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Newham Bulk LEA

2004 Level 5 Questions

1. (a) The graph below shows how the concentration of alcohol in a person’s blood
changed after drinking alcoholic drinks.



of alcohol 80
in the blood
(mg/100 cm3 ) 60



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
time after drinking (hours)

It is illegal to drive if the concentration of alcohol in the blood is higher than

80 mg/100 cm3.

Use the graph to find out how long the concentration of alcohol in this person’s
blood was higher than 80 mg/100 cm3.

.................... hours
1 mark

Newham Bulk LEA 1

(b) Why does alcohol in the blood increase the chance of having an accident?
Tick the correct box.

It dulls the senses of

It causes slurred speech. taste and smell.

It increases the size It increases the time

of the pupil in the eye. taken to react.

1 mark

(c) Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach.

Digested food is absorbed into the blood from a different part of the digestive
Give the name of this part.

1 mark

(d) Give the name of one organ that is damaged by drinking a lot of alcohol over a
long period of time.

1 mark

Newham Bulk LEA 2

(e) The drawing below shows a foetus in its mother’s uterus.

If a pregnant woman drinks large quantities of alcohol, the blood vessels in the
umbilical cord may get very narrow for a while.

Give one way this could affect the foetus.


1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Newham Bulk LEA 3

2. Harry investigated the effects of fizzy cola drink on his heart rate.

First he measured his heart rate every minute for 5 minutes when sitting down.
Then he drank some cola.

He continued to measure his heart rate at regular intervals.

This is a graph of his results.



80 × × × × ×
× × × ×
× × ×
70 × × × × × ×

heart rate 60
per minute) 50





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
time (minutes)

(a) Why did Harry measure his heart rate every minute for 5 minutes before drinking
his cola?


1 mark

(b) Harry says cola affects his heart rate.

What evidence is there in the graph to support his idea that cola affects his heart


1 mark

Newham Bulk LEA 4

(c) Harry and Yasmin came to the following conclusions.

Harry Yasmin

Explain why Yasmin’s conclusion is better than Harry’s conclusion.


1 mark

(d) Yasmin said, “We should also measure Harry’s heart rate after he drinks fizzy

How would measuring Harry’s heart rate after he drinks fizzy water improve the


1 mark
maximum 4 marks

3. (a) Samantha opened a tin of white paint. The paint consisted of a liquid and particles
of titanium dioxide that are insoluble in the liquid.
The paint had separated into two layers, as shown below.


particles of insoluble
titanium dioxide

Newham Bulk LEA 5

(i) What type of substance is the paint?
Tick the correct box.

a compound an element a mixture

1 mark

(ii) What type of substance is titanium dioxide?

Tick the correct box.

a compound an element a mixture

1 mark

(iii) Why did the particles of insoluble titanium dioxide sink to the bottom?


1 mark

(b) Samantha stirred the paint and used it to paint a window frame.
She got some of the paint on the glass.

Samantha could not get the paint off the glass with water.
When she used a different liquid called white spirit the paint came off.

Why could she remove the paint with white spirit but not with water?


1 mark
maximum 4 marks

Newham Bulk LEA 6

4. (a) A teacher shines a laser beam onto a classroom window. It reflects off the
window and onto a screen.



laser beam

On the diagram above, continue the laser beam to show its path as it reflects off
the window and onto the screen. Use a ruler.
Add arrows to show the direction of the laser beam.
2 marks

(b) (i) When a pupil plays her flute in the classroom the window vibrates.
Give the reason for this.


1 mark

(ii) When the window vibrates, what happens to the laser beam that is reflected
off the window?


1 mark

Newham Bulk LEA 7

(c) The teacher places a microphone near the pupil as she plays her flute. The
diagram below shows the pattern on an oscilloscope screen.

The pupil then plays her flute at a higher pitch and more quietly.
Which diagram below shows the pattern that would be seen on the oscilloscope?
Tick the correct box.



1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Newham Bulk LEA 8

5. (a) Debbie put a paper cup into a glass beaker.
She glued a magnet in the bottom of the paper cup.
She glued another magnet in the bottom of the beaker.
The magnets repelled.

paper cup

magnet S

glass beaker
magnet N

diagram A
not to scale

What two forces act on the paper cup and its contents to keep it in this position?

1. ...........................................................
1 mark

2. ...........................................................
1 mark

(b) Debbie put 5 g of aluminium rivets into the paper cup.

It moved down a little as shown in diagram B.

aluminium S

diagram B
not to scale

Newham Bulk LEA 9

Debbie plotted a graph to show how the mass of aluminium rivets affected the
distance the cup moved down.

distance paper
cup moved 3
down (mm)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
mass (g)

(i) Use the graph to find the mass that made the cup move down 4 mm.

............... g
1 mark

(ii) Why did the graph stay flat with masses greater than 40 g?

1 mark

(c) Debbie removed the 5 g of aluminium rivets and put 5 g of iron nails into the cup.

S nails

diagram C
not to scale

Newham Bulk LEA 10

The paper cup moved down more with 5 g of iron nails than with 5 g of aluminium
rivets as shown in diagram C.
Give the reason for this.


1 mark
maximum 5 marks

6. (a) The animals drawn below all have backbones.

not to scale

(i) What word describes animals with a backbone?

1 mark

(ii) There are five groups of animals with a backbone. Only four groups are
shown above
Give the name of the missing group

1 mark

Newham Bulk LEA 11

(b) The drawing below shows the human backbone. It is made up of a number of
small bones.

Why is it an advantage that the backbone is made up of small bones rather than
one long bone?


1 mark

(c) The drawing below shows two small bones from the backbone.

Between the small bones there is a material called cartilage.

Cartilage is softer than bone.
Give one advantage of having a softer material between the bones.


1 mark

Newham Bulk LEA 12

(d) The diagram below shows the bones and two muscles of an arm.

The biceps and triceps are muscles which raise and lower the forearm.
What happens to the biceps and triceps to raise the forearm?

the biceps ...........................................................

the triceps ...........................................................

1 mark
maximum 5 marks

7. In January 2002, thousands of pupils recorded the numbers of different birds seen in
their gardens in one hour. They sent their results to the Royal Society for the Protection
of Birds who have kept data for many years.

(a) Why are the results from this survey more reliable than one person’s observation?


1 mark

(b) Pupils observed birds in their gardens for one hour during the last week in

Give two factors which are being controlled in this survey.

1. .................................................................................................................
1 mark

2. .................................................................................................................
1 mark

Newham Bulk LEA 13

(c) Jack’s grandad says: Jack says:

Jack thinks that the results collected in 2002 cannot test his grandad’s idea that
sparrows are less common than they used to be.

(i) What additional survey data would Jack need to test his grandad’s idea?


1 mark

(ii) What pattern in the survey results would give Jack the evidence that his
grandad was correct?


1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Newham Bulk LEA 14

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