Biology Master Test: DT: 7 September 2014

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Biology Master Test Dt: 7th September 2014

1. Choose the Correct Option [10]

1  The science which aims to improve human race through controlled heredity is ….
a. Immunology        b. Eugenics        c. Genetics        d. Evolution
2  Which of the following is not a property of non-living
a. locomotion      b. reproduction        c. growth    d. all of above
3 Which of the following is not a supportive tissue
a. Parenchyma           b. collenchyma    c. sclerenchyma        d. xylem
4     ____ is a modified flower
a. Bud                  b. bulbil    c. sucker      d. offsets
5  Leaf from the axil of which a flower arises is called ……
a. Perianth               b. Bract       c. Style  d. Nectaries
6  _____ is an example of exalbuminous seed
a. wheat                    b. paddy   c. bean    d. maize
7 Stomata are present in 
a. Stem           b. leaves        c. roots        d. all of above
8   ___ mineral is found in formation of teeth and bones
a. Fe            b. Mg            c. Na            d. Ca
9 A condition in which the anthers and stigma grow at different heights is …
a. Self sterility        b. Herkonogamy    c. Protandry        d. Heterostyly
10 There are __ whorls in a typical flower
a. 1            b.2            c. 3            d.4

2. Answer the following in short [10]

(a) What is palaeontology? (b) What is sensitivity (response to external stimuli) (c ) What is a glandular epithelium?
(d) What are limitations of micropropagation   (e) If transformation of ovary results into fruits, explain transformation
of ovules in your words (f) Define pollination (g) What are exalbuminous seeds? (h) Define germination (i) Explain
oxybiotic respiration (j) Explain the term calorie.
3. Answer the following in brief [18]
(a) What is biology and when did it begin. (b) What is homeostasis? Is it a property of only living organisms, please
explain. (c) Explain role of connective tissue, highlight and in short explain liquid. (d) connective tissues of our body.
(e) Economic importance of artificial methods of propagation. (f) Distinguish flower and inflorescence. (g) Advantages
of cross pollination. (h) What is viviparous germination explain with example. (i) Please explain the concept that
respiration contrasts with photosynthesis. (j) Write symptoms of marasmus    
4. Write short note [12]
(a) How nature favors Cross pollination OR  How studying biology helps us (b) Hypogeal germination OR Muscle
tissue and its types (c) Vitamins OR Water as indispensible part of diet (d) Layering techniques OR Androecium (e) 
Conditions that favor germination of seed.
Biology Master Test Dt: 7th September 2014

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