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I. Choose the correct answer A, B or C

1. We moved to the city because we needed some ... and quiet.
A. fresh B. peace C. sleep
2. The police officer asked to see my ... .
A. ID B. surf C. rate
3. I don't like the hustle and ... of big cities.
A. alarm B. bustle C. lifestyle
4. I like watching chat ... when I want to relax.
A. reports B. shows C. news
5. We ran ... bread, so we should go and buy some.
A. out of B. into C. after
6. Every morning she … her kids to school.
A. drive B. drives C. is driving
7. We … this book at the moment.
A. read B. are reading C. reading
8. Few people … a healthy lifestyle in big cities.
A. hang B. rent C. lead
9. Detroit is famous … its car industry.
A. for B. of C. in
10. This belt is really goes ... your shoes.
A. off B. with C. on
11. He gave ... smoking last year.
A. up B. back C. away
12. He is a(n) ... actor.
A. smart young American B. young smart American C. American smart young
13. I’m working ... my science project.
A. with B. on C. at
14. A person ... works with animals should be patient.
A. who B. which C. whose
15. Give me … my pen, please.
A. up B. back C. away
16. This foundation helps … animals.
A. stray B. nature C. danger
17. They … in the garden from two till five o'clock.
A. was working B. worked C. were working
18. It is difficult to cope ... a serious illness.
A. on B. at C. with
19. That’s the boy ... mum works in a bank.
A. who B. which C. whose
20. He is very …. He creates new and exciting things.
A. quiet B. imaginative C. fit
21. Go ... . I’m listening to you.
A. off B. on C. with
22. Tonia is interested ... football.
A. at B. on C. in
23. We are very … about the future.
A. worry B. worried C. worrying
24. The police are running ... a robber.
A. after B. out of C. into
25. That’s the book ... I read last summer.
A. who B. which C. whose
26. The reason ... he is happy is that he’s just got a new job.
A. why B. who C. when
27. They were eating dinner when their friends … .
A. come B. came C. were coming
28. She is afraid … dogs.
A. on B. at C. of
29. There are many … programmes on TV.
A. differ B. difference C. different
30. They gave … her old clothes to the poor.
A. away B. up C. back
31. 1492 was the year … Columbus discovered America.
A. when B. where C. why
32. I was going to school when I … him.
A. meet B. met C. was meeting
33. She looks … her young sister.
A. on B. after C. up
34. When my sister came in, I … my lessons.
A. did B. was doing C. were doing
35. Our class took part … a competition.
A. in B. on C. at
36. He ... in his bedroom at the moment.
A. study B. studies C. is studying
37. She came up … a great idea.
A. with B. on C. away
38. We were shocked … the news.
A. by B. on C. with
39. It … the whole day yesterday.
A. rain B. rained C. was raining
40. It is a ... tradition.
A. beautiful old Greek B. old beautiful Greek C. Greek old beautiful
41. The actor … in the new film is very famous.
A. play B. playing C. played
42. He spent the morning in Birmingham, but found the streets very ... .
A. crowded B. convenient C. peace
43. A funny story with a happy ending is a ... ..
A. mystery B. biography C. humorous story
44. We are listening to the girl … an English song.
A. sing B. singing C. sung
45. She has a pretty face with brown, wavy ... .
A. eyes B. tans C. hair
46. Arthur Conan Doyle was the author … created Sherlock Holmes.
A. who B. which C. whose
47. Christmas is the time … people give gifts each other.
A. when B. where C. why
48. He is a ... doctor.
A. talented Russian young B. talented young Russian C. Russian talented young
49. My uncle is really tall with a black ... .
A. moustache B. hair C. freckles
50. The lesson was really ... .
A. interest B. interesting C. interested
51. We ... the dog for a walk every morning.
A. are taking B. take C. taking
52. I like ... films because they usually take place in space.
A. adventure B. mystery C. science-fiction
53. John …, took a shower and left for work.
A. was getting up B. got up C. get up
54. My classmates were writing an essay when I … in the class.
A. was walking B. walk C. walked
55. My sister buys a popular magazine to read ... about famous people's lives.
A. gossip B. text messages C. fashion
56. He told me a story ... he read the novel.
A. until B. after C. as
57. He ... lunch at the moment.
A. prepares B. is preparing C. was preparing
58. She ... playing tennis. It's her hobby.
A. loves B. is loving C. love
59. What does the weather ... say?
A. article B. report C. show
60. We watched a very ... film last night.
A. excited B. exciting C. excite
II. Reading
Прочитайте текст, установите соответствие между заголовками А—F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1 —5.
Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. After dinner activities
B. Hobbies
C. At the weekend
D. Travelling to work
E. Their friends
F. Start of the day

1. If you stay with an English family, what will life be like? We will tell you about life at the Grants' flat in London. During the week, the
day starts at about 7.15. They have breakfast in the kitchen. Tim and Penny Grant always have toast and coffee, but a lot of English people
prefer tea. Charlie, Tim and Penny's son, has orange juice and cereal.
2. Tim and Penny leave the flat at about 8 o'clock. They go to work on the tube. Charlie gets the bus to school. A lot of British people
travel to work by car. The roads are usually very busy, especially during the 'rush hour' — in the morning and at the end of the day.
3. They usually have dinner together, but sometimes Penny works in the evening and sometimes Tim goes to the gym after work. They eat
at about half past seven. After that Tim reads a paper, Charlie does his homework and Penny watches TV. They go to bed at about eleven.
4. At the weekend, Charlie and Tim sometimes go to a football match, and Tim always washes the car. Penny does the housework and Tim
does the shopping at the supermarket near the flat. Sometimes they go to the cinema, or they go for a walk on Hampstead Heath.
5. Sometimes Tim and Penny's friends come to the flat for a meal, or just to say 'hello'. Penny often goes cycling at the weekend. Charlie
spends a lot of time at his friend's flat, and he often argues with his parents when he doesn't help at home!
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