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‘THE NIELSEN COMPANY (VIETNAM) LIMITED, WORK RULES ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREAMBLE. (GENERAL PROVISION: ‘Arto | Content of Wok RUS nnn Antole2 Subject of Work Rule. Artcle3 Definitions. INTERNAL LABOR REGULATIONS... SUCTION I~ WORKING HOURS, REST BREAKS AND LEAVE. Artole Working Hows on Arte $ Oveti@ nn sen Artole § Paid and Unpid L208 nnrnnnnnnnninnn snl Arsle Special Provisions for Female Empoyet.-ssnssnnnannnnnnnel2 Artle 8 Spevial Provns fbr Male Employers 13 SECTION Il RULES AND ORDER IN THE COMPANY, Anicle9 Obeylg Orders nd Employes’ Responsibly to Stay Informe. nnnn13 Arte 10 Performance of Dati. vn pel Arle 11 Handling Customers nnn sn Artle 12 tire : sen M Arle 13. AMtiude and Commons, enn 14 Anite 14 Team evn penne Ale 15. Aui-Discimination and Sexual Harassment. 5 Asst 16 Edoeation and Trning Expenses... 16 Arle 17 Employee Recor nn sol Antle18 Office Security. — : 16 Ace 19 Computer nd tert Seu enone 16 Arise 20 Work Bibi id Hone on nnnvnnnnnnnennnneel ‘Amticle21 Policy on Reseving and Giving Gils, Contbutions, Sponsorships ‘SECTION III - OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGHNE IN THE COMPANY.-18, ‘Aticle 2 Responsibilities of the Company sol Astcle 2 Resposiilites of Employees. a9 Article 24 Weapons and Controlled Substances, vl Aisle 25 Gambling 20 ‘SECTION IV - PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY SECRETS... Atle 26 Protovion of Property. Atle 27 Use of Office Equipment and ther Company's Property, Waiver of Pivay.20 Atle 28 Reporting, File Mansgemeat and Financial Accounting ana 20 Antsle 29 Assignment of Intellectual Proper Right nv eB Article 30 Busines and Techaalogy Sects. 21 SECTION V— DISCIPLINARY MEASURES FOR BREACH OF WORK RULES, AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE... Atle 31 Disciplinary Measures fo Breach of Work Rules, ‘Ac 32 Temporary Suspension rom Work “Ais 33 Prnipls and roses for Hanlng Breach of Labor Disp Atl 34 Employes’ Rights sr Atl 35 Sen nd Level of Remorslty fr Daye Cae.. a0 SECTION VI-SUPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS. Atle 36 Teton of xyployment. Aatcle 37 Implementation of Work Res PREAMBLE ‘Pursuant he Labor Code ofthe Socialist Republic of Vietam dated 18 June 2012, ceive as of | May 2013 (he “Labor Code and Pursuant to Detroe No, AI/CP dated 6 uly 1995, isued by the Government of Vietnam promelgating guidelines forthe implementation ofa number of aries of the Labor Code wita repeat labor ules and responsiblity for damage, snd Deroe No. 332003/ND.CP dated 2 Apel! 2003, ited by the Government of Vietnam amending a umber of atices of Desree No, A/CP. ‘The Nielsen Company (Viet) Limited, a limited lability company duly stabbed and operating under the laws ‘of Vietnam pursuant to Investrest CCertfeate No, 411045001264 dated 18/1/1996 and whose rogistred ace located at 106 Nguyen Van Tri, Phu Nhuan Distr, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Ge "Company”), oxedy issues these internal Tabor regulations, reflecting the fate ofthe Company’s busines sreture and organization, to be appliog within ‘he Company ("Work Rae). GENERAL PROVISIONS Article Contents of Work Res ‘These Work Roles consist of provisions on working bours and rest beaks; provisions on rules acd order in the Company, provisions on oscupationl safety and hygiene in the Company; provisions on the protection of the ‘Company's propery nd the coafdeaaliy of the Company's Business and ‘Technology Secrets (defined below); and provisions on breaches of labor sogulations, penis” imposed for breaches of labor regulations and Arte? Subject of Work Rules All Employees (as defined below) working for the Company ae subjet 10 ‘these Work Rules Artcte3 Definitions Unless otherste defined in these Work Rules, the following capialicnd ‘word shal have te fllowing defrtons: “Board” means the Bard of Ditsctor of te Company. “Busines and Technology Secrets” means any snd el information fished or diselosed ty the Company fo an Employee, wheter disclosed directly or Indeed, verbally or in wiog, by image, electronically, or by machin reall means or there Information or ther information in plans, enor performance ofthe Company, is Boa freloding information sealed to" suromervelients Grokding information, materials and dat owned by such customerslients), ‘vendors, parsers, Employees and comecied persons, which IS

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