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Harold and Jane are already married for five years before the pandemic broke out.

Harold worked as a
security guard in a bank while Jane stays at home to take care of the house and their daughter.

Harold: Goodbye Jane. I need to go now because it is difficult to travel nowadays. Only few people were
allowed in the jeepney.

Jane. Alright. Don’t forget to bring your lunchbox.

Harold: Thank you Jane.

Harold was assigned at the main door of the bank. Every day, he meets different people from
different walks of life. He greeted them and even entertained their queries.

Harold: Good morning ma’am. Good morning sir.

Client: Good morning. Where can I go to inquire regarding opening a new account?

Harold: You can go to that person at the corner ma’am for your queries.

Client: Thank you.

Harold: You’re welcome.

One night, while the couple were watching news in the television, they discussed about covid-19.

Jane: Don’t you know that the number of people infected with Covid-19 increases every day?

Harold: Yes, I know it Jane.

Jane: That is why you need to be extra careful especially with the kind of work you have.

Harold: Do not worry Jane. I will always be careful.

One evening, Harold arrived home with a very pale face. He was shivering in cold and could hardly talk.

Jane: Harold, what happened to you? Why are very hot?

Harold: I do not know Jane. Please help me.

Jane accompanied Harold to their room. She took good care of him and make sure that he does not miss
his medicines.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang and Jane hurriedly went near the telephone to answer it.

Jane: Good evening. May I know who is on the line?

DOH: Good evening, I am a staff from DOH. I would like to inform you that your husband Harold Santos
was infected with Covid-19. Any time from now, an ambulance will fetch him. I hope you will cooperate
with us ma’am.
Jane: Okay, I understand.

After a few hours, an ambulance arrived and fetched Harold. Jane was advised to have a home
quarantine together with her daughter.

After one week, Jane received a news that will changed her life and her daughter’s life.

Staff: Good morning Mrs. Harold. I am sorry to inform you that your husband passed away an hour ago.

Jane was shocked and was not able to utter any word. Her daughter saw her and hugged her tightly.

(Jane crying very loud)

A month after Harold’s death, Jane decided to find a job so that she can provide the needs of her
daughter. Unfortunately, she was not able to find a work not until one of her friend working in MAAAI
asked her to work with her in the institution.

Jane: Thank you so much Amy. I do not know how to thank you .This is really a big help to us.

Amy: It is okay. I just want to help you.

Jane: When will I go to the institution?

Amy : we will go together in the institution tomorrow morning.

Jane: Okay, I will wait for you here so that we will go together there.

Jane was accepted to work in MAAAI as one of the staff. She was very grateful to Amy and to the
institution for helping her.

In-Charge: How are you doing here Jane?

Jane: I enjoyed working here and I am happy to be here.

In-charge: Oh! That’s good to hear. How was your daughter?

Jane: I left her to my mother’s care. She is okay now.

In-charge: Nice to hear that Jane. Keep up the good work.

Jane: Thank you sir.

Jane continued to work in the organization and helped the people in the institution to recover and feel

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