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SUBJECT Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control

STUDENT Trilles, Paula Jasmine A.

As a student, what are your contribution/s in the attainment of NSDG in our country?

I believe that now that I am a college student and a young adult, I have a better
understanding of the importance of sustainable development as a result of my years spent as a
student and learning a great deal, not only academically but also in life. Sustainability refers to a
development that satisfies present-day requirements without jeopardizing the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs. Currently, various types of goals are being pursued in order to
achieve this long-term development. I may not always be aware of my contributions toward
achieving these goals, but after reflecting on my actions over the years, I believe that as a student, I
have made at least a small contribution toward achieving these goals. First and foremost, during my
high school years, we always organized a feeding program and gift distribution for the poor families
in our community. We are constantly ensuring that our high school batch conducts this program at
least once or twice a year, most notably during the Christmas season. We hope that by doing this
small thing, we can encourage others to help these poor families by making small contributions to
their cause. In addition to this, I believe that I have already contributed to the achievement of
sustainable development goals through simple actions such as conserving electricity and water;
walking rather than commuting, especially if my destination is nearby; being knowledgeable about
the three R's and putting them into practice in my daily life; and taking care of myself by exercising
and checking my psychological well-being. In addition, as a student, I have a lot of values and stand
for a variety of issues in our society, one of which is gender equality. As a woman, I believe that we
are all equal, and that regardless of our gender, we are capable of doing things that others do not
expect us to be capable of doing. Gender equality must be achieved in our country because every
individual has their own potential and skills, regardless of whether they are male or female.
Furthermore, as a student and someone who has lived for almost 20 years, I believe that having a
specific attitude and perspective on life can assist in achieving the following objectives: respecting
others' differences and opinions; being open-minded; empowering others; and educating those who
need to be educated. I hope that by making these small contributions and taking these small
actions, I can contribute significantly to our country's and the world's sustainable development

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