Nielsen Company Handbook - 12 Jun 2012

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Nielsen Vietnam Associates Handbook

The Nielsen Company

Associates Handbook

Vietnam 2010

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Nielsen Vietnam Associates Handbook

Nielsen Vietnam Employee Handbook

The Nielsen Company Associates Handbook .................................................................. 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 6
Company Background ..................................................................................................... 7
Company History............................................................................................................. 7
A. Employment Conditions & Practices ........................................................................... 9
A.1 Appointment .......................................................................................................... 9
A.2 Probation ............................................................................................................... 9
A.3 Termination of Employment ................................................................................... 9
A.4 Performance Planning & Review (PPR)............................................................... 10
A.5 Hours of Work ..................................................................................................... 10
A.6 Annual Leave ...................................................................................................... 11
A.7 Punctuality and Attendance ................................................................................. 14
A.8 Dress Code ......................................................................................................... 14
A.9 Effective Voice Mail message .............................................................................. 15
A.8 Change of Personal Particulars ........................................................................... 15
A.9 Return of Company Property ............................................................................... 15
B. Work Environment .................................................................................................... 17
B.1 Equal Opportunities of employment ..................................................................... 17
B.2 Teamwork ........................................................................................................... 17
B.3 Communication ................................................................................................... 17
B.4 No Smoking ......................................................................................................... 17
B.5 Alcohol and other drugs....................................................................................... 17
B.6 Courtesy and telephone manner ......................................................................... 18
B.7 Effective Voice Mail message .............................................................................. 18
C. Remuneration & Allowance ....................................................................................... 19
C.1 Salary Payment ................................................................................................... 19
C.2 Salary Review ..................................................................................................... 19
C.3 Annual Incentive Plan (AIP)................................................................................. 19
C.4 Overtime Allowance ............................................................................................ 20
C.5 13th Month Salary Bonus ..................................................................................... 20
D. Associate Benefits .................................................................................................... 22
D.1 Leaves ................................................................................................................ 22
D.1.1 General Rules ............................................................................................... 22
D.1.2 Annual Leave ................................................................................................ 22
D.1.3 Sick Leave .................................................................................................... 23
D.1.4 Maternity Leave ............................................................................................ 23
D.1.5 Paternity Leave ............................................................................................. 24
D.1.6 Marriage Leave ............................................................................................. 25
D.1.7 Bereavement Leave ...................................................................................... 25
D.1.8 Paid Holidays ................................................................................................ 25
D.1.9 No-Pay Leave ............................................................................................... 25
D.1.10 Rest Day ..................................................................................................... 25
D.2 Insurance ............................................................................................................ 26
D.2.1 Social Insurance (Compulsory) ..................................................................... 26
D.2.2 Health Insurance (Compulsory) .................................................................... 27
D.2.3 Unemployment Insurance (Compulsory) ....................................................... 27
D.2.4 Healthcare Insurance (extra benefit provided by Nielsen Vietnam) ............... 27
D.3 Parking ................................................................................................................ 28
D.3.1 Motorbike Parking ......................................................................................... 28
D.3.2 Motor Vehicle Parking ................................................................................... 28

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Nielsen Vietnam Associates Handbook

5.4 Awards ................................................................................................................ 28

E. Learning & Development ....................................................................................... 30
E.1 Internal Program.................................................................................................. 30
E.2 External Program ................................................................................................ 30
E.3 Transfer & Promotions ......................................................................................... 30
E.2.1 Internal Transfers .......................................................................................... 31
E.2.2 Short Term Assignments (STA) .................................................................... 31
F. Company Rules & Regulations .............................................................................. 33
F.1 Code of Conduct .............................................................................................. 33
F.1.1 Confidential Information ................................................................................ 33
F.1.2. Receiving Gifts ............................................................................................. 34
F.2 Equal Opportunities.......................................................................................... 34
F.2.1. Discrimination............................................................................................... 34
F.2.2. Harassment.................................................................................................. 35
G. Security & Confidentiality ...................................................................................... 36
G.1 Associate ID/Access Card ............................................................................... 36
G.2 Office Security/Visitor Policy ............................................................................ 36
G.3 Safeguarding of Company Property ................................................................. 36
H. Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure ...................................................................... 37
H.1 Disciplinary Action ........................................................................................... 37
H.1.1. Verbal Warning ............................................................................................ 37
H.1.2 Written Warning ............................................................................................ 37
H.1.3. Final Written Warning .................................................................................. 37
H.1.4. Dismissal ..................................................................................................... 37
H.2 Grievance Procedure ....................................................................................... 38
I. Emergency Arrangement............................................................................................ 39
I.1 Fire & Evacuation ................................................................................................. 39
I.1.1. Fire Precautions ............................................................................................ 39
I.1.2. during Evacuation.......................................................................................... 40
I. POLICIES & PROCEDURES ..................................................................................... 41
P.1 Travel & Entertainment policy ................................................................................. 42
P.2 Business Class Policy ............................................................................................. 50
P.3 Account Code for Using Telephone in Company ..................................................... 51
P.4 Internet, Computer, Software and IT- related Policy ................................................ 52
P.5 Disciplinary Procedures, Security and Workplace Safety ........................................ 55
Disciplinary Procedures ............................................................................................. 55
Security and Confidentiality of Company Business and Information and Property ..... 57
Materials Responsibility ............................................................................................. 57
Safety and Hygiene in the Workplace ........................................................................ 57
P.6 English training assistance policy ............................................................................ 59
P.7 Termination policy ................................................................................................... 60
P.8 No Name policy....................................................................................................... 64
P.9 Regional Employee Referral Program policy ........................................................... 66
P.10 Computer Loss/Stolen Policy ............................................................................. 69
P.11 Software Procurement Usage Policy ................................................................. 71
Notes ......................................................................................................................... 73
Notes ......................................................................................................................... 74
Notes ......................................................................................................................... 75
Notes ......................................................................................................................... 76
Last Update/s ............................................................................................................ 77

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Nielsen Vietnam Associates Handbook

This handbook sets out key information and practices applicable to full time permanent
associates of the Company. The provisions of it shall apply unless otherwise stated or
varied in the Employment Contract.

The following words in this Handbook, unless otherwise specified, shall have the
following meanings:

The "Company" shall mean Nielsen and its affiliated companies with the registered office
situated at Centre Point, Level 4, 106 Nguyen Van Troi Street, Phu Nhuan District ,
HCMC, Vietnam.

"Associate" shall mean all full time permanent associates.

"Service" shall mean continuous service (as defined in the Employment Ordinance
Chapter 57) with the Company.

The "Management" shall mean the Executive Management Committee (EMC) of Nielsen
and other persons authorized by the Board of Directors.

All reference to male refers equally to female.

The Company reserves the right to alter and/or amend its conditions and practices of
employment without notice as circumstances may require Alterations and/or
amendments will be announced to all associates as and when such are issued.

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Company Background
The Nielsen Company is the world's leading provider of marketing information, audience
measurement, and business media products and services. Headquartered in New York,
USA and Haarlem, The Netherlands, Nielsen has more than 41,000 associates and
operates in more than 100 countries around the world.

Nielsen serves a wide variety of industries providing insight and expertise to clients to
ensure their growth and continued success. By delivering an unmatched combination of
insights, market intelligence, advanced analytical tools, and integrated marketing
solutions, Nielsen provides clients with the most complete view of their consumers and
their markets. Whether its retail analysis, media audience measurement, or business
information online, in print, or face-to-face – Nielsen’s products and services offer
invaluable foresight and perspective that our clients rely on to make informed business

Company History
1. Founder : Arthur Charles Nielsen Sr.
2. Year of Establishment : 9 December 1923
1923 Arthur Charles Nielsen established the company to conduct performance
surveys to industrial manufacturers.
1933 Introduced the first Retail Drug Index
1934 Added Food and Department Store Indexes to the business and provided
rigorous training for its growing contingent of auditors.
1940s Nielsen pioneered the use of the Audiometer, a machine capable of
recording – minute by minute – when a radio was turned on and where its
dial was set. By the end of 1940s, Nielsen’s Radio Index became the gold
standard in measuring radio listenership. During World War II, while in
military service, Arthur C. Nielsen Jr., son of the founder, helped construct
a building to house ENIAC, the mammoth ancestor of all modern
1950s Having achieved dominance in radio measurement, the company turned
its attention to television and quickly established preeminence in TV
1960s The company quickly added a mass merchant index when this new
discount outlet emerged as a powerful retail channel.
1970s As supermarkets began to install checkout scanners, ACNielsen promptly
introduced new services that electronically gathered point of-sale
Early on, the company recognized the importance of being international.
In 1939, it opened an office in England, and shortly thereafter moved into
Canada, Australia, the European Continent and Japan.
1980s ACNielsen had a presence in 25 countries and, 1984, merged with Dun &
Bradstreet, joining together two powerful business organizations. Mid 90s

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The Company was clearly the world’s largest market research

organization – in revenues, people and geographic presence. 1996 On 1
December 1996, ACNielsen became an independent and public traded
corporation in the New York Stock Exchange and was recognized
worldwide as the premier professional services firm in market research.
1998 ACNielsen acquired the BASES Group, forming ACNielsen BASES.
1999 ACNielsen Media International launched globally including television and
radio audience measurement, readership and other media services into
one global organization. ACNielsen announced joint venture with Net
Ratings, creating
ACNielsen to measure internet audiences, advertising and
user activity.
2001 ACNielsen became part of VNU, a world leader in marketing information,
media measurement and information and business media. ACNielsen launched the Nielsen// Net Ratings internet measurement
service in 29 countries, covering over 90% of the world’s internet
2002 ACNielsen Media International was rebranded as Nielsen Media
Research as a separate identity to ACNielsen, both under VNU Inc.
2003 ACNielsen celebrated 80 years in global market research.
2004 ACNielsen is awarded one of the caring companies in Hong Kong. The
Award recognizes corporations for their commitment and support for the
community. The Customized WatchBuilder standard was introduced to
ensure the establishment and maintenance of research standards
throughout the region.
2006 VNU was acquired and taken private by a consortium of six private equity
2007 VNU was renamed as “The Nielsen Company”. This new identity
emphasizes its best known brand name and underscores its commitment
to create an integrated, streamlined global organization.

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A. Employment Conditions & Practices

A.1 Appointment
Upon acceptance of employment, the Company will issue an Employment Contract to
the associate, which is subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated in this
Associates Handbook.

Besides the Associates Handbook, each associate will be given a booklet of “Policy on
Business Conduct” and a “Confidentiality Agreement”. All terms and conditions stated in
the Handbook, Employment Contract and policies have to be observed by the associate
during his employment with the Company.

A.2 Probation
Associates joining the Company for employment are required to serve a two months
probationary period (maximum of 60 calendar days). Upon completion of this period, the
associate's performance will be evaluated by his/her Department Head and will be
advised in writing by the Human Resources Department on one of the following:

1. Confirmation of Employment

2. Extension of Probationary Period if assessment warrants upon recommendation

from the Department Head, where length of extension will be stated.

3. Termination of Employment on the grounds that the associate fails to fulfill the
Company's requirement and the performance during the probation period is not up to

A.3 Termination of Employment

A contract of employment may be lawfully terminated by due notice. Termination of
employment shall be made in writing unless otherwise stipulated in the employment

Resignation letter should be submitted to Department Head who should in turn forward
to Human Resources Department together with a completed Staff Action Report for
further actions.

1. Notice Period

a. Indefinite Labour contract – 45 working days

b. Definite Labour contract – 30 working days

c. Seasonal contract with duration less than 12 months – 3 days

Annual leave or maternity leave is not part of termination notice period. Accrued leaves
will not be included in determining the period of notice even though they are approved

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prior to resignation. Associates who have submitted resignation should report for duty
and follow normal rules and regulations as usual during the required period of notice.

2. Dismissal

In any case where an associate is dismissed due to the following reasons as stated,
the Company will terminate the contract of employment without notice or without

 payment in-lieu of notice:

 violates business code of conduct; or

 Willfully disobeys a lawful and reasonable order; or

 misconducts him/herself; or

 is guilty of fraud or dishonesty; or

 is habitually neglectful in his duties

3. Retirement

Service may be terminated by the Company or the associate by normal retirement on

reaching age sixty (60) for males and fifty five (55) in respect to females. Upon the final
year prior to retirement, senior employees may be asked to reduce the number of
working hours in the day or request casual part-time employment. Employment may be
extended beyond the retirement age at the discretion of the Company.

A.4 Performance Planning & Review (PPR)

Performance Planning & Review is a process of determining how well an associate has
performed the job assigned to him/her. Areas of improvement and required training are
also highlighted.

Mid-year and annual performance appraisal for all associates will be conducted for
reference in making decisions on salary adjustment or promotion/transfer as well as
formulating plans for development of associates.

A.5 Hours of Work

 The normal working days are from Monday to Friday for Fixed Contract
employees (excludes Interviewers/Auditors/QC Checker) and Monday to
Saturday for Variable Contract employees (includes Interviewers/Auditors/QC
Checker)Office Hour: 8.30 am to 5:30 pm

 Lunch Break: 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm

The Company reserves the absolute right to change the working hours of particular
positions to suit business needs.

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Variable contracted employees are entitled to at least one day (24hrs) off every week.
Nielsen has the right to arrange for the weekly day off to fall on a Sunday or another
specified day of the week.

Where, due to the nature of work, it is impossible for the employees to have a weekly
day off, Nielsen must make alternative arrangements to ensure that the employee on
average have at least four days off in a month.Associates who work beyond the above-
stated office hour will not be compensated with overtime payment or leave in lieu unless
approved by Department head, HR and MD.

A.6 Annual Leave

You are encouraged to take your leave every year. The purpose of annual leave is to
allow you to take a break and come back to work refreshed and revitalized.

Any leave taken without prior approval by the Manager is considered as unapproved
leave and shall be deducted from your salary. This will also be dealt with under
disciplinary procedures.

No payout for Annual Leave accrual for final year of employment with be made

In emergency cases, employees may need leave in advance, but their balance of annual
leave is used up, in such cases you may be granted annual leave of up to 5 working
days with the approval of the Director. Upon termination of the contract, you will have to
reimburse the advance annual leave which is in excess of your entitlement at the date of

You are encouraged to take all annual leave before the end of the calendar year.
Balance of unused leave will be forfeited as of 1 January following year

 Employees are encouraged to take their accrual leave days each year.

 Employees must request annual leave as far in advance as possible. Annual

leave will be scheduled so as to provide adequate coverage of job and staff
requirements. The direct Manager will make the final determination in this regard.

 Annual leave days do not accrue during unpaid leaves of absence.

 If an employee leaves the company, he/she will receive payment for any accrued
but unused leave day(s). If he/she has taken more leave days than accrued, the
difference will be deducted from his/her final payment.

The annual leave application shall be approved by the Manager first, and then forwarded
immediately to the Human Resources Department at least one day prior to taking leave.

1. Public Holidays

You are entitled to the following Public Holidays with full pay:

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There are 9 holidays stipulated by the government:

1. Calendar New Year (1 day, Jan 1st)

2. Lunar New Year (4 days, the final day of the old year and the first 3 days of the
New Year).

3. Victory Day (April 30th)

4. International Labour Day (May 1st)

5. National Day (September 2nd)

6. King’s Hung Anniversary Day ( March 10th of Lunar Calendar)

And an additional 5 holidays stipulated by Nielsen Vietnam, subject to the calendar year
and Board of Management’s decision:

7. Lunar New Year (2 additional days)

8. Christmas Day (2 days, December 24th, 25th)

9. New Year (1 day, December 31st)

If a public holiday falls on a rest day, the following day will be declared a holiday.

2. Sick leave

All full time employees shall be entitled to medical treatment and sick leave when they
go to the medical center with which they are registered for health insurance. However, in
an emergency case, employees may go to any medical center specified by Health

Sick leave entitlement for employees is as follows:

10. Maximum 30 days/calendar year for those who have contributed into the Social
Insurance for less than 15 years.

11. Maximum 40 days/calendar year for those who have contributed into the Social
Insurance for 15-20 years.

12. Maximum 50 days/calendar year for those who have contributed into the Social
Insurance for over 30 years.

13. Unused sick leave can not be carried forward to the next year.

On your first return day to work, you must submit sick leave via SAP and provide HR
with the doctor’s certificate in the format required by the Social Insurance Office (sample
of the format can be obtained from the Human Resources Department). Failure to
provide that certificate will result in the days missed from work being treated as either
annual leave or leave without pay.

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3. Maternity leave

Female employees are entitled to take a total of four months maternity leave prior to and
after their giving birth, and will receive Social Insurance benefit base on their monthly
salary up to the maximum basic payment base on the Vietnamese Statutory insurance

For associates who salaries are above the maximum basic payment from Social
Insurance, Nielsen will cover the difference during your maternity period base on specific
terms and conditions outlined below.

Company granted benefit

 Month 1-2 = 100% difference

 Month 3-4 = 75% difference

 Month 5 = 75% difference (applicable to associates giving birth to twins)

Terms and conditions

 To be eligible for the statutory covered basic payment, an associate must

have paid Social Insurance for a minimum of 6 months (this is excludes
probationary period).

 To be eligible for the company granted difference payment, an associate

must be employed with Nielsen Vietnam for 12 consecutive months prior to
giving birth.

In addition, the full time local employee shall be entitled to an additional allowance equal
to one month salary (it shall be exempt from PIT) paid by Social Insurance. All
allowances shall be received right after eligible certificates are submitted.

A female employee nursing a child under twelve (12) months of age is entitled to an
additional one hour off every working day with full pay. Male employees will be entitled to
two days’ paid leave when their spouse gives birth.

Additionally, full time local employees (male, female) shall be entitled to a maximum
leave of 20 days for every calendar year to take care of their children if the child is less
than 3 years of age, and 15 days if the child is from 3 to less than 7 years of age.

The employee shall submit an eligible medical certificate (with the doctor’s signature and
the stamp of the medical center). Otherwise, the sick career’s child leave shall be treated
as either annual leave or leave without pay.

In addition, other leaves related to having the intrauterus device, abortion, miscarriage,
vasectomy … the local associates shall contact Human Resource Department for more
information about the formalities and the leave days for each particular case

4. Other Leave

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Full time employees shall be entitled to full paid leave for personal reasons in the event

14. Three working days in case of the employee’s legal marriage.

15. One working day for the marriage of employee’s children.

16. Three working days in the event of the death of the employee’s spouse,
child/children, parent/parents and parents-in-law.

Request for leave for the above reasons must be made using the “Leave Application

Unpaid leave is applicable to employees under the special situation of a family

emergency; prior approval from Director must be obtained.

A.7 Punctuality and Attendance

Regardless of the position, punctuality and prompt attendance should always be
observed by all associates. If an associate is going to be unavoidably later or, if he must
leave his work place for emergency or other valid reasons, he should make every
attempt to notify his superior soonest. Repeated tardiness cannot be tolerated as it
reflects an unacceptable attitude towards the job and may have adverse effects on
fellow associates. Associates who are late or absent continually are subject to
disciplinary action.

If an associate fails to notify his superior or the Company on the day of absence or
without an acceptable reason, the absence will be treated as no-pay absence and the
associate will receive disciplinary action in accordance to Article 85 and 42 of the Labour

A.8 Dress Code

Each associate shares the responsibility of helping the Company to portray a good
image to customers and visitors. Good grooming, cleanliness, neatness and overall
professional image are expected from all associates. The matter of appearance and
dress code while at work is to reflect a proper consideration for the business
environment and the responsibility of the job.

Associates are recommended to wear suitable, professional and presentable business

attire. Associates should not wear the following while on duty during weekdays:

 Short Pants / Mini-skirts / Low-cut / Bare-back / Jeans / T-shirts

 Sandals / thongs

You may wear “smart casual” on Friday. However, you have to dress appropriately
whenever you have meetings with clients.

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A.9 Effective Voice Mail message

Voice mail should be activated when you cannot answer a call (you are on the line or
you are not in the office). If you are not in the office for more than half a day, voice mail
messages should reflect accurately the situation that you are not available to answer a
call (on leave or business trip), and that your colleagues on extension X should be
contacted. Voice mail messages should be structured and as clear as any written

A.8 Change of Personal Particulars

Change of personal particulars, should be reported to the Human Resources
Department as soon as possible for updating the associate’s personal record.
Supporting documents, where appropriate, should be submitted. These changes may
include but not limited to the following:

17. Change of residential address and/or telephone number.

18. Obtaining additional educational/professional qualifications.

19. Change of bank account number for payment of salary

20. Change of marital status

A.9 Return of Company Property

Resigning associates should return all Company property to their Department Head and
other relevant Departments on their last working day including but not limited to the

Return to superior or department Heads

21. Company documents in any form, such as papers, CDs and etc.

22. Equipment(s)

23. Company Chop(s)

Return to Human Resources

24. Associates Handbook and / or Supervisor's Manual

25. Policy of Business Conduct

26. Group Medical Insurance Card(s)

27. Associate Identity Card

28. Stationeries (including Calculator)

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29. Cabinet / Door / Drawers' Keys issued by the Company

30. Reports borrowed from Administration Department

Return to IT Department

31. Notebook / laptop computer plus other accessories

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B. Work Environment
B.1 Equal Opportunities of employment
Nielsen Vietnam maintains a policy of equal opportunity employment. We ensure equal
opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment. We hire, train, promote,
compensate and dismiss employees without regard for race, age, color, religion, sex,
sexual orientation, national origin, marital or disability status, as well as other
classifications protected by applicable laws.

Our equal opportunity employment philosophy applies to all aspects of employment with
Nielsen Vietnam including recruiting, training, transfer, promotion, job benefits, pay,
dismissal, educational assistance, and social and recreational activities. Nielsen Vietnam
regards its employees as its most valuable resource. Therefore, it makes every effort to
fully develop the potential of its employees by encouraging their further training and
entrusting them with increased responsibilities in line with their abilities and experience.

B.2 Teamwork
Effective teamwork is the essential ingredient of a successful enterprise. Thus Nielsen
attaches great importance to developing teamwork by creating an atmosphere of mutual
understanding and co-operation.

B.3 Communication
Employees are encouraged to share their concerns, seek information, provide input, and
resolve problems/issues through their immediate manager, and where appropriate,
consult with any member of the management team toward those ends. Directors and
Managers are expected to listen to employees’ concerns to encourage their feedback,
and to seek resolution to their problems/issues.

Nielsen Vietnam believes that most matters will be satisfactorily resolved between
employees and their immediate Manager; however, if for any reason an employee is not
satisfied with such a resolution, he or she is completely at liberty to follow established
Nielsen procedures and bring the matter to the attention of the Director or any member
of the Board of Directors.

B.4 No Smoking
Nielsen Vietnam is an advocate of a “No smoking in the workplace” policy. In
communities where legislation permits enforcement of the policy, Nielsen Vietnam
workplaces shall be designated “NO SMOKING” areas. It presents a professional public
image and is in consideration of the health of others.

B.5 Alcohol and other drugs

Working under the effect of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited and the appropriate
disciplinary action against this violation will.

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B.6 Courtesy and telephone manner

As part of the market services industry, Nielsen Vietnam relies on its reputation to
provide good service. It is important for the success of the business that employees
provide good service and show a positive attitude towards clients.

It is important to handle telephone calls politely and efficiently. It should also be

remembered that the telephone is provided as an essential tool for the benefit of the
business, therefore employees are discouraged from making frequent or extended
personal calls unless in emergency cases.

B.7 Effective Voice Mail message

Voice mail should be activated when you cannot answer a call (you are on the line or
you are not in the office). If you are not in the office for more than half a day, voice mail
messages should reflect accurately the situation that you are not available to answer a
call (on leave or business trip), and that your colleagues on extension X should be
contacted. Voice mail messages should be structured and as clear as any written

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C. Remuneration & Allowance

C.1 Salary Payment
You will be paid in accordance with salaries stipulated in your Employment Contract.
Permanent staff will be paid monthly in arrears normally on the 25th of each calendar
month by automatic bank transfer to your personal bank account. On termination of
employment, final salary payment will be paid by bank transfer within seven days from
the effective date of termination.

Your salary will be subject to Personal Income Tax as following tax rates:

Tax Yearly taxable income Monthly taxable income Tax rate

bracket (million VND) (million VND) (%)
1 Up to 60 Up to 5 5
2 Over 60 to 120 Over 5 to 10 10
3 Over 120 to 216 Over 10 to 18 15
4 Over 216 to 384 Over 18 to 32 20
5 Over 384 to 624 Over 32 to 52 25
6 Over 624 to 960 Over 52 to 80 30
7 Over 960 Over 80 35

The single tariff shall be commonly applied to Vietnamese and Foreigners

C.2 Salary Review

The Company will review salary level of all associates annually or whenever deemed
necessary. Salary adjustment, which is not mandatory, will take into account of individual
performance, job responsibilities, market situation and cost of living.

C.3 Annual Incentive Plan (AIP)

The annual incentive plan reinforces Nielsen's pay for performance philosophy and
drives continuous outstanding performance achievement. Performance results are
measured through the Performance Planning & Review (PPR). Results of the
performance management review directly impact the individual's performance incentive
reward under the Incentive Plan. An associate who has worked for the Company for less
than one year will receive his incentive on a pro-rata basis.

To be eligible for annual incentive, one must be an associate before September 30 and
is still under active payroll at the time of payout. An associate will not be entitled to any
incentive payout should he voluntarily terminate the employment with Nielsen before the
actual payout date as determined by the Company.

The Company reserves the right to terminate, cancel, suspend or to modify the program
and any payments at any time for any reason. Associates should refer to their respective
business units for plan details.

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C.4 Overtime Allowance

Overtime Allowance will only be paid to associates with the following job functions and

32. General Service Assistant / Driver / Messenger (Band 11 only)

Nielsen Vietnam does not pay overtime to salaried (Fixed contract) employees. Salaries
are set so as to reflect the overall circumstances of the position you hold, including the
volume and complexity of the work.

When necessary you are expected to work beyond your normal working hours to
accomplish the assigned work which was mentioned in the labour contract signed by
both the employee and Nielsen Vietnam.

In special cases, employees who are required to work overtime are entitled to 1) leave-
in-lieu for the additional hours or 2) Overtime salary base on the following overtime
rates: (This is contingent on the approval by your department head, HR and MD)

Overtime pay Overtime
= X 200% X
payment per hours


 150% of the normal rate for normal working days.

 200% of the normal rate for weekends.

 300% of the normal rate for public holidays.

Employees required to work night shift between 10:00pm – 6:00am will be entitled to a
minimum 30% extra plus overtime payment.

All overtime must be pre-approved by department head in order to qualify for payment.

C.5 13th Month Salary Bonus

Nielsen Vietnam associates will be entitled to an additional 13th month bonus which will
be pro-rated from your start date to end of the calendar year.
 Under 3 months = Pro rata bonus
 Up to 5 months = 50% of bonus
 6 months or over = 100% of bonus

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 Associates must be employed with Nielsen at the time of bonus payout

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D. Associate Benefits
D.1 Leaves
D.1.1 General Rules
Associates must apply for leaves in advance with a minimum of 5 working days notice.
You are required to submit to your AL via SAP through the Employee Self Service (ESS)
and then follow-up with an email to your manager and he/she will approval or reject.

If an associate needs to cancel or amend leave dates after submission, he/she should
apply via SAP and advice Manager prior the occurrence of the leave applied. If for any
reason he cannot file the cancellation or amendment beforehand, he should do so no
later than 14 days after the original leave date. Otherwise, the leave applied will be
treated as taken and no cancellation is allowed thereafter.

If an associate does not turn up for duty without approval, he/she is deemed to be
absent from duty. If an associate does not turn up for duty for three consecutive days
without approval, he/she is deemed to have resigned without serving any notice period.

D.1.2 Annual Leave

Company will grant 12-18 days annual leave dependant on contract type and offer letter
for each calendar year. The annual leave may be taken at any time within the year with
prior approval of the Manager.

New employee is entitled to take annual leave after successfully passing probationary
period at the company. The numbers of leave days can not exceed the days employee
entitled to in proportion to the length of employment with company counted from the start
date up to that moment (current rate is 1-1.5 leave days for 01 working month).

Any leave taken without prior approval by the Manager is considered as unapproved
leave and shall be deducted from your salary. This will also be dealt with under
disciplinary procedures.

a. No payout for AL accrual for final year of employment will be made

b. In emergency case, associates need leave in advance, but their balance annual
leave is used up, associates may be granted advance annual leave of up to 5
working days with the approval of the Director. Upon termination of contract,
associates have to reimburse the advance annual leave, which is excess of their
entitlement at the date of termination.

c. Employee must request annual leave as far in advance as possible. Annual leave will
be scheduled so as to provide adequate coverage of job and staff requirements. The
direct manager will make the final determination in this regard

d. If an employee leaves the company, he/she will receive payment for any accrued but
unused leave day(s). If he/she taken more leave days than accrued, the difference
will be deducted from his/her final payment

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e. The number of Annual leave days will increase in accordance to Article 75 of the
amended Labour Code by one additional day for every five years of service.

D.1.3 Sick Leave

1. Eligibility

All full time local associates shall be entitled medical treatment and sick leave when you
go to the medical center with which you are registered for health insurance. However, in
an emergency case, associates may go to any medical center specified by Health
Insurance. Sick leave entitlement for employees is as follows:

 30 working days excluding public holidays per year for those who have contributed
into the Social Insurance for less than 15 years.

 40 working days excluding public holidays per year for those who have contributed
into the Social Insurance for 15-30 years.

 60 working days excluding public holidays per year for those who have contributed
into the Social Insurance for 30 years and over.

 Employees who are infected with a disease on the list promulgated by the Ministry of
Health for diseases with long-term treatment, shall enjoy the sickness benefit as

i. No more than one hundred and eighty days in a year, including public
holidays, New Year holidays and weekends;

ii. If employees still need treatment after one hundred and eighty days,
they shall continue to enjoy the sickness benefit at a lower level.

2. Regulations

a. An associate who has to take sick leave must inform Department Head before 10:00

b. Sick leave taken for 1 day or above should be supported with medical certificate
issued by a registered medical practitioner in the format required by Social Insurance
Office (Sample of format can be obtained from Human Resources Department). The
certificate with the endorsement of the Department Head must be submitted to the
Human Resources Department within 5 working days upon resumption of duty.

c. Failure to providing that certificate, it shall be treated as either annual leave or leave
without pay.

d. Unused sick leave can not be carried forward to the next year.

D.1.4 Maternity Leave

1. Maternity leave

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Female employees are entitled to take a total of four months maternity leave prior to and
after their giving birth, and will receive Social Insurance benefit base on their monthly
salary up to the maximum basic payment base on the Vietnamese Law of insurance
(article 31).

For associates giving birth of twin or more infants, in additional to the leave period
specified above, the associate shall also be entitled to an additional leave of thirty (30)
days for each infant from the second.For associates who salaries are above the
maximum basic payment from Social Insurance, Nielsen will cover the difference during
your maternity period base on specific terms and conditions outlined below.

Company granted benefit

 Month 1-2 = 100% difference

 Month 3-4 = 70% difference

 Month 5 = 70% difference (applicable to associates giving birth to twins)

Terms and conditions

 To be eligible for the statutory covered basic payment, an associate must

have paid Social Insurance for a minimum of 6 months (this is excludes
probationary period).

 To be eligible for the company granted difference payment, an associate

must be employed with Nielsen Vietnam for 12 consecutive months prior to
giving birth.

2. Regulations

Medical certificate should be submitted to Human Resources Department at least 12

weeks prior to the expected date of confinement with the certification of pregnancy from
a registered medical practitioner. The actual date of confinement must be verified
afterwards by submitting a doctor’s certificate.

Should the date of confinement change, it is the associate's responsibility to notify

Human Resources Department within 7 days of confinement.

After the birth of the child associates must provide documentation of birth (birth
certificate) within 7days of your return date to work to the Human Resources department
for lodgment with Social Insurance Fund.

D.1.5 Paternity Leave

One day paid leave will be granted to all male associates on the day or the following day
of his new baby’s birth. This is not applicable for males Associate who are still under

Additionally, full time local employees (male, female) shall be entitled to a maximum
leave of 20 working days for every calendar year to take care of their children if the child

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is less than 3 years of age, and 15 working days if the child is from 3 to less than 7 years
of age.

The employee shall submit an eligible medical certificate (with the doctor’s signature and
the stamp of the medical center). Otherwise, the sick carer’s child leave shall be treated
as either annual leave or leave without pay.

D.1.6 Marriage Leave

An associate can take 3 additional paid days off for his/her wedding only once during the
employment at Nielsen Vietnam.

Application of such leave must be made one month in advance and must be supported
by the Certificate of Marriage or receipt for marriage registration.

Marriage leave can only be taken within one month before or three months after the date
of marriage except under special circumstances.

An associate can only take marriage leave once during the employment period with the

A marriage gratuity of US$100 will be given to Associates upon the occasion of your first
legal marriage.

D.1.7 Bereavement Leave

Full paid leave will be granted to all associates on the following occasions:

1. Death of spouse/children (3 days)

2. Death of parents (in-law)/grandparents (in-law)/sibling (3 days)

D.1.8 Paid Holidays

All associates are entitled to the public holidays as stipulated by the company.

D.1.9 No-Pay Leave

No-pay leave is not encouraged. It is granted only when there are pressing personal
reasons relating to an associate who is either still under probation or when his annual
leave has been used up. No pay leave must be approved by the Department Head.
Salary deduction will be made at the end of the month or in the following month.

D.1.10 Rest Day

Associates are entitled to 2 rest days on Saturday and Sunday for every five days
worked for a week. Saturday is a contractual day off and not a statutory rest day. If a
public holiday happens to fall on a Saturday, associates will not be compensated with an
alternative holiday.

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D.1.11 Employee engagement activities

Annually employees will engage in a number activities throughout the year (activities are
subject to change). Below is a list of the key activities which will be carried to engage
with employee across the business;

1. Annual meetings

2. Workshops

3. Quarterly employee engagement events (Halloween, Nielsen Idol, Nielsen Got

Talent, So You Think You Can Present, etc.)

4. GBS Team building

5. Company Trips

6. Company Day

7. YE TET Party

8. Referral bonus

D.2 Insurance
D.2.1 Social Insurance (Compulsory)
After successfully passing probation period, local associates’ gross salary will be
deducted 6% of social insurance as outlined by the Labour Code.

Under the Social Insurance Regulations, associates will be provided the following

1. sickness;

2. maternity subsidy;

3. labour injuries;

4. retirement;

5. death;

Please contact the Human Resources Department for up-to-date details of these

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D.2.2 Health Insurance (Compulsory)

After successfully passing probation period, local associates’ gross salary will be
deducted 1.5% of health insurance as outlined by the Labour Code. During illness, you
are entitled to medical treatments as provided by registered medical center.

D.2.3 Unemployment Insurance (Compulsory)

After successfully passing probation period, local associates’ gross salary will be
deducted 1% of Unemployment insurance as outlined by the Labour Code.

Effective as of 1 January 2009 due to the changes in the Labour Law in Vietnam,
Unemployment insurance will be applied to all local employees. According to Item No.
102 Article 3 Chapter 5, Contribution to Unemployment Insurance will be as follows:

 Local employee contributes 1% of the monthly salary/ wage

 Company contributes 1% of the monthly salary/ wage for the local employee
entering the Unemployment Insurance

 Every month, the government supports 1% of monthly salary/ wage for the local
employee entering the Unemployment Insurance

Item No 6 Article 139 Chapter “Social Insurance law” stipulated: The period of paying
unemployment premiums as stipulated in this law shall not be accounted for lost job
allowance or severance allowance as stipulate by labour law. So, after 1 January 2009,
employee lost job or terminate labour contract will be entitled lost job allowance for the
time they paid unemployment insurance (after 1 Jan 2009) and severance job allowance
for the time they work for company before 1 Jan 2009 that they did not receive lost job
allowance severance allowance

The Personal Income Tax (“PIT”) treatment of the compulsory severance allowance
remains unchanged according to the new PIT regulations (also to be effective 1 January
2009) i.e. the payments will continue to be exempt from PIT.

Severance allowance shall be paid for the employment period up to 31 December 2008.
For the period of unemployment from 1 January 2009, employees are entitled to
unemployment insurance.

D.2.4 Healthcare Insurance (extra benefit provided by Nielsen

With this Healthcare Insurance package, associates are entitled to compensation for in-
patient and out-patient medical treatment for the diseases/ accidents covered by the
Insurance Company.

You are required to provide medical documents when submitting your claim to the
Insurance Company. Please contact the Human Resources Department for details of
benefits as well as exclusions of the package.

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D.3 Parking
There are a limited number of parking spaces in Centre Point therefore the spaces in
Centre Point will be reserved for full-time permanent staff. For all other associates
Nielsen will provide parking in nearby locations.

D.3.1 Motorbike Parking

Nielsen Vietnam will provide motor parking for all permanent staff based. Motor bikes
must be registered with Centre Point via HR for approved parking with a maximum of
registration of two different number plates. Any changes to motorbike must be informed
to HR in advance for registration with building management.

There are 3 places in contracted agreement with Nielsen

1. Centrepoint: limited to 120 pax (pax given by manager)

2. Nguyen Trong Tuyen: 50 pax

3. Truong Quoc Dung

D.3.2 Motor Vehicle Parking

Nielsen paid motor vehicle parking in Centre Point will only be provided to Excomm
members, associates who wish to park in Centre Point (Associate Director & below) will
need to organize parking with Centre Point via HR and the monthly fee will be deducted

5.4 Awards
Building a culture of recognition is a top prioirty for our global leadership and an intergral
part of our integration. Effective recognition inspires everyone to embrace and support
our Nielsen values – simple, open and integrated – and create results that help our
clients succeed and contribute to the growth of our business.

5.4.1 Simply Excellent Award

Simply Excellent Award is specificially designed to honor the achievements of
employees and teams and celebrate their commitment to our values – open, simple and
integrated – and the growth of one Nielsen.

There are 3 Award Levels:

Thank you:

 Let a team member know their extra effort hasn’t gone unnoticed. Send a thank
you email or handwrite a thank you note to share your appreciation. Any Nielsen
employee can thank any employee.

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 The work we do at Nielsen is often charaterised by our drive to be the best at

what we do. By adhering to a strong code of professional ethics, a few individuals
distinguish themselves by redefining our company’s concept of excellent. The
passion they bring to applying integrity and commitment to every aspect of their
work is reflected by their determination to make a difference.


 Leadership opportunities at Nielsen are not limited by professional titles or job

category. Every day we each have the chance to rise to the occasion to support
our clients’ strategic needs. The individuals and teams who instinctively choose
to embrace challenge motivate others to elevate their own dedication. By
perceiving change as a stimulus for the development of new ideas, they lead
their teams to improve efficiency and eliminate bureaucracy. A commitment to
keeping our customers’ satisfaction at the forefront of every decision will create
the lasting relationships necessary to ensure Nielsen’s long-term growth.

5.4.2 Service Year Award

Service Year Award is granted to recognise and appreciate of employees loyal service
with Nielsen. This program is only for Full-time employees.

There are 3 Award levels:

 5 Years of Service Award

 10 Years of Service Award
 15 Years of Service Award

We reckon the Service Year based on employee’s join date officially (month and year
are counted) to the end of working year.

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E. Learning & Development

The success of our business is built largely on putting the right talent in the right position
as well as professional training support for our associates so they reach their full
competence and potential.

It is intended that every associate shall have the opportunity to benefit from training and
development activities designed both for his current role and for future responsibilities
which he may undertake. The degree of support the Company will provide depends on
the relevance of the proposed training to the present and future needs of the business,
as well as the impact that the proposed training will bring about to the associate's
present and future job performance and career development.

E.1 Internal Program

Training needs are identified jointly by Department Heads and Human Resources
Department. Customized in-house courses are coordinated by the Human Resources
Department or respective departments to meet specific training needs of the associates.
These courses are conducted either by our own trainers or external consultants.

E.2 External Program

Where training needs are identified and not met by internal program, associates may be
recommended to attend external training program. This will be reviewed and
recommended by their Department Heads based on their development needs/plan and
would require approval from Human Resources Department and/or Management.

Associates will be requested to sign a service obligation undertaking upon approval. The
percentage of training subsidy granted and duration of service obligation will vary in
accordance with the cost, nature and relevance of the training to the job role of the

In the event that an associate tenders resignation within the service obligation period, he
is required to refund the full amount of training subsidy and related expenses to the

Details are elaborated in the Policy on Learning and Development.

E.3 Transfer & Promotions

In accordance with our company Plan and Staff Development Program, an employee
can be transferred/ promoted to another team /position.

Transfer/promotion will only be made after careful consideration of all relevant factors
and implications such as organizational needs, qualification, experience, potential and
aspiration of the employee concerned.

When you are transferred or promoted from one position or department to another within
the Company you may not necessarily have your salary reviewed. It may be for

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example that the move is to help you gain more experience rather than to benefit the

E.2.1 Internal Transfers

 Associates must have completed minimum 12 months before an internal transfer
is made.

 The associate should have a PPR rating of 3 during the last review (year end or
mid year).

 Associates who have joined Nielsen with prior research experience can be
moved between divisions after completion of 9-12 months. The PPR rating rule
applies here too.

You should discuss this point with your Manager at the time of transfer or promotion.

HR will inform the employee of transfer/promotion in written form.

E.2.2 Short Term Assignments (STA)

With the increased pace of business growth and globalization happening, there has
been an increasing demand for talented and highly mobile executives with overseas
experience to contribute to the long-term success of the company. The effective use of
short-term assignments can help to achieve the following objectives:

 Fill in skill gaps when local employees are unavailable by associates who are
familiar with the company and the business

 Provide learning opportunity and career exposure for associates outside his / her
own country

 Prepare a pool of associates with overseas experience for the future needs of the

Eligibility and Approvals

 Eligible individuals will be strong performers (with PPR rating 3 or 4), and will
have been with the company for over a year.

 Home and assignment country managers will work with Human Resources (HR)
to identify and select candidates (refer to Administration Process)

 Country Managing Director must approve an assignment based on business

climate and individual performance before an employee is selected for a short
term assignment.

 The policy is not limited to any specific job positions / levels within the

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 The assignment country will bear the full cost of the assignment, excluding
payroll and benefit costs which will continue to be charged to the home country.

 All expenses should be routed through HR for tracking purposes.

Eligibility and Approvals

 Upon return to the home country, the assignee is encouraged to work with their
manager to develop ways to share the knowledge gained on their assignment
with their team/office.

 STA associate will need to commit to the company for minimum of 12months
upon return.

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F. Company Rules & Regulations

F.1 Code of Conduct
The Company was founded on the principles of integrity, honesty, fairness, respect and
reliability. Our customers and everyone with whom we do business have come to
depend on these guiding principles of our Company. We are committed to having our
associates live up to the highest standards of ethics in everything they do in the name of
Nielsen. A simple test for every associate is to measure his conduct in any instance
against these principles, and the purpose of the Nielsen Code of Conduct is to provide a
framework for such as measurement.

The Company publishes policies from time to time, which also guide us to do the right
things and which we expect our associates to read and abide by. And when this Code
and our policies do not provide the guidance you need, you should look to your own
good judgment and to your peers and managers to find the right thing to do.

Overarching the Code, our policies and our own good judgment are the laws, rules and
regulations of all the places where we do business, with which we must comply and
which take priority over everything else.

The Nielsen Code of Conduct covers the following:

1. Your responsibilities to the Company and its stakeholders;

2. Your responsibilities to our customers, suppliers and others with whom we do

business, and in some cases even our competitors;

3. Your responsibilities to each other as co-workers; and

4. Your responsibility to see to it that you, the Company and all or our associates
comply with the laws, rules and regulations of every country where we do business,
some of which (but not all) are summarized in the Code.

F.1.1 Confidential Information

This is based on the agreement “Employee confidential, proprietary rights and conflicts”
that is signed at the beginning and during your employment with Nielsen Vietnam.

The Company expects its associates to respect and protect the Company’s confidential
information, which includes confidential information of our customers and vendors who
entrust it to us as part of their business dealings with us. Associates may have access
not only to confidential information of the Company, but to confidential information
concerning the Company’s clients or business partners. No associate may ever (whether
during or after their employment with the Company), and each associate agrees not to,
disclose to any third party or use for any purpose other than the business of the
Company any confidential information acquired during the course of his employment
with the Company.

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Associates must take precautionary measures to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of

proprietary and confidential information. Accordingly, he should take steps to ensure that
business-related information, paperwork and documents are produced, copied, faxed,
filed, stored and discarded by means designed to minimize the risk that unauthorized
persons might obtain access to proprietary and confidential information. Associates
should also ensure that access to work areas and computers is properly controlled.

Associates should not discuss sensitive matters or confidential information in public

places such as elevators, hallways, restaurants, restrooms and public transportation and
great care should be taken when discussing sensitive matters on speakerphones.

F.1.2. Receiving Gifts

In no event may any associate accept any cash gifts or gifts of securities from anyone.
Non-cash gifts must be of “inconsiderable” value (but in no event more than US$200).
Gifts that have a value greater than such amount or that could influence or be
reasonably perceived to influence the associate’s judgment must be returned to the
donor as tactfully as possible, or where returning the gift is not possible or appropriate,
the gift should be turned over to the Company. Associates should always use good
judgment and discretion to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

Please refer to the “Policy on Business Conduct” booklet and the online policy on

“Code of Conduct” for more detailed description of our legal and ethical responsibilities.

F.2 Equal Opportunities

Nielsen is an equal opportunity employer. The Company acknowledges its legal and
moral obligation both in recruitment and in employment to offer equal opportunities to all
persons irrespective of race, sex, pregnancy, disability, marital status or familial status. It
is contrary to our legal and moral duties to discriminate against any person on the
grounds of any of these matters in respect of his terms and conditions of employment
and opportunities for training and promotion. The Company believes that everyone has
the right to work in an environment free of discrimination, harassment, vilification and
victimization. Such behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances. We also
acknowledge that this is a continuous on-going process which must be under constant
review. We are committed to extend both protections against discrimination and positive
action to all groups without restricting the generality of its obligations. If any associate
believe that he or any other associates have been unlawfully discriminated against,
harassed, vilified, victimized or otherwise treated unfairly, you are encouraged to report
the matter to the Department Head or Human Resources Department immediately.
Associates found to have engaged in unlawful behavior may be disciplined and, in
serious cases, dismissed.

F.2.1. Discrimination
Direct Discrimination is when one is treated less favorably because of one’s race, sex,
pregnancy, disability, marital status or family status.

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Indirect Discrimination is when one is treated the same way as everyone else but one
does not or cannot comply with a rule, condition or requirement of employment that
applies to everyone because of one’s race, sex, pregnancy, disability, marital status or
family status; and a higher proportion of people who do not have that characteristic do or
can comply with it, and there is NO VALID REASON for the rule or requirement.
However, it would not be an indirect discrimination if there were a valid reason for such a

F.2.2. Harassment
Harassment is behavior that is not welcome, not asked for and not returned, and which
is likely to cause an uncomfortable workplace by humiliating, seriously embarrassing,
offending or intimidating someone. All associates are responsible for their own actions
and should not engage in potentially offensive behavior. It is not necessary for the
person being harassed to tell you that they were humiliated or offended by the behavior.

Among different types of harassment (e.g. sexual, racial, etc.), sexual harassment is the
most common malpractice happening in workplaces. Below are some of the examples of
Sexual Harassment - to be more specific; the following examples are considered as
typical examples which may constitute disciplinary action:

 Unwelcome physical contact, such as hugging, kissing or touching

 Staring or leering

 Brushing up against the body

 Intrusive questions about one’s private life

 Sexually offensive gestures

 Obscene phone calls

 Indecent exposure

 Sexual assault

 Sexually suggestive comments or jokes

 Sexually explicit pictures or posters

 Insults or taunts based on sex

 Wolf whistling

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G. Security & Confidentiality

G.1 Associate ID/Access Card
All Associates will be issued an Associate Identity Card upon joining the Company. The
Associate Identity Card is the Company's property. This permits access whilst on duty in
the Company premises and the wearing of it at all times is mandatory. In case of loss
and damage of the Associate ID Card, it is the responsibility of the Associate to notify
the Human Resources Department immediately for a replacement card in which case an
administration fee US$5 will be charged.

G.2 Office Security/Visitor Policy

In order to protect reputation and that of its Associate from suspicion of involvement in
theft of goods, which are lost at some stages in the transportation chain, the Company
reserves the right to carry out from time to time a search of Associate when on leaving
the Company premises.

Also, all associates should co-operate in maintaining the highest level of security in the
office. Casual visitor should be avoided. Authorized visitors should register at reception
for visitor pass and be escorted by the associates. The Company has the right to expel
any unauthorized persons from the office premises. Overnight stay in the office is not

Meanwhile, cabinets and drawers should be locked after office hours. Important
documents files should be put into locked drawers or cabinets before leaving the office.

Any suspicious incidents and the removal of Company property out of the office
premises should be reported to your Department Head or Human Resources
Department immediately.

Anyone whose belongings have been stolen should advise Administration and Human
Resources Department promptly so that the proper authorities may be alerted and
appropriate actions could be taken.

Although the Company cannot accept liability for any loss or damage of personal
property whilst on Company premises, we will do our utmost to promote a secure

G.3 Safeguarding of Company Property

It is the responsibility of all associates to safeguard Company property. They should use
and maintain Company equipment, furniture or supplies of any kind properly in the way
that will safeguard them from theft, loss or damage. They should practice economy and
avoid wastage when using supplies of any kind.

Any suspected or actual theft, loss or damage of Company property should be reported

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H. Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure

H.1 Disciplinary Action
On occasions, the Company may be required to invoke disciplinary procedures which
are designed to protect the associates' interests as well as those of the Company and to
achieve and maintain efficient operational standards.

The disciplinary action taken will be determined by the performance standard or the
seriousness of the offence and by the existence of mitigating factors, if any.

If the associate is a member of the Trade Union formed under Nielsen Vietnam all
warnings must include the Trade Union representative, HR and employee.

H.1.1. Verbal Warning

Formal verbal warning will be given to the associate by the Department Head for a minor
offence or dissatisfactory performance and he will be advised of the consequences if
another breach of discipline occurs. A record of the conversation will be passed to the
Human Resources Department for record.

H.1.2 Written Warning

If the verbal warning proves ineffective and does not produce the required improvement
in conduct or performance or if another breach of discipline occurs, the associate will be
interviewed by the Department Head and he will be handed a warning letter which will
clearly state the reason for it being issued and which will give a fixed period in which an
improvement in conduct and/or performance must be made.

The associate concerned will be asked to countersign the record when warning is given.
Once written warning is given, it becomes a record in the associate's personal file.

The associate concerned will be advised of the consequences if an improvement is not

made and maintained or if there should be a further breach of discipline within the period
covered by the warning.

H.1.3. Final Written Warning

If an improvement is not made after the first written warning or if another breach of
discipline occurs, the Department Head work will with Human Resources Department to
issue a written final warning letter to the associate concerned which will give a specific
time limit for an improvement to be made.

The associate concerned will be advised that if the improvement is not made within the
time limit, he will be dismissed.

H.1.4. Dismissal
This means instant dismissal for the most serious offences. In such cases the associate
is only entitled to payment up to and including the date of the offence as specified in the

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Employment Ordinance. If the alleged offence is found to have occurred then the
associate concerned may be dismissed with or without notice, at the discretion of the
Company. No dismissal is to be initiated without prior consultation with and involvement
of Human Resources, Labour Union as well as Management's approval.

H.2 Grievance Procedure

The Company has established a structured grievance system to ensure fair treatment of
our associates. If an associate wish to seek advice on any matters relating to his work,
or to air a grievance in respect of any aspects of his conditions of employment, he
should, in the first instance, raise the matter with his immediate supervisor.

If the problem is not resolved satisfactorily, the associate may submit to his supervisor a
written request to discuss it with the next level of management. A copy of the written
request should be passed to the Human Resources Department.

In case the grievance may involve the associate’s immediate supervisor, he may contact
the next level of management. In extreme case, interviews with the Management can be

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I. Emergency Arrangement
I.1 Fire & Evacuation
In event of a fire, the fire alarms will ring. All Associates must leave the building in an
orderly manner by the nearest exit using staircases (DO NOT USE LIFTS). Please refer
to the below office layout for fire evacuation exit point.

Fire Evacuation Exit

I.1.1. Fire Precautions

You are reminded:

To identify the fire alarm glasses, extinguishers and exits at your workplace;

1. Not to smoke or use flames or heat without permission;

2. To prevent unnecessary keeping of paper or flammable materials such as wood,

solvents and prints;

3. Not to block the access to fire alarm glasses, extinguishers, emergency

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4. escape routes, or not to block or lock a door which is a fire exit; and

5. Not to cover up an electrical switch or gas valve.

I.1.2. during Evacuation


1. To evacuate to the assigned assembly point (back of centre point building);

2. To report to the departmental fire warden after arriving the assembly point;

3. To switch off all electrical equipment such as computer, photocopier and etc;

4. To leave the building in an orderly manner;

5. To use the nearest staircase;

6. To move swiftly without stopping to chat;

7. Not to go back to collect personal belongings;

8. Not to run; and

9. Not to re-enter the building until authorized.

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P1 – Travel & Entertainment

P2 – Account Code for Using Telephone in Company

P3 – Internet, Computer, Software and IT- related Policy

P4 – Disciplinary Procedures, Security and Workplace Safety

P5 – English training assistance policy

P6 – Termination policy

P7 – No Name policy

P8 – Regional Employee Referral Policy

P9 – Computer Loss & Stolen Policy

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P.1 Travel & Entertainment policy

Policy It is ACNielsen’s policy to reimburse Associates for all reasonable and

necessary expenses incurred in the course of conducting authorized
business on behalf of the Company.

This policy consists of the following sections:

9. Expense Claims
10. Air Travel
11. Accommodation
12. Meals and Entertainment
13. Other Business Expenses
14. Non-reimbursable Expenses
15. Responsibility

This policy is intended to set out the standard procedures and regulations
that apply to all Nielsen Vietnam associates to ensure proper and consistent
method of establishing the need, defining and approving reimbursable
business-related travel, associated entertainment and taxi usage etc.

Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Managing Director.

Applicable to All full time associates of Nielsen Vietnam.

Effective date October 6th, 2003

SUBJECT: Procedures and Policies: Travel & Entertainment


Submission All expense claims should be submitted for reimbursement in a timely

manner, generally within one month of the expense. Timely submissions as
well as accuracy of expense claims are the responsibility of each associate.

Proper and original receipts must be submitted to support expense

reimbursement and it should be noted that sight of these is often required by
local Tax authorities in the course of their annual audit.

Credit cards are not considered adequate supporting documents and should
be supplemented by original vendor invoices.

Only actual expense may be claimed.

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Authorization All expense claims require “one-over-one” approval.

16. Staff: to be approved by Department Heads

17. Directors: to be approved by Managing Director

In the case of a non-director Department Head, final approval of Managing

Director is required. In the case Managing Director, local Finance Director
should review and acknowledge compliance with this policy.

Document Minimum supporting documents will be submitted with reimbursement

Requirements request sufficient to meet the requirements of local tax authorities:

All attempts must be made to get official receipts for all expenditure
submitted for reimbursement. The company recognizes that obtaining
receipts in certain countries / areas can be difficult. Please take every
effort to obtain receipts. All expenses must include an explanation in the
expense report, in particular:

18. Receipts must establish the amount, date, and description of the
expenditure. If receipts are in a language other than English or
Vietnamese, a hand written notation on the receipt is required,

19. Auto rental and lodging expenses must be supported by bills / invoices,
not just credit card slips,

20. Entertainment claims must include the business reason, business

relationship, names and titles of persons entertained.

Where receipts are not available a written document must be submitted

outlining the nature of the expense, timing, amount and purpose etc. For
example, Taxi from Office to Colgate, Presentation, September 18th,
45,000 VND please note that the amount claimed should represent the
actual expense.

SUBJECT: Procedures and Policies: Travel & Entertainment


Approval It is the responsibility of each Associate to secure appropriate approval prior

to making business travel arrangements.
21. Staff: to be approved by Department Heads
22. Directors: to be approved by Managing Director
For traveling overseas, the request for International Travel Form must be
filled out completely, including the purpose of the travel.

In the case of a non-director Department Head, final approval of Managing

Director is required. The only exception is project-related travel, which is in
line with the pre-approved budget.

Ticket Tickets should be purchased through the local preferred Travel Agency; the
Purchase Administration team is responsible for purchasing tickets, in the case of air
travel this ticket will be purchased from the lowest cost vendor.

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Air Travel All associates must use Economy class when total flying time is less than 8
hours, excluding layover time at connecting points, and a client meeting is
scheduled within 12 hours of arrival.

All associates may only fly Business class when total flying time exceeds 8
hours, excluding layover time at connecting points, and a client meeting is
scheduled within 12 hours of arrival.

Upgrades at the expense of the Company are not permitted.

Frequent Associates may retain frequent flyer program benefits. Participation in these
Flyer programs must not influence flight selection or a fare purchase, which would
Programs result in incremental cost to the Company beyond the lowest logical airfare
determined by the preferred local Travel Agency.

Administration fees charged by Frequent Flyer Programs are not


Traveling Before traveling, associates should apply and receive a cash advance from
Expense/ the Finance team; the amount provided will be calculated based on the
Allowance duration / destination of the trip. Only actual expense supported by invoices
will be reimbursed on return to the office.

SUBJECT: Procedures and Policies: Travel & Entertainment


Hotel All associates regardless of grade / department are required to stay at the
approved corporate hotels in major the major cities. These hotels are listed in
the appendix. The Company will arrange direct payment to the hotels for all
business expense / deposits etc.

In case associates travel to cities with no corporate hotels, actual expense

for accommodation will be reimbursed.

Associates may accept room upgrades to suites or executive floor rooms if

the upgrade is at no additional cost to the company. Associates staying a
week or longer should ask the Administration team to inquire about weekly or
long-term discounts.

Associates may retain frequent guest program benefits. Participation in these

programs must not influence a hotel selection, which would result in
incremental cost to the company beyond the lowest negotiated rates
available to the Company.

Laundry and On trips of 3 days and longer in duration, the company will pay normal and
other expense reasonable laundry charge.

The company will cover the cost for the provision of soft drinks and water
while staying in the hotel, associates are asked to be aware that hotel tends
to charge an unreasonable rate for these products.

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Alcoholic beverages from the mini bar, spar or other entertainment expenses
are not reimbursable.

Telephone When traveling, Associates will be reimbursed for all business related calls.

Detailed listing, purpose and associate / client contacted must be submitted

along with the hotel receipt or on the relevant mobile phone statement.

Associates are encouraged to use the most economical mode of

communication and try to avoid using the hotel switchboard to place long
distance telephone calls. It is preferred to use a long distance phone card if
available or mobile phones if the rate is preferential.

One personal call per day of no longer than 5 minutes will also be
reimbursed. Personal long distance telephone calls which are emergency in
nature exceeding the five minutes per day guideline will be considered on a
case by case basis.

Telephone calls made from airplanes are not allowed.

SUBJECT: Procedures and Policies: Travel & Entertainment

Meal Expense When traveling on company business:

23. Associates will be reimbursed for breakfast, lunch and dinner expenses,
based on actual expense, the associate should spend reasonable
amounts for meals, and all excessive expenditure will be reviewed on a
case by case basis to determine reimbursement.

24. No duplication of claims on meals is allowed in case the cost of such

meals is included in the total cost of a meeting package / accommodation

Client entertainment:

25. Meals taken with clients and prospects during which a specific business
discussion takes place will be reimbursed according to reasonable and
actual cost. Reimbursement of this expense requires written approval of
the Managing Director.

Associates entertainment:

10. Meals taken with associates during which a specific business discussion
or celebration takes place will be reimbursed according to reasonable
and actual cost. Reimbursement of this expense requires written
approval of the Managing Director.

Prudent judgment should be used to ensure expense claims and expenditure

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is reasonable and professional – excessive expenditure when entertaining a

client / associate often does not create a professional business image.

Other Client Client Entertainment expenses will be reviewed on a case by case basis and
Entertainment approved by the Managing Director.

Prudent judgment should be used to ensure expense claims and expenditure

is reasonable and professional – excessive expenditure when entertaining a
client / associate often does not create a professional business image.

Entertainment of existing / potential clients, and/or other outside party should

have a specific business purpose, and be in a setting appropriate to that
purpose. The name and title of the person entertained, as well as the
business nature of the expense should be documented on the expense
reimbursement claim.

When more than one Associate is present at a business meal, the most
senior level Associate should pay the bill and submit it for reimbursement.

Associates Associate entertainment will be allowed to motivate and enhance the working
Entertainment environment and team relationships. All Associate entertainment expenses
require written approval of the Managing Director.

Expense should be kept at a reasonable level.

SUBJECT: Procedures and Policies: Travel & Entertainment


Airport Associates traveling to the same location should share ground transportation to and
Transfer & from the airport whenever possible.
Transportatio Reasonable use of taxis is permitted, and use of local public transportation is
n encouraged when the Associate is not accompanying a client.

Local transportation within the area is reimbursable provided that it is reasonable in


Private cars may be rented provided they are more economic than use of taxis or
other means of transport and approved in advance.

Passport/visa Any fees for obtaining passports or visas required for business travel will be

Customs Expenses for excess baggage and duties levied on business-related items are
duties/tips/ reimbursable.
baggage All duties and excess baggage charges for personal items are not reimbursable.

Associates are expected to comply with all legal customs requirements, and the
Company bears no liability for any difficulties encountered due to non-compliance
with local laws.

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Usage of The receptionists and/or the security guards are responsible for the availability of
Taxi these cards. Please contact the above personnel when you need to use a taxi.
Receipt(s) 26. Order the number of blank receipts that you need to use. Each blank receipt
will be numbered and printed with the account code of Nielsen - Vietnam.
27. Sign off the Taxi Logbook when you receive the blank receipt(s). Each blank
receipt will have two copies:
28. The white copy should be returned to the Company.
29. The VINA taxi driver would keep the blue copy.
30. Return the white copy of the receipt(s) to the personnel in charge after your trip
and sign off the Taxi Logbook at that time. Employees will be held responsible
for missing receipts. Please note that used receipt(s) must be returned before
you request new blank one(s)
31. At the end of each month, please return any unused receipts to the receptionist
for payment reconciliation with the vendor.

Mobile Phone It is recommended that mobile phone be used only when access to a landline is not
Usage possible or limited.
32. Managers and above, who use their own mobile phones for business related
calls, will be reimbursed according to the following options, whichever is higher:
1. A maximum allowance of VND 200,000 per month upon submission of a
mobile phone bill; or
2. A full reimbursement of business related calls upon submission of a
mobile phone bill with the business related calls highlighted
33. For all other associates, who use their own mobile phones for business related
calls, these expenses will be reimbursed upon submission of a mobile phone bill
with the business related calls highlighted.

All the above must be submitted via the monthly expense claim with proper
approval within 30 days from the date when the expense was incurred. Late
submission will not be processed.

SUBJECT: Procedures and Policies: Travel & Entertainment


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Non- Associates will not be reimbursed for the following miscellaneous expenses:
Expenses 11. Annual fees for personal charge.
12. any airline, hotel club or frequent flyer membership dues
13. barbers and hairdressers
14. clothing
15. corporate card delinquency fees/finance charges
16. excess baggage charges
17. expenses for travel companions or baby-sitting fees unless prior approval
is given re events requiring spouse participation
18. expenses related to vacation or personal days while on a business trip
19. golf fees, when not part of client entertainment or a company event
20. gum, candy, cigarettes or other tobacco products
21. helicopter services for airport transfer
22. in-flight telephone charges for personal call
23. luggage and briefcases
24. magazines, books, newspapers
25. “no show” charges for hotel or car service
26. optional travel, baggage or personal accident insurance over and above
insurance coverage provided by the company
27. parking or traffic tickets or fines
28. personal entertainment, including sports events
29. personal telegrams
30. postage costs, postcards
31. rental car upgrades
32. shoeshine
33. souvenirs/personal gifts
34. toiletries, such as toothpaste, toothbrush, etc
35. transportation to/from home and normal office

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SUBJECT: Procedures and Policies: Travel & Entertainment


Associates The Associate is responsible for:

Reviewing the company policy prior to business travel.

Verifying that all expenses submitted for reimbursement are proper
according to the company’s policy.
Submitting expense reports to the Finance department within 30 days from
the day expenses incurred.
Breaking out all charges as indicated on the expense report.
Labeling each receipt individually to match with claim stated on the report.
Attaching all documentation in order to the expense report. Any
documentation missing for required items will not be reimbursed.

Finance Dept. The Finance department is responsible for:

Examining all business expense reports to determine compliance with the

company policy. If an expense report is not in compliance, the non-policy
item(s) will be deducted and the remaining expenses will be processed.
Any exception requires written approval of the Managing Director.
Processing to reimburse the business expenses for the Associates in a
timely manner.
Coding the expenses to the appropriate department.

Approved by Original Policy approved by Paul Richmond, Managing Director, dated

October 6th 2003.
Revision of Mobile Phone Usage (page #6) approved by Paul Richmond,
dated March 2nd 2004, effective date March 2nd 2004.
Revision of Usage of Taxi Receipt(s) (page #6) approved by Chris Morley,
dated July 25th 2006, effective date Sep 1st 2006.
Revision of Mobile Phone Usage (page #6) approved by Chris Morley, dated
Jan 24th 2007, effective date Jan 24th 2007.

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P.2 Business Class Policy

Policy Business related travel with flying time less than 10 hours (excluding layover
time at connecting points) should fly on Economy Class only. When total
flying time exceeds 10 hours (excluding layover time at connecting points),
the Employee may elect one of the following options:

1.Travel by Business Class; or

2. Travel by Economy Class, and the Company will provide the Employee
with the following cash incentive:

Local currency per trip

Australia AUD 1200

Bangladesh BDT 51,000
India INR 40,000
Indonesia IDR 11,000,000
Thailand THB 27,000
Vietnam USD 750

In the case where the Employee elects for the cash incentive option, the cash
payment will be considered as part of the employee compensation, and the
related income tax will be become by the Employee similar to other employee
compensation payments.

This policy is subject to review by APIMEA Management Team from time to


Effective date 20 February, 2009

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P.3 Account Code for Using Telephone in

Purpose Telephone utilization in professional manner within Nielsen Company.

Scope All company associates.

Responsibility Directors, Department Heads and Human Resources Department

Effective Date December 1st, 2003

Policy All associates will be provided account code and the guidelines
regarding to how to make an international/provinces/mobile phone call
by November 30th, 2003.

Department Heads will receive a telephone bill for each associate on a

monthly basis, enabling them to ensure their associates are using the
telephone in professional manner.

For any individuals’ phone bill, the individual may be asked to justify
unreasonable levels of personal calls which have occurred during the month.
These calls may be charged to the associate if they are felt to be
unreasonable – e.g. high levels of international/provinces/mobile calls to
family and friends.

This policy is not intended to stop personal calls, as reasonable levels of

personal calls are both acceptable and normal practice in any business.
However, we want to ensure awareness of these calls and that people utilize
the company’s facilities in a professional manner.

Approved by Paul Richmond, Managing Director, dated November 27th, 2003

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P.4 Internet, Computer, Software and IT- related

Background Information Technology properties of Nielsen Vietnam.
34. The Company owns a pool of Desktop PCs and laptop computers. These
are allocated to employees to be used for work-related activities.
35. The Company’s Leased line is used for both Internet access and e-mail

This document establishes the policy pertaining to:

36. The protection of the properties listed above
37. The enhancement of our communications, and
38. The commitment that the use of our software complies with the
Intellectual Properties Law

Policy This policy was created to provide guidelines and advices regarding the
efficient use of company owned resources (hardware and software).

This policy contains the following sections:

39. Internet
40. Computers and software
41. Email
42. Shared Laptops
43. UPS
44. Projector
45. Back-up
46. Anti-virus
47. System Security

Scope All employees and contractors having access to the Company’s computers
and network.

Effective Date 1st July 2006

1. Internet Employees and contractors using company’s computers and network are
NOT allowed to do the following:
1. Download any non business related software (zipped /executable files)
2. Play on-line games
3. Play PC games from unknown source or unlicensed software
4. During working hours (excluding lunch time), Internet access should be
limited only to business-related activities.

2. Computers Employees and contractors using company’s computers are NOT allowed to
and software install software that is not approved. The list of these applications and
software should be revised and updated quarterly. Details are in the
Appendix A. The IST Department will inform everyone when a revision to
this Appendix is made.

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IST\IT_ Policy APPENDIX A License SW 04-07-2006.xls

The use of unlicensed software (including shareware and freeware) is strictly

prohibited. Please inform the IST Department prior to installing any software
that may be required for specialized tasks.

Each computer should have only one standard Media player and Web
browser (preferably applications from Microsoft).

Personal files in local drives should be limited to a maximum of 1 GB for

each user. These personal files are NOT to be stored on the company’s
network storage. Users are responsible for the management of these
personal storage spaces, including the zipping, backup and deletion of old
and unused files.

3. Email Nielsen’s E-mail system is to be used for business only. Each mailbox
storage limit is set as follows:
Issue warning at 190 MB
Prohibit send at 210 MB
Prohibit send and receive at 220 MB
(At this level, all messages sent to the user’s inbox will be rejected until
storage space can be freed-up in that inbox either through deletion or backup
of old e-mails.)

These settings are found to be optimal since a lower limit would entail more
frequent management of the inbox by the users. A higher limit, on the other
hand, would impose a higher load on the system, especially during the
backup and restore processes.

Optimal communication is the absolute prerequisite for our business.

Electronic Mail represents a large part of that communication. We stress the
importance of the contribution from each user in maintaining this system
through the frequent and diligent maintenance of his/her inbox.

The e-mail system is a Company resource, and as such, the Company

reserves the right to inspect, monitor, or record any electronic
communications. E-mail may be retained after an employee departs
from the company.

Full details of the Enterprise Exchange E-mail policy are in the

Appendix B.

IST\E-Mail Policy.doc

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4. Shared All files downloaded/reports copied onto shared laptop computers should be
laptop removed prior to returning them to the IST department. It is the responsibility
of the employee checking-out these laptop computers to return them in the
exact same condition that they were received.

5. UPS UPS are used to supply power to the PCs during temporary power outage.
Uninterrupted They should be switched off at the end of the work day to ensure their
power maximum life-span.

6. Projector To ensure the availability of projectors, all employees are required to reserve
them at least two working hours in advance.

Every projector has the same power extension bar and plug-in adapters and
they should work on any type of power outlet.

7. File Back- Data files stored on the network drives are scheduled to be backed-up once
up every business day at around 10:00PM. It is recommended that users save
their files regularly while working and close these files when leaving their
work stations.

8. Anti-virus The anti-virus program should be set to scan for viruses 3 times a week in
order to protect the integrity of our network.

As viruses can be transmitted via e-mail’s attachment, the Internet, floppy

disks and USB hard drives, these devices and/or medium should be scanned
prior to access.

9. System Users should not disclose or let others access the network using their
security passwords.
For new users: Please contact the IST department for help in setting your
password at your first network login.
For existing users: An auto reminder will prompt you to change your
passwords periodically.

Responsibility Each individual user is responsible for the observation of and compliance
with the above guidelines.

The IST department is responsible for the monitoring and auditing of the
system on a quarterly basis. The maintenance and auditing of software
licenses will remain a priority. All corrective actions and suggestions will be
recorded and reported for review by the board of management.

Approved by Chris Morley, Managing Director, dated 1st July 2006.

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P.5 Disciplinary Procedures, Security and

Workplace Safety
Disciplinary Procedures
If you do not follow Nielsen policies, the following procedures will be used:

Step Action
A minor offense, e.g. being late to work with no Verbal Warning
reason given
In the first instance of a more serious offense Formal Written Verbal
After repeated instance of minor offenses Formal Written Verbal
Act of theft, embezzlement, disclosure of Dismissal
technological and business secrets or other acts
causing severe losses to the property and
interests of the undertaking
Habitually neglects his/her duties despite a written Dismissal
Convicted of a criminal offense Dismissal
Absent for a total of 7 days per month or 20 days Dismissal
per year without legitimate reasons

Verbal warning (time under discipline is 3 months) for employee’s minor offence
such as:
48. Non-observance of regulations provided in working hours, Order in the company,
Safety and Hygiene of Employees at the workplace.
49. Sleeping during working hours in the Company premise
50. Misuse or mishandling of Company equipment and properties.
51. Poor work attitude such as laziness, negligence and inefficiency.
52. Noon or poor quality performance versus individual RMS objectives.
53. Unprofessional behavior, deviation from Nielsen Core Value / Core Purposes
54. Distribution or exhibiting handbills, pamphlets, posters or literature of any kind within
the Company’s premise without permission of Management.
55. Use, keep any Company’s keys, tools and/or equipment without permission
56. Viewing or propagating pornography in forms of photos, pictures during working
hours or out of working hours in company’s premise

Written warning (time under discipline is 3 months) for employee’s offence such
57. To associate who has received a verbal warning violates any of the provisions
stipulate above within 3 months from the discipline effected date
58. Absence from work two days / month without prior permission from manager
59. Misuse of working time for personal purpose
60. Any conduct that causes minor injury to others or damage to the company properties
which are valued below 5 million dong
61. Changing or deleting any notice/ announcement/ bulletin on the Notice board or
anywhere else within Company’s premise without Management’s permission

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62. Dangerous tricks/ actions in the Company are strictly forbidden

63. Overuse of Company telephone for personal purpose
64. To violate Company email policy such as frequent email and internet usage for
personal purposes or distribution of illegal/unauthorized/ copyrighted materials

Disciplinary measures as having his pay increase deferred or being transferred to

another position with lower pay or being demoted (to be void and null after 6
months) for employee’s serious offence (causing definitely serious damage to
Company) such as:
65. To associate who has received a written warning violates any of the provisions
stipulated above within 3 months from the discipline effected date
66. Any conduct causes serious injury to others or to the damage of Company properties
which is equivalent to or over 5 million dong
67. Any kinds of gambling in Company premise
68. Possessing, using and working under the influence of exciter such as alcohol or
drugs in Company premise
69. Non-performance of the company urgently required or continuously proven incapable
of performing the work required
70. Failing to inform immediately any loss and damages on Company properties and
provide incorrect information when investigated
71. Being rash in one’s speech and/or any other conduct which may seriously damage
the reputation of company
72. Contact Company’s clients, suppliers to do personal business in the company
73. Provide false information records and details about Company, Company’s guests
and other employees
74. Impolite, improper behavior, rude, rough of different, which includes using abusive
languages, incorrect information and talks, or with malicious intent or hurt the
Company’s guests and other employees
75. Act as the main doer or supporter or persuade other employees not to comply with
the Company’s or instructions of the Department Head
76. Distribute, print, read, take documents, materials which are not belong to his/her
works without permission from the Department Head

Dismissal immediately is applied for employees’ offence that causes very serious
consequences On Company’s property and interest such as:
77. Employee who is under discipline of salary raise extension or job transfer in lower
salary scale or dismissal violates any of the provisions stipulated above within 6
months from the discipline affected date
78. Failing to comply with any of the provisions of “Employee Confidentiality, Proprietary
Rights and Conflicts Agreement”
79. To violate Company policy in the use of electronic technology such as Company
confidential documents delivery without permission
80. Misuse of business expenses, Company properties for personal purposes
81. Financial misconduct e.g. expense claims, mis-allocation of funds, receiving
incentive/ gifts from suppliers/ clients
82. An employee who commits an act of theft anything which is belong to clients,
colleagues or Company such as information, embezzlement, dishonesty including
demanding, offering and/or accepting for an illegal gratification
83. Depress, threaten, quarrel and fight causing injuries, physical bodily harm,
harassment or damages to other employees

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84. Employees who has been absent for a total 5 days/ month or 20 days/ years without
prior permission from Manager
85. Use and sales, which includes possession stimulant such as alcohol, drugs and/or
pornography in the Nielsen Vietnam
86. Bringing to the Nielsen Vietnam lethal weapon/ equipment, inflammables

The above list is not exhaustive. Items not shown in the list will be investigates and dealt
with case-to-case

Employees who have been dismissed are not allowed to be re-employed who has
received the written warning letter which is still under valid term.

Security and Confidentiality of Company Business and

Information and Property
Employees are to strictly comply with all provisions of the “Employee Confidentiality,
Proprietary Rights and Conflicts Agreement” agreed to by all employees on the first
working date with Nielsen.

Materials Responsibility
1. An employee, who causes losses and/or damage to Nielsen tools/equipments
property entrusted to him/her, shall be held liable to pay compensation in
accordance with the provisions of the law for the damages incurred. The value of
the property is assessed based on the initial value minus depreciation.

2. If the damage is caused through negligence and is not serious in nature, the
maximum compensation may not exceed three months of an employee’s salary,
and shall be deducted gradually. Every deduction shall not exceed 30% of the
monthly salary (the level of damage considered not serious is for damage less
than 5 million Vietnam dongs).

3. In cases of force majeure, no compensation is due.

Safety and Hygiene in the Workplace

87. All employees have to comply with regulations on safety and hygiene at the

88. Employees are required to have an annual health check-up arranged and paid for by

89. Wherever personal injury is likely to happen, the employee is to immediately inform
the relevant person and the security guards.

90. Employees have the responsibility to keep their working area clean and tidy at all

91. Whenever you have to leave your working station, such as when you go out for lunch,
go home, attend a meeting or go on leave, please clear all papers from your desk

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and lock away confidential information. Ensuring all equipment/devices is turned off
before leaving the office.

92. No smoking in the Company premises is allowed

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P.6 English training assistance policy

Purpose To provide support for employees to obtain training in the English language,
if English skill is important to the job requirement.

Scope All Nielsen Associates

Policy 1. All nominated employees for English classes must sit a placement test to
determine his/her level for English competency.

2. English classes will be available internally at the Nielsen office for

employees graded at level Beginner, Elementary and Intermediate.

3. Employees who have passed the placement test and are ADVANCE
level plus identified as a High Potentials will be eligible to attend external
English course/s suitable to his/her level from any English training
providers of their choice but it will be limited up to 280USD.

4. The employee will submit the Training Requisition form together with
full details of the course to his/her manager for approval. Send the
approved documents to the HR Department.

5. Upon approval, the employee will obtain a cash advance from the
Finance Department via the normal advance procedure to pay the tuition.
The invoice should be sent to HR within one week after receiving cash
advance for filing.

6. Upon completion of the course, the employee will be requested to submit

a certificate of completion or the pass result of the final exam to clear the

7. Failure of step (5) will not qualify the employee for further training
assistance. In such cases, the advance still remains outstanding by the

8. Those who leave the company prior to completion of the course or fail in
the final exam have to reimburse the tuition fee to the company.

9. By the end of course, those who attended <90% of the course’s time will
not qualify for further English training course in the year.

Effective  This policy is prepared by the HR Department and approved by the

date Managing Director. Effective date will be from November 18th,
 Policy updated by HR Department February 17th, 2009.

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P.7 Termination policy

Purpose The company or employee may renounce its intention to terminate an
employment contract prior to the expiry of the notice period. Upon expiration
of the notice period, either party shall have the right to terminate the contract.

This policy contains the following sections:

93. Voluntary resignation
94. Involuntary resignation

Scope All employees

Effective Date 20th September 2007

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Policy Voluntary Resignation

Notice Period
When terminating the an employment contract the employer must give the
 at least three days notice for the employees under a contract for
seasonal work or a specific task of less than one year
 at least 30 working day notice for the employees under a definite term
 at least 45 working day notice for the employees under an indefinite
term contract

Final Payment
 unused annual leave: monthly salary/22 x number of pro-data untaken
 Severance allowance: half a month's salary for each year of service.
 If the associate has requested to be released earlier than the notice
period listed above and it has not been approved by the company:
 He/she must pay the company compensation equal to the amount of
wage corresponding to the day of notice given.
 Will be liable to pay compensation for training costs that the employer
has incurred.
 No severance allowance is applicable

Involuntary Resignation

Termination by company
The company shall have the right to terminate the employment contract in
the following cases in accordance to Article 85 of the Labour Code:

1. Where an employee commits an act of theft, bribery, disclosure of

business or technology secrets, or other business detrimental to the
assets or well-being of the enterprise;
a) Embezzlement of company/other employees funds
b) The commission by the employee of any felony of any misdemeanor
involving moral turpitude.
c) Any form of gambling
d) Forgery / falsified information
2. Where an employee who is disciplined and assigned to another job
commits other offences during the period when he is on trial.
3. Where an employee takes seven (7) days off in one month or twenty (20)
days off in one with without proper reasons.

On dismissal of an employee the Company will notifiy the displinary decision

to the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs within 10 days after
dismissing the employee.


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Termination of policy under the above situation

1) Verbal warning
2) Written warning
3) Postpone wage promotion no more than six months or transfer to another
position with lower wage for maximum duration of (6) months or de-
DismissalNote: Associates who have been dismissed are not allowed to be
re-employed by Nielsen Vietnam. No performance bonus of job promotion
will be effective for any employee who has been issued with a written letter of

The company shall terminate the contract under the following reasons;
1. The contract expires
2. The work under the contract has been completed
3. Mutual agreement to terminate the contract
4. The employee is sentenced to imprisonment of is prohibited from
resuming the former employment by a decision of the court
5. The employee dies of is declared missing by the court

Termination policy: will apply the same terms and conditions of the
voluntary termination cases.

This is based on the mutual agreement between the employee and the
company. The company will meet the requirements of the labor laws of
If the employee has been employed for one year or more and becomes
redundant as a result of structural or technological change, the company will
provide training for continued employment in new jobs.
If no new jobs are available and the employment must be terminated the
company will pay a loss of employment allowance at the rate of one months
salary for each year of service but no less than two months.

The company will pay a monthly retirement when the employee meets the
required conditions in respect to age and period of social insurance
contribution as follows:
 60 year of age for male workers, and 55 years of age for female
 The required period of social insurance contribution shall be 20 years
or more.
 Employees who do not meet either of the above requirements (a) or
(b) may be entitled to a monthly retirement pension at a lower rate.

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Note: During the year prior to retirement, older workers are entitled to reduce
daily hours of work or part-time work.
If employees wish to continue to work after retirement an agreement must be
made with the company under a new contract.

Death in Service
 Compensation from the Insurance company
 Death following accident: 12 months salary
 Death following illness: VND70,000,000
 Compensation from Social Insurance (Government)
 Funeral expenses: VND4,500,000 (10 months of minimum salary)
 One off death allowance: 1.5 months of the average monthly salary
for every working year.

Approved by Chris Morley, Managing Director, dated 20th September, 2007.

Updated by Tanya Johnston, Associate Director HR, dated 8th November 2011

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P.8 No Name policy

Background The No Name Policy of Nielsen Vietnam was established to pertaining:
The protection and privacy of employees,
The enhancement of our communications, and
Minimize interruption to our business

Policy This is a policy that would help receptionists and team assistants in
managing telephone calls. Often we receive cold calls from various parties
(i.e.: insurance sales, headhunters and general sales) that have no legitimate
business relationship with The Nielsen Company. The objective of this policy
is to minimize the interruption created by these parties to our associates and

Scope Nielsen receptionist and team assistants

Effective Date 11th September 2007

Policy Receptionist role – is to screen out cold callers for employees

Switched board receives an external call

Caller asking for names/emails/telephone numbers of associates

Request for callers name, company and company telephone number

Pass message back to relevant department assistant to follow up

Receptionist should not provide information–such as emails, phone numbers
and names of employees except Directors.

(At times cold callers will try to give you their mobile number instead. Please
ensure that you have got their business number as well in such scenario.)

Critical information that not should be given out to outsiders by receptionists:

names and titles of associates
department names and any Nielsen Company acronym
direct telephone numbers and extension (Except Directors if the caller knows
their name)
information related to organizational chart

Calls for Directors

Receptionist will have read only access to Director’s outlook calendars. If
someone calls and they request specifically to speak to a director. Follow the
following steps;
Check the Director’s calendar, If the Director is overseas or out of the office
Advise the caller that the Director is ‘overseas’ or ‘out of the office’
Offer the caller one of the following option
Put the caller through to voicemail

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Provide a mobile number

Or Put through to HR to take a message

Suggested Phrases for receptionist:

phrases C) If caller would like to speak to someone within the company without a
specific name
R) May I know what issue is this related to? Can I please have your name,
company and telephone number? I will get the relevant colleague to get
back to you as soon as possible.

C) If caller gets tough and cannot quote a name and he/she is telling you that
it is an urgent matter and need to speak to someone now.
R) I am sorry but we have a no name policy and if you do not know who you
like to speak to, I do not have the access right to transfer telephone calls.
Please leave your name, company and telephone number and I will get the
relevant colleague to get back to you as soon as possible.

C) If caller get too tough and the situation is starting to get out of hand.
R) Please wait and I will transfer your call to Human Resources.

C) If the caller is asking for a specific director (Mr Chris Morley) and Chris is
overseas or out of the office
R) I am sorry Mr Morley is currently overseas / out of the office can I put you
through to his voicemail or would you like to have their mobile number.

Approved by Chris Morley, Managing Director, dated 11th September, 2007.

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P.9 Regional Employee Referral Program policy

Purpose The Employee Referral Program – Asia Pacific encourages and rewards
employees who refer talented potential candidates to the Company

Scope All company associates.

Responsibility Directors, Department Heads and Human Resources Department

Effective Date August 31st, 2007

Policy The Nielsen Company recognizes that our employees are a valuable
recruiting resource armed with invaluable information about our organization,
its culture and values. The Employee Referral Program – Asia Pacific
encourages and rewards employees who refer talented potential candidates
to the Company. If a referred applicant is successful in gaining employment
with The Nielsen Company and remains with the Company beyond the
eligibility period, the referring employee (introducer) will receive a referral
bonus. Please note that Nielsen Japan will not be participating in this
Employee Referral Program.

Positions covered by the program

All permanent full time position will be entitled to the Referral Bonus. Please
see below for the bonus and title chart.

Bonus chart
Country Currency Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D
Australia AUD
2,300 1,600 1,100 550
2,100 1,500 1,000 500
Japan JPN
280,000 190,000 100,000 50,000
Malaysia MR
2,400 1,300 600 300
Thailand THB
39,000 20,000 7,000 3,000
Singapore SGD
2,000 1,200 600 300
Indonesia IDR
6,500,000 3,200,000 1,500,000 550,000
Philippines PHP
35,000 18,000 7,000 3,000
Vietnam USD
600 400 200 50
Nepal NPR
6,200 4,200 2,200 880
India INR
22,000 17,000 9,000 2,500
Bangladesh BDT
12,000 7,500 3,500 1,400
Sri Lanka LKR
20,000 12,000 5,000 1,800
China RMB
10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000
16,000 10,000 5,000 2,500

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Taiwan TWD
35,000 18,000 11,000 5,500
Korea KRW
1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 250,000
(*) Japan will run a stand alone reward program

Titles chart
Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D
AC Nielsen Associate Director Senior Manager / Senior Executive / Auditor / Interviewer /
and above Manager Executive / Team Operation Assistant /
Assistant / Executive Clerk / Receptionist /
Secretary Secretary / Driver /
General Service Assistant
/ Messenger
BASES Director and above Manager / Associate Senior Analyst / Shipping Coordinator
Manager Analyst / Senior
Project Developer /
Project Developer /
Senior Diagnostic

Analytic Consulting Director and above Senior Manager / Senior Analyst /

Manager Analyst / Senior
Consultant /
Nielsen Media Research Associate Director Senior Manager / Senior Supervisor / Clerk (Data Entry/Data
and above Manager / Associate Supervisor / Assistant Collection/Data
Manager / Assistant Supervisor / Team Processing) / Senior Clerk
Manager Leader / Senior / Encoder / Interviewers /
Executive / Executive Research Assistant
/ Coordinator

Nielsen NetRatings Senior Engineer, Engineer / Associate Manager / Specialist Executive / Clerk /
Managing Director, Director / Business / Analyst / Accountant Assistant
Regional Director and Development Director / / Controller
above Senior Manager / Senior
Specialist / Senior Analyst
/ Technical Lead / Senior
Accountant / Senior

1. The bonus amount for each location is based on the cost of hiring and
level of difficulty in hiring.
2. Please consult with your local HR which plan does the advertised
(hiring) position belongs to when title is not included in the above
3. In case of overseas referrals, the successful introducer will receive
the relevant bonus according to the location where the job is based.
Who can apply
The Employee Referral Program applies to all permanent employees of The
Nielsen Company within Asia Pacific with the exception of:
4. Members of the Human Resources department
5. Executive Directors and above
6. Those who involves in the hiring process
7. Those who have direct or indirect supervisory responsibility of the
open position.
8. Employees working in Japan.

How to refer someone

Step 1
Search the current live vacancies on our web site or look out for the monthly
“Career Opportunities” internal email from Asia Pacific Communications.
Click on the Adobe version to pick for a suitable one to read in more detail

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and refer your friend

Step 2
Complete the Employee Referral Form and email it to the relevant Human
Resources together with the resume of the person whom you are referring.

Terms and 9. This program is open to current The Nielsen Company employees
Conditions only.
10. At the time of payment you must be currently employed with The
Nielsen Company and must not be serving notice of resignation or
11. The introducer will receive the referral bonus after the employee they
have referred completes six (6) months of service and successfully
completes probation whichever occurs later.
12. This Referral Bonus will be paid through the payroll system within a
reasonable timeframe and subject to tax.
13. The fee is only payable for successful permanent full time positions.
14. Only one payment is applicable per candidate introduced.
15. The Nielsen Company may refuse a nomination at its own discretion.
16. If the applicant commences employment but leaves within the
eligibility period then payment will not be made.
17. Employees who refer candidates that have already been identified
through other recruitment means such as, but not limited to,
recruitment agency or advertisement will not be eligible for the referral
18. Only applicants whose resume is forwarded with a referral form will
be considered under the scheme.
19. All referral resumes/applications are eligible for six (6) months from
the date of receipt by Human Resources.
20. The Nielsen Company reserves the right to alter or terminate the
program and amend the terms and conditions at any time. In case of
dispute, the decision of The Nielsen Company shall be final.

Approved by Chris Morley, Managing Director, dated September 7th, 2007

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P.10 Computer Loss/Stolen Policy

Policy No. IST002 11-2008

Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide a consistent approach in handling of

lost or stolen of computer by employee.
 Loss of the computer equipment will have great impact on information
security. Such incident not only causes the company to suffer losses
of asset but more importantly the loss of invaluable information. Thus,
it is every employee’s responsibility to take care in handling the
computer, as stated in the Computer Equipment Usage Policy, and to
minimize the information security risk.
 Employees who have been issued and assigned with computer
equipment shall be accountable for ownership responsibility to ensure
its protection.

Scope This policy and procedure applies to employee who is assigned with the
following computer equipment:
 Personal computer includes notebook
 PDA inclusive of the accessories such extended-battery, memory
 Camera
The incident includes loss or stolen of computer equipment that may happen
anywhere within Vietnam or overseas.

Incident The following are the incident reporting procedures:

1. Employee who assumes ownership responsibility of the computer
equipment must comply with the following procedures:-
 Lodge a Police Report within 24 hours from its occurrence.
 Within the next working day to notify the direct Reporting
Manager/Director or superior, HR, Administration / Finance and IT
 Complete a detailed Description Report.
2. Employee to attach the Police Report together with the Computer
Loss/Stolen Incident Report Form to be submitted to the Administration
Department within five (5) working days from date of occurrence
3. HR to convene a meeting with Review Committee to assess, or to
investigate the incident within two (2) weeks. The matter would be
escalated to the Managing Director if the Review Committee is unable to
come to a unanimous decision

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4. HR will arrange for payment penalty within one (1) week after the decision
and to notify the Payroll department, if applicable of any salary deduction
to be made from the employee’s payroll
5. The Computer Loss/Stolen Incident Report Form will be forwarded to IT
department for filing and recording

Penalty Notebook / Laptop

Charge: The penalty charges for loss or stolen of notebook/laptop are:

Year Year Year Year 4 &

Occurrence\ Age of Computer
1 2 3 onwards

1st Occurrence Fixed Amount (USD) 800 600 400 200

2nd Occurrence Fixed Amount (USD) 1000 750 500 250

3rd Occurrence & Subsequent Fixed

1200 900 600 300
Amount (USD)

Barcode Scanner – Camera

The penalty charges for loss or stolen Barcode Scanner and Camera will be
based also on laptop depreciation rate.

Review The Review Committee comprises the employee’s Reporting

Committee Manager/Director and representatives from HR, IT and
Administration/Finance departments.
HR will convene a meeting with the Review Committee to assess or
investigate the incident. A witness maybe called in for the meeting.

Warning HR department to issue a warning letter to the employee if the Review

Letter Committee is satisfied with the findings of investigation attributable to an act
of negligence or suspected foul play.

Policy Update The policy will be updated from time to time as and when deemed necessary.

Approved by Aaron Cross, Managing Director, dated 12 November 2008.

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P.11 Software Procurement Usage Policy

Scope All software used at The Nielsen Company

It is the policy of The Nielsen Company to respect all applicable software copyright laws
and adhere to the terms of all software licenses to which The Nielsen Company is a
party. The Nielsen Company will take the steps necessary to prohibit users from
duplicating any licensed software or related documentation for use either on premises
Objectives or elsewhere unless expressly authorized to do so by agreement with the licensor.
Bootleg, counterfeit or unauthorized duplication of software is a violation of law and
strictly forbidden by Nielsen. Each employee must comply with the following Software
Procurement and Usage policy statements, as consistent with applicable law or

1. The Nielsen Company does not condone the illegal use or duplication of software.
Employees shall not make, acquire or use unauthorized copies of computer
2. All Software must be acquired through Nielsen’s Infrastructure Department.
This practice will ensure appropriate license management:
 If there is an existing license capacity to accommodate the
required installation, Infrastructure will handle the installation and
ensure the appropriate license tracking is completed.
 All Software requiring a purchase is to be processed through the
Nielsen/TCS Procurement department. This will ensure that the software is
purchased only from reputable, authorized resellers or direct from the
manufacturer and includes original user material such as documentation and
license agreements.
3. The installation of software from media such as CD, DVD or USB, without
Policy approval and assistance of the Infrastructure department is prohibited.
4. The installation of personally owned software on to Nielsen owned hardware
is prohibited.
5. The installation of Nielsen owned software on personally owned hardware is
6. The installation of Nielsen owned software on vendor owned hardware is
prohibited without the approval and assistance of the Infrastructure department.
7. Software obtained via the Internet can contain viruses, therefore the downloading
and installation of software via the Internet is prohibited without the approval and
assistance of the Infrastructure department.
8. The use and downloading of software and material created for the transfer of
music, software, movies or other copyrighted content is prohibited.
9. Compliance with this policy is the accountability of all
Nielsen Employees.

Exception Exceptions to these Policy Statements will be escalated from the Infrastructure Team to
Process the Nielsen Security Team, Director of Compliance

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Compliance will be achieved through management support of this policy.

Compliance Validation Methods:
 License count validation of installed products will be completed at each renewal.
 Compliance will be monitored using comparison reports of valid license ownership to
product Installations.
 Unapproved Software Installations that are discovered or reported will be escalated
to Technology Compliance with escalation to Nielsen Security.

 Enforcing and Monitoring for compliance of standards.
 Ensuring that the policy is compatible with industry standards and best
Requesting Managers/Nielsen Personnel
 Reviewing and complying with the Nielsen Purchasing – Software
Procurement and Usage Policy, associated standards and guidelines.

Effective Date: April 2009

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Last Update/s

Updates for Excomm to review – Approved 10-Aug-10

• Change of address
• Annual leave balance will be forfeited beginning each calendar year
• Annual/Sick leave request must be submitted via SAP
• Increase % Health Insurance contribution
• Parking
– Motorbike free
– Car – Executive Committee Members only
• Internal Transfer process – 12mths period prior to transfer
• Short Term Assignment – commitment period after STA
• Cost for lost access cards
• Registration of visitors to Nielsen office
• Fire evacuation process
– Map of exit points
– Meeting point outside of building


Excomm meeting – August 2010

Copyright © 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

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