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Shri Kripalu Kunj Ashram July 2008


The publication of our newsletter Divya Sandesh is apparently an outcome of the Grace of our Revered

Hence we decided to publish the first edition of Divya Sandesh on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima
as an offering of flowers on His adorable lotus feet. We hope the readers will be highly benefited with the
divine knowledge in the columns of this newsletter, as revealed by the Supreme scholar of this era, ‘SS ant
Shiromani Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’.
Didi Braj Banchary I would also like to congratulate the editors A. Mahajan and Neeharika Peter f or their tireless ef f orts to
accomplish this wonderf ul job.
A particle of His Holy foot dust
Braj Banchary

Guru Poornima
A Day Of Adoration For The Guru KIDZ CORNER
By Didi Braj Banchary
GuruBhakt Uddalak
Page 5
gu£Š k›
›palumRm =r8m\ | vNde¤h& sd\gu£ cr8m\ ||
Importance of a Spiritual Master (Guru) is well known to every one, since it Read the story of
is illustrated in all the scriptures emphatically. Tulasidas Ji says, Bhakt Uddalak who
received his Guru’s
Grace by obeying His
gu£ ibnu
ibnu -vini0 tr; n ko: | jO& ivr&ic s&kr sm ho: ||
Guru selflessly.
so ivnu s&t n kahU pa: |
Even a most genius person equivalent to the creator Brahma and Lord
R an ygu kI Ahin= R Smr8Iy @k
Shankar in knowledge cannot traverse the ocean of Maya without the grace idVyaitidVy iv-iU t!
of a Spiritual Master.

ti³ßana9R& s gu£mevai-gC2et\ simTpai8Š
simTpai8Š áoiâ
oiây& b/®inQ5m\|| m&u.É, `&D Ê, m&{a ÉÊ hm gvR ke sa9 mStk wNnt kr ke khte hE& hmare gu£dev,
wiàQ5t jag/t p/aPy vraiNnbo0t | k5opinqd\ ÉA.Ë A.Ëv.É
v.ÉÌ hmare mharaj jI -art ke ;ithas me& pa%cve mOilk
AacayRvan\ pu£qo ih ved | 2a&doGyopinqd\ jgdgu£ v iv+v iv[aut s&t hE& | ijnke prm punIt }aan dIp
se Aaj sara iv+v Aaloikt ho rha hE |
All these hymns of the Vedas are unanimously asserting the same thing that
It is impossible to know God without the help of a true Spiritual Master. True p/ayŠ log pU2te hE& ik jgd\gu£ ka vaStivk taTpyR Kya hE
Spiritual master means áoiâoiây& b/®inQ5m\ || A God realized soul (b/®inQ5m\) AOr ;nko mOilk jgd\gu£ Kyo& kha jata hE ?
endowed with meticulous knowledge of all the scriptures. The Geeta and
Bhagvat affirm the same in the following verses and suggest to choose a
God realized saint as your guru who knows the deep meanings of the holy
jgd\ =Bd ka A9R hEé gC2tIit jgd\ | jo sda clta
scriptures and able to reveal that knowledge to you as well. rhta hE wse jgd\ khte hE& |A9aRt\ maya inimRt vh Ai`l
s&sar jo jD> hE, ³N³aTmk hE,jo s<iQ4 AOr p/ly, wT9an v
tSmad\ gu£& p/p±et, ij}aasuŠ [aey w]amm\ | ptn ke k/imkAavtRn ke sa9 stt\ git=Il hE,wsIka na
m jgd\ hE |yhI& smSt cracr jIvo& ka sda invas rhta hE|
=aBde pre c inQ8at& b/®*yup=maá=maáym\ || -agvt ÉÉ.Ë.ÊÉ
ti³i² p/i8paten pirp/+nen sevya | gu£ =Bd ka A9R hE é"gu& rOit ;it gu£Š" A9va "igrit
wpdeXyiNt te ßan& ßainnSt]vdi=RnŠ || gIta Ì.ËÌ A}aanm\ ;it gu£Š"| A9aRt\ jo hmare AnaidkalIn A}aan ke
A&0kar ko im4a kr idVy }aan p/dan krne me& pU8tR ya
The meaning of the word Guru is “gu& rOtIit gu£Š |" sxm ho, vhI gu£ hE |
Continued on Page 2… Continued on Page 2…
INDEX Guru Poornima Page 1, 2 Shri Maharaj Ji (English) Page 4
Shri Maharaj Ji (Hindi) Page 1 - 4 Kidz Corner Page 5
Guru Poornima vtm
R an ygu kI Ahin= R Smr8Iy @k
…Continued from Page 1 idVyaitidVy iv-iU t!
…Continued from Page 1
The one who dispels the darkness of ignorance is
Guru.” The other definition is A}aanitimraN0Sy }aanaÝ
}aanaÝjn =lakya | cxu
cxu£NmIilt& yen tSmE [aI gurve nm nmŠ ||
igrit Aß
Aßan& ;it gu£Š | the one who chases away
the ignorance is Guru. Mahaprabhu Chaitanya AtŠ ;s pir-aqa ke Anusar jo smSt iv+v me& svRsMmit se svoRCc gu£ ke £…p me& maNy
says “je; k›kQ8
›Q8 t]vveàa se; gu£ hy || The one ho,wse jgdgu£ kha jata hE |
who has realized God is Guru.
mOilk jgd\gu£ ka taTpyR é jb iksI s&t ko wskI idVy p/it-a se p/-aivt ho kr
In a nut shell, if some one obtains shelter of a
real Guru, endowed with above mentioned
jgd\gu£ kI wpai0 se iv-Uiqt ikya jata hE to vh mOilk jgd\g£u hotahE AOr jb ws
quality with the ability to infuse the true
jgd\gu£ ke cle jane ke bad wsI ke sMp/day vale iksI ANy svaRi0k suyoGy VyiÆ ko
knowledge in the mind of an inquisitive soul, then jgd\gu£ ka Aasnv wpai0 p/dan krte hE& | to Apne gu£ kI g¥I pr AasIn hone vala
there is no delay in realization of God, absolute VyiÆ]v jgd\gu£ ka w]arai0karIma{a kha hE | ws jgd\gu£ ko mOilkjgd\g£u nhI& kha
liberation from the miseries and attainment of ja skta | y9a Aaj se lg-g tIn hjar vqR pUvR [aI =&kracayR jI mharaj ko tTkail
unlimited divine happiness. Narada Ji gave the k iv³ano& ne wnke AlOikk }aan se p/-aivtho kr jgd\gu£ kI wpai0 p/dankI 9I | AtŠ ve
same message to Prahlad, when he was in the mOilk jgd\gu£ 9e | wnke A9va ANy jgd\gu£Ao&ke pd pr AasIn Aaj jo -I jgd\gu£
womb of his mother saying, “although there are hE&, ve mOilk jgd\gu£ nhI& khe ja skte |
many ways to realize God, yet the best and
easiest way is the selfless service to your Spiritual
pa%cve mOilk jgd\gu£ ?é?é ;nke pUvR A±avi0 kevl car mhapu£qo& ko jgd\g£u kI wpai0
Master with pure devotion. se Al&k›t ikya ja cuka hE | jgd\gu£ =&kracayR jI mharaj jgd\g£u [aI inMbakaRcayR
jI mharaj,jgd\gu£ [aI ramanujacayR jI mharajv jgd\g£u [aI ma)vacayR jI mharaj |
gu£=u[aUqya -KTya svRlB0apR8en c | jo ik ÉËvI& =taBdI me& Avtirt huye 9e | sat sO vqoR& ke dI3R ANtral ke wpraNt hmare
s&gen sa0u-ÆanamI+vrara0nen c || -a.Ï
-a.Ï.Ï.Ë pUJy gu£dev [aI k›palu mhap/-u ko ÉÌ jnvrI sn\ ÉÑÍÏ ke punIt Avsr pr ;s wpai0
È se iv-Uiqt ikya gya | AtŠ ye pa%cve mOilk jgd\gu£ hE& |
This is why Aditi said to Lord Krishna, “If it is true
that my devotion to my Guru is superior than my ye wpai0 kOn iksko de skta hE ? yh wpai0 iksI iv+v iv±aly Aaid³ara iksI ko -I
devotion to you, please show me your beautiful kevl Apne }aanke Aa0ar pr nhI& p/aPt ho sktI | vStutŠ jb A}aan v A}aanjint
divine form.” A0mR s&sar me& bhut Ai0k VyaPt ho jata hE tb -gvTk›pa se iksI @k vaStivk s&t
ka p<(vI pr Avtr8 hota hE | yh s&t jb taTkailk p/cilt 0mR se p<9k 0mR, }aan v
-iÆyR9a hrO me¤iSt, ti
ti³³irQ5a gurO yid | -iÆ ka vaStivk Sv£…p p/k4 krta hE to =eq t9aki9t s&t v iv³an\ -D>k w5te hE& AOr
mmaiSt ten sTyen, s&d=Rytu me hir hirŠŠ ||p. 0aimRk xe{a me& @k k/a&it sI mc jatI hE | @esI iS9it me& 0mR ke p/cilt v glt Sv£…p
pu. ka p/car krne vale smStiv³an\ v s&t @kAor v Avtirt s&t @k Aor hota hE | -D>k
Hence, on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima, kr ve ws s&t ko =aS{aa9Rke ilye llkar dete hE& | ;s Avsr pr smSt iv³ano& ke smx
let us pay our homage to our venerable Spiritual vaStivk s&t ka Sv£…p Svymev w-r jata hE | sa9 sa9 jnta ke smx -I nIr v
Masters with these verses: xIr ka Nyay ho jata hE | wpiS9t iv³an\ v ANy 0mR}a -I s&t ke idVy }aan se ATy&t
p/-aivt hokr Sv-avtŠ ntmStk ho jate hE& |
p/9m& sd\gu£& vNde, [aIk›
›Q8& tdnNtrm\ |
gu£Š papaTmna& {aata, [aIk
›Q8STvmlaTmnam\ || ;s p/kar smSt iv³ano& kI sMmit se ws s&t ko jgd\gu£ kI Ai³tIy wpai0 se sMmaint
Let us adore our Gurudev first then Lord Krishna. ikya jata hE AOr sMmaint krne vale iv³Jjn -I Apne Aapko prm sO-aGy=alI v
Because, Guru delivers the fallen souls like us gOrvaiNvt Anu-v krte hE& | hmare mharajjI 'jgd\gu£ [aI k››palu jI mharaj' ke sa9 -I
while Lord Krishna delivers the pure ones only. ANy jgd\gu£Ao& kI -a%it @esa hI huAa | jb ve Apne Ai³tIy idVy}aan ke sa9 p<i9vI pr
Avtirt huye to p/9m to Anekanek 2o4e mo4e sMmelno& me& wnke p/vcno& ko sunkr log
AacayR& ma& ivjanIyaNnavmNyet kihRict\ | -D>kte rhe | ikNtu p/vcno& me& cO&ka dene vale }aan kI SpQ4ta,ved =aS{ao& ke w²r8,s4Ik
n mTyR bu²\ya sUyet svRdevmyo gu£Š || wdahr8 v tkRs&gtta kabahuLy hone ke kar8 ko: -I `uLlm `uLla p/Tyx ivro0 nhI& kr
pata 9a | ikNtu [aI mharaj jI ne Svy& AK4Ubr sn\ ÉÑÍÍ me& ic{akU4 me& @k v<ht\ s&t
-a‡ÉÉ.ÉÉÏ.ÊÊÏ sMmeln ka Aayojn ikya ijsme& smSt jgd\gu£Ao&, s&to, m5a0I=o& Aaid ko Aam&i{at
Lord Krishna says to Uddhava depicting the ikya gya | wnkI ya{aa v 5hrne Aaidka suNdrtm\ p/bN0 ikya gya | hj>aro-Æo& kI -ID>
authentic way of implementation of true dharma, @k{a hu: |jgd\gu£Ao& ke m)y iksI p/kar ke mn mu4av A9va ivro0 ko bcane ke ilye
“Uddhava! A true religious person must see Me in
Guru. Neither he should insult him at any cost nor
[aI mharaj jI ne Ayo)yavasI [aI sItaram =r8 kI ramm&DlI ko Aam&i{at ikya AOr
consider him as an ordinary being. He is the wnke hI Sv£…po& me& se [aI ram ko sMmeln ka A)yx bna idya | tduraNt [aI mharaj jI
embodiment of all forms of God.” ne smSt AagNtuk s&t v iv³ano& ke sMmu` @k p/+navlI r` dI, ijsm&e kitpy prSpr
ivro0I yugl p/+no& ko r`kr wnke smNvy krne kI p/a9Rna kI | y9aé•É– A. iv+v ka
òòòòòòòò p/Tyek jIv naiStk hE | Aa. iv+v ka p/Tyek jIv AaiStk hE | smNvy kIijye |
@ese hI ÉÊ yugl p/+no& ka smNvy krna 9a | ikNtu @k -I iv³an\ @k -I p/+néyugl ke
smNvy me& sxm nhI& ho ska | Anek iv³ano& ne p/+no& ke inra0ar hone ka dava -I ikya |
Continued on Page 3…
Page 2
ikNtu [aI krpa{aI jI Aaid iv³ano& ne bD>I ctura: v i=Q4ta ke sa9 yh kha ik "p/+no& ko inra0ar btana smIcIn n hoga,hme& yh khna caihye
ik s&-vtŠ hme& ;n p/+no& ka w]ar nhI& pta AOr [aI k›palu jI mharaj Av+y hI ;n p/+no& ka w]ar jante ho&ge | AtŠ hmarawnse hI invedn hE ik
vhI ;n p/+no& ka w]ar de& |" wnka yh -I Aa=y 9a ik jb ;tne iv³an\ imlkr -I ;nme& se @k -I p/+n ka w]ar dene me& sxm nhI& hE& to ALp
vySk k›palu jI Akele ;nka w]ar kEse de skte hE& ! Agrve Svy& -I ;nka w]ar nhI& jante tb hmarI ko: man hain nhI& hogI AOr vh-I hmarI
hI [ae8I me& Aa jaye&ge | [aImharaj jI Svagta)yx 9e | AtŠ A)yXa [aI ram kI Anumit se [aI mharaj jI ne p/+no& ka w]ar dena SvIkar krilya |
sarI -ID> ghn wTsah ke sa9 wn w]aro& ko sunne ke ilye wmD> pD>I | wn yugl p/+no& ka Aa+cyRjnksmNvy sun kr jnta v iv³Jjn dono&,
da%to& tle w%glI dba kr rh gye | [aeQ5 iv³ano& ne to °dy se wnke idVy }aan kI -Uir -Uir srahna kI | ikNtu ANy iv³ano& ne :QyaRlu hokr prSpr sla
hkr ke v yh soc kr ik [aI k›palu jI ka }aan iktna hI Ai0k hoga to -I -art ke =aqRS9 ÍÈÈ iv³ano& ke siMmilt }aan ke sMmu` to inrSt
ho hI jayega,wnko ka=I iv³t\ pirqt\ kI Aor se =aS{aa9R ke ilye Aam&{a8 idya | hmare mharaj jI bD>e hI lIla0arI hE& | ijs smy wNhe& yh inm&{a8
imla 9a, vh mere ipta [aI •[aI hnuman p/sadmhabnI– ke invas S(aan pr hI 9e | inm&{a8 ke wpraNt vh mhabnI jI se, jo p/ayŠ wnke p/it vaTsLy
-av r`te9e,bole "mhabnI!hme& ka=I ke p&iDt =aS{aa9R ke ilye bularhe hE& | jaW% ? mhabnI jI bole "=I=e me& mu%h de`a hE!ye jaye&ge =aS{aa9R ke ilye |
"ikNtu jb do tIn bar pU2a to vh [aI mharaj jI se bole "de`o !Agr tuMhe& jIt kr Aana hE tb to jaAo, nhI& to cupcap 3r me& bE5e rho |"
mharaj jI bole "muze Kya pta ik jItU%ga ya ha£…%ga |" mhabnIjI bole "bno mt | tuMhe& sb malUm hE ik tum Kya krne ja rhe ho |" mharajjI
bole "AC2a to @k kam krte hE& | do picRyoR& pr jIte&ge v hare&ge il` kr de`te hE& Kya hoga |" merI AvS9a wssmy ÍéÎ vqR kI 9I AOr ws smy v
ha% mE& hI sbse 2o4I 9I, ;silye muze bulakr pcIR w5va: g: AOr jo pcIR w5a: wsme& il`a 9a 'jIte&ge' | Ab to in8Ry ho gya |
vara8sI me& phu%cne pr [aI mharaj jI ke pas sUcna -ejI g: ik wNhe& s&Sk›t me& hI bolna hE | AOr phle ds idnkevl wnka p/vcn hoga | ijsse wn
se =aS{aa9R krne kI xmta iks iks iv³an\ me& hE ;ska shI Anuman lg jayega | p+cat\ kevl ve hI iv³Jjn =aS{aa9R ke ilye Ag/sr ho&ge | Agle
idn jb [aI mharaj jI in0aRirt smy v S9an pr phu%ce to [aI mharaj jI ko @k t`t pr,ijs pr @kcadr ib2I hu: 9I,bE5ne ke ilye kha gya|
=eq ÍÈÈ iv³an\ f=R pr ib2I hu: drI pr ivraijt huye | ve s-I iv³an\[aI mharaj jI ke sMmu` vyov<² id`a: dete 9e AOr s-I vqo&R se iksI @k g/&9
ke Anus&0an me& lge huye 9e | [aI mharaj jI wnke smx @k balk ke sman p/tIt hote 9e | wn iv³ano& ke m)y t`t pr bE5e huye [aI mharaj jI ke
prm tejSvI VyiÆ]v ko de`kr ramay8 kI ye p&iÆ yad Aa jatI hE |
" widt wdy igir m&c pr, r3ubr bal pt pt |"
ws smy ws iv³d\ s-a kI Kya hI Ai³tIy =o-a hogI ! AOr ve log iktne -aGy=alI ho&ge jo ;s =o-a ko inr` rhe ho&ge !! [aI mharaj jI
ne p/ar&- me& sa0ar8 s&Sk›t me& bolkr p/vcn ka [aI g8e= ikya | sbkI gdRne& ihlI ik ha% ye s&Sk›t bol lete hE& | ÉÈéÉÍ imn4 ke p¿at\ iKlQ4
saihiTyk ihNdI me& bolna p/ar&- ikya to s-Iiv³an\ p/-aivt hokr sunne lge ik ;nkI s&Sk›t to bhut wCckoi4 kI hE | vStutŠ kitpy iv³ano& ko
pU8Rtya smzne me& -I [am pD> rha 9a | punŠ ÉÈ imn4 ke p¿at\ [aI mharaj jI ne vEidk s&Sk›t me& bolna p/ar&- kr idya | Ab to vha% ÊéÌ ;ne igne
iv³an\ hI smz pa rhe 9e | =eq ko to yhI nhI& pta cl rha 9a ik vh bol Kya rhe hE& | ikNtu ;ske p¿at\ ka=I iv³t\ pirqt\ ke A)yx [aI igir0r
=maR, [aI rajnaray8 i`Ste, m&{aI [aI rajnaray8=uKl q4\=aS{aI se lekr s-I iv³ano& kI -av -&igma v Vyvhar me& Aa=atIt A&tr id`a: dene lga |
ve [aI mharajjI ke samne w]aro]ar ivnm/tr hote gye | yha% tk ik @k bar jb [aI mharaj jI ka p/vcn cl rha 9a @kiv³an\ ne `D>e ho kr
kha "Aapne -iÆyog ka smNvy nhI& ikya |" to A)yx [aI i`Ste ne `Iz kr kha "tuMhe ;nke p/vcn ke @k -I =Bd ka A9R smzme& Aaya ? k›pa
kr ke Vyv0an n wTpNNa kIijye AOr Apne S9an pr bE5 ja;ye |" @esa kh kr vhI A)yx mhody jo A-I tk [aI mharaj jI ko ma{a yuvk
iv³an\ smz kr sa0ar8tya nam lekr s&bo0n kr rhe 9e,bD>e Aadrse bole |"xma kIjyega | Aap k›pya Apna vKtVy p/ar&- kre |"
25e idn [aI mharaj jI ne sa9 me& Aaye huye -Æo& se kha "jaAo 4eilg/am de do ik mE& jIt gya | muze jgd\gu£ kI wpai0 iml g: | ve log
•yojna ke Anusar– ngr é ya{aakI tEyarI kre& |" s-I @k dUsre ka mu%h de` rhe 9e ik A-I to car idn p/vcn ke hI bakI hE&, =aS{aa9R to p/ar&-
-I nhI& huAa mharaj jI kEse kh rhe hE& ik ivjyI hone ka tar de do | ikNtu guvaR}aa ke sMmu` ko: ku2 kh to skta nhI& 9a | AtŠ ;lahabad
tar -ej idya gya AOr ngr ya{aa kI tEyairya% `Ub jor =or ke sa9 p/ar&- ho g: |
Agle idn p/vcn ke p¿at\ ka=I iv³t\ pirqt\ ke A)yx v m&{aI ne smSt ÍÈÈ iv³ano& kI Aor se p±p/sUnophar v puQpmala Aaid ³ara [aI mharaj jI
ka AtIv Svagt krte huye v wNhe& jgd\gu£…]am kI wpai0 se AlÛt krte huye Anekanek ANy wpai0yo& se Svagt ikya | wnke ³ara p/d]a s&p8U R wpai0
;s p/kar hE é
[aImd\pdvaKyp/ma8paravarI*a, vedmagRp/itQ5apnacayR,ini`l d=Rn smNvyacayR, snatnvEidk0mRp/itQ5apn sTs&p/dayprmacayR -iÆyogrsavtar, -gvdnNt
[aIiv-Uiqt jgd\gu£ ÉÈÈÐ [aI k›palu jI mharaj
[aImd\pdvaKyp/ma8paravarI*a é A9aRt\ jo Vyakr8, Nyay, mIma&sa Aaid smSt d=Rno& ke svR[aeQ5 AacayR hE& |
vedmagRp/itQ5apnacayR é vEidk d=Rnanusar magR d=Rn krne hetu smSt AacayoR& me& [aeQ5 hE& |
ini`ld=RnsmNvyacayR é smSt d=Rno& ka =aS{a ved sMmt smNvy krne& parÂt |
snatnvEidk0mRp/itQ5apnsTs&p/dayprmacayR é vedéiviht snatn 0mR kI suS9apna krne v -gviNnQ5a ke s&v²Rn hetu jo prmacayR hE& |
-iÆyogrsavtar é ijnke [aIra0ak›Q8 -iÆ me& tNmy v tLlIn [aI ivg/h me& -iÆ ke ivi-Nn saiTvk -avo& ka wd/ek p/ayŠ lixt ho kr wpiS9t
-Æjno& ko rs se srabor kr deta hE,wnkI -avave= AvS9a ko de`kr @esa Aa-as hota hE mano vh Svy& hI -iÆyog ke rs ke mUitRman\ Avtar hE& |
-gvdnNt[aIiv-Uiqt é jo AnNtanNt -gvdIy gu8o& v iv-Uityo& se Aotp/ot hE& |
Ai`l -U m&Dl hmare mharaj jI ke Ai³tIy, AlOikk }aan ke sMmu` ntmStk hE | muze =E=vavS9ase hI [aI mharaj jI ka AhinR= sMpkR p/aPt
krneka sO-aGy p/aPt huAa hE | ApnI yad me& mE&ne k-I -I wnko iksI g/&9 ko p7>te huye nhI& de`a | p/Tyut\ sTy to yh hE ik wnke ijtne -I AnuyayI
hE&,wnke 3r me& yid ko: gIta, ramay8, -agvt Aaid g/&9 hote -I hE& to vh ta` pr r` idye jate hE& | Kyo&ik vh ;n g/&9o& ko p7>ne kI Anumit
hI nhI& dete | wnka k9n hE ik p/9m to ye -gvd\ va8I hE, wse -gvan\ A9va -gvTp/aPt s&t hI smz ya smza skte hE& | dUsrI bat yh hE ik
;n g/&9o& me ;tna ivro0a-as Aa-aist hota hE ik p7>ne vala wlzta hI cla jata hE, smz me& ku2 nhI& Aata | ifr ve Svy& idn ratsmSt =aS{a
vedo& ka incoD> Apne -Æo& ko smzate hI rhte hE& | ;tna hI nhI&,smSt =aS{a vedo& ka sMyk\ smNvy krke wska sar ATy&t srl -aqa me& wNho&ne
ApnI @k 2o4I sI puStk "p/em rs is²aNt" me& il`idya hE | punŠ ve jo idn rat nye nye s&kItRno& kI rcna krte rhte hE& wsme& -I kU4 kU4 kr
iflOsfI hI -rI hu: hE | At@v -/aNt hone se bcne ke ilye ve iksI ko ;n g/N9o& ko p7>ne ke ily wTsaiht nhI & krte | yha% pr ;s bat ka
wLle` krne ka taTpyR yh hE ik jo ibna p7>e sare iv+v ko smSt g/&9o& ka }aan ;tnI shjta se p/dan kr ske, vh to ko: idVyiv-Uit hI ho sk
tI hE |
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[aI mharaj jI ke VyiÆ]v, Sv-av, hav -av, kItRn é p/8alI v saiTvk -avo& ke wd/ek ko de`kr s-I AagNtuk -Æo& ke mu` se Sv-avtŠ @k hI
bat inkltI hE ik 'ye to saxat\ cEtNy mhap/-u hI p/tIt hote hE& |" dubla, ptla, lMba v tejSvI [aI ivg/h, gdRn tk lMbe 3u3% rale ke=, 3u4ne
tk lMbI -uja@%, cOD>avxS9l, ne{ao& me& 2lkta mmta v idVy p/em ka sagr ! ye s-I ku2 @k S9an pr de`kr Apne Aap [aIcEtNy mhap/-u kI
Sm<it hone lgtI hE |

[aI mharaj jI ka A±avi0 s&pU8R ;ithas mhap/-u ke ;ithas kI hI Aav<i]a p/tIt hotI hE | iv=eqkr jb-I vh -avave= AvS9a me& Aate hE&,cEtNy mha
p/-u kI -a%it su0 bu0 `okr kevl 'hir hir bol' ka kItRn hI krte hE& | ws smy @k @ese idVy vatavr8 ka p/adu-aRv hota hE ik wpiS9t s-I
-Æjno& ke ne{ao& se A[au0ara p/vaiht hone lgtI hE @v& s-I ko @esa p/tIt hone lgta hE mano vh iksI AlOikk jgd\ ke su`d vatavr8 me& ivcr8
kr rhe hE& | =eq smy me& mhap/-u cEtNy kI hI -a%it [aI mharaj jI ko -I hre ram mham&{a ka s&kItRn hI svaRi0k ip/y hE |

mhap/-u cEtNy kI hI -a%it [aI mharaj jI ko -I de`kr p=u -I mano p/em rs se Aaotp/ot ho jate hE& | wdahr8a9R @k bar msUrI me& @k 2o4a sa
ipLla sD>k pr -4kta huAa imla | [aI mharaj jI ne wse phle to msUrI ke Aa[am 'seva kuÝj' me& hI =r8 dI ifr wse mng7> 0am ke Aa[am me&
i-jva idya | ku2 hI idno& me vh kafI bD>a ku]aa ho gya AOr mng7> kI rxa krne lga | jb vha%R AK4Ubr me& vaiqRk sa0naka smy p/ar&- huAa to
sa0na se @k idn phle [aI mharaj jI ne ws ku]ea ko sa0na -vn me& 3Umte huye de` kr Aa}aa kI tOr pr kha,"sa0na -r hal me& k-I mt Aana
|" ws idn se pUre @k mah tk vh sa0na -vn me& p/ivQ4 nhI& huAa AOr wsne pUrI sa0na pyR&t •@k mas pyR&Ta– sa0na me Aaye huye sTs&gI joku2
bca `uca -ojn nIce Dal dete bs wsko hI wnkI p/sadI man kr `ata rha | ;ske AitirÆ wsne pUre mah ku2 nhI& `aya | vh sa0k, ijNhe& ku]ae
ko i`lane kI seva dI g: 9I, t&g Aa gya ikNtu sudamanamk ku]ae ne Aa[am se imlne vale -ojn ko mu%h -I nhI& lgaya | sa0na smaPt hone ke
dUsre idn, jb9oD>e se hI sa0k hal me& bE5e 9e vh ku]aa •sudama– sbse pI2e idval se lgkr @k kone me& bE5a 9a | [aI mharaj jI gye AOr Apne
cr8o& se wse ihla kr bole "w5"| [aI mharaj jI cr8o& ka Sp=R pate hI manowse n=a sa ho gya | mharaj jI Aage Aakr Apne Aasn vale r&gm&c
kI sIi7>yo& pr bE5 gye | AOr sbko yh bat bta: ik ;sko mE&ne yh Aa}aa dI 9I ;sIilye ye Aaj hal me& Aaya hE | ifr [aI mharaj jIne pukara "
sudama! ;0r Aa |" jb vh w5 kr [aI mharaj jI ke cr8o& tk Aaya,wskI Aa%`o& se lMbe lMbe Aa%sU bh rhe 9e AOr wskI cal se @esa lgta 9a
mano wse car botl ka n=a ho gya ho | AOrcr8o& ke pas Aate Aate to vh igr hI gya | @ese bhut sI 34na@% hE& | wn sb ko yha% wiLli`t
krna As&-v hE |
His Divinity, Holiest of Holies of The Present Age Our Maharaj ji
It’s a matter of great pride for us that the Fifth Original Jagadguru, Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj is our beloved Master, whose divine
knowledge is illuminating the whole world with its radiance.

What is Jagadguru? The word Jagad means the entire world, which is ever dynamic. Guru means one who is all-capable of
dispelling the beginning-less ignorance and is capable of infusing the divine knowledge. In a nutshell, one who is accepted as the
supreme spiritual teacher for the whole world is a Jagadguru.

What does Original Jagadguru mean? When the world in general is impressed by the Divine knowledge of a saint then this title
is conferred upon the person. Once that saint leaves this world, most qualified of the remaining folks is granted his seat. That
person is also called Jagadguru. But they are not called “Original Jagadguru”.

Why Fifth Original Jagadguru? Before him in the past 2500 years 4 other people have been adorned with this title.
Shankaracharya, Nimbarkacharya, Madhavacharya and Ramanujacharya (13th Century). After 700 years this title has been
conferred upon our Guru Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. So he is the fifth Original Jagadguru.

Who is qualified to confer this title? This title is not a degree that can be attained by going to a school. When the world is
groping in the darkness of ignorance and irreligion then God out of his causelessly merciful nature sends a Divine personality, a
saint, on this earth. When he propagates the Divine religion, knowledge and devotion (love for God aka Bhakti), which is
drastically different from the contemporary beliefs, all religious henchmen take offense and invite the saint for a scriptural debate.
In 1957 a panel of 500 scholars also invited Shri Maharajji for such a debate. Then Maharajji was asked to speak for several hours
each day for a period of 10 days. On the 7th day seeing His unprecedented knowledge of the scriptures they willingly conferred
upon him “Jagadguru” title along with the others as listed below.

[aImd\pdvaKyp/ma8paravarI*a - One who is proficient in all philosophies propounded in “Vyakran”, “Nyay” and “Mimansa”.
vedmagRp/itQ5apnacayR - Supreme teacher who competently establishes a path of God realization according to Vedic philosophy.
smNvyacayR - One who reconciles all philosophies according to the scriptures and Vedas.
snatnvEidk0mRp/itQ5apnsTs&p/dayprmacayR - Supreme teacher for promoting Sanatan Vedic religion and the Supreme master of all the
authentic schools of philosophy.
-iÆyogrsavtar - One who is an incarnation of veritable Bhaktiyog and nectar of divine love.
-gvdnNt[aIiv-Uiqt - One who is endowed with innumerable divine attributes.
In order to spread the authentic knowledge to all masses, He has written a book “Prem Ras Siddhant”. This is the core of all Divine
knowledge. He has reconciled all the seemingly conflicting beliefs and practices. This book is available in both Hindi and English.
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GuruBhakt Uddalak
A sage by the name of 'Ayoddhaumya' had his hermitage in the forest. He had many students. Yet
Aruni was the most sincere disciple. Sage 'Dhaumya' himself was very hard working and taught
his students the same. All of his students were the most obedient and they used to finish their
tasks in right earnest. One day it was raining heavily. Sage Dhaumya ordered Aruni to build a
bund in the fields so that the water did not flow out of the field, otherwise the harvest would have
suffered. Aruni obeyed the command of his teacher and went to the fields. Since it was raining
very heavily, the field was filled up with water. But at one end of the field, the swift current
washed a portion of the boundary away. The current of the water was gushing out very fast from
that place. Aruni tried to stop the water from flowing out by putting some soil in that place by the
help of a spade.

But the swift current washed it away. He tried many times but all his efforts went in vain. Now,
he started worrying because he was not able to obey the command of his teacher. Suddenly, an
idea came to his mind and he kept aside the spade and lied down at the place from where the water was gushing out. After
sometime, it stopped raining but he could not get up because the water would have flown outside the field. So, he kept lying
in the same position.

Next morning, when Sage Dhaumya did not see Aruni at his service as usual, called all his students to enquire where Aruni
was. The students replied that: " Sir, you yourself had sent him to construct a bund on the field." Sage Dhaumya became
worried and he along with the other students went in search of Aruni with a lantern in his hand. But they could not find
Aruni anywhere.

Sage Dhaumya called him out several times: " Aruni, where are you, we are searching for you." Aruni heard his teacher's
voice and replied in that same position: " Sir, here I am". Sage Dhaumya followed the direction from which Aruni's voice
came. When he found Aruni lying in a pool of water, his heart was filled with emotion. He called Aruni and embraced him.
He blessed Aruni by saying: " Son Aruni! I am very pleased by your devotion; you will acquire every kind of knowledge even
without studying. You will become famous in this world and will become the supreme devotee of God. From today, onwards
you will be known as 'Uddalak'. The same Aruni became famous as sage 'Uddalak'.

We see the world as we are
Once the disciples of Guru Dronacharya asked him, "How is that Yudhishtra is
recognized as an embodiment of virtues and Duryodhana as a wicked man?"
Guru Ji did not give any answer. Instead He called out Duryodhana and said, "O
Duryodhana, go and seek a virtuous man". Obeying his Guru's command,
Duryodhana traveled far and wide and returned after a long time. He told
Dronacharya: "I searched high and low but could not find even a single virtuous
man in the whole world. I saw men only of evil nature everywhere." Dronacharya
then instructed Yudhishtra: "O Yudhishtra, find a wicked man and bring him to
me. "Yudhishtra, too, traveled far and wide and came back after many years.

Humbly, he approached his guru and said: "My worthy master, I tried hard to find such a man but could not find even a
single wicked man in the whole world."

Guru Ji then said “My dear disciples! Here is the answer of your question. You see the world the way you are. Most of the
time we receive what we give and we perceive as we are. If we have a positive attitude we find that everyone is wonderful.
And if we treat people with respect we receive respect in return.”

It is a proof that there is no good or evil in this world. If you see evil in the world that means that is evil is in your heart. So
this is a good indication of what you should change in your own life.

Page 5
Guru Vandana
jaW% g£u crn kml bilhar |
Jaaoon guru charana kamala balihaar.
I sacrifice all I possess at the lotus feet of my Gurudev.

ijn crnn kI =r8 ght mn, pavt ygu l ivhar |

Jina charanan ki sharan gahata mana, paavata yugal vihaar.
By coming under the shelter of His lotus feet one can attain the the nectar of divine pastimes of Shri Radha Krishna.

ijn crnn ko )yan 0rt mn, im4t jgt Ai% 0yar |

Jina charanan ko dhyan dhrata mana, mitata jagata andhiyaar.
The darkness of ignorance is annihilated only by rememberance of His lotus feet.

i j n crn n A n k
u Mpa jg mh,% rht n rh ss
& ar |
Jina charanan anukampa jaga mahan, rahata na raha sansaar.
The inclination of living in the material world disappears by the grace of the lotus feet of my guru.

ijn crnn rj Aai% j cracr, dI`t nd& km

u ar |
Jina charanan raja aanji charachara, deekhata nand kumaar.
By reverently applying the foot dust of my Gurudev, one can see Shyam Sundar.

ydip "kp› al"u -de nih& hir g£u , tdip g£u ih& Aa-ar ||
Yadapi “Kripalu” bhed nahin hari hara, tadapi guruhin abhaar.
Although there is no difference between God and Guru, nevertheless I am totally obliged to my Guru, since he rectified my life for ever.

Shri Kripalu Kunj Ashram

Shri Kripalu Kunj Ashram is an affiliate of the worldwide organization, based in
India, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat This is a charitable non-profit
organization that has been founded by Sushri Braj Banchary Didi Ji in Feb. 2008.

The mission of the organization is to motivate and guide people to lead a happier life by
following the principles and philosophy of Hindu scriptures as professed by Jagadguru
Kripalu Ji Maharaj. Salient points of the mission are
• Propagate the true nature of the religion that is referred to in the scriptures as
Sanatan Dharm i.e. eternal religion of all living beings. Modern name of this
religion is called Hinduism.
• Dispel myths and misconception about Hinduism.
• Teach easy ways of leading a Godly life while doing their daily duties
• Promote peace, happiness, joy in the world by changing the mental state of one
person at a time.
• Helping people crave for Divine Bliss and thus attain their ultimate goal.
• Help people with material needs as well.
Divya Sandesh will be published once • Teaching people Indian music and instruments
every 3 months hereon. If you are
interested in a free subscription for the
In order to fulfill the mission the activities that are being performed are
next three editions, please write to us at:
• Giving discourses based on the Vedic Philosophy in Ashram and other temples
15211 Park Row Drive #1913 as well.
Houston TX 77084 USA • Organizing Satsang programs in the Ashram and the residences of devotees.
Or Call us At: (713) 344-1321
• Conducting family camps in North America.
• Conducting classes for children, to inculcate love for God in their heart, right
Or Email Us At: from the beginning.
• Generate funds to provide advanced health care, free of cost, to extremely poor
Or Register At: people in rural India

Visit Us At to listen/watch latest lectures by Shri Maharaj Ji and Didi Ji

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