A System For The Measurement of Grip Forces and Applied Moments During Hand Tool Use

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Applied Ergonomics 32 (2001) 271}279

A system for the measurement of grip forces and applied

moments during hand tool use夽
Raymond W. McGorry*
Liberty Mutual Research Center for Safety and Health, 71 Frankland Road, Hopkinton, MA 01748, USA
Accepted 9 September 2000


Quanti"cation of the forces applied with or by hand tools can be a di$cult but important component of an ergonomic evaluation.
This paper describes a device for measuring gripping forces and the moments generated by a hand tool. Laboratory characterization
indicated that the device had good linearity (r"0.999) with minimal hysteresis or creep. The working range exceeds 700 N for
gripping forces, and 28 and 16 Nm for the two applied moment axes. The device, con"gured as a boning knife, was sensitive to
di!erences in grip forces and applied moments in a simulated meat cutting task requiring distinct levels of precision. Signi"cant
individual variation in the `e$ciencya of grip force was also observed. The system design is #exible, allowing for additional tool
con"gurations.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Grip force; Hand tools; Exposure

1. Introduction primary factors assessed at the workplace. Direct obser-

vation can be used to capture the postural and temporal
Hand tools were involved in 9% of compensable demands of work, but quantitative assessment of force is
work-related injuries in 1984, of which the upper extremi- only possible through direct measurement.
ties were the body parts injured in greater than half the An ergonomic evaluation should include estimates of
cases (Mital, 1991). In industries such as poultry process- the force requirements and the repetitiveness of the task
ing and automobile upholstering, where hand tools are being analyzed (Silverstein et al., 1986). One approach
used extensively, the incidence of upper extremity mus- has been to instrument the workpiece, or place the work-
culoskeletal disorders (UEMSDs) can be much greater piece or operator on a force plate (Freivalds and Eklund,
than the average (US Department of Labor, 1996). The 1993; Kihlberg et al., 1993; Lindqvist, 1993). This tech-
etiology of UEMSDs is not completely de"ned and nique is appropriate for a stationary workpiece and
a quantitative dose-response relationship to risk factors a well-constrained work area, but may be less than ideal
has not been de"nitively established; however, there is when the workpiece is non-stationary, inconsistent in
su$cient knowledge of the primary physical risk factors nature, or does not lend itself to instrumentation. An-
to guide assessment and design of tasks assumed to pose other approach has been the direct instrumentation of
excessive risk. This leads to a focus on reducing exposure hand tools such as plate shears, knives, pliers, and screw-
to risk factors rather than on achieving a threshold limit drivers (Kilbom et al., 1993; McGorry et al., 2000;
(Dempsey et al., 2000B). Force, posture, and temporal Murphy et al., 2000; Stoy and Aspen, 1999; Dempsey
characteristics (i.e., frequency, rest breaks) are the et al., 2000A). This approach is not limited to a speci"c
workpiece or work station, but utility can be limited by
tool speci"city.
The techniques described above provide data about

All funding was provided by the Liberty Mutual Research Center the forces acting at the tool}workpiece interface, but
for Safety and Health, a department of the Liberty Mutual Insurance provide no information about the nature of the
*Tel.: #1-508-435-9061 x308; fax: #1-508-435-8136. hand}tool interface. Handle features, such as diameter,
E-mail address: raymond.mcgorry@libertymutual.com length, shape, and surface texture (Kadefors et al.,
(R.W. McGorry). 1993; Freivalds, 1996) or the presence of contaminants,

0003-6870/01/$ - see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 3 - 6 8 7 0 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 6 2 - 4
272 R.W. McGorry / Applied Ergonomics 32 (2001) 271}279

vibration, and gloves may alter the hand/tool interface der Beek, 1999). Yet, as Duque et al. (1995) noted, the
and thus the grip force required to maintain equilibrium. measurement of grip force needs further development in
In order to maintain equilibrium of the handle within the order to be of practical use in the workplace. The focus of
hand, the gripping force must be su$cient to counteract this paper is on the development of a system that can
the reactive moments or forces. The minimum grip force simultaneously resolve grip forces and applied moments
necessary to maintain equilibrium is equal to the grip produced using non-powered, single-handled tools, and
force component normal to the handle surface, multi- an evaluation of the utility of the proposed device under
plied by the coe$cient of static friction between the simulated working conditions.
handle material and the hand (and any contaminants).
The safety margin, the di!erence between the actual and
theoretical minimum grip force, represents the `bu!era 2. Method
used to protect against unexpected perturbations (West-
ling and Johansson, 1984). While an adequate safety 2.1. Hardware
margin is important for safe use of the tool, excessive grip
forces, particularly during highly repetitive motions, Several design criteria were proposed for the grip sen-
could potentially lead to musculoskeletal injury (Lowe sor. The device should:
and Freivalds, 1999).
(1) be small enough to "t within a wide array of tool
Several approaches to the measurement of grip force
have been reported, each with its advantages and disad-
(2) resolve grip forces for a wide array of hand place-
vantages. Force-sensitive resistors (FSRs) and pressure-
ments or gripping techniques;
sensitive materials have been used to measure force and
(3) measure throughout the operating range of a variety
pressure distributions at the hand}handle interface (Fel-
of hand tools;
lows and Freivalds, 1989; Yun et al., 1992; Hall, 1997).
(4) be robust enough to withstand the rigors of "eld and
Though the sensors are relatively inexpensive and easy to
laboratory use;
apply, an array of sensors generally must be used and
(5) accept a wide array of end e!ectors (i.e. knife blades,
individually calibrated. The interposition of the sensor
hammerheads, screw driver blades).
material may also alter the properties of the hand}handle
interface. FSRs and pressure-sensitive materials may be Several other factors were considered in the design
well suited for the evaluation of the force or pressure process. The location, distribution, and direction of ap-
distributions associated with di!erent handle shapes and plication of gripping forces can vary due to the shape and
textures, but are less than ideal for capturing real-time diameter of the handle, the type of grip employed, the
grip force data during hand tool use. task requirements, and individual di!erences. When the
Electromyography (EMG) has been used to estimate handle is cylindrical in shape, a more radial-oriented
grip forces during tool use (Duque et al., 1995; Grant and force distribution might be anticipated. A power grip
Habes, 1997). This approach is complicated by the fact about an elliptical or rectangular handle cross section
that EMG to force ratios vary with wrist and upper might be expected to generate the greatest forces along
extremity posture and grip type (Grant and Habes, 1997). the major axis. When the tool is used to produce a mo-
While EMG has great potential, there are many technical ment about the long axis, such as with a screwdriver,
challenges to its use for estimation of grip force during a large tangential or shearing force component might be
dynamic tasks in the workplace. expected at the hand}handle interface. Finally, gripping
Direct instrumentation of an actual or simulated tool forces may not be evenly distributed along the long axis
handle has typically involved splitting the handle into of the tool.
opposing sections (Radwin and Oh, 1992; Grant, 1994; Several design options were considered. A split-handle
Kinoshita et al., 1996; Lowe and Freivalds, 1999). design involving two opposing beams was rejected due to
A split-handle design is appropriate when the force ap- the limited range of application. An orthogonal con"g-
plication is normal to the opposing handle sections, such uration of four beams, potentially capable of resolving
as with a simple pinch grip task. However, this criterion radial-directed grip forces, was rejected because shear
"ts only a small minority of potential tool handle and forces applied to two beams oriented 1803 apart would
gripping style conditions, and thus has limited applica- not be detected. A symmetrical arrangement of three
tion in the workplace. beams (oriented at 1203 about the center) was selected
Clearly, knowledge of applied moments and grip forces because with this con"guration, radial forces applied at
associated with hand tool use is important in the identi- any point of the tool handle could be resolved. Thin foil
"cation of high-risk techniques or task elements. This strain gauges were selected for this application, because
information is also important in the analysis of the rela- they can provide the necessary sensitivity and linearity, in
tionship between force exposure and injury, and variabil- a con"ned space, for a reasonable cost. A full Wheatstone
ity of individual responses to exposures (Burdo! and van bridge of four strain gauges sensitive only to strain in
R.W. McGorry / Applied Ergonomics 32 (2001) 271}279 273

bending in the long axis of the beam, was mounted at plane). The wires from the applied moment gauges and
each end of the three beams. This con"guration allows from the grip force gauges on the suspended beams were
resolution of the location of radial-directed forces ap- routed through the hollow center, and exit through
plication and estimation of moments acting on the long a hole at the `butta of the grip core.
axis of the handle. The outputs from the six strain gauges Handles can be fabricated in one of several ways: the
can be averaged to obtain a measure of the average or actual tool handle can be bored out to accept the grip
`overalla grip force associated with a task, or can be used core; the handle with simple cross sections can be milled
independently in a static analysis to provide more de- from solid stock; or castings can be made from molds of
tailed information about the magnitude and location of handles with more complex shapes. After fabrication, the
the resultant grip force vector acting on the handle. replicate handle is split into three sections. Each handle
The proposed hand tool analysis system is composed section can then be attached to one of the grip core
of four major component groups: an end e!ector; a sen- beams with screws.
sor for measuring reactive moments applied at the end
e!ector; a grip force sensing core (grip core); and 2.2. System characterization
a handle. Handles of various sizes and shapes can be
mounted to the grip core. The moment sensing end of the To evaluate the linearity and hysteresis of the grip
handle has a "tting to accept various end e!ectors. core, cyclic loading and unloading of the three beams was
Fig. 1 is a perspective drawing of the grip core. performed with 12 calibrated weights (0.45}72.8 kg). To
The grip core was fabricated from 15.6 mm hexagonal evaluate the ability to localize the point of force applica-
bar stock (14-4 stainless steel), which was milled to create tion along the longitudinal axis of the grip core the
three beams, supported at both ends, and suspended procedure was repeated with loads applied 1.9 cm out-
about a hollow center. Thin foil `bendinga strain gauges board from the handle center. Creep was evaluated by
are "xed to each end of the three beams. The tool end of loading with a 23 kg weight for 5 min. Linearity and
the grip core has a threaded hole capable of receiving end hysteresis of the vertical and horizontal axes of the ap-
e!ectors such as knife blades, screwdriver bits, or even plied moment sensor were independently assessed by
hammer shafts and heads. A rectangular cross section cyclic loading and unloading with six moments
was milled into the core, between the tool end "tting and (0.65}14.35 N m). Creep was evaluated by applying
the three suspended beams of the handle. Strain gauges a 7.5 N m moment for 5 min in each axis. Crosstalk be-
were applied to the four surfaces (one pair for moments in tween the horizontal and vertical axes was evaluated and
the horizontal plane, one pair for moments in the vertical reported as a percentage of full scale of the primary axis.
The strain gauge outputs were passed to an A/D conver-
ter which sampled the signals at 50 Hz and sent the data
to storage on the hard drive of a PC.

2.3. Experimental design

A simulation of a meat cutting task was conducted to

evaluate the performance of the device, con"gured as
a knife, see Fig. 2. The objectives of the experiment were
to determine if the system can: distinguish di!erences in
grip force and applied moment under similar, yet slightly
varying conditions; detect individual di!erences in the
performance of a task; and, provide new or novel in-
formation about a hand tool task. To this end, an experi-
mental protocol was designed to test the hypothesis that
tasks with greater precision demands, but similar applied
force requirements, would have signi"cantly di!erent
grip force requirements. A 2;2 factorial design was
used, with two levels of task precision (high and low),
and two material thickness levels (thick * 1.9 cm, and
thin * 1.25 cm). Modeling clay was selected to simulate
red meat for the cutting task. In preliminary testing, the
clay required a cutting force similar to that of sirloin and
Fig. 1. The perspective view illustrates the location of the six grip force
strain gauges (four visible), and four applied torque strain gauges (one London broil cuts of beef. Five female and "ve male
horizontal and one vertical visible). The end view demonstrates the subjects between the ages of 18 and 65 yr of age con-
method of attachment of the three handle segments. sented to participate in the study.
274 R.W. McGorry / Applied Ergonomics 32 (2001) 271}279

Fig. 2. Photograph of the device con"gured as the knife used in the clay cutting task.

The knife blade was thoroughly sharpened prior to the moment between the knife blade for all 40 trials (10
test session. A wooden cutting board was placed at a 153 subjects;2 task precision levels;2 clay thickness levels).
presentation toward the subject. The work stand was Next, data for each trial were displayed on the computer
adjusted so that the clay was 20 cm below the lateral screen, and the time of the start and end of the applied
epicondyle of the subject's preferred arm. The subject was vertical moment was determined for each of the four
asked to practice cutting thick and thin clays until com- cutting repetitions. The six grip force channels were aver-
fortable with the experimental protocol. Next, a thick or aged to determine the `overalla grip force at each data
thin clay slab was randomly selected, and the subject was point. The next analysis was to test for di!erences in grip
instructed to make four vertical cuts entirely through the force and cutting moment under the two levels of task
slab (10 cm wide), pausing brie#y between cuts. The pro- precision. The di!erence was expected to be greatest at
cedure was repeated for the alternate clay thickness level. the beginning of the cut, where the subject would have to
Next the subject was randomly presented with a thick or carefully insert the blade in the clay precisely at the top
thin clay, approximately 15 cm in width. Two horizontal line during the high-precision trials, as opposed to the
lines were marked on the clay, 10 cm apart. The subject minimal care required for the low-precision trials. Fol-
was instructed to make four vertical cuts completely lowing the initial cut, little di!erence was anticipated
through the clay, but was instructed to cut precisely between the two task levels. The initial 25% of each
between the two horizontal lines. The procedure was cutting trial was selected for comparison for the e!ect of
repeated using the alternate thickness level. No instruc- task precision. The mean overall grip force and applied
tions regarding the speed of task were given. The knife vertical moment were calculated for the initial segments
blade was brie#y sharpened between each of the 10 test of each cut. Di!erences in grip force and cutting moment
sessions. Data for each trial (four cuts) were sampled for due to the main e!ects of task precision, and clay thick-
30 s at 100 Hz and stored in computer memory. ness, were analyzed using a single factor ANOVA.
Lowe and Freivalds (1999) calculated the ratio of grip
2.4. Data analysis force and required force for a pinch grip task to evaluate
individual di!erences in pinch grip `e$ciencya or coord-
Pearson correlation coe$cients were calculated to de- ination. This approach was adopted to evaluate indi-
termine the strength of the correspondence between the vidual di!erences in knife gripping e$ciency. The ratio of
grip forces used to the knife handle and the reactive the grip force to the applied moment (grip}moment ratio)
R.W. McGorry / Applied Ergonomics 32 (2001) 271}279 275

Table 1
Grip and applied torque sensor characterization

Grip force Applied torque

units units Lateral Cutting

Linearity r '0.99 r '0.99 '0.99

Working range N 712 Nm 9.60 19.60
Theoretical limit N 1113 Nm 16.95 28.25
Hysteresis % FS 0.15 % FS 1.59 0.70
Creep @ 5 min % FS (0.1% % FS 0.17 0.15
Crosstalk N/A % FS 0.86 0.47
(of cutting) (of lateral)

% FS"percent of full scale.

for the initial segment of the means of the four repetitions

of cutting was calculated for all trials. Higher grip}mo-
ment ratios suggest a less e$cient use of grip force.
A three-way ANOVA was performed to test for the
e!ects of subject, task precision, clay thickness, and the
skill;thickness interaction term. The criterion selected
for statistical signi"cance was p(0.05.

3. Results

3.1. System characterization

The results of characterization of the grip force and

applied moment calibration are presented in Table 1.
Estimation of the point of load application indicated that
the error in localization decayed exponentially with in-
creasing load. Errors of 3 mm or less were observed with
Fig. 3. A graph of the estimate error of the point of load application on
loads exceeding 25 N. A graph of the error in load local- the long axis of the grip core, as a function of load magnitude.
ization is presented in Fig. 3.

3.2. Meat cutting simulation between subjects ( p(0.0001) in the grip force used to
apply the cutting moment. A Duncan' multiple range test
The Pearson correlation coe$cient calculated between indicated that the subjects could be assigned to four
the grip force and the applied cutting moment ranged groups. Group assignment was based on signi"cant dif-
between 0.961 and 0.989 for the 10 subjects, with a mean ferences in magnitude of the grip}moment ratios. The
value of 0.979. The results of the general linear model ratios and subject grouping are presented in Fig. 5.
analysis indicated that grip force and applied moment
were signi"cantly greater for the high- precision than for
the low- precision tasks during the initial phase (25%) of 4. Discussion
the cutting replications at both the thick and thin levels
of clay thickness . Representative graphs of grip force and The system, as con"gured and described in this report,
applied moment for the cutting task produced under provided a reasonable simulation of a knife in a meat
high- and low-precision conditions are presented in Fig. cutting task. The alterations to the handle surface neces-
4. The results of these analyses are presented in Table 2. sitated by the design were fairly unobtrusive. The edges
Analysis of the e!ect of material thickness in trials match- of the knife handle segments were smoothed, and the
ed by task precision revealed slightly higher, though not gaps between segments (0.75 mm wide), were barely per-
signi"cantly di!erent grip force or applied moment for ceptible to touch. The screw holes were carefully counter-
the thick level. sunk so as to locate the screw head just below the handle
The three-way ANOVA of the grip}moment ratio in- surface. As a general consideration, care should be taken
dicated that there were signi"cant individual di!erences to avoid locating gaps or screw holes in areas of the
276 R.W. McGorry / Applied Ergonomics 32 (2001) 271}279

Fig. 4. Graphs of the low- and high-precision trials for a 1.9 cm thick clay for one subject (four cuts/trial). Note the higher grip force and applied
moments during the initial phase of the cut of the high-precision task.

handle where the greatest contact pressures would be forces are small. In tasks where reactive moments are
anticipated. The weight of the instrumented tool was great enough to be of concern, or with larger, heavier
another area of concern. The stainless steel grip core will tools such as a hammer, the increase in tool weight
generally increase the weight of all but the heavier hand generally would not be expected to alter performance
tools. The increase in weight, however, is distributed signi"cantly. The use of lighter materials, such as tita-
relatively uniformly about the long axis of the handle. As nium or magnesium alloys, as well as further weight
such, the moment resulting from the additional weight reduction through design optimization will be the focus
should be minimal. In the performance evaluation, the of future development.
instrumented knife was 59 g heavier than the actual knife. The integrity of the measurement system was veri"ed
The increase in weight may be a more signi"cant factor by characterization in a controlled laboratory environ-
with lighter tools used in precision tasks, where gripping ment. The response to progressive loading proved to be
R.W. McGorry / Applied Ergonomics 32 (2001) 271}279 277

Table 2
Mean, standard deviation, and p values for grip force and applied moment during the initial phase of low- and high-precision cutting tasks, for thick
and thin materials

Thick Thin

Mean (Std. Dev.) p Value Mean (Std. Dev.) p Value

Grip Force
High precision 43.3 (17.6) 37.2 (18.6)
(0.0001 0.040
Low precision 23.3 (11.9) 21.8 (10.8)
Applied torque
High precision 1.11 (0.3) 0.93 (0.3)
0.0087 0.0035
Low precision 0.66 (0.3) 0.56 (0.2)

Bold type indicates statistically signi"cant di!erences.

conditions, and forces in the 600}700 N range are

possible for some individuals (Petrofsky, 1980; Agnew
and Maas, 1982; Young et al., 1989). The system range
of grip force measurement, 712 N, should be su$cient
for evaluating maximum voluntary contraction of
power grip.
The data from the six grip strain gauges can be reduced
by averaging, or determination of a maximum, to provide
a `generala measure of grip force associated with a
hand tool task. Alternately, data collected from the
six channels can be used in the analysis of the distribution
of grip force about the circumference and long axis
of a tool handle. Resolution was poor below 10}20 N,
but for loads greater than 25 N, the resolution was
better than 3 mm. The system was designed for measure-
ment throughout the feasible range of human grip force
and not for maximizing the longitudinal resolution of
Fig. 5. Histograms of means of the ratio of grip force to applied small load applications. If so desired, low-end resolution
moment (with a one standard deviation bar) for 10 subjects. The letters
under each bar indicate group designation based on statistically signi"- could be enhanced by increasing gauge sensitivity, at
cant individual di!erences in grip}moment ratio. the expense of high-end load capacity. For example,
increasing the gauge sensitivity by a factor of two
would decrease the measurement range available
without overloading, by one-half. This may be desirable
very linear for the grip core as well as for the horizontal for precision tasks, where maximal grip forces are not
and vertical applied moment sensors. Creep, hysteresis, anticipated.
and crosstalk e!ects were generally minimal. The work- Di!erences in the dependent variables, grip force and
ing ranges and theoretical limits for applied moment are applied moment were slightly, though not signi"cantly
consistent with those observed in the poultry and red less for the thin (1.25 cm) than the thick (1.9 cm) clay for
meat packing industries, and should be adequate for both task precision conditions. One possible reason for
other single-handled tool applications. Field and labor- the small di!erences in the dependent variables was that
atory data collection will be necessary to determine the separation in task di$culty between the two basis
working ranges for various tasks and tools since little levels of clay thickness was a less signi"cant factor than
data exists in the literature. the friction between blade and cutting board. Initially
For this system, a working range was selected that a 2.5 cm thick clay was proposed for the `thicka level, but
would include the maximum voluntary grip force for an based on pilot testing, the thicker clay was rejected be-
adult male. The reported mean power grip strength for cause it was felt to be too di$cult for subjects with less
an adult male ranges from 430}500 N, depending on test upper extremity strength to cut.
278 R.W. McGorry / Applied Ergonomics 32 (2001) 271}279

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