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(Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, 2020; Vol 7, No 1, 18-29) BURNS




Aditya Wardhana1, & Jessica Halim2

1.Burns Section, Division of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia,
Jakarta, Indonesia
2.Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


Summary: Severe burns are devastating condition identified by loss of hemodynamic stability and intravascular
volume. Adequate fluid replacement, nutritional support, and immediate wound grafting can reduce the risk of
infection and mortality. Oxidative stress was shown to have significant role in the burn wound conversion, which
happens when the zone of stasis can’t be salvaged and progresses to necrosis. Decreasing the level of oxidative
stress early may be fundamental in reducing burn injury progression into deeper tissue. Several animal studies
have demonstrated the advance of antioxidant supplementation for burns outcomes. Approach to this salvageable
burn tissue is a breakthrough for new directions in burn management. Antioxidant supplementations was proven
to prevent burn conversion on the ischemic zone. Administering antioxidant post-burn is linked with less
progression of burn depth and inflammatory cytokine release, which alleviates burn-related morbidity and
mortality and improves patient’s quality of life. To date, no clinical trials have been done to reproduce similar
outcomes of this ROS-scavenging therapy as successfully observed in murine models. Antioxidant
supplementation is a promising treatment avenue to halt burn wound conversion following severe burns.
Keywords: Burn wound, wound conversion, burn management, antioxidant

Ringkasan: Kasus luka bakar berat ditandai dengan hilangnya stabilitas hemodinamik dan volume intravaskular.
Pemberian resusitasi yang memadai, asupan nutrisi, dan grafting luka yang tepat dapat mengurangi risiko infeksi
dan angka kematian. Stres oksidatif terbukti memegang peranan penting dalam mempercepat konversi luka bakar,
yang terjadi ketika zona stasis tidak dapat diselamatkan dan berkembang menjadi area nekrosis. Mengurangi level
stres oksidatif penting terbukti mencegah perluasan luka bakar ke jaringan yang lebih dalam. Beberapa penelitian
pada hewan coba menunjukkan efek positif suplementasi antioksidan pada luaran pasien dengan luka bakar.
Terapi yang tertuju pada jaringan luka bakar pada zona statis merupakan terobosan dalam manajemen luka bakar.
Suplemen antioksidan terbukti mencegah konversi luka bakar di zona iskemik. Pemberian antioksidan pasca-luka
bakar mencegah progresi kedalaman luka bakar dan supresi pelepasan sitokin inflamasi, yang dapat mengurangi
tingkat morbiditas dan mortalitas pasca-luka bakar dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien. Sampai saat ini,
belum ada uji klinis yang berhasil membuktikan efek suplementasi antioksidan pada konversi luka bakar seperti
yang telah diamati pada uji hewan coba. Suplementasi antioksidan merupakan pilihan terapi ajuvan yang
menjanjikan untuk supresi konversi luka bakar pada kasus luka bakar berat.
Kata kunci: Luka bakar, konversi luka, managemen luka bakar, antioksidan

Conflicts of Interest Statement:

The author(s) listed in this manuscript declare the absence of any conflict of interest on the subject matter or materials discussed.

Received: 31 03 2020, Revised: 25 04 2020, Accepted: 05 05 2020

Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, 2020. │ P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
Published by Lingkar Studi Bedah Plastik Foundation. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives
License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without
permission from the journal. This Article can be viewed at

Antioxidants Reduce Tissue Necrosis in The Zone of Stasis Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020

core and the other two zones encircle this necrotic

INTRODUCTION part of burn injury. The zone of stasis is a
Burns are major health problems causing transitional area of active inflammatory process
fatal complications such as infection and even with reduced vascularization and oxygenation.
death. Severe burn cases are devastating The outermost area is the hyperemic zone, where
conditions identified by loss of hemodynamic the vascularization is not impaired. The stasis
stability and intravascular volume requiring zone is the most dynamic and highly dependent
immediate fluid resuscitation followed by on early resuscitation because this area
infection control, nutritional support and full progresses to necrosis within 48 hours post-
wound coverage and grafting.1 The extent of burn thermal injury if left inadequately treated. This
size and depth is positively correlated with may result in a deeper and wider area of injury
length of hospital stay, sepsis, mortality, and the within the first 3 days, named burn wound
occurrence of burn wound conversion.2 conversion, which may put the patients in greater
Progression of burn wound depth is a poorly danger.7 The zone of stasis is divided into (a) the
understood process when the partial-thickness upper subpart with necrotic endothelial cells and
wounds undergo necrosis and advance into deep viable adnexal and interstitial cells, which
full-thickness burns.3 The eventual depth of the eventually progresses to full necrosis due to
burn wound necrosis following burn injury is not ischemia, and (b) the lower zones with initially
readily apparent. This progressive microvascular viable endothelial cells that may progress to
deterioration is responsible for increased necrosis. Hirth et al. observed that these initially
morbidity and mortality and greatly affect viable cells 1-hour post-burn was predictive of
treatment outcome in burn patients.4 Over the tissue necrosis and apoptosis at 24 hours,
last decade, a lot of studies have researched about contributing to dermal ischemia that rapidly
preventing burn wound deepening by converts the partial-thickness burns into full-
reevaluating the effects of fluid resuscitation, thickness wounds. Instead of the heat, released
inflammation and infection control, nutritional soluble factors (inflammatory cells and cytokines)
requirement, surgical and wound dressing are responsible for immediate necrosis and
methods, as well as some novel therapeutic apoptosis, serving as the leading factor for
approach including the effects of antioxidants wound progression.8
supplementation on burn wound conversion.5 Burns cause extensive tissue destruction and
This article aims to deliver an up-to-date initiate massive inflammatory reactions leading
summary of the advances in managing burn to local and distant multiorgan alterations.
wound conversion and investigate the promising Systemic response following thermal injury is
antioxidant supplementation as a new treatment classified into early hypometabolic ‘ebb phase’
modality for burn management in the near happening within the first 48 hours and
future. hypermetabolic ‘flow’ phase, which starts after 48
hours.9 Reduced oxygenation due to inhalation
injury as well as decreased cardiac output and
EVOLUTION OF BURN INJURY peripheral blood flow are the characteristics of
the ebb phase.9 The complex interplay of direct
Burn is a complex and dynamic process heat on microcirculation and the chemical
resulting in a myriad of cellular and metabolic mediators activated following burns are
alterations, which alters whole-body responses responsible for the systemic inflammatory
long after the burn itself.6 It is categorized into cascades, endothelial dysfunction, and excessive
three main groups based on the causes of injury: capillary leakage. Total body surface area (TBSA)
chemical burns caused by strong acids or alkali; exceeding 20% increases systemic vascular
thermal burns caused by fire, hot water, or hot oil; permeability, resulting in loss of intravascular
and electrical burns caused by exposure to high fluid to interstitial space, creating generalized
voltage current or lightning. Extensive research edema and impaired tissue perfusion.1 Greater
in burn field has made the intricate and complex burn depth is associated with higher level of
cellular pathophysiology of burn becomes circulating cytokines, which may delay wound
clearer. healing, re-epithelization, and promote systemic
The classic concept of burn proposed by infection.6 Intense loss of plasma may lead to
Jackson burn model categorized burns into three burn shock, thus early repletion of intravascular
zones of injury: coagulation zone, static zone, and volume remains the mainstay of burn
hyperemia zone.7 The coagulation zone is the management within the first 24 hours to
Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, (2020)
P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020 Halim, Wardhana (2020)

immediately preserve tissue vascularization and Free radicals and lipid peroxidation are
minimize the detrimental effects of inflammatory responsible for systemic inflammatory response
responses. At the same time, the release of syndrome (SIRS) and organ damage in burn
catecholamines, antidiuretic hormone, injury.11 Nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kB) is
hemoconcentration may increase pulmonary and immediately activated following severe burns,
systemic vascular resistance.4 which then initiates a cascade of pro-
The hypermetabolic-hyperdynamic ‘flow inflammatory mediators by macrophages
phase’ occurs 48-72 hours post-burn. It is altogether with sequestered leukocytes.12
characterized by increased oxygen consumption, Prolonged hypermetabolism in early thermal
increased carbon dioxide production, and injury also increases the production of
decreased vascular resistance. The body tries to inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis
compensate by increasing cardiac output, factor-alpha (TNF-a), IL-6, prostaglandin E2, and
enhances blood flow to distant organs, and induces formation of reactive oxygen species
reabsorbing the edema fluid; leaving the body in (ROS), such as superoxide anion, hydroxyl
a state of hypervolemia, which may cause peroxide, and reactive nitrogen species (RNS),
pulmonary edema and respiratory distress. such as nitric oxide and peroxynitrite.7 The
Release of catabolic hormones and insulin increased inflammatory mediators in the first few
resistance secondary to thermal insults increases hours of burn injury, especially IL-6, is
protein turnover, gluconeogenesis, and proportionate to the size of burn area, showing
production of urea to compensate massive that severe burns is correlated with more
catabolic processes, which leads to protein pronounced systemic pro-inflammatory
denaturation and muscle wasting contributing to activities.12 Furthermore, pro-apoptotic factors,
burn-induced tissue injury. These metabolic such as Bax, Bcl-Xl, and caspase-3 are
alterations following severe burns may persist up upregulated, causing significant systemic
to 2 years and might interfere with wound apoptosis.
recovery. Harris-Benedict equation predicted Excessive ROS production following burn
metabolic rates of 110-120% resting energy injury is harmful to lipids, proteins, and nucleic
expenditure up to 2 years post burn.10 acids, which overwhelm endogenous cellular
metabolism and the balance between the
production of free radicals and detoxifications.11
HYPERMETABOLISM INCREASES Overproduction of ROS and impaired
BODY STRESS RESPONSE antioxidant mechanisms are closely linked to
SIRS, immunosuppression, sepsis and
Burn wounds are characterized by pulmonary infection, free radical-mediated tissue
inadequate tissue perfusion, leading to a state of damage, and multi-organ failure.7 Abundant
ischemia and tissue hypoxia. The hypermetabolic oxidative stress may compromise the immune
state induces major stress response and is system, causing a state of immune suppression
associated with myriad biochemical alterations at and delayed wound healing.2 This condition
molecular levels. As the body tries to respond to makes burn patients more vulnerable to
excessive stress, there are 10- to 20-fold increase secondary infection risking higher mortality rate.
in plasma catecholamines level as well as
glucocorticoids and adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH).3, 4 These catabolic hormones COMBATING BURN WOUND
cause inhibition of glycogenesis and rapid-onset COMPLICATION
insulin resistance, which establish a state of
elevated proteolysis, gluconeogenesis, energy Existing burn management emphasizes on
consumption, and increased lipid oxidation prevention of complication, promotion of
healing, and treatment for the complications.
causing high levels of circulating plasma free
Early identification of possibly arising
fatty acid (FFA).4 Moreover, thermal burns
complications is the key to better burn outcomes.
remarkably decreases total antioxidant at cellular
and systemic level early post-burn, and produces The massive inflammatory storm following burns
is correlated with a higher incidence of infections,
free radicals that overwhelm the scavenging
sepsis, organ failure, and mortality.13 Researchers
capacity of the natural oxidative blocking
have longed for sensitive biomarkers with the
ability to detect and measure life-threatening

Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, (2020)

P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
Antioxidants Reduce Tissue Necrosis in The Zone of Stasis Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020

adverse events, which will greatly advance the Maintaining fluid balance during aggressive
burn care and reduce post-burn morbidity and fluid administration is challenging without
mortality rate. Despite the extensive increasing the risk of fluid accumulation in
understanding of burn pathophysiology, there is interstitial place. Therefore, other parameters for
still no reliable biomarkers that can monitor and monitoring fluid balance were popularized to
predict burn complications. prevent over-resuscitation; such as intrathoracic
Burn injury greater than 20% TBSA blood volume (ITBV), transpulmonary
necessitates immediate fluid resuscitation to thermodilution (TPTD), and extravascular lung
abate the possible risk of hypovolemic shock due water (EVLW) methods.18
to massive intravascular volume loss. Sepsis is another important cause of burn-
Appropriate fluid replacement within 2 hours related deaths. However, its timely recognition
post-burn will ensure adequate organ perfusion, remains a challenge. Several biomarkers have
minimize the dysregulated cellular and hormonal been evaluated for their clinical utility in
responses, reduce mortality rate, and improves
diagnosing septicemia. TNF-a, C-Reactive
overall prognosis.13 The widely used Parkland
Protein (CRP), IL-6, IL-4, macrophage colony-
equation (4 mL/kg/%TBSA of Ringer Lactate
stimulating factor, procalcitonin (PCT), and
solution) is a simple formula to optimize fluid
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were
delivery by preventing deleterious effects of
associated in the development of sepsis.13 IL-8
over-resuscitation: pulmonary edema, graft
expression was found to be significantly elevated
failure, prolonged mechanical ventilation, or
following burns, and positively correlated with
compartment syndrome.14 In contrary, under-
increased multiorgan failure, sepsis, and
resuscitation may also lead to life-threatening
mortality.19 The use of routine corticosteroid and
conditions such as acute kidney injury, wound
immune-enhancing dietary supplements to
conversion, sepsis, multiple organ failure, and
suppress inflammation in sepsis also remain
controversial in burn patients.20 However, low
There are two opinions regarding fluid
dose hydrocortisone was shown to reduce the
administration in burn patients. Over-
duration of vasopressor administration in burns
resuscitation theory, known as the “fluid creep”
with severe shock.21
or “hyperdynamic resuscitation”, believes that
additional fluid more than the estimated
Parkland formula is associated with improved
survival, less incidence of target-organ damage,
shorter hospital stay and ventilator days, and BURN MANAGEMENT
lower mortality rate.15 On the other hand, Arlati The outcome of burns depends on the time
et al. demonstrated that permissive hypovolemia of treatment. Burn patients experience twice-
protocol allowed sufficient multi-organ perfusion normal whole-body metabolic rates, excessive
and effectively reduced multi-organ protein catabolism, loss of protein and
dysfunction.16 Older work from Lund and micronutrients through burn exudates, reduced
colleagues stated similar result where low lean body mass, and state of hyperglycemia.10
volume resuscitation during early post-burn These responses are associated with several
period significantly reduced the incidence of adverse events within 48 hours post-burn, such as
acute renal failure and burn-related edema.17 severe cachexia, bacteremia, immune
Nonetheless, the classic Parkland formula is still dysfunction, sepsis, and organ failure.13 Severe
adapted until further studies could specify the burn condition is correlated with decreased
optimal formula for resuscitation goals. dietary intake due to trauma and possible
Ideally, burn patients receive 150% of orofacial injury, resulting in nutrient deficiency
recommended fluid based on TBSA calculation. and malnutrition.22 Tight glycemic control with
However, adjustments are made based on adequate dose of insulin was associated with
compelling conditions such as the extent of TBSA higher survival rate, considering that insulin also
estimates, presence of inhalation injury, electrical provides additional immunomodulatory effects,
burns, and delayed resuscitation. Hemodynamic protects the mucosal and skin barriers, and limits
parameters such as urine output 0.5 to 1 bacterial translocation.13
ml/kg/hour and mean arterial pressure (MAP) Medical nutrition therapy should be the
should be regularly checked to monitor cornerstone of burn management, considering
physiologic manipulation in burn patients.13 that hypermetabolism in burn patients will result

Copyright by Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, (2020)

P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020 Halim, Wardhana (2020)

in cascades of dreadful events, including weight enteral nutrition is beneficial to maintain gut
loss, muscle wasting, immunosuppression, mucosal integrity, motility, and perfusion, which
growth retardation, impaired wound healing, could prevent subsequent ileus or intestinal
susceptibility to infection, multiorgan hypoperfusion. Early fluid resuscitation and
dysfunction, and death.10 Aggressive nutrition intake should be taken as preventive
replacement of essential micronutrients and approach and personalized for each patient; both
macronutrients was proven to benefit the are the backbone of burns management.27
outcome and minimize complications. The
ultimate goal of proper nutrition therapy is to
provide adequate calorie requirement, prevent BURN WOUND CONVERSION AS
starvation and nutrient deficiencies, maintain POOR PREDICTOR OF OUTCOME
body mass, restore protein loss, and in the end
reduce infection rate and promote faster wound Burn wound conversion is the progression
healing.22 of ischemic partial thickness wound into non-
The concept of hyperalimentation is viable full thickness wound, thus increasing the
implemented for nutritional maintenance in portion of third-degree burn. Referring to the
critically ill burn patients. Nutrient requirements conventional depiction of burn zones by Jackson,
are markedly increased in patients with TBSA burn progression happens when the zone of
exceeding 20%, prior malnutrition, or pre- stasis can’t be salvaged and thus progresses to
existing diseases such as HIV/AIDS. The necrosis. This progression is dangerous because it
estimated requirement may vary according to often contributes to greater surface area and
patient’s age, pregnancy status, organ failure, and depth, increasing the risk of complications and
presence of infection.23 Total energy requirement mortality within 24 hours.28 Burn wound
(TER) for burn patients is equal to (1000 kcal x conversion is predisposed by local and systemic
BSA[m2] + 25 x %TBSA) which is proportioned factors. Infections, tissue desiccation, wound
into 60-70% glucose. Increased muscle catabolism edema, and eschar contributes locally to progress
requires higher protein intake to aid tissue repair burn wound into necrosis. Systemic homeostasis
(recommended proportion of 20% to 25% from is also jeopardized following burn injury related
TER). The benefit of additional lipid requirement to impaired perfusion, metabolic derangements,
is dose-dependent and limited to only 15% of TER and suboptimal general health status.3
to reduce infectious morbidity and shorten Few studies have investigated several
hospitalization period.23 prognostic factors that may progress or regress
wound conversion in burn injury. It was initially
Nutritional support is better delivered believed that vasoconstriction compromised
through enteral route; oral, nasogastric and tissue perfusion and contributed to its
nasojejunal feeding, are the routes of choice. advancement into full-thickness burn.3 At the
Nutrient intake should be commenced same time, peripheral vasodilation induced by an
immediately or at least within 24 to 48 hours elevated level of inducible nitric oxide synthase
following burns.24 Early nutrition initiation will (iNOS) upregulated downstream pathway of
blunt the hypermetabolic state and reduce inflammatory mediators and ROS, which
circulating cortisol, catecholamines, and threaten the tissue viability in the stasis and
glucagon hormones. In-vivo study by Mochizuki hyperemia zone.29 The understanding of
et al. showed that initiation of enteral nutrition 2 pathogenesis of wound conversion has evolved
hours post-burn significantly reduces greatly, from the well-accepted theories of micro
hypermetabolism within 2 weeks than the control thrombosis, ischemia, and ROS, to the most
group fed 3 days post-burn, stressing the benefits recent concept highlighting the role of autophagy
of prompt nutrition therapy.25 Excessive stress as a potential determinant behind secondary
response, ischemia, complement activation, ROS, burn damage.3,8,28,30 Older works revealed that
and release of inflammatory cytokines and more apoptotic activity, ischemic cell death, and
endotoxins also contribute to intestinal barrier tissue death were concentrated in the zone of
dysfunction.26 Increased intestinal permeability stasis.28
promotes massive bacterial translocation to Adequate wound debridement, dressings,
distant organs that eventually leads to sepsis, cytokine- and inflammatory cascade-targeted
immune disturbance, burn shock, multi-organ therapy may also reduce the inflammatory
dysfunction, and mortality.10 Therefore, early activity in burn wounds. Recent work by Tan and

Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, (2020)

P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
Antioxidants Reduce Tissue Necrosis in The Zone of Stasis Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020

colleagues reported that the activity of autophagy demonstrated that reduced tissue necrosis was
and apoptosis in burns occur at different time observed in both short-term (3-day) and long-
points, thus augmenting autophagy with term (21-day) follow-up by treating thermal
rapamycin antibiotic could improve wound injury with cerium nitrate baths, which was
healing and lessen burn conversion.30 The current renowned to alleviate TNF-a levels, decrease
trend considers that careful approach to this leukocyte activation, and activate phagocyte
salvageable burn tissue is a breakthrough for new activity.34 Reduced burn conversion was also
directions in burn management. Controlling burn successfully demonstrated with systemic or local
conversion holds the key to obviate the necessity transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells
for surgery while pursuing limited scarring (MSCs) by attenuating burn-induced apoptosis,
during the healing process.11 downregulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, up-
regulating anti-inflammatory mediators,
relieving oxidative stress, and promoting better
REVERSING PROGRESSION OF vascularization.35 Early administration of MSCs
BURN WOUND DEPTH (30 minutes post-burn) was considered favorable
Progressive expansion of ischemic area to to preserve more vital tissue in the zone of stasis,
non-viable necrotic tissue has been a major focus reaffirming the therapeutic effects of stem cell
of research. Immediate commencement of fluid treatment in burns.36
replacement minimizes incidences of burn shock, A recent study by Singer et al. elucidated
burn-related kidney injury, life-threatening that tadalafil was deemed superior compared to
electrolyte imbalance, and mortality.15 A rat naproxen and N-acetyl cysteine in reducing
model illustrated by Kim et al showed that necrosis in the ischemic zone of a rat burn
adequate resuscitation rate (4 to model.37 Tobalem and colleagues treated burn
8ml/kgBW/%burn) prevents prolonged wound with erythropoietin (EPO). The anti-
ischemia in burn wounds while suboptimal fluid inflammatory, angiogenic, and vasodilatory
replacement (<4ml/kgBW/%burn) exacerbates properties of this hormone dose- and time-
burn wound deepening. The study also dependently limited necrosis and burn depth
demonstrated that over-resuscitation of 6- progression by improving vascular perfusion.38
8ml/kgBW/%burn is correlated with respiratory The authors also suggested that immediate warm
distress and tissue edema.31 They proposed that water bath after burns decreased ischemia by
the benefit of resuscitation is varied according to promoting vasodilation, contradicting to the old
the depth of the initial burn wound. Similar result belief that hypothermia or cold-water treatment
was reproduced by Carvajal et al, illustrating that can limit initial cellular injury, protect post-
burn resuscitation restores and maintains traumatic circulation, and downregulate
maximal perfusion pressure in pediatric patients, inflammatory gene expression.39 Guo et al. also
which accelerates spontaneous healing and observed the benefit of hydrogen-rich saline on
minimizes wound progression.32 Despite the early burn progression following deep burns.40
importance of fluid therapy in burn management, Another approach such as hyperbaric oxygen
little is known about the ideal type and volume of treatment (HBOT), was investigated for its
fluid, rate of fluid administration, or method of instant anti-edematous and anti-hypoxic relief
monitoring. No single formula for optimal and has successfully reduced necrosis and
resuscitation was proven to be superior. Hence, improved wound healing in human burn
fluid therapy should be carefully administrated models.41
and hourly titrated according to physiological Local wound, care including antibiotics,
response and various clinical outcomes.33 dressings, and bioactive agents, are used to
Studies on burn conversion were mainly accelerate wound healing and minimize damage
done in-vivo using the comb burn model to induced by the initial burn injury. Dressings
replicate the zones of burns. The last decade of function to create a moist environment, protect
research has shown growing interest in other the wound from environmental insult or
local and systemic intervention. Targeting contamination, provide drainage absorption and
exaggerated inflammatory responses such as pain control.28 Antibiotics are used in addition to
TNF-a, IL-6, IL-4, or complement cascades for silver sulfadiazine to reduce microbial load and
immunomodulation are considered as a novel prevent infection, especially in deeper wounds.
approach to halt burn progression. Eski et al. Other mechanisms such as conventional burn
excision and eschar removal have not shown

Copyright by Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, (2020)

P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020 Halim, Wardhana (2020)

consistent ability to prevent necrosis in the stasis Non-enzymatic metabolic compounds are
zone, suggesting other more important cascades byproduct of metabolism such as lipoic acid, L-
responsible in the pathophysiology of wound arginine, glutathione, coenzyme Q10, uric acid,
conversion.28 bilirubin, etc. Nutrient antioxidants can’t be
produced in the body and thus are supplied
through foods, such as fruits and vegetables
ANTIOXIDANT AS BODY DEFENSE containing vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E
SYSTEM (tocopherols), vitamin A (carotenoids) and other
phenolic compounds.45,47 The water-soluble
Thermal injury causes physiological antioxidant acts as ROS neutralizer in aqueous
derangement and alters the body response at phase before initiation of lipid peroxidation while
cellular and systemic level. Recalling the the lipid soluble antioxidant, such as vitamin E,
pathophysiology of burn, consequent ischemia protects the membrane fatty acids from being
and inflammation post-burn lead to oxidized. Others, such as beta carotene and
overwhelming ROS production and insufficient carotenoids are believed to protect the lipid-rich
scavenging system, which are the greatest tissue from deleterious effect of free radicals.48
contributors for the development of burn Antioxidants also come in synthetic form, which
complications. The level of ROS and antioxidants is chemically synthesized and fortified to food.
in the circulation is positively correlated with the Butylhydroxyanisole, butylhydroxytoluene, and
severity of burn area.5 Uncontrolled circulating gallates, are some examples of synthetic
oxidative stress level along with plummeted antioxidant. It is important to note that avoiding
inflammatory activity are dreadful and correlated external oxidants source such as cigarette,
with higher morbidity and mortality rate.42 alcohol, bad food, and stress is as important as
It is natural that the presence of oxidative taking antioxidant-rich diet.
stress is counteracted by equal synthesis of
antioxidants. Antioxidant, considered as the first
line of defense mechanism against free radical ROLE OF ANTIOXIDANTS
damage, delays, removes, and prevents oxidation SUPPLEMENTATION IN BURN
process that may harm target molecules.43 These
scavenger systems are capable of converting the
radicals to less reactive form and neutralizing the A Deficiency of micronutrients is often
deleterious effect of ROS to the body. A depletion found in critically ill patient, which may benefit
of antioxidants is correlated with higher disease from administration of trace elements such as
occurrence and poorer outcomes.44 Therefore, antioxidants.49 Antioxidants supplementation for
dietary antioxidants are essential in restoring ill trauma patients; such as burns, sepsis, post-
circulating endogenous antioxidants and surgical procedure, cancer, or organ
suppressing oxidative stress-induced damages. transplantation, was associated with better
Numerous studies have highlighted the potential outcome, however its true benefit for routine
role of antioxidants in preventing degenerative treatment still remains controversial.50 Contrary
diseases-related morbidity and mortality as to the previous statement, some studies implied
shown in cancer, coronary heart disease, obesity, that antioxidant supplementations exert no
type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, significant benefit on disease control and in turn
hypertension, cataract, etc.45, 46 may act as pro-oxidant if consumed significantly
Antioxidants are generated endogenously above the recommended dietary intakes.45 A
or exogenously supplemented in the form of Cochrane systematic review reported that
natural and synthetic antioxidants.43, 44 administration of antioxidants (beta-carotene,
Endogenous antioxidants can be classified into vitamin E, and higher doses of vitamin A) for
enzymatic and non-enzymatic compounds, primary or secondary prevention in healthy and
which is further categorized into metabolic and ill patients with various underlying diseases
nutrient antioxidants.45 The endogenous seem to increase mortality.51
antioxidant enzymes, such as glutathione Antioxidants therapy for burn
peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase, management has been widely researched at
are naturally produced in the body to protect molecular level for its efficacy in restoring
against free radicals-induced cellular damage.45 circulating antioxidant defenses. Massive
decrease in SOD, glutathione, catalase, alpha-

Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, (2020)

P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
Antioxidants Reduce Tissue Necrosis in The Zone of Stasis Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020

tocopherol, and ascorbic acid have been Considering all successful studies about
documented in burn injury.7 Inhalation injury is antioxidant supplementation for burn patients,
also a contributing factor that accelerates the however little is known whether this intervention
reduction in plasma antioxidants. Therapies may have an effect to salvage the stasis zone in
targeted to block the xanthine oxidase activity burn. A randomized controlled experiment done
may alleviate ROS-induce damage by scavenging by Singer et al. on rat models described that
ROS from the circulation.22 Thus, antioxidants administration of curcumin, believed to possess
along with other trace element supplement have high antioxidant properties, on day 1, 2, 3 post-
been approved for their benefits in accelerating brass comb-induced burn injury, reduced the
wound healing post-burns, by reducing the risk burn progression to full-thickness necrosis in the
of pulmonary infection and length of hospital ischemic area.57 The result showed significant
stay.5 Understanding the role of ROS in the difference between the treated and placebo
pathophysiology of burn has made antioxidant subjects even on the first day at 30% and 63%
therapy as a promising step in burns respectively (p=0.003). The experiment was
management. reproducible and consistent which showed less
Numerous studies stated that antioxidant progression of interspace ischemic area to
supplementations for burn patients significantly necrosis following administration of intravenous
promote faster wound healing, shortens hospital crude and purified curcumin on day 7 after the
stays, reduce mortality rate, and decrease burn injury. 58
incidence of infection in all cases.5 A review by Other authors have tried out other sources
Adjepong et al. concluded that administration of of antioxidants to minimize free radical damage
trace elements such as vitamin A, C, E, zinc, and prevent burn wound progression through
selenium, and N-acetylcysteine following burn extensive animal studies. Using a rat deep-burn
dose-dependently increased the level of model, Fang et al. also showed that
circulating antioxidants that was initially scarce administration of astaxanthin (strong antioxidant
up to a normalized level, which is a good element) dose-dependently reduced progression
indicator for faster recovery.22 Vitamin E is used rate in the stasis zone, by suppressing the release
to scavenge intracellular free radicals while of inflammatory mediators and reducing burn-
vitamin C, which is diminished early post-burn, induced apoptosis.59 Similar result was observed
is for scavenging free radicals extracellularly.52 in other studies utilizing N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
Early administration of high-dose ascorbic acid one hour post-burn and metal chelator disodium
may reduce the needed amount of fluid ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
resuscitation, resulting in less tissue edema and containing iron and calcium ions.58, 60 Enhancing
more body weight gain.53 Despite the risk of renal the trace elements zinc and allopurinol were also
failure following administration of high dose of proven beneficial in combating ROS and
vitamin C, studies showed that burn areas greater enhancing immune function.22 Topical
than 20% may gain more benefit from this application of human recombinant copper-zinc
intervention compared with placebo.52, 54 SOD successfully salvaged the zone of stasis and
Despite these outstanding outcomes, promoted better wound healing in burn injury.61
antioxidant supplementation still requires more However, many discrepancies of the study result
exploration through clinical trials, since most of were found and therefore suggest further
the publications are small-sized research with investigation for optimal utilization of these
various dosing and outcome parameters. A pilot agents.
study by Raposio et al. evaluated the plasma
oxidative stress in partial thickness burns after 2
weeks of antioxidant supplementation and the
result showed no significant changes in plasma
oxidants level. This finding indicated that the use Abundant oxidative stress and circulating
of antioxidant supplements for medicinal inflammatory cytokines storm following burn
products should be sufficiently evaluated.55 has made the wound susceptible to depth
Individual trace elements should also be progression if not managed adequately.
explored, as Ross et al. and Berger et al. stated Antioxidant has shown promising standpoints to
that selenium plays a significant role in immune slow down and counter the toxic implications of
function and thus is worth a lone investigation of free radicals, suggesting that maintenance of
its effect on oxidative stress.56 adequate antioxidants level is essential in burn

Copyright by Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, (2020)

P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020 Halim, Wardhana (2020)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
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P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0
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Copyright by Halim J, Wardhana A, (2020)

P-ISSN 2089-6492; E-ISSN 2089-9734 │ DOI: 10.14228/jpr.v7i1.292
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial No Derivative 4.0

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