed to
is adopted from [11]. The model states are core temperature Stage 2, where another sliding mode observer based on
(Tc ) and surface temperature (Ts ): the SOC-model is applied to estimate the unmeasured state
(SOC) and unknown parameter (Cbat ). Finally, Stage 3 iden-
dTc (t) Ts (t) − Tc (t)
Cc = + Q̇(t) (5) tifies parameters of capacity fade model (9). The inputs to
dt Rc Stage 3 are the input current (I), estimated core temperature
dTs (t) Tf (t) − Ts (t) Ts (t) − Tc (t) (Tc ) and capacity (Cbat ). In contrast to the first two stages,
Cs = − (6)
dt Ru Rc Stage 3 operates on a slower time scale by taking the
estimated capacity value at the end of each charge-discharge
Q̇(t) = I(t) OCV (SOC) − VT (t) − T (t) (7)
dT cycle, and updating parameters of the aging model (9) online.
where Rc , Ru , Cc and Cs represent heat conduction resis- For this stage, we use the nonlinear least-squares algorithm
tance, convection resistance, core heat capacity, and surface for parameter estimation. In the following subsections, we
heat capacity, respectively. Q̇(t) is internal heat generation. detail the design of each stage.
If the gain L2 is chosen high enough such that
1 e
L2 > |Tc |max (16)
Rc C s

then we have that V̇1 ≤ 0.

Remark 1. For the design of the observer gain L2 , we need
a finite value for |Tec |max . Essentially, |Tec |max < L2 Rc Cs
can be viewed as a Region of Convergence (ROC) for the
observer, which is function of the observer gain L2 . Hence,
we can define an acceptable ROC for the observer and
design the observer gain accordingly.

Furthermore, note from (15) that

Fig. 2: Online RUL Estimation Scheme
√ p 1 e
V̇1 ≤ − 2α V1 where α = L2 − |Tc |max (17)
Rc Cs
A. Stage 1: Estimation of Core Temperature & Heat Gener-
Applying the comparison
√ principle on (17) yields V1 ≤
ation p
( V1 (0) − αt/ 2)2 , and then the time needed for Tes to
The purpose of Stage 1 is to simultaneously estimate converge to zero is
the core temperature (unmeasured state) and heat generation p
(unmeasured input). We consider the following observer 2V1 (0)
structure for Stage 1: t1f = (18)
˙ 1 b 1 b
Tbc = − Tc + Ts + L1 sgn(v) (10) Therefore, it can be concluded that Tes → 0 in finite time t1f ,
Rc Cc Rc Cc
and hence, the sliding mode is attained. At the sliding mode,
˙ 1 b  1 1  1 ˙
Tbs = Tc − + Tbs + Tf + L2 v1 we have Tes = 0 and Tes = 0. Substituting these expressions
Rc Cs Ru Cs Rc C s Ru Cs
(11) in (14), we can write v = Rc1Cs Tec . Next we analyze (13)
Q b = L1 Cc sgn(v) (12) using the Lyapunov function candidate V2 (t) = 21 Tec2 . The
derivative of Lyapunov function candidate V2 :
where L1 , L2 > 0 are scalar observer gains to be designed.
sgn(·) is the sign function. Moreover, v1 = sgn(Ts − Tbs ), ˙
V̇2 = Tec Tec
and v is the filtered version of L2 v1 . In real time, v can be 1 e2 1 e  1 
computed by passing L2 v1 through a low pass filter with =− Tc + Q̇Tc − L1 Tec sgn Tec
Rc Cc Cc Rc C s
unity steady-state gain, i.e. v(t) = {ω/(s + ω)}L2 v1 (t),  1 
where ω is the cut-off frequency. Next, we provide the ≤ |Tec | |Q̇| − L1 (19)
convergence analysis of observer (10)-(11).
If we choose the gain L1 high enough such that
Convergence Analysis of Stage 1 Observer:
L1 > |Q̇|max (20)
Consider the estimation error Tec = Tc − Tbc and Tes = Ts − Cc
Ts . Subtracting (10)-(11) from (5)-(6), the error dynamics
we can conclude that V̇2 ≤ 0.
can be written as:
Remark 2. For the design of observer gain L1 , we need a
˙ 1 e 1 e 1 finite value for |Q̇|max . From (7), this maximum value can
Tec = − Tc + Ts + Q̇ − L1 sgn(v) (13)
Rc Cc Rc Cc Cc be determined based on a priori knowledge of the possible
˙ 1 e  1 1 
range of input current, temperature, terminal and open circuit
Tes = Tc − + Tes − L2 sgn(Tes ) (14)
Rc Cs Ru Cs Rc Cs voltages.
We analyze error dynamics (14) by using the Lyapunov Similarly, the finite time for Tec to converge to zero is
function candidate V1 (t) = 21 Tes2 . The derivative of the p
Lyapunov function candidate V1 is 2V2 (0) 1
t2f = , where β = L1 − |Q̇|max (21)
˙ β Cc
V̇1 = Tes Tes
1 e e  1 1  e2 ˙
= Tc Ts − + T − L2 Tes sgn(Tes ) At the sliding mode, we have Tec = 0 and Tec = 0. After
Rc C s Ru Cs Rc Cs s t > t2f > t1f , with Ts = 0, equation (13) simplifies to:
≤ |Tes | |Tec | − L2 (15)
Rc C s Q
ḃ = L C sgn(v)
1 c (22)
B. Stage 2: Estimation of Battery SOC and Capacity The derivative of V3 along the trajectories of SOC
] is

Stage 2 simultaneously estimates battery SOC (unmea- ˙ ] − I − L3 sgn(SOC)

] · SOC
V̇3 (t) = SOC ] = SOC ]
sured state) and capacity (unknown parameter) by receiving Cbat
heat generation estimate from Stage 1 as an input signal. We
≤ |SOC| − L3 |SOC|
] ]
consider the following observer structure for Stage 2: Cbat
] · I − L3
˙ = |SOC| (29)
[ = L3 sgn(OCVm − OCV\) (23) Cbat

ḃ dU Choose the gain L3 high enough such that
OCV m = + VT + Tb (24)
I dT |I|max
I L3 > (30)
bbat = −
C (25) |Cbat |min
L3 v3
Remark 5. The values for |I|max and |Cbat |min can be
where v3 is the filtered version of sgn(OCVm − OCV \), determined a priori based on knowledge of feasible input
computed by passing sgn(OCVm −OCV ) through a low pass
\ current and battery capacity range.
filter with unity steady-state gain in real time. L3 is the scalar
observer gain to be designed. Note that Q ḃ and Tb are the Similarly, the finite time for SOC
] to converge to zero is
estimated heat generation from (22) and estimated average p
2V3 (0) |I|max
temperature from Stage 1. As analyzed in the previous t3f = where γ = L3 − (31)
γ |Cbat |min
subsection, we have Q ḃ = Q̇ and Tb = T , and hence from (7),
OCVm = OCV after t > t1f > t2f . Under this scenario, ˙
At the sliding mode, we have SOC ] = 0 and SOC] = 0.
we analyze the convergence of observer (23)-(24).
Substituting these expressions in (28) gives:
Remark 3. Note that (24) requires division by current
I(t) to reconstruct OCVm information. Therefore, this bbat = − I
C (32)
reconstruction cannot be used under zero current scenarios. L3 v3
This limitation arises from the fact that the heat generation
is zero under zero current (according to the model (7)). C. Stage 3: Online Identification of Battery Aging Model
For practical implementation, this issue can be dealt with
 TheTpurpose of Stage 3 is to estimate the parameters θ =
by turning off this reconstruction, and hence the output a b of the aging model (9) via a nonlinear least-squares
injection term of the observer, under the condition |I(t)| <  identification algorithm. Define θ̃ = θ − θ̂ and write (9) in
where  is an user-defined arbitrary small positive number.  T
terms of θ̃ = ã b̃ :
Convergence Analysis of Stage 2 Observer: h  b̃ + b̂  i
Cbat (N ) = 1 − (ã + â) exp (Ah)z Cbat (0) (33)
Strict monotonicity of the OCV-SOC relationship guarantees
Next we take the Taylor series approximation with respect
sgn(OCV − OCV
\) = sgn(SOC − SOC).
[ (26) to θ̃ around θ̃ = 0
h  b̂  i
Remark 4. In this formulation, we have assumed that the Cbat (N ) ≈ 1 − â · exp (Ah)z Cbat (0)
OCV is a monotonically increasing function of SOC over h  b̂  i
the 0%-100% SOC range. Note that this assumption is − exp (Ah)z Cbat (0) ã
already verified for most of the popular Li-ion chemistry, Tc
e.g. LiCoO2 -Graphite and LiFePO4 -Graphite [13].
h 1  b̂  i
− â · · exp (Ah)z Cbat (0) b̃ (34)
Tc Tc
We can re-write observer (23) based on (26): Re-arrange the previous expression into the matrix form
˙  b̂ 
= L3 sgn(SOC − SOC)
h i
[ [ (27) enl = Cbat (N ) − 1 − â exp (Ah)z Cbat (0)
] = SOC − SOC
The dynamics of SOC [ can be written as: = θ̃T φ (35)

˙ ˙ I where the regressor vector φ is defined as

] ˙ − SOC
= SOC [ =− − L3 sgn(SOC)
] (28)
Cbat    
− exp Tb̂c (Ah)z Cbat (0)
φ=    (36)
Consider the Lyapunov function candidate V3 (t) = 21 SOC
] . −â · T1c · exp Tb̂c (Ah)z Cbat (0)
The regressor φ depends upon measured signals and pa-

Current [A]
rameter estimates. We now choose a discrete-time least- 0
Charging Discharging
squares parameter update law with forgetting factor and -10
θ̂(N + 1) = θ̂(N ) + P (N )enl (N )φ(N ), θ̂(0) = θ̂0 (37) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

φ(N )φT (N )

Terminal Voltage [V]

P (N + 1) = (1 + β)P (N ) − P (N ) P (N ), V
m2 (N ) 3.6
P (0) = P0 = P0T  0 (39)
m2 (N ) = 1 + φ(N )φT (N ) (40) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900


Temperatures [ o C]
In this section, we present simulation studies that demon- 40 Ts
strate the performance of the proposed online RUL es-
timation scheme. The battery under consideration is a
LiFePO4 /LiC6 A123 26650 cell with nominal capacity 2.3 20
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Ah. The parameter values are taken from [11]. In the plant Time [sec] (One Cycle)
model simulation, we incorporate the nonlinear capacity fade
model (8). To illustrate the performance, we apply a repeated Fig. 3: Current, voltage, core temperature, and surface temperature
charge-discharge cycle to the battery model. Each cycle in the plant. This charge-discharge cycle is repeated for 200 times.
consists of a charging protocol [14] that charges the battery
from 25% to 75% SOC, followed by a constant discharge
with low C-rate that discharges the battery to 25% SOC. first 100 cycles are used to identify the parameters of the
Figure 3 plots the evolution of current, terminal voltage, aging model whereas the rest are used to test the prediction
core and surface temperature in the plant, for part of one performance. We initialize the parameters to incorrect values,
charge-discharge cycle. We repeat this cycle 200 times to test and finally the estimated parameters â and b̂ are obtained
our proposed scheme. All the estimated quantities (unknown by algorithm (37)-(40). In the prediction phase we use
states, input and parameters) are initialized with incorrect these identified parameters to predict battery capacity and
values to illustrate the convergence properties. compare the prediction with testing data. Figure 6 illustrates
the prediction performance, where the blue ’+’ markers
A. Performance of Stage 1 and Stage 2: Core Temperature, represent the capacity fade prediction and the red ’o’ markers
Heat Generation, State-of-Charge and Capacity Estimation represent the actual capacity fade data from the nonlinear
We now consider only the first cycle. First, we evaluate the aging model (8). The root mean square (RMS) prediction
performance of observer (10)-(12) in Stage 1. The core and error is 0.0002 Ah compared to testing data set, meaning our
surface temperature estimates are initialized with incorrect proposed online estimation scheme achieves ≈0.01% error
values (3o C initial error for both cases) to validate the in predicting capacity fade under current usage condition,
convergence property. Figure 4 portrays the evolution of normalized against nominal cell capacity. Consequently, we
unknown state (Tc ) and unknown input (Q̇) estimation of simulate forward the aging model (9) with the identified
thermal system (5)-(6). Note that with an appropriate choice parameters to predict RUL. In this case study, the predicted
of gain L1 = 25 and L2 = 5 as presented in (20) and (16), cycle number that reaches EOL will be 1407 cycles.
the convergence time for Tc and Q are t1f = 10 sec and
t2f = 12 sec. Next, we investigate the effectiveness of state V. C ONCLUSION
(SOC) and capacity (Cbat ) estimation in Stage 2. Similar This paper proposes an online Remaining Useful Life
to the Stage 1 observer, the SOC estimate is initialized (RUL) estimation scheme for Li-ion batteries from a thermal
with incorrect value (15% initial error). Figure 5 shows the prospective. The proposed estimation scheme consists of
convergence of SOC and capacity (Cbat ) to their true values. three stages operating in a cascaded manner. Stages 1 and 2
In this case, SOC convergence time is t3f = 60 sec and estimate battery core temperature, SOC and capacity based
capacity convergence time is 204 sec. These results confirm on a two-state temperature model and Coulombic SOC model
the finite-time zero error convergence analysis conclusions utilizing sliding mode observers. The convergence for the
for the Stage 1 and 2 observers in Section III. sliding mode observers are mathematically analyzed using
Lyapunov stability theory. The estimated capacity and core
B. Performance of Stage 3: Parameter Identification of the temperature, along with measured current, are then utilized in
Aging Model Stage 3 to identify a capacity fade aging model via a nonlin-
In this section, we illustrate the performance of online ear least-squares algorithm. A simulation case study with 200
aging model parameter identification. We simulate 200 cycles repeated charge-discharge cycles is presented, where the first
of the previously mentioned charge-discharge profile. The 100 cycles are used to identify the aging model online. The
10 2.3
Heat Generation [W]
Data for online aging model identification
Actual capacity
Q 2.28
Predicted capacity using identified model
-10 b
-20 2.26

Capacity [Ah]
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Prediction
Time [sec] 2.24
Surface Temperature Ts ( o C)


40 Online Identification

20 2.18
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time [sec] Number of Cycle [N]
Core Temperature Tc ( o C)

Fig. 6: Aging model parameter identification using least-squares al-
gorithm. The first 100 data points are used for online identification,
Tc and the remaining 100 data points are for testing

30 Tbc

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