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Walid Abdrabou The Elite 2021-2022

Test (1ST TERM) ………./40 Marks

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- I used to have the mechanic………. my car every year when I was abroad.
a) to repair b) repaired c) repairing d) repair

2- My brother said that he had been to France and …. the Eiffel Tower.
a) see b) saw c) seen d) has seen

3- Due to man’s destruction of the planet earth, the ………… of nature is in real danger.
a) power b) balance c) force d) energy

4- After a long and stressful year, secondary students intend to make …………. all they missed.
a) for b) up c) up for d) out

5- One of the aims of education is to …………. the positive participation in developing society.
a) prove b) promote c) qualify d) lear

6-My son and his close friends are very …………… in football.
a) fond b) keen c) careful d) absorbed

7- Tomorrow, during the second lesson, you …………… a summary of “Hard Time”
a) will be read b) will be reading c) are reading d) read

8- ………………. he made a mistake, he immediately apologized.

a) Having realising b) Realised c) After realised d) realising

9- Oh my dear! That is a lovely present but you ………………… such an expensive one.
a) didn.t have to buy b) needn.t have bought c) mustn.t buy d) shouldn.t buy

10-When you take the scissors, remember .................... them back.

a) to put b) putting c) having put d) to putting

11- I…………......... recently. No one helps me.

a) have the garden watered b) have watered the garden
c) water the garden d) have been watered the garden

12- Most of our windows need……………. They are very dusty.

a) clean b) to clean c) to cleaning d) cleaning

13- You ………………. your English by the time you come back from the U.S.
a) will perfect b) will have perfected c) would perfect d) perfects

14-I really admire this woman. She is ......................

a) good educate b) good educated c) well-educated d) well- educate

15- When we visited them last December, their house ………. decorated, there was paint
a) was b) had been c) was being d) has been

01069205519 1 wishig you all the best

Mr. Walid Abdrabou The Elite 2021-2022

16-Scarcely …………. a new job when he decided to move into a new flat
a) he had found b) was he found c) has he found d) had he found

17- I think the new skills in this course will make you more ……………. .
a) employable b) employment c) unemployed d) employer

18-I suggest that Remas ……………. much exercise to keep fit.

a) does b) do c) will do d) doing

19-This is the first time Rachel…................ to give me a message.

a) has forgotten b) is forgetting c) forgets d) forgot

20-Highly-qualified youth should……………. up important positions.

a) be let to take b) let to be taken c) be allowed to take d) allow to be taken

21-You have to……... what you have achieved from time to time.
a) confess b) assess c) mix Appreciate

22-Which of the following sentences DOESN‟T give the same meaning?

a- After he had studied his lessons, he slept.
b- After studying his lessons, he slept.
c- Before he studied his lessons, he had slept.
d- Having studied his lessons, he slept.

23-Which of the following is correctly structured?

a- My car had been repaired before I arrived at the mechanic’s.
b- My car had repaired before I arrived at the mechanic’s.
c- My car had been repair before I arrived at the mechanic’s.
d- My car had being repaired before I arrived at the mechanic’s.

24-Which of the following sentences is structurally correct?

a- No sooner I had typed the report, than I emailed the manager.
b- No sooner had I typed the report than I emailed the manager.
c- I had no sooner typed the report when I emailed the manager.
d- No sooner I had typed the report when I emailed the manager.

25-Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

a- Wael did you understand why I had travelled to Luxor alone?
b- Wael, did you understand why I had travelled to Luxor alone
c- Wael, did you understand why I had travelled to Luxor alone?
d- Wael, did you understand Why I had travelled to Luxor alone?

26- A persuasive essay is the one that ………….……

a- provides a clear, focused explanation of a topic.
b- presents an extended evidence - based argument.
c- tells a story about a personal experience or an imaginative one.
d- provides a detailed sensory description of something.

01069205519 2 wishig you all the best

Mr. Walid Abdrabou The Elite 2021-2022

. ‫ال يمكن الحد ان يهزمك او يعرقل نجاحك طالما تتسلح بالعلم واالمل‬/ 27
a No one can’t defeat you or hinder your success as long as you are armed with knowledge and
b No one can defeat you or hinder your successful as long as you are armed with knowledge and
c No one can defeat you or hinder your success as long as you are armed with knowledge and
d No one can defeat you or hinder your success as long as you are armed to knowledge and hope.

.‫ فانت تساعده ايضا علي التفكير واالبداع ليكون مواطنا صالحا‬، ‫ عندما تعطى شخصا تعليما جيدا‬/28
a When you give a person a well education, you also help him to think and create to be a good
b When you give a person a good education, you also help him thinking and create to be a good
c When you give a person a good education, you also help him to think and create to be a good
d When you give a person a good education, you also help him to think and create for be a good

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

It is commonly believed that only rich middle-aged businessmen suffer from stress. Anyone may
become ill as a result of stress if they experience a lot of worry. Stress can be a friend or an
enemy. It can warn you that you are under too much pressure and should change your way of life.
It can kill you if you don’t notice the warning signals.
When we are very frightened and worried, our bodies produce certain chemicals to help us fight
what troubling us. These produce the energy needed to run away fast from an object of fear. If we
don‟t use up these chemicals or produce too many of them, they may harm us. The stomach,
heart, skin, head and back are badly affected by stress. For example, any student in a final year
can be under two stresses. He can be under great pressure preparing for his exams and a dispute
with his father. He may wake up after sleeping badly discovering that his body was covered by
red lumps. Stress can also cause car accidents, heart attacks, alcoholism and even suicide.
Our living and working conditions may put us under stress. Overcrowding in large cities, traffic
jams, competition for jobs, uncertainty about the future may be stressful. If you have changed
jobs or moved house in recent months, you are likely to fall ill. What can we do about stress? As
with all illnesses prevention is better than cure. When you are taking work home, you can enjoy
yourself. So you have to tell yourself that it is time to stop and join a relation class. To avoid
stress, one should have a balanced life.

Choose the correct answer from :

29- This passage mainly deals with ………… .

a- committing suicide and car accidents
b -joining a relaxation club
c -stress as a psychological problem
d -job competition and their effects

30- The sentence that can best summarize the third paragraph is …….
a- pressures we are exposed to before exams
b- stress can destroy our life l
c- we are always frightened
d- some causes of stress and ways to overcome them

01069205519 3 wishig you all the best

Mr. Walid Abdrabou The Elite 2021-2022

31- According to the passage, some people may feel… when they move into a new house.
a- stressed b- dishonest c- happy d- content

32- When scared, our bodies get out ………… .

a- illnesses caused by fear
b- the stresses we suffer from
c -intentions to put an end to our life
d- some chemicals to combat this fear

33- Why do you think that businessmen are always under stress? Because ………… .
a- they are busy thinking about warning signals
b- they export goods all over the world
c- they tour the world very often
d- they might lose lots of money

34-From the passage, find out the word that means "a swelling under the skin which is a sign of
a- lung b- lump c- lamb d- lumber

35- According to the passage, stressful life is …………… .

a- painless b- painful c- delighted d- enjoyable

36- What do you think would happen if we overcome stress? We would ………… .
a- suffer from many conflicts b- start making debates
c- hinder progress and development d- enjoy peace of mind

37- What is the synonym of “worried”?

a- anxious b- cheerful c- delighted d- pleased

38- What is the antonym of “harm”?

a- benefit b- ruin c- damage d- misuse

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