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Interpreting data Whats being measures? VISITS ABROAD BY UK RESIDENTS BY PURPOSE OF VISIT (1994-98) Identifying key . features VISITS ABROAD BY UK RESIDENTS BY Does it go up or down? PURPOSE OF VISIT (1994-98) What are highest lowest Any smarts Identifying key features Doesit go up or down? = sa) porap + outine 2-4 main pons, oT tends and events Example structure Desenie Char, 9 Seg specie data and eva eo wing an eed deuce pacar ees emer sen == =LLLL Writing an (Overall, holiday travel was by far the m ss tps increased ‘ver the pein. By large margin, the prefered travel destination was ‘Western Europe, which inereased in popula ac travel to Nor Fv hy esti: fami ad ater rei relativey Love = ‘LL Writing an etme Nese emphasing ~ byte bya tage man kee Describing details Dieent approaches to (One togical approach Body 8: Chart2 ‘Overall, holiday travel was by far the most popular reason for going ‘over the prio. By large magi, the preferred tavel destination wae ‘Western Europe. which ineressed in popularity 2s travel to North Ameria and other regions remained relatively low In 1994, 15,246 people surveyed travelled sbroadon holiday sing Dosiness inthe same yea, followed by 3.181 who vsted fem and fiends The total number of ves incresee frm 22072in 1994 to 28,828 in 1998. How ‘stayed fay constant at sreund 900 people VISITS ABROAD BY UK RESIDENTS BY PURPOSE OF VISIT (1994-98) a eee ln 1994, 15,246 people surveyed traveled abroad an aliasing £020,700 n 1998. In contract, only 3957 people travelled Dousinezs in the same year, followed by 3.481 who vite famiy nc fnand The total number of visits increased from 22072 in 1994 to pastsingie 28,828 in 1998, Howover, the ier traveling for ‘ther reasons changer VISITS ABROAD BY UK RESIDENTS BY | PURPOSE OF VISIT (1994-98) Describing details Vist tothe most popular destination, Westen Europe, increased Sgnifcaty from just under 20.000 in 1994 to eighty below 25,000 four yeas later. Conversely, for fewer people travelled to other areas and North Americ, In 1998, the figures were approximately 2400, Body B: Chart 2 ‘tin your paragraphs, and 2300 people respectively, with vit to there regions having cua de txperenced relatively Lie grouth over the petiod 2 Bigestosmotese ee LLLLL Describing details Notice verb forme: = pastsimpte Perfect participle Notice inking expressions Notice adverbs Exam Tips Don't start writing right ‘vay. Make a plan Don't spend more than 20 mins on Task 1 Don't count your words Do practice onthe official IELTS anewer chest Do practice a range of Vists tothe most popular estinaton, Westem Europe, increased 25,000 four yeas later. Conversely, far fewer people travelled to ‘proximately 2400 and 2300 paople respectively, with vist to 1zhaving experienced relatively Uitle growth over the “The able ilustrates the reasons why peoole ig this period ot the abe andthe car ae baced on 2 survey of 109000 Overall rave was by far the most popular eazn forgoing abrod ea margin the prefered travel destin was Westen Europ, which cease fn 1994, 15246 people surveyed raved abroad on hls kng to 20700in Viet tothe most popular dethation, Westen Europe inceseed scart from just uder 20,000 n 1994 tosh below 25,000 fur yt tet Conversely fe fewer opi Wavlled to other aes and North Amr. n 1998, th Raving enperenced relatively ie growth over te period (219 words Bard 9)

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