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Ethics in applied medical


‫ُمكمل اسئلة ميد‬

Done by : yarob abu baker & samah alomari

Smile makers team

Q1) some reasons might be strong but not enough to establish a good

justification for an action ?

A- true

B- false

Q2 ) stands on that actions reflect an intention in the human to be

morally worth with self respect and autonomy :

A- felling or desire

B- Habit

C- theory

D- obligation based

Q3 ) An integrated logical and well developed body of principles :

A- felling or desire

B- Habit

C- theory

D- obligation based

Q4 ) is a subjective approach to moral decision making and behavior :

A- felling or desire

B- Habit

C- theory

D- obligation based

Q5 ) A code of behavior considered correct by members of the profession for

the good of both the patient and profession.

A- True

B- false

Q6 ) the medical profession since ancient time has conducted itself with a

high level of ethical behaviors that has earned the trust that patients have in

doctors today .

A- True

B- false

Q7 ) what is the definition of morality ?

A- widely shared social conventions about right and wrong human conduct

that they from non stable communal consensus.

B- widely shared conventions about right and wrong human conduct that

they from stable communal consensus.

C- widely shared non-social conventions about right and wrong human

conduct that they from non stable communal consensus.

D- widely shared non-social conventions about right and wrong human

conduct that they from stable communal consensus.

Q8 ) ethics is a matter of ?
A- doing

B- reading

C- knowing


Q9 ) medical ethics is closely related to law ?

A- True


Q10 ) ethics deals with some aspects of humans behaviors ?

A- True

B- false

Q11 ) the study of ethics prepares medical personnel to recognize

difficult with them in a rational way . keeping in mind all the following

important principles EXEPT :

A- no harm

B- patient rights

C- priority

D- non of the above

Q12 ) what is morally right or wrong depends on the prevailing view

in the society or culture we happen to be dealing with is termed ____ ?

A- morals

B- moral relativism

C- Ethics

D- codes of ethics

Q13 ) laws differ significantly from country to another while ethics is

applicable across national boundaries ?

A- true

B- false

Q14 ) ethical issue is health care practice have to stand on a solid base

of reasoning and rationalization ?

A- true

B- false

Q15 ) when you are against confidently , you breaking patient ……. ?

A- trust

B- mistrust

Q16 ) which of the following approaches for justification is false ?

A- deliberation

B- reasons irrelevancy

C- deduction (inference)

D- induction (generation )

Q17 ) another name of consequtinalism is …?

A- teleological theory

B- odontolgy

C- carology

D- samiology

Q18 ) consideration is ….. ?

A- deliberation

B- reason relevancy

C- deduction

D- induction

Q19 ) the problem with employing utilitarian theories is determining

who decides the definition of :

A- good and bad

B- greatest and good

C- greatest and worst

D- cause and harms

Q20 ) the problem solved by developing and accessing beliefs and

principles its used in ?

A- deliberation

B- reason relevancy

C- deduction

D- induction

Q21 ) there's difference between an attempted justification from a

successful justification ?

A- True

B- false

Q22 ) justification can be reached only if general rules with the

relevant facts of a situation support the inference of such judgment this

is termed ?

A- deliberation

B- consistency

C- deduction

D- induction

Q23 ) health professional that refuses to participate in abortion

operation because it is unlawful , the method of justification that used

in this example is … ?

A- deliberation

B- consistency

C- deduction

D- induction

Q24 ) deliberation is composed of '' consideration and weighing up '' ?

A- true

B- false

Q25 ) law , ethics and bioethics are different related concepts ?

A- True

B- False

Q26 ) the base of utilitarian to :

A- ask what has intrinsic value and assess the consequence of an action

in terms of intrinsically valuable thing

B- ask what has extrinsic value and assess the consequence of an action

in terms of intrinsically valuable thing

C- ask what has extrinsic value and assess the consequence of an action

in terms of extrinsically valuable thing

Q27 ) principles used in medical ethics have to be clearly specified in

their content and application in health care practice ?

A- True

B- false

Q28 ) This approach use and start from the existing social agreements

and individual cases to include judgment general principles and rules?

A- deliberation

B- induction

c- deduction

D- consistency

Q29 ) respect of choices of other persons as a principle is deeply

associated with common morality .

A- True

B- False

Q30 ) when you give a ICU bed to one who political authority you are

violating which medical principles ?

A- autonomy

B- justice

C- beneficience

Q31 ) when you decide not to give the patient with respiratory

infection and who has WBC count of more than 20,000 an antibiotic

you are applying which ethical principles ?

A- nonmalificience

B- autonomy

C- justice

D- beleficience

Q32 ) truth telling and fidelity are derived from which ethical principled ?

A- nonmalificience

B- autonomy

C- justice

D- beleficience

Q33 ) we may share many moral principles in our daily life , wich can

prevent us from expressing our autonomy ?

A- True

B- false

Q34 ) determine who should make decisions about allocation of

medical resources ?

A- substitute rules

B- professional rules

C- Distributional authority

D- ethical rules

Q35 ) which of the following is not an eligibility determining

method that you are using at your lab in blood sample collecting ?

A- first come – first served

B- moral reporting

C- lottery

D- wait your turn

Q36 ) going to have a chest X-ray needs an intention . the

elements of intention involve all the following EXEPT :

A- understanding

B- reasoning

C- liberty

D- choosing

| P a g e 10
Q37 ) The full autonomy is difficult to achieve , because people cannot stand

alone in understanding every thing independently in this life , but a

significant degree of understanding can indicate autonomy in decision -

making process .

A- True

B- False

Q38 ) to justify is to show to be right by presenting sufficient ground or

evidence for belief and action

A- True

B- False

Q39 ) health professional faces many moral questioning about issues related

to behaviors in their practice health policy ,treatment choices , ETC .

A- True

B- False

Q40 ) the approach which give the practitioner more space in deciding what

to do or how to think and make decision is ?

A- deliberation

B- induction

c- deduction

D- logic and consistency

| P a g e 11
Q41 ) non-malificience means do no harm to patient . which is a general

term not specified for thee practice

A- True

B- False

Q42 ) balancing consists of judgment about the relative weight of the ethical

principles ?

A- True

B- False

Q43 ) this means practitioner may forward (it does not cancel other rules or

principles) an ethical rule or principle for the sake of the best outcome

A- deliberation

B- induction

c- overriding

D- consistency

Q44 ) the first number in the class code is ? (‫)اول رقم في رمز المساق‬

A- 1

B- 3 ‫سؤالين بونص من الدكتور‬

C- 9

D- 6

Q45 ) the class instructor is ? (‫)اسم الدكتور‬

A- shorman B- adel C- ehab

| P a g e 12
Q46 ) __________ provide the most comprehensive norms in the ethical

framework ?

A- rules

B- law

C- principles

D- Ethics

Q47 ) rules are specific in content and more restricted in scope than

principles ?

A- True

B- False

Q48 ) Two element are essential for autonomy liberty (independence from

controlling influences) and intention .

A- True

B- False

Q49 ) the following rules derived from respect of autonomy principled


A- truth telling

B- confidently

C- disclosure and privacy

D- fidelity (loyality)

| P a g e 13
Q50 ) ability of international action includes ?

A- understanding

B- reasoning

C- choice

D- All of the above

Q51 ) respect of autonomous choices of other persons as a principles is

deeply associated with common morality ?

A- True


Q52 ) principles also provide substantive guidance for the development of

more detailed rules and principles ?

A- True

B- False

Q53 ) international action includes :

A- understanding , reasoning and choice

B- understanding , reasoning and harmful and choice

C- understanding , reasoning and disclosing and choice

Q54 ) the full autonomy is difficult to achieve , because people can't stand alone in

understanding every thing independently in the life , but a significant degree of

understanding can indicate autonomy decision-making process

A- True


| P a g e 14
Q55 ) autonomy supports acknowledging person's right to ?

A- hold view

B- make choices

C- act upon personal values or beliefs

D- All of the Above

Q56 ) from the health professional side , respect of autonomy

requires all of the following EXEPT :

A-recognition that all persons have unconditional worth , with

eligibility to determine own destiny

B- disclosing information including the available options to ensure

understanding and voluntary intent

C- treating persons to enable them to act autonomously .with no

pressure or terrifying.

D- respecting patients autonomy is more important than applying

the principles of nonmaleficence

Q57 ) ethics in general is not the same as law , religion, or science

as sometimes there will be differences openions between them ?

A- True


| P a g e 15
Q58 ) _____ is directly studies questions about what’s right or wrong, good or

bad and from which the ethical theory is subdivided ?

A- normative ethics

B-meta ethics


D- virtue

Q59 ) in health care refers to our obligation not to harm others and not

impose risk of harm on others ?

A- morality

B- applied ethics

C- autonomy

D- nonmaleficience

Q60 ) we can view ethics from the right and wrong angle , based on what

people believe and how they act ?

A- True

B- False

Q61 ) which of the following is false regarding concept of ethics ?

A- ethics is a process of reflection

B- ethics aim to challenge our thought's and action

C- ethics is equal to law and religion , if anything is non-religious or illegal it

must be unethical

D- ethical conduct is selecting the right action and rejecting the wrong ones

| P a g e 16
Q62 ) the difference between beneficience and nonmaleficience is that

beneficience is refraining from doing negative actions and nonmaleficince is

doing positive actions ?

A- True

B- False

Q63 ) _____ in health care refers to being free from interference by other ,

which means that a person acts by own will , in accordance with self-chosen

plan :

A- rights

B- beneficence


D- autonomy

Q64 ) something is scientifically or technologically , it must be ethical ?

A- True

B- False

Q65 ) something is accepted culturally , it must be ethical ?

A- True

B- False

Q66 ) a moral issue becomes an ethical when the choice is no longer clear

between right and wrong ?

A- True


| P a g e 17
Q67 ) following the rules or instruction of those in authority , whether or

not you agree with them is considered which ethical making approach ?

A- habit

B- imitation

C- obedience

D- non of the above

Q68 ) _____ is an ethical problem solving method used to consider the

strongest moral reasons ,weighing up the outcomes , and reaching to the

best solution ?

A- deliberation

B- deduction

C- induction

D- consistency

Q69 ) In most of the time , ethical principles should be honored by the

provider as well as the client .

A- True

B- False

Q70 ) alternative value – a thing has intrinsic value if you value it for itself ,

example of this is :

A- money

B- respect

C- building house

| P a g e 18
Q71 ) competence is highly related to :

A- non-malificince

B- autonomy

C- justice

D- beneficence

Q72 ) which of the following will cause temporary incompetence ?

A- dementia

B- Alzahimer's disease


Q73 ) __________ is the basic model of respect of autonomy in health care

practice .

A- non-maleficience

B- Autonomy

C- Justice

D- consent

Q74 )informed consent may be invalid if obtained by pressure .

A- True

B- False

Q75 ) the limits of disclosure are determined by the ethical codes and

patient needs

A- True

B- False

| P a g e 19
Q76 ) which of the following is preconditional element of consent ?

A- recommendation

B- understanding deciding

C- planning

Q77 ) procedure's risks and benefits are in ________ element of the consent

A- disclosing

B- understanding

C- authorization

D- planning

Q78 ) consent help in all the following EXEPT :

A- risk reduction

B- voiding fairness

C- enable choosing

D- encourage mutual interaction between patient and medical providers

Q79 ) it is known in the medical and biomedical practice that physicians and

investigators should informed consent of patient prior to any substantial

intervention .

A- True

B- False

Q80 ) ''professionals'' they are usually identified by their commitment to provide

important service to clients or consumers ?

A- True

B- False

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71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
B C D a B B A B A A

| P a g e 21

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