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Welcome to OBIEE

Hands-On Workshop
4 Labs to facilitate the Consumer → Author Transition

OBIEE Platform Training

Bucharest, 25 Jun – 8 Jul 2018

Trainer: Elena Unciuleanu

Students: Cristina Draghici, Alexandru Marinică, Cătălin Fronea

Company: Reporting Center


............................................................................................................................ 2
................................................................................................................................... 4
Lab 3: How to Create an Analysis.................................................................................................................................... 12
Feature: Multiple Sort ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Feature: Create Graph Object ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Feature: Create Pie Object............................................................................................................................................. 25
Feature: Create Line Graph ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Feature: Create Time Series Line Graph ................................................................................................................... 30
Feature: Create Area Graph .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Feature: Create Bubble Graph ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Feature: Create Treemap Graph .................................................................................................................................. 33
Feature: Create Scatter Graph...................................................................................................................................... 34
Feature: Create Gauge Graph ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Feature: Create Waterfall Graph ................................................................................................................................. 36
............................................................................................................................... 37
Ready to get started? .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Learn More .............................................................................................................................................................................. 45

1. Go to Catalog → Shared Folders → Training

2. Click on Training folder.

3. Click on New → Folder to create a subfolder in Training. Name the subfolder Bank prefix_
your initials (ex.: ALPH_AG, BPST_OC, OTPB_OS).

4. You will save all future work (Dashboards, Analysis, Parameters) in this folder:

Catalog → Shared Folders → Training → your folder

5. Click Home

6. Go to New → Dashboard

7. Name the Dashboard BANK prefix _ Your Initials _ Dashboard

8. Click the drop-down for Location

9. Click Browse Catalog

10. Choose your folder. Click OK

11. Click OK

12. You have an empty Dashboard

13. Let’s add 4 pages / tabs to the Dashboard (General Parameters, Trail Balance, Drill Down,

14. Click “+” button

15. Add Trial Balance tab

16. Click Ok.

17. Notice the tab was positioned after the Default tab.

18. Repeat steps 14-16 to add other tabs named: Drill-Down and Graphs

19. Let’s rename the first default tab to General Parameters

20. Go to Tools → Dashboard Properties

21. Select page 1 record and then click Rename button.

22. Rename to General Parameters

23. Click Ok twice

24. Notice all tabs have names

25. Let’s change the tabs order

26. Go to Tools → Dashboard Properties

27. Click on Trial Balance record

28. Press up arrow

29. Press Ok.

30. Check the tabs order

31. Repeat steps 26-30 to move back on the second position Trial Balance tab.

32. Let’s add a section the first tab.

33. Click on the Section

34. Drag onto the Content

35. Click Save

36. Repeat steps 33-35 to add two sections in Trial Balance and one section in Drill-Down

37. Click Save after each tab.

38. For Graphs tab, add two columns, each with one section

Lab 3: How to Create an Analysis
39. Go to New → Analysis

40. Choose ELITE Subject Area

41. Double-click on the following columns from “Balances” table:

42. Add filter on “Ref_Date”

43. Select Add More Options → Presentation Variable

44. Set p_ref_date as the Presentation Variable with implicit value “2/28/2017”.

45. Click OK
46. Follow steps 42-44 to add filter on “Version No”.

Feature: Multiple Sort

47. Sort values by GL, GL Contract, GL Init, GL Contract Init.

48. Repeat step 47 to sort columns GL Init, GL Contract Init

49. Let’s rename the column “BALANCE_EQ” to “Balance (RON equivalent)”

50. Click on Properties → Column Properties

51. Go to “Column Format” tab and check “Custom headings”.

52. Type “Balance (RON equivalent)” in “Column Heading” field.

53. Let’s display “Balance (RON equivalent)” column with 2 decimals.
54. Click Data Format → Decimal Places = 2.

55. Click Ok.

56. Click Save and save the Analysis in your folder with your prefix in the name.

57. Go to Results Tab

58. Edit the Title (select the Title and click on the Pencil)

59. Uncheck Display Saved Name

60. Fill the title with: “Trial Balance” and subtitle with: “Ref date = @{p_ref_date}; Version =
61. Click Done

62. Let’s alternate the color of the rows

63. Click View Properties (Results tab)

64. Check Enable alternate styling and Repeat cell values

65. Click Ok
66. Click Done
67. Click Edit View

68. Drag the columns “Ref Date” and “Version No” to the Excluded area

69. Save the Analysis.

70. Let’s Clone this Analysis to a new one in order to display the Trial Balance grouped by
currency, in original currency.
71. Click Save As

72. In the same folder, name it ending with _Ccy

73. Click Ok
74. Go to Criteria
75. Double click on “Balance” and “Currency” columns from “Balances” in order to select
them in the report

76. Delete columns GLP, GL_RAS, GLP_RAS, BALANCE_EQ from the view

77. Sort by GL and Currency

78. Click Save
79. Go to Results tab
80. Edit View

81. Click New → Analysis → ELITE
82. In “Criteria” tab, double click on the following columns from “Balances” and “GL” tables:

83. Add filter on “Ref Date” and “Version No”:

84. Add filter on “Gl 5char” column:

85. Select “is LIKE (pattern match)” for Operator

86. Select Add More Options → SQL Expression

87. Fill SQL Expression with ‘25%’

88. Click OK
89. Repeat steps 99-101 to add another filter on “Gl 5char” as “GL 5char not Like ‘25_7%’

90. Remove Table from Views Panel (in Result tab):

Feature: Create Graph Object

91. Click the “New View” → Graph → Bar → Recommended Subtype

92. Click on Edit button

93. Fill Title and Subtitle fields as below.

94. Click OK

95. Click “Edit View” button

96. Move columns “Ref Date” and “Version No’ to “Excluded” area

97. Move column “Currency” to Bars → Vary Color By section. Check “Show in legend”

98. Click Done

99. Click Save
100. Type “REP_EU_Balance_Bar” into Name field

Feature: Create Pie Object

101. Clone last Analysis

102. Name it with “_Pie” instead of “_Bar”

103. Go to “Criteria” tab.

104. Add filter on “Balance eq”

105. Select Operator → is greater than or equal to

106. Put “0” into Value field

107. Click Ok
108. Go to Results tab → Views → select Graph → Show More buttons → Remove View
from Analysis

109. Add new Pie: New View → Graph → Pie

110. Rename Title to “Balance Pie”

111. Edit View

112. Move “Ref Date” and “Version No” to Excluded area.

113. Move column “Gl 5char” to “Sections”, Balance eq to Slice Size and Currency to Slices:

114. Click Done
115. Click Save Analysis

Feature: Create Line Graph

Line Graphs are used to display quantitative values over a continuous interval or time period. A Line
Graph is most frequently used to show trends and analyze how the data has changed over time.

116. Clone last Analysis

117. Name it with “_Line” instead of “_Pie”

118. Go to Results tab → Views → select Graph → Show More buttons → Remove View
from Analysis

119. Add new Pie: New View → Graph → Line

120. This is the resulting graph.

121. If you click on one of the data points, you can see more a more detailed graph
regarding that particular key point.

Feature: Create Time Series Line Graph

122. Repeat steps 116-119 to obtain a Time Series Graph, which displays the change of the
values of a variable as time progresses.

By analyzing this graph, you can extract statistical data like the mean or median balance
equity for the month.

Feature: Create Area Graph

123. Repeat steps 116-119 to obtain an Area Graph Object. Area Graphs are like Line
Graphs, but with the area below the line filled with a certain color or texture.

124. This is the result, showing the development of quantitative values (Balance Eq) over
an interval of different version numbers. This kind of graph is used most commonly to
show trends, rather than convey specific values.

Feature: Create Bubble Graph

125. Repeat steps 116-119 to obtain a Bubble Graph. Unlike the others, this kind of graph
compares the relationship between data objects in 3-numeric data dimensions: the X-axis
data (in this case, “Country”), the Y-axis data (“Balance”), and data represented by the
bubble size (“Balance Eq”).

Feature: Create Treemap Graph

126. Repeat steps 116-119 to obtain a Treemap Graph.

Treemaps are an alternative way of visualizing the hierarchical structure of a Tree
Diagram while also displaying quantities for each category via area size.

127. You can change the values of the parameters (“GL 5char”) to display different graphs.

Feature: Create Scatter Graph

128. Repeat steps 116-119 to obtain a Scatter Graph. A scatter graph uses dots to
represent individual pieces of data, which is useful, in statistics, to see if two variables are
related to each other.

Feature: Create Gauge Graph

129. Repeat steps 116-119 to create a Gauge Graph. It is similar to a pie chart, but with a
needle to indicate where your data point(s) falls over a particular range.

Feature: Create Waterfall Graph

130. Repeat steps 116-119 to create a Waterfall Graph. This form of data visualization helps
in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative

131. Click on Mobile Application from Home

132. Choose the target device type (For example, tablet mode).

133. Choose the data source which you are going to use in your project.

134. You can change the background of the page you are working on by clicking on Select

135. To make it look fine, you can scale the image to fill the whole page. You can also
change the name of each page by clicking on ‘Page 1’ in the left side bar.

136. To add a new page, you click on the plus and select, for example, a 3-cells page.

137. In this page, you can insert a chart by clicking on the plus symbol situated above the
tablet view.

138. Add Revenue from Base Facts as Value and Per Name Qtr from Time as Label.

139. Click on the second block below the first graph and insert a new graph using the data
from Revenue and Organization (Offices). Then in the right side bar select the chart type
you want (Pie).

140. The resulting pie chart looks like this.

141. Insert a new table graph using Per Name Qtr, Product Type, Product and Revenue. You
might have to drag the vertical line to adjust the space between the columns so that all of
them would fit.

142. Then if you click on preview you can view what you have done so far, starting with the
last page you were working on.

143. If you click on the menu icon you can navigate through the pages you have created.
To go back to creating or modifying pages, click Edit.

144. You can also also add filters. In the left side bar, go to Filters, then click on Add filter.

145. Then go to the chart you want to apply your filter to, go to the Data tab, Add Filter,
Filter by and select the filter you have just created.

Ready to get started?
We hope you enjoy working with OBIEE Platform!

Elena Unciuleanu & Reporting Center Team

Learn More
Keep going. There are lots more new features and ways to work in OBIEEs. Check out our
training materials & manuals to dive right in.


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