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Huynh Thi My Hanh

DaNang University of Economics
71 Ngu Hanh Son- Da Nang- Viet Nam
December 9th 2021

To whom it may concern

It is my pleasure to recommend my former student Thi My Hanh Do for admission to …..I

am lecturer at University of Economics, the University of Danang, Vietnam. I came to know
My Hanh when she enrolled in my Organizational Behavior course. The course aims to help
learners enhance their understanding of the human side of management such as decision-
making, motivation, personality, leadership and organizational culture; as well as develop
their interpersonal skills, making them adapt effectively in organizations. This chance helps
me discover a potential leader in my course.

Overall, My Hanh is highly intelligent and owns good analytical skills. She used to raise her
hand with interesting situational and behavioral questions, allowing her to well fathom
multidimensional content of organizational behavior science. In this course, students are
required to argue for their own perspective with regard to the issue in question as well as to
apply theories in analyzing and explaining the actual situation. My Hanh demonstrated her
intelligence, sensitivity and detachment in the discussions sections with persuasive and
concise arguments.

Furthermore, she has excellent communication skills. I ask my students in this course to write
an essay of how to practice gratitude in daily life in order to find out their inner peace. I was
impressed by her written work that described the failure and the depression that she must face
to and how she overcame these challenges by practicing her gratitude and positive thinking
every day. I think that these valuable experiences will help her become stronger and more
determinant in the future.

As a leader in her team, she well knows how to motivate her team members in group
assignment. Her capacity of leadership is reflected in the result of her team for this course,
which were by far the best in the class. Not only be a discipline student, My Hanh also shows
her great perseverance and initiative as well as her capacity to harmonize conflicts in team by
her constructive advice and appropriate decisions.

Every semester, numerous students participate in my course but My Hanh left a good
impression in my mind as an exceptional student. She has proven herself to have a capacity
of long-life learning and positive energy inspiring as well as her kindness and her enthusiasm,
making her an extremely valuable asset to your program. I would therefore highly
recommend My Hanh.
If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do
not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

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