Commercial Policy 2022 FAQ

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Internal Use (Level 2).

What is the rationale behind the new 2022 Pricing Policy?

We reviewed our entire commercial model in a bid to remove competitive disadvantages, and
create a more level playing field in what is now, an online global marketplace. Our intent is to
remove some of the complexities and barriers to entry within our industry and make it easier and
faster for training organisations to collaborate with a single supplier.

We have aligned regional pricing by adjusting FX and we have simplified the model by reducing
the regions from 5 to 3. This way, unfair competition will be better addressed and we expect less
discrepancy per region when offering certification solutions. We are also combining the exam and
the core guidance in addition to the optional courseware, along with an online proctored exam
as standard. This means that the overall price is increasing, but so too is the value of each
complete solution purchase.

What are the criteria for making the most out of Volume Discounts?

The new Discount Scheme is modelled in a similar manner as the previous scheme. The volume
tiers or calculation period will remain unchanged. For PeopleCert to turn it into a Growth
Incentive, a new criterion has been introduced to reward market growth instead of just serving
demand. This means: To qualify for a Volume Discount, ATOs will need to achieve a minimum
growth of 10% increase in exam volume sales compared to the same period of the previous year.
This target can be achieved through all Business and IT products in the portfolio and can be
supported through marketing co-funding (upon request)

To understand what discounts you are eligible for, please speak to your PeopleCert Business
Development Manager.

Why is PeopleCert reverting to online proctored exams only?

One of the most important benefits online proctored exams offers is improved exam content
security. By going paperless, we support sustainability as a core value, and we standardise the
candidate exam experience which safeguards the value of the exam.

There has been steep rise in the demand for online proctored exams versus paper-based ones
(demand in UK and US reached 95%). While demand may have become more obvious due to
Covid restrictions, (it seems to have since stabilised), the fact remains that the rising trend
towards online exam delivery commenced prior to the pandemic.

Can I still order a paper exam?

As of 1 February 2022, our B&IT exams will not be offered in paper form. Exceptions will be
available upon request

Why is PeopleCert bundling the Official Core Guidance with exam bookings?
Internal Use (Level 2).

A bundled offering that includes the Core Guidance allows us to position the official book as a
single point of reference for learners. This is a standard and universal practice in several forms of
education (ie universities). We aim certified individuals to positively impact their company, team,
role, responsibilities and their performance following their learning experience and having a
substantial key guide for this is essential. Also, our alignment of a digital-first model for customers
is a more sustainable approach to delivering PeopleCert services

Can I still get a hard copy version of the core guidance?

Yes, hard copies are still available upon request. There is a hard copy surcharge to accommodate
packaging and delivery charges.

Will learners be able to sit for open book online exams?

This is currently under review and we will be able to provide an update shortly

Will Online Exams be localised?

There will be a significant investment in localisation as we appreciate the importance it has on

optimising and standardising the customer experience. A specific localisation plan is being created
and updates will be available shortly.

What if my candidates are unable to download or run ExamShield because of their Antivirus or
Firewall settings?

The online proctoring platform will be available through Microsoft Store. This means that there
should not be any security restrictions that could affect the ExamShield experience as they will be
downloading it from a widely trusted source. This is just a first step of many towards an improved
and optimized ExamShield performance.

As always, our Customer Service team is always on hand to assist candidates 24/7/365.

Information about ExamShield, how it works, and what is needed to apply it within a corporate
environment is available to view in the Partners’ Support Area.

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