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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__



  In the advent of technologies, we see the growth on transports and communications. This means,
people and countries can exchange information and goods in an easy way, this process is called

Globalization represents the global integration of international trade, investment, information

technology and cultures. Government policies designed to open economies domestically and internationally to
boost development in poorer countries and raise standards of living for their people are what drive globalization.


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

• define globalization
• differentiate the competing conceptions of globalization
• identify the underlying philosophies of the varying definitions of globalization

LEARNING CONTENTS (title of the subsection)

. In our World history, they introduce around centuries the idea of concept of Globalization;
traders explore to buy rare commodities such as salt, spices and gold, which they would then sell in their home
countries. The 19th century Industrial Revolution brought advances in communication and transportation that
have removed borders and increased cross-border trade. The Silk Road, when trade spread rapidly between
China and Europe via an overland route
World Health Organization define Globalization, “ the increased interconnectedness and
interdependence of peoples and countries, is generally understood to include two inter-related elements: the
opening of international borders to increasingly fast flows of goods, services, finance, people and ideas; and the
changes in institutions and policies at national and international levels that facilitate or promote such flows.
Globalization has the potential for both positive and negative effects on development and health.”
Thomas Friedman defined globalization as, “as the inexorable integration of markets, transportation
systems, and communication systems to a degree never witnessed before – in a way that is enabling
corporations, countries, and individuals to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever
before, and in a way that is enabling the world to reach into corporations, countries, and individuals farther,
faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before” . Also,
Manfred Steger provided scholarly description in his Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, “the term
globalization should be used to refer to a set of social processes that are thought to transform our present social
condition into one of globality”.
In simple economic concept, the flow of products and services with few barriers in the integration of
market, investment and trade between nation. At some point, culture is also assimilated and trade as they
exchange of ideas and traditions by trading. The spread of Korean pop culture across will advance the
exchange of ideas, art, language and music like other millennials experiencing nowadays are some of the best
example. Globalization across the boarders makes people and goods to move easily in the different nations.
Globalization is an event occurred in unprecedented pace and gives definition to the world’s market.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

It is still a public debate whether it is beneficial or detrimental most especially to the average citizens. It
may direct or indirectly affect everyone, but not everyone gets the same benefits. The more stretches and
intensified, the more backlashes produce to those people who cannot keep on the same. Standards of living
have risen overall as more third-world countries experience industrialization. Other proponents believe that
globalization is the way to catch up for developing countries. because it allows them to cooperate with other
nation like never before. The presence of multinational company will of great contribution especially to local
economies as they invest in local products, resources, services, medical and educational facilities.
Globalization brought many benefits to other people but to others, it is not to everyone. It shows that, in
fact, in all but a couple of countries polled, people believe life was better in the old days. If the other country
produces cheaper product, other producers will be closed down and leads to lost of thousand jobs to others.
Every step forward especially in technology it also brings a new danger. Example, Technology improves the
lives of many people, but it also increases the number of crimes every year.

*please refer in the Worktext in the Conemporary World


Name: _______________________________________ Score: _________________

Course: ______________________________________ Date: __________________


Scenario Positive Negative Depends





*please refer in the Worktext in the Conemporary World


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__


Globalization has contributed to global warming, climate change and the overuse of natural resources.
An increase in the demand for goods has boosted manufacturing and industrialization Globalization has also
increased homogenization in countries. Some politicians argue that globalization is detrimental to the middle
class, and is causing increasing economic and political polarization to developed countries. For example,
outsourcing facilities in lower cost that leads workers to compete internationally for jobs. Also, international
chain from developed country dominate the cultural exchange because their goods and culture influenced other
countries more than those of any other nation. Good or bad, though, there isn't much argument as to whether or
not it is happening. Let's look at the positives and negatives of globalization, and you can decide for yourself
whether or not it is the best thing for our world.


Mendoza,, 2019. WORKTEXT IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD. Nieme Publishing House. Co.Ltd.

Globalization Retrieved from, April


Globalization Retreived from, April


Peak Globalization Definition Retrieved from Investopedia

globalization.asp#ixzz5XbVB5HCo , May 2019


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