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Electrical Engineering Department

University of Engineering & Technology

Peshawar, Mardan Campus

Basic Electrical Engineering

Assignment # 5 Due date: May 8nd 2017

Question 1:

What is form factor, Power factor, real power, quadrature power and total power? Discuss with
examples, units and proper diagrams when necessary.

Question 2:

a) Find the turn ratio of a transformer if it steps up an input voltage of 230Vrms to 11KVrms.
b) A load (Yo) of (2µ+j0.5µ)-S is connected to the output port of this transformer. Find the input
impedance (Zi), Total power dissipated and reactive power of the connected circuit.

S: Siemens is the unit of admittance often used instead of mho

Note: Follow all the given guidelines for submitting the assignment else don’t submit

1. Title page should be in printed form and Roll Number as well as class numbers should be
2. Be precise in your answers and don’t include unnecessary details.
3. Use plan A4 pages.
4. Use staples for binding the assignment.
5. Submit on/before due date.

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