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“When You Lost Your Mom at the Store”

By: Castaneda, Ferma, Pantino, Santos


The video that our group chose is the comedic skit, we chose
it because is a relatable video. Most of us when we are kids
encountered that kind of situation and now when we are watching
it, it makes us laugh because we experienced it already. The main
purpose of the video is to show the true scenario when a parent
loses their child in public.

The caption gives a brief description on what the video is
all about so others can relate and the language used in the video
is Spanish that was spoken in a funny way because the mother and
the child used high-pitched tone of voice. In the absence of
language, they used funny and exaggerated facial expressions to
express their emotions more in a comic way.

The symbolic code shown in the video is love. The love of a
parent to their child, because when the child was lost it is seen
on the video that the parent was really worried and really made an
effort to find her son.

The target audience for the comedic skit are children and
parents specifically mothers. It shows the consequence when a
parent or a child lost sight to each other.

In this photo, we can see that this guy is the child, and to
make it look realistic or believable, the camera is on a high-
angle position. At this scene, the mother is telling her son to
behave well while inside the grocery store, because if not, he
will be gotten by a random man who is
also inside the store. The POV in this
part, is in the child’s mother’s
point of view because she is the one
talking to her son regarding the
matter. This kind of scenario or
conversation also happened to us,
where we were threatened by our
parents or even our older siblings
that we will be lost or be taken away
by the bad guys if we don’t behave
properly. Also, in this part, the
“bad guy” was also shown that’s why
the face or reaction of the kid was
like that as shown in the screenshot.

For this part, every mom can

relate, where it the time where
they’re so busy finding something
that can be bought, and so confident
that their child is at their back
following them wherever they go.
The mother, is obviously getting
something from the racks while
speaking to Chuy (his son) about the
matter where he should behave
properly inside the store. So the
angle of this is on a low-angle
level or shot, where the camera is
placed on a rack that is lower than
the eye level of the subject. The
POV for this part, is on the item’s that the mother’s looking or
choosing at. In this part also, because of Chuy’s mom is so busy
and confident that Chuy will follow her, she didn’t even bother to
check her kid out if he is really at her back, so she walked away
and went to different section while Chuy is reading something on
the label of an item, and when he’s about to ask his mom about it,
there, he found out that he was lost.

The third photo shows the emotion of fear of the kid when he
realizes that he is lost and his mother is nowhere to be seen near
the place where they’re standing awhile ago. The camera angle
here is an eye-level shot, for the subject, which is the kid, looks
straight to the camera. In this part, the kid is already running
and shouting inside the grocery
store looking for his mother
when the “bad guy” heard his
scream and without hesitation,
the guy asked the kid if he’s
okay, the kid stopped showing a
blank face. The kid remembered
what his mom said to him that if
he will not behave, the “bad guy”
will get him, so he left the guy
with these words “don’t get me”
and ran away. So the POV for the
part is on the “bad guy’s” POV
for here, he is the one that Chuy
(the kid) bumped into, and they
somehow had a little

In this fourth photo, the

scenario here is when Chuy was lost,
and already ran and shouted inside
the store, he maybe went to a staff
or one of the employee in the
establishment, and asked for help.
We all know that if some kids are
lost in stores like malls, grocery,
we do have the customer service part
where they will be announcing that
there’s a lost kid named like this
and is wearing this kind of clothes,
and that also happened to Chuy. The
store announced that Chuy can be found in the household supply
section and that he is waiting for his mom. Chuy’s mom went to
that section and when he turned around, she saw Chuy standing with
his heads down on a rack, crying, she shouted “Chuy” and this is
where the part in this photo happened, he ran towards his mom with
arms wide open to hug her and with the relief emotion in his face.
The camera movement used in this part is the tracking shot for it
is infront of Chuy’s face following to the direction where he is
headed to.

The last screenshot of the video we’ve chosen is this, and

for this part, it is after Chuy tried to hug his mom, expecting
that he’ll get hugged too, but his mom scolded and whooped him
with a shoe. We think that almost all of us do experienced to be
lost in a mall, or store, and we are all scolded by our moms by
saying “ayan sinasabi ko sayo, wag kang lalayo, wag makulit” and
sometimes, it has some sort of slapping with the use of hand or
even sandals as a punishment for being stubborn. In this photo,
we’ve observed that there might
be 2 camera movements, first is
the tilt shot, for the camera
moved up and down in line with
the initial reaction of Chuy,
which is to cover his head with
his arms. The second is also a
tracking shot for it followed
Chuy’s head, which is an upward-
downward movement. While for
the camera shot, it is in the
reaction shot, because it
clearly shows the reaction of
Chuy when he is scolded and
whooped by his mother.

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