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Digital Image

Image Filtering in the Frequency Domain
• Low Pass Filter
• High Pass Filter
• Band pass Filter
• Blurring
• Sharpening

2/16/2018 2
Frequency Bands
Image Fourier Spectrum

Percentage of image power enclosed in circles

(small to large) :

90, 95, 98, 99, 99.5, 99.9

Blurring - Ideal Low pass Filter


99.5% 99.9%
The Convolution Theorem

g=f*h g = fh

implies implies

G = FH G=F*H
Low pass Filter

spatial domain frequency domain

f(x,y) F(u,v) filter
G(u,v) = F(u,v) • H(u,v)

g(x,y) G(u,v)
f(x,y) F(u,v)

g(x,y) H(u,v)
H(u,v) - Ideal Low Pass Filter
1 D(u,v)  D0
H(u,v) =
0 D(u,v) > D0

D(u,v) =  u2 + v2
D0 = cut off frequency


u 0 D0 D(u,v)
Blurring - Ideal Low pass Filter
Blurring - Ideal Low pass Filter

99.7% 99.37% 98.65%

96.6% 98.0% 99.6%

99.0% 99.4% 99.7%

ILPF Filtering Example
The Ringing Problem
G(u,v) = F(u,v) • H(u,v)
Convolution Theorem

g(x,y) = f(x,y) * h(x,y)

IFFT sinc(x)
H(u,v) h(x,y)

 D0  Ringing radius +  blur

Freq. domain






Spatial domain 0 50 100 150 200 250
The Spatial Representation of ILPF
Butterworth Lowpass Filter (BLPF)
Butterworth Lowpass Filters (BLPF) of order n and
with cutoff frequency D0
H (u, v) 
1   D(u, v) / D0 
Butterworth Lowpass Filter (BLPF)
The Spatial Representation of BLPF
Gaussian Lowpass Filter (BLPF)
Gaussian Lowpass Filters (GLPF) in two dimensions is given
 D 2 ( u , v )/2 2
H (u, v)  e

D(u,v) =  u2 + v2
By letting   D0
 D 2 ( u , v )/2 D02
H (u , v)  e

Softer Blurring + no Ringing

Examples of smoothing by GLPF
Examples of smoothing by GLPF
Examples of smoothing by GLPF
Image Sharpening - High Pass Filters
A highpass filter is obtained from a given
lowpass filter using

H HP (u , v)  1  H LP (u , v)

A 2-D ideal highpass filter (IHPL) is defined as

0 if D(u, v)  D0
H (u , v)  
1 if D(u , v)  D0
A 2-D Butterworth highpass filter (BHPL) is defined as
H (u, v) 
1   D0 / D(u, v) 

A 2-D Gaussian highpass filter (GHPL) is defined as

 D 2 ( u , v )/2 D02
H (u, v)  1  e
The Spatial Representation of Highpass
Filtering Results by IHPF
Filtering Results by BHPF
Filtering Results by GHPF
Using Highpass Filtering and Threshold for Image

(order 4 with a cutoff
frequency 50)

2/16/2018 34
The Laplacian in the Frequency Domain

H (u , v)  4 2 (u 2  v 2 )

H (u , v)  4 2 (u  P / 2) 2  (v  Q / 2) 2 ) 
 4 2 D 2 (u, v)
The Laplacian image
 2 f ( x, y )  1  H (u , v) F (u , v)

Enhancement is obtained
g ( x, y )  f ( x, y )  c 2 f ( x, y ) c  -1

2/16/2018 35
The Laplacian in the Frequency Domain

The enhanced image

g ( x, y )   F (u, v)  H (u, v) F (u, v)
 1 1  H (u, v)  F (u, v)

 
 1 1  4 2 D 2 (u, v)  F (u, v)

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The Laplacian in the Frequency Domain

2/16/2018 37
Unsharp Masking, Highboost Filtering and High-
Frequency-Emphasis Fitering

g mask ( x, y )  f ( x, y )  f LP ( x, y )

f LP ( x, y )  1  H LP (u , v) F (u , v) 

Unsharp masking and highboost filtering

g ( x, y )  f ( x, y )  k * g mask ( x, y )

 
g ( x, y )  1 1  k * 1  H LP (u , v)  F (u , v)
 1 1  k * H HP (u, v)  F (u, v)

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Unsharp Masking, Highboost Filtering and High-
Frequency-Emphasis Fitering

g ( x, y )    k
1  k2 * H HP (u , v)  F (u , v)
k1  0 and k2  0

2/16/2018 39
High Pass Filtering

Original High Pass Filtered

High Frequency Emphasis
Original High Pass Filtered

Original High Frequency Emphasis
Original High Frequency Emphasis
Gaussian Filter

High-Frequency-Emphasis Filtering
Gaussian Filter
K1=0.5, k2=0.75

2/16/2018 45
Homomorphic Filtering

f ( x, y )  i ( x, y ) r ( x, y )
  f ( x, y )  =  i ( x, y )    r ( x, y )  ?

z ( x, y )  ln f ( x, y )  ln i ( x, y )  ln r ( x, y )

 z ( x, y )  ln f ( x, y )  ln i ( x, y )  ln r ( x, y )

Z (u , v)  Fi (u , v)  Fr (u , v)

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Homomorphic Filtering

S (u , v)  H (u, v) Z (u, v)
 H (u , v) Fi (u , v)  H (u , v) Fr (u , v)
s ( x, y )  1 S (u , v)
 1  H (u, v) Fi (u , v)  H (u, v) Fr (u , v)
 1  H (u, v) Fi (u , v)  1 H (u , v) Fr (u , v)
 i '( x, y )  r '( x, y )

g ( x, y )  e s ( x , y )  ei '( x , y ) e r '( x , y )  i0 ( x, y )r0 ( x, y )

2/16/2018 47
Homomorphic Filtering

The illumination component of an image generally is

characterized by slow spatial variations, while the reflectance
component tends to vary abruptly

These characteristics lead to associating the low frequencies of

the Fourier transform of the logarithm of an image with
illumination the high frequencies with reflectance.

2/16/2018 48
Homomorphic Filtering

H (u , v)  ( H   L ) 1  e
 c  D 2 ( u , v )/ D02 
   
  L

Attenuate the contribution

made by illumination and
amplify the contribution made
by reflectance

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 L  0.25
Homomorphic Filtering
H  2
c 1
D0  80

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Homomorphic Filtering

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Selective Filtering

Non-Selective Filters:
operate over the entire frequency rectangle

Selective Filters
operate over some part, not entire frequency rectangle
• bandreject or bandpass: process specific bands
• notch filters: process small regions of the frequency rectangle

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Selective Filtering:
Bandreject and Bandpass Filters

H BP (u , v)  1  H BR (u, v)

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Selective Filtering:
Bandreject and Bandpass Filters

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Selective Filtering:
Notch Filters
Zero-phase-shift filters must be symmetric about the origin.
A notch with center at (u0, v0) must have a corresponding notch
at location (-u0,-v0).

Notch reject filters are constructed as products of highpass filters

whose centers have been translated to the centers of the
H NR (u, v)   H k (u, v) H  k (u, v)
k 1

where H k (u, v) and H - k (u, v) are highpass filters whose centers are
at (uk , vk ) and (-uk , -vk ), respectively.
2/16/2018 55
Selective Filtering:
Notch Filters
H NR (u, v)   H k (u, v) H  k (u, v)
k 1

where H k (u, v) and H - k (u, v) are highpass filters whose centers are
at (uk , vk ) and (-uk , -vk ), respectively.

A Butterworth notch reject filter of order n

3  1  1 
H NR (u , v)    2n   2n 
k 1 1   D0 k / Dk (u , v )   1   D0 k / D k (u , v )  
  
2 1/2
Dk (u , v)  (u  M / 2  uk )  (v  N / 2  vk ) 

2 1/2
D k (u , v)  (u  M / 2  uk )  (v  N / 2  vk ) 

2/16/2018 56
Notch Filters

A Butterworth notch
reject filter D 0 =3
and n=4 for all
notch pairs

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Notch Filters (2)

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