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Shel — DrusiFer a a Gplvol Melhed op I He Bdge” ceceuse ected Topics in Eiecti@l Energy systems ina The output Voltage of- Single-phase We bridge Dover is Confrolled by Single- pulse Medulation per each half Cycle of The output wsiTage- Calculate : The rms values ef Pundamenlal , 5%, 4% harmonic component op The cutput votrage fer Pulse wich = SS. Also Alaalale The THD for TRe odtput ve lTage- =-909% Mle [Answers Viems = 63+667% Vie » Verms= “278% We + Vom THD, = 43-37% ] The output vatage of 4 Single Phase Puy bridge Inver” is Contralled by Pulse- idk modulation valk one pulse per halP-cjcte- Delermt “he requinet Pulse Wid TR Se That ak Funclamental rms emponerst oF The outpat velTage '* Fo% of Ae in va Irage- [answer S?= 102+ oF? I [B) The output vattege oF Single-phase Patt- Loridge tnverler” is Continlled by Single- Pulse modulation. If The Load is Purely resistive and The. Pulse-WiclTA =a6- Calculate: @ rms eulput os trage. (it) Functamerdat rms Grn of. oatpat us itage- diy Tete harmonic distortien Fer oul ve and Cearrentt- pate lege T answit> Gi) AeA de WD Virms = 63°66 Nae iid Fer Ressttus bod : THR, =THDE= ues] A TE] pesign a sinale phase Fattebricloe anvedE as in Single phase Fuu-brielge AnveiEr used with RL ad of Relom » L=25mn. The Fundamental Cory of odtpst Cumext has an amplitude of B-27 A> but voi Th a TeTaL harmonic distorlion of hess Tan loz Adjustable ee Rourca is available. output Prequency 1S Go HE answer, 6 inch H-bridge WiTL Singk- pulse moalulection - + Vde = U6V 2 4=35)| © Sid (hes inctantep Suitehing Fer™ Comesponcls TS oTHD, = 6.67%] The output vale of Te Pondameste Component ap Te onalpel valTage im (--prase bridge invarer must be 0-43 Me = jo 1S The Soure Usitage- @lealate pulse- tT Yequired and etal harmonic distorhen of ostpdh whrage - CD culpa vsttage is Costrottedd by '~ Puls Mostulation is empleyee- Gi) output vsttage is Comtivlledl by Multi-pubs Modulahion 1S employed im which There Qre Tén Pulses per each hel? Gyele. of The oatpal vatrage- Tanswe ap) ee es ee a a) S= BAe © THDy = AS6K dc Source is 25V> The Single Phase Fu. bridge inwerlesrs The R= lot» L=2omH Te load is series RL Commechon vwoiTh ancl The Swoitehing Frequenty is 60HE- @® using Dingle Puls mocluldhion Te Aetermine The Value ef Pulse -WwidTh and Tha switehing aggle oP Ty TS Produce an output vatrage oF =” amplitucte Sov cat “Ake. Londamen) Pracuent4- (DY Deere THEE hannonie Bistrcton R oalpul wsttege - [Browat @ S= est? « R=95-56" (b) THp, = 69% © THDZ=289% - a TZ] a single-phase bridge tnuren produces siggle - putes Per half cycle of- calpul vette wausform. TAS inv is Usd To supply RL Series load woh R= lo SM L=S35mH. he Sle inpat ustege is QeoV cind The OATH Pres usny is @n2. @ Aekermine Punctamesta) rms Curest Gm ponect op output Curenl shen = o- WAR Py = Bea. deeming Value of % TS Produce “The Same Value SR Ronctaneata) rms Cumech # (8) + &> 2 fp SSOHE a Farmg = Time, Cequutoed) answers - + of = 43-66° 6S =92-6% [El] petermine The Value. of That ait elimina Tre harmonic Prom The inverTEr of- ectipat ve tage im Pred Sao (Refused) og $= SNE KE oR S = lea See C= se5t in(tS)a0 [ answers Sin Ge 429° [T) Gretiuct « Matlab/simabin, MooteL Fer Pmblem No- @ a : [Smwers Single phaHBridge,. SinglePulseCorthal-- mL] se Fu bridge el a Matlatsimuting. mocel. Fer (phe A eso WOITK Single pulse Mectuteton = VYao™ 22%? kane? = SoHZ > R= low >» L= 2omH. Tanswer= singlepnt Bridges ingle Palcenal] bridge paced Matlab ASimulink model. For (-pneae FUt nverlar USiTR Unipolar Pulse UIT, modulalion® Ve™ oa f= Sve aR, B= Seotiz » Ma Ae =o-S- Ra gnez Lalo _ : Re Grays B+ Prequencyy of reference, WAU Germ 2 Rrequencyeh Carver Usauaferin- er: Amplitude oF Yeferenae wane form= Aes Amplitde se Greer usque form Me ts Medulation Index) Tanswers Single —phase— unipolar md] Gratincta Matlab/ssimuling mek Far I+ Phase Suu-bridge Inver wiTR Bipolar Pulse. tT modutelions Wyo= eV > f= R= SeHe, B= Soh2> MaeSs R= 3-% 9 L= lomH- TP answers Single Pulse — bipolar] make % Jord PUM Pechnigtr with You. 1- phase Fiut- op. Hess prite 09, re You bridge tnver@rs Ten Yo wit bay 2 filter Tolatuen farmonies of olpit . 7 TR SIN e yg) ES sch Ge MBP ok ah ; pr disk; > Ay Gnstiuel Calica eran ee meolel For t— phese fuu~ Sri ip = 21 (ies £3 er PIMs jp = loo ¥, ee are of R=) = S/o, 60 =1260 H&). Tha toacl has @ resislina = Jo en aA : GHD es tncluctince 2 2omHl. Delefinine THD, L2rsuerg THO; = 9.078% © THD = MHZ | OQ & You Gn bok att Earp 3g < Btampl ag in The Fefirence of Dante W- Hart! Page: 363565 in Book Pege ” l «a Also, You Gn locket Pages 306 —r 378 Ae a A\ Single phase. Fut-bridlge inverse Controls Re Poor m avesistivn. Logd. Te normal Value input de vallage is Vg=22V and @ Uniform PWM with Gus pulses Per hate Gycle is Used. For The req uireel CoxteL je wielTa ef each Pulse Is 36% tetera @® rms lage of TA / cb) Te wcackes eer Power (re NVenms.(@) ae wy’? {PR Tha maxionu possible Pulse widik Is 38% daterinings he mintmum Alowable Limb op Thad inpat Bewrce- (C) Te MnainTow The Same Lead Pow (lex Voems¢ay= Vormsce))? Delerinine TH Pulse Pid 1% Tha. Ac Supply 15 Voce ic [eum (A) Vorns 20-28% b)Vje= 3 OBY WO s224-¢a° | Ce a HU

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