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Assembly and maintenance

Magnetic stirrer
Type of agitator: KFGR(r)-MR-240

No. of commission: 1484710

Number of agitator: 2010.34859

This single agitator belongs to the complete order with the 

order number: 16442

Date of adaptation: 27th of October 2010

Quantity and issue of exemplars:

electronically: 1x English
printed: ----

Anton-Böhlen-Straße 13 Telefon: 0049 5641 / 9006-0

D-34414 Warburg Telefax: 0049 5641 / 9006-99
© Präzisions-Rührer GmbH 2009

First edition in October 2010

All rights reserved.

For any further kind of duplication, conditioning and translation, 
PRG disclaims liability.

Editiorial department: Stephan Bruskolini, Martin Karp

Print: PRG GmbH, Warburg

Hausanschrift: Sparkasse Warburg BLZ 472 515 50 (25 001 140) Amtsgericht Paderborn HRB 4911
Anton-Böhlen-Straße 13 IBAN: DE504725 15500025 001140//SWIFT: WELADED1 HXB Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter:
D-34414 Warburg Deutsche Bank Kassel BLZ 520 700 12 (0 373 076) Dipl-Ing. Hubert Dierkes
Postfach 1363, D-34403 Warburg Commerzbank Warburg BLZ 520 400 21 (5 614 532) Frank Dierkes
Telefon: +49(0)-5641-9006-0 Volksbank Warburger Land eG BLZ 474 600 28 (100 600 901) UST-Nr. DE1267 1267 1
Telefax: +49(0)-5641-9006-99 Postgiro Hannover BLZ 250 100 30 (140 79 304) Allg. STNR = 345 / 5839 / 5006
E-Mail: Internet: E=1; Z=10; H = 100; T = 1000
1 Foreword................................................................7
1.1 Copyright ................................................................................7
1.1.1 Adress of manufacturer / customer service..................................7
1.1.2 Service .........................................................................................7

1.2 Significance of the manual......................................................7

1.3 Designated use.......................................................................7
1.4 Guarantee and liability ............................................................8

2 Safety regulations .................................................9

2.1 Explanation of danger symbols...............................................9
2.2 Handling with safety awareness ...........................................10
2.3 Obligation of the operator .....................................................10
2.4 Obligation of the personnel...................................................10
2.5 Training of the personnel ......................................................11
2.6 Dangers when using the agitator ..........................................11
2.7 Safety and protection devices...............................................11
2.8 Structural modification ..........................................................12
2.9 Informal safety measures by the operator ............................12
2.10 Safety measures during normal operation............................12
2.11 Special danger areas............................................................13
2.12 Residual risks .......................................................................14

3 Data of the agitator .............................................15
3.1 Acceptance report.................................................................15
3.2 Assembly declaration............................................................18

4 Details of the agitator .........................................19

5 Transport .............................................................21
5.1 Lifting devices, eyebolts........................................................21
5.2 Unloading and loading ..........................................................22
5.3 Packagings ...........................................................................22
5.4 Transport damages...............................................................22
5.5 Dimensions and weight of the agitator..................................23
5.6 Storage .................................................................................23

6 Assembly .............................................................25
6.1 Danger zones .......................................................................25
6.2 Location of assembly ............................................................26
6.3 Advices for assembly in wet rooms or outdoor .....................27
6.4 Energy and feeder ...............................................................28
6.5 Assembly of the agitator .......................................................29
6.6 Disassembly of the agitator .................................................31

7 Operation .............................................................33
7.1 Safety measures during operation........................................33
7.2 Initial operation .....................................................................34
7.3 Operation with frequency converter (optional)......................35
7.4 Recommissioning .................................................................35
7.5 Breakdown at AC motor........................................................36

8 Maintenance ........................................................37
8.1 Maintenance intermittents.....................................................38
8.2 Exchange of bearing bushings .............................................39
8.3 Cleaning................................................................................40
8.3.1 Experiences of PRG for cleaning intermittents ..........................41

8.4 CIP-Procedure ......................................................................42

8.5 Additional information ...........................................................45
8.6 Recommendations of PRG ...................................................45

9 Disposal ...............................................................47

10 Parts Lists PRG ...................................................49

10.1 Spare parts list......................................................................49
10.1.1 O-ring set ...................................................................................49
10.1.2 screw unit for slide bearing ........................................................50

10.2 Object list ..............................................................................51

10.2.1 Agitator ......................................................................................51

11 Drawings ..............................................................53
11.1 General drawing of magnetic stirrer 01-62418 .....................53
11.2 Detailed drawing of magnetic stirrer 02-31605-A3 ...............54

12 Certifications .......................................................55
12.1 Mill (3.1) - Certificate

13 Appendix / documentation of suppliers

13.1 SEW
13.1.1 Operating manual of motor
13.1.2 Operating manual of gear
13.1.3 Circuit diagram

Commission: 1484710 Foreword

1.1 Copyright
The copyright of this manual is property of Präzisions-Rührer GmbH.

This manual is only destinated for buyer/operator and his personnel.

For any further kind of duplication, conditioning and translation, 

PRG disclaims liability.

Contraventions may have penal consequences.

1.1.1 Adress of manufacturer / customer service

Präzisions-Rührer Gesellschaft
Anton Böhlen-Straße 13
D-34414 Warburg
Tel.: +49-(0)5641-9006-0

1.1.2 Service
Basically, services have to be obtained from manufacturer PRG.

1.2 Significance of the manual

The observance of this manual is the preconditon for a troublefree 
operation of the agitator.

1.3 Designated use

The agitator is exclusively destined for operation according the indicated
conditions in the acceptance report.

An other use or a use beyond is not valid for designated use. 

PRG disclaims liability for any damages resulting from this. 

The designated use also includes the observation of all advices from this
manual and the compliance of intermittents for inspection and 
maintenance works.

Foreword Commission: 1484710

1.4 Guarantee and liability

Generally, our „general conditons of sale and delivery“ are valid.

Claims for quarantee and liability for personal and material damages are
excluded, if they result from one or several of the following causes:
• not designated use of the agitator
• inappropriate mounting, commissioning, operating, activating and
maintaining of the agitator
• operating of the agitator with defect safety or protection device
• non-observance of the advices in this manual
• unauthorized structural modification of the agitator
• unauthorized modification of the agitator, 
e.g. drive conditions, performance, rotation speed, etc.
• inappropritate repairs
• catastrophes by impact of foreign bodies and force majeure
Each agitator is manufactured and examined according the technical
documents valid for PRG.

Modifications serving the technical process are reserved.

Commission: 1484710 Safety regulations

2.1 Explanation of danger symbols
The following warning signs and denominations are used in this instruction:

Designates dangers which can cause arduous
health threats or resulting to death if the mentioned
danger warning is not or not sufficently observed.

Designates dangers which can cause health
threats or arduous property damages if the 
mentioned danger warning is not or not suffiently

Designates dangers which can cause light health

Exclusively designates dangers of possible 
property damages or environmental contamination.

Exclusively designates disturbances in operating

Safety regulations Commission: 1484710

2.2 Handling with safety awareness

The basic condition for the handling with safety awareness and a 
troublefree operation of this agitator is the knowledge of the basic safety
advices and the safety regulations.

This manual gives important advices for a saftey operation of the agitator.

All persons operating, maintaining etc. the agitator have to observe

especially the safety regulations of this manual.

Furthermore, the valid prescriptions and regulations of accident prevention

for the relevant location of the agitator have to be observed.

2.3 Obligation of the operator

The operator obligates oneself, operating the agitator only by persons who

1. are familiar with basic knowledge of job safety and accident prevention,

2. are introduced into the use of the agitator,

3. have read, understood and confirmed by signature the chapter saftey

regulations and the warning advices.

2.4 Obligation of the personnel

All persons being engaged working with the agitator, obligate onselves
before starting work:
• to observe all the basic prescriptions of job saftey and accident 
• to read the saftey regulations and the warning advices in this manual
and confirm by signature that they understood them.

Commission: 1484710 Safety regulations

2.5 Training of the personnel

1. Only trained and instructed personnel is allowed operating the agitator.

2. The responsibilities of the personnel for mounting, conditioning, 

operation, maintenance and service must to be clearly determined.

3. Trainees may only work on and with the agitator under the supervision
of an experienced person.

2.6 Dangers when using the agitator

The agitator was constructed according the state-of-the-art technology and
the acknowledged safety regulations. However, danger to life and limb of
the operator or third persons respectively curtailing on the agitator or other
material assets may occur.

The machine is only to be used

• for the designated use
• in safety-related flawless condition

2.7 Safety and protection devices

Danger to life!
Death or arduous health threats.

+ Look out for flawless funtionality of saftey and 

protection devices!

é Check all protection devices for existing and functionality before each
starting of the agitator.

é Protection devices may be removed only after shutdown and securing

against a restart of the agitator.

é Abolish saftey-related breakdowns immediately.

Safety regulations Commission: 1484710

2.8 Structural modification

1. Do not make any modifications, additions or changes to the agitator 

without agreement of PRG.

2. All modifications need a written confirmation of PRG.

3. Exchange non-flawless machine parts immediately.

4. Use original spare and wearing parts only.

 Parts obtained from third parties can not guarantee being construted
and manufactured according to demands and safety regulations.

2.9 Informal safety measures by the operator

1. Always keep the manual on the relevant location of the agitator.

2. Dispose and observe the valid general and the local regulations for
accident prevention and environment protection additionally to this 

3. Keep all safety and danger advices on the agitator in readbale 


2.10 Safety measures during normal operation

Danger to life!
Death or arduous health threats.

+ Look out for flawless funtionality of saftey and 

protection devices!

é Make sure that nobody can be endangered by the starting agitator.

é Only operate the agitator if all protection devices are fully functional.

é Check the agitator at least once a week for outer recognisable


Commission: 1484710 Safety regulations

2.11 Special danger areas

Death or arduous health threats.

+ Works on electrical supplies must only be

effected by qualified expert staff!

é Check the electrical equipment of the agitator regularly.

é Abolish loosen connections and braised cable immediately.

é Keep the switch cabinet (if existing) always closed.

é Allow the entry for authorised personnel only.

é Observe the regulation for explosion-proof motors according to

chapter13. Appendix / documentation of suppliers.

Magnetic field!
Risk of cardiac arrest.

+ Do not appoint persons with cardiac pacemaker

in this area!

Magnetic field!
Risk of data loss.

+ Do not use tapes, magnetic tapes, database or

magnetic strip on check or identificatin cards in
this area!

Safety regulations Commission: 1484710

2.12 Residual risks

Possible hearing disorder.

+ Operating personnel must wear appropriate

protection equipment!

1. Obey the continuous sound pressure level of the agitator according to

chapter3.1 Acceptance report.
 This value is valid for nominal load and nomnial frequency.
 A higher continuous sound pressure level may occur depending on
local conditions.

Commission: 1484710 Data of the agitator


3.1 Acceptance report

Data of the agitator Commission: 1484710

Commission: 1484710 Data of the agitator

Data of the agitator Commission: 1484710

3.2 Assembly declaration

Commission: 1484710 Details of the agitator


The agitator consists of:

– the drive with clamping piece and magnetic holder inside

– the tank flange

– the distance flange

– the magnetic housing with magnetic holder outside and agitating


– the bearing bushings

– the locking screw

The magnetic holder inside receives the torque transmission by the fitting
key in the agitator shaft.

The magnetic holder outside is situated in the magnetic housing with

welded agitator blades and receives the torque transmission by a magnetic
field from the magnetic holder inside.

Rotating direction seen from the drive: counterclockwise rotation

Details of the agitator Commission: 1484710

Commission: 1484710 Transport

5.1 Lifting devices, eyebolts

Floating loads!
Arduous injuries.

+ Do not remain under floating loads!

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Observe the following advices!

é Transport the agitator in secured condition and on suitable 

EURO-pallets only to the container.

é Use the track cables and carrying straps only in flawless conditon.

é Use ring bolts respectively eyebolts of motor and gear only for transport
of these components.
 Never transport the complete agitator on the single ring bolts.
é Do not damage add-on components when lifting the agitator.

é Observe the weight of the agitator according to chapter 3.1 Acceptance


Transport Commission: 1484710

5.2 Unloading and loading

The packaging of the agitator is designed for unloading respectively 
loading with forklift or lifting device.

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Protect the agitator against shocklike or abrupt


é Be careful on unloading and loading and during transport.

é Put the agitator down carefully.

5.3 Packagings
Agitators and accessories are welded into foils, depending on kind of 

The packaging is made into wooden boxes, lattice boxes or cartons on

pallets. The wooden boxes are filled with wood-wool.

5.4 Transport damages

Transport damages!
Possible property damages.

+ Inspect the agitator for visible damages!

é Note damages on the bill of lading.

é Let the driver confirm them in written form.

é Notify damages immediately to the forwarder and PRG.

Commission: 1484710 Transport

5.5 Dimensions and weight of the agitator

Refer to chapter 3.1 Acceptance report.

5.6 Storage

1. If the agitator is not installed at once, it has to be stored in a dry, 

dust-free, vibration-free and constant-temperatured room.

2. If the agitator is stored longer than 3 months, obtain the manufacturer‘s


3. Also refer to the operating manual of the drives as well as the instruc-
tions of the suppliers according to chapter 13. Appendix / documenta-
tion of suppliers.

Transport Commission: 1484710

Commission: 1484710 Assembly

6.1 Danger zones

Magnetic field!
Risk of cardiac arrest.

+ Do not appoint persons with cardiac pacemaker

in this area!

Magnetic field!
Risk of data loss.

+ Do not use tapes, magnetic tapes, database or

magnetic strip on check or identificatin cards in
this area!

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Remove all metallic parts (swarf) on the

magnetic casing occuring during assembly!

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Start the agitator with a frequency converter

only about a ramp (10-12 sec) according to
motive mass!

Assembly Commission: 1484710

6.2 Location of assembly

The drive must only be mounted, if:

1. the motor is undamaged and the ambient temperature is between 

-25° und +40°C

2. the supporting surface for the agitator is even and warp resistant

3. qualified expert staff is availbale for assembly and mounting

4. the assembly and maintenance instructions have accurately been read

and understood.

A canopy or a cowl is advisable for outdoor assembly.

Commission: 1484710 Assembly

6.3 Advices for assembly in wet rooms or outdoor

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Observe the following advices!

1. If possible, install terminal boxes that cable entries are directed to the

2. Seal cable entries well.

3. Clean sealing surfaces of terminal box and lid of terminal box well 
before remounting.

4. Paint the drive with durable coating to protect it against corrosion.

 Depending on outer influences, the painting must be renewed or
mended regularly.

5. We advise additional protection of the agitator if assembled outdoor.

Assembly Commission: 1484710

6.4 Energy and feeder

Voltaged components!
Dead or arduous health threats.

+ Works on electrical supplies must only be

effected by qualified expert staff!

é Installation and connection must only be carried out by qualified expert


é Connection must be carried out according national regulations.

é Kind of circuit has to be observed.

é Plan of clamp connections in the terminal box has to be observed.

é Motor must only be operated according power rating plate.

é Operating and maintenance manual of the drive manufacturer has to be


Commission: 1484710 Assembly

6.5 Assembly of the agitator

locking screw

screwed bush

magnetic housing

Lagerbuchse außen
bearing bush outside
Lagerbuchse innen
bearing bush inside

tank flange

distance flange

Magnetträger innen
magnetic holder inside

agitator shaft

drive unit

Assembly Commission: 1484710

Observe the following points during assembly:

1. Set up the magnetic casing outside at first and then the agitator shaft
with magnetic holder inside for not damaging the bearing bushes.

2. Assure that the magnetic casing is always covered by the medium to be

 conducts respectively occuring temperatures on the bearing bushes
3. Adapt the rotating speed of the agitor to avoid building of dust devil even
on low filling level of the container.

To avoid confusion during installation, all components belonging to the

agitator have been marked with the agitator number.

• Insert agitator shaft into the hollow shaft of the drive.

• Screw agitator shaft with hollow shaft of the drive:

Observe the operating manual of the manufacturer
of drive.

• Fix the magnetic holder inside with two setscrews on the agitator
shaft of the drive.
• Put the O-ring into the tank flange.
• Put inside bearing bush into the journal of the tank flange.
• Put the O-ring into the journal of magnetic housing.
• Lay the O-ring into screwed bearing bush.
• Screw the screwed bearing bush carefully into the magnetic housing.
 torque 350 Nm
• Tighten the locking screw hand-screwed into the tank flange to fix
the inside bearing bush.
 Don‘t forget the O-Ring!

Commission: 1484710 Assembly

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Tighten the locking screw with a torque of 35 to

maximum 40 Nm!
+ Too much pressure can damage the bearing

• Set the magnetic housing carefully onto the tank flange.

• Screw the distance flange with tank flange.
• Set drive with agitator shaft onto distance flange and screw them.
• Connect motor according to chapter 13.1.3 Circuit diagram.

6.6 Disassembly of the agitator

Observe, that the disassembly must be done in
opposite order to the assembly. Check all screws
for tight fit after 50 operating hours.

é Disassemble the drive with magetic holder inside respectively use

removing device (if existing).

é Remove the magnetic casing from interior of tank.

Assembly Commission: 1484710

Check all screws for tight fit after 50 operating

Tightening torques for screws A2 and A4

greased screws non-greased screws domed cap nut,
not greased

property property property property property

class 50 class 70 class 50 class 70 class 50

will not will not

M8 18 Nm 25 Nm 12 Nm
be used be used

will not will not

M10 37 Nm 50 Nm 24 Nm
be used be used

will not will not

M12 62 Nm 89 Nm 40 Nm
be used be used

will not will not

M16 152 Nm 220 Nm 100 Nm
be used be used

will not will not

M20 300 Nm 440 Nm 200 Nm
be used be used

will not will not

M24 500 Nm 720 Nm 340 Nm
be used be used

see will not

M30 470 Nm 680 Nm 680 Nm
drawing be used

see will not

M36 825 Nm 1200 Nm 1200 Nm
drawing be used

see will not will not

M42 1350 Nm
drawing be used be used

see will not will not

M48 2000 Nm
drawing be used be used

Commission: 1484710 Operation

7.1 Safety measures during operation

Rotating shafts and agitating elements!
Death or arduous health threats.

+ Look out for flawless funtionality of saftey and 

protection devices!

é Make sure that nobody can be endangered by the starting agitator.

Automatic start-up!
Death or arduous health threats.

+ Switch agitator to zero-potential and secure

against restart!

Risk of burns due to hot surface!
Light health threts.

+ Do not touch the casing during operation!

é Observe additionally chapter 2. Safety regulations.

Operation Commission: 1484710

7.2 Initial operation

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Read the assembly and maintenance manual

accurately before initial operation!
+ Observe also the operating and maintenance
manual according to chapter 13. Appendix -
documentation of suppliers.

é Check circuit, earthing and motor protection for connection and flawless

é Take care for unhindered air curent for motor cooling.

é Check saftey and protection devices.

é Check the tight fit of all screws.

é Check direction of rotation according arrow.

 Respectively interchange 2 phases in the terminal box.
é Never operate agitator in dry condition.
 If necessary, at very low rotation speed at maximum 1 minute.
 Do not forget the O-ring!

é Take care for free tournament of the agitator and sufficient distance to
the tank and its add-ons.

é Observe the compliance of direction of rotation of the agitator shaft and

the arrow on motor.

é Check for abnormal actions and noises.

 In this case, interrupt the operation and check the agitator for 
possible breakdowns.

Commission: 1484710 Operation

7.3 Operation with frequency converter (optional)

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Observe the regulations of the relevant 


Agitators, which are originally not prepared for operation with frequency
converter, can also be operated on frequency converter if special structural
conditions are observed.

é Observe the proper run after engaging.

 Check for incorrect vibrations and abnormal noises of bearings.
é Observe the critical rotational-speed range (if existing) according to 
chapter 3.1 Acceptance report.
 The shaft can deflect in the critical rotational-speed range and cause
damages to the tank and the agitator.

 Gate the critical rotational-speed range absolutely on the frequency


7.4 Recommissioning
Recommissioning after long shutdown according to
chapter 7.2 Initial operation.

Operation Commission: 1484710

7.5 Breakdown at AC motor

Fault Cause Elimination
Motor too warm Motor is delta connected instead of Y  Correct the connection.
connected as provided

Line voltage differs more than 5% from the Provide the right line voltage.
nominal motor voltage. A higher voltage
affects high-voltage motors especially
disadvantageously, for the no-load current
for these motors is close to the nominal cur-
rent, even if there is a normal voltage.

Too little cooling air, Provide an unhindered entry and exit of the
the cooling air ways are blocked. cooling air.
Cooling air is preheated. Provide fresh air.

Oversteress at normal line voltage,  Install bigger drive (Determination by 

current too high, torque too low. performance measurement).
Nominal operation mode(S1 to S8 DIN 57530) Adapt the nominal operation mode to
was exceeded. If, e.g., the motor gets too the prescribed operation conditions.
warmbecause of a too high number of  Best is to ask a specialist for the
switching actuations, it is not sufficient to determination of the right actuation.
simply take a bigger motor, for the same
circumstances would occur.
Supply line has an intermittent contact Eliminate the intermittent contact, 
(temporary single-phase operation).  renew the safety fuse.
Safety fuse has blown.
Motor does not start Safety fuse has blown. Renew the safety fuse.

Motor protection was actuated. Check the motor protection for the right
adjustment and adjsut.
Motor protection does not switch,  Check the command of the motor 
fault in the command protection and eliminate tha fault.

Motor does not start It is constructed for delta connection but is Correct the connection.
or only with difficulty Y connected.

Voltage or frequency differ strongly from the Provide better supply conditions.
nominal value, at least during the start.

Motor does not start Torque of the Y connection is not sufficient If the Y starting current is not too strong,
when Y connected, start it directly; otherwise, you need a
but delta connected stronger motor or special construction after

Contact fault on Y-delta starting switch. Eliminate the fault.

Motor booms and has Winding defective Motor must be brought to a specialist for
a high current con- repair.
sumption Fan impeller slides on the fan hood.

Safety fuses blow Short circuit in line or the motor. Eliminatge the short circuit.

Motor protection is Motor has ground contact or shorted coil. Eliminate fault by help of specialist.
actuated immediately
Motor is not correctly switched. Correct the connection.

Wrong sense of  Motor is not correctly connected. Interchange two phases.


If there are winding damages, the motor must be repaired by a specialist.

Commission: 1484710 Maintenance

If an agitator is send for maintenance to PRG, it has to be accurately cleaned 
respectively sterillised before.

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Works of inspection and maintenance must

only be effected by qualified expert staff!
+ Observe the maintenance instructions!
+ Observe the operating amd maintenance
manual of drive manufacturer!
+ Use original PRG spare parts only!

é Effect the recommended works for inspection and maintenance in due

time according to chapter 8.1 Maintenance intermittents.

é Inform operating personnel before starting works for repair and 


é Switch agitator to zero-potential for all works of repair, inspection and


é Secure main switch against unexpected restart.

é Check the agitator at least once a week for visible outer damages.

é Clean motor‘s surface from dirt for better heat dissipation.

é Take care for unhindered air curent for motor cooling

 Respectively clean the intake port.

Maintenance Commission: 1484710

8.1 Maintenance intermittents

The following maintenance intermittents have to be absolutely observed for
these components*:

Component Inspection Intermittent

Motor refer to operating manual
of the manufacturer

Gear refer to operating manual

of the manufacturer

Agitator Visual inspection for visible outer damages once a week

Visual inspection for wear

Bearing bushing maximum allowed backlash is 0,15 mm on all 1000 operating hours

Screw connections Visual inspection for tight fit all 1500 operating hours

O-Rings effected by maintenance works

should generally be renewed.

*Used components for this agitator see chapter 10.2 Object list

Commission: 1484710 Maintenance

8.2 Exchange of bearing bushings

Observe, that both bushes have to be replaced in
case of exchange.

é Exchange alle static seal additionally.

 Otherwise, PRG disclaims warranty for impermeability and/or
contamination of the plant.

Observe, that the screwed bush is shrunk-on the
bearing bush outside.

é The screwed bush has to be changed only by qualified expert staff.

 Spare parts of bearing bushes can only be ordered as complete set.

bearing bush inside

bearing bush outside

screwed bush

tank flange

Maintenance Commission: 1484710

8.3 Cleaning

Polluting detergents!
Possible environmental contamination.

+ Use detergents according actual regulations!

If a draining of the tank (container) is necessary, the agitator has to be in-

tensively cleaned immediately. This cleaning prevents bacteriological
contamination and fouling.

Handle and dipose used agents and material appropriately. 

This is valid for:
• Works on greasing systems and equipments
• Cleaning with solvents

é Handle sensitive components and electronic parts during cleaning

works with accordant care
 e.g. don‘t spray directly onto electronic parts, sealings, O-rings or
bearings with a high-pressure cleaner.

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ Observe the following advices!

é Operate the magnetic stirrer during cleaning only in rates.

é Do not operate the magnetic stirrer in sterillised condition.

é Assure that there are no pagnetic particles of the raw material on the 
interior of the mixing head.
 Accumulation of magnetic particles avoids can cause corrosion and
damages to the magnetic casing and the container.

Commission: 1484710 Maintenance

8.3.1 Experiences of PRG for cleaning intermittents

• 10% of basic rotation speed
• ramp of frequency converter approximately 8 seconds
• 15 seconds of operating time all 5 minutes

Maintenance Commission: 1484710

8.4 CIP-Procedure
CIP-procedures can be executed in several different manners.

These manners are depend from different conditions and are prescribed by
actual conditions of application and specific fabrication.

The parts are cleaned on routine base in the descripted CIP-procedure

1. Cleaning of container inside

In this case, the container is usually cleaned

with washing and rinsing solutions. 
The solutions are sprayed by one or several 
nozzles inside the container.

If the spray jet only covers the upper part 

and the side walls of the container:

é Close the lower outlet valve.

 Fill the container with washing or rinsing 
solution until magnetic casing is completely 

é Operate agitiator in intermittents.

 see chapter 8.3.1 Experiences of PRG for cleaning intermittents
é Drain the container.
 Repeat this procedure until the plant is properly cleaned according your

Normally 1 washing sequence and 2 rinsing sequences are effected.

Commission: 1484710 Maintenance

2. Cleaning by re-circulation

In this case, the container must maintain 

a certain liquid volume to the pumps if those 
are integrated. This liquid volume must also cover 
the magnetic casing.

Proceed as follows:

é Close the bottom outlet valve.

 Fill the container with washing or rinsing 
solution until magnetic casing is completely 

é Operate agitator in intermittents.

 see chapter 8.3.1 Experiences of PRG for cleaning intermittents.
é Start circulating pump, open the bottom outlet valve and let it run according
your standard methods of operation.
 Repeat this procedure until the plant is properly cleaned according your

Normally 1 washing sequence and 2 rinsing sequences are effected.

Maintenance Commission: 1484710


The bottom outlet valve is open for the washing 

and rinsing solutions which has to be drained 
contionously. If the spray jet covers all surfaces 
including magnetic casing, the agitator can be 
operated in intermittents.

This is due to the open shape of the 

magnetic casing.

The magnetic casing will be cleaned in the same 

manner and cleanliness value as for the interior 
surfaces of the container.

Specific mechanical breakdown!
Risk of a faulty agitator.

+ This procedure is only valid for containers up to

1.000 liters.
+ in case of larger container, steps 1 or 2 have to
be used.

Commission: 1484710 Maintenance

8.5 Additional information

Greasing according to chapter 8.1 Maintenance intermittents or according
to chapter 13. Appendix / documentation of suppliers for example in opera-
ting manual of the drive manufacturer.

é Clean motor from dirt with vaccum cleaner.

é Never use oil- or water-contained compressed air.

é Avoid infiltration of dirt into the interior of the motor.

é Clean the surface of the motor with moisted cloths.

 avoids charging
8.6 Recommendations of PRG
We recommend the storage of spare parts respectively wear parts to avoid
unnecessary shutdown (e. g. failure of sealing).

Maintenance Commission: 1484710

Commission: 1484710 Disposal


Hazardous waste!
Possible environmental contamination.

+ Observe the actual regulations!

For disposal:
• Steel
• Stainless steel
 Gear oil (oil, alcohol or similar) have to be disposed as intended.

Disposal Commission: 1484710

Commission: 1484710 Parts Lists PRG


10.1 Spare parts list
10.1.1 O-ring set

Documentation art of use list 99 standard art of use

814-00109 o-ring set magnetic stirrers

from 11 Nm to 200 Nm
23.08.2010 15:10 pos qty. part-no. item Seite 1 of 1

1 1 10 1 204-01585 44,04x3,53 EPDM USP Class VI e,v

2 1 20 1 204-01586 72,62x3,53 EPDM USP Class VI e,v

3 1 30 1 204-01584 63,09x3,53 EPDM USP Class VI e,v

4 1 40 1 204-01590 32,99x2,62 EPDM USP Class VI e,v

list 99 standard art of use * quantity is indicated for one piece only >###<

Parts Lists PRG Commission: 1484710

10.1.2 screw unit for slide bearing

Documentation art of use list 99 standard art of use

814-00055 screw unit for slide bearing

from 45Nm, 60 high, M70LH
08.07.2010 14:43 pos qty. part-no. item Seite 1 of 1

1 1 10 1 606-00420 bearing bush outside 52x42x60 e,v

2 1 20 1 606-00458 bearing bush inside e,v

3 1 30 1 819-00444 bearing bush screwed M70x2LH e,v

list 99 standard art of use * quantity is indicated for one piece only >###<

Commission: 1484710 Parts Lists PRG

10.2 Object list

10.2.1 Agitator

D o c u m e n t a t i o n E N
prod.-order: RM-No.: commissions-no.:
-00016442-0030 961 1484710
915-00047 KFGR(r)-MR-240 27.10.2010 09:24

QTY : 1,000 unit

RM-No. pos qty* part-no. item

963 1 880-00009 STÜCKLISTE Magnetrw. 45Nm
.2 963 10 1 705-02614
965 1 805-00187 distance flange Ø160/160x103
- round steel 165-1.4301
..3 965 10 1 307-00069
965 20 4 506-00233 DIN933-M8x25-A4-70
965 30 4 511-00026 DIN127-B8-A4
963 30 4 506-00300 DIN912-M10x20-A4-70
963 40 4 511-00003 DIN127-B10-A4
963 50 1 819-00388 welding flange 45Nm
966 1 814-00166 agitator shaft 45NM
- round steel 40-1.4301
..3 966 10 1 307-00410
966 20 1 807-00179 fitting key
963 70 1 613-00009 magnet holder inside 45Nm
963 80 2 503-00114 DIN915-M10x20-A4
963 90 1 814-00053 screw unit with slide bearing
967 1 814-00136 3-blade minxing head Ø300,45Nm
- magnetic housing 45Nm, standar
..3 967 10 1 613-00113
967 20 1 819-00384 survey ring for MR L0521
967 30 3 315-01601 Flügel Magnetkopf Ø240-45Nm
963 110 1 819-00225 locking screw L0500
963 120 1 814-00109 o-ring set magnetic stirrers

list 126 documentation *quantity is indicated for one piece only >>>>>

Parts Lists PRG Commission: 1484710

Commission: 1484710 Drawings

11.1 General drawing of magnetic stirrer 01-62418



Drawings Commission: 1484710

11.2 Detailed drawing of magnetic stirrer 02-31605-A3






Commission: 1484710 Certifications

12.1 Mill (3.1) - Certificate
Certifications Commission: 1484710
Certificate of marking control and traceability Site 1/ 1 27.10.2010 10:22
commission 1484710 custom-no 401340 TPI CHILE S.A. PRG official: Bruskolini
order 16442 pos 3,0 order-info Order no. 6296
RM-No. 967 contains in pos 10 of unit 814-00136 3-blade minxing head Ø300,45Nmfor magnetic stirrers
following charge: 98828-DST 3.1b item no 613-00113 magnetic housing 45Nm, standar Ø145xØ106x75, Sensormagn. 1.4404/St37, 16M

RM-No. 967 contains in pos 20 of unit 814-00136 3-blade minxing head Ø300,45Nmfor magnetic stirrers
following charge: QH668-KO 3.1b item no 819-00384 survey ring for MR L0521 M70x2 /part only rough-turned 1.4435 mit 3.1B

RM-No. 967 contains in pos 30 of unit 814-00136 3-blade minxing head Ø300,45Nmfor magnetic stirrers
following charge: 50608-NW 3.1b item no 315-01601 Flügel Magnetkopf Ø240-45Nm 105x6x82 1.4404 mit WAZ 3.1

RM-No. 963 contains in pos 90 of unit 880-00009 STÜCKLISTE Magnetrw. 45Nmmit Tankfl., Distanzfl., Ini,
following charge: 330425 3.1 item no 814-00053 screw unit with slide bearing from45Nm,60 high,M70LHx2LH 1.4435/ WC/EPDM

RM-No. 963 contains in pos 110 of unit 880-00009 STÜCKLISTE Magnetrw. 45Nmmit Tankfl., Distanzfl., Ini,
following charge: 858548-KO 3.1b item no 819-00225 locking screw L0500 magnetic stirrer Ø41xH32 1.4435 with 3.1

Qualitiy proof 3.1 according DIN EN 10204 Manufacturer: PRG Praezisions-Ruehrer GmbH TÜV NORD PRG Präzisions-Rührer GmbH
Restamping was carried out with consent of TÜV-NORD Systems GmbH&Co KG. ref. TÜVAz: 5635 P 0167/9/H, dated Skroblin, 24.09.09 D-34414 Warburg - Anton-Böhlen-Str. 13
tel: +49 (0)5641 -9006-0 / fax: +49 (0)5641-9006-99

REVISION 1.1 Responsible for the regular restampings: PRG

x_dcha01.p 2010-09-29 08:10 pm / PRG
Certificate of marking control and traceability Site 1/ 1 27.10.2010 10:22
commission 1484710 custom-no 401340 TPI CHILE S.A. PRG official: Bruskolini
order 16442 pos 3,5 order-info Order no. 6296
RM-No. 962 contains in pos 10 of unit 900-00077 tank flange
following charge: 767608 3.1b item no 819-00388 welding flange 45Nm Ø178 - 1.4435

Qualitiy proof 3.1 according DIN EN 10204 Manufacturer: PRG Praezisions-Ruehrer GmbH TÜV NORD PRG Präzisions-Rührer GmbH
Restamping was carried out with consent of TÜV-NORD Systems GmbH&Co KG. ref. TÜVAz: 5635 P 0167/9/H, dated Skroblin, 24.09.09 D-34414 Warburg - Anton-Böhlen-Str. 13
tel: +49 (0)5641 -9006-0 / fax: +49 (0)5641-9006-99

REVISION 1.1 Responsible for the regular restampings: PRG

x_dcha01.p 2010-09-29 08:10 pm / PRG
Commission: 1484710 Appendix / documentation of


13.1 SEW
13.1.1 Operating manual of motor Spare parts of motor

13.1.2 Operating manual of gear Spare parts of gear

13.1.3 Circuit diagram

Appendix / documentation of Commission: 1484710
Parts List 08 116 03 05
AC motor EN Page 1 / 3
DR.90M+L/FG/FM/2W/C/AL/LN/Z EM 04.02.2010
Gear unit version

When ordering spare parts always quote nameplate data with serial number and designation with part number!

Copyright reserved! All rights reserved according to DIN ISO 16016.

SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Postfach 3023 D-76642 Bruchsal Tel. (07251) 75-0 Fax (07251) 75-1970
Parts List 08 116 03 05
AC motor EN Page 2 / 3
DR.90M+L/FG/FM/2W/C/AL/LN/Z EM 04.02.2010
Gear unit version

No. Description Additional specifications SEW standard label Part No. Qty.
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 12 DR90M4 13725300 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 12 DR90L4 13723030 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 14 DR90M4 13721402 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 14 DR90L4 13726005 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 16 DR90L4 13721909 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 12; 2W 14x30 DR90M4 13725408 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 12; 2W 14x30 DR90L4 13723049 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 14; 2W 14x30 DR90M4 13721607 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 14; 2W 14x30 DR90L4 13726102 1
1 Rotor pinion shaft end 16; 2W 14x30 DR90L4 13722107 1
2 Snap ring for pinion shaft end 12 W4173 SW11x1-FSt 00115207 1
2 Circlip for pinion shaft end 14 DIN471 14x1 00102660 1
2 Circlip for pinion shaft end 16 DIN471 16x1 00102687 1
3 Key for pinion shaft end 12 DIN6885-1 A3x3x14 +C 00100692 1
3 Key for pinion shaft end 14 DIN6885-1 A3x3x14 +C 00100692 1
3 Key for pinion shaft end 16 DIN6885-1 A4x4x18 +C 00114383 1
4 Key 2W DIN6885-1 A5x5x22 +C 00100072 1
7 Flange for pinion shaft end 12; pinion shaft end 14 FG100 D120 13612859 1
7 Flange for pinion shaft end 16 FG100 D120 13612344 1
7 Flange FG130 D160 13612379 1
7 Flange FG165 D200 13612395 1
7 Flange FG215 D250 13612417 1
7 Flange FG265 D300 13612433 1
7 Flange only for pinion shaft end 16 FG300 D350 13612468 1
9 Screw plug for flange FG100, FG130 W4085 M10x1-St-ADC3K 0011426X 1
9 Screw plug for flange FG165, FG215 W4085 M12x1,5-St-ADC3K 00114308 1
9 Screw plug for flange FG265, FG300 W4085 M22x1,5-St-ADC3K 00114316 1
10 Circlip DIN983 30x1,5 00114626 1
11 Deep groove ball bearing DIN625 6306-2Z-J-C3-K08 13236571 1
12 Circlip DIN472 72x2,5 00103225 1
13 Machine screw DR90M W4018 M6x168-6.8-ADB3 13237209 4
13 Machine screw DR90L W4018 M6x188-6.8-ADB3 13237217 4
16 Stator * 1
22 Hex head screw EN1665 M5x10-8.8-A2F 13237616 4
30 Oil seal with Item no. 998 W BAOFSF18x35x6/7-NBR 13262033 1
30 Oil seal for 2-pole version; with Item no. 998 W BAOFSF18x35x6/7-FKM 13262343 1
32 Circlip DIN471 17x1 00102695 1
35 Fan Guard 13610384 1
35 Fan Guard 2W 13614622 1
35 Fan Guard LN 13611704 1
36 Fan D=140 13610651 1
36 Fan 2-pole for 2-pole version D=101 13615475 1
36 Aluminum fan AL D=140 13611178 1
36 Aluminum fan AL; for 2-pole version D=101 13628348 1
36 High Inert.Flywheel Z J=0,01 kgm² 13611224 1
41 Equalizing ring W4253 42x51x0,5 00115908 1
42 B bearing end shield 13611372 1
44 Deep groove ball bearing DIN625 6205-2Z-J-C3-K08 13236628 1
90 Bed plate DR90M+L; FM H=90; AxB=140x125 13610953 1
90 Bed plate DR90L; FM100L H=100; AxB=160x140 13616315 1
93 Pan head screw FM. W4046 M5x14-TX-ADB3-GM1 13237144 4
100 Hexagon nut for flange FG100 ISO4032 M6-8-St-A2F 00101982 4
100 Hexagon nut for flange FG130 ISO4032 M8-8-St-A2F 00101990 4
100 Hexagon nut for flange FG165 ISO4032 M10-8-St-A2F 00102008 4
100 Hexagon nut for flange FG215, FG265 ISO4032 M12-8-St-A2F 00102016 4
100 Hexagon nut for flange FG300 ISO4032 M16-8-St-A2F 00102032 4

* order-dependently
When ordering spare parts always quote nameplate data with serial number and designation with part number!

Copyright reserved! All rights reserved according to DIN ISO 16016.

SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Postfach 3023 D-76642 Bruchsal Tel. (07251) 75-0 Fax (07251) 75-1970
Parts List 08 116 03 05
AC motor EN Page 3 / 3
DR.90M+L/FG/FM/2W/C/AL/LN/Z EM 04.02.2010
Gear unit version

No. Description Additional specifications SEW standard label Part No. Qty.
103 Stud for flange FG100 DIN939 M6x18-8.8-A2F 00134074 4
103 Stud for flange FG100 gear unit size 27, W37 W4061 M6x16-8.8-A2F 00131687 4
103 Stud for flange FG130 DIN939 M8x20-8.8-A2F 00100749 4
103 Stud for flange FG130 gear unit size W47 DIN835 M8x20-8.8-A2F-MV 13262572 4
103 Stud for flange FG165 DIN939 M10x22-8.8-A2F 00118451 4
103 Stud for flange FG215, FG265 DIN939 M12x30-8.8-A2F 00100811 4
103 Stud for flange FG300 DIN939 M16x35-8.8-A2F 00100854 4
106 Oil seal DIN A30x47x7-NBR 00106178 1
106 Oil seal for 2-pole version W A30x47x7-FKM-FKO 13227025 1
107 Oel finger W4291 30-ST-A2F 00116637 1
108 Nameplate * 1
109 Grooved Pin ISO8746 2x4-A-Niro 00107646 2
111 Gasket for lower part 01355635 1
112 Terminal box lower part 1x M25x1,5 ; 1x M16x1,5 13610570 1
112 Terminal box lower part 2x NPT 1/2"-14 13612018 1
113 Pan head screw parts included in stator complete W4046 M5x16-TX-A2F-GM1 00130591 1
115 Terminal block with Stocko parts included in stator complete W4723 KTM4-4.08 13226193 1
116 Terminal clip DIN46282 C10-MS-VN 00104426 2
117 Hex head screw W4044 M5x16-A2F-GM1 13237136 1
118 Lock washer W4146 5-A2F 00118206 1
119 Pan head screw W4046 M5x16-TX-SZ-A2F-GM1 00130591 4
123 Hex head screw W4044 M5x16-A2F-GM1 13237136 4
129 Screw plug W4411 M25x1.5-FS-gy-NBR- 00131385 1
129 Screw plug for NPT thread 1/2" W4411 M20x1.5-FS-ye-NBR- 13256300 2
131 Gasket for cover 01355627 1
132 Terminal Box Cover 13611763 1
134 Screw plug W4411 M16x1.5-FS-gy-NBR- 00131334 1
156 Reference Plate for TF version W4499 - TF 01366815 1
262 Terminal clip 2 pole 01823183 1
392 Gasket 13740342 1
611 Closing Piece DH 13618865 *
705 Protection canopy C 13611933 1
706 Distance support C 13618598 4
707 Pan head screw C W4036 REMFORM 6,0x35-TX-VZ 13262599 4
998 Synthetic grease for Item no. 30 04963458 X)

* order-dependently
X) if required
When ordering spare parts always quote nameplate data with serial number and designation with part number!

Copyright reserved! All rights reserved according to DIN ISO 16016.

SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Postfach 3023 D-76642 Bruchsal Tel. (07251) 75-0 Fax (07251) 75-1970
Parts List
Helical-bevel gear units 38 252 07 95
KAF37A [1], KHF37A [2], KVF37A [3] Page 1 of 2

No. Description DIN standard label Part No. Qty No. Description DIN standard label Part No. Qty
1 Pinion * 1 30 Tapered Roller Bear. DIN720 302 02 0 012 118 5 1
2 Gear Wheel 2 * 1 31 Key DIN6885 AB5x5x12-55HRC 0 013 540 2 1
3 Pinion shaft * 1 37 Tapered Roller Bear. DIN720 302 02 0 012 118 5 1
4 Gear wheel * 1 39 Circlip/Snap r. DIN472 35x1,5 0 010 314 4 1
5 Pinion Shaft 5 * 1 40 Sealing Compound 0 910 255 8 X)
6 Gear Wheel 6 * 1 42 Tapered Roller Bear. DIN720 303 03 0 012 464 8 1
7 Hollow. Shaft Key [1] b 30 mm 0 643 277 8 1 43 Key DIN6885 AB5x5x12-55HRC 0 013 540 2 1
7 IN.Hol.Shaft Key [1] b 1.250 in. 0 643 278 6 1 45 Tapered Roller Bear. DIN720 302 03 0 012 138 X 1
7 Holl.Shaft Shr.Disc [2] b 30 mm 0 643 173 9 1 59 Screw Plug M10x1 0 011 426 X 7
7 Holl.Shaft Shr.Disc [2] b 30/32 mm 0 042 828 0 1 81 O-Ring 72x2-NB 0 017 653 2 1
7 Spli.Hollow Shaft [3] 30x1.25x30x22 0 643 396 0 1 88 Circlip/Snap r. DIN472 75x2,5 0 010 323 3 1
9 Oil Seal DIN3760 AS 45x62x8-NBR 0 012 745 0 1 91 Circlip/Snap r. [1] DIN984 30x1,2 0 010 431 0 1
9 Oil Seal a) h) DIN3760 AS 45x62x8-FKM 0 017 606 0 1 91 Circlip/Snap r. [1] DIN472 32x1,2 0 010 313 6 1

11 Deep Groove Ball Brg DIN625 6009-Z 0 011 280 1 1 91 Circlip/Snap r. [3] DIN472 37x1,5 0 010 315 2 1
12 Circlip/Snap r. DIN472 75x2,5 0 010 323 3 1 92 Disc [1] 10,5x29,5x4,75 0 109 489 0 1
14 Slotted Head Screw DIN912 M8x30-8.8 0 012 303 X 5 92 Disk (inch) [1] 1/2x1.24x3/16 in. 0 806 939 5 1

16 Output Flange 0 643 252 2 1 92 Disc [3] 0 117 403 7 1

17 Distance Piece b46x b55x11,5 mm 0 643 004 X 1 93 Lock Washer [1] DIN128 A 10 0 010 992 4 1
19 Key DIN6885 B8x7x20-55HRC 0 011 599 1 1 93 Lock Washer [1] DIN128 A 12 0 010 993 2 1

20 Vent Valve M10x1-MS 0 013 030 3 1 93 Spacer [3] DIN988 S10x16x1,2 0 012 407 9 1
22 Gear Housing 0 643 270 0 1 94 Hexagon Head Screw [1] ISO4017 M10x25-8.8 0 010 116 8 1
25 Deep Groove Ball Brg DIN625 6009-Z 0 011 280 1 1 94 Inch hex.hd.screw [1] ISO4017 7/ 16x14x1 in. 0 806 955 7 1

29 Sealing Compound 0 910 255 8 X) 94 Slotted Head Screw [3] DIN912 M10x30-8.8 0 010 144 3 1
Parts with dimensions given in Imperial System units are written in italics and highlighted in grey.
* Gearing parts have embossed part numbers which must always be quoted.
X) As required
a) optional oil seal in FKM (Viton)
b) double sealing
e) Only for mounting position M5A (or mounting position M5B with inverted rotating direction)
f) Only for mounting position M6B (or mounting position M6A with inverted rotating direction)
h) ATEX model according to category II2G, II2D, II3G, II3D
When ordering spare parts please quote designation with part number and nameplate data with serial number!
Built-on gear units have motors, variable speed gear units or special input shaft assemblies mounted at the drive end. For parts see appropriate parts list.
08/2004 Copyright reserved! All rights reserved acc. to DIN 34.
Parts List
Helical-bevel gear units 38 252 07 95
KAF37A [1], KHF37A [2], KVF37A [3] Page 2 of 2

No. Description DIN standard label Part No. Qty No. Description DIN standard label Part No. Qty
95 Protection Cap [1] 30,5 0 114 091 4 1 168 Protection Cap [1] 32,3 0 114 663 7 1
95 Protection Cap [1] 32,3 0 114 663 7 1 168 Closing Cap [3] 37x10 0 010 689 5 1
95 Closing Cap [3] 37x10 0 010 689 5 1 183 Oil Seal DIN3760 AS 45x75x8-NBR 0 011 524 X 1
98 Shrink Disc 38x72 0 643 465 7 1 183 Oil Seal a) DIN3760 AS 45x75x8-FKM 0 017 599 4 1
99 Hood Cover 0 643 065 1 1 183 Oil Seal b) BA-B1 45x75x10/8-NBR 1 322 555 3 1
99 Fixed Hood Cover cpl compl. 0 643 513 0 1 183 Oil Seal a) b) h) BA-B1 45x75x10/8-FKM 1 322 558 8 1
99 Fixed Hood Cover cpl cpl. h) for [2] 0 643 584 X 1 506 Shim DIN988 30x35x0,1 0 012 412 5 X)
100 Gear Cover Plate 0 643 509 2 1 507 Shim DIN988 30x35x0,3 0 012 413 3 X)
101 Hexagon Head Screw ISO4017 M6x12-8.8 0 011 022 1 6 521 Shim DIN988 60x75x0,1 0 010 378 0 X)
102 Gasket 0 643 510 6 1 522 Shim DIN988 60x75x0,3 0 010 402 7 X)
115 Circlip/Snap r. DIN471 16x1 0 010 268 7 1 523 Shim DIN988 60x75x0,5 0 011 354 9 X)
119 Distance Piece b17,6x b22x17 mm 0 643 341 3 1 530 Shim DIN988 16x22x0,1 0 012 343 9 X)
131 Closing Cap 35x8 0 011 164 3 1 531 Shim DIN988 16x22x0,3 0 012 344 7 X)
132 Circlip/Snap r. DIN472 35x1,5 0 010 314 4 1 532 Shim DIN988 16x22x0,5 0 012 369 2 X)
133 Spacer DIN988 S30x35x2 0 012 981 X 1 533 Shim DIN988 17x24x0,1 0 010 367 5 X)
135 Nilos Ring e) 302 02-AV 0 013 718 9 1 534 Shim DIN988 17x24x0,3 0 010 391 8 X)
137 Spacer DIN988 S30x35x2 0 012 981 X 1 535 Shim DIN988 17x24x0,5 0 010 413 2 X)
138 Nilos Ring f) 302 02-AV 0 013 718 9 1 536 Shim DIN988 17x24x0,1 0 010 367 5 X)
159 Closing Plug 7,1 0 013 604 2 5 537 Shim DIN988 17x24x0,3 0 010 391 8 X)
160 Closing Plug 5,5 0 011 382 4 2 538 Shim DIN988 17x24x0,5 0 010 413 2 X)
161 Closing Cap 35x8 0 011 164 3 1 542 Shim DIN988 30x35x0,1 0 012 412 5 X)
163 Spacer DIN988 S16x22x1,5 0 012 406 0 1 543 Shim DIN988 30x35x0,3 0 012 413 3 X)
165 Plug 8,8 0 013 616 6 4 990 Contactcorros.Inhib. 0 910 781 9 1
168 Protection Cap [1] [2] 30,5 0 114 091 4 1
Parts with dimensions given in Imperial System units are written in italics and highlighted in grey.
* Gearing parts have embossed part numbers which must always be quoted.
X) As required
a) optional oil seal in FKM (Viton)
b) double sealing
e) Only for mounting position M5A (or mounting position M5B with inverted rotating direction)
f) Only for mounting position M6B (or mounting position M6A with inverted rotating direction)
h) ATEX model according to category II2G, II2D, II3G, II3D
When ordering spare parts please quote designation with part number and nameplate data with serial number!
Built-on gear units have motors, variable speed gear units or special input shaft assemblies mounted at the drive end. For parts see appropriate parts list.
08/2004 Copyright reserved! All rights reserved acc. to DIN 34.
Schaltbild/ Circuit diagram/ Schéma de branchement 68 151 02 06
Drehstrommotor / AC Motor / Moteur triphasé DE,EN,FR Seite/Page 1/2

Eine Drehzahl / Single-speed / Une vitesse EMS 09.11.07

Motorschutz / Motor protection / Protection du moteur

Für alle Motoren mit einer Drehzahl, For all single-speed motors, direct Pour tous les moteurs mono vitesse,
direkte Einschaltung oder YΔ-Anlauf on-line starting or star delta starting démarrage direct ou démarrage YΔ

Niedere Spannung, Δ Schaltung Low voltage, delta-connection Basse tension, branchement Δ

[1] [2]
W2 U2 V2
U2 V2 W2

U1 V1 W1
U1 V1 W1
L1 L2 L3

68 151 XX 06 01 01

Hohe Spannung, Y-Schaltung High voltage, star-connection Haute tension, branchement Y

[1] [2]

U2 V2 W2 W2 U2 V2

U1 V1 W1

U1 V1 W1
L1 L2 L3

68 151 XX 06 02 00

[1] Motorwicklung [1] Motor winding [1] Bobinage moteur

[2] Motorklemmenplatte [2] Motor terminal board [2] Plaque à bornes du moteur
[3] Zuleitungen [3] Supply leads [3] Alimentation

Drehrichtungsumkehr: Vertauschen To reverse: Interchange 2 supply Changement du sens de rotation

von 2 Zuleitungen (L1-L2) leads (L1-L2) Inverser deux conducteurs
d’alimentation (L1-L2)

Für diese technischen Unterlagen behalten wir uns alle Rechte vor / Copyright reserved / Tous droits de modification réservés
SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Postfach 3023 . D-76642 Bruchsal Tel. ( 07251 ) 75-0 . Fax ( 07251 ) 75-1970 .
Schaltbild/ Circuit diagram/ Schéma de branchement 68 151 02 06
Drehstrommotor / AC Motor / Moteur triphasé DE,EN,FR Seite/Page 2/2

Eine Drehzahl / Single-speed / Une vitesse EMS 09.11.07

Motorschutz / Motor protection / Protection du moteur

Belegungsplan / Terminal assignment diagram / Affectation des bornes 66 000 xx 06 ML

Motorschutz mit PTC-Widerstand Motor protection with PTC-resistance Protection du moteur par résistance
(TF) oder Bimetallschalter (TH) (TF) or bimetallic switch (TH) PTC (TF) ou relais bilame (TH)

1b 1b 2b

2b TF / TH TF / TH

68 151 XX 06 03 00

alternativ alternative alternatif

Thermische Motorinformation mit Thermal motor information with Information thermique de moteur
KTY84-130 (KY) oder PT100 (PT) KTY84-130 (KY) or PT100 (PT) avec KTY84-130 (KY) ou PT100

1b 2b
PT (RD) / PT (WH) /
2b KY+ (RD) KY- (BU)

68 151 XX 06 04 01

BU blau / blue / bleu RD rot / red / rouge WH weiß / white / blanc

alternativ alternative alternatif

Stillstandsheizung Heater Préchauffage à l’arrêt

1b 1b 2b

2b Hx Hx

68 151 XX 06 05 00

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