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Starting the search process by approaching a “Selection Consultant” would be appropriate

because they can guide in choosing the correct CMS selection based on the requirements and
features needed for building the crowd-sourced research project for FinalTech company. The
selection consultants possess good knowledge in identifying the right CMS system because they
have the expertise and analyze the systems already in the market and used by various organizations
for their projects (Barker, 2016, p. 35). They wisely guide the customer by adequately explaining the
pros and cons of an applicable CMS system that precisely matches business needs. They consume
time for analyzing the requirements, and approaching the selection consultant is costly when
compared to other search processing. However, it is worthy of opting for consultants to identify the
proper system for the business (Barker, 2016, p. 35).

Based on the key requirements of the Finaltech organization, they do not want to have a
large team to maintain their system, which shows they do not want to build their own system by
using developers nor want to maintain the technical functionality of the system. As they wanted to
focus more on research by gathering the inputs from the external members of the organization,
there are many crowd-sourced systems available in the market which can match their requirements
well. Moreover, the selection consultants do not make their clients compromise with their needs or
influence them to use a system that does not match their needs accurately unlike integrators
convince their clients to compromise in their requirements if they do not find the correct system for
the business ( Barker, 2016, p. 35).


The process of crowdsourcing data involves collecting content from a large group of people
which require a server to handle large datasets(Flexera, 2021). Therefore, it is better to use the
software as a service (SaaS) to host the software to maintain its reliability, accuracy, and security.
The SaaS also provides tightly coupled security features to secure the data, and the vendor is
responsible for handling it. By hosting the system in the SaaS, it is reliable because now-a-days,
many vendors are allowing their clients to customize the software as per the business requirements,
but this involves more money to be paid (Software Advice, 2022, para. 16). This customizing feature
enables the Finaltech Company to implement their requirements, such as separate layers for
multiple people to review the work at a time, and the document should be pending until it gets
approval. The Finaltech Company is financially strong so they are willing to pay for the system but
does not want a complex team structure, so the SaaS satisfies them better.

If the Finaltech company wants to enhance their business and want to include new features
in their existing system it would be appropriate to chose the SaaS, so that these can be handled by
SaaS vendor with extra charge for the service ( Advice, 2022). Once the system is hosted in the SaaS
environment, the organization can concentrate on how to use the functionality of the system rather
than concentrating on the system performance issues, the vendor will handle the issues related to
the system. Hosting in SaaS reduces the hardware requirements and becomes an architecture free
system (hackernoon, 2017) . So, every user can contribute the inputs to Finaltech Company for their
research without depending on the system compatibility features.



These roles are responsible for creating, editing and managing the content in the CMS
( Barker, 2016, p. 54) As the Finaltech company uses the crowd-sourced research system the editors
are those who contribute, edits the work for the organization, so the editors can be a large group of
people who does the peer review of others contributed work.


The approvers will also be in the editor role because after uploading the document into the
system there will be an approver who needs to approve the document if it matches the requirement
of research.


The administrators are responsible for maintaining the CMS and its associated infrastructure
(Barker, 2016,p. 54). Below are the sub-roles of the administrators:

CMS Administrators:

An administrator role within the organization is responsible for managing the CMS
operations in an organization. This role is primarily responsible for managing users and
permissions(Barker, 2016, p.58).
Server Administrator:

However, in the administration team, the SaaS vendor has the roles of Server administrator
as they are primarily responsible for the server maintenance of the crowd-sourced research
system(Barker, 2016, p.58).


The developers are responsible for installing, configuring, integrating, and modifying the
CMS to meet the project's requirements(Barker, 2016, p.57). For this organization, the SaaS vendor
will be the development team.


In the case of Finaltech, the stakeholders can be the Research team, as they are the most
likely to benefit from crowd-sourced research.

Site Planners:

For Finaltech, the site planner role is handled by the members of the organization and also
by the external members of the organization as the consultant from the organization describes the
interface features to the selection consultant, and the SaaS vendor will be responsible for organizing
and creating the content.

Content Strategists:

This role aims to manage the types of content and interactions on the website. The
consultant from the Finaltech company and the selection consultant will be the content strategists
as the selection consultant suggests the appropriate CMS system to the Finaltech company that
matches their requirements.

User experience (UX) designers and information architects:

The vendor will be responsible for organizing the user interface as specified by the client.
They design according to the specifications of the client and responsible for the functioning of the
CMS System (Barker, 2016, p.58).

To conclude, in this fast-paced world, the client must focus on the business rather than how to build
the system until he wants to become the CMS vendor who provides services with their system. Time
and investment are the two valuable resources for any company to succeed. So, I recommend the
Finaltech company to consult a selection consultant who can save their time by suggesting
appropriate systems that are already available in the market. The SaaS can help the organization by
managing their CMS system in the cloud, upgrading the system from time to time, and suggesting
according to the market trend. As Finaltech is opting for crowd-sourced research, they need to
maintain their intellectual property rights for their research work and need to have version control
in their system to keep track related to the work. The organization can customize the system
according to their requirements, and the vendor maintains it. As they intended to maintain a small
team within the organization, the SaaS system is helpful.

Advice, S. (2022). Faqs about software as a service. Retrieved from Software Advice:

Barker, D. (2016). Web Content Management. In D. Barker, Web Content Management (p. 378).

Flexera. (2021, April 05). Flexera. Retrieved from Flexera:


Hackernoon. (2017, july 02). How I built a CMS and why you shouldn't. Retrieved from Hackernoon:

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